Terroristan - October 8, 2018

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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »


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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by partha »

A_Gupta wrote:
But even more interesting episode to unfold in all this drama is the sudden arrival on the scene of Hafeez A. Shaikh. The slick doctor has served in both the Musharraf and PPP administrations, and now finds favour with the PTI’s government. Out of nowhere his name started being thrown around as a replacement, and within a day he was appointed ‘advisor’ to the PM on finance. A bit of perspective over his appointment would probably unravel the mystery, and also the intricacies of the workings of the global system.

Dr Sheikh can only be found in Pakistan when he is holding a ministerial portfolio. Otherwise, he vanishes without a trace, rarely heard or rarely seen. He also seems to have a job ready for him as soon as he leaves Pakistan.
Dr Sheikh would have another important function to perform. He would be keeping a close eye on the finances of the Islamic republic, letting concerned quarters know where things stand. Believe it or not, contingency plans would already be in the offing (if not already made) in case things get out of control. The spectre of a nuclear-armed Islamic country, with major part of the population drenched in Islamic fervour from head to toe, is a possibility too frightening to be left alone. The dysfunctional nature of the administration and its dire financial straits make Pakistan a dangerous proposition. That is why Obama named Pakistan when once asked about the one thing that keeps him up at night. The presence of a person like Dr Sheikh would ensure that the world has a real time picture of where things stand, at least in terms of finances.
https://www.thefridaytimes.com/facing-t ... mic-abyss/
So he is hinting that the advisor to Imran Khan could be an US agent? It's possible. His argument is convincing. If the advisor is an US agent and GHQ approved his appointment, what does that tell us about GHQ? Either they are incompetent or the big shots in GHQ are also compromised!!
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by srin »

A_Gupta wrote:https://twitter.com/SengeHSering/status ... 1022148608
First China insulted #Pakistani nation by sending municipality staff to receive PM Imran Khan at airport. Now China has shocked PAK military by showing #GilgitBaltistan as integral part of India during BRI Summit. Jay Ho.
Forget the Bakis, is China accepting that Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh are parts of India ? My guess - some mandarin babu screw up.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by A_Gupta »

Some more info. about Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh:
https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stoc ... d=46723447
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Anujan »

Apparently the gears are in motion to have an Ayub Khan-like basic democracy along with a presidential system.

The TFTAs apparently want that kind of a system with Dimran as the el-presidente, because apparently dealing with parliamentary form of government is too messy.

Fun times ahead.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Vips »

Being Malsi and having non tolerance in their DNA even if presidential system is brought in, the army selected President drunk on Veto power will always have a showdown/non agreement with senators who will be voted by aam abdul/ayeshas. I cant wait for the system to be implemented in Shitland. It will be chaos all around. :D

Dont the Shitistanis see it? :idea: What pakistan needs is Sharia/Caliphate system complete with public beheadings and hand/leg choppings of prisoners and political opponents every Jumma.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by A_Gupta »

Chairman Exxon Mobil is allegedly visiting Pakistan around April 30.
This is being taken as a harbinger of good news.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by mmasand »

A_Gupta wrote:Chairman Exxon Mobil is allegedly visiting Pakistan around April 30.
This is being taken as a harbinger of good news.
Exxon just reported a 50% drop in profits yesterday on account of low oil prices, the last thing they would want is a growth in oil reserves. Probably there to drop an ultimatum or pull out.
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

US imposes sanction on Pakistan, may deny visas to its citizens – PTI

WASHINGTON: The US has imposed sanctions on Pakistan after Islamabad refused to take back its citizen deportees and visa over-stayers from America, warning that it may withhold visas of Pakistanis beginning from its senior officials.

The state department on Friday said that consular operations in Pakistan remain "unchanged" as of now but as a result of such a sanction mentioned in a Federal Register notification dated April 22, the US may withhold visas of Pakistanis beginning with its senior officials.

Pakistan is the latest to join the list of 10 nations that have been imposed with sanctions under a US law according to which countries refusing to take back deportees and visa over-stayers will be denied American visas.

Notably eight of these countries have been slapped with such visa sanctions under the Trump administration. Two of them Ghana and Pakistan have been included in the list this year.

The other countries include Guyana in 2001, the Gambia in 2016, Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea, and Sierra Leone in 2017, Burma and Laos in 2018.

Under Section 243 (d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the Secretary of State is required to discontinue granting immigration or non-immigrant visas to a nation upon receiving notice from the Homeland Security Secretary that the country has denied or is unreasonably delaying accepting a citizen, subject, national or resident of that country.

The state department tried to downplay the impact of the sanctions on Pakistan.

"Consular operations in Pakistan remain unchanged," a state department spokesperson said when asked about the federal register notification.

"This is a bilateral issue of ongoing discussion between the US and Pakistani governments and we are not going to get into the specifics at this time," the spokesperson added.

Former Pakistan's ambassador to the US, Hussain Haqqani, feels that this will make things difficult for Pakistanis.

"This measure will create hardship for Pakistanis who want or need to travel to the US and could have been avoided if Pakistani authorities had not ignored American requests to respect their legal requirements for deportation," Haqqani said, days after the federal register notification.

He said that Pakistan's refusal to accept it's citizen deported from the US is not new.

"Pakistan's refusal to accept every Pakistani citizen deported from the US is not new. It seems that the US is no longer willing to overlook a wide range of official Pakistani behaviour. Bonhomie has been replaced by sanctions and restrictions based on Islamabad's policy decisions," Haqqani said.

While the law in this regard has been under existence since 1996, it is only in last several years that there had been increasing demand from lawmakers towards its enforcement against countries that had refused to accept deportees and visa over-stayers.

In the last few years, India has been taking such deportees on special planes at regular intervals.

The Trump administration after coming to power had said that it will strictly enforce such provisions by denying visas to people from those countries that refuse it accepting deportees and visa over-stayers.

While section 243 (d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act was used only twice before 2017, the Trump Administration has been effective in using this provision on many countries, including Pakistan.

However, the state department federal register notification indicates that the number of visa denial under this sanction is far less.

Since the law was modified to cover non-immigrant visas in 1996, 318 visa applicants have been affected, the notification said.

"During this same time period, tens of millions of aliens have received non-immigrant visas including, collectively, millions of applicants from the 10 countries affected," the notification said.

The Federal Register notification said that there is no set formula, though, notably state has never issued a blanket refusal for visas from the country in question.

"For some countries, sanctions begin by targeting officials who work in the ministries responsible for accepting the return of that country's nationals with escalation scenarios that target family members of those officials and potentially officials of other ministries and then other categories of applicants if initial sanctions do not prove effective at encouraging greater cooperation on removals by the targeted government," the notification said.

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

Kekra drilling process hits another snag

ISLAMABAD: The spudding, that was to kick start on April 20, 2019 at Kekra-1 well in G-bloc, Pakistan’s ultra-deep sea after pause of 12 days, could not take off as it has hit another serious snag.

The blow out preventer (BOP) that prevents from any blow out or any kick pressure that can result into eruption of fire, has gone out of order and its repair is underway.

Sher Afgan, Additional Secretary and spokesman for Petroleum Division, confirmed the development saying the blow out preventer that is attached with valves at the end of rig has developed serious problems owing to which the drilling could not start on time.

Up till now, the official said, drilling is virtually stopped for the last 18 days and the status will last till the repair process of BOP is completed. However, Ghulam Mustafa, expert of oil and gas exploration and production, did not accept that the blow out preventer takes four to five days for repair, arguing that the BOP cannot be repaired, rather it can be upgraded by changing its affected spare parts and this process does not take more than one hour. He said the drilling machine may have developed other problem that is not being shared.

Earlier, the drilling got stalled on April 8 at the depth of 4,810 meters because of cementing and casing process which took almost 12 days to get completed. Now the issue of blow out preventer has emerged which according to the official of Petroleum Division is being coped with. And once the BOP’s repair is completed, the Mobile Exxon with ENI as operator at Kekra-1 well will start the drilling of the remaining 650-800 meters under second side tracking.

GA Sabri, former secretary of Petroleum Ministry, opined that BOP is one of the important tools that prevents the rig and whole apparatus from any blow out that is caused because of pressure kick that also may lead to eruption of fire. He said that BOP ensures the safety of the machine (rig and whole apparatus). When asked what will happen to the drilling as in May, the sea will turn rough because of high tide, Sabri said according to new weather forecast, monsoon has delayed so the chances of sea to turn rough have got minimised in May which is a good news.

Once the BOP issue is sorted, Kekra-01 well will enter a phase where the operator will, for the first time, begin to receive information that would help determine the well prospects. This would include results from LWD (logging while drilling), salinity testing, potential hydrocarbon traces in mud and rock samples and hydrocarbon kicks.

Time required to drill the remaining depth will depend upon the rate of penetration (RoP). The penetration rate is significantly slower for northern region of Pakistan than the southern region.

“We don’t yet have precedents to form a reliable estimate for the RoP for offshore Indus-G, where Kekra-01 is being drilled. An RoP of 10 meters per hour (generally considered low) would mean that it would take 80 hours or a little more than three days to reach the target depth.’’

After completion of drilling, the operator will likely do wire line logging which could take another three or four days. This will likely be followed by another casing and cementing exercise that can take four to six days. At this stage a substantial amount of information regarding the well prospects will be known, however, the results (discovery or dry well) will require completion of proper testing.

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by mmasand »

Peregrine wrote:
A_Gupta wrote:Chairman Exxon Mobil is allegedly visiting Pakistan around April 30.
This is being taken as a harbinger of good news.
mmasand wrote:Exxon just reported a 50% drop in profits yesterday on account of low oil prices, the last thing they would want is a growth in oil reserves. Probably there to drop an ultimatum or pull out.
Has the Drilling in Terroristan's Economic Zone - off Karachi - by Exxon started again?

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Supposedly, and they claimed to have reached a depth of 5000 mts at Kekra well. A snippet appeared yesterday about drilling having stopped again due to a blow out preventer malfunction.

*If* the tests reveal presence of shale, it will take at least 2-3 years to go through the cycle of crude to refined products.
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

Pakistan to pay back $3 bn to IMF over next three years – Mehtab Haider
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will have to pay back around $3 billion to the IMF over next three years starting from upcoming financial year 2019-20 so with possible size of $6 billion bailout package, half of the amount will go back to the Fund on account of previous outstanding loans and liabilities, The News has learnt.
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »


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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by sanjaykumar »


His passes for a saner voice in Pakistan.

Perhaps more serious than this squabbling is the backlash against Muslims that I had feared. Although the government has tried to cover up the ongoing attacks against Muslim families and businesses, there have been multiple reports of anti-Muslim actions, especially from Negombo, a largely Christian area.

Sri Lankan civil society has been appalled by this mindless (though understandable) backlash. One friend has announced her intention to stand guard outside Colombo’s Jumaa Masjid at Friday prayers. People remember how monks of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) led mobs who killed several Muslims following a petty altercation near Kandy a couple of years ago.

Curiously he omits to record that some members of the UNHCHR recognised Qadiani refugee community in Lanka is on the receiving end of this Muslim bashing. But of course he would have to explain to the dear readers what these Ahmadiyya s are doing there. Best not to mention them...there beating India in their own minds again.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by CalvinH »

srin wrote:
A_Gupta wrote:https://twitter.com/SengeHSering/status ... 1022148608
First China insulted #Pakistani nation by sending municipality staff to receive PM Imran Khan at airport. Now China has shocked PAK military by showing #GilgitBaltistan as integral part of India during BRI Summit. Jay Ho.
Forget the Bakis, is China accepting that Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh are parts of India ? My guess - some mandarin babu screw up.
Missed Gwadar port too? Also what happened to CPEC highway from China to Gwadar. Is China already recognizing that Gwadar and CPEC are not core to BRI but a secondary more Pak-China project.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by CalvinH »

My own read is Im the Dim is on his way out. The guy had been a huge disappointment for Paki Establishment in performance. Plus he keeps goofing up unilaterally on establishments strategic positions. With actions like acceptance in Iran that Paki soil is used for cross-border terrorism, and his handling of Balakot strikes (calling Modi, freeing up Abhinandan soon) he had lost trust of establishment.

He is now a liability for the establishment. A popular leader with big ego who will be hard to control if he decides to go a different way. And he may do that if his image as a great leader is compromised. Possibility of a clash with establishment is high Establishment not letting him move on the corrupt freely is one of such issues.

Establishment is slowly making him do things that will reduce his popularity. After that he would be taken out.
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

[CalvinH wrote:My own read is Im the Dim is on his way out. The guy had been a huge disappointment for Paki Establishment in performance. Plus he keeps goofing up unilaterally on establishments strategic positions. With actions like acceptance in Iran that Paki soil is used for cross-border terrorism, and his handling of Balakot strikes (calling Modi, freeing up Abhinandan soon) he had lost trust of establishment.

He is now a liability for the establishment. A popular leader with big ego who will be hard to control if he decides to go a different way. And he may do that if his image as a great leader is compromised. Possibility of a clash with establishment is high Establishment not letting him move on the corrupt freely is one of such issues.

Establishment is slowly making him do things that will reduce his popularity. After that he would be taken out.
CalvinH Ji:

So Mote it Be.

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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

Imran Khan Bushra Bibi Divorce | Najam Sethi Breaking News on 24 News HD

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Bart S »

Peregrine wrote:Imran Khan Bushra Bibi Divorce | Najam Sethi Breaking News on 24 News HD

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This is old news, and News 24 was unofficially taken off the air because of that. Nothing has happened till now, so it is doubtful, of course anything is possible domestically while they continue with keeping up appearances.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Bart S »

CalvinH wrote:My own read is Im the Dim is on his way out. The guy had been a huge disappointment for Paki Establishment in performance. Plus he keeps goofing up unilaterally on establishments strategic positions. With actions like acceptance in Iran that Paki soil is used for cross-border terrorism, and his handling of Balakot strikes (calling Modi, freeing up Abhinandan soon) he had lost trust of establishment.

He is now a liability for the establishment. A popular leader with big ego who will be hard to control if he decides to go a different way. And he may do that if his image as a great leader is compromised. Possibility of a clash with establishment is high Establishment not letting him move on the corrupt freely is one of such issues.

Establishment is slowly making him do things that will reduce his popularity. After that he would be taken out.
This is one way it can go. The other way is that they dissolve everything and bring him back under a presidential system as the figurehead.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Bart S »

sanjaykumar wrote:https://www.dawn.com/news/1478675/bombs-backlash

His passes for a saner voice in Pakistan.

Perhaps more serious than this squabbling is the backlash against Muslims that I had feared. Although the government has tried to cover up the ongoing attacks against Muslim families and businesses, there have been multiple reports of anti-Muslim actions, especially from Negombo, a largely Christian area.

Sri Lankan civil society has been appalled by this mindless (though understandable) backlash. One friend has announced her intention to stand guard outside Colombo’s Jumaa Masjid at Friday prayers. People remember how monks of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) led mobs who killed several Muslims following a petty altercation near Kandy a couple of years ago.

Curiously he omits to record that some members of the UNHCHR recognised Qadiani refugee community in Lanka is on the receiving end of this Muslim bashing. But of course he would have to explain to the dear readers what these Ahmadiyya s are doing there. Best not to mention them...there beating India in their own minds again.

They are such shameless hypocrites and gaslighters that they are blaming the Sri Lankans (and the rest of the world, using the bogie of Islamophobia) for making the Paki refugees (mostly illegal) feel insecure, while the reason that those people are refugees in the first place is because they are Ahmedis and hence persecuted in Pakistan.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Anujan »

The TFTAs probably think that mushy rule was golden years. Except for the fact that he was a general as well, since all goof ups were attributed to the army. So the TFTAs want a mushy like set up with a civilian president.

Note that nobody knew what mushy was upto. He'd make decisions like selling out a few Yahoos for money, protecting a few others. Arbitrary decisions about IPPs and so on and so forth.

The problem dimran faces is that people are asking too many questions. People want their share of CPEC funds and so on and so forth. Maybe the army is convinced China model is the best model.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by chetak »

srin wrote:
A_Gupta wrote:https://twitter.com/SengeHSering/status ... 1022148608
First China insulted #Pakistani nation by sending municipality staff to receive PM Imran Khan at airport. Now China has shocked PAK military by showing #GilgitBaltistan as integral part of India during BRI Summit. Jay Ho.
Forget the Bakis, is China accepting that Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh are parts of India ? My guess - some mandarin babu screw up.

This is just han BS.

They will go back to regular programming after the BRI meet and greet.

It would be very foolish to believe such motivated BS.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by chetak »

Bart S wrote:
Peregrine wrote:Imran Khan Bushra Bibi Divorce | Najam Sethi Breaking News on 24 News HD

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This is old news, and News 24 was unofficially taken off the air because of that. Nothing has happened till now, so it is doubtful, of course anything is possible domestically while they continue with keeping up appearances.
is he hitting sixers on the offside?? :mrgreen:

For IK, its par for the course.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Rohit_K »

3 Levies personnel Killed, 1 injured in blast in North Waziristan
Three Levies personnel were martyred and one injured in a blast at a checkpost in North Waziristan on Saturday, district administration sources said. The explosives, as per the sources, were planted next to a checkpost in the Raghzai area of Malik Shahi, located in the Sheva district. The martyred personnel were identified as Ameer Zaman, Abdul Wali and Nambut Khan. The bodies and the injured were shifted to a hospital.

According to eyewitnesses, the blast took place as soon as the Levies personnel reached the checkpost. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan condemned the blast and vowed that "the martyrdom of the Levies personnel would not go in vain." "We share the grief of the victims' families. We won't rest until we have fully eliminated the cancer of terrorism," Khan said. "Terrorist attacks will not lower our spirits," the chief minister said, adding that "terrorism has no religion as no religion grants permission to attack innocent people."
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by VKumar »

DGISPR to address press conference tomorrow morning
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

A_Gupta wrote:https://twitter.com/SengeHSering/status ... 1022148608
First China insulted #Pakistani nation by sending municipality staff to receive PM Imran Khan at airport. Now China has shocked PAK military by showing #GilgitBaltistan as integral part of India during BRI Summit. Jay Ho.
A-Gupta Ji:
The stupid Chinese Cartographer has shown a Route through Palk Straits and has also given the Great Changemaker Port of Gwadiwadiyaar a miss!

Appalling to say the least! :rotfl:

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by VikramA »

Suddenly out of blue ghafoora is whining in press conference. Says "not to test our resolve ". Why do I get the impression that IA is getting some target practice on loc
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by VikramA »

Ok ghafoora is droning on and on about 1971 and ' every Pakistani ready to fight for Kashmir'. Something has happened.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by jash_p »

Imran-Putin meeting ‘failed to materialise’ at China's Belt and Road Forum
By Kamran YousafPublished: April 29, 2019

ISLAMABAD: In what is seen as a diplomatic setback, Pakistan could not convince Russia for a bilateral meeting between President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Imran Khan on the sidelines of the just-concluded Belt and Road Forum in Beijing.

Not only that other than his meetings with the Chinese president and prime minister, PM Imran could only manage meeting the prime minister of Ethiopia and the president of Tajikistan despite the fact that at least 37 heads of states and governments attended the two-day moot.

I think people Putin knows that Immy is going to beg money.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by menon s »

MQM had a big rally is Sindh, where they announced that the province needs to be bifurcated into Rural and Urban. "thum udhar, hum idhar, tab aaayega sukoon" .
Seems to be 1971, enacted once again.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by sudhan »

Ghafoora just laid out an ultimatum to PTM,

Time to warm up the torture chambers..

Time for forced disappearances..
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by A_Gupta »

...While talking about the security situation of Pakistan, ISPR DG said that in the last four decades the situation has changed immensely. “Our young generation has just seen terrorism in Pakistan and they don’t know that this country was a prosper and progressing country,” he said, adding that due to many issues like Afghan war and Iranian Revolution the whole situation and circumstances changed. “This whole scenario and changes led to terrorism in Pakistan ...
The younger generation has not seen a prosperous and progressing country, says he. True. Nor will they ever see one. Even if they find Kuwait-sized oil reserves at the Kakra offshore well.
Talking about militant organisations in the country, he stated that decision to take action against these outfits was taken in 2014. “It was decided under National Action Plan (NAP) when there was no external pressure including FATF or other international bodies or Pulawama attack,...
That is, he wants to say, we can't been seen to be responding to international or Indian pressure.

But just a reminder, the 2014 NAP included:
The 20 agenda items of National Action Plan 2014 are as follows, and you, the dear reader can assess for yourself how much of these remain on paper only.

1. Implementation of death sentence of those convicted in cases of terrorism.
2. Special trial courts under the supervision of Army. The duration of these courts would be two years.
3. Militant outfits and armed gangs will not be allowed to operate in the country.
4. NACTA, the anti-terrorism institution will be strengthened.
5. Strict action against the literature, newspapers and magazines promoting hatred, extremism, sectarianism and intolerance.
6. Choking financing for terrorist and terrorist organizations.
7. Ensuring against re-emergence of proscribed organizations.
8. Establishing and deploying a dedicated counter-terrorism force.
9. Taking effective steps against religious persecution.
10. Registration and regulation of religious seminaries.
11. Ban on glorification of terrorists and terrorist organizations through print and electronic media.
12. Administrative and development reforms in FATA with immediate focus on repatriation of IDPs.
13. Communication network of terrorists will be dismantled completely.
14. Measures against abuse of internet and social media for terrorism.
15. Zero tolerance for militancy in Punjab.
16. Ongoing operation in Karachi will be taken to its logical end.
17. Balochistan government to be fully empowered for political reconciliation with complete ownership by all stakeholders.
18. Dealing firmly with sectarian terrorists.
19. Formulation of a comprehensive policy to deal with the issue of Afghan refugees, beginning with registration of all refugees.
20. Revamping and reforming the criminal justice system.
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

Inching towards equitable trade with China - Afshan Subohi
In pursuance of the new economic strategic direction, the PTI government hopes to cultivate a more intimate relationship Peerni is not going to like this new arrangement, if successful, as Two is Company whereas Three is a Crowd with China focused on equitable trade and active collaboration for expanding Hai ray I'm the Dim ki mujboorian the industrial base of Pakistan.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by saip »

Peerni and I'm Dimm will never go to Sri Lanka now, what with ban of burkahs etc. I am waiting for Pakis and that Organizaion of Impotent Countries to come out with statements condemning the ban of burkhas.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Vips »

Peregrine wrote:Inching towards equitable trade with China - Afshan Subohi
In pursuance of the new economic strategic direction, the PTI government hopes to cultivate a more intimate relationship Peerni is not going to like this new arrangement, if successful, as Two is Company whereas Three is a Crowd with China focused on equitable trade and active collaboration for expanding Hai ray I'm the Dim ki mujboorian the industrial base of Pakistan.
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What makes you think the PTI will offer Imran over Peerni for the intimate relationship to China? Didnt Peerni have a dream and tell Imran on how important her role is going to be for bringing glory to Shitistan. :rotfl:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by mmasand »

sudhan wrote:Ghafoora just laid out an ultimatum to PTM,

Time to warm up the torture chambers..

Time for forced disappearances..
Did he just completely defy Dimmi? Only a week ago, Dimmy acknowledged the demands made by PTM. Today Ghafoora blamed PTM of inviting funding from the Afghans and Raan (Pakjabi for R&AW).

Is this the first overt posture signalling the end of Dimmi's time? Or are they coming out of the shadows and claiming they have his balls on the chopping block.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

In pursuance of the new economic strategic direction, the PTI government hopes to cultivate a more intimate relationship Peerni is not going to like this new arrangement, if successful, as Two is Company whereas Three is a Crowd with China focused on equitable trade and active collaboration for expanding Hai ray I'm the Dim ki mujboorian the industrial base of Pakistan. Cheers
Vips wrote:What makes you think the PTI will offer Imran over Peerni for the intimate relationship to China? Didnt Peerni have a dream and tell Imran on how important her role is going to be for bringing glory to Shitistan. :rotfl:
Vips Ji :
Kind Sir, you misunderstand me!

Kindly read my post again. Its all about Ménage à trois.

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BRF Oldie
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by A_Gupta »

Commenting on the reports about capturing of two pilots following the February 26 attacks, he said that he received reports from the ground before coming to the press conference on that day and tweeted that there were two pilots based on the reports. After the news conference, he clarified, the reports were clear stating there was only one pilot. He said the confusion arose because the reports were received from two different spots.

Pointing other lies, he said, the US stated that there were no F-16s missing from Pakistan’s fleet. Referring to Pakistan’s counter strike, the DG questioned that India has not revealed what happened in Pakistan’s counter-strike and who was at the brigade headquarters when Pakistan conducted the strike.

Read more: Why ‘freedom of speech’ doesn’t exist for PTM in Pakistan?

“On 28th [February] when India was preparing to fire missiles, what happened at the Line of Control that night? How many gun positions did you have to change?” he continued. He said that Pakistan army and 207 million Pakistani were ready to give befitting response to any Indian aggression.

“We are waiting for the appropriate time to honor our pilots who downed the Indian planes,” he announced in the presser.

(Note: despite its name of "globalvillagespace.com", this is a Pakistani website, registered in Panama. The "Letters to the Editor" make it clear that it is Pakistani.)
BRF Oldie
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Joined: 14 Apr 2017 18:23

Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Vips »

Peregrine wrote:
In pursuance of the new economic strategic direction, the PTI government hopes to cultivate a more intimate relationship Peerni is not going to like this new arrangement, if successful, as Two is Company whereas Three is a Crowd with China focused on equitable trade and active collaboration for expanding Hai ray I'm the Dim ki mujboorian the industrial base of Pakistan. Cheers
Vips wrote:What makes you think the PTI will offer Imran over Peerni for the intimate relationship to China? Didnt Peerni have a dream and tell Imran on how important her role is going to be for bringing glory to Shitistan. :rotfl:
Vips Ji :
Kind Sir, you misunderstand me!

Kindly read my post again. Its all about Ménage à trois.

Cheers Image
Sirji totally missed it :lol: