2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by khan »

IMO, to not ally with the US in whatever possible security framework, would be completely insane after this.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by banrjeer »

Is there a bias here?

https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/21/tech/ind ... index.html

Privacy concern kicks in when an App is Indian but if its google then it's OK.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

this entire MOU idea is quite diabolic and sinister.

Is there precedence to this elsewhere in the world.

the eyetalian probably did not sign the MOU herself because of possible complications arising because of her country of birth. :mrgreen:

from opIndia

Photograph showing Congress signing MoU with Communist Party of China
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sachin »

banrjeer wrote: Privacy concern kicks in when an App is Indian but if its google then it's OK.
More than bias, it is also how these shady Apps sell themselves. For example there was some FaceApp or similar mobile app which could take photos from one's cell phone and then shown him/her how he looks when old ;). This app when doing so was also uploading all photos to another server on the sly. But no one was bothered. Google had once shown *me* my monthly movement details, distance travelled and the time I spent on travel. I am sure they would have even figured out how much time a user spends in the rest room. But people are not even bothered because all these tools are 'marketed' as 'value adding & good tools'.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Aditya_V »

It can even tell wheather I was on 2 wheeler or 4 wheeler or walking.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

here is the "wisdom" and "culture" of a blue ticked twitter babuz low life mindlessly kowtowing to his self imbibed maculayputra western kool aid and wilfully demeaning the majority.

one wonders as to whose taxes pay for this clown's salary and give him his entitled perks

Fasting for ramzan is a religious belief but fasting during an eclipse is superstition.

A classic example of how education alone does not help.

never forget that there is a "white skin syndrome", a deep seated kind of evil colonial hangover.

Most Indian "eminent" intellectuals and "useful idiots" (sometimes masquerading as pretentious babuz) suffer from this syndrome.

Somesh Upadhyay, IAS@Somesh_IAS
Had food during Solar Eclipse. Doing fine so far. Will keep you all posted.
12:39 PM · Jun 21, 2020
will the same babuz dare comment on the following or the basic question is does he have the testimonials to do so

maybe the real question to Somesh Upadhyay, IAS is: konsa kabool kia, rice bag ya paanch namaaz :mrgreen:


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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

some introspection would perhaps be beneficial.

who or what is stopping such a "powerful" govt with such a massive mandate from doing what it should be doing.

Or, are the deeply borrowed and entrenched termites so powerful as to reduce it to this level of docility and one is not talking merely of china, where, BTW, it really accounted itself commendably well, but of those reforms that have been crying out for seven decades to see the light of day and that day is yet to come.

If not now, then when. Will we be pleasantly surprised once again like we were when art 370 and 35A were removed like a bolt out of the blue

It may be many decades (if ever again) before such a chance is gifted to the civilizational minded to dismantle and disrobe the commies, naxals and, the BIF once and for all.

India is the only major civilizational country where you are systematically taught to hate your heritage and glorify the invaders who came to destroy it. And this absurdity is called "secularism".

A history that was written by the victors is now assiduously being peddled by the politically co-opted and corrupt inteligencia, ably aided by the termites and the maculayised vanquished who desperately seek to once again free load off the public trough.

Last edited by chetak on 22 Jun 2020 15:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

Debhashis Basu misses one simple point in his untimely rant. Because our mugshot + bylined journos can't bothered to do some elementary research.

China's global trade balance in 2019 was a surplus of 422B$ of which India contributes 57B$, or 13.5%

China's trade surplus will see a big drop in 2020 due to Covid. Assuming 2019 levels, spread evenly across the year, the surplus generated is about 35B$ per month. Lets say surplus generation drops by 50% from March to Dec 2020. That would be a 158B$ reduction in surplus.Compared to 2019, thats a 37.5% drop in trade surplus YoY. Which is a mega drop.
If India reduces its imports from China by 25%, that would be 14.25 B$, or nearly 9% of the drop in trade surplus YoY, big enough to hurt seriously.

Our import categories are:
Electric Machinery, Sound Equipment, Television Equipment and parts thereof;
Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery and Mechanical Appliances and Parts;
Organic Chemicals;
Plastics and articles thereof;
Articles of Iron and Steel

Unfortunately I couldn't find the break up of these categories. But if we majorly reduce the following:
Sound Equipment, Television Equipment and parts thereof;
Mechanical Appliances and Parts
Plastics and articles thereof
Articles of Iron and Steel

I think we can achieve this 25% target.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Elimination of termites within the borders should be considered as part of the overall military strategy to win the war. This will split chinese resources as they will have to think about whether it's worth letting go of assets cultivated within India for decades. And obviously there are riots like Godhra to worry about too as they will start. Hopefully HM is working on a plan to make sure that this time there's no riot that will force Indian gov't to not consider going after enemies.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Only thing that MMS should be opening his mouth for is to accept his sins. If Indian public wanted jaichand as PM then they would have elected one instead of Modi. Can robots even advise real people? May be he should've advised RaGaXi to not cuddle in Xi's lap. Advice to MMS, admit to all crimes and donate everything that you have to army funds.

‘Let the government do what is best for the country’: BSP chief Mayawati tweets after Manmohan Singh ‘advices’ the PM
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/mayawat ... han-singh/

Ladakh face-off: As ex-PM Manmohan Singh urges nation to be united, here is how Congress has been spreading lies and misinformation
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/manmoha ... ress-lies/

Where are you hiding MMS? Need advice on how to hang traitors. Hit the Twitter.

