2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by fanne »

Sorry disagree (and I know I am wrong, folks engage, it is fight for dharma, you have to fight with your voice at least), just move on. Bhais ke age bin bajane ka koi matlab nahi!!
If you are doing something else constructive (and for DHARMA), concentrate there. But if nothing better to do and wont effect your BP, engage. We are the only people in the world that stands for truth, Satmave Jayate!! Rest stand for either propaganda, sleight of hand or might is right. Look at their dictionary, while they have only few words for truth, they have 100 times more words that describe lies - lie, propaganda, manufactured consent, half truth......
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by fanne »

Yagnasri sir, I will sum up in one line the what motivates forces align against Bharat -1)One wants to harvest our soul so that it is easy to pursue any/all goals in this world and 2)Other wants to out bread us so that the land again becomes Darul Islam.

All foreign initiatives can be traced to the above two, including the motives and all actions of BIF (in India and outside).

You show me one action that cannot be logically traced to the above two, I will do whatever you ask.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by CRamS »


Wanted your insights on this. Even guesstimates are fine:

The BIF ecosystem keeps drum-beating this theme that "student/youth protests are raging across the country". Now not being on the ground, and just getting anecdotal reports from 'both sides', with each confirming their bias, I ask you, what is the real scale of these protests? There are possibly 1000s of colleges and institutions in India. Are majority of students in all of them erupting? Can you estimate a heat map of sorts?

Guys, another lament or contemptuous sight if you will that I notice is the sheer arrogance, ego, pomposity, and self righteousness of many of the elite Hindu, and dare I say, 'upper caste' protesters. One silly elitist Hindu woman even took issue with her libtard counterparts and said if Hindus are really serious about showing solidarity with their Muslim brethren, then they must convert to Islam as a sign of protest :-). Whom is she trying to suck up to?

Prime examples of this perverted bunch are Raguram Rajan and that classical Carnatic musician Krishnan. I don't know if these guys feign their extreme empathy, but for sure there is an element of sheer stupidity in the extreme positions they take. Because I assume both of these guys are Tamil Brahmins, and the Islamists and Dravidians on whose behalf they express so much solidarity; the former will wipe their sorry asses off the planet should they ever by in a majority (e.g., Kashmir valley), and the latter would spit on them for who they (Rajan/Krshnan) are.

I am not saying one cannot oppose CAA (although how one can rationally oppose such a benign and noble legislation is beyond me), but it makes me laugh in mockery to see elite Hindus go overboard. I don't think the people to whom they are so obsequious to are impressed one bit, except to consider them as 'useful idiots'.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Deans »

CRamS wrote:Ekalavya,

Wanted your insights on this. Even guesstimates are fine:

The BIF ecosystem keeps drum-beating this theme that "student/youth protests are raging across the country". Now not being on the ground, and just getting anecdotal reports from 'both sides', with each confirming their bias, I ask you, what is the real scale of these protests? There are possibly 1000s of colleges and institutions in India. Are majority of students in all of them erupting? Can you estimate a heat map of sorts?
The student protests `raging across the country' are mostly the same 4 campuses that have protested against almost everything affecting either Left or Islamist interests for decades - JNU, Jamia, AMU & Jadavpur. Back in 1983 JNU was virtually non functional for a year because of protests. In other campuses There are a small proportion of students in other places doing silent protests. I am aware of the situation in Bangalore where I've been a guest faculty. Some have joined protests as its the cool thing to do and their friends are hanging out there. Others are Muslim, asked to attend by their community elders. In one of the top colleges, students who were part of an open letter to the govt, quickly recanted when it was pointed out that potential employers would be able to see their names on the letter (since the students wanted it publicised).
Last edited by Deans on 12 Jan 2020 10:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vishvak »

You show me one action that cannot be logically traced to the above two, I will do whatever you ask
Let's not tie ourselves in knots. It's a privilege to follow good work (like Tejas LCA af/Navy); and it will be if govt pushes for more such towards eventual outcome s. One of my concern is that do gooders don't let take/steal benefits away because next iteration is cheaper option.
c. India should be a natural home for Hindus ( and other minorities from Islamic nations) in our part of the world.
This fact seems to have been missed by entire political dispensation on all sides. On the other hand pseudo-lefty ecosystem took over education for supporting govt once and added word like secular to constitution without definition or discussion.
Others are Muslim, asked to attend by their community elders.
Interference at college level by international ideologies?! If college students don't care to study the laws themselves without protesting then is it for others to support such behaviour.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Deans »

