Understanding the US - Again

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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Tulsi Gabbard proved right.... again. Donkeystanis showed utter hollowness and spite in pursuing this Impeachment with such non-issues as "charges". The Iowa SNAFU may be karma.. or a clear sign that they are in utter disarray. After watching this impeachment tamasha and the Pelosi nastiness I am now anti-Donkeystant-except-for-Gabbard. Have decided that the Donkey party is evil and should be totally routed. Trouble with that is, it brings the elephants to power. :roll:

See, this may be political sour grapes, but it comes across as total spite and contempt for the Constitution:
"He's impeached forever. You're never getting rid of that scar," the speaker said.
er... the Constitution says that if the Legislative branch is unhappy, they can remove the POTUS through impeachment: majority vote in the House, 2/3 of the Senate. They fell faaaaar short of that. There is no "half-convicted". So what comes across is that the Democrats are once again refusing to accept the RESULT of the constitutional process. Just like the 2016 election.

Anyone who keeps saying that the President was impeached, is a goddamn liar.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Looks like Tulsi bb is out? Not on the NH debate roster. She has spent half the winter in NH!!!
Yang and Steyer are on the roster! I thought Steyer had already quit?
Not everyone is happy: 1
Not everyone is happy: 2

Posting in full since this is the only candidate who has stood for POTUS election in the past 40 years and got this much respect in Mongolia.
It may be that TGji will stand as Libertarian after all!!! Standing as donkey at this point is a lost cause for many reasons.

Tulsi Gabbard in New Hampshire
Gabbard’s emphasis on transforming US foreign policy gives her campaign an appeal that cuts across party lines—and defies traditional definitions of left and right.

By Michael TraceyTwitter
Yesterday 6:00 am
Tulsi Gabbard’s political style has never fit neatly into any traditional partisan paradigm. Most of the coverage she receives from the “corporate media”—her term—is highly derogatory and dismissive, often dwelling on trivialities in an attempt to delegitimize her. But polls in New Hampshire, where she has focused her campaign, put her as high as 7 percent—in contention with some of the supposedly “leading” candidates. So as a potential factor in the outcome of the primary here on February 11, it is worth taking a closer look at where her support is coming from.

Some of Gabbard’s most ardent volunteers throughout New Hampshire are self-described libertarians, which at first might seem incongruous. Gabbard advocates a variety of policy proposals—like a form of single-payer health care and a ban on fossil fuels—that plainly contravene the libertarian philosophy of little or no government intervention in the economic marketplace.

But in my travels across the state (I have covered her here daily for over a month), many of these libertarians told me that they are drawn to Gabbard because they agree with her as a matter of emphasis—that she has made fundamentally transforming US foreign policy her central campaign theme—and whatever philosophical disagreements they might have on domestic issues are of lesser importance. Some have even come around to the notion of a government-administered universal health care program on the grounds that if the United States is going to be making such massive expenditures anyway, instead of wasting money on endless overseas conflict, why not redirect those resources toward something that is actually socially beneficial?

As Gabbard put it to me, this reflects her ability “to reframe the conversation outside the institutional constructs that usually shape what people think is achievable.” Other candidates like Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, and Amy Klobuchar routinely invoke their intention to “work across the aisle.” But fundamentally, they are all operating from within the same outmoded paradigm, where “bipartisanship” typically means splitting the difference between how many bombs you drop, or which social welfare programs you cut.

Gabbard also invokes the need to cultivate trans-partisan cooperation, but hers is a different paradigm—centered on her belief that upending the current foreign policy consensus must be any president’s first priority. And indeed, skepticism of US foreign policy is a cross-cutting ideological phenomenon, which explains why Gabbard’s events across the state draw such an idiosyncratic coterie of supporters: everyone from antiwar peaceniks who idolize Noam Chomsky, to erstwhile Trump supporters who say she is the only Democrat they’d ever consider voting for, to lifelong standard-fare liberals who simply believe she has the right personal characteristics to defeat Trump.

