2019 General Elections News and Discussion

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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Lilo »

A_Gupta wrote:...
A Gupta ji,
I hope you are satisfied.
Since you yourself searched & posted in your previous post Duratma's "rollover and die" counselling to Hindus being butchered during 1947.
Since all this is only vaguely linked to this election thread . I will stop here.
If you want to continue to probe the true nature of Duratma please post it in some relevant thread so we may continue there.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by A_Gupta »

I continue to apologize about this - but this is Gandhi:

Nov 26, 1947
Many of our women are in Pakistan. They are being molested. Those unfortunate women are made to feel ashamed. In my view, they have no reason to feel ashamed. It would be gross injustice if any woman is considered worthless by society and abandoned by her brothers, parents, and husband because she had been abducted by the Muslims. It is my belief that any woman who has the purity of Sita cannot be touched by anyone. But where can we find women like Sita these days? And not all women can be like Sita. Should we show contempt for the woman who had been forcibly abducted and tyrannized? She is not a woman of loose character. My daughter or wife too could be abducted and raped. But I would not hate her for that reason. Many such women had approached me in Noakhali. Many Muslim women also came. We have all become goondas. I consoled those women. It is the men who commit rape that should feel ashamed, not these poor women.
Nov 28, 1947
I have learnt one thing more. You must have known that the Muslims in Pakistan have abducted our young girls. Attempts are being made and must be made to rescue them. Let us try to get back every abducted girl who is still alive there. If these girls have been raped, have they lost everything by it? At least, I do not think so. I had even talked about it yesterday. Coercion cannot make one change his religion. But I hear that there is some talk of making some payment to reclaim these girls. Some hoodlums come forward to bring back the girls if they are paid Rs. 1,000 per girl. Has this thing become a business then? If somebody kidnapped one of these three girls with me and then demanded at least a hundred if not a thousand rupees, I would tell him that he had better kill the girl. My daughter would return if God wished to save her. Why should he bargain with me for her? Not only did he abduct the girl but he also indulged in bullying. Having abandoned his own religion he had come to bully me because she was my daughter. I would refuse to give him even a cowrie. Similarly no parent should make such bargains for his daughter. They must think that their daughters are with God and God is everywhere. If a girl loses her husband, where would she go? It is of course a different matter if the girl wants to come over from there and we give her the fare if she does not have it. But if a hoodlum comes and demands ransom money, his demand just cannot be accepted. I give such instances from there and also from here, because on our side too we have done such things and abducted Muslim girls. Would our Government indulge in such meanness? Should the East Punjab Government or the Union Government ask Jinnah Saheb to pay one lakh rupees for the return of Muslim girls in its custody? I would not give a single cowrie to the Government. How could it demand money as a reward for such abominable deeds? The Government should admit its mistake, make a solemn promise never to repeat it and return the girl along with a compensation. We are not going to achieve anything if we ourselves do not become pure and brave.
May 10, 1947
The first thing is that if you are loyal to the party to which you belong and for which, you work you must ask Jinnah Saheb why, after signing the peace appeal with Gandhi, he is sitting in Delhi when thousands of Hindus are dying in the Punjab, the Frontier Province and Noakhali and thousands of women are being raped. Why should every worker belonging to your party not stand by the Hindus and protect them? If you are keen on saving the Muslims you will have to give protection to all these Hindus. And as far as you are concerned, you must go and post yourselves in Noakhali whether or not you get the orders from Jinnah Saheb. You must prove to the Hindus that they are your brothers and sisters and if any Muslims come to kill them in the name of religion, you would offer to die first and protect them, that their mothers, sisters and daughters are your mothers, sisters and daughters. Let me tell all three of you that if you prove it not by words but by your actions, you would uphold your religion, and bring glory to your organization and this would have its effect in the whole country and your leaders would shine out by such remarkable acts. Today your leaders and your organization stand discredited in the world. If you want to strengthen your organization, if you want to allow the Muslims of India to live in peace and happiness and unity, this is the only way and there is no other. I know very well that you are not going to be convinced by what I say. But I would be untrue to you if I did not tell you what appears truth to me. This is so because I consider you all as my brothers and my friends, and my duty as your friend and brother obliges me to speak to you the truth.
July 2, 1947
Jayaprakash is like a son to me and the other leaders of the Socialist Party are all my friends. I humbly want to tell them that if they adopt the kind of socialism I have described the whole country will be with them. I regret I cannot support the theory of socialism you accept, for I know that those who advocate it do not conform to it in their lives. Their precepts and practice vary. It will not do merely to preach. Rama spent fourteen years in exile in the forest and we worship him. But if he had not done so and merely contented himself with saying that a son should obey his father, who would have remembered him today? Today there is murder, plunder and rape in the air. My voice is not heard. People consider me mad. I am expected to teach how to return two blows for one but I cannot do so. All I can say is: ‘Friend, if you want to kill me you may do so, but I will kill no one.’ I pray to God that He may keep me filled with this courage to the end. One who has cultivated such courage cannot be plundered. When Gandhi is dead you will all say Gandhi was a socialist. I say it humbly but with conviction because I have full sixty years’ experience to back it.
Nov 7, 1946
GANDHIJI: The tragedy is not that so many Muslims have gone mad, but that so many Hindus in East Bengal have been witnesses to these things. If every Hindu in East Bengal had been done to death, I would not have minded it. Do you know what the Rajputs did? They killed their womenfolk when they issued forth to sacrifice themselves on the battlefield. The surviving ones immolated themselves by mounting the funeral pyre before the fortress fell rather than allow themselves to be captured and dishonoured. There is nothing courageous in thousands of Mussalmans killing out a handful of Hindus in their midst, but that the Hindus should have degraded themselves by such cowardice, i.e., being witness to abduction and rape, forcible conversion and forcible marriage of their womenfolk, is heart- rending.

