2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by nandakumar »

chetak wrote:A history of hypocrisy: From the Mughals to JNU

A history of hypocrisy: From the Mughals to JNU

Guest Author
20 January 2020
(PC: Hindustan Times)

“It is your own doing!” The letter said. In his heart of hearts, he knew it was true, Muhiuddin Aurangzeb, now going by the sobriquet Alamgir was right. “It was I who commenced it and now it has consumed me, as well as my Dara”, Khurram thought out loud.

Time is a great leveller. Prince Khurram began his reign by defying primogeniture and imprisoning his step mother and killing all his brothers. Now, he stood imprisoned in his own palace by his third born, Aurangzeb, who had defeated his favourite son and the heir to his throne.

“Maybe, what the Hindus believe is true. You reap what you sow, Karma eventually wins”, he declared to Jahanara, the daughter who cared for him. “You must protest! You must defy! You must object! Father, this is unjust. You are the true emperor of Hindustan. The peacock throne belongs to you”, she shot back. Khurram did not respond, looking out from his balcony at the memory of the one true love of his life, Mumtaz Mahal. “Hypocrisy”, he murmured; “It is improper of me to demand justice, when I have done nothing to deserve it” the former emperor of Hindustan mused, while continuing to stare at the opulent marble white mausoleum of his deceased wife.

360 years later, on the streets of the city, Emperor Shah Jahan founded, hypocrisy runs amok, with naked audacity and belligerence.

Aap Chronology Samajhiye

The Jawaharlal Nehru University was the brainchild of M C Chagla, a distinguished jurist and an earnest Education Minister. He dedicated it as an ode to his beloved leader, and wanted its ideals to mimic the virtues of the first prime minister of India. National integration, scientific socialism, humanism, tolerance, modernity, academic excellence, scientific temper, democracy, patriotism and inclusion were supposed to be the bedrocks of the institution.

Built on a theme of red & white in 1969, the university turned more red and less white in the ‘70s, transforming into the bastion of the Left. It was odd that a university in the capital would evolve into a Marxist fortress, even while the ideology remained politically relevant only in the states of Kerala & West Bengal. This was partly serendipitous and partly orchestrated.

Student politics formed a glorious part of India’s independence movement but post-1947, the Congress leaders saw no reason to foster or encourage it. They were the establishment now and much like the British, they did not want to be challenged. Pandit Nehru went as far as appealing to students all over India to eschew politics and help in ‘Bharat Nirman’. The Congress dissolved its student factions but the Communist Parties of India did not. They regarded universities as a path to socio-political prominence.

JNU’s early students were primarily linguists who were interested in Russian and radical social scientists that were experimenting and oscillating between different strands of socialism. The Left had found their gold mine. Here were willing apprentices who were curious about or mesmerised by Marx, prepared to transform into comrades. Providentially, the Left also found their golden boy, Prakash Karat. Equipped with iconoclastic charm, British sophistication, firebrand oratory and zealous organizational skill, Karat spearheaded the Student’s Federation Of India (SFI) and forged into JNU’s soul. The Left through the SFI, the AISF, the social science faculty and Karat seized JNU. If there was any doubt about JNU’s predilections, they were extinguished during the three year reign of the charismatic Sitaram Yechury as JNU Students Union president. It was too late for the NSUI (formed hastily in 1971) and the ABVP (non-existent in JNU even back then). Their lack of initiative and aptitude lost them JNU forever, as the Left’s sway was ruthless.

18 kilometers away and 360 years ago, in the Qila E Mubarak, also built with a theme of red and white; Dara Shukoh, the eldest son of Shah Jahan lies on his bed exhausted ruing his tardiness. If only, his principle army had not been late in reinforcing him at the battle of Samugarh, he would have defeated Aurangzeb. “It wasn’t ability or proficiency, it was dumb luck” he screamed staring up at his Allah/Prabhu. If only he’d perceived his younger brother’s machinations a day early, he would be the one celebrating victory. “Maybe, it is destiny, maybe, it is written” he whispered with resignation as the mythical prince of destiny sank back ruminating his fate.