It’s certainly an unusual confluence. But it shows how making foreign policy her foremost, animating theme—an anomaly in the recent history of US presidential campaigns—can change the axis around which politics is normally framed. When politicians are able to make arguments that have resonance across the partisan spectrum, that ability is usually lauded as a valuable political asset. But with Gabbard, the prevailing media depiction is highly scornful; her motives are often depicted as sinister or mysterious. Of course, there are any number of legitimate criticisms one might make of Gabbard. With their condescending derision, though, “corporate media” merely reveals that it lacks the vocabulary to characterize a candidate whose message transcends ordinary political boundaries.

For instance, while Gabbard clearly recognizes that compromises are often necessary over the course of a legislative process, she draws different lines of demarcation as to which compromises are tolerable. Unlike other candidates, she is not going to “compromise” with defense industry lobbyists to enact whatever their favored regime change project might be on a given day—while at the same time insisting that she will treat everyone, even the most unreconstructed war hawks, with basic human decency. “Respect does not equate to compliance,” she told me.
Gabbard’s most committed supporters tend to be heterodox left-leaning voters, but part of the reason she has drawn support from a notable constituency of libertarians and conservatives is her distinctive personality, shaped by her immersion in the culture of the US military—in many ways a fundamentally conservative (and male-dominated) institution. She does not traffic in cheap anti-Trump insults, nor does she have much patience for the culture-war theatrics favored by many of Trump’s more excitable opponents.

New Hampshire state Representative Werner Horn, a staunch Trump backer who attended one of Gabbard’s recent town hall events, told me he thinks she would be the “most dangerous” candidate against Trump because she “doesn’t buy into his toxic roadshow.”

This doesn’t mean Gabbard goes easy on Trump—she calls for his defeat just about every day—but her approach to criticizing Trump differs from the typical Democrat’s in a way that even many Trump voters find appealing. As Trump abandons his campaign promise to stop squandering resources on needless wars (and starts new conflicts in the Middle East) Gabbard has unique standing to draw attention to those failures without being accused of operating merely as a knee-jerk anti-Trump partisan.

That same mindset has left Gabbard the only remaining Democratic candidate not to be implicated in the futile impeachment melodrama–which this week ended in predictable failure. By voting “present” on the articles of impeachment in December, Gabbard set herself apart from the whole American political landscape. Her rationale for that vote was explicitly not to absolve Trump of culpability for his many acts of wrongdoing. Rather, it was a repudiation both of Trump—whose most severe misconduct, like illegally committing acts of war, was nowhere to be found in the impeachment articles—and of a fatally flawed process that relied on dangerous assumptions in the realm of foreign policy.

A vote in favor of the impeachment articles would have directly contradicted Gabbard’s core campaign themes. She elaborated on this a recent event in Manchester, expressing “alarm” that a principal element of Democrats’ impeachment case entailed elevating permanent national security state officials like Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and diplomat George Kent—the very sort of people Gabbard is running to dislodge from power—as the guardians of what’s been described by Representative Adam Schiff and other impeachment managers as “official US policy.”

“Those statements in those hearings really took me aback,” Gabbard said at the Manchester event. “Because they were coming from people who—many of them were decades-long bureaucrats serving in the State Department—who were basically saying they were the leaders of our country’s US foreign policy, not the president of the United States.”

In other words, as much as Gabbard objects to Trump’s conduct of foreign policy, the proper recourse in her mind is to vote him out of office—not establish a precedent whereby unelected security state functionaries are permitted to seize quasi-autonomous authority over “official” policymaking from a democratically elected president.

Gabbard gained a national profile in 2016 for resigning from the Democratic National Committee to endorse Bernie Sanders; she then became one of his most prominent surrogates and was chosen to enter his name into nomination at that year’s convention. In recent weeks, Gabbard has continued to come to Bernie’s defense: countering the allegations of his purported sexism made by Elizabeth Warren, visiting one of his New Hampshire field offices, and even using the #ILikeBernie Twitter hashtag.

As Gabbard campaigns in New Hampshire, she has touched on themes that would customarily find resonance on the left—condemning what she describes as Israel’s “continued illegal occupation” of Palestine, for example, as well as “the imperialistic mindset” of the Washington political class—but detractors allege (with some justification) a certain tension in her outlook. For instance, it is true that Gabbard, the first Hindu ever elected to Congress, has taken a conciliatory posture toward a number of ignominious foreign leaders—namely Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as well as Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. But often ignored is that Gabbard has also made a point to meet with opposition figures in both India and Syria, born of her conviction that diplomatic engagement requires meeting everyone, without preconditions, as a necessary prerequisite to shifting US foreign policy away from fruitless interventionism. (Hence, she was the first candidate to denounce the Trump administration’s regime change gambit in Venezuela, and is the only candidate besides Sanders to label the ousting of Evo Morales in Bolivia a “coup.”)

