Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Indo-UK News & Discussions Thread

MPs outraged over magazine column suggesting 'plan to stop Muslims from voting'

MPs have reacted angrily after a right-wing magazine published an article which suggested Muslims should be prevented from voting in the general election.

Writing in The Spectator, columnist Rod Liddle proposed the December poll should have been staged on days “where Muslims are forbidden to do anything”.

Mr Liddle wrote: “My own choice of election date would be a day when universities are closed and Muslims are forbidden to do anything on pain of hell, or something.

“There must be at least one day like that in the Muslim calendar, surely? That would deliver at least 40 seats to the Tories, I reckon.”

Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid leaves 10 Downing Street after attending the weekly Cabinet meeting, in London, Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2019.(AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)

Mr Liddle also mentioned Rosie Duffield, the Labour MP who received a standing ovation in the House of Commons last month after emotionally revealing how she had been the victim of domestic abuse. The column described her as the “sobbing and oppressed Rosie ‘#metoo’ Duffield”.

The Chancellor Sajid Javid, Labour MP David Lammy and Brendan Cox, the widower of murdered MP Jo Cox, were among those to voice their opposition to the column soon after its publication.

Mr Javid said Mr Liddle’s words were unacceptable.

“Not clear if the Rod Liddle comment is supposed to be a joke – but it’s not funny and not acceptable,” he tweeted.

“No community in our country should be put down that way.”

Mr Lammy called on the magazine’s editor Fraser Nelson to respond to criticism over the article.

"Mocking Rosie Duffield for having the courage to speak out about domestic abuse and calling for ways to stop British Muslims voting,” Mr Lammy tweeted.

“Rod Liddle is beyond the pale, but Fraser Nelson how can you justify giving his bile a platform on the Spectator?”

Mr Cox wrote: "If you aren’t sure whether this is acceptable, try replacing Muslim with Jew. Then see what you think. It’s disgraceful."

Labour MP Liam Byrne said he had written a letter to the BBC asking them to ensure Mr Liddle and Mr Nelson are never invited to speak on their programmes again.

“Rod Liddle’s disgusting suggestion to disenfranchise Muslim voters is the epitome of Islamophobia – the BBC cannot continue to invite him, or the man responsible for the article’s publication, on their programming,” Mr Byrne tweeted.

Tory David Lidington, who was Theresa May’s de facto deputy prime minister, said he was shocked the Spectator published the story, calling it a “serious lapse of judgement”.

“Mr Liddle’s foul comment isn’t just some bad joke to be dismissed,” he tweeted.

“What’s he saying to British Muslims in our armed forces, police, NHS, schools, factories etc etc? #disgusting.”

The Spectator’s assistant editor Isabel Hardman said she “profoundly disagrees” with Mr Liddle’s piece and was “hugely upset” by it, adding she has “nothing to do” with pieces in the magazine except those she writes herself.

Tell Mama, a charity which supports victims of anti-Muslim hate, said in a statement that the column was “dispicable”.

“This is appalling in the Spectator by Rod Liddle,” the charity wrote on Twitter.

“His suggestions are that Muslims should be unable to vote.

“What do we call that - Outright prejudice. This in 2019, when 3 Muslims have been murdered since 2013 for being - British Muslims. Despicable.”

Rod Liddle himself later wrote on Twitter that he believed his article contained “no hate speech or Islamophobia whatsoever”.

“It was a very light-hearted series of suggestions about when to hold an election, based upon the silly dispute over the proposed dates for the election,” he added, “It was patently a joke.”

Spectator editor Fraser Nelson added to the response: “If one of our columnists seriously suggested that Muslims and students should be prevented from voting, then of course I would denounce it.

“It would be a disgusting thing to say. But Rod Liddle wasn’t doing that. He was satirising the wrangle over the two election dates by making deliberately absurd suggestions.”

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Gerard »

Erdogan: “Our God commands us to be violent to the kuffar”
After the prayers, the hafiz of the mosque recited the Koranic Verse Al-Fath, which means “victory, triumph, conquest” in English. Then Erdogan took the microphone, reciting a part of the verse in Arabic and then in Turkish. He told the congregants:

“Our God commands us to be violent towards the kuffar (infidels). Who are we? The ummah [nation] of Mohammed. So [God] also commands us to be merciful to each other. So we will be merciful to each other. And we will be violent to the kuffar. Like in Syria.”
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat & Terroristan Threads

‘Absolutely no mercy’: Leaked files show China’s mass detention of Muslims in officials’ own words

- Leaked documents reveal that President Xi laid the groundwork for the crackdown in a series of speeches

- Beijing has sought for decades to suppress Uighur resistance to Chinese rule in Xinjiang

- Inmates undergo months or years of indoctrination and interrogation aimed at transforming them into secular and loyal supporters of China’s ruling Communist Party

HONG KONG: The students booked their tickets home at the end of the semester, hoping for a relaxing break after exams and a summer of happy reunions in China’s far west.

Instead, they would be told that their relatives and neighbors were missing — all of them locked up in an expanding network of detention camps built to hold Muslim ethnic minorities.

Authorities in the Xinjiang region were worried that the situation was a powder keg. And so they prepared.

Leadership distributed a classified directive advising local officials to corner returning students as soon as they arrived and keep them quiet. It included a guide for how to handle their questions, beginning with the most obvious: Where is my family?

“They’re in a training school set up by the government,” the prescribed answer began. If pressed, officials were to tell students that their relatives were not criminals — yet could not leave these “schools.”

The question-and-answer script also included a barely concealed threat: Students were to be told that their behavior could either shorten or extend the detention of their relatives.

The directive was among 403 pages of internal documents that have been shared with The New York Times in one of the most significant leaks of government papers from inside China’s ruling Communist Party in decades. They provide an unprecedented inside view of the continuing clampdown in Xinjiang, in which authorities have corralled as many as 1 million ethnic Uighurs, Kazakhs and others into internment camps and prisons over the past three years.

The party has rejected international criticism of the camps and described them as job-training centers that use mild methods to fight Islamic extremism. But the documents confirm the coercive nature of the crackdown.

Key disclosures in the documents include:

- President Xi Jinping, the party chief, laid the groundwork for the crackdown in a series of speeches delivered in private to officials during and after a visit to Xinjiang in April 2014, just weeks after Uighur militants stabbed more than 150 people at a train station, killing 31.

— Terrorist attacks abroad and the drawdown of US troops in Afghanistan heightened leadership’s fears and helped shape the crackdown.

— The internment camps in Xinjiang expanded rapidly after the appointment in August 2016 of Chen Quanguo, a zealous new party boss for the region.

— The crackdown encountered doubts and resistance from local officials who feared it would exacerbate ethnic tensions and stifle economic growth. Chen responded by purging officials suspected of standing in his way.

— The leaked papers consist of 24 documents. They include nearly 200 pages of internal speeches by Xi and other leaders and more than 150 pages of directives and reports on the surveillance and control of the Uighur population in Xinjiang. There are also references to plans to extend restrictions on Islam to other parts of China.

Although it is unclear how the documents were gathered and selected, the leak suggests greater discontent inside the party than previously known. The papers were brought to light by a member of the Chinese political establishment who requested anonymity and expressed hope that their disclosure would prevent party leaders, including Xi, from escaping culpability for the mass detentions.

Chinese leadership wraps policymaking in secrecy, especially when it comes to Xinjiang, a resource-rich territory located on the sensitive frontier with Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia. Predominantly Muslim ethnic minority groups make up more than half the region’s population of 25 million. The largest of these groups are the Uighurs, who have long faced discrimination and restrictions on cultural and religious activities.

Beijing has sought for decades to suppress Uighur resistance to Chinese rule in Xinjiang. The current crackdown began after a surge of anti-government and anti-Chinese violence, including ethnic riots in 2009 in Urumqi, the regional capital, and a May 2014 attack on an outdoor market that killed 39 people just days before Xi convened a leadership conference in Beijing to set a new policy course for Xinjiang.

Since 2017, authorities in Xinjiang have detained many hundreds of thousands of Uighurs, Kazakhs and other Muslims in internment camps. Inmates undergo months or years of indoctrination and interrogation aimed at transforming them into secular and loyal supporters of the party.

The government sends Xinjiang’s brightest young Uighurs to universities across China, with the goal of training a new generation of Uighur civil servants and teachers loyal to the party.

The crackdown in Xinjiang has been so extensive that it affected even these elite students, the directive shows. And that made authorities nervous.

“Returning students from other parts of China have widespread social ties across the entire country,” the directive noted. “The moment they issue incorrect opinions on WeChat, Weibo and other social media platforms, the impact is widespread and difficult to eradicate.”

The document warned that there was a “serious possibility” students might sink into “turmoil” after learning what had happened to their relatives. It recommended that police officers in plainclothes and experienced local officials meet them as soon as they returned.

The directive’s question-and-answer guide begins gently, with officials advised to tell students that they have “absolutely no need to worry” about relatives who have disappeared.

“Tuition for their period of study is free and so are food and living costs,” officials were told to say.

“If you want to see them,” one answer concluded, “we can arrange for you to have a video meeting.”

Authorities anticipated, however, that this was unlikely to mollify students and provided replies to other questions: When will my relatives be released? If this is for training, why can’t they come home? Can they request a leave? How will I afford school if my parents are studying and there is no one to work on the farm?

The guide recommended increasingly firm replies telling the students that their relatives had been “infected” by the “virus” of Islamic radicalism and must be quarantined and cured.

Students should be grateful that authorities had taken their relatives away, the document said.

Authorities appear to be using a scoring system to determine who can be released from the camps: The document instructed officials to tell the students that their behavior could hurt their relatives’ scores and to assess the behavior of students and record their attendance at training sessions, meetings and other activities.

“Family members, including you, must abide by the state’s laws and rules and not believe or spread rumors,” officials were told to say. “Only then can you add points for your family member, and after a period of assessment they can leave the school if they meet course completion standards.”

If asked about the impact of the detentions on family finances, officials were advised to assure students that “the party and the government will do everything possible to ease your hardships.”

The line that stands out most in the script, however, may be the model answer for how to respond to students who ask of their detained relatives, “Did they commit a crime?”

The document instructed officials to acknowledge that they had not. “It is just that their thinking has been infected by unhealthy thoughts,” the script said. “Freedom is only possible when this ‘virus’ in their thinking is eradicated and they are in good health.”

Secret speeches

The ideas driving the mass detentions can be traced back to Xi Jinping’s first and only visit to Xinjiang as China’s leader, a tour shadowed by violence.

In 2014, little more than a year after becoming president, he spent four days in the region, and on the last day of the trip, two Uighur militants staged a suicide bombing outside a train station in Urumqi that injured nearly 80 people, one fatally.

Weeks earlier, militants with knives had gone on a rampage at another railway station, in southwest China, killing 31 people and injuring more than 140. And less than a month after Xi’s visit, assailants tossed explosives into a vegetable market in Urumqi, wounding 94 people and killing at least 39.

Against this backdrop of bloodshed, Xi delivered a series of secret speeches setting the hard-line course that culminated in the security offensive now underway in Xinjiang. While state media have alluded to these speeches, none were made public.

The text of four of them, though, were among the leaked documents.

“The methods that our comrades have at hand are too primitive,” Xi said in one talk, after inspecting a counterterrorism police squad in Urumqi. “None of these weapons is any answer for their big machete blades, ax heads and cold steel weapons.

“We must be as harsh as them,” he added, “and show absolutely no mercy.”

In several surprising passages, Xi also told officials to not discriminate against Uighurs and to respect their right to worship, and he rejected proposals to try to eliminate Islam entirely in China.

But Xi’s main point was unmistakable: He was leading the party in a sharp turn toward greater repression in Xinjiang.

Before Xi, the party had often described attacks in Xinjiang as the work of a few fanatics. But Xi argued that Islamic extremism had taken root across swaths of Uighur society.

Violence by Uighur militants has never threatened Communist control of the region. Although attacks grew deadlier after 2009, when nearly 200 people died in ethnic riots in Urumqi, they remained relatively small, scattered and unsophisticated.

Even so, Xi warned that the violence was spilling from Xinjiang into other parts of China and could taint the party’s image of strength.

Xi’s predecessor, Hu Jintao, responded to the 2009 riots in Urumqi with a clampdown, but he also stressed economic development as a cure for ethnic discontent. But Xi signaled a break with Hu’s approach.

“In recent years, Xinjiang has grown very quickly and the standard of living has consistently risen, but even so, ethnic separatism and terrorist violence have still been on the rise,” he said. “This goes to show that economic development does not automatically bring lasting order and security.”

Ensuring stability in Xinjiang would require a sweeping campaign of surveillance and intelligence gathering to root out resistance in Uighur society, Xi argued.

He said new technology must be part of the solution, foreshadowing the party’s deployment of facial recognition, genetic testing and big data in Xinjiang.

Within months, indoctrination sites began opening across Xinjiang — mostly small facilities at first, which held dozens or hundreds of Uighurs at a time for sessions intended to pressure them into disavowing devotion to Islam and professing gratitude for the party.

Then in August 2016, a hard-liner named Chen was transferred from Tibet to govern Xinjiang. New security controls and a drastic expansion of the indoctrination camps followed.

‘I broke the rules’

In February 2017, Chen told thousands of police officers and troops in Urumqi to prepare for a “smashing, obliterating offensive.” In the following weeks, the documents indicate, leadership settled on plans to detain Uighurs in large numbers.

Chen issued a sweeping order: “Round up everyone who should be rounded up.” The vague phrase appears repeatedly in internal documents from 2017 and was being applied to humans in directives that ordered, with no mention of judicial procedures, the detention of anyone who displayed “symptoms” of religious radicalism or anti-government views.

Authorities laid out dozens of such signs, including common behavior among devout Uighurs such as wearing long beards, giving up smoking or drinking, studying Arabic and praying outside mosques.

The number of people swept into the camps remains a closely guarded secret. But one of the leaked documents offers a hint of the scale of the campaign: It instructed officials to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in crowded facilities.

The orders were especially urgent and contentious in Yarkand County, a collection of rural towns and villages in southern Xinjiang where nearly all of the 900,000 residents are Uighur.

In the 2014 speeches, Xi had singled out southern Xinjiang as the front line in his fight against religious extremism. Uighurs make up close to 90% of the population in the south, compared to just under half in Xinjiang overall.

A few months later, more than 100 Uighur militants armed with axes and knives attacked a government office and police station in Yarkand, killing 37 people, according to government reports. In the battle, security forces shot dead 59 assailants.

An official named Wang Yongzhi was appointed to run Yarkand soon afterward. But among the most revealing documents in the leaked papers are two that describe Wang’s downfall — an 11-page report summarizing the party’s internal investigation into his actions and the text of a 15-page confession that he may have given under duress. Both were distributed inside the party as a warning to officials to fall in line behind the crackdown.

Wang set about beefing up security in Yarkand, but he also pushed economic development to address ethnic discontent. And he sought to soften the party’s religious policies, declaring that there was nothing wrong with having a Quran at home and encouraging party officials to read it to better understand Uighur traditions.

When the mass detentions began, Wang did as he was told at first. He built two sprawling new detention facilities and herded 20,000 people into them.

But privately, Wang had misgivings, according to the confession that he later signed, which would have been carefully vetted by the party.

He was under intense pressure to prevent an outburst of violence in Yarkand and worried the crackdown would provoke a backlash.

Leadership had set goals to reduce poverty in Xinjiang. But with so many working age residents being sent to the camps, Wang was afraid the targets would be out of reach.

Secret teams of investigators traveled across the region identifying those who were not doing enough. In 2017, the party opened more than 12,000 investigations into party members in Xinjiang for infractions in the “fight against separatism.”

Wang may have gone further than any other official. Quietly, he ordered the release of more than 7,000 camp inmates — an act of defiance for which he would be detained, stripped of power and prosecuted.

“Without approval and on my own initiative,” he added, “I broke the rules.”

Wang quietly disappeared from public view after September 2017. About six months later, the party made an example of him.

Both the report and Wang’s confession were read aloud to officials across Xinjiang. But Wang’s greatest political sin was not revealed to the public. Instead, authorities hid it in the
internal report.

“He refused,” it said, “to round up everyone who should be rounded up.”

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by sanjaykumar »

I have previously postulated that the miskeen Muslims of the subcontinent hold Arabs in high esteem and are deferential towards them. This was from a seemingly inconsequential reaction to a Miskeen to an Arab. It is remarkable how a casual observation can yield much insight.

Here is a written and codified confirmation.

I am not sure how the miskeen can claim a regard from other Indians. Anyway, Arif Mohammad Khan is obviously distressed by some of his co-religionists. A very fine man.
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Terroristan Thread

Quran’s sacrilege in Norway: Pakistan to take up issue in EU, OIC - News Desk

Pakistan has decided to raise the matter of the Holy Quran’s sacrilege in Norway in the platforms of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and European Union.

The decision was taken during the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) core committee meeting chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad on Sunday.

“The core committee unanimously condemned the desecration of Holy Quran and has decided to take up the matter in OIC and EU,” said Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Firdous Ashiq Awan while addressing a news conference soon after the high-level huddle.

Last week, the head of Norway’s extreme right-wing group, Stop the Islamisation of Norway (SION), held a protest against Islam and attempted to burn a copy of the Holy Quran.

A Muslim man, identified as Umer Ilyas, prevented Lars Thorson from desecrating the Holy Scripture, but the latter threw it in a waste container in the presence of a police contingent.

Dr Firdous also said that the committee had also passed a resolution on the issue which “will be submitted in the OIC and EU”.

Pakistan conveys ‘deep concern’ to Norway over desecration of Holy Quran

Speaking on the foreign funding case, she said that the opposition parties are spreading disinformation in the media regarding the issue, adding that the core committee members had expressed annoyance over the misreporting in this regard.

Akbar S Babar, PTI’s disgruntled former founding member, had filed the foreign funding case in the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) in 2014 after he developed differences with party chairman Imran Khan over alleged internal corruption and abuse of laws governing political funding.

“Unemployed opposition parties are spreading lies and misleading people on the foreign funding case,” the PM’s aide said.

“The government legal team will brief the media on the matter tomorrow (Monday) to dispel the opposition’s propaganda.”

She added that the PTI had complied with all the legal requirements and would continue to do so. “We have submitted the party’s response in the ECP and we believe that receiving funds from Pakistan diaspora cannot be termed as foreign funding.”

The government’s spokesperson said that the PTI was the first party in the country which raised funds from overseas Pakistanis.

“We will request the ECP to also conduct the hearing on the application filed by the PTI against other political parties and conduct the audit of their funds too,” she added.

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by sanjaykumar »

Going apeshit time?
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by vishvak »

Norway should have known not to overlook a mess and jump in it. It's not same as creating trouble in democracy like India.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Rony » ... 17184?s=20
#Palestinians in Gaza painted this poor innocent donkey with an Israeli flag, struck it with stones, beat it with sticks, cut it with sharp blunt objects and in the end when the animal could not walk any longer from the beatings, they simply burned it.

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Rony »

Video ... 09601?s=20

Taharrush, is a muslim rape game...

Men agree together to surround a victim & rape her in a crowd. The people she's with can't save her.

They do it because they believe they can't be caught.

30 attacks in 1 night.
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Terroristan Thread

London attacker named, was previously convicted of terrorism offences – Reuters

LONDON: British police named the man who stabbed two people to death in London on Friday in what the authorities called a terrorist attack as 28-year-old Usman Khan, who had been convicted of terrorism offences and was released from prison last year.

“This individual was known to authorities, having been convicted in 2012 for terrorism offences,” Britain’s top counter-terrorism police officer, Neil Basu, said in a statement.

“He was released from prison in December 2018 on licence and clearly, a key line of enquiry now is to establish how he came to carry out this attack,” Basu said.

A person who is released on licence is subject to conditions for the duration of their sentence after leaving prison. The Times newspaper reported that Khan had agreed to wear an electronic tag.

The attacker went on the rampage just before 2pm, targeting people at Fishmongers’ Hall near London Bridge in the heart of the city’s financial district.

In addition to the man and the woman who were killed, a man and two women were injured and remain in hospital, Basu said.

Just before news broke of the suspect’s previous conviction, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is seeking re-election on Dec. 12, said criminals must be made to serve their sentences.

“It is a mistake to allow serious and violent criminals to come out of prison early, and it is very important that we get out of that habit and that we enforce the appropriate sentences for dangerous criminals, especially for terrorists,” he said.

Johnson leads opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, according to opinion polls.

During the 2017 election campaign, London Bridge was the scene of an attack when three militants drove a van into pedestrians and then attacked people in the surrounding area, killing eight and injuring at least 48. The attack focused attention on cuts to policing since the governing Conservatives took power in 2010.

“We owe a deep debt of gratitude to our police and emergency services, and the brave members of the public who put themselves in harm’s way to protect others,” Corbyn said late on Friday.

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by vishvak »

Sad but Brits are at top of game when it comes to surveillance, counter intel, and so on and on and THEN comes liberal democratic values. Instead what we got is jholavallas copying Europeans by shouting slogans.
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Islamophobia Thread

London Bridge attack: Isis claims responsibility as footage emerges of Usman Khan, ‘I ain’t no terrorist’ - The Independent Chiara Giordano,The Independent Sun

Isis has claimed responsibility for the London Bridge attack as old footage emerged of knifeman Usman Khan denying he was a terrorist.

The extremist group claimed the 28-year-old convicted terrorist was one of its fighters but did not provide any evidence.

No one else is being sought over Friday’s attack, which claimed the lives of two people and left three others injured.

Video footage from 2008 shows Khan, who would have been about 17 at the time, telling reporters “I ain’t no terrorist” as anti-terror police raided his home.

He told the BBC: “I’ve been born and bred in England, in Stoke-On-Trent, in Cobridge, and all the community knows me and they will know, if you ask them, they will know like these labels what they’re putting on us, like terrorist, this, that, they will know I ain’t no terrorist.”

Shortly before 2pm on Friday, Khan, armed with two knives and wearing a fake suicide vest, stabbed 25-year-old Jack Merritt and a woman to death and left three other people injured after going on a knife rampage in the capital.

The convicted terrorist was on licence and wearing an electronic monitoring tag when he attended a conference on prisoner rehabilitation hosted by Cambridge University scheme Learning Together at Fishmongers’ Hall near London Bridge.

Khan, who was living in Stafford, was given permission to travel into the heart of London by police and the probation service. He had also been allowed to travel to Whitehall earlier in the year.

He was tackled to the ground by members of the public, including ex-offenders from the conference, before he was shot dead by police in front of shocked bystanders on London Bridge.

Khan, who was imprisoned six years for terrorism offences before his release last year stabbed several people in London on Friday, Nov. 29 (AP)

Tales of acts of bravery quickly emerged as footage was shared online showing Khan being taken to the ground as one man sprayed him with a fire extinguisher and another, reportedly a Polish man who worked at the Hall, lunged towards him with a narwhal tusk believed to have been taken from a wall inside the building.

Khan was part of an al-Qaieda-inspired terror group – linked to radical preacher Anjem Choudary – that plotted to bomb the London Stock Exchange and build a terrorist training camp on land in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir owned by his family.

A list of other potential targets included the names and addresses of the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral in London, then London mayor Boris Johnson, two rabbis, and the American Embassy in London.

He was released from prison in December 2018 less than seven years into a 16-year prison sentence.

Friday’s attack has prompted the Ministry of Justice to review the licence conditions of every convicted terrorist released from prison, which is understood to be about 70 people.

Mr Merritt’s father David called his son a “beautiful spirit who always took the side of the underdog”, adding: “He was an exceptional young man, and I’m only finding out the half of it now he’s gone.”

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by ArjunPandit »

there are news reports of the victims being given lessons to avoid islamophobia....alag hi level ka naatak chal raha hai uk main...
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Aditya_V »

He should now be executed.
Varoon Shekhar
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Varoon Shekhar »

I haven't seen any report of this in a local Canadian newspaper. Since the victim is a non-Moslem( and that too not even from a so called Abrahamic religion) , it's possible they will totally ignore it, at least downplay it. The same paper totally ignored the attack on Amarnath pilgrims in 2017, which killed 7. Has anyone seen this item in the NYT, WP, WSJ, BBC, Guardian et al?
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Terroristan and Indo-UK News & Discussions Threads


A day comes when the Chandan (Sandal-wood) Paste Belches Fire!

Boris Johnson said that Islamophobia is a 'natural reaction' to Islam and that 'Islam is the problem' -


- Boris Johnson's Conservative party has been accused by Muslim leaders of allowing Islamophobia to "fester" within the UK.

- "It is abundantly clear to many Muslims that the Conservative Party tolerate Islamophobia," the group said.

- Johnson has previously claimed that Islamophobia is a "natural reaction" to Islam.

- He wrote in the Spectator in 2005 that "the problem is Islam. Islam is the problem."

- The prime minister also compared Muslim women to "letterboxes" and bank robbers.

- Johnson has dropped a previous pledge to hold an inquiry into Islamophobia within the Conservative party.

- Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Boris Johnson's Conservative party has been accused by Muslim leaders in the UK of allowing Islamophobia to "fester" within their ranks.

"This an issue that is particularly acute in the Conservative Party who have approached Islamophobia with denial, dismissal and deceit," the group said in a statement on Tuesday.

They added: "It is abundantly clear to many Muslims that the Conservative Party tolerate Islamophobia, allow it to fester in society, and fail to put in place the measures necessary to root out this type of racism."

Examination of the prime minister's own record, by Business Insider, shows that he has himself previously sought to downplay and even justify Islamophobia in the UK.

Islamophobia is 'a natural reaction' - Boris Johnson Getty


In 2005, Johnson wrote in the Spectator that he believed it was only "natural" for the public to be scared of Islam.

"To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia — fear of Islam — seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke," he wrote.

"Judged purely on its scripture — to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques — it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers."

'Islam is the problem'


In the wake of the London bombings, he also questioned the loyalty of British Muslims and insisted that the country must accept that "Islam is the problem."

"It will take a huge effort of courage and skill to win round the many thousands of British Muslims who are in a similar state of alienation, and to make them see that their faith must be compatible with British values and with loyalty to Britain," he wrote.

"That means disposing of the first taboo, and accepting that the problem is Islam. Islam is the problem."

He added: "What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam's medieval ass?"

Comparing Muslim women who wear the burqa to 'letterboxes'


Boris Johnson was last year reported to the Equalities Commission after comparing Muslim women who wear burqas to "letter boxes" and bank robbers.

The former foreign secretary wrote in an article for the Telegraph that "it is absolutely ridiculous that people should choose to go around looking like letter boxes," adding that any female student who appeared at school or in a lecture "looking like a bank robber" should be asked to remove it.

Johnson has repeatedly refused to apologise for the comments, saying earlier this month that the article was actually a "liberal" argument against banning the burqa.

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

Now they all can't be Islam followers.

Police officer among 16 men charged in Halifax child abuse inquiry ... in-halifax

West Yorkshire police said the charges related to alleged offences against three teenage girls in Halifax between 2006 and 2009. The alleged victims were aged between 13 and 16 at the time.

One of those charged, Amjad Ditta, 35, was a constable based within West Yorkshire police’s protective services operations, the force said. He has been suspended from duty and is to appear at Bradford magistrates court on 6 January alongside the other 15 men. The force said he was a serving police officer at the time of an alleged offence in 2009.

Those charged, who are all from Halifax, are:

Ditta, charged with sexual touching.

Vaqaas Abbas, 30, charged with three counts of rape and three of supplying a class C drug.

Nadeem Adalat, 34, facing four charges of rape and four of supply of a class C drug.

Sajid Adalat, 43, charged with rape.

Vaseem Adalat, 33, charged with two counts of rape, trafficking and supply of a class C drug.

Christopher Eastwood, 45, charged with two counts of rape and two counts of supply of a class C drug.

Metab Islam, 46, charged with six counts of rape, six of supply of a class C drug, two of sexual assault and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

Mohammed Rizwan Iqbal, 34, charged with rape.

Ishtiaq Latif, 32, charged with sexual activity with a child.

Asad Mahmood, 33, charged with rape and trafficking.

Arfan Mir, 36, charged with six counts of rape, supply of a class C drug, supply of a class A drug and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

Younis Mohammed, 34, charged with rape and causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent.

Nadeem Nassir, 39, charged with rape, supply of a class C drug and making threats to kill.

Shahzad Nawaz, 40, charged with rape, supply of a class C drug and making threats to kill.

Shazad Nazir, 44, charged with two counts of rape and supply of a class C drug.

Sohail Zafar, 36, charged with rape and supplying a class C drug.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

Somali-Canadian Islamic Preacher Said Rageah: Non-Muslims Disapprove Of Polygyny Because They Want Muslim Women To Be Cheap Goods Like Non-Muslim Women; Muslim Women Who Do Not Want To Share Their Husband Are Not True Believers ... cause-they

At multiple points throughout the sermon, Sheikh Rageah said that the men in the audience need not be concerned about what their wives might think about the content of the sermon. He also joked: "If you are [asking] how come only [have] one wife... [Polygyny] is illegal in Canada, but the moment I cross the border, I am at Allah's service."
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

In Pakistan, the merciless assassin: The blasphemy law (Part Three) Junaid Hafeez awaits justice ... 6405282978
On March 13, 2013, a group of students from the religious organisations, Jamaat-e-Islami and Tehreek-Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat, joined by fifteen hundred other like-minded young people, held a protest against the young lecturer, barely a few years older than most of the students. Pamphlets were distributed, and speeches were made. He was accused of blasphemy for having a Facebook page that reportedly challenged clergy’s hypocrisy. Those who misuse religion for their organisational hegemony have a linear response to any challenge to their authority: absolute repudiation, often through enforced silence. No questions are permissible, not even well-meaning ones. Questions equal desecration of religion.
As I hope for justice for Junaid Hafeez, I say a silent prayer for those nameless, faceless others who, terrified, broken, forgotten, in their solitary confinement, wait for someone to reach them. Before they forget to dream of justice, I hope someone will hear their pleas made in despair, in darkness. Allah listens. His people don’t.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

Former beauty queen found guilty of funding terrorism ... terrorism/

Amaani Noor, 21, was found guilty at Liverpool Crown Court on Thursday of donating $45 USD, around £35, to organisation The Merciful Hands via Paypal on May 23 last year knowing it would or may be used for the purposes of terrorism.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

Muslim Inmates Demand Better Ramadan Food, Win Lawsuit Over 'Religious Discrimination' ... -religious
Most of the meals all consisted of a beverage, fruit, some vegetables, meat and dessert, but the two inmates believed the food was lacking as they were going to fast for the whole day and that the meals did not sustain them for the duration of the fast.

According to Anchorage News, after filing a lawsuit to the prison citing religious discrimination and inhumane treatment, the two inmates will now receive $102,500 because the incident. The Alaska Department of Law and the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

The lawsuit also alleged that the two inmates have been served with pork bologna sandwiches, although the DOC mentioned that the deli meat was actually made of halal Turkey, ensuring them that their religious rights were never violated in the first place.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

Kettering man accused of assaulting Muslim woman, trial delayed ... REd9t1NoJ/

KETTERING — After several delays, a Kettering man accused of assaulting a Muslim woman in a Meijer store on Wilmington Pike was scheduled to be back in court 9 a.m. today for the start of his trial, but an extenuating circumstance has forced the trial to be pushed back again.

Albert Ross, 48, of Kettering has been charged with simple assault, a first-degree misdemeanor, for an incident at 2:45 p.m. on Feb. 23 in the Meijer store on Wilmington Pike. Ross allegedly physically and verbally attacked a 25-year-old Muslim woman, who is a Kettering resident, while his wife was with him. She was not charged.

Muslim woman who sued jail staff over hijab removal gets $170K settlement ... settlement
Additionally, Ramsey County agreed to adopt a policy that permits all Muslim woman to wear hijabs during booking photos, and a commitment to train all correction officers on the new policy.
In August of 2013 a family emergency forced Al-Kadi to miss a court date on a traffic violation for driving with a revoked license. A warrant was issued for her arrest, and she turned herself in to a police station in Edina shortly thereafter.

She was initially booked in Hennepin County, and, subsequently, Ramsey County.

A practicing Muslim born and raised in the U.S., Al-Kadi considers wearing her hijab “central to her faith,” and was wearing one at the time, along with an abaya, a light garment made of thin material, according to the lawsuit she later filed in federal court.

She was told by corrections workers to remove the articles while they searched her. She explained that her religious beliefs prohibited her from doing so in front of men. She was subsequently taken to a private room and ordered to remove her hijab again, even though male staffers were still present.

Her garments were returned and Al-Kadi was taken for a booking photo, where she was again instructed to remove her hijab.

Al-Kadi hesitated, and a female staffer attempted to forcefully remove it before Al-Kadi complied.

She was given a bed-sheet to wear in its place. The booking photo was later published online on a third-party website.

“It was one of the most humiliating and harmful experiences of my life,” Al-Kadi recalled Tuesday.

Upset, she went to the CAIR offices for help. Legal staff sent letters to Hennepin and Ramsey County demanding changes to their jail policies.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

CAIR Pennsylvania Poster Girl Resigns in Shame ... shame.html

Johnson-Harrell has turned herself in to Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s Office, pleading guilty on charges of perjury, record tampering, and embezzling over $500,000 in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security disability funds, as well as donations to Motivations Education and Consultation Associates (MECA), a charity she established to allegedly serve the mentally ill and drug addicted poor in her predominately African-American neighborhood.

During her brief period in office, Johnson-Harrell seemed to spend the majority of her time celebrating herself as the first Muslim woman elected to the state legislature, and helping to fundraise and advocate for the Hamas-linked Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Two months after being in office Johnson Harrell flew across the country to Washington State to stand with anti-Israel BDS supporter Congresswoman Ilhan Omar at a CAIR fundraiser with a separatist theme "Muslim Power for 2020 & Beyond."

Two months later she made an appearance at the Muslim Ummah of North America convention in Philadelphia over the July 4th weekend, where she shared the stage with numerous extremists all speaking out for a surge in Islamic political influence in American life. Johnson-Harrell added her political voice to this worrisome rhetoric, calling on Muslims to "occupy every space of this world."

Acknowledging her arrest, Movita Johnson-Harrell tweeted “"Allah v Akbar" (God is greater) expressing no regret or sorrow for the people she hurt, but instead positioning herself as a martyr, tweeting, “My life is one of service. If I have to suffer persecution to save one from the grave then God’s will, not mine be done.”

Meanwhile CAIR Philadelphia, which was so proud of Johnson-Harrell when she was elected the first Muslim woman to the Pennsylvania legislature, has not uttered a word about her pleading guilty to stealing over $500,000 from those who trusted her, which no doubt including members of the Muslim community.

In its end of year "An important message from CAIR" the Philadelphia chapter issued no criticism or regret for backing a candidate who was improperly vetted, even though her previous bankruptcy was in the public record.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

Two men accused of harassing Muslim family on I-85 charged ... f3fcfe2473

DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. -- DeKalb County has filed criminal charges against two men accused of harassing a Muslim couple on I-85 roughly a year earlier.

According to documents provided by CAIR Georgia, which is part of the nation's largest Muslim civil rights group, defendants Chase Reid Kersting and Christopher Lee Rusk both face individual charges stemming from the Nov. 24, 2018 incident.

One of the family members managed to capture the moments on a cell phone. That video was then turned over to police and CAIR. It showed the front seat passenger sticking his tongue out and flashing two middle fingers at the family's car. The video then shows the driver swerving into the family's lane and hitting the brakes.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Criticises CAA, SC Judgement on Ram Temple; Silent On Uighurs In China ... s-in-china

the Islamic organisation is very much silent on human rights violation in Balochistan which is fighting for its freedom from the Sunni Punjabi Muslim-dominated Pakistan.

Also, there was ubiquitous silence on China and its treatment of Uyghur Muslims. In the Abu Dhabi declaration passed by OIC, the Islamic organisation said, “We commend the efforts of the People’s Republic of China in providing care to its Muslim citizens,” which was a vindication for China when there is overwhelming evidence that over 10 lakh Uyghur Muslims are in concentration camps.

In all international forums, China has called these camps as “re-education camps” and according to the communists party, the camps help “to educate and save the local people of Xinjiang who were influenced by religious extremism.”
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

Queen is enemy of Islam and must die, says jail ‘emir’ ... -7d3ll7v0k

Islamist extremists hold Sharia trials and groom young Muslims in British prisons ... -2pq7ptjtp
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

China plans to rewrite Quran and the Bible, Islamic organisation in Malaysia threatens China to ‘not cross the redline’ ... anisation/

It adds, “Mr Wang stressed that religious authorities must follow President Xi’s instructions and interpret the ideologies of different religions in accordance with ‘the core values of Socialism’ and ‘the requirements of the era’.” The officials were also asked to come up with ‘a religious system with Chinese characteristics’.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by sanjaykumar »

No, religions need to be remain ossified in the bronze age tribalism that birthed them. That is a human right. Otherwise there may be book burnings of dogmas fashionably held to encode crimes against humanity.

The vociferous Left has not understood this point but I expect it to make explicit the stoning of harlots, adulterers, and pedophilia, the obligatory killing of gays, looting destruction and genocides, the inviolable established human rights of certain chosen peoples of books now held by academics to be works of fiction. Falsity cannot be excuse to assault people's cherished beliefs.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by darshan »

Collateral damage.

Islamic State Group In Nigeria Reportedly Executes Christian Hostages ... n-hostages
The terrorist group released a video on Thursday through its online news agency, Telegram, that reportedly shows masked militants from the Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP) shooting and stabbing 11 blindfolded men, the AFP and Reuters report.

ISWAP is an offshoot of terror group Boko Haram and declared its loyalty to ISIS in 2016. The group is now the most prominent Islamist terrorist group in the region, with more than three times as many fighters as the next-largest Islamic State faction in Egypt, according to research by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Aditya_V »

Quite Frankly this is not reported much in the Western press, sometimes I wonder if the powers that be who have a say in Media reportage etc have deceided to Hitler-Stalin style- spheres of influence pact where Asia and Africa have been put under Islamo fascists have been as rightful owners, so any islamic atrocity against Christians in these 2 continents will not get highlighted and given traction.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by sanjayc »

^^ I think West has no political objectives in Africa and anyway, they treat non-white Christians as chattel. Whites come in defense of christians only in heathen countries where they are funding conversion rackets as a strategic tool of conquest by other means
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Aditya_V »

I see a pattern atrocities done by Chinese, Taliban, Pakis, PFI ,in Kashmir, in Bangladesh etc against Christians go completely against the radar. Similarly in Iraq, Egpt, North Africa. They completely ignore these. No building up of cases etc. I definitely believe Africa and Asia have given in the sphere of influence.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by SBajwa » ... ahib-20998

Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) President Manjinder Singh Sirsa on Friday condemned an alleged mob attack on Gurdwara Nankana Sahib.

In a statement he issued on Friday evening, Sirsa said a mob led by Mohammad Hassan, a person who has been accused of allegedly “abducting” a Sikh woman, Jagjit Kaur, the daughter of a Granthi at Gurdwara Nankana Sahib, tried to break down the gurdwara gate.

He also claimed Hassan had addressed a gathering before the attack saying they would not allow Sikhs to reside at Nankana Sahib—a shrine that Sikhs consider holy because it is the birthplace of their first guru, Guru Nanak—and even threatened to rename the holy city as Ghulam Ali Mustafa.

Sirsa asked Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan to take firm action in the case, and also said that he would take up the issue at the United Nations.

Sirsa also urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take strong note of the incident, a video of which has since been viral
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Terroristan Thread

Thursday, 12 July 2018 : A Tribute to Lee Kuan Yew - Hugh Fitzgerald

Singapore has been in the news for other reasons recently, but its appearance on the world stage, however brief, may provide us with an excuse to consider the views on Islam of the founding father of Singapore, and its longest-serving Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, who died in 2015. Lee Kuan Yew lived in a multicultural city, with a Chinese majority and Indian and Muslim Malay minorities. All his political life, Lee Kuan Yew was aware of the need to keep the Muslim population in check. The laws he had passed, the regulations he enforced, were directed in large part to that end. He knew about Muslim efforts to convert others, and he made sure that any convert had to immediately register with the government, so such efforts could be monitored, and then countered, by the government. A study of all the ways that Lee Kuan Yew dealt with Muslims, and took careful note of, and combated, their natural aggressiveness and political machinations in tiny Singapore, an island of mostly Unbelievers — 3/4 of whom are Chinese — in a Muslim sea, should be instructive for Western leaders, who have the same problem and as yet only timid and confused ideas as to how to solve it.

Wikileaks revealed that Lee Kuan Yew had called Islam “a venomous religion.” He made sure to limit the numbers of Muslims in Singapore’s armed forces, suggesting their religion made them a possible danger to their non-Muslim fellow soldiers. In his “The Malays in Singapore,” he wrote that “if, for instance, you put in a Malay officer who’s very religious and who has family ties in Malaysia in charge of a machine gun unit, that’s a very tricky business.” It was under his leadership that the government instituted a ban on hijabs and other Muslim headscarves in both the police forces and nursing jobs. Lee Kuan Yew also substantially reduced government funding for madrasas, while increasing support for secular education. His government carefully monitored the mosques, both for the content of the imam’s sermons, and for any foreign (especially Saudi) sources of financial support that might lead to a mosque being “radicalized.” Clearly he understood the danger of Islam.

Lee Kuan Yew had, after all, originally declared Singapore’s independence from Malaysia because the Muslim Malays rejected meritocracy, and insisted on giving economic advantage to themselves. All Malays were required to be counted as Muslims (even if some were not), and all Muslims benefited from a disguised jizyah tax on non-Muslims which is called the “Bumiputra.” Although the word means “sons of the soil,” it is not the indigenous Malaysian tribes that benefit from the “Bumiputra” policy, but Malay Muslims alone.

According to this “Bumiputra” idea, all economic undertakings, all examples of entrepreneurial flair, must have Muslim Malays as their full partners. Two Chinese who wish to open, for example, a computer consulting company, or an architectural firm, are required to take on a Muslim Malay (but not a Hindu, nor another Chinese) as a full partner, with an equal financial stake — even though he need not contribute a thing. This is simply a way to ensure that the Muslims can continue to live on the backs of non-Muslims, who fulfill part of the traditional status of dhimmi by what is in effect a jizyah payment. In his book Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going, Lee Kuan Yew urged Muslims to be “less strict’ in their interpretation of Islam. And he also wrote in the same book that “I think we were progressing very nicely [in limiting the power of political Islam] until the surge of Islam came, and if you asked me for my observations, the other communities have easier integration – friends, inter-marriages and so on – than Muslims… I would say, today, we can integrate all religions and races, except Islam.”

As we look around the world, hasn’t the same problem of the failure of Muslims to integrate into non-Muslim societies arisen everywhere? Why should it be any different from what Lee Kuan Yew observed in Singapore? For Muslims around the world read the same Qur’an and Hadith, that offers the same description of non-Muslims as “the most vile of creatures,” the same commands — more than 100 — to wage violent Jihad against them, the same instruction “not to take Christians and Jews [or any other non-Muslims] as friends, for they are friends only with each other.”

Spare a thought for modern Singapore’s creator, Lee Kuan Yew, and take the opportunity to look into his unvarnished understanding, throughout his long political career, of the menace of Islam, and the various means he deployed — diminished funding for madrasas, limits on the Muslim presence in the armed forces, strict monitoring, through reporting requirements, of Muslim conversion efforts, bans on the hijab and other head covers for police and nurses — to comprehensively hold Islam in check. And it worked. Muslim Malays today make up 14% of the population of Singapore, just about the same percentage as in 1990. The Bumiputra system, which has unsurprisingly done damage economically to Malaysia, was successfully kept out of meritocratic Singapore. The results are there for all to see:

Malaysia has exports of $227.70 billion, while Singapore,with one-sixth its population, has exports of $435.80 billion. The GDP of Malaysia is $304 billion, and of Singapore — with that much tinier population, has a GDP of $275 billion. The GDP per capita is $16,800 for Malaysia, and $60,800.00 for Singapore, an astonishing difference given that they began from roughly the same starting point, forming a single political unit at independence.

If Singapore is an economic powerhouse today, it is because Lee Kuan Yew guided it to a successful separation from overwhelmingly Muslim Malaysia, kept the Muslim Malays in Singapore from increasing their numbers by monitoring campaigns of conversion, and limited the freedom of those conducting such conversions whenever they appeared to be too successful. Further, the madrasas were kept largely free from foreign funding, while government support for them was deliberately diminished. Local Muslims knew they were being watched by a government unafraid to take them on — the government of the authoritarian, far-seeing, no-nonsense Lee Kuan Yew. Few governments in the democratic and far too tolerant West could follow his hard-headed example. But for authoritarian regimes run by secular Muslims — such as the five Islamic republics in Central Asia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan — the example of Lee Kuan Yew, who for decades was unafraid to constrain the forces of Islam in Singapore, remains relevant, useful, and even inspiring.

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by tapan » ... ccounter=1

Fire jihad in Australia? The unconventional and lethal weapon of the Islamic State

Could there be a Jihadi link to the wildfires that have been ravaging Australia?

Fire Jihad is not a new concept and has been a threat for several years now. An Al-Qaeda magazine had in an article titled 'Unleash Hell,' had described in detail how to start a huge forest fire across the United States.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Haresh »

How long until there are no Jews left in France?
Gavin Mortimer ... -in-france

Two years ago I wrote on this platform that France is the most ‘dangerous European country for Jews’ – and so it remains.

Anti-Semitic attacks in 2018 soared by 74 per cent on the previous year and the figures for the beginning of 2019 have revealed a 78 per cent increase on the same period in 2018.

‘Jews, who make up less than one per cent of the population, are subjected to more than half the racist acts committed in France,’ said Francis Kalifat last week. Kalifat, who is president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF), believes the number of victims is actually higher. ‘A lot of people don’t make an official complaint,’ he said. ‘Either because it serves no purpose or because they fear reprisals.’

French Jews are right to be scared. Twelve have been killed specifically because of their religion since 2003; the most recent was Sarah Halimi in 2017, battered to death by her Muslim neighbour, Kobili Traoré, whose blows were accompanied by cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’. Traoré and his family had reportedly verbally abused the elderly Jewish woman on numerous occasions and he admitted that seeing a Jewish candelabra and a Hebrew prayer book in Halimi’s apartment had inflamed his drug-addled mind. Last month a court showed compassion to Traoré, declaring that he was ‘criminally irresponsible’ for his actions because he ‘was not aware’ of the adverse effects of regular cannabis smoking.

The verdict caused uproar within the Jewish community, reinforcing the belief among some that they are being abandoned by a government more interested in appeasing the country’s Islamists. Jews can certainly expect little support from the left, once their firm ally in the face of far-right anti-Semitism. Despite the deaths of so many Jews in recent years, the preoccupation of the left is what they perceive as the scourge of Islamophobia. In November several leading figures on the French left attended a Stop Islamophobia march in Paris where some demonstrators chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’.

French Jews staged their own demonstration after the decision not to convict Traoré of murder, and among those present was the victim’s brother, William Attal, who has compared his sister’s case to that of Alfred Dreyfuss. ‘There is a willing blindness on behalf of the French authorities to see and do justice,’ he said.

This view was echoed last month by France’s Chief Rabbi Haïm Korsia, who in an open letter to the Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet warned that the decision not to prosecute Traoré for murder amounted to a ‘licence to kill the Jews’.

It is also likely to accelerate the emigration of France’s Jewish population. In recent years an estimated 55,000 have left France for Israel, with Paris and Marseille experiencing the greatest exodus.

Of the Jews that remain many have moved into neighbourhoods where there is a greater feeling of safety in numbers, what has been dubbed the ‘little Aliyah’. In Aulnay-sous-Bois, a district of Seine-Saint-Denis in northern Paris, the number of Jewish families has fallen from 600 to 100 in recent years. ‘Ten years ago acts of anti-Semitism were carried out by adults,’ said François Pupponi, a local politician. ‘Today these acts are committed mainly by kids of 14 and 15, steeped in delusions about the Israel-Palestine question.’

Stories of daily intimidation are legion, such as the one told recently to Le Figaro by Jessica, who lives in a northeastern suburb of Paris. Describing how her son was beaten up by a gang of thugs, she said. ‘About fifty people just watched without moving. But they shouted at me, “Shame it’s not Gaza, so we could exterminate the Jews”. What’s become of France?’

The answer can be found in some of the books published this month to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Among the most instructive is Bernard Rougier’s The Territory conquered by Islamism. In a radio interview this week Rougier described the ‘Islamist eco-system’ in France, explaining its success on a soft-power strategy between certain Middle Eastern states and homegrown Islamists, in which imams preach anti-Western sermons from mosques and young children receive similar messages in a network of clandestine Koranic schools. The Islamists’ task is allegedly made easier by some left-wing local councils who have found that turning a blind eye makes their lives easier, and also increases the chance of their re-election.

There are 460,000 Jews left in France, and they desperately need more than just the occasional facile tweet from their president about how ‘Jews are and make France’. It happens after every new anti-Semitic outrage but virtue signalling is of no value.

The truth is that the French establishment is in denial, and has adopted the ‘See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’ approach. Yet evil there is. As one of the Halimi’s family’s lawyers put it this week, the leniency shown to Sarah’s killer ‘is a warning that society is becoming sick’. If this sickness isn’t treated then there will come a day in the not-too-distant future when there won’t be a Jew left in France.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Manish_P »

Al taqqia on seeing the blowback ?

Saudi Arabia to stop funding mosques in foreign countries
Former Saudi minister of justice, Mohammed Bin Abdul-Karim Issa, has announced that his country will stop funding mosques in foreign countries, reported on Friday.

According to the Swiss newspaper, Le Matin Dimanche, Saudi Arabia is to establish local administrative councils for each mosque, in cooperation with the local authorities, in order to hand over these mosques to “secure hands”.
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

German far right arrests reveal 'shocking' mosque attack plan – AFP

Members of a German extreme-right group arrested last week were believed to have been plotting “shocking” large-scale attacks on mosques similar to the ones carried out in New Zealand last year, the government said on Monday.

Officials said that investigations into 12 men detained in police raids across Germany on Friday had indicated they planned major attacks, following media reports over the weekend the group aimed to launch several simultaneous mass-casualty assaults on Muslims during prayers.

“It's shocking what has been revealed here, that there are cells here that appear to have become radicalised in such a short space of time,” interior ministry spokesman Bjoern Gruenewaelder told reporters at a Berlin press conference.

“It is the task of the state, and of course of this government, to protect free practice of religion in this country, with no reference to what religion it might be,” Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert said.

“Anyone practising their religion in Germany within our legal order should be able to do so without being endangered or threatened”.

Suspended policeman

According to media reports, the group planned to use semi-automatic weapons to copy last March's attacks in Christchurch in New Zealand in which 51 people were killed at two mosques.

Investigators learned about the plot from someone who had infiltrated the group, the reports said.

The alleged leader of the group, who was known to the authorities and whose meetings and chat activity had been under observation, had detailed his plans at a meeting organised with his accomplices last week.

According to German daily Bild, the leader was a 53-year-old from Augsburg named by investigators as Werner S.

Prosecutors said on Friday they had launched early morning raids to determine whether the suspects already had weapons or other supplies that could be used in an attack.

Of the 12 men arrested on Friday, four are believed to have founded the group while eight more had promised to support them with money and weapons.

The suspects, all of whom are German citizens, also included a police officer previously suspended over his links to the far right, North-Rhine Westphalia state interior minister Herbert Reul said on Friday.

Bild claimed to have identified him as Thorsten W., a 50-year-old medieval history enthusiast whose posts online included pictures of himself with a sword and shield and rants describing Germany as a “radical left dictatorship”.

German authorities have turned increased attention to the country's underground extreme right scene since the murder of conservative local politician Walter Luebcke last June.

In an October attack on a synagogue in eastern city Halle, an assailant armed with home-made weapons killed two people at random on the street and in a Turkish restaurant after failing to breach the temple's solid wooden door.

Interior ministry spokesman Gruenewaelder said police have identified around 50 extreme right adherents as “dangerous” individuals who could carry out a violent attack, compared with 660 Islamists and fewer than 10 far-left extremists.

In the summer of 2019, authorities arrested more than 30 people linked to a neo-Nazi movement called “Northern Cross”.

They were suspected of planning to murder a number of leftwing and pro-migrant figures after ordering body bags and quicklime, a chemical often spread at mass grave sites, regional newspaper group RND reported.

On Monday, Gruenewaelder said that the latest arrests “prove that the security services are remaining vigilant”.

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BRF Oldie
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

Angela Merkel condemns 'poison' of racism after Hanau shootings – AFP

BERLIN: German chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday condemned the "poison" of hatred and racism running through German society, after a suspected right-wing extremist shot dead nine people at a shisha bar and a cafe in the city of Hanau.

"Racism is a poison, hatred is a poison and this poison exists in our society and it is already to blame for far too many crimes, " Merkel told reporters.

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