I've spoken to some protesting students in B'lore. None could coherently explain what CAA/NRC were about. While they had liberal views, which their youth entitles them to have, they sheepishly acknowledged that those from the North East protesting with them, were the exact opposite, in that they did not want ANY outsider - irrespective of religion, settling in their home state. The irony of them studying and working outside their state was lost.
I am a mentor to a well educated Muslim girl, who pretty much got a fatwa to attend protests, for which she had to skip her training at a leading IT company she had just joined. Virtually everything she had been told about CAA/NRC was wrong.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SRajesh »

Kakkaji wrote:Just watched Tanhaji. Good movie. No psec stuff. Unabashed 'Bhagwa' theme through the movie. 8)
I am not a historian but a history buff!!
It is more 'Bhagwa' on 'Bhagwa' don't U think
Look at the two main protagonist
Both dharmic one fighting for 'Mataram' and the other fighting for the 'Timurid Descendent' for some Thukda in Registhan
This has been and will be our constant problem sir!!!
Prithvi, Hemu, Shivaji, Ramaraya :x :evil:
Last edited by SRajesh on 12 Jan 2020 14:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Md Salim being a Communist can invite people on his son's wedding in the name of ALLAH.. but the commies tell Hindus that there is no god...

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by eklavya »

CRamS, Raghuram Rajan published this a few days ago:

A Resolution for the New Decade
When young people of diverse faiths march together, Hindus and Muslims arm-in-arm behind our national flag, rejecting artificial divides stoked by political leaders for their own gain, they show that the spirit of our constitution still burns brightly. When officers of the administrative service resign their dream jobs because they do not believe they can serve in good faith, they are living testimony that the sacrifices made by the generations that got us freedom still inspire emulation. When an Election Commissioner carries out his duties impartially despite the harassment it brings upon his family, he asserts that integrity has not been completely cowed. When some members of the media work tirelessly to get the truth out even as their colleagues succumb to government pressure, they demonstrate what it means to be a dutiful citizen of the Republic. And when a Bollywood actress registers her silent protest by meeting with the victims of the attack on JNU, even though she puts attendance at her latest movie at risk, she inspires us all to take stock of what is truly at stake.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SRajesh »

chetak wrote:
Md Salim being a Communist can invite people on his son's wedding in the name of ALLAH.. but the commies tell Hindus that there is no god...

Its no religion only for the 'Dharmic folks' whether UR Commie or otherwise.
All commies of Pissfuls/Evengelist faith are allowed to followed their faith but not the 'dharmic'
Umar Khalid or the other wimmen from Cashmore who had qualms of 'post box' get-up in Srinagar but not in JNU :D
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Karan M »

^^ Re: Raghuram Rajan, if the joker above had spent half as much time he spends on his linked in posts, his self publicity, as versus coming up with a proper gameplan for his actual role and stating that in the media, let alone sharing that with the GOI, we would have been better off.

In fact, everytime some chap like him crows in the completely cynical manner above - ignoring what his political party of choice did, and then brings up a PR agency driven Bollywood actress, he reduces himself further to a bigger laughing stock. Officers who resigned days before corruption probes, media types whose errors of commission and omission are being openly mocked by the general public.

Rajan says they are laudable. Almost as if he is overdosing on laudanum.

All Rajan has done is poison the well for many other well meaning professionals who despite being competent and neutral will now be regarded with an extra level of scrutiny thanks to his rampant hypocrisy, his political bias, when they apply for lateral positions in GOI. Their dreams of helping India progress will now have to face the Rajan effect. "Is this guy an actual doer, or will he turn out to be another Rajan" will be the question asked, and no wonder.

Even now, this GOI has chosen to ignore his asinine barbs and overweening ego, and let him attend seminars, conferences wherein they canvass for opinions. It speaks volumes about them and volumes about this twit, that despite the overwhelming courtesy extended to him he continues to try and muddy the very house he was invited into.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Press Trust of India Verified account @PTI_News

I told PM to withdraw CAA, NPR and NRC: Mamata

3:29 AM - 11 Jan 2020


I told katrina to marry me.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Karan M wrote:^^ Re: Raghuram Rajan, if the joker above had spent half as much time he spends on his linked in posts, his self publicity, as versus coming up with a proper gameplan for his actual role and stating that in the media, let alone sharing that with the GOI, we would have been better off.

In fact, everytime some chap like him crows in the completely cynical manner above - ignoring what his political party of choice did, and then brings up a PR agency driven Bollywood actress, he reduces himself further to a bigger laughing stock. Officers who resigned days before corruption probes, media types whose errors of commission and omission are being openly mocked by the general public.

Rajan says they are laudable. Almost as if he is overdosing on laudanum.

All Rajan has done is poison the well for many other well meaning professionals who despite being competent and neutral will now be regarded with an extra level of scrutiny thanks to his rampant hypocrisy, his political bias, when they apply for lateral positions in GOI. Their dreams of helping India progress will now have to face the Rajan effect. "Is this guy an actual doer, or will he turn out to be another Rajan" will be the question asked, and no wonder.

Even now, this GOI has chosen to ignore his asinine barbs and overweening ego, and let him attend seminars, conferences wherein they canvass for opinions. It speaks volumes about them and volumes about this twit, that despite the overwhelming courtesy extended to him he continues to try and muddy the very house he was invited into.
rajan and many other like minded migratory economists are wintering in India and have to sing for their supper.

their tab needs to be picked up and most of them hold court in comfortable five star watering holes :mrgreen:
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by eklavya »

Indeed, the former CEA, Arvind Subramanian, is at it as well:

To subject youth to violence only adds to their sense of hopelessness about the future
And why are these students being attacked? For exercising their right of expression, their right to articulate their concerns and opinions about a set of measures they fear might consign many Indians to second-class citizenship, if not deprive them of their identity altogether? Are their fears exaggerated or misplaced? Regardless, they must be heard. How else will we be able to understand and address their concerns? And to be clear, address them we must.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

watch the video

Pramod Mahajan in parliament and his story of how he explained the wonders of Indian democracy to a chinese gentleman who was very curious about democracy.

what he said then is what is happening in MAH today and it was not so far fetched after all. :mrgreen:

Manipur and Goa reminds of this funny speech by slain BJP leader Pramod Mahajan in parliament. Wonders of democracy

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

On that note, enjoy this clip - reflects what’s happening today

https://twitter.com/RajDutta_GGN/status ... 9000891392
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SRajesh »

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... J7DUn9UlwL
This is great and this is what we should promote do U think!!!
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SRajesh »

chetak wrote:this is from shampoo boy tharoor's tweet,

tharoor, a poor excuse for a human being and one who has the eternal priapic eye is holding forth against the religion of his birth.

The comparison for Hindutwa is that it has all the elements of being inflexible, intolerant, having one dogmatic and primary book, deep hatred of other religions all of which go to making Hindutva baneful and venomous.

But shampoo boy says nothing about these very same attributes and aspects which when preserved unchanged for centuries and rigidly espoused as a fundamental and inviolable part of their religion by malsis and xtians, they become uncontestable, guaranteed and safeguarded not just by special and personal religious freedom, but also special communal rights assured to them by separately enforceable personal laws.

His idea of Hindutwa is identical to these dogmatic minority religions in word and deed but he is clearly unable to see it but the freedom to practice is to be allowed only for the minorities and not for the majority.

How is shampoo boy not mentally diseased to even forward such poisonous comparisons.

There is absolutely no difference between Hinduism and Hindutwa,

except in the brainwashed minds of these conversion mafia driven

congis/commies/naxals/malsis/xtians and the BIF.

Is shampoo boy even aware of what he is saying or endorsing :mrgreen:

There is no comparison of Hindutwa that can ever be done with such narrow minded, restrictive, dogmatic, destructive, exclusive and violently proselytizing religions, both with a declared end game of world domination.

shampoo boy does not realize that every comparison in the Hindutwa column is exactly applicable to islam and xtianity and not to Hinduism.

Shashi Tharoor Verified account @ShashiTharoo 7:43 PM - 7 Jan 2020

An interesting, though incomplete, comparative table doing the rounds.

https://theprint.in/opinion/hinduism-vs ... st/348038/
Here is a beautiful riposte to Shampoo Tharoor
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Kati »

chetak wrote:
Md Salim being a Communist can invite people on his son's wedding in the name of ALLAH.. but the commies tell Hindus that there is no god...

it's a keeper.
I'm forwarding this to far and wide, especially in Bengal and Tripura where it will hurt CPM most.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by CRamS »

eklavya wrote:CRamS, Raghuram Rajan published this a few days ago:

A Resolution for the New Decade
Ellavya, thx, but you did not answer the questions I posed.

But coming to Rajan's post, I must say its uncalled for, unadulterated, self-righteous, attention-seeking, moralistic mumbo jumbo. Nobody is suprrssing students or their voices. The issue at hand is the violence and intolerance of Hindus haters wanting to bring down ModiJi and discredit Hinduthva through bogus manufactured narratives and dissent.

Yesterday, I was watching a debate between one such ex student now a lawyer (in western designer attire) and an ABVP spokesman. This woman was mocking CAA by saying economy is in bad shape, why bring in more people. This shows her level of CAA understanding. Then when the ABVP guys told her CAA is for refugees already in India, and he then asked her do you know how many will benefit from CAA, again she was clueless. But with some help with the useless moderator, she escaped without too much egg on her face.

Now coming back to the likes of Rajan. If he wants to talk about intolerance, how abut a FB post on attitude of Dravidian DMK on Hindus and in particular Brahmins? Will he have the guts to point that out? Has Rajan ever spoken about the Islamist terror threat poses to Indian secularism, at the same level of angst that he shows regarding what he calls 'majoritarian agenda'?

This 'majoritarian agenda' pejorative phrase is another narrative that gets bandied about in India. I live in US, don't know if you also do, but US is a quintessential majoritarian country. So if Rajan can park his pompous ass here in US without raising a little finger at US majoritarianism, least he can do is keep his trap shut with regards to India.
Last edited by CRamS on 12 Jan 2020 23:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by CRamS »

BTW, while discussing with some friends, I am told he is from the same IIT undergrad batch as I was, except that he studied at IIT Delhi, while I studied at a better IIT in Chennai :-). But on a personal achievement scale, academic credentials, I have nothing but praise, admiration, and respect for him. Unlike other useless Uncle Toms like Fareed Zakariah, Rajan's achievements are on his own un doubted merit.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

CRamS wrote:BTW, while discussing with some friends, I am told he is from the same IIT undergrad batch as I was, except that he studied at IIT Delhi, while I studied at a better IIT in Chennai :-). But on a personal achievement scale, academic credentials, I have nothing but praise, admiration, and respect for him. Unlike other useless Uncle Toms like Fareed Zakariah, Rajan's achievements are on his own un doubted merit.
rajan is trying to position himself as well as market himself as the next FM of India or maybe even the next PM, if and when pappu opts to follow the mafia queen puppet governance model that she pioneered with mms. He must have been sounded out during the last elections when pappu was dead sure that he was going to become the PM. Pappu even offered the office of home minister to dmk's stalin the evening before the counting started because he was that deluded.

always good to have a house negro with no political base of his own, unable to win any election and an eternal member of the RS, at the constant beck and call of the puppet master.

complete authority and not even the smallest iota of responsibility is what the family is looking for.

that rajan is at all visible on platforms here at this time gives credence that this entire agitation is being engineered and directed by the offshore BIF.

the entire drama is being directed intelligently as it repeatedly breaks out in places where the local "students" have never agitated before and this cannot be just a mere coincidence.

the commies/naxals/congis/ropers/rolers are pulling out all the stops on an international scale to coordinate an anti Hindu and anti Modi campaign in print and social media, locally as well as the usual suspects abroad and they have also roped in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to bad mouth India for the CAA.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »


“This has too many echoes of the years when Germany was moving towards Nazi rule,” says Nobel laureate #AbhijitBanerjee, speaking about the #JNUViolence.

Banerjee should stick to economics. History isn’t his strong suit.

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

watch the video news report in link below
#Breaking | Reportedly, 208 top academicians write to PM @NarendraModi blaming the ‘the Left-wing activists’ for the violence in JNU & seeking PM’s intervention in the issue.

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »


BJP Karnataka Verified account @BJP4Karnataka 12h12 hours ago

Slogans heard during #CAA protests:

✓ Hinduon Se Azadi
✓ Kafiron Se Azadi
✓ Jinnah Wali Azadi

Wasn't Pakistan formed in 1947 to give the above Azadi?

Didn't Jinnah's daughter Dina Wadia reject this very Azadi & stay back in India?

Didn't she & her family lead a happy life?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by CRamS »

Don't know if this video from Anupam Kher was posted here

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sicanta »

J&K police officer may have been ferrying Hizbul Mujahideen militants to Delhi

https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/ ... ssion=true
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by sanjaykumar »

^^it is India’s responsibility to provide Jinnah ke aulad a happy life?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Karan M »

eklavya wrote:^^^^^
Indeed, the former CEA, Arvind Subramanian, is at it as well:
This is what his peer thought of his attention seeking when he left and deliberately sought to create FUD around GDP estimates.

https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/ne ... s?from=mdr
Subramanian’s analysis is so problem-ridden, and its claim so far-fetched, that there are only two possible explanations for why he wrote it. One, he blundered — he simply did not realise the innumerable methodological problems afflicting his analysis. Two, he was aware of the shortcomings, but chose to ignore them in the hope of creating a sensation and gaining the attention of the government, media and, possibly, the whole world.

If Subramanian were a young scholar, fresh out of graduate school, one could imagine that poor understanding of technical and methodological issues and eagerness to make a name led him to act in haste. But he is a seasoned economist.

It is inconceivable that he was unaware of the numerous methodological shortcomings that are common knowledge among economists.
Many such "economists", and other "professionals" are leaving the Modi GOI after realizing it was not a place for time-wasters or where they could pfaff around with gyaan, rather they were expected to deliver tangible outcomes, work around the clock and not chase after becoming media celebrities. Something even many of our much cursed "babus" are used to doing, but our golden parachute equipped bhai-log were not expecting.

Nor were they asked to remain. Like jilted lovers, they now resort to gyaan on various topics, from "secularism" to "the youth" to CAA or NRC.

Sad to say, this GOI doesn't seem to give a fig for them and theirs. They seem to be under the impression they will implement the agenda printed in their manifesto. And if unhappy folks leave, they will meet/recruit others who aren't trouble-makers or prima-donnas. Whoops.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by fanne »

What CAA has done, I will narrate it through a story. All of us that have graduated the college now are part of a whats app group. The group only has boys (we had 3 females and few Palestinians, they are not part of the group). One gentleman, whose parents had migrated from west Punjab, and was big fan of Jagjit singh and Urdu shero shayri. I remember when we were in second year, we were ragging 1st year 'freshers'. One among them was a Shia person, and I was ragging him, and when he mentioned his name, I asked you are sunni or shia (he was from LKO, easy to guess). The fresher was cool with it, but it got the goat of my uber 'secular' friend and we had a fight where he said he will not allow me to be communal and all that (and I was not, just asking). He held the 'secular' flag high and mighty for 4 years. Now the most virulent communal comment, post CAA comes from this guy. There is something happening below the surface which Rahul Kanwals of the world are missing big time.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Gerard »

sanjaykumar wrote:^^it is India’s responsibility to provide Jinnah ke aulad a happy life?
Jinnah's grandson Nusli Wadia is worth about 7 billion US dollars, so Jinnah's descendants certainly don't want for anything.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by banrjeer »

chetak wrote:
Karan M wrote:^^ Re: Raghuram Rajan, if the joker above had spent half as much time he spends on his linked in posts, his self publicity, as versus coming up with a proper gameplan for his actual role and stating that in the media, let alone sharing that with the GOI, we would have been better off.

In fact, everytime some chap like him crows in the completely cynical manner above - ignoring what his political party of choice did, and then brings up a PR agency driven Bollywood actress, he reduces himself further to a bigger laughing stock. Officers who resigned days before corruption probes, media types whose errors of commission and omission are being openly mocked by the general public.

Rajan says they are laudable. Almost as if he is overdosing on laudanum.

All Rajan has done is poison the well for many other well meaning professionals who despite being competent and neutral will now be regarded with an extra level of scrutiny thanks to his rampant hypocrisy, his political bias, when they apply for lateral positions in GOI. Their dreams of helping India progress will now have to face the Rajan effect. "Is this guy an actual doer, or will he turn out to be another Rajan" will be the question asked, and no wonder.

Even now, this GOI has chosen to ignore his asinine barbs and overweening ego, and let him attend seminars, conferences wherein they canvass for opinions. It speaks volumes about them and volumes about this twit, that despite the overwhelming courtesy extended to him he continues to try and muddy the very house he was invited into.
rajan and many other like minded migratory economists are wintering in India and have to sing for their supper.

their tab needs to be picked up and most of them hold court in comfortable five star watering holes :mrgreen:
Actually I wonder about Rajan and laureate Banerjee.. theres a spinelessness. They know first hand this JNU stuff is routine. Also they are educated and glib enough to get their way if they wanted to. There's Vamsee Julluri, Subhash Kak .. others who have got their way.]

Thats why it's never enough to simply have a technocrat as a leader. Of course if said leader is MMS then any person from the street is better.
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2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Peregrine »

Top Hizbulcommander among 3 terrorists killed in J&K encounter - M Saleem Pandit

SRINAGAR: Three Hizbul Mujahideen Terrorists, including one of the outfit’s top commanders, were gunned down by security forces during an anti-terror operation in Tral area of Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district on Sunday morning.

The slain terrorists were identified as “Omar Fayaz alias Hamad Khan, Adil Bashir alias Abu Dujana and Faizan Hameed,” Kashmir Zone Police confirmed in a tweet. Top commander Omar was from Seer Tral village, while Adil and Faizan belonged to Tral’s Monghama and Mandoora areas respectively, said sources.

As per police records, the trio was “affiliated with proscribed outfit Hizbul Mujahideen” and “involved in several terror crimes and civilian atrocities”, read the tweet. Arms and ammunition were also recovered from the encounter site.

Based on intelligence inputs, a joint team of Army, CPRF and J&K Police’s Special Operations Group launched a cordon-and-search operation in Tral’s Gulshanpora village.

“While the security forces were moving towards a particular area in the forest, holed-up terrorists fired at the search party, triggering an encounter in which three terrorists were killed, ” said a police officer.

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Dileep »

So, this 'agitation' is now apparently getting modeled upon the 'vimochana samaram', the agitation against the 1958 commie govt in KL, which ended in the govt being dismissed. Unfortunately for them, there is no central govt to 'dismiss'.

I am not concerned about the current nuisance. The question I have is about NRC. How are we going to pull it off? Right now, even the census is going to be tough in some areas. People are getting hostile on any information gathering. So, how can it be done?

As mentioned earlier, big data is the only solution. The important missing link here is the connections between persons. That is the key to establish citizenship to an acceptable reliability. If I am citizen, definitely my siblings and cousins should be. There may be 'hair splitting' cases, but that is not a real concern.

So, how do we collect information on cross relationships? That too without making it too obvious for the aam admi?

1. Ration card is the primary document that links a family together. I think Aadhar of all members is required even now.
2. Fathers name is required for voters id, PAN and some other documents. But mothers name is not. Also, there is no aadhar link required for parent's name, and it can't be made mandatory.

So, what do we do?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Yagnasri »

Gerard wrote:
sanjaykumar wrote:^^it is India’s responsibility to provide Jinnah ke aulad a happy life?
Jinnah's grandson Nusli Wadia is worth about 7 billion US dollars, so Jinnah's descendants certainly don't want for anything.
Wadia stayed back in India so does his mother who married an Indian parsi. He is a parsi and never showed any anti national tendencies as Jihadi secular tendencies as far as I know. We all know what the many other big time money bags did over the decades. So it would be unfair to call him anything like that.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by KLNMurthy »

eklavya wrote:^^^^
The counter violence in JNU on 5 Jan did nothing to restore dharma, it was utterly adharmic, and it grossly violated basic norms of law & order.
For Hindus Geeta is the reference textbook for dharma-determination. And along with it, the Mahabharata is the standard case study for dharmic debate.

It is overwhelmingly clear from these sources that when dharma is injured by adharmic forces (suffers "glani"), restoring the balance requires that the normal rules of dharma be temporarily suspended. As in, you normally refrain from killing family members, but when adharma rules, that is what has to be done for restoring balance. As to who is to make the decision, the answer is, "righteous individuals who are immersed in the Supreme Reality." If the decisions are made by wrong persons in the wrong spirit, the karmic cycle will take care of the consequences.

I offer no judgment on the attack on JNU--if it wasn't a false flag operation by provocateurs, it seems, at worst, to be a response by activists who were fed up with adharmic and downright evil nonsense being touted day and night as the ultimate virtue. As to whether the actions were spiritually adharmic, only time and the Ultimate Supreme Reality, IOW, history, can provide answers.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by ramana »

One month to go for Delhi elections. All these protests are to change the outcome
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sachin »

Deans wrote:I've spoken to some protesting students in B'lore. None could coherently explain what CAA/NRC were about.
Please don't feel I am pontificating like a grand old man. It is only in the last 10 years I actually got a liking towards the law (courtesy a senior friend who moved from DRI to practise as a lawyer). It was only after this I tried to understand the law making procedure, the age old relics of IPC, Cr.PC etc and the most favourite and common one the MV. Act 1988 (and its recent amendment). After this excercise (which is still only 20% in the vast ocean of laws) what I came to know is that:-
1. An average India is clueless on the laws & acts and even the judicial process. Most of them still think in emotional lines when discussing a crime or any wrong situation.
2. The media once upon a time had parliament beat, law beat, crime beat etc; where seasoned journalists with some practical domain experience used to prepare the reports. Today that is not the case. The media folks (especially the 24/7 visual media) are clueless on pretty much every thing. So much so that their reports too are half cooked one, and more often prepared on their emotional whims and fancies.
3. The young generation (i.e folks 30 years and below) too are not very keen on understanding any complex topic. Parliamentary proceedings, election process, law making process and the judicial processes are "too complex" for them. Watching some *.Khan movie and ticket booking process is much more easier and worthwhile to learn. Because of this; this crowd is an easy pick for brain washing. They can be easily black mailed emotionally.

From my place we had a man who kind of lead a bohemian life style after picking up a fight with the most strongest politician of those days. His advice to all citizens was to first understand how the rules & laws governing them are actually rolled out.
Dileep wrote:I am not concerned about the current nuisance. The question I have is about NRC. How are we going to pull it off? Right now, even the census is going to be tough in some areas. People are getting hostile on any information gathering. So, how can it be done?
My gut feeling is that NRC may not be a single straight forward process. It could be through multiple smaller processes all looking disconnected. And the state governments can be coerced to execute these steps, with GoI then using our IT capabilities to do the processing. People can be forced to cooperate with the census excercise by telling them that they may lose on social benefits if they don't update the data. Any person/group who does not have much worries will give the data. Politicians across the country can be told that it would be based on this census data there could be addition or deletion of constituencies, and even the %-age allocation of funds to state. For example; KL always whines that a state like UP has more MP constituencies and also gets more per-person share of funds from the centre. The reason for both is one and the same; census data proved that UP is big and more densely populated than KL. Now KL to get any benefit, it is better that they come up with accurate population numbers.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by CRamS »

RamanaGaru, from all opinion polls, crazywaal & Co are set to sweep the elections. Only contest is whether AAPtruds will get less than 50 or more. So these protests benefit whom?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Deans »

Karan M wrote:
Many such "economists", and other "professionals" are leaving the Modi GOI after realizing it was not a place for time-wasters or where they could pfaff around with gyaan, rather they were expected to deliver tangible outcomes, work around the clock and not chase after becoming media celebrities. Something even many of our much cursed "babus" are used to doing, but our golden parachute equipped bhai-log were not expecting.

Nor were they asked to remain. Like jilted lovers, they now resort to gyaan on various topics, from "secularism" to "the youth" to CAA or NRC.
People (particularly the media) equate speaking good English, with being an expert, or knowing what is best for the country. In the private sector also I have seen numerous cases where US returned MBAs (because they could not get admission in an IIM) have a shocking lack of understanding about India but are given responsibilities way beyond their capacity to handle.