Threat to India’s national security: Shady links of Congress with Chinese Communist Party and African National Congress
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/congres ... rge-soros/
Last edited by darshan on 22 Jun 2020 18:11, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

They should be booking parents too.

Uttar Pradesh: 4 youths burn Indian flag, raise anti-national slogans for TikTok popularity, one minor arrested
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/uttar-p ... l-tension/
In order to get quick fame, delinquent teenagers are nowadays going overboard, making offensive and violent videos on the Chinese social media app, TikTok. In one such incident, four youths in Bazarkhala area of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh allegedly burnt the Indian national flag and raised anti-national slogans to make a TikTok video go viral.

Some competent person needs to head the ministry that can straighten up companies that will manipulate elections to have Modi depart.

Facebook ‘takes this matter seriously’, but refuses to confirm whether action will be initiated against abusive employee
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/faceboo ... nyaysahay/
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by banrjeer »

chetak wrote:some introspection would perhaps be beneficial

may be many decades (if ever again) before such a chance is gifted to the civilizational minded to dismantle and disrobe the commies, naxals and, the BIF once and for all.

India is the only major civilizational country where you are systematically taught to hate your heritage and glorify the invaders who came to destroy it. And this absurdity is called "secularism".

A history that was written by the victors is now assiduously being peddled by the politically co-opted and corrupt inteligencia, ably aided by the termites and the maculayised vanquished who desperately seek to once again free load off the public trough.

The simple come back to this preachiness is that you can’t generate wealth and will remain poor unless you change the security paradigm FIRST.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Modi’s leadership a hurdle in China’s strategic agenda

Modi’s leadership a hurdle in China’s strategic agenda

Sunday, 21 June 2020
Swapan Dasgupta

The people of India should be alert to this possibility that their internal political differences will be used by China to further its larger strategic agenda. In this climate, countervailing pressure, including the economic and cultural boycott of China, is inescapable — although care must be taken to not alienate countries such as Singapore and Taiwan where there are large numbers of resident ethnic Chinese. Yes, as the Athawale prescription indicates, there are often excesses. But even his idea has to be kept in perspective. The battle on the Home Front involves the detection and decimation of what is best called the Vichy mentality. No further elaboration is necessary

The suggestion — it is probably more accurate to view it as an outburst — by Union Minister Ramdas Athawale calling on Indians to eschew Chinese food has been greeted with a mixture of bewilderment and ridicule. The Republican Party stalwart who is in alliance with the BJP has the tendency to make frivolous interventions in the Rajya Sabha which are calculated to provoke his adversaries. But his highly individualistic style doesn’t imply that he lacks political sense. There is method in Athawale’s seeming flippancy.

There is palpable public anger over the clash with Chinese forces on the Ladakh border that has led to the death of 20 Indian soldiers. The belief that China cannot really be trusted is a sentiment that first expressed itself during and after the border conflict in 1962 in which India was humiliated. The national humiliation rubbed off on Jawaharlal Nehru and India’s first Prime Minister lost a great deal of his political sheen. It was fortunate for Nehru that the border war happened after the general election where the Congress coasted to a comfortable victory. Had the border conflict erupted into a full-scale war in 1961, the ire that was subsequently directed at VK Krishna Menon and Army Chief General Thapar would have been channelled against the Prime Minister.

The charge of trusting China and investing too much on developing a personal bond with Xi Jing Ping has now been levelled against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. However, while the Opposition is expected to use every opportunity to embarrass the Government and try and make political capital over the loss of soldiers’ lives, the charge is unlikely to stick.

First, unlike Nehru who went out of his way to portray China as a natural ally in the larger fight against Western domination, Modi has presented the relationship with our eastern neighbour as a complex problem that warrants unending attention, including attempts to effect a personal bonding with the Communist leadership. It will be difficult to point to instances where Modi — unlike Nehru — has presented a rosy picture of bonhomie.

Secondly, where Nehru was relatively lax on national security, somehow believing that China shared common ideals with India, the Modi Government has taken the position that China — if not an outright enemy — is a determined adversary, and that India’s strategic and economic evolution will have to factor in Beijing’s subterfuge. India’s focus for the past six years has been capacity enhancement and forging deeper relationships with other world powers. True, there has been a major setback in Nepal. The present political dispensation in Kathmandu appears to have more or less decided that it must terminate its special relationship with India and move formally into the embrace of Beijing. This has added to neighbourhood complications and sharply underlined the fact that China will do all it takes to pin India down.

Finally, it is also clear that China has an aversion to Indian influence in Asia and the world. Archival documents now clearly reveal that the Chinese leadership developed an allergy to Nehru because they saw him as both arrogant and a man who rose above his station. It would not be surprising if the present leadership — notwithstanding whatever political tensions that may exist between the People’s Liberation Army and the political leadership — entertain a similar view of Modi. They probably view Modi as more dangerous because his foreign policy is backed by India’s growing economic importance in the world. Consequently, even if the military option is exercised with caution, Beijing will persist with its schemes to constantly undermine Modi.

The perception of Modi as a major irritant who dares to oppose the Belt and Road scheme and puts obstacles in the path of China’s domination of the Indian market, witness the refusal to join RCEP, is very strong. China is a very determined power that does not play by the book when it comes to furthering its national and strategic interests. The decision to redraw the LAC in the Ladakh sector was an attempt to test India’s responses and try and puncture Modi’s reputation both internally and externally.

It naturally follows that a bid to weaken Modi internally is an important facet of this approach. Proof of Beijing’s direct involvement in India’s domestic politics may be difficult