A Culture of Violence

The Left has a history of bloodshed. Whether it was the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Vietnam or Cambodia; violence has always been the one constant. The Indian Left was no different; on the tramways of Calcutta, in the rural hinterland of Naxalbari and on the streets of Cochin, widespread carnage took place against the establishment. After the Emergency, where students of the Left distinguished themselves as revolutionaries against Mrs Gandhi, it was time they took over the mantle; after all, JNU was now the Left and the Left was now JNU.

The Left has always painted the State as nefarious, autocratic, evil, monopolistic, brutal, casteist, xenophobic, racist, corrupt, immoral, sexist, communal, elitist and misanthropic. JNU did the same, just with better intellect and optics. But they also disguised their penchant for coercion, violence & intolerance by disguising it as struggles against the establishment and masking it with words like social justice, pro-minority, pro-farmers, democratic, anti-totalitarian, secular and populist.

In its illustrious history, JNU students have abused and intimidated ideological rivals, gheraoed the vice-chancellor at his office or home multiple times, beaten up teachers, stoned houses of the faculty, protested and boycotted Prime Ministers, fought the police on the streets, wrecked property, taken part in internal skirmishes and gone on strikes numerous times. The university has been shut down due to hooliganism and vandalism multiple times in all the decades since its inception. (Source: JNU: The Making of a University by Rakesh Batabayal)

The lifestyle of violence has always been a given. But since the 90s, there’s been an alarming and gradual shift from an anti establishment stance to an anti India one. JNU has gone from supporting China during Tiananmen and the USSR during Solidarity to supporting azadi in Kashmir, celebrating Naxalite violence, beating up army personnel, lauding terrorists on death penalties and shouting infamous and catchy anti-India slogans in their rallies.

After staring at the Taj Mahal in silence for a few minutes, Shah Jahan turned towards a patient Jahanara peering at him with expectation. “I have blood on my hands beloved daughter. Let us not ignore it, because history won’t. I poisoned, beheaded, trampled, strangulated and stabbed everyone who I believed were contenders to the throne. After wearing the crown, I eliminated family members, friends, allies and brothers, I perceived to be my rivals. With so much gore and violence, on my conscience, how can I stand on moral high ground and talk of justice? How can I speak of morality and mercy? How can I expect to be treated any differently?” Knowing his daughter would not be convinced by lengthy monologues, he moved towards her and held her face in his palms. “To ask for justice and compassion now would be sanctimonious. It would be hypocritical, my child. I am not that man. I am not going to request an audience with Aurangzeb and I am not going to beg for Dara’s life or mine. When the fall is all that’s left, it matters a great deal, how a man falls down.” With tears in her eyes and pathos in her heart, Jahanara hugged her father and wept, recognizing that Allah had sealed all three of their fates.

Providence & Fate

Except, the students of JNU in 2020, do not have the gravitas or the self-enlightenment that the fifth Mughal Emperor possessed. Their insincerity and deceit loom large over the dastardly act of violence.

Let’s be clear here, this writer sympathises with them and does not condone actions taken by masked cowards. The goons need to be put behind bars, whether ABVP activists or not. Nonetheless, it is the victim card that JNU plays that reeks of hypocrisy.

5 decades of relentless, regular and repeated aggression makes the moral high ground they stand on, untenable. I can’t help but also feel a sense of vindication when I see them demand justice and declare innocence. Violence begets violence and it was only a matter of time before a lunatic fringe decided enough was enough and answered in kind. This decade, dominated by a resurgent Right has a recurring theme: intolerance of intolerance. The Right does not believe in watching meekly while it is coerced, manipulated, assaulted, condescended and violated. It will fight back and unfortunately, when you’ve been the instigator for so long, you don’t get to choose or dictate, the method of the counter punch. It’s Karma in its most academic sense.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. At the end of the day, they are all citizens of India and deserve due process. They did not deserve being abused this way. This is what distinguishes us from them. All of them great arguments. Except, where are your tears for the countless students JNU has assaulted over the decades? Where is you candle light vigil for the faculty whose houses were stoned? Where is your peaceful protest for the police officers who’ve borne the brunt of fury? Where are your chants and slogans for all the politicians and officers who’ve been gheraoed for days? Where are the celebrities when the aam aadmi’s property is vandalised? Where is the justice for those affected by the rampage of the JNU juggernaut over the last 50 years?

360 years later, on the streets of Shahjahanabad, hypocrisy runs amok with naked audacity and belligerence.

This article was written by Sujay Iyer. He is a Senior Resident, Nephrology at Fortis Hospital, Noida.
Just a couple of points to correct an otherwise excellent post by the doctor. MC Chagla may have piloted the bill in the Parliament in his capacity as Education Minister. But he resigned his cabinet post when Indira Gandhi refused to condemn Soviet action in invading Czechoslovakia. With good reasons no doubt. But for Chagla that appeared unprincipled. So he quit. The law was notified in 1969. The Naxalbari peasant revolt really shook the establishment back then. The decision to coopt Left sympathetic students and wean them into the comfortable cocoon of State funded doles through JNU was a conscious decision by the Congress. Of course it didn't hurt that between 1969 to 1971 Mrs Gandhi needed the support of the Left to survive in Government. The JNU character of a leftist bias was shaped by considerations of real politic on the part of Mrs Gandhi. To suggest that Left surreptitiously took over JNU is wrong. Till JP led student driven movement of 1974 Mrs Gandhi was an eye opener. That revolt told her that threat to regime from student led revolt cannot be contained by bribing the Left to sinecures in JNU.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by CRamS »

Guys, you must have seen the letter written by Uber 'secularist' Pawan verma to his boss Nitish Kumar:

https://twitter.com/PavanK_Varma/status ... 89/photo/1

Same old moralistic drivel. I see some churn in JDU with spoilers like Verma. He is too senior and 'respected' to be thrown out, but is there a chance he himself might quit and offer his services to Pappu and Queen madam? I am pretty sure that BJP big-wigs, and maybe even some JDU prominent faces like say Ajay Alok (who stridently defends ModiJi on TV debates) etc have had enough of this Verma's sanctimonious disruption.

Also, I have been following Twitter line of Jan ki Baat pollster Pradeep Bhandari. Based on his spot interviews with aam aadmi in Delhi, especially poorer neighborhoods, it seems to me that BJP has its work cut out to make any dent into craz-waal's fortress with all the freebies he has doled out just in time :-).

Now, libarandu anal-ysts will scream in joy should BJP lose Delhi and attribute that loss to anti CAA protests alone. Never mind crazy distanced himself from the protests. In fact, in all the mohulla interviews that Bhandari did, nobody is taking about CAA, its only free water, free electricity etc. But if BJP gets blown away by crazy, my own feeling is that to the extent that there was this negative perception of BJP on CAA in Delhi, it may have had a role, but was not decisive.

On other hand, should BJP win, its spin master will certainly claim that anti-CAA protests angered a lot of people and voted for BJP. This perception is also incorrect IMO.

But make mistake, a BJP defeat, especially a complete blow out with crazy & co getting close to 60 seats, will galvanize the anti-CAA protests further.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sachin »

UlanBatori wrote:1. Exactly what is CAA? (link to original, verifiable, official language, no explanations/interpretations.
Please read the official gazette notification listing out the changes introduced by the CAA. The Gazette notification issued in January 10th, 2020 makes the amended Citizenship Act the new law in India. So as of today; Citizenship Act (with amendments introduced via CAA) is now the law. There would be a next step which is drafting of Rules to supplement the Act.
2. Ditto on NRC.
No gazette notification on India wide NRC is actually published. Because it is not any where near implementation. What is now going to happen would be the 10 year recurring census activity (and data collected may be funneled to update the National Population Register - NPR, and then finally the NRC).
3. Ditto on JKL law actually signed by Prez.
THE JAMMU AND KASHMIR REORGANISATION ACT, 2019 as shown in the official gazette notifications web site. A gazette notification issued on the same day explains that the Act would come into force on 31st Oct, 2019.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by ramana »

The JNU saga does not recount the role of the Congress Young Turks and infiltrators like Mohan Kumaramangalam, Dr. K. Raghunath Reddy et al who brought leftist CPI ideology into Congress.
The latter was responsible for capturing University campuses across the country during the campus wars of the 1970s and supported violence.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SBajwa »

Now Meghna Gulzar (director of Deepika Padukone's last film chhapk) is creating a mlm movie on Sir Field Marshall Sam Maneckshaw with Vicky Kaushal as the lead role
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Meaning, Najeeb Jung couldn’t find his birth certificate, Nor his father’s. He searched and searched, but couldn’t find. so....