QUESTION: How can we create a sense of security and self-confidence?

By learning to die bravely. Let us turn our wrath against ourselves. I am not interested in getting the police substituted by the military or the Muslim police by the Hindu police. They are broken reeds.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by A_Gupta »

GANDHIJI: What goes against my grain is that a single individual can be converted or a single woman can be kidnapped or raped. So long as we feel we can be subjected to these indignities, we shall continue to be so subjected. If we say we cannot do without police or military protection, we really confess defeat even before the battle has begun. No police or military in the world can protect people who are cowards. Today you say thousands of people are terrorizing a mere handful, so what can the latter do? But even a few individuals are enough to terrorize the whole mass, if the latter feel helpless. Your trouble is not numerical inferiority but the feeling of helplessness that has seized you and the habit of depending on others. The remedy lies with you. That is why I am opposed to the idea of your evacuating East Bengal en masse. It is no cure for impotence or helplessness.

A WORKER: East Bengal is opposed to such a move.

G. They should not leave. 20,000 able-bodied men prepared to die like brave men non-violently might today be regarded as a fairy tale, but it would be no fairy tale for every able-bodied man in a population of 20,000 to die like stalwart soldiers in open fight. They will go down in history like the immortal three hundred of Leonidas who made Thermopylae :

Stranger! Tell Sparta, here her sons are laid,
Such was her law and we that law obeyed.

I will proclaim from the housetops that it is the only condition under which you can live in East Bengal.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Suraj »

Folks, FYI it’s 2019, not 1935. I know it’s a slow news day but we would be better of locking this thread than have it derail further. At least keep it contemporary .
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by hnair »

Seriously! Here is a thread that got opened for politics after a long, long time and folks talk totally off-topic or going totally dark.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by vimal »

Maybe we should open an India history thread. I've been asking for an Indology/India history thread for some time now.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

ShyamSP wrote:
chetak wrote:KCR is mooting a proposal that no matter who wins the elections, the post of deputy PM should mandatorily go to a regional party and he is obviously suggesting himself as the most qualified for the post.

one expects useless some crazy dude like uddhav thackeray to very forcefully take up on this meme and vociferously push himself for the post.

so what's wrong with mamta begum being the deputy PM in Modi's govt.

hasn't she had already identified a new hairdo that is just right for the next parliament.
If that were to happen, it would be under new BJP dispensation without the duo from Gujarat and some more parties would queue up to support NDA. Some names floated are Gadkari, Venkaiah Naidu, Sitaraman, etc. Many regional parties are okay with Hindutva politics but are afraid of other political and governmental aspects of the duo.

I was shocked at the irony of it all and the inherent sense of entitlement that is now being pushed as a matter of right.

KCR wants to be "made", mind you, "made" the deputy PM. He neither has the ability to make it up there on his own nor would he know what to do once up there except the very obvious crony puja, dynastic advancement as well as the chance to further acquisitions from on high.

KCR was simply in the right place at the right time and he betrayed the "hand" that fed him to ditch them and go it on his own by allying with "secular" forces. The mafia was simply floored and haven't recovered to date. This was exacerbated by the jagan fiasco in AP.

I sometimes wonder who set the trap for whom and who was the actual hunter and who was the unwary prey in the entire partition of AP.

abjectly pandering to "secular" forces who believe that they have the god given right to rule in that particular geography is actively inviting the formation of another cashmere like situation in the very heart of India

if only others had followed the "political and governmental aspects of the duo" which was actually was what was required to be done when the nation was partitioned instead of what was actually done in the name of "democracy" and "safeguarding the rights of the minorities", we would not have been in this predicament today.

when the partition was done exclusively on the basis of religion, why did our great oxbridge "educated" PMs neglect the development and welfare of dominant one left behind on this side of the border. After all, wasn't this their share and wasn't it their right to be given preference in nation building, instead they went for "protection" as though for over a thousand years we were the aggressors and the "other" the oppressed victims.

