India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Vayutuvan »

Rudradev wrote:KLNM ji and others:

How many of you have visited ? Has anyone here actually engaged or interacted with this group (Hindu American Foundation)?
I contributed to haf before. you remind me to contribute this year as well. thanks for the timely reminder. I urge others to do the same even if Rajiv Malhotra ji is somewhat antagonistic.
Last edited by Vayutuvan on 26 Oct 2019 18:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Vayutuvan »

UlanBatori wrote:4SPDA. :mrgreen:
For Social Profressive Democratic Alliance? :-? :-? :-?
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Vayutuvan »

Rahul M wrote:are always asking why some people are Islamophobic. Funny thing, I haven't heard anyone say things like "why are people so naziphobic?"

If one compares the history of both, Nazi holocaust is like a kindergarten feud as compared to what befell non-Muslims in Asia, sub continent in particular. Heck, it is still happening today.
So why is hating Nazi ideology ok but something that has worse excesses to its name mollycoddled ?

Is it because the victims of Nazism were Europeans first and foremost and deserve all our sympathies while Hindus are bloody heathens who are barely human as per the Eurocentric worldview that inherently underpins western ideology?
marketing ...
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Kashi »

Sidhant Sibal@sidhant
US Congressmen write to Indian envoy in Washington on situation in Kashmir

Do check the affiliation of ALL the signees.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by UlanBatori »

There needs to be a carefully compiled list of the bigots, their party affiliation, state that they infest. And this needs to be published. Next step would be to identify the Indian-Americans who bribe these - and request that they Stop Funding Hate. A Campaign to Stop Funding Hate.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Rudradev »

A Must-Read, heartbreaking account of the recent US Congressional hearing on "human rights in South Asia". The sheer degree of institutionalized Hinduphobia on display (from BOTH parties) is staggering. ... 3584032dee
Last edited by Rudradev on 26 Oct 2019 17:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by SRajesh »

Vayutuvan wrote:
Rahul M wrote:are always asking why some people are Islamophobic. Funny thing, I haven't heard anyone say things like "why are people so naziphobic?"

If one compares the history of both, Nazi holocaust is like a kindergarten feud as compared to what befell non-Muslims in Asia, sub continent in particular. Heck, it is still happening today.
So why is hating Nazi ideology ok but something that has worse excesses to its name mollycoddled ?

Is it because the victims of Nazism were Europeans first and foremost and deserve all our sympathies while Hindus are bloody heathens who are barely human as per the Eurocentric worldview that inherently underpins western ideology?
marketing ...
I think it is to do more with victims being Jews and all this about second coming of the 'messiah' and something to do with Jews in their homeland.
It is all pinned on the Holocaust and Jews but nobody talks of the gpysies. gays, east European Cyrillic writing folks decimated by germans but always about the Jews!! :shock:
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by darshan »

Focus on Hitler and Nazi provides many benefits. World War wasn't fought to save Jews. Post war, make Nazi and Jews such a big shining star to brainwash that the rest of genocides that have happened, are happening, and planned won't get any attention. Like census, give everyone a checkbox to check to certify that they aren't monsters themselves because look we hate Hitler and Nazi. Don't have to discuss blacks, colonials, natives, etc.

Even questions like what would have happened if all Hitler did was kill Jews and not threaten UK and US would get you labeled anti Semite.

Talking about WWII, other thing I also like to ask is if nuke would've been used in Europe as easily as in Japan.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Primus »

nachiket wrote:To be fair though, Jews have their own versions of "Angana Chatterjees" who will condemn Israel, Zionism and Netanyahu while jumping to the defense of the likes of Ilhan Omar when she makes anti-semitic comments. They have their version of "The Hindu" as well in Haaretz which is infested with leftists who once proclaimed that the Israeli religious right was worse than Hezbollah.

Unlike in our case though, the people among them who counter this propaganda and leftist nonsense are far more vocal, organized and influential in the West. And that is partly because the majority of Jews in the west have not been deracinated and forgotten their roots like Primus ji said in his post. ANd also because they have just been in the west far longer and are truly enmeshed in Western Academia and think-tanks and even the government and bureaucracy.
Yes, there are indeed people like Amy Goodman and Ralph Shoenman who have been very vocal anti-Israel Jews. However, these people are usually seen by the MSM of America as fringe-loonies and are not quoted all over the western world as the voice of reason or truth. Very much unlike our Barking Mutt and Randi Roy who get invited to lectures and are felicitated in big universities and similar venues. And to your point, the opposition to these people is much more powerful and influential, so much so that you hardly hear anything negative about Israel. NPR, considered by many to be a 'neutral' source is heavily biased towards Jewish causes and is of course blatantly anti-Hindu but oh, so many Desis fall for it.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Primus »

Vayutuvan wrote:
Rudradev wrote:KLNM ji and others:

How many of you have visited ? Has anyone here actually engaged or interacted with this group (Hindu American Foundation)?
I contributed to haf before. you remind me to contribute thus year as well. thanks for the timely reminder. I urge others to do the same even if Rajiv Malhotra ji is somewhat antagonistic.

Yes, thank you for the reminder, I too have to renew my contribution this year.

Bhai log, these are the organizations we all need to support. Not your local "XXX Association of North America" (replace any state/language with XXX).
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Primus »

Vayutuvan wrote:
Primus wrote:To really know why we here are so 'islamophobic' you would have to do some real studying, I highly recommend you start with the Koran itself. If you prefer a shortcut, just read the first chapter of 'Islamic Jihad' written by M.A. Khan, a muslim - you can find it on Amazon.
I would add two more books to the list which are especially useful for Hindu-Americans and Indian-Americans in general.

Both are by Rajiv Malhotra --

Being Different

Invading the Sacred: This one lays out the Hinduphobia in Indic/Religious/Divinity Studies departments in the American Academy.
RM Ji writes very well and I have given one of his books - Breaking India - to a few friends to improve their understanding. However, the books are not easy to read, there is often too much data and people get tired or bored very quickly, you have to have bought into the idea to begin with, which is a bit of a Catch-22.

In my search for material that can be considered unbiased (i.e. definitely not from a Hindu or Jewish source), I have come across many people who are not afraid to say it, some are ex-muslims, other are still within the religion. Well known people are:

Ali Sina
Irshad Manji
Tarek Fateh
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Ibn Warraq
Anwar Shaikh (the British writer who is now no more)

These are mainstream writers. However, of all that I've read, M.A. Khan's book is the hardest hitting and the first chapter is quite enough to blow away all the misconceptions.

I was once asked by a young niece why I was so against muslims, she had muslim friends and they were all wonderful people. I told her I was not against muslims - hey, even I have some good muslim friends - I am simply against Islam, especially of the kind that advocates all muslims to follow the faith as it was originally intended, i.e. be 'pious''. It is a paradox that is difficult to explain to a non-muslim person in the modern era. The more pious a muslim is, the more likely he or she is to be a radical and jihadi type, because it is the ideology that pushes one towards such behavior.

This is when I realized I had to find a means to educate these youngsters and the quickest way is to let them read something from an Islamic source itself and only the shock of discovery can perhaps get them to thinking. But then, maybe not. One can only try.

Many years ago I found this amazing website, has incredible write-ups and articles, in different languages by a long list of authors, from all over the world, interestingly a large number of them being muslims. This is perhaps the most useful site I have ever come across on this subject.

As the title page suggests, it truly 'tells the truth about Islam'. M.A. Khan's book is featured on the home page. This should be bookmarked by everyone who is interested in the reality of Islam.

One of the greatest triumphs of modern Islam has been the ability of Islamic leaders to completely white-wash the historical record of atrocities committed in its name for over 1300 years (and counting), so much so that any mention of it is instantly responded to with cries of 'islamophobia'. The Jihadis now come out smelling of roses. This is the narrative that needs to be countered, but there is no easy way to do it.

Anyway, this is now becoming OT.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Kashi »

Wonder if this is how the Japanese-Americans felt before they were all carted off to internment camps in the land of the free.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Primus »

Najunamar wrote:Genuine pooch. How to vaccinate our own progeny of ABCDs against this dhimmitude? I have tried exposure to dharmic elements like Bibekji's Mahabharatha translation, but the relentless negative propagandu by Dhimmicrats needs some good rejoinders. I am glad to report both kids are non-self loathing proud Indian-Americans :mrgreen: :mrgreen: but it requires lot of effort...
This is difficult problem and one I've often wondered about. The reality is that you are pitted against a society that despite its 'tolerance' for others with a different view, actually forces you to conform to its norms. You don't have to become a Christian but you better act, walk and talk like everyone else. Our children of course adopt rapidly, but in the process are unable to handle the constant onslaught of negative commentary. Kids are the meanest animals on the planet ( Lord of the Flies, anyone?) and can be really cruel to each other. I remember my own kids asking me why we did not have a Christmas Tree in our house and was it true that we worshipped rats and animals? Americans have learnt not to bother Jews and Muslims over differences in religious practice, but Hindus are fair game.

The way to counter this is to start teaching the children from a younger age to be proud of our own culture, heritage, history. Having pujas with incomprehensible rituals and mantras actually can be counter productive. In our home we started doing a Sunday evening discussion and a small puja after dinner - usually a time of the week when everyone is feeling a bit low about the Monday morning to come. We would teach the kids Gayatri Mantra and a few other simple prayers, explain the meaning and discuss the philosophy of Hinduism and our origins. Unfortunately we started this rather late in life - when they were about to graduate from high school, so it did not 'stick' as much. Still, they know how we feel about our faith and are proud of being Hindu, even though they do not in their daily lives practice it.

When you see Jewish and Muslim families you realize they too have the same battle in their own homes. However, without exception, they ALL make time to educate their kids. Every Jewish family I know has sent their kids to Hebrew school, even if it is only in the evenings, to learn their language, history and heritage. They all celebrate the festivals no matter how reformed they may be in their daily lives. Most importantly, they all stand together when the time to do so comes. They all lobby for their own cause. Elect their own people into positions of power, starting with school boards. Many do not have Jewish names - in fact I know so many who you would easily mistake for being Anglo-Saxon, but to those that matter, they all know who is who and that is how they live and promote each other.

Muslims are even more protective of their own. Every muslim family I know has taught their kids the Koran, they all speak the parent's language fluently, they all observe the fast during Ramzan and again, practice nepotism with a vengeance. Recently we hired a new CMO at the hospital who happens to be a muslim. Within months, there has been a flood of Muslim physicians in various positions. The local Americans are often clueless about this, to them we are all brown people, they cannot tell the difference between Azhar Chaudhary and Ajay Chaudhary.

Thus, the fault really lies with us Indians/Hindus. We have dropped the ball in a big way. It is a slow, painstaking process, must be gradually inculcated into the minds of our young, at an age when they really cannot see for themselves. Gradually they begin to absorb. The key is to be proud of your own people and that, IMHO is our single biggest failing - we are so sheepish and defensive about ourselves.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by vishvak »

From 1778 to 1871, the United States government entered into more than 500 treaties with the Native American tribes; all of these treaties have since been violated in some way or outright broken by the US government,[22][23][24][25] while at least one treaty was violated or broken by Native American tribes.[26]
From ... s_treaties

At least one treaty violated/broken/ignored/backstabbed/busted by natives of the very lands that were invaded. Notice how many bad epithets could be put for the one treaty broken by indigenous heathein/pegeins - now that can be generalized and every one else guilt tripped.

The entire drivel against Indians is like Sita and Ram going through motion when Sita was accused of infidelity - about which neither cared or were interested to know about even.

The hindoo, even at individual level, therefore has to prove following:
(1) do god exist and give proof
(2) gods borne WHERE and give proof
(3) what happened then, and then, and give proof.

See any coincidence somewhere? Everywhere about some or the other aspect?
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by UlanBatori »

Read this thread and it becomes plain why with all the good done by Indians/ Indian-Americans in the US of A and in the world and in India, the reality is still the type of vicious bigotry seen in the COTUS. Ppl are fa*ting about (Ok, I don't want to offend anyone). Instead of doing some decent Karma for Dharma by publicizing the bigotry of the pigs and getting ppl not to support, vote or fund them. Sad.

Back in the 1980s to early 2000, the sh!t Dan Burton, whose patron was the Khalistanis and ISI, used to bring a Resolution every year to condom India, cut off aid, break up India into pieces etc etc. Eventually got a list of 19 COTUShits to co-sign a Letter to the POTUS along those lines. Every hear of them these days? I think every one is out of mainstream politics. Took some systematic, constructive, hard work, not sitting around with yadayadayada. But I am whistling in the wind.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Vayutuvan »

UBji, you or anybody else have links to the takedown of the report by Biju Mathews/Angana Chatterji gang?
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by UlanBatori »

Book (that is the sanitized version) is on Amazon:
IDRF: Let the Facts Speak
or some boring title like that.

But what u may be seeking (is UBCN research awesome or what?) is this.

Or this:

Or this grander compilation on India-US Relations

or for more Kashmir Gyan

But what you REALLY NEED is the link for the FBI indictment of the "Kashmir Forum" neta - which mentions "Mary" who was doing the same things at the same time at the same place as Dr. Angana Chatterji.

She was fired from CIIS the day before that indictment was read in open court. Of course, no relation at all. Nooooooo implication that she is/was/will be a paid agint of the ISI.

Although somewhere in the first link above, is the proof that she used to be a regular author on the web-based Newsletter of the Lashkar-e-Toiba. TOTAL coincidence onlee. :eek:
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by ShyamSP »

Interesting family background of Senator Kamala Harris. ... cal-career
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Rony »

ShyamSP wrote:Interesting family background of Senator Kamala Harris. ... cal-career
"Progressive" as in deracinated ? Apparently her Hindu tamil brahmin grandfather's and grandmother's influence did not mean much to their children considering how much deracinated they became and in turn how they raised their own kids . In the whole article, the one and only mention of Hinduism is with respect to caste hierarchy.
Last edited by Rony on 27 Oct 2019 19:47, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Rony »

double post
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Vayutuvan »

UlanBatori wrote:Book (that is the sanitized version) is on Amazon:
IDRF: Let the Facts Speak
or some boring title like that.

But what u may be seeking (is UBCN research awesome or what?) is this.

Or this:

Or this grander compilation on India-US Relations

or for more Kashmir Gyan

But what you REALLY NEED is the link for the FBI indictment of the "Kashmir Forum" neta - which mentions "Mary" who was doing the same things at the same time at the same place as Dr. Angana Chatterji.

She was fired from CIIS the day before that indictment was read in open court. Of course, no relation at all. Nooooooo implication that she is/was/will be a paid agint of the ISI.

Although somewhere in the first link above, is the proof that she used to be a regular author on the web-based Newsletter of the Lashkar-e-Toiba. TOTAL coincidence onlee. :eek:
thanks. those are it.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Rahul M »

Joe Biden's diwali speech
must read ! ... 1289249793
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Prem »

Old folks remember UnEven Cohen and his Chelas in India ... 70944?s=20
Deeply saddened to hear of Stephen P. Cohen's death. He was an immensely generous mentor to anyone who was going to India or Pakistan, as he was for me. A gentle, incisive and deep scholar of South Asia, whose work radiated the integrity and goodness of his character.
Last edited by Prem on 27 Oct 2019 23:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Prem »

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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by UlanBatori »

Why so early? I thought only the Good Die Young? (sorry! Bad taste, couldn't resist it). "Incisive". Hmmm! Ancient ethics prevent me from speaking ill of the young, but some members of the animal kingdom that also have incisors, come to mind, can't help it.

Somewhere in his epitaph should be the words:
I convinced the US Government to support the bloody genocidal dictator Pervez Musharraf. Thousands of innocents died horrible deaths because of me. But I was better than Henry Kissmyassinger.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Kakkaji »

UlanBatori wrote:Why so early? I thought only the Good Die Young? (sorry! Bad taste, couldn't resist it).
He was 83 years old (b 1936)

Lived long enough.

Shekhar Gupta would be heartbroken. he considered Unevev Cohen his Guru.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by UlanBatori »

I didn't know he was that old! Is this the South Asia Cohen or the MidEast Cohen (genuinely decent and knowledgeable scholar)?
Bart S
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Bart S »

Prem wrote:Old folks remember UnEven Cohen and his Chelas in India ... 70944?s=20
Deeply saddened to hear of Stephen P. Cohen's death. He was an immensely generous mentor to anyone who was going to India or Pakistan, as he was for me. A gentle, incisive and deep scholar of South Asia, whose work radiated the integrity and goodness of his character.
Figures. Somebody had to be coaching douchebags like Luce towards their patronizing, anti-India tone.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by BPSingh »

I certainly hit a nerve I see. Thanks for the responses and "education" from everyone. It was actually not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. You guys must be getting soft :)

I won't address all the wide ranging assumptions made about my upbringing or lack of knowledge about the Indian and Hindi culture etc. They are what they are and all of you are entitled to your opinions.I have been coming to this forum for years now but usually sticking to military technology type discussions and of course Vivek's military scenarios. Only recently did I wander into this topic. The points about Hinduphobia in US are fair and I point that to general ignorance most people have about things foreign to them. Americans are on average ignorant of the wider world around them. They have been spoiled by the position of their country in world affairs and most of them don't pay attention beyond their day to day lives. Growing up in India, I saw the same thing. All kinds of misconceptions about Christians, Muslims or Sikhs or even more granular, about people from different castes or states. Saw it all day from different parts of the society and I would argue that they were rarely justified and most often stem from ignorance. Just like the Hinduphobia in US!

The only thing I will challenge is the centrality of religion in all these arguments. In my short time on this planet, I have seen very little good come from religion, at least at the level of a community or a nation. Whether that is some Mullah fanning the flames for Jihad or a Pastor calling for Crusades or a Swami calling for Rath Yatras etc., it is often used to fan flames of division or hatred towards others. That's why I am surprised to find it so central to the discussion on this forum. Broad general statements about millions or people just because they belong to some faith or a geography. I thought we were past that. Now, religion has helped people at the personal level and having faith can be a deeply meaningful thing. That has an important place in the world. I equate that to more of a spiritual belief, similar to Sanatan Dharm etc. However, when that gets extrapolated into expectations of behavior for the entire community or state, I see a strong problem with that. When it comes down to "all muslims are jihadis and therefore should be mistrusted" or "all hindus are devil worshippers and therefore should be kicked out of US", that is when I rather just stay away from religion. I know plenty of practicing muslims and christians who don't take the Koran or the Bible literally because they realize that a lot of the stuff in there is bat shit crazy! To me, religion is a very private thing and I don't agree when someone states that as a Hindu, I need to "fit in and behave a certain way."
Those are my two cents. I will go back to lurker mode.

Happy Diwali everyone!
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by sudarshan »

BPSingh wrote:... Whether that is some Mullah fanning the flames for Jihad or a Pastor calling for Crusades or a Swami calling for Rath Yatras etc., it is often used to fan flames of division or hatred towards others.

... To me, religion is a very private thing and I don't agree when someone states that as a Hindu, I need to "fit in and behave a certain way."
Those are my two cents. I will go back to lurker mode.

Happy Diwali everyone!
Mullah fanning flames for Jihad = killing people in the name of religion, with a promise of heavenly reward
Crusades = killing people in the name of religion, with a promise of heavenly reward

Rath Yatras=?

Are you saying that a rath yatra is also a call to kill in the name of religion, with a promise of heavenly reward? If you're going to make these silly equivalences, could you at least find something worse from Hinduism, than just "rath yatra?"

Who told you to fit in and behave in a certain way, and what is that way in which you were told to behave, if you don't mind spelling it out? Also, were those instructions to behave in that way accompanied by threats of fatwas or eternal hell? People pointing out the fallacy in your arguments is not the same as "telling you to behave in a certain way." You are free to behave any way you want, but if there are fallacies or inconsistencies, they will be pointed out.

Also when you say "it was not nearly as bad as I thought, you guys must be getting soft" ... what were you expecting? That folks here would call for a fatwa and have you marked on a certain list? You will have to go to a forum based on some other religion for that, Hindus don't behave that way (sorry to disappoint you). That alone must be enough to tell you what kind of false equivalences you're making.

Edit: Reading the responses, I see that the worst thing that happened is that you got called some names, and even there, the moderator promptly stepped in and put a stop to that. After which one of the guys who called you a name, edited his post out, and the other guy stopped the name calling and responded to your arguments. I even see some members respectfully addressing you as "BP Singh ji" and trying to explain things in a nice way. This is a general Indian forum, but even on an explicitly Hindu forum, the response would be similar.

And you're still making snide insinuations, that people here are "going soft" (meaning - that you know that these people are usually much meaner and nastier brutes - and that mean brutish nature derives from the religion of Hinduism itself, and you feel that you were just lucky to get off easy), and also that you were "told to behave in certain ways to fit in as a Hindu." And also making equivalences between a rath yatra (a chariot procession) and explicit calls to kill in the name of religion and claim heavenly rewards, which, by the way, are formally sanctioned by those religions themselves.

Do you want to try stepping into a forum of some other religion, and being critical of the folks there?
Last edited by sudarshan on 28 Oct 2019 07:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by vimal »

Tulsi's Diwali message is beautiful.
Meanwhile, I wonder what Ro Khanna and Pramila Jayapal are doing on Diwali?
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by UlanBatori »

She can't be POTUS. She is waaaaaaay too good-looking. Unfit for cartoons.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Prem »

vimal wrote:Tulsi's Diwali message is beautiful.
Meanwhile, I wonder what Ro Khanna and Pramila Jayapal are doing on Diwali? ... 22720?s=20
#Diwali is all about reflecting on our lives, learning from our mistakes, and growing in the coming year. It’s also about good sweets, new clothes, and time with family and friends. Forgiveness, reflection, + cooperation are essential year round, especially in a moment like this.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by hgupta »

mappunni wrote:
nachiket wrote: Ah, Indian Americans complaining about there being too many Indians in the US. Quintessentially Indian thing to do. You rarely see this self-destructive behavior among other ethnic groups. I have always wondered why.
Come to the city where I live and you will understand. The school district serves Indian food and Telugu is the second most spoken language at home after English and apparently next year onwards kids will be able to learn Telugu instead of Spanish as a Foreign language.

Hint: This is happening in the fastest growing city in the North Dallas area, and in fact the entire country!
Why is that a bad thing?
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by schinnas »

It seems to me that the need to show off some.sort of moral superiority stems from those with some deep rooted inferiority complex about their roots. It's such people who indulge in false equivalences and always feel a compelling need to bring in Hinduism or India or caste system when discussing fanaticism of Christianity or Islam or racism or crimes against humanity of the West.

The colonial educational system in India has failed to make Indians understand their own culture and make them see their native religion / culture as something inferior while it is quite to the contrary in it's values. Products of such system without much of a gift for original thinking or introspection go to US and become Indian Americans and behave like coconuts.

Some of them come to BRF and make equivalence between jihad, crusade and Rath Yatra! Go figure...
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Vayutuvan »

sudarshan ji, we had a thread called "towel throwing". we can restart it with BPsingh ji's post as the seed. :mrgreen:
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by shaun »

BP Singh certainly raising the BP !! :lol:
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by arshyam »

In case of this Ro Khanna, the education system in India is hardly at fault. He seems to be a full fledged khanate product onlee. So full marks to amreeka there.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by KLNMurthy »

Prem wrote:
vimal wrote:Tulsi's Diwali message is beautiful.
Meanwhile, I wonder what Ro Khanna and Pramila Jayapal are doing on Diwali? ... 22720?s=20
#Diwali is all about reflecting on our lives, learning from our mistakes, and growing in the coming year. It’s also about good sweets, new clothes, and time with family and friends. Forgiveness, reflection, + cooperation are essential year round, especially in a moment like this.
Dipavali is the same as Yom Kippur. Ok then.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Primus »

Prem wrote:
vimal wrote:Tulsi's Diwali message is beautiful.
Meanwhile, I wonder what Ro Khanna and Pramila Jayapal are doing on Diwali? ... 22720?s=20
#Diwali is all about reflecting on our lives, learning from our mistakes, and growing in the coming year. It’s also about good sweets, new clothes, and time with family and friends. Forgiveness, reflection, + cooperation are essential year round, especially in a moment like this.
Tulsi will never make it :(

America is not ready for a woman POTUS, and certainly not a Hindu at that.
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