Delhi's Ex-Lt Guv, Najeeb Jung, outside Jamia Millia Islamia: I feel that #CitizenshipAmendmentAct needs a revamp. They should either include Muslims or remove other names. Make it inclusive,matter will get dismissed. If PM calls these people & talks,the matter will get resolved

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SBajwa »

SBajwa wrote:Now Meghna Gulzar (director of Deepika Padukone's last film chhapk) is creating a mlm movie on Sir Field Marshall Sam Maneckshaw with Vicky Kaushal as the lead role
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by CRamS »

I am herewith presenting two awards for the day.

Just like we have champion of champions award, here is the idiot of idiots award goes to none other than this AAP joker Asutosh, especially for the 2nd quote below

https://www.ndtv.com/opinion/so-far-kej ... hi-1884776

1. The Shaheen Bagh protest which is creating waves even in international media

2. When the world is rejoicing at the resurrection of Gandhian Satyagrah through Shaheen Bagh
The second award is person with a sheen and that goes to Meenakshi Lekhi for her terse mockery of TSP RAPE in Indian mufti Jihadi Saif Ali Khan


Even Turks find Taimur a brute ! But some people choose to name their children Taimur .
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SBajwa »

CRamS wrote:I am herewith presenting two awards for the day.

Just like we have champion of champions award, here is the idiot of idiots award goes to none other than this AAP joker Asutosh, especially for the 2nd quote below

https://www.ndtv.com/opinion/so-far-kej ... hi-1884776

1. The Shaheen Bagh protest which is creating waves even in international media

2. When the world is rejoicing at the resurrection of Gandhian Satyagrah through Shaheen Bagh
The second award is person with a sheen and that goes to Meenakshi Lekhi for her terse mockery of TSP RAPE in Indian mufti Jihadi Saif Ali Khan


Even Turks find Taimur a brute ! But some people choose to name their children Taimur .

By the way Son of Timur the lame was Shahrukh who ruled after him and was responsible for decline of Timurid empire
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by IndraD »

https://swarajyamag.com/politics/nobody ... in-a-hurry
Nobody Is Taking Your Citizenship Away: CAA Explained For Those In A Hurry

easy, lucid explanation of CAA in Q & A format
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Santosh »

No amount of explanation will do IndraD. They have chose not to listen, not to understand but just indulge in arson, violence and bring ghazwa e hind. You can't wake up those pretending to sleep. Their goal is clear - ghazwa-e-hind. Hindus are confused because some still say that the implementation/communication was not clear for CAA. That is a line parroted by sickular media and Hindus lap it up without thinking. When Home Minister says it will not take away anyone's citizenship how much clearer can it be?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Santosh wrote:No amount of explanation will do IndraD. They have chose not to listen, not to understand but just indulge in arson, violence and bring ghazwa e hind. You can't wake up those pretending to sleep. Their goal is clear - ghazwa-e-hind. Hindus are confused because some still say that the implementation/communication was not clear for CAA. That is a line parroted by sickular media and Hindus lap it up without thinking. When Home Minister says it will not take away anyone's citizenship how much clearer can it be?
the protest was how they got the shah bano verdict overturned by a clueless and appeasing gandhi.

now that the minorities have decisively lost their self perceived veto over electoral politics which they illegally enjoyed since independence because of the sly games played by the britshits, commies and the congis, they are out trying to regain empowerment and re entitle themselves in the only way they know how: violence.

one still fails to understand how this could be in a democracy where votes are supposed to count and the minorities had cornered the majority for over seven decades and gleefully, maliciously and malevolently extracted concession after concession all the while beating and bludgeoning them with the "secularism" stick and using the majority as a prey base.

