European Union: Positive News

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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Singha »

my buddy is flying from usa to run the paris marathon in april. I have told him to keep a yellow jacket in his backpack and "blend into the woodwork" should the gilets jaunes storm the streets again. teach himself some french nara e taqbeer slogans.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by UlanBatori »

Isn't it dangerous? Goons-ul-Macronis will be looking for ppl with yellow vests?
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Singha »

UlanBatori wrote:Isn't it dangerous? Goons-ul-Macronis will be looking for ppl with yellow vests?
a tactical player will arm himself both with normal dress and gilets jaunes robes. use as the combat situation develops and who has the upper hand.
if these people can loot and burn hugo boss and louis vuitton flagship stores in the champs des elysses i would not be surprised if they can grab french nukular weapons in st dizier or burn the verseilles palace too.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by UlanBatori »

The mob appears to have changed from 282,000 curious and drunkern "protestors" aiming to get laid, to 10,000 shop-looters. Macaroni calls that a positive development. May soon "reduce" to 5000 soosai bummers.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by UlanBatori »

Macaroni mad: Polis chief fired
The French government sacked the top police official in Paris on Monday following another weekend of rioting in the capital during “yellow vest” protests which have put President Emmanuel Macron on the defensive. The police’s failure to keep the Paris protests from spiralling out of control over the weekend again cast a harsh spotlight on their tactics. About 5,000 police were deployed in the capital on Saturday, far outnumbering the several hundred black-clad rioters who caused havoc in front of groups of often passive policemen for more than seven hours on the famed Champs-Elysees. Business owners were left fuming Monday, as Macron cut short his skiing holiday to meet top ministers to discuss the 18th consecutive Saturday of “yellow vest” demonstrations. “The events of last Saturday, in particular on the Champs-Elysees, were unacceptable and the president asked the government to provide a response that was up to the needs of the situation,” Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said in a televised statement.
After criticising “inappropriate” instructions on the use of rubber bullets given to security forces, he announced that the head of Paris police, 66-year-old Michel Delpuech, had been fired and would be replaced on Wednesday. He said French authorities would ban rallies on the Champs-Elysees and elsewhere if hooligans were detected there, adding that fines would be increased from 38 to 135 euros for people attending unauthorised protests.
While the public’s safety remains a priority, “the outburst of violence justifies a firm (police) response,” Philippe told France 2 television on Monday evening.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Paul » ... t=business
A demographic shift has left the Spanish countryside with hundreds of ghost villages, telling tales of people like Gustavo Iglesias.

Iglesias, like others in the hamlet of Acorrada in the northern Spanish region of Galicia, moved to a larger town for work, leaving behind a village with six gray-stone houses and two horreos, or grain stores, overlooking a lush valley. His family had lived there for generations, growing wheat and tending to cows, but by the time his father died about 30 years ago, it had emptied out, abandoned and left to crumble.

Now, the 57-year old—who works as a port policeman in Burela, a fishing town on the Galician coast—has joined with other owners to put the hamlet up for sale, trying to give it a new life. The asking price? Just 85,000 euros, or $96,000.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by nithish »

spain's third election in four years this Sunday

40 years after Spain’s return to democracy, a far-right party rises
After elections Sunday, Vox will likely be the first far-right party to enter parliament since Spain’s return to democracy 40 years ago.

The setting was fraught with symbolism: Barcelona, the capital of Spain’s prosperous northeastern region of Catalonia, is the heart of a regional secessionist drive that prompted an angry backlash of Spanish nationalism and helped lead to the rise of Vox.

Questions of national unity and identity have defined this spring’s general election — Spain’s third in four years — which Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez called after failing to pass a national budget in February.

“It’s a very emotional election,” said José Ignacio Torreblanca, director of the European Council on Foreign Relations in Madrid. “It’s very contested, very polarized, with a big question mark over where voters are going to go with … national identity, with identification in relation to Catalonia.”

Analysts predict that no single party will gain a majority, meaning that parties will need to make coalitions in order to form a government. A coalition government would cement a new era of political fragmentation in Spanish politics, which had reliably seen a parliament ruled by the conservative People’s Party or the Socialist Workers Party since the country’s transition to democracy following the death of Franco in 1975.

In the background of the election is the Catalan independence crisis, which came to a head in October 2017 when separatists held an independence referendum deemed unconstitutional by the Spanish government. While the referendum only drew 40% of eligible voters, 90% of them voted to secede, and three weeks later, Carles Puigdemont, the region’s president at the time, declared independence — leading to Spain’s deepest constitutional crisis since its return to democracy.

In response, the Spanish government, then led by the conservative Popular Party, fired the Catalan parliament, wrested control of the region, began arresting the movement’s leaders and called for fresh regional elections in December.

At the time, separatists and some on the left criticized the Spanish government for acting with impunity.

But Spaniards on the right didn’t think the Popular Party went far enough.

Former supporters of the Popular Party turned toward alternative parties like Vox and Citizens — a center-right group known for its firm stance against Catalan independence — who reject negotiation with separatists and call for another takeover of the region.

“You have to vote for Vox, because around a year ago Mariano Rajoy abandoned us,” said José Lopez, 29, a Barcelona resident at the Thursday event, referring to the Popular Party prime minister. “You have to bring order back to Spain.”

Rajoy was ousted in June following a vote of no confidence regarding a corruption scandal in his party. Socialist Sánchez formed a minority government with the backing of Catalan independentistas, leading his critics to accuse him of being too friendly with the separatists.

But the same separatists failed to back his February budget, forcing him to call elections.

Vox was founded in 2013 when a few members of the Popular Party broke off to form their own party with a tougher stance on Basque and Catalan nationalism.

At the time, the party was small and wielded little influence, unlike nationalist, anti-immigrant right-wing movements that were spreading across Europe.

But in December, Vox gained a footing in politics when it won 11% of the vote in Andalusian regional elections, surpassing expectations and helping to oust the Socialists who had held power there for 36 years.

In the years since its founding, the party has adopted the populist playbook. Vox stokes fear of immigrants, demonizes feminists and urges a return to Spanish values in a country corrupted by “left-wing extremists.”

Most essential to its platform is its call for Spanish unity.

The party — whose supporters are primarily 25- to 44-year-old middle- to middle-upper-class men, according to Spain’s Center for Sociological Investigations — also employs language associated with Franco’s dictatorship and the Spanish age of conquest.

Vox leaders call for the “reconquest” of Spain, harkening back to the 800-year Spanish campaign, completed in 1492, to expel Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula. They appeal to Spanish nationalism and urge their followers to “thank God for having been born in the fatherland.”

At the Barcelona event, a congressional candidate played the song “El Novio de la Muerte,” a song associated with the Spanish Legion, a military body that Franco commanded in the 1920s.

“In all of this vocabulary, there is clearly a substratum of anti-democratism, of Francoism,” said Matilde Eiroa San Francisco, a journalism professor at the University of Carlos III of Madrid. “They don’t negate it.”

Vox’s rise also underscores a deep conflict in Spanish society about how to interpret Franco’s 40-year dictatorship.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by ricky_v »

sweeden banning its heritage.....thats how you know you are in present day oirope gents. ... to-hatred/
The Swedish Government is trying to make certain runes from the runic alphabet, as well as some old Norse Scandinavian symbols illegal.
Their official reason for banning the runes is that Nazis used some of them during the second world war, for example the Odal rune that means O and the Tyr/Tiwaz rune that means T.
Reportedly, the Social Democratic Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson is behind the initiative.
According to the proposal, Old Norse symbols and jewelry may also be banned as incitement to hatred. This includes Mjolnir, hammer of the Norse God Thor, the Valknut/Odin’s knot and the Vegvisir.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by UlanBatori »
Race to become next Captain Of The Titanic:
Four candidates have confirmed their intention to stand:
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt
International Development Secretary Rory Stewart
Former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson
Former Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey
However, more than a dozen more are believed to be seriously considering running - including Sir Graham, who has resigned as chair of the 1922 Committee.
Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd has ruled herself out, telling the Daily Telegraph: "I don't think it is my time at the moment."

Most bookmakers have Mr Johnson as favourite, in front of former Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab and Mr Gove.
Who's standing?
Kuenssberg: May was overwhelmed
Tory MPs have until the week commencing 10 June to put their name forward, and any of them (124,000) can stand - as long as they have the backing of two parliamentary colleagues.
The candidates will be whittled down until two remain, and in July all party members will vote to decide on the winner.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by UlanBatori »

Le Neuj Bojitive de Les Poliz Oiropeanne
Oiropean Police are SOOOOOO HyoooManEater-ian in dealing with old folks!
WATCH Frogistani riot polis knock down elderly woman… during rally for 80yo who died after getting hit by tear gas grenade
Apparently Le Morale de Finest les Francaise is down deeper than that of Inspecteur Clouseau and his Superior The Chief Inspector.
Zineb Redouane. A resident of the city and of Algerian origins, she died in hospital last December at the age of 80 – a day after she was hit in the face by a tear gas grenade, launched by riot police during a turbulent Yellow Vests rally
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by UlanBatori »

Swedish Church becomes PC

Not just gender PC but racial PC as well. Fig leaves in the wrong places obscure essential details on pencil sharpening etc.

Sorry if it causes offence to anyone: none intended.
A church in Malmo has a new altarpiece meant to celebrate inclusivity by replacing Adam and Eve in paradise with gay couples in suggestive poses, while depicting the serpent tempting them as a transgender woman.

The controversial work of art is not new. Photographer and artist Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin painted it in 2012 and tried to donate it to the Skara Cathedral just before the church was preparing to conduct the first same-sex wedding in its 1,000-year history.

The openly lesbian artist, who has a history of blending religious imagery with pro-minority activism, said at the time that she wanted to test if the Church of Sweden was as gay-friendly as it claimed to be when it embraced same-sex marriage in 2009. The Skara Cathedral politely declined the gift, saying it was about political activism and not faith.

But over seven years have passed, and now Wallin has got her way, even if it isn’t in her home city. St. Paul’s Church in Malmo accepted the painting called “Paradise” as its new altarpiece and unveiled it on Sunday, the first day of Advent. Helena Myrstener, the pastor, said that “history was written” in the hanging of the “LGBT altarpiece” as she tweeted a photo of the painting.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by UlanBatori »

In La Phrogistan, its OK to commit murder if one is "Bissfull and high"
Chief Rabbi Haim Korsia excoriated the French justice system for excusing from trial the man who confessed to beating and throwing Jewish woman Sarah Halimi from her window – because he’d smoked too much marijuana.
Demanding to know “how deliberately taking considerable quantities of drugs exonerates an individual from responsibility,” Korsia called on the justice department to reinstate charges against Halimi’s confessed killer, Kobili Traore. In an open letter to Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet in Le Figaro on Wednesday, the rabbi demanded the prosecutor repair the “grave breach of trust” in the system by affirming Traore’s guilt and impose a respective sentence.

“Should it be inferred from this decision that every drug-addicted individual is licensed to kill Jews?” Korsia asked, pointing out that if consuming vast quantities of cannabis “exacerbated [Traore’s] anti-Semitic impulses, it means these impulses already existed!”

Traore confessed during a preliminary hearing to brutalizing and defenestrating Halimi, who lived in the same housing project, after breaking into her apartment on April 4, 2017.
Neighbors who called the police on hearing her cries for help also heard Traore shouting “Allahu akbar” and “Shaitan” (Satan) as he pummeled the woman for nearly an hour.
And Halimi had told relatives she was afraid of him after he called her daughter a “dirty Jewess” when they passed on the building’s staircase just weeks before the murder.
But the Paris Appeals Court on December 19 upheld a ruling excusing the 29-year-old from trial after two psychiatric assessments found he had suffered a “delusional episode” from excessive cannabis consumption. .
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Philip »

Pres.Putin shoved a spear up the Polish head honcho's backside by reading the history riot act to him about who started WW2.Angrily reacting to the EU passing a resolution blaming Russia of all nations ( who lost 27 million in the war), for starting WW2 along with the Nazis,

The 75th. anniversary of WW2 is approaching and the EU nations conveniently forget that the one-sided Treaty of Versailles,severely punishing Germany for WW1 was the foundation for the rise of Hitler and the Nazis.Their throwing Czechoslovakia under the bus to the rapacious Nazis ,with Neville Chamberlain's infamous " peace in our time" statement haunts us to the day, had Poland's approval!
The Ribbentrop- Molotov non-aggression pact between Germany and Russia was a device accepted by Stalin to gain time and prepare for the worst eventuality , a German invasion, which when it eventually came ,still had the Soviets unprepared.

Europe's insidious attempt to rewrite history as justification for NATO's eastward expansion and current induction of NATO forces into states bordering Russia , does nothing in reducing global tensions. Forgetting how first the Sudetenland, then Anchsluss and annexation of Austria- where the western powers turned a Nelsonian eye to, followed by sacrificing Czechoslovakia ,was one of the most shameful and disgusting acts of appeasement in history that encouraged Hitler to annexe Poland.The complicit Poles and Europeans as the bard would say,"doth protest too much"!
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by rgosain »

Philip wrote:Pres.Putin shoved a spear up the Polish head honcho's backside by reading the history riot act to him about who started WW2.Angrily reacting to the EU passing a resolution blaming Russia of all nations ( who lost 27 million in the war), for starting WW2 along with the Nazis,

The 75th. anniversary of WW2 is approaching and the EU nations conveniently forget that the one-sided Treaty of Versailles,severely punishing Germany for WW1 was the foundation for the rise of Hitler and the Nazis.Their throwing Czechoslovakia under the bus to the rapacious Nazis ,with Neville Chamberlain's infamous " peace in our time" statement haunts us to the day, had Poland's approval!
The Ribbentrop- Molotov non-aggression pact between Germany and Russia was a device accepted by Stalin to gain time and prepare for the worst eventuality , a German invasion, which when it eventually came ,still had the Soviets unprepared.

Europe's insidious attempt to rewrite history as justification for NATO's eastward expansion and current induction of NATO forces into states bordering Russia , does nothing in reducing global tensions. Forgetting how first the Sudetenland, then Anchsluss and annexation of Austria- where the western powers turned a Nelsonian eye to, followed by sacrificing Czechoslovakia ,was one of the most shameful and disgusting acts of appeasement in history that encouraged Hitler to annexe Poland.The complicit Poles and Europeans as the bard would say,"doth protest too much"!
Happy new year Phil.
As we turn the page to start a new decade it is very important to reflect on Philip's comment above as it provides a very succinct and informative description of European history that many europeans have forgotten and Indian liberals are totally unaware.
Whenever the Germany, EU or euros raise Kashmir, remind them that what they are proposing is no different to what Adolf Hitler expressed for the Sudetatland in 1938 (German speakers being the majority in the Sudetatent part of Czechoslovakia), that it should be annexed by Germany. It is not surprising that the Uk appeased and encouraged this dismemberment and takeover of czechoslovakia by the Germans, and still expects, today, that India should kow tow to China and Pak.
Phil's exposition is a refreshing blast of old school history that needs to be brought up more often.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by vishvak »

Shortly after, Austrian Nazis rioted and invited Hitler to invade, which he did in March, declaring Anschluss
I am always confused about how many factors caused world war in Europe while Europeans were preaching peace for colonization. But role of riot mongers seems to be a given thing. There won't be many amrican fanboy s gate crashing this topic for one. Amongst big German words, between the lines it is not rioting if Nazi do that.

Don't forget ajmer's Rotherham scandal
link, which is also why power is needed just to avoid this kind of tk all.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by nachiket »

Philip wrote:Pres.Putin shoved a spear up the Polish head honcho's backside by reading the history riot act to him about who started WW2.Angrily reacting to the EU passing a resolution blaming Russia of all nations ( who lost 27 million in the war), for starting WW2 along with the Nazis,

Um, so the part about Russia invading Poland from the east when the Germans invaded from the west in order to carve out the country between the two of them should be completely ignored is it?
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Lisa »

Also Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact never happened. You see Molotov was a non state actor.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Aditya_V »

Regarding Poland Western Belarus was acquired by Poland only in 1920 when Red Army led by Timesenkho and one Mr Stalin was defeated nearly ending Mr Stalin's career. Plus the blood fued between the Poles and Russians from the days of the Russian empire. That's why the Soviets and Free Polish Army always hated each other. Stalin did the Katlyn massacre due to his personal hatred. The free Polish Army also refused to fight the Nazis with the Red army in 1941/ 1942 always claiming one excuse or the other and finally were asked to leave the Soviet Union since they did not show any enthusiasm to fight along with Soviets. All this created panic when the Red Armies success in operation Bagration and Poles wanted to do something to liberate Warsaw when the Nazis were in coma post the 20 July assassination plot. Nobody expected Hilter and Nazis would so ruthless against the Nazis when they were loosing the war and Stalin being the ruthless murderer he was decided to wait it out
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Aditya_V »

Poland also annexed a part of Chechslovakia to loosely ally with Hitler when he invaded that country
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Aditya_V »

Poland also annexed a part of Chechslovakia to loosely ally with Hitler when he invaded that country . Poland also had non agression pact with Nazi Germany in 1934
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by UlanBatori »

I know it is inappropriate to poke fun at teenager, BUT...ArrTeedotcom is having a field day with Mohterma Gretaji.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Rony »

UlanBatori wrote:I know it is inappropriate to poke fun at teenager, BUT...ArrTeedotcom is having a field day with Mohterma Gretaji.
No one takes the britshit beep down like RT does. Loved it. All they do is to promote and give space to anti-establishment figures from their 'target' countries. Not much different from what NYT/Beep/Wapo/CNN do to India and other 'target' countries. When will DD/Republic/Timesnow/WION/NewsX play this game ?
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by chetak »

x posted from the political thread

It's high time that we did a similar thing here.

France to stop foreign Imams from entering the country in an effort to counter “Islamic extremism and separatism”

France to stop foreign Imams from entering the country in an effort to counter “Islamic extremism and separatism”

"I won't let any foreign country feed a cultural, religious or identity-related separatism on our Republic's ground," French President Emmanuel Macron said

FEBRUARY 20, 2020

Highlighting the risk of “separatism” and “foreign interference” in the way Islam is practised in the country, the French President Emmanuel Macron on February 18 (Tuesday) announced that his administration would restrict other countries from sending imams and Islamic teachers to France after the year 2020. Every year around 300 Imams go to France from countries all across the world.

Addressing a news conference during his visit to the eastern city of Mulhouse, Macron said he would gradually put a stop to the practice in which foreign countries deploy imams to France to preach in mosques and teach Islam to students.

He said that this step was necessary to curb Islamic Extremis and terrorist activities in France. “This end to the consular Islam system is extremely important to curb foreign influence and make sure everybody respects the laws of the republic,” said the French President.

Macron asserted that his administration had asked the French Muslim Council (CFCM), the body representing Islam in France, to instead focus on training imams on French territory and ensuring they can speak French and not spread radical Islamist views.

The French President opined that though it is true that not all terrorists are Muslims, however, most such terror-related cases have links with Islamic terrorism. This is why such rigid steps were being taken, said Macron.

He furthered that France will establish bilateral agreements with other countries to allow French authorities to have control over school courses and their content starting in September.

“From September, the teaching of culture, and in foreign languages, will be removed from everywhere on Republic soil,” Macron said.

According to Macron, 300 imams are sent to France each year. Those who come in 2020 would be the last intake, he said. “The problem is when in the name of a religion, some want to separate themselves from the Republic and therefore not respect its laws,” Macron said adding that after September this year, foreign Muslim Imams would be banned from entering France.

“Mosques financed with transparency with imams trained in France and respectful of the Republican values and principles, that’s how we will create the conditions so that Muslims in France can practice freely their religion,” Macron said.

France has agreements with nine countries, including Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey, under which their governments can send teachers to French schools to teach languages to students originally from these countries. Macron said he has reached an agreement to end the practice with all of these countries except Turkey.

“I won’t let any country, whatever it is, feed separatism,” Macron said. “You can’t have Turkish law on French soil. That can’t be.” He added that “Turkey today can make the choice to follow that path with us or not, but I won’t let any foreign country feed a cultural, religious or identity-related separatism on our Republic’s ground.”

In 2018, France Prime Minister Edouard Philippe had also announced steps including creation of isolation zones for Islamist militants in France’s prisons and more scrutiny on the licensing of faith-based schools that opt out of the state-funded system to combat what he called a “slow-burning threat from Islamist radicalization”.

“Islamist radicalization is a threat to our society, and not just when it leads to violence. It’s a challenge every time the law of the state is respected only if compatible with religious tenets,” the Prime Minister had said.

France has been long combating Islamic radicalisation and violent extremism. Children radicalisation is also growing in France and often results in excessive measures. We had reported how two radicalised teens had wanted to blow up the Eiffel Tower after embracing Islam in 2016.

In 2015, a string of deadly attacks was carried out by Islamist militants, including the massacres at the Charlie Hebo satirical magazine and Bataclan music venue.

In February 2018, the French government presented a new plan to combat Islamist threat in a 60-measure document entitled “Prevent to Protect.” The plan, presently in place, calls for a cross-disciplinary approach, including the reinforcement of secularism in schools and a “greater awareness of radicalization” in the workplace.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by NRao »

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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by ramana »

UB you started this thread in 2016!!!
UlanBatori wrote:Sorry I couldn't find the Eu dhaga and this is not quite enough to be allowed in the EU Bojitive Neuj.
A study by the European Center for Law and Justice in Strasbourg has revealed several conflicts of interest between judges at the European Court of Human Rights and NGOs funded by George Soros.
The European Center for Law and Justice is an NGO which often appears at the court to campaign on social, family and religion-related issues. I am proud to be listed as a research fellow at the ECHR but in reality I have written only one article for the center’s website and I receive no salary from it. I had no role in writing the report.
The study has found that, out of the 100 judges who have served on the bench of the European Court of Human Rights in the period 2009-2019, nearly a quarter (22) have strong links to George Soros’ Open Society Foundation or to NGOs like Amnesty International and others which are funded by it. Human Rights Watch, for instance, has received $100 million from the Open Society Foundation since 2010.
Some of the NGOs receive so much of their budget from Soros that they are in effect wholly owned subsidiaries of his foundation.
The links between the judges and the NGOs are substantial. They include working for years as members of the board of directors or executive council of these NGOs; having teaching posts at institutes funded by them; being a salaried director of programs for the Open Society Foundation or associated NGOs; and undertaking other forms of paid work for them. The full list of these links can be found on pages seven and eight of the report.
A good example is that of the Bulgarian Yonko Grozev who, as leader of the Open Society Justice Initiative, defended the Pussy Riot case against Russia in 2018 before being elected as a judge of the court shortly thereafter.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by ricky_v »

Image ... ebt-video/
The payment will be made by Sweden’s Riksbank, which is the country’s central bank. The proposal submitted to the Swedish Parliament, which was been made available on its official website, justifies the move by claiming that Somalia has been unable to take out new loans from the IMF “for a long time” because the African country hasn’t been making its debt or interest payments.

The proposal also says that Somalia’s inability to repay its IMF debt has prevented it from getting access to other forms of aid and loans, which in turn has negatively impacted the country’s economy.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by chanakyaa »

Not sure if this is the right place for the video, because the subject is serious. Europe's (all new countries which came later) crimes against the natives is well documented and the information is quite known. SO, nothing new here. Posting a recent documentary from DW which captures "Colonial crimes". This documentary captures only the human zoos. I'm sure one full lifetime is not enough to study all their crimes, assuming records have not been destroyed.
"The barbarian is, first and foremost, the man who believes in barbarism" Claude Lévi-Strauss.

For more than a century, people were taken from their homelands and exhibited in human zoos. They were displayed alongside animals. This little known and deeply disturbing part of colonial history played an important part in the development of modern racism.

Between 1810 and 1940, nearly 35 thousand people were exhibited in world fairs, colonial exhibitions, zoos, freak shows, circuses and reconstructed ethnic villages in Europe, America and Japan. Some 1.5 billion visitors attended these events....
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by sanjaykumar »

Of much greater import is why these histories remain largely unknown.

White fragility is an astute conceptualisation of a self serving collective amnesia.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Vayutuvan »

chanakyaa wrote:
"The barbarian is, first and foremost, the man who believes in barbarism" Claude Lévi-Strauss.
This man, Claude LS is considered to be one of the foremost thinkers and philosophers of modern times.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Cyrano »

EAM Dr. S. Jaishankar at the Centre for European Policy Studies on future EU-India relations - expect lot of welcome action soon.

Post-Brexit EU needs India to strengthen itself and have some decent agenda for the future to stay together.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Vips »

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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by sanjaykumar »

Greece has an interesting history. The parallel with India is significant. When they overthrew the Turks, the Arabic script was banned. Their version of Urdu was also banned, in favour of unbastar dised Greek.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by kit »

not a positive news

Out of 26 Christian nations in Europe, 24 do not even recognise Hinduism as a religion. They practise such overt discrimination at home, yet target India for 'Christian persecution':
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by sanjaykumar »

This is sensible. Where are they going to get another such reservoir of souls for their own salvation.

Why get worked up about it? If Indians don’t classify XtianiTy as a personality cult, why need I worry?
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by Aditya_V »

nachiket wrote:
Philip wrote:Pres.Putin shoved a spear up the Polish head honcho's backside by reading the history riot act to him about who started WW2.Angrily reacting to the EU passing a resolution blaming Russia of all nations ( who lost 27 million in the war), for starting WW2 along with the Nazis,

Um, so the part about Russia invading Poland from the east when the Germans invaded from the west in order to carve out the country between the two of them should be completely ignored is it?
There is history to it, Munich Agreement, Poland Soviet war, polonization schemes. Since 1934 Poland along with the British was trying to get into an alliance with Nazis to finish the Soviets, for Stalin he wanted to wipe out the Poles. A lot of wrong on all sides.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by IndraD »

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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by IndraD »

Two French pilots beat each other up on Geneva to Paris flight at 35,000 ft height while the plane was on auto pilot mode.
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by SRajesh » ... 022-09-14/
My My What are we going to do with Full Democratic (Nazi arse kissing/open to Momeen hoard/blue-eyed blonde vikings :D )Sweden now
Look at the Right wing combo: The Moderates, Sweden Democrats, Christian Democrats and Liberals and check out the Sweden Democrats.
Next time any of these yobs talk of India/BJP/NaMo they should be reminded of their own complicity with the Nazi and also how Sweden's Cradle to Grave social security funding is rooted in the Nazi money(supplying Germans with iron/coal etc during the war) :eek:
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Re: European Union: Positive News

Post by IndraD »

Shocking read about Sweden, land of Greta Thunberg, where Muslim immigrants compelled left wing country to choose a RW govt: as an exhibit now in pockets of Stockholm ambulances, fire fighters can’t enter immigrant's ghettos (from ME, Africa) w/o police, there have been 500 powerful bomb explosions since 2018 & there r over 40 gangs shooting in the night at each other and at people. ... dium=email
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