In my observations, Gabbard’s rhetoric does not materially change depending on the person she’s talking to or the platform she’s speaking on. Critics often complain about her frequent appearances on Fox News, but overlook that she says much the same thing in that venue as she does on left-wing independent media. (And she attracted the ire of the Republican National Committee for condemning Trump’s assassination of Qassim Suleimani on Fox News last month). Her logic of broad-based engagement even resulted in Gabbard’s meeting with Trump himself, shortly after the 2016 election, to discuss foreign policy. She said at the time that the purpose of the meeting was to dissuade him from filling his cabinet with neoconservative warmongers. Now that Trump has done just that, she again has unique standing to call him to account.

The same pattern applies to her impeachment position. In declining to echo the standard Democratic talking points on the subject—she has repeatedly said that a shortsighted impeachment would only embolden Trump, making it more likely that he’s reelected—Gabbard is singularly positioned to detach herself from the political fallout in the aftermath of Trump’s acquittal. She may still not be “electable” in the way pundits usually understand the term. But we have already seen the definition change to accommodate a black president, female candidates—and now even a socialist. Perhaps the pundits will be proven wrong again.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

On the Iowa kakoos
The Myth Of Incompetence: DNC Scandals Are A Feature, Not A Bug
February 6, 2020 • 10 Comments
The system for Democratic Party elites isn’t broken, says Caitlin Johnstone. It’s working exactly the way it’s intended to work. It ain’t a bug, it’s a feature.
The Iowa caucus scandal has continued to get more egregious by the hour, with new revelations routinely pouring in about extremely suspicious manipulations taking place which all just so happen to disadvantage the campaign of Bernie Sanders in the first Democratic electoral contest of 2020. By the time you read this article, there will likely have been more.

Following the failure of an extremely shady app developed by vocally anti-Sanders establishment insiders which reportedly was literally altering vote count numbers after they were entered, Black Hawk County supervisor Chris Schwartz shared the election results in his county on Facebook so the public could have some idea of what’s going on as the Iowa Democratic Party (IDP) slowly trickles out the results of the caucuses.
Sanders supporters quickly highlighted the fact that the IDP’s reported numbers for Black Hawk County were wildly different from those reported by Schwartz, with votes taken from Sanders and given to minor fringe candidates Deval Patrick and Tom Steyer. The IDP then announced that it would be making “a minor correction to the last batch of results”, which just so happened to be in Black Hawk County and just so happened to give Sanders back some votes (but still remains different from that reported by Schwartz).

It’s probable that this only happened as a result of one Black Hawk County supervisor taking to social media to report the vote tallies for this one particular county. What about all the Iowa locations where this did not happen and local Democratic Party officials didn’t report their numbers on social media? Does anyone actually believe that the one instance where the IDP got caught is the one instance in which such vote tampering occurred? That would be .... like a store clerk discovering that a can of beans is completely rotten, then .. putting the rest of the pallet on the shelf under the assumption that the other cans are fine.

Another of the countless revelations hemorrhaging from this fustercluck is a report from CNN and The New York Post that the DNC, not the IDP, is “running the show” in managing the Iowa caucus scandal. This means that this Democratic presidential primary scandal is being managed by the same committee which orchestrated the last Democratic presidential primary scandal, and that the campaign being victimized by this scandal, that of Bernie Sanders, is the same in both cases.
This would be the same DNC whose chairperson, Tom Perez, recently stacked its nominating committee with dozens of odious alt-centrist establishment insiders who are ideologically opposed to Sanders in every meaningful way.
“Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez has nominated dozens of lobbyists, corporate consultants, think tank board members, and former officials linked to the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton to serve on the Democratic National Convention (DNC) nominating committee this July,” Kevin Gosztola reported for Grayzone last month. “Many of Perez’s nominees are vocal opponents of Senator Bernie Sanders and spoke out against his campaign when he challenged Hillary Clinton for the nomination in 2016.”
As these scandalous revelations continue to emerge I don’t see anyone online expressing surprise that the Democratic establishment is once again stacking the deck against Sanders, but I do see some people expressing surprise that they are being so brazen about it. Which is perfectly understandable; if this party wants to screw over progressive voters, you’d expect that they’d at least try to hide it a little bit so they don’t alienate their progressive base before November.
The flaw in this expectation is its premise that Democratic Party elites care if their party wins in November. They do not.
Put yourself in the shoes of one of the leading movers and shakers within the Democratic Party for a minute. Pretend you’re getting a nice paycheck, pretend you’re getting great healthcare benefits, pretend you get plenty of prestige and exclusive access and invitations to classy parties. And pretend you’re the type of person who’s willing to manipulate and deceive and kiss up and kick down and do whatever it takes to get to the top of such a structure.
Now ask yourself, if you were such a person in such a situation, would you care if voters pick Donald Trump or Pete Buttigeig in November? Would it affect your cushy lifestyle in any way whatsoever? Would you lose your job, your prestige or your influence? No party elites lost those things in 2016. Why would you expect this time to be any different?
But you might be at risk of losing your cushy lifestyle if a forcefully anti-elitist progressive movement gets off the ground and takes control of your party. So you’d stand everything to gain by doing everything you can to prevent that from happening, and, because you don’t care if Trump gets re-elected, you’d stand absolutely nothing to lose.
These people do not care if Trump gets re-elected, because they lose nothing if he does..

I keep seeing the word “incompetence” thrown around. “Gosh these Democratic Party leaders are so incompetent!”, they say. “How can anyone be so bad at their job?” Well, they are not bad at their job. They are very, very good at their job. It’s just that their job isn’t what most people assume it is. Their job is not to win elections and garner public support, their job is to ensure the perpetuation of the status quo which rewards them so handsomely for their malignant behavior. Toward this end they are not incompetent at all. They know exactly what they’re doing, and they’re doing it well. They are extremely competent. Depraved, certainly. Sociopathic, possibly. But not incompetent. They’re happy to make their nefariousness look like incompetence though, whenever they can get away with it. Any manipulator worth their salt always will be. If they can make their planned, deliberate acts of sabotage look like innocent little oopsies, they’ll gladly do so. But you learn in life that whenever you see someone making a lot of “mistakes” which just so happen to benefit them every time, you’re dealing with manipulation, not incompetence.
What do the bad guys say in the movies when they order someone’s murder? They say “Make it look like an accident.” If it’s an accident you’ve got no trouble. You won’t be seen for what you are.

The system isn’t broken. It’s working exactly the way it’s intended to work. It ain’t a bug, it’s a feature. And that feature will remain in operation until the entire sick system is torn down and replaced with something healthy.

Caitlin Johnstone is a rogue journalist, poet, and utopia prepper who publishes regularly at Medium. Follow her work on Facebook, Twitter, or her website. She has a podcast and a book, “Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.”
This article was re-published with permission.
The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Cain Marko »

UlanBatori wrote:Looks like Tulsi bb is out? Not on the NH debate roster. She has spent half the winter in NH!!!
Yang and Steyer are on the roster! I thought Steyer had already quit?
No Steyer polls well in S Carolina. And Tulsi will do damage in NH. She's polling well there. I was surprised at how low Yang polled in Iowa. Just can't figure out the Klobuchar female. Where is the appeal?

My guess is that she along with Biden, bootyjudge, are establishment faves to keep Sanders out of the picture.

As far as Tulsi goes, I think her best chance is a cabinet position with one of the candidates. Ditto with Yang although he'll poll higher in states like California
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

UBCN heard from re-lie-able sources that Yang campaign staff are getting bye-byed. Surprised to see him in the debate: clearly these debates are "Corporate-Media" fixed. Maybe by OrangeUtan :mrgreen:
Bloomberg has not made it to any Debate, right? So these are all just ringers.
Next round will have Bloomberg, HiC and hopefully TG though I doubt it. Unless there is a mutiny to kick out the DNC, they will keep TG out. In which case she may be better off running as Independent.

I wonder about a TG-Bloomberg ticket. YY combo at head of the 3rd Y? Can't see Bloomberg taking second-fiddle Funeral-Goer position.
Cain Marko
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Cain Marko »

UlanBatori wrote:UBCN heard from re-lie-able sources that Yang campaign staff are getting bye-byed. Surprised to see him in the debate: clearly these debates are "Corporate-Media" fixed. Maybe by OrangeUtan :mrgreen:
Bloomberg has not made it to any Debate, right? So these are all just ringers.
Next round will have Bloomberg, HiC and hopefully TG though I doubt it. Unless there is a mutiny to kick out the DNC, they will keep TG out. In which case she may be better off running as Independent.

I wonder about a TG-Bloomberg ticket. YY combo at head of the 3rd Y? Can't see Bloomberg taking second-fiddle Funeral-Goer position.
If Bloomberg has a fragile billionaire ego like Trump, we can perhaps expect something of that nature. He may run independent and has the resources to make that kinda campaign work esp if he ties up with someone who already has a bit of a ground game.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by nachiket »

Anyone from the Dem list who runs as an Independent will only end up being a new Ross Perot (but for the other side) and ensure a Trump victory. Perot was also a billionaire incidentally.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

If u have a 70-yr old inflated billionaire running against a 76-yr-old terminal wacko billionaire, u might vote for the former, out of sheer fear of what the latter will do with a free and final 4 yrs - free even from any risk of being impeached, courtesy of the donkeydiots. Wall St. & the Mil-Ind Complex are safe under either, hain? So is Israel. WTH else matters? Deep State may not like either one. EJ lobby? Probably Bloomberg will be smart enough to kiss up to them: he's made his $$B so far, hain? Any way, Bloomberg is blasting an all-out TV campaign, commercials every 2 minutes at Prime Time!!

Look at it this way: Wall St. run will end in 4 more yrs, as reaction to DT-stan hits. Only chance is to elect Bloomberg.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Orangeutan has been pushed beyond the limit, I believe. Hitting out now, with a vengeance. Nothing to lose, and probably feels free.
I want to see what he does to CNN, WaPO and NYT. :mrgreen:
The donkeystanis cried 'wolf' once too often and too loud.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Aditya_V »

UlanBatori wrote:Orangeutan has been pushed beyond the limit, I believe. Hitting out now, with a vengeance. Nothing to lose, and probably feels free.
I want to see what he does to CNN, WaPO and NYT. :mrgreen:
The donkeystanis cried 'wolf' once too often and too loud.
Can 1 of them be deployed in Iraq or Afgansitan considering they are in the army?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Maybe to Woohan Phakt-Phinding Mishun with orders to go skinny-dipping in the Yangtze, the way DT's mood seems to be. Did u watch him react to some momeen yelling "AOA!" from behind him as he was gloating? I too would have *EXPECTED** that the AOA was being yelled in the usual sense: with a soosai. And so did the Big Ppl With Dark Glasses Even A Night, thought the Uzis did not come out from under their Armanis. Come 2 think of it, it must be tough to get ppl who are 1 foot taller than The Subject for that job.
But his reaction was not to duck but to swing around in **sheer rage**.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by vijayk »

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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

^^ More reason for Mohterma Pocahontas to hate India.
Last edited by UlanBatori on 09 Feb 2020 06:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Donkeystanis seem to be intensely into MACA: Make America Count Again. And Again. And Again. :mrgreen:
They **HAVE* managed to give 1 more delegate to Boy-Wunder Buttigieg and bissed on Bernie.
Last edited by UlanBatori on 09 Feb 2020 06:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

CNN :(( about Miss Information
"Anybody who is propping up conspiracy theories -- promoting mistruths or distruths -- is doing a disservice to the democratic system writ large," Jankowicz added.
And it's not a partisan problem. Though the integrity of the actual vote -- which is backed up with paper ballots -- is not in question, actors on the left and right have used the cloud of doubt hanging over Iowa to promote their own political agendas.
Biden's team questioned the integrity of the process, while former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg delivered a "victory speech" before a single precinct had reported, adding to the chaos and giving legs to an unfounded conspiracy that the app was rigged in his favor. Buttigieg later cited his campaign's internal data as the basis for declaring early.
Furious supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders speculated about a stolen victory on social media. Meanwhile, those on the right, including the family of the President, fanned the flames with allegations that the caucuses had been "rigged."
Meanwhile MACA (Make America Cyaunt Agin) in full swing: 5% of Iowa precincts to be recounted. Then another 5% .. then another...
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

This is definitely a Source 4 Serious People: (S4SP)
CNN PROJECTS THAT AMY KLOBUCHAR WINS NEW HAMPSHIRE:waves to the adoring masses and all.

Based on a poll of 12 voters. That's right. A WHOLE JURY OF BEERS!

(UBCN reports MACA: Biden demands recount)
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Arun.prabhu »

Rumor is DNC wants Clinton to take over from all the idiots and morons already in the race for Dem nominee. Hillary Clinton. My god!
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Mort Walker »

The Donkeystanis need Michelle Obama to come in and save them from self ruin. All she needs is a positive image, which she has, and refuse to debate Trump because everything she has to say happy happy smile smile fun fun. Game over for the elephants.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Bloomberg is the only viable donkeystani I c: Has the B$$ and is a YY. A trump by another name. May get significant elephant crossover from ppl annoyed with DT. Even Sanders nutcases will come out to vote, just because is *Not-Trump*. Cillizza Noise Nutwerks will go ga-ga. But when he is going to get into the race? Just giving TV ads (back-2-back in prime time!!!) doesn't cut it.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Looks like TeeJee is drawing a blank in NH. But Warren and Bye-den are effectively the same. So now its Butt-e-gig, Sanders and the Deep State candidate Klobuchar aka "HiC-2". If the donkestani nominee is one of those, they might as well declare a walkover. Even the DNC can't be that stupid. Way being cleared for Mullah Bloombergi.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Vikas »

Arrey, Where is that one sixteenth Indian (Columbus wale) in the race ?
Has She dropped out ?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by achit »

Arun.prabhu wrote:Rumor is DNC wants Clinton to take over from all the idiots and morons already in the race for Dem nominee. Hillary Clinton. My god!
https://althouse.blogspot.com/2020/02/i ... 1jK0f1JH33
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Can someone explain this System 2 me pls?
2 state parties have voted so far: Iowa and NH.
Iowa: Butt-e-gig 14, BernieSanders 12 rest low single-digits
NH:BG 9, BS 9, rest 0.

Result: BIDEN 76, Warren 47, Klobchar 35, BG 23, Sanders 21. Hain? Musharraf would be put to shame with his 142% vote in Gujranwala.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rishi_Tri »

Tulsi Gabbard is hanging in there. She polled 3.3% in NH to finish at 7th place, just behind Steyer at @3.6%. Not bad for someone being pilloried by 'liberal' media.

Trump on the other hand swept the republican primary. He is drawing crowd in numbers that none of the recent presidents have done including Reagan, Clinton, Obama.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

This is because ppl r not helping to propagate the truth about what HiC/BO did in Syria - and Deep State is still trying. Shame.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Vikas »

Do sitting presidents also have to go thru primaries to get the nomination once again ?
I thought they are by default on the ticket and need not spend time on Primaries.

If Yes, then who is standing against Trump uncle ?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

POTUS has to go through nomination. Jimmy Carter very nearly did not get nominated (Ted Kennedy was main challenger). But answer to second pooch is: No One. There were some 4 or 5 or 10 declared candidates none heard from recently. May have been taken out and shot. Only Romney looks like he has a rod up his, and Graham was flexing his mijjile for a while, but I don't think either one will even bother to declare candidacy. Ted Cruz, main noise-source last time, got crushed by OrangeUtan and is silent these days. OrangeUtan Machine is scary. Ask Vindman, Comey.... and soon, Bolton. :mrgreen: (Couldn't happen to a more deserving person!)
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Vikas »

So if Elephants have circled the wagon and Donkeys are well asses, There is no chance DT is not getting his second term unless some Black Swan hits the world in a damaging way.
Maybe Cheen will invade Taiwan to fight coronavirus outbreak sucking Eagle in the war with damaging consequences.
Cain Marko
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Cain Marko »

UlanBatori wrote:This is because ppl r not helping to propagate the truth about what HiC/BO did in Syria - and Deep State is still trying. Shame.
Now that Yang has cashed in his chips and Tulsi has taken up the Ubi torch one wonders if she will get the Yang gangs support.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by ricky_v »

The freedom is off the charts, what useful slaves the jooos possess.
https://citizentruth.org/journalist-abb ... to-israel/
fter refusing to sign a pledge of allegiance to the state of Israel, the state of Georgia shut down a media literacy conference featuring journalist and filmmaker Abby Martin at Georgia Southern University. Martin had recently released a documentary critical of the Israeli government called “Gaza Fights for Freedom.” Now she is suing the state, claiming the decision is a violation of the First Amendment. Along with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF), today she filed a federal free speech lawsuit against the university system of Georgia.
Twenty-eight states have already mandated loyalty pledges to Israel as a means to outlaw dissent. But in December, President Trump passed legislation effectively criminalizing the Boycott Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) movement that aims to put pressure on the Jewish state through economic action, along the lines of the anti-Apartheid struggle in South Africa. The law mandates that any public institution would be subject to losing all funding if the government deems that they are not doing enough to stamp out anti-Semitism, which, it explicitly states, includes any criticism of the Israeli government. In December, MintPress reported that the British government under Boris Johnson is planning to introduce similar legislation.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Arun.prabhu »

We'll see. :)
achit wrote:
Arun.prabhu wrote:Rumor is DNC wants Clinton to take over from all the idiots and morons already in the race for Dem nominee. Hillary Clinton. My god!
https://althouse.blogspot.com/2020/02/i ... 1jK0f1JH33
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

^ Never heard of this "pledge of allegiance to.." HOW can that stand up in court? OK,don't tell me, Judge has also signed it. What next? poa to Slum of Pakistan?
BTW, "Abby Martin" sounds YY, hain?
I wonder how they can argue that "anti-Semitism" means allegiance to a foreign country, right or wrong.
BRF Oldie
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Vayutuvan »

UlanBatori wrote:But answer to second pooch is: No One. There were some 4 or 5 or 10 declared candidates none heard from recently.
Trump and 17 others were on the ballot in NH GOP primaries. sOna bandar (TM @yagnasri) got 87.5% and one Mr. Walsh got < 1.0%. No idea about the other 16. :mrgreen:
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Vayutuvan »

UlanBatori wrote:Can someone explain this System 2 me pls?
2 state parties have voted so far: Iowa and NH.
Iowa: Butt-e-gig 14, BernieSanders 12 rest low single-digits
NH:BG 9, BS 9, rest 0.

Result: BIDEN 76, Warren 47, Klobchar 35, BG 23, Sanders 21. Hain? Musharraf would be put to shame with his 142% vote in Gujranwala.
Precincts?! I also wondered the same during IA kakkooses.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by nandakumar »

Vayutuvan wrote:
UlanBatori wrote:Can someone explain this System 2 me pls?
2 state parties have voted so far: Iowa and NH.
Iowa: Butt-e-gig 14, BernieSanders 12 rest low single-digits
NH:BG 9, BS 9, rest 0.

Result: BIDEN 76, Warren 47, Klobchar 35, BG 23, Sanders 21. Hain? Musharraf would be put to shame with his 142% vote in Gujranwala.
Precincts?! I also wondered the same during IA kakkooses.
I think it is the number of delegates count that that each candidate has won not percentage of votes won. The allocation of delegates is decided on the basis of proportional voting system.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

^ That explains it, no doubt. :mrgreen:
BTW, did I c that Andrew Yang has decided to save his $$ and buy popcorn?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Arun.prabhu »

A lifelong democrat attends a Trump rally.

https://gen.medium.com/ive-been-a-democ ... 9ddaaf6d07
Avtar Singh
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Avtar Singh »

SFO ===>>> plop;

https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/stat ... 4489071618

I remember a colleague telling me a similar story about his trip on a bus in LA

that very old tv program "streets of san franciso" takes on a whole new meaning


sorry, I did not know where else to put, could not find thread about disparaging usa news
Avtar Singh
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Avtar Singh »


I forgot, Streets of San Francisco ran 1972 to 1977 and I liked watching it.
It was also in these years that I made my first return to my pind since leaving India.
For 6 weeks, the facilties being demonstrated were the only ones available to me.
How times change!!!! :rotfl:
I could never have imagined as a poor yet to have been fully educated lad.
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