Obviously, in India, the definition of the word democracy is dependent on whether one fundamentally believes in democracy or not. One cannot, in all fairness, use democracy, islam and communism in the same sentence and when "secularism" and "conversions" are thrown into the mix, the word "minority" takes on a totally different connotation, and one where the BIF take centerstage in playing the puppet masters.

For the oppressed majority, democracy is made to mean one thing and for the minorities and the commies, it manifestly means quite another very different thing altogether.

Hence the current dirge of "majoritarianism" has very conveniently been trotted out to slyly negate and neutralize the popular vote
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sachin »

Deccan Herald trying its best to keep the anti-CAA fire burning.
Shivajinagar traders swallow Rs 1-cr losses for anti-CAA message. For the uninitiated; Shivaji Nagar in Bangalore is a Muslim dominated area, and this would be the second big "shut down" which happened in this area. But the city is now too big for Shivaji Nagar to dictate terms, so life is normal in the rest of the city. The protests at the iconic Town Hall also seems to have chickened out :).

Mean while an eviction drive carried out in Eastern Bangalore seems to be now leading to problems. An Asst. Executive Engineer (AEE) of BBMP sent out a letter to the jurisdictional Whitefield Police Divn to provide security and with that went ahead and demolished small slums and shanties said to be occupied by "illegal immigrants". Media and certain other pro-illegal migrants groups have been saying that many of the evicted are migrant labour from other parts of India who may have documents like Aadhaar. And that not every one is an illegal migrant from Bangladesh. They also say that BBMP AEE did not have the powers to summon police help and carry out evictions. BBMP and the City Police have said that verification of documents is not a quick process (especially if it involves Bengalis and GoWB support is required), and that the shanties were built illegally and in encroached land in the first place. Such shanties also did not have proper sanitation facilities.
1. BBMP broke HC order by demolishing labourers’ shacks
2. Thousands on streets as BBMP razes hundreds of shanties
3. No time to verify ID proofs: Cops on migrant workers
The police also claimed that the West Bengal police never cooperated with them in the past in verifying the documents of these ‘migrants’. “They are not even providing facilities to stay there to verify the documents of these people,” said a police officer in HAL Police Station. “We had spent Rs 5 to Rs 6 lakh when we took 60 Bangladeshis to West Bengal, but they refused to accept them, saying they are not receiving any Bangladeshis from Karnataka,” said the officer, adding there are a lot of practical problems in deporting them.

And the icing on the cake Cops arrest 3 Bangladeshi nationals.

Looks like there is an active group in Bengaluru City (especially in the eastern parts) who now is working over time to allow the Bangladeshi illegals to stay. The police also has to be careful here, as clubbing even the poor migrant labour from India into the gang of Bangladeshi illegals will be counter productive. The Bangladeshi illegals and their supporters are planning to piggy back on the poor migrant labour from other parts of India.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sachin »

Looks like another financial fraud and its key player is being identified and interrogated. This from rags to riches business man from Kunnamkulam, Kerala is said to have helped Robber Vadra do money laundering and buying property in UK. A kind of behind the scenes man, Thambi is close friend of many politicians in Kerala cutting across party lines. If social media information is true, he has even helped the children of many commie leaders by giving them jobs in his hotels and bars.
CC Thampi's custody extended by 3 days
CC Thampi: An NRI millionaire, now in ED net, climbed up from humble beginnings
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sachin »

CAA petitions: SC says no stay without hearing Centre, may refer pleas to larger Constitution bench
So for all practical purposes, CAA is now the law of the land and it can be implemented lock stock and barrel. Nothing stops from GoI to also work out on the Rules and quickly complete the citizenship granting procedures. And in the mean while the Census procedures have also kick started :D.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SRajesh »

Sachin wrote:CAA petitions: SC says no stay without hearing Centre, may refer pleas to larger Constitution bench
So for all practical purposes, CAA is now the law of the land and it can be implemented lock stock and barrel. Nothing stops from GoI to also work out on the Rules and quickly complete the citizenship granting procedures. And in the mean while the Census procedures have also kick started :D.
What is meaning the of this:
Have the 'Hiz Honours' finally come out of their self-imposed 'secularism jail' or decided to break shackles imposed by the leftist/liberandu/jihadi loving certain SC lawyers wanting everything their way?? :roll:
Because the spate of ruling seems to have shaken the 'liberandu Looty'N' crowd' to the core!!
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Yagnasri »

