The next war in the Persian Gulf

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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Rudradev »

Quite frankly, I'm not perturbed by the sabre-rattling at all. In fact, I dearly hope that it escalates eventually to hot war between the US and Iran, with lots of ordinance flying around. Hopefully, Iran is nuked first, and massively.


1) The mass deaths of Muslims, specifically Muslims of child-bearing age, is a valuable outcome for our civilization. Indeed, for all human civilization. We need these vermin depopulated, no matter what the cost. Hopefully Trump will nuke them. If subjected to enough radioactivity, the remainder will not be able to have children for several decades hence... hopefully, for as long as they are reproductively viable.

2) Of all Muslims in the world, Iranian Muslims in Western Media are the most likely to have been subjected to a Western "education", and hence, likely to have been the mouthpieces of Western Liberal poison-wells against Dharma and Hindu civilization.

Exhibit A: Reza Aslan. In the Queens' English, he created "Among the Believers", a CNN TV series presented as a critique of global religion in general. Yet (by sheer coincidence) its first target was the Aghori Babas, whom Aslan decided to present as repsonsible for ALL Hinduism, identifying the entire religion with dwelling naked in the forest and engaging in cannibalism. Clearly the objective was to present the following message: "As bad as Radical Islam may have been for concocting 9/11, it is at least 'civilized'... look at these filthy Hindoo animals still out there."

Exhibit B: A lot more refined and subtle, but consider ... ar-powers/

This is written by an Iranian Muslim piece of garbage named T Negeen Pegahi. Look carefully at what it says (with respect to US liberals, I don't want to make presumptions about its gender, even as it makes presuppositions about the rights of Hindus to breathe oxygen).

It declares that Pakistan has always been a "Revisionist State" because it wanted to change the LOC in its favour, gaining an international border that reflected the Islamist idea that all of J&K is Islamic territory.

It says that India, by comparison has always been a "Status Quo State" because it was willing to accept the LOC as the international border, AND, importantly: because it was inclined to accept LOC as IB, in Congress govt times ; AND because it was willing to "absorb" Islamic terrorism, rooted in Pakistan, against ALL its civilians and security forces personnel, as a price of its intransigence to simply give up land to Islam.

In other words: the very fact of Modi ordering a Surgical Strike in response to the Uri provocation, and ordering the Balakot Airstrike in response to the Pulwama Provocation, makes India EQUALLY AS ANTI-STATUS-QUO, equally as much a threat to World Peace and Nuclear Non-Proliferation, as Pakistan running a 30-Year Terrorist Campaign against India and Hindus with the goal of redrawing the border.

To see the air and missile and (hopefully) nuclear weapons power of the United States geared and driven towards Depopulating Muslims, these days, is a rare and valuable opportunity for any group of genuinely civilized people. We know, without a doubt, that we can never coexist with these animals. (Indeed, I love animals, and have more affection and respect for almost any species of animal with a notochord than I have for Muslims).

It would be a fine thing, a good thing, in multiple ways if the Trump administration declares all-out war against Iran and utterly destroys it at a truly enormous cost in Muslim lives. The fewer Muslims survive (between ages 12-46) the less of them there will be for civilized human beings to contend with in future. That alone is good enough reason for India to wholeheartedly support the relentless, continuous, aerial bombardment (hopefully nuclear) and outright extermination of the entire population of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Last edited by Rudradev on 15 Jun 2019 08:55, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Manu »

If this does happen:
(1) It will lead to massive spike in Antisemitism in the US and Europe (it is already rising at an alarming rate). "Fighting Israel's wars/Zio controlled Media " etc.
(2) It will make Pakistan, KSA and Turkey Stronger and destroy any balancing factor that Shia Islam has (including in India).
(3) I do not believe that the Iranians are 'foaming at the mouth violent Pigs' like Pakis or Turks/Arabs. They have this notion of 'Persian Supremacy', but that is a hallmark of any insecure culture who's better days are behind it.
(4) This will not be a war that will be easy to win. In fact, I wager it will be the mother of all quagmires and will literally bankrupt the US (not to mention effect on Morale after Iraq and Afghanistan examples).

What folks write in the Western Media about us is much worse when you see what Brit/American Anglos (and even Jews) write, much more frequently (and virulently).

I literally do not see a single upside from this needless war for India or for the world (including Israel).
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Rudradev »

No, Manu ji. It will make Sunni Islam the *sole and only* opponent of the Christian West. Once Shias are gone, then what? The Sunnis are going to regroup and threaten Judeo-Christian civilization (it is their very nature). For us, this is an excellent outcome.

At that point, with (a) massive production of fossil fuels in the West and (b) an increased investment into alternative energy sources in the West and (c) peak oil approaching, there will be progressively less incentive for the Judeo-Christian West to tolerate the Sunnis.

What India should recognize is that in this Abrahamic dog-eat-dog, every inter-Abrahamic tussle that occurs is an opportunity for Dharmic civilization to arm and armour herself for the eventual, inevitable, hard confrontation we will have against the Judeo-Christians. These conflicts are, however gentle their proclamation, however virtuous their justification, wars of extermination.

Let the Iranian Muslims die. In huge numbers. Their fate was sealed the very day their proud Sassanid ancestors gave way to the filthy, subhuman doctrine of the Quran. Once they have accepted this vicious, solipsistic worldview that is Islam: the only way out for them is death. And the more of them get killed by the Americans, the fewer we will have to kill with our own ordinance when our time comes.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Manu »

I hear you, and we dont have to agree. However, it will not pan out this way, in my opinion. US Public opinion will not support any armed conflict now (they had spent $2.4 Tr on this by 2017). I am almost 100% sure of it. To commit to a Persian Gulf Adventure will seal Trump's fate (he's already taking a beating on the issue of the Wall).

The real malignancy rising in the US is massive insecurity of becoming a majority minority state (not to mention the opioid crisis and that 45% of children are born to Single Mothers - all of these are very damaging indicators to the well being of a nation state) for which almost everyone unfairly blames the favorite villain- the Jews.

They are going to be looking inwards, not outwards (save for a cosmetic China trade War).
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Rudradev »

No, Manu ji, we don't have to agree at all. However, President Trump is facing a 42% level of support in public opinion, with almost every Democratic candidate (Biden, Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg) beating him in recent speculative polls. There is exactly one route available to him, in order to dominate public opinion: the exact same one that George W Bush was able to leverage vis-a-vis 9/11, a civilizational threat of Islamic terrorism that must be contended with in the harshest manner possible.

If the recent hullabaloo about potentially initiating an "impeachment" inquiry has any weight to it at all, that's even more initiative for President Trump to follow the GWB route. Nothing like jingoistic nationalism to bring a majority of the Murican People on-side.

I dearly, dearly hope that whatever Mr. Trump does in response to his poll numbers, it will result in the deaths of hundreds-of-thousands, or hopefully millions, of Iranian Muslims. This would, sheerly and unarguably, prove a gift to Dharmic civilization. An entirely fortuitous gift, and one we need to embrace with open arms. Especially if the surviving Muslims are incapable of reproducing as a result of residual radioactive poisoning.
Last edited by Rudradev on 15 Jun 2019 08:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Rudradev »

The best-ever kind of Holocaust is one in which we ourselves never have to bear the costs or the blame, but after which we (and other human civilizations) can benefit from the inadvertent fruits.

So yes, President Donald Trump, go at Iran with *no* holds barred. Lead with your W88s, your W76s. All the fallout will accumulate in Pakistan. Fantastic!
Last edited by Rudradev on 15 Jun 2019 04:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by VKumar »

:rotfl: Nostradamus prediction of WW3 in Middle East comes to mind.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Rudradev »

Dear Vkumar ji, I'm sure you intended your joke to be profound. What remains to be understood, in rational terms, is that M. Nostradamus is named after the Cathedral Notre Dame, which itself was recently desecrated (and almost destroyed through arson) by Muslim arsonists.

There is only one way to deal with these vermin, which is to kill them in vast numbers, and incapacitate the rest from ever having any offspring. If President Donald Trump can achieve that, if he truly has any will to accomplish that... it will be a treasured gift to all of humanity.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by A_Gupta »

^^^ Normally, your words are more measured. What straw broke the camel's back?
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by fanne »

ya wondering sir?
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by UlanBatori »

Very interesting discussion, on par with "Night Of The Living Dead", and "4th of July, Independence Day".

UBCN analysis of the war drums is that this is a show. DT needs to Look Tough and I think USN babus have told him that a bissing contest around Splatry Islands is not a good idea. So this one is: please the YY vote bank and the fundoo vote bank in one stroke, assuming of course that US does not come out of this like Carter in the Iranian Desert Rescue SNAFU. At the same time. NutNYahoo needs a war to keep the Corruption Polis off his back, and stay out of jail. So yes, I think some "hot flashes" are on.

Iranians are going to die. Unfortunately the ones that are going to die are the ones who struggled hard to learn engineering etc, and became technical officers and soldiers/sailors. Brave men. The yahoos are largely going to be left unscathed. Given that there have to be flashes, the job is reduced to expending the largest number of ALCMs, SLCMS, AAMs, HARMs, JDAAMs, and replacement fighter engines. Dang! forgot to check stock prices of Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed etc. Not that I have any money to invest. Oil prices MAY spike.

Now these attacks on the tankers begin to make sense. Someone is testing out attacks on large moving ships with nearly untraceable launch platforms. One effect may be to convince the US fleet to move out of the Gelf death-trap.

To really get things towards the exciting levels mentioned by RDji, there would have to be a sinking. Of a carrier. Done with total covert op, so that it can be blamed on the Iranians.

Otherwise, this round does not offer much. There may be a joint YY air attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, maybe also on oil facilities. Also on the Navy and Air Fauj. Maybe on the Revolutionary Guards as revenge for the humiliation in Syria. But with what desired end result? No regime in Iran is going to come out pro-Jewish or pro-Sunni.

IOW, the time is not ripe for a really effective war along the lines dreamt by RDji. The YY have already gamed this long ago, when they decided how to split the "unity" of the MooMoo world against the YY. They hit the main fault-line: the Shia-Sunni love. IOW, they aligned with the Sunni, promising help to ruin their Shia enemies. Iraq, Syria, Libya done in. Now only Iran is left.

But the YY know that they have created a monster by allowing the Sunnis to have Da Bum. If Iran is totally defeated, the Sunnis will be free to focus on the YY as enemies. So a total defeat of Iran is ****NOT***** in the interests of the YY. On the contrary, the desirable outcome is an all-out Shia-Sunni exchange of love using nukes, that uses up the entire arsenal of both WMD and missiles of KSA AND Iran. This can only happen after Iran actually acquires a set of nukes. Probably from China or Russia. That's still about 5 years down the line.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by UlanBatori »

Continuing the speculation. Whoever did the tanker attacks can now try out the Real Thing: sink an American carrier. In one shot, it will achieve the highest death toll, exceeding 9/11/2001. Plus a GIANT blow to Great Satatnic H&D. So the "retaliation" against Iran will have to achieve a body count of at least 30,000. Massive bombing campaign using B-52s and B-2s.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by chanakyaa »

Even if people were packed like sardines, is it fair to say that it would be difficult to pack more than 10,000 people on world's largest carrier?

Anyway. Eye-ranians are on record saying that if they can't export oil, no one can (i.e. sabotage) transport 30% of oil/gas moving thru strait of hemorrhage. Seeing fate of their neighbors they might not do anything stupid, but does uncle has its own plans to preempt it? Regardless, an oil shock (small or massive) seems very real. Time to top off strategic petroleum reserve. Energy is one area where the world could rally with one voice. OPEC (KSA and Rus) will be very happy to see oil hit $100, and decide to sit on the sideline with popcorn.



Some Dulcolax from persians
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Karthik S »

Our strategic reserve must be running full by now. Recall 2014, it was done on war footing. May be we can look at Venezuela for our needs. Didn't we stop import because of US pressure?
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by A_Gupta »

Apart from the article linked above, I find no other that confirms that Trump offered to lift sanctions while negotiations with Iran were ongoing. I find only stories that Iran has a precondition of lifting of sanctions for talks to happen, while the US has 12 steps Iran must take for talks to happen.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Singha »

Trump might order usn to escort vessels and look for a good opening to thrash iran

Praying mantis v2
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by UlanBatori »

Question for the experts: Do u think there is enough groundswell of pro-American (i.e. Shah lobby) left in Eyeran to enable and sustain regime change to Puppetstan? Lacking the above, a "war" is invitation to u no hu to establish warm-water port access and power to constipate the Gelf at will. I wonder if even the present SDOTUS/GOTUS is that stupid. Then again, UBCN's ONE unpublicized total failure :(( is that we similarly rejected all probability of Dubya actually launching GW2 and gave breezy advice to several people that war was a 0 probability. Totally underestimated the stupidity in the WHOTUS and the asskissingness of the US military/intel top tier.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by A_Gupta »

About the Iranian missile fired on a US drone, some questions. ... n=trending
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by UlanBatori »

EZ to explain. SA-7 (mod) has range of 5000 meters and height of 3500 meters. But the hit was 25 MILES from the iranian mainland. This is because the range was quoted w/o considering the rotation of the Earth, and the gravitational attraction of Mohterma Barabara Starr aka "Village e-Diot".
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Manu »

If for nothing else, for domestic political reasons alone, DT cant afford to go to war (this is just a lot of simian posturing). His MAGA base is already on edge with his failure to build the wall (illegal immigration is at highest levels ever). The only thing he has done is Move the Embassy to Jerusalem (MAGA base doesn't care) and Passed a Tax Cut - literally - those are his only two achievements to write home about (other than Packing Supreme Court). Global softness is 9 months to a year away, and then he wont even be able to tweet about the great Economy/Stock Market. Literally no one in the WASP Conservative circles wants another ruinous war (machinations of Walrus/John Bolton and his Neo-Con Pals aside)
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by A_Gupta »

ABCNews reports: ... d=63770224
Pentagon releases new photos as proof Iran was behind tanker attacks
Last Friday, U.S. Central Command released a grainy video that showed, what it claimed, was a crew aboard an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps boat removing an unexploded mine that was left on the ship's hull.

While that video convinced the British government that Iran was responsible, Germany's foreign minister said that the video was not enough to prove the case against Iran.

"The German foreign minister has seen a great deal more than just that video," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on CBS's "Face the Nation" Sunday. "He will continue to see more."

The new color images released by U.S. Central Command show an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Ghashti-class patrol boat alongside the Kokuka Courageous during and after the removal of the unexploded mine that had been left on the ship's hull.

There are also close-up photos that show the ring around where magnets had attached the mine to the ship, as well as composite residue from the mine still on the ship’s hull. Additional photos from the Pentagon show the holes caused to the two tankers by the mines.
The officials described the attempt to remove the unexploded mine in the way shown in the images as "very high risk" and not a way that the U.S. Navy would have ever undertaken. According to those officials they would have removed the mine remotely with as few personnel around the ship as possible.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by A_Gupta » ... -1.3928178
Iran threatens to breach nuclear deal enrichment limits
White House calls move ‘nuclear blackmail’ as 2015 deal in danger of total collapse
Iran said it would soon exceed limits on its enriched uranium stockpile agreed in a nuclear deal with world powers, increasing the urgency of European efforts to save the landmark accord.

The breach, which Tehran said would happen within 10 days, threatens to push the 2015 agreement to total collapse following US president Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the pact last year.

It will also stoke already elevated tensions between the Islamic republic and Washington. The White House responded to Iran’s announcement on Monday by accusing it of engaging in “nuclear blackmail”.

The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran said the country’s production of uranium enriched to a low level had increased fourfold and its stockpile would pass a 300kg limit by June 27th.

Iran could also increase its enrichment of uranium above a purity of 3.67 per cent, the level agreed under the accord, the agency added. Increasing enrichment to 20 per cent would be a highly provocative move because it would bring Iran much closer to being able to produce weapons-grade uranium, which requires 90 per cent purity.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by UlanBatori »

A_Gupta wrote:ABCNews reports: ... d=63770224
Pentagon releases new photos as proof Iran was behind tanker attacks
Wow, that was one dangerous operation. Wonder why the mine didn't explode.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Singha »

let me ask a naive question - the mines were above the waterline and easily visible. if we were engaged in a coast guard operation (like the iranians) and rescuing the crew who had abandoned ship, would we try and remove the mines if you knew how to deal with them?

dont limpet mines have a spring based timer fuse - sounds dicey to be fooling around after going 'live'

imo if the IRGC laid them, these were unarmed extra dummy mines which they wanted the hovering american p8 and drone to record as a 'warning' and to leave no doubt they could have laid these mines.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by mmasand »

The grainy footage of the alleged IRGC removing mines is as credible and authentic as Colin Powell's 'satellite pics' of WMD sites in Iraq. Iran does not have the capacity or the will to engage in a kinetic conflict, instead they are happy to make the Saudi coalition forces bleed in Yemen, and the potential for Shia proxy forces to attack oil pipelines in Erbil. The Saoooodis + friends want to outsource their hegemony battle to massa, and will of course fund it. Can anyone remember a single president that has not been reelected with a war/near war situation on their hands.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Singha »

george bush senior could not cash in on ODS I suppose.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by komal »

mmasand wrote: Can anyone remember a single president that has not been reelected with a war/near war situation on their hands.
Truman and LBJ both quit with a war on their hands. Truman might have lost to Eisenhower, but LBJ would likely have beaten Nixon.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by syam »

Does trump also have his 'core' maga base?
'cuz imagine some 'core' people getting disappointed with trump and bashing him for not taking immediate action . :-?

He should have already fired some mijjiles on Iranians by now. :D

Ameriki rw is as clueless as they come.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by ricky_v »

a us drone has been downed by iran, trump tweeting they have made a mistake. What say you lads, is operation democracy 4.0 a go?
Karthik S
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Karthik S »

Where is chola saar?
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by A_Gupta »

^^^ ... l-airspace
Iran Shoots Down U.S. Spy Drone; CENTCOM Says It Was In International Airspace
Iran's Revolutionary Guard announced Thursday that it had shot down a U.S. drone over its territory to send "a clear message" to America, but a U.S. official tells NPR that the targeted unmanned aircraft was operating in international airspace.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said Thursday that it downed an RQ-4 Global Hawk surveillance drone that had entered Iranian airspace around Kouhmobarak district in country's south, near the Gulf of Oman.

"Iranian reports that the aircraft was over Iran are false," U.S. Central Command spokesman Navy Capt. Bill Urban said Thursday. "This was an unprovoked attack on a U.S. surveillance asset in international airspace."
Meanwhile Tehran Times reported: ... -spy-drone
In a statement issued early Thursday, the IRGC said the US-made Global Hawk surveillance drone was brought down by its Air Force near the Kouh-e Mobarak region — which sits in the central district of Jask County — after the aircraft violated Iranian airspace.

According to the statement, the Global Hawk had flown from one of the American bases in the southern parts of the Persian Gulf region at 00:14 a.m. local time, with its identification transponders off in breach of all international aviation rules.

It also went on to say that the drone had stealthily continued on the route from the Strait of Hormuz towards Iran’s port city of Chabahar.

While returning towards west of the Strait of Hormuz, the drone violated Iran’s territorial airspace and began gathering intelligence and spying, the statement said.

The drone had been targeted and shot down by the IRGC at 04: 05 a.m. local time, it added.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by shyamd »

INS Chennai (Missile frigate with 16 Brahmos and Barak) and INS Sukanya (Anti piracy and Surveillance) deployed in Gulf of Oman. IN P8 & Dorniers are based in Salalah and Muscat (Oman) are conducting surveillance ops as per usual - From India, Past TSP, Iranian coast, stop over in Oman, then Gulf of Aden, Past PLAN base in Djibouti and onwards to other airbases in IOR.

IN is terming it as confidence boost exercise for Indian flagged vessels. The reality is this is about protecting oil supply, keeping straits open and evacuation if required.

The crisis in the Gulf will mean there will be reduced tension between India & TSP.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by abhik »

I hope all the airline are avoiding the conflict zone, don't need another Ukraine MH shoot down like incident.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by A_Gupta »

The New York Times claims that:
Trump Approves Strikes on Iran, but Then Abruptly Pulls Back

Military and diplomatic officials had expected a strike in retaliation for Iran shooting down an unmanned American drone.
The decision to pull back came amid escalating tensions, with officials in both countries trading accusations about where the U.S. drone was when it was destroyed.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by A_Gupta »

^^^ Half a day earlier,
Putin says U.S. attack on Iran would be a catastrophe ... SKCN1TL1JX
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Singha »

here is the video and flightpath released by iran. found it on muraselon news a outfit run by the ex tiger forces pressman(in syria).
seems like BUK missiles on the coast.

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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Singha »

seems ships and planes were enroute to launch missiles on iranian IADS sites when DT pressed the abort button.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Singha »

abhik wrote:I hope all the airline are avoiding the conflict zone, don't need another Ukraine MH shoot down like incident.
delta has cancelled one flight to mumbai due to iranian ADIZ being hot.
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Re: The next war in the Persian Gulf

Post by Singha »

nearest civil a/c was 51 miles from the drone when hit ... ns-in-iran

air space above hormuz declared too dangerous for civil flights. planes are flying over iran but avoiding that part of water. most planes are on a fat pipe to the south and avoiding iranian airspace.
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