Sadly, mayawati, mamta and many other regional charlatans and con artists have misread the chaiwallah meme and have arrogantly assumed that they each have the intellectual capacity in a far greater measure than Modi and its very easy to do what Modi has done. They seem to think that what has been done so far has been mere child's play, requiring no ability at all.

the regional satraps are still caught up in the vote bank trap of caste, creed, and religion whereas Modi has bypassed most of the traditional vote banks by introducing new aspirations of equality and the just distribution of resources

no "chaiwallah" today strides the international stage as Modi does. He has gone after the pakis in ways that have completely confounded them as well as cutting them off at the knees, economically speaking. The balakhot strike was the icing on the cake.

the traditional obeisance paid to embedded vote banks and the de jure pampering that these vote banks have enjoyed, at times vociferously demanded and come to expect as their right for over seven decades has not deterred Modi. One vote bank can only come at the cost to another, perhaps, more deserving group

IMHO, there is no other PM who comes even close to Modi, comparing his accomplishments to date. PVNR would be the next best.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by negi »

LakshmanPST wrote:Regarding Panag's comments...
I remember hearing this term ---> 'Chandigarh Lobby' during OROP protests... This term I guess was also coined by a veteran... (According to him, this Lobby is the main group that is against Govt.'s proposed OROP while other veterans are largely OK with it...)
If this term is any indication, there is some strong group of Veterans who support Congress and working against BJP in Punjab area... I guess Panag is also from this group...
The Conspiracy Theorist within me believes that few of this group may have been cultivated by BI forces...
Chandigarh lobby refers to by and large those who fix selections in the SSB , lot of coaching centres there are run by ex mil types , you go there mug up stuff and you get OLQs. There is a small bunch of jokers in Dehradoon too they also were part of medal wapsi brigade , khairati types most of them.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Suraj »

vimal wrote:Maybe we should open an India history thread. I've been asking for an Indology/India history thread for some time now.
Sorry, GDF is done . As this thread already demonstrates, posters cannot and will not stay on topic . This thread too will be gone after May 23.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by nachiket »

Mod Note: A_Gupta and Lilo, no more posts about Gandhi. It is not germane to this thread.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by CRamS »

anishns wrote: Watch @17:00.... apparently Orissa is in south india :rotfl:

He wants a live debate with NaMo specifically on Rafale....
Would be fun to watch if it happens...
I am not Pappu fan, but that was hardly a gaffe worth noting. But in general, when he sticks to the subject, he can repeat the same stuff on Rafale, jobs etc like a programmed parrot. ModiJi will never waste time with a rif raf like him debate anything.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Lilo »

Congress' Mani Shankar Aiyar justifies his 'neech aadmi' jibe at PM Modi, asks 'wasn't I prophetic'
Updated May 14, 2019 | 09:33 IST | Times Now Digital

New Delhi: Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar has justified his December 2017 remark in which he called PM Narendra Modi 'neech aadmi', saying that he was 'prophetic' in his description of Modi. In an article written The Print, Aiyar expressed confidence that Modi would be 'ousted' by the voters on May 23. Calling Modi the 'most foul-mouthed prime minister the country has seen', Aiyar broke his prolonged silence that was imposed upon him by his party leadership after the December 2017 statement which backfired in the run-up to the Gujarat Assembly elections.

"Modi will, in any case, be ousted by the people of India on 23 May. That would be a fitting end to the most foul-mouthed prime minister this country has seen or is likely to see. Remember how I described him on 7 December 2017? Was I not prophetic?" Aiyar said in an article in The Print.

Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by tushar_m »

For 2014 election % of seats by other were 12.7% i.e 68 seats . These are seats other then any major political party.

So if BJP need 20-30 seats (to reduce dependency) it won't be that big of a problem. Individuals could join BJP after election to boost the numbers.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Indi ... l_election
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Lilo »

Ram Madhav

Too many pseudo-experts have emerged suddenly on radars. A real expert, a senior most professor and top nano-technologist of d country has the following to say. I am just sharing it. I am no expert on d subject but I trust d views of this one expert who is completely non-political and just an academic.

In the last few days, there has been some discussion on PM's comment on whether fighter aircrafts can avoid detection by radars in the presence of clouds. People, even some military personnel, are ignorantly arguing that radars are immune to weather conditions. The right question to be asked is: do weather conditions degrade radar performance? The answer is YES. Military surveillance radars typically operate in S band (2 - 4 GHz) frequency band to achieve the best of accuracy and range. As the frequency increases beyond this range, it is good for accuracy but the signal attenuation will increase affecting the performance of the radar. If the radar is used in S band range of frequencies or lower, the presence of water molecules in air (due to fog, rain, clouds) will affect the performance of the radar through a phenomenon known as molecular dispersion. This leads to a poor signal to noise ratio affecting the performance of the radar. To some extent, the signal attenuation due to molecular dispersion can be reduced if some techniques such as circular polarization of signals is used. Even with these techniques, radars will function below their optimum capability in the presence of rain and clouds. Therefore, there is nothing wrong technically in what the PM has said.

https://www.facebook.com/14282651922153 ... 99?sfns=mo
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by komal »

I am sure that it is a pretty safe bet that he performed as a court jester for the Royal Family on many of the "official trips" taken on naval ships in exchange for a glass of scotch and praise for his English accent by the Italians.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Pratyush »

Some people are so stupid that it is difficult to believe that they are humans.

MSA and khujli come to mind.

It's almost as if evolution has gone wrong.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Singha »

forums need to evolve and adapt to attract and retain fresh blood.
unless there is manthan of new ideas and people allowed to raise their views, it become a dull clique of old timers. in some ways it already is. D** and other forums have attracted the youngistani crowd. brf is a retirement community in comparison to that age profile.

also in todays container based deployment models , forums, threads, ideas have to turn on a dime and be deployment ready on any issue 24x7. the crusty old silo based thread model with a manager on top scrubbing waterfall model project bugs is not how its done now. see twitter or instagram :D as darth bannon said, have to jump in wild and buck nekkid

after the elections , if the results are good, we should have "slaying the false gods" purge night thread and really lay into these failures, embrace the healing power of verbally thrashing these mediocre failures held up as gods... who were put a halo by captive media of that era. and new gods will emerge too, those that were banished by the false gods.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Karan M »

Pratyush wrote:Some people are so stupid that it is difficult to believe that they are humans.

MSA and khujli come to mind.

It's almost as if evolution has gone wrong.
Please dont forget Pitroda ji. :lol:
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by nachiket »

https://twitter.com/abhiemanyu/status/1 ... 0087645184

That Atishi woman telling people to vote for the Congress in a video. Sab mile hue hai ji :P
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by nachiket »

Karan M wrote:
Pratyush wrote:Some people are so stupid that it is difficult to believe that they are humans.

MSA and khujli come to mind.

It's almost as if evolution has gone wrong.
Please dont forget Pitroda ji. :lol:
A more charitable conclusion about people like Pitroda and Arun Shourie is that there might be more than an element of senility involved. Khujli and MSA on the other hand have always been cretins.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

Karan M wrote:
Pratyush wrote:Some people are so stupid that it is difficult to believe that they are humans.

MSA and khujli come to mind.

It's almost as if evolution has gone wrong.
Please dont forget Pitroda ji. :lol:
gasbag pitgaya has had a very public comeuppance with even pappu demanding that he apologize publicly.

I don't think that his tattered reputation will be so easily repairable now. his days are numbered because the congis will lay blame on him personally were pappu to fail in his endeavor to become the PM.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Nsmith »

Coming back to regular programming. One question I've been struggling with is the size of the crowds turning out to listen to NaMo and AmSh speeches this election season. Must say that unlike the 2014 cycle, I haven't followed most of their speeches on YouTube... But I remember the news articles and comments on the previous BRF election thread marvelling at the size of the crowds (patna 2014 comes to mind). We should analyze the size of the crowds in this cycle to determine the strength of the wave.

Hence proved - BJP will loose onlee :(( :((
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Singha »

Supreme Court orders release of BJP activist Priyanka Sharma who shared Mamata Banerjee's morphed photo, says she must apologise immediately after
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by sajo »

RSS ideologue 'Veer' Savarkar is no longer 'Veer' in a specimen copy of a revised Class X social science textbook in Rajasthan.

TOIlet Link

It has started. Again. In RJ today, will be even more severe in Bharat tomorrow if there is a return to power.
Not just for GE2019, but to create a responsible electorate in 2029 and beyond, we have to be proactive in guiding our wards towards differentiating between history and propaganda. I am not saying we should be forcing them, but the future gen should be in a position to see through the mist of muck filled Kool Aid "left" behind by our generation.

BJP 200 NDA 210
Rahul PM.
Jehadidi Home Minister.
Mayawati RM.
Kejrudali Education.
#SevereShiveringOnlee :(( :(( :((
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

sajo21 wrote:
RSS ideologue 'Veer' Savarkar is no longer 'Veer' in a specimen copy of a revised Class X social science textbook in Rajasthan.

TOIlet Link

It has started. Again. In RJ today, will be even more severe in Bharat tomorrow if there is a return to power.
Not just for GE2019, but to create a responsible electorate in 2029 and beyond, we have to be proactive in guiding our wards towards differentiating between history and propaganda. I am not saying we should be forcing them, but the future gen should be in a position to see through the mist of muck filled Kool Aid "left" behind by our generation.

BJP 200 NDA 210
Rahul PM.
Jehadidi Home Minister.
Mayawati RM.
Kejrudali Education.
#SevereShiveringOnlee :(( :(( :((

this is the difference between the congis and the others.

they do not hesitate to implement their agenda at any cost.

when they, the mafia queen and the illegal NAC, took on the RTE act and the subsequent constitutional amendment that went with it, they were not even in majority and yet they took it up within days of coming to power, mobilized accordingly and bashed on regardless to get it passed.

Given just a few more weeks they would probably have legislatively passed the communal violence bill as well.

Both the RSS and the BJPs lootyens gang did not out up much of a fight to oppose the RTE act, in fact, one wonders if they put up any fight at all in objecting to a partisan and heinous act that had such a wide-ranging and horrendous implications for the majority community by almost completely excluding them from the arena of education and also making them pay for the privilege of letting the minorities run their protected schools where these very same minorities are allowed to operate unhindered and unhampered by regulations that bind, stifle and suffocate non minorities and yet the BJP has kept very quiet for five years and let this monstrosity of an act remain unchanged or unchallenged.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by abhijitm »

Let's wait till 23 May. If BJP retains the power, we can push BJP as much we can, if not, we can criticise them as much we can.
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2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Peregrine »

RSS deserting Modigovernment, says Mayawati - TIMESOFINDIA.COM

NEW DELHI: Upping her attack on the BJP , BSP chief Mayawati on Tuesday said that people across India know that Modi government's boat is sinking as even the RSS has stopped supporting the saffron party.

Saying that the RSS workers are not being seen putting in the work because of the "unfulfilled election promises & the public agitation", the BSP chief said it has made PM Modi nervous.

Denouncing BJP's 'Main Bhi Chowkidar'campaign, she said, "Country has seen many leaders who have misled the country as Sevak, Jan-Sevak, Chaiwala and Chowkidar but now it wants a pure Prime Minister who can run the country as per the tenets of the constitution for the welfare of the people."

Mayawati further said that road-shows and offering prayers has become a fashion during elections, where a lot of money is spent. She said the Election Commission should add those expenses to the candidate's total expenditure limit.

"During a ban on a candidate for violating Model Code of Conduct, if they go to a public place or offer prayers at a temple and it is shown in media, it should be stopped. The EC should take action on it, " she added.

On Monday, attacking Mayawati for making personal remarks against PM Modi, finance minister Arun Jaitley had said that she is "unfit for public life".

Jaitley's tweet came hours after Mayawati alleged that women in the BJP are scared of their husbands meeting Modi fearing they might also "abandon their wives".

"Behan Mayawati - She is firm on becoming a Prime Minister. Her governance, ethics and discourse stoops to an all-time low. Her personal attack today on the Prime Minister exposes her as unfit for public life," Jaitley tweeted.

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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Shaktimaan »

Singha wrote:Supreme Court orders release of BJP activist Priyanka Sharma who shared Mamata Banerjee's morphed photo, says she must apologise immediately after
Supreme Court called the lawyer of Priyanka Sharma again and dropped the apology requirement.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by sajo »

chetak wrote:
this is the difference between the congis and the others.

Given just a few more weeks they would probably have legislatively passed the communal violence bill as well.

I am not expecting things to improve at all, thats why we need to work on the impressionable young minds around us irrespective of what they are fed. Just like the seeds of Hindavi Swarajya was sown in the mind of Shivaji Maharaj by Jijamata. I realise I do sound juvenile when I say this, but we do plan to implement this with our child, just like my parents did with me (albeit when I was older, never interfered with Academia).
The Cong-left-EJ band is banking on the future voters to be not proud of where they are coming from and what makes them Indian + relentless branding of Hindu Rashtra as an idea of a few fringe lunatics.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by kedariprasad »

Karan M wrote:Modi even used the comment I am not a technical person and prefaced his remark with that. It was a query, not an order.

The guy is sharp and immediately picked up that if sensors on IAF aircraft weapons have a problem ID'ing the target with heavy cloud cover, then chances were the Pakistanis would face the same on targeting our planes.

This is intelligence combined with focus, the kind shown by purposeful senior management who listen to a complex presentation on a topic that is not their area of expertise, YET immediately pick up the key points and get to work on how it can be managed. Very few people possess this kind of ready intelligence, and concentration. Many just stick to their area of expertise, or don't pay attention, or are even too scared of failure/image to put forth their viewpoints. Many of those who do, don't show context or understanding.

Yet he was targeted. Anyone else would have taken this into account, as also the fact that "radar etc" are used colloquially when speaking of aircraft being detected and targeted.

Are these moron critics of his so precise when they discuss any topic, all the time? Never mind their dishonesty even when his comments are actually relevant.

You can imagine the desperation of the left wing/INC apparatus when they resort to such asinine nitpicking.

And saying Twitter does not have a bias and even if it does, it can be gamed is equally silly. If the playing field is slanted against you, ask for it to be leveled not twist yourself into knots justifying the bias or come up with more and more convoluted methods to play, despite the umpires bias. If Modi returns, the GOI should do all it can to hold Twitter to account for its bias and haul them over the coals. Similarly, for all the fancypants Economist, NYT etc.
What were Narendra Modi's exact comments on RADAR to news nation interview. And what is correct or wrong in the comments?:

"In the interview by TV channel News Nation on Saturday, PM Modi said, "The weather suddenly turned bad, there were clouds... heavy rain. There was a doubt about whether we can go in the clouds. During a review (of the Balakot plan), by and large the opinion of experts was - what if we change the date. I had two issues in mind. One was secrecy... second, I said I am not someone who knows the science. I said there is so much cloud and rain. There is a benefit. I have a raw wisdom, the clouds can benefit us too. We can escape the radar. Everyone was confused. Ultimately I said there are clouds... let's proceed."

https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/controv ... sgbVIy8Bnk
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by syam »

kedariprasad wrote:~~
So you are expecting Modiji to be expert in Radar Science?

People talk in laymen terms. Please tell me what's so objectionable in his comments from your perspective? I want MIT level thesis to support your claims. If you can't produce it, better lurk in some corner. I am not being rude. That's what you want from people anyway - If people have no 'qualification', they shouldn't talk. :lol:

Our PM not talking some nonsense. He is talking science. At least we should appreciate he is interested in talking science.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by syam »

Nsmith wrote:Coming back to regular programming. One question I've been struggling with is the size of the crowds turning out to listen to NaMo and AmSh speeches this election season. Must say that unlike the 2014 cycle, I haven't followed most of their speeches on YouTube... But I remember the news articles and comments on the previous BRF election thread marvelling at the size of the crowds (patna 2014 comes to mind). We should analyze the size of the crowds in this cycle to determine the strength of the wave.

Hence proved - BJP will loose onlee :(( :((
We should consider his 5 years itself as part of his election campaign. Out side english speaking circles, people love our PM. I won't be surprised if he gets good majority like last time. Anti BJP thing exists only in two states - TN and AP. Other states are fair game to BJP. In fact, all of them have BJP in top 2 parties list.

My only worry is 50.01% votes thing. You don't have to win 100% of them. 50.01% is enough to change the fortunes. BJP still clocks at 45-48% in average. If modiji loses election, it will remain as greatest social engineering of our times. The opposition did big coalition. They succeeded in some cases. We have to wait another 9 days to see how it goes this time.
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2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Peregrine »

sajo21 wrote:RSS ideologue 'Veer' Savarkar is no longer 'Veer' in a specimen copy of a revised Class X social science textbook in Rajasthan.
chetak wrote: TOIlet Link

It has started. Again. In RJ today, will be even more severe in Bharat tomorrow if there is a return to power.
Not just for GE2019, but to create a responsible electorate in 2029 and beyond, we have to be proactive in guiding our wards towards differentiating between history and propaganda. I am not saying we should be forcing them, but the future gen should be in a position to see through the mist of muck filled Kool Aid "left" behind by our generation.

BJP 200 NDA 210
Rahul PM.
Jehadidi Home Minister.
Mayawati RM.
Kejrudali Education.
#SevereShiveringOnlee :(( :(( :((

this is the difference between the congis and the others.

they do not hesitate to implement their agenda at any cost.

when they, the mafia queen and the illegal NAC, took on the RTE act and the subsequent constitutional amendment that went with it, they were not even in majority and yet they took it up within days of coming to power, mobilized accordingly and bashed on regardless to get it passed.

Given just a few more weeks they would probably have legislatively passed the communal violence bill as well.

Both the RSS and the BJPs lootyens gang did not out up much of a fight to oppose the RTE act, in fact, one wonders if they put up any fight at all in objecting to a partisan and heinous act that had such a wide-ranging and horrendous implications for the majority community by almost completely excluding them from the arena of education and also making them pay for the privilege of letting the minorities run their protected schools where these very same minorities are allowed to operate unhindered and unhampered by regulations that bind, stifle and suffocate non minorities and yet the BJP has kept very quiet for five years and let this monstrosity of an act remain unchanged or unchallenged.
sajo Ji & chetak Ji :

RSS ideologue 'Veer' Savarkar" - I believe - had been "Transported for Life" i.e. "Kala Pani" in the Andaman Islands. My School stood at Mahim Bay on Cadell Road.

Col Cadell was the was the head honcho in Andaman Islands and he "BROKE" Veer Sarvarkar in the Prison I believe in Port Blair by feeding VS with Beef and even Veer Sarvarkar with his "Morning Evacuation"

That is the Reason - I am told - Cadell Road was renamed Veer Sarvarkar Marg. Please read the following Article :

Cadell Road: Named after revolutionary, known by colonial name

Of course now that Rajasthan is controlled by Congoons they have dropped the Title "Veer"

The Article states :

Ranjeet Savarkar, grand-nephew of Vinayak Savarkar, said Savarkar Sadan located on the NB Raut Marg that connects to the present day SVS Road was his home when he moved to Mumbai in 1938. ” The construction of the then a two storey building – an additional floor was added later – began in 1937 and my grandfather i.e. Veer Sarvarkar moved there in 1938. He resided there till 1966, when he passed away,” the grandson told The Indian Express.

He added, ” After his death, the Shiv Sena asked for the road to be named after him. The resolution was unanimously passed.”

Currently, only a section of Savarkar Sadan is owned by Savarkar’s daughter-in-law. ” A section on the ground floor of the building preserves some of the certificates he had received,” Ranjeet added.

I shall not put my Signature on this Post. :(
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by kedariprasad »

syam wrote:
kedariprasad wrote:~~
So you are expecting Modiji to be expert in Radar Science?

People talk in laymen terms. Please tell me what's so objectionable in his comments from your perspective? I want MIT level thesis to support your claims. If you can't produce it, better lurk in some corner. I am not being rude. That's what you want from people anyway - If people have no 'qualification', they shouldn't talk. :lol:

Our PM not talking some nonsense. He is talking science. At least we should appreciate he is interested in talking science.
Sorry to say, you have not understood what I have written. I have quoted what he talked about RADAR with interview link. I have never said his comments are objectionable
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Lilo »

chetak wrote:this is the difference between the congis and the others.

they do not hesitate to implement their agenda at any cost.
when they, the mafia queen and the illegal NAC, took on the RTE act and the subsequent constitutional amendment that went with it, they were not even in majority and yet they took it up within days of coming to power, mobilized accordingly and bashed on regardless to get it passed.

Given just a few more weeks they would probably have legislatively passed the communal violence bill as well.

Both the RSS and the BJPs lootyens gang did not out up much of a fight to oppose the RTE act, in fact, one wonders if they put up any fight at all in objecting to a partisan and heinous act that had such a wide-ranging and horrendous implications for the majority community by almost completely excluding them from the arena of education and also making them pay for the privilege of letting the minorities run their protected schools where these very same minorities are allowed to operate unhindered and unhampered by regulations that bind, stifle and suffocate non minorities and yet the BJP has kept very quiet for five years and let this monstrosity of an act remain unchanged or unchallenged.
Chetak ji,
1)Congies have the backing of the BIF controlled Supreme Court & rest Higher Judiciary.They can implement their agenda at will.As long as PIF doesnt control Judiciary they cannot be aggressive in imposing policies as the BIF courts will be wielding their sledgehammers against any overt RW resurgence in policy matters using their Judicial review powers.

2)The RTE Bill when passed in 2009 didnt discriminate in favour of mainorities .That pro mainority discrimination was instituted by "independent" Supreme Court of India(which appoints its own Judges and claims its not an impropriety) through its judgement in 2012 & confirmed again in 2014 by a bigger bench.You dont ever see the #HinduCharter(indic gangs Sai Deepak et al) lot or the swamitards(Swamy) refer to the antiHindu shenanigans of Supreme Court ever in their public show activism while they blame RSS/BJP because their rozi roti depends on the Judicial access to do their dog and pony shows in the courts while milking the gullible RW crowds.

3)BJP has no numbers in RajyaSabha to modify RTE amendment (which needs a constitutional amendment). Any movement on RTE should be swift and decisive else congies will project it as an antipoor move by BJP leading to considerable electoral damage. Modifying RTE needs real strength in house not prolonged posturing like usual suspects.
Last edited by Lilo on 14 May 2019 14:43, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by syam »

kedariprasad wrote: Sorry to say, you have not understood what I have written. I have quoted what he talked about RADAR with interview link. I have never said his comments are objectionable
The message is not targeted at you-'you'. You could have deflected it to those 'science' folks. I apologize if it offended you. I was talking in general. Congis are vindictive bunch. No one can get away with targeting the first family. Modiji did so. The whole eco-system went after him. Same thing happened to Smriti Irani. She had to leave her ministry. Many folks faced it.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by LakshmanPST »

Lilo wrote:Chetak ji,
1)Congies have the backing of the BIF controlled Supreme Court & rest Higher Judiciary.They can implement their agenda at will.As long as PIF doesnt control Judiciary they cannot be aggressive in imposing policies as the BIF courts will be wielding their sledgehammers against any overt RW resurgence in policy matters using their Judicial review powers.

2)The RTE Bill when passed in 2009 didnt discriminate in favour of mainorities .That pro mainority discrimination was instituted by "independent" Supreme Court of India(which appoints its own Judges and claims its not an impropriety) through its judgement in 2012 & confirmed again in 2014 by a bigger bench.You dont ever see the #HinduCharter(indic gangs Sai Deepak et al) lot or the swamitards(Swamy) refer to the antiHindu shenanigans of Supreme Court ever in their public show activism while they blame RSS/BJP because their rozi roti depends on the Judicial access to do their dog and pony shows in the courts while milking the gullible RW crowds.

3)BJP has no numbers in RajyaSabha to modify RTE amendment (which needs a constitutional amendment). Any movement on RTE should be swift and decisive else congies will project it as an antipoor move by BJP leading to considerable electoral damage. Modifying RTE needs real strength in house not prolonged posturing like usual suspects.
As far as I know about this issue, RTE as such does not discriminate schools based on religion...
The bigger evil is 93rd Constitutional Amendment which added clause 19(5)... This amendment exempted all minority run schools (both aided and un-aided) from all government actions that are taken for weaker sections of society...
So, minority run schools are exempted even from simple fee regulations...
After RTE Act is passed, some Christian schools went to court... Courts only said that all minority schools are exempt from such steps as per Constitution (Our Constitution openly discriminates against Hindus... It is a fact...)...
So, any new law that govt. brings won't be applicable automatically to minority run educational institutions...
Even the recent Reservations for Economically weaker sections in Upper Castes is not applicable to Minority run institutions...
Since a Constitutional Amendment is required to remove this, they need majority in both houses...
In 2005, BJP supported this Amendment which was pushed during 27% OBC reservations...
Last edited by LakshmanPST on 14 May 2019 15:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by LakshmanPST »

I feel Rajya Sabha election procedure should be changed... The current procedure of electing 1/3rd seats every 2 years is not right since it does not represent the current State Govts. in the House...
My suggestion is that each State and UT should be reserved certain no. of seats and whenever a State Govt. changes, the seats in RS should be changed immediately... That is the correct representation of State Govts....
That will give chance to bring in the required Amendments...
Sorry for going OT...
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Singha »

wtf do we need the rajya sabha. just because house of lawds and senate exists in older democracies?

I see no real value add for rajya sabha. if democracy is rule of people, let the lok sabha be the only one.
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Re: 2019 General Elections News and Discussion

Post by Lilo »

LakshmanPST wrote:As far as I know about this issue, RTE as such does not discriminate schools based on religion...
The bigger evil is 93rd Constitutional Amendment which added clause 19(5)... This amendment exempted all minority run schools (both aided and un-aided) from all government actions that are taken for weaker sections of society...
So, minority run schools are exempted even from simple fee regulations...
After RTE Act is passed, some Christian schools went to court... Courts only said that all minority schools are exempt from such steps as per Constitution (Our Constitution openly discriminates against Hindus... It is a fact...)...
So, any new law that govt. brings won't be applicable automatically to minority run educational institutions...
Even the recent Reservations for Economically weaker sections in Upper Castes is not applicable to Minority run institutions...
Since a Constitutional Amendment is required to remove this, they need majority in both houses...
In 2005, BJP supported this Amendment which was pushed during 27% OBC reservations...
Lakshman ji,
The Courts have far ranging Judicial review powers even able to review constitutional amendments and roll them back based on a Court decided arbitrary touchstone of Basic doctrine (an ever increasing nebulous list of constitutional features) . All the while they consign to the dustbin the actual real Basic features of any Constitution - like the Right to Equality by overriding it again and again with other recently "discovered" Basic doctrine features like Mainority appeasement.

So article 30 or article 15 or any other fundemental right or the directive principles can be readup or readdown based on the whims of the Hizzoners in the courts. Till the early nineties the judges were atleast nominally being appointed by the elected executive as per our constitutional scheme. Then the Judges began appointing themselves and formed a coterie controlled by BIF forces like MNCs, Foreign powers with deep control wielded by Congies in general.
BJP which reached to power only in 1999 in a weak coalition had little parliamentary strength to wrestback any measure of control over the Judiciary to the PIF. Same with NaMo where backroom maneuvering was the only option available after the NJAC law which attempted a systematic restoration of the Constitutional scheme as it existed before the Hizzoners ursurped it - was struckdown by the Hizzoners ruling on their own case.

Coming back the highlighted portion of your reply is not true - as the Judges are not acting by the letter of the Law(& neither in the spirit of it) as laid down in the constitution. Else by their own standards of Basic structure doctrine they should have struck down the blatantly discriminatory exceptions given to the mainorities under the 93rd amendment and the RTE act all of which revolt against the basic fundamental Right to Equality for which all the Indian's made this Constitution in the first place and accepted to abide by it.

Instead whenever 93rd amendment or any other law made subsequent to it which may affect mainonrities like the RTE were dragged to the courts as it violated the Basic Structure of Right to equality the BIF controlled court intentionally gave judgments discriminating for the benefit of the mainorities(claiming that the discrimination for mainorities is a far more important basic structure aspect compared to Right to equality) while attacking & penalizing the Hindu "majority" repeatedly in its vile judgments.

So first in 2012 the court rules that RTE is not applicable to unaided mainority institutions (onlee).
Then a bigger bench of 5 hizzoners just a week before NaMo govt was to take office rules that RTE is not applicable to even aided mainority institutions apart from the unaided mainority institutions previously exempted.
In this manner the Supreme Court of India tied a mainority millstone around the Hindu necks which is continued to be borne by us as long as the BIF controlled Court retains the ultimate power in the Judicial sphere with Hizzoners striking down even widely supported legislation like NJAC with disdain of the unelected unelectables they are .

This is the fact.
Singha wrote:wtf do we need the rajya sabha. just because house of lawds and senate exists in older democracies?

I see no real value add for rajya sabha. if democracy is rule of people, let the lok sabha be the only one.
Singha ji,
RajyaSabha also represents the people - the people chosen by the people of the states in the respective State assembly elections. Without RajyaSabha India will loose its federal nature.
So there is no question of "abolishing" Rajya Sabha.