The referring to larger bench seems to be a way to keep the matter postponed. I do not see any reason to do that when no citizen is adversely affected.
Karthik S
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Karthik S »

Yagnasri wrote:The referring to larger bench seems to be a way to keep the matter postponed. I do not see any reason to do that when no citizen is adversely affected.
Yagnasri garu, if government grants citizenship to 30 thousand odd persecuted minorities, can the SC revoke those citizenship till it reviews CAA now that it has referred to a larger bench?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sachin »

Rsatchi wrote:What is meaning the of this:
Yagnasri wrote:The referring to larger bench seems to be a way to keep the matter postponed. I do not see any reason to do that when no citizen is adversely affected.
Karthik S wrote:if government grants citizenship to 30 thousand odd persecuted minorities, can the SC revoke those citizenship till it reviews CAA now that it has referred to a larger bench?
The Citizen Amendment Act of 2019 is actually a very simple one which only lightens the process for gaining Indian citizenship for the persecuted minorities. It does NOT even mention any thing about revoking any one's citizenship. So there is no real urgency to dispose of these petitions against CAA, and it is just about legalising an executive decision; that of granting citizenship the persecuted minorities from neighbouring countries. Since no fundamental rights or citizenship conditions of any existing Indian National is at jeopardy, I don't think there is any violation of Constituition, Fundamental rights etc. Amit Shah's thundering statements that CAA will remain also could be after doing a legal scrutiny of the CAA.

SC was quite clear that there is NO stay on the Act. Since no stay has been given on the CAA, it means that the act is now the law of the land and GoI and state governments can start granting citizenships to the persecuted minority communities. And if and when if their citizenship gets questioned, they will now have the rights to stand up for their rights as well (as they have become bonafide citizens of India). So if there is a question of SC asking GoI to revoke citizenship, the persecuted minorities also will get a chance to file appeals as they are now citizens of India. As Gen. Horrocks says in the movie "A Bridge too Far"; Speed is the vital factor. Let GoI complete all citizenship granting procedures quickly.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Yagnasri »

Plus - No stay also means that there is no major and glaring unconstitutional thing is there in this act. As I said before this law will pass the test of reasonable classification and there by not in violation of the Art 14. Added to that giving or not giving citizenship and how and in manner to give etc in mainly a political decision to be taken by the legislature and not a judicial decision. Thus is SC want to do something about it then it has to do some major drama and incorporate some globalist s&&t ideas form leftee loonees into its judgement. Let us see what happens.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

Saleem Yadav and Shekar Coupta wants people to hit the roads again since SC did not listen to them
Shekhar Gupta

· 6h
Supreme Court’s hearing-as-usual approach on CAA shows Indians need to go back to streets

@_YogendraYadav writes


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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by madhu »

La Ilaha Illallah Not Communal, Shaheen Bagh a Reaction to 5 Years of Fear: Former Delhi L-G Najeeb Jung

Yes, yes...La Ilaha Illallah Not Communal, but Vande Mataram is communal. Standing up for national anthem is communal.
Who the hell made them governer or vice president?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ashokk »

Financial Times: 'Giving cold shoulder to Amazon's Bezos could backfire for India' :((
NEW DELHI: India's cold shoulder to Amazon boss Jeff Bezos during his recent visit made for "poor optics" at a time of economic slowdown, especially when the Modi government wants foreign firms to invest in India, writes Financial Times South Asia Bureau chief Amy Kazmin in an opinion piece on the website.

" ... if Bezos' expected his verbal, sartorial and financial overtures to generate good vibes in New Delhi’s corridors of power, he was mistaken. The stalwarts of Mr Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party government seemed unmoved," Kazmin said in her opinion piece.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

That is why education has been so tightly controlled by the commie/congi/naxal/minorities as well as the BIF ever since independence and the Hindu temples have been neutralized by subjecting them to "secular" govt control.


The left doesn't want you to read Swami Dayananda, Aurobindo, Vivekananda & Veer Savarkar. They want your religion to be irrational in front of your eyes so that you fall prey to their ideologies. Once you read the 'Big Four', there is no turning back.

Leaders like Swami Vivekananda ji are not read, they are assimilated. When you read them, they talk to you, they speak to you, they proclaim you to be the Torchbearer of this great religion!

"Our religion is not based upon persons but on principles"- Swami Vivekananda ji
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »


BJP's opponents have often questioned PM Modi's legitimacy to rule on the ground that over 60% of the electorate did not vote for him. Even so-called 180+ IQ types have used this logic.

I hear 65% of JNU students have already paid the new hostel fees. What do we make of this?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Manish_Sharma »

The left doesn't want you to read Swami Dayananda, Aurobindo, Vivekananda & Veer Savarkar. They want your religion to be irrational in front of your eyes so that you fall prey to their ideologies. Once you read the 'Big Four', there is no turning back.

^ Chetak ji if you can give links then we can retweet and promote such tweets
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Manish_Sharma wrote:
The left doesn't want you to read Swami Dayananda, Aurobindo, Vivekananda & Veer Savarkar. They want your religion to be irrational in front of your eyes so that you fall prey to their ideologies. Once you read the 'Big Four', there is no turning back.

^ Chetak ji if you can give links then we can retweet and promote such tweets
here you go, Saar.

Mark this tweet. Wiser words were never spoken on this platform.

smyltr @smyltr

The left doesn't want you to read Swami Dayananda, Aurobindo, Vivekananda & Veer Savarkar. They want your religion to be irrational in front of your eyes so that you fall prey to their ideologies. Once you read the 'Big Four', there is no turning back. :)

8:17 AM - 22 Jan 2020
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by ramana »

Or just read one Sitaram Goel.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by ramana »

Or just follow Bharat Rakshak.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by shravanp »

ramana wrote:Or just follow Bharat Rakshak.

Saar I mentally sing the song 'tum hi ho maataa pitaa tumhi ho....' for BRF. It's an enlightenment. Its a University.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by shravanp »

chetak wrote:twitter

BJP's opponents have often questioned PM Modi's legitimacy to rule on the ground that over 60% of the electorate did not vote for him. Even so-called 180+ IQ types have used this logic.

I hear 65% of JNU students have already paid the new hostel fees. What do we make of this?

They have another weapon in their arsenal: A loud, shriek whining "phasissi majoritarianism"!
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

The entire world economy is slowing down.

India is still the 2nd fastest growing economy.


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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by ramana »

Throw out the lowest and the highest and take average.
Looks like average 6% is Jan 2020 forecast.

World Bank and OECD 2019 projection of 7.5 and 7.2 % respectively looks bokwas linear drawing he straight line.
No wonder they scaled back 1.5%

Any analyst on Wall Street would be selling hot dogs on the street corner for that scale back.

May be their distance distorted the vision.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Skanda »

Before CAA, string of government orders made it impossible for Muslim migrants to get Indian citizenship
BENGALURU/MUMBAI: Even as protests over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act rage across India, a review of government orders (GO) by TOI shows that the government has been steadily placing hurdles in the way of Muslims seeking Indian citizenship since December 2014.

The most significant GO is the October 22, 2018 amendment to the Passport (Entry into India) Rules, 1950 and Foreigners Act, 1946, discriminating against Muslims and atheists for the grant of long-term visas (LTVs). The changed LTV regulations say, “Only members of minority communities in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, namely, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians, are eligible to apply for long-term visas.”

Under the Citizenship Act of 1955, a residential permit, or LTV, is one of the main requirements for getting Indian citizenship through naturalisation. Denying LTVs to Muslim migrants, in effect, filters them out of the process from the start, regardless of the passage of the CAA this year.

Lawyers have now moved the Supreme Court seeking the repeal of the CAA and some of these government orders. The first hearing on the plea is scheduled in the Supreme Court on January 22. The Joint Forum Against NRC has been working on this since 2016, when the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) was introduced, said activist Prasenjit Bose, who has challenged the CAA and some of these government orders in the SC. “We realised that the foundation for the CAA was laid long before it was enacted,” Bose said.

Lawyers say the orders discriminate on grounds of religion and should be deemed unconstitutional as per Article 14 of the Constitution. “The LTV rules could have been separately challenged as being ultra vires the act,” said Sanjay Hegde, a Supreme Court lawyer. “Amendments to the Citizenship Act now seek to put parliamentary approval on what prima facie appear to be discriminatory rules. The mere existence of earlier discriminatory rules does not in any manner validate discriminatory legislation,” Hegde said.

“As human rights workers, we feel the government orders of 2015 and 2017 amending the passport rules are violative of Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution. We demand that they be immediately repealed or amended to include all migrants, irrespective of religion, from all neighbouring countries,” said Teesta Setalvad, activist with the Centre for Justice and Peace.

Emails sent to officials at the ministry of external affairs remained unanswered. However, an MEA official who declined to be named said, “No one should feel jealous or angry towards refugees. These are people fleeing extreme conditions of violence and unrest, so the government has granted a special exemption to them.”

Lawyers say the government’s moves are a human rights issue more than a legal one. “When it comes to the CAA-NRC-NPR, they have already said Aadhaar, voter ID cards and passports are not proof of citizenship, only ancestry is. When you place the burden of proof on a country with more than 270 million people living below the poverty line, it would be fair to surmise many do not have such documents,” said Nikhil Narendran, a lawyer.
You got to give it to this man Modi. No matter what the criticism was, they stayed the course.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by banrjeer »

the west votes its democracy
Indians vote its "majoratarianism"

the west suppresses violent/physical dissent then its rule of law
If Indians suppress violent/physical forms dissent, to protect public infrastructure, its fascism
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by CRamS »

^^^ Absolutely spot on. If only our Lutyen scum can see west's criticism that objectively, they wouldn't be p!ssing on us with impunity.

Guys, like many here do, I monitor twitter lines of BIF and libarandus. And one prominent BIF member is Rana Ayyub. I noticed that she is in Davos for this WEF jamboree. I don't know what comes out of it, but it does seem important given that white king Trump bahadur himself showed up. Now, obviously this Ayyub is there to attend some sessions and pour bile, vitriol, and scorn to malign India at such a well attended event. Question I have is who is funding her trip? TSP's ISI with a coached narrative on what to say? Which other BIF org?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by KLNMurthy »

madhu wrote:La Ilaha Illallah Not Communal, Shaheen Bagh a Reaction to 5 Years of Fear: Former Delhi L-G Najeeb Jung

Yes, yes...La Ilaha Illallah Not Communal, but Vande Mataram is communal. Standing up for national anthem is communal.
Who the hell made them governer or vice president?
It’s all maya onlee. Najeeb Jung was the same LG of Delhi who gave a hard time to Kejriwal, latter used to abuse him as Modi’s stooge.

Nos he has retired and needs a post-retirement career.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by KJo »

CRamS wrote:^^^ Absolutely spot on. If only our Lutyen scum can see west's criticism that objectively, they wouldn't be p!ssing on us with impunity.

Guys, like many here do, I monitor twitter lines of BIF and libarandus. And one prominent BIF member is Rana Ayyub. I noticed that she is in Davos for this WEF jamboree. I don't know what comes out of it, but it does seem important given that white king Trump bahadur himself showed up. Now, obviously this Ayyub is there to attend some sessions and pour bile, vitriol, and scorn to malign India at such a well attended event. Question I have is who is funding her trip? TSP's ISI with a coached narrative on what to say? Which other BIF org?
She now works for WaPo which is owned by Amazoni Bezos. Which I think is why Modi gave him the cold shoulder recently during his India trip.
I wouldn't be surprised if she had some hush hush side bijness going on with some rich daddy to fund her activities.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vishvak »

They have another weapon in their arsenal: A loud, shriek whining "phasissi majoritarianism"!
Imagine a one-eyed (not half blind) hearing impaired etc. fellow (not Portuguese from dark age of Europe) getting down from boat and declare ' caste' Indians.

Rest is all bad. The religious forces and communists have their own heirarchy though.

Remember what an African said abt when they opened their eyes the European s had lands. So what the exclusivists want is impose their own heirarchy and call it progressive.

Has anyone call ban on 3T as progressive. Because it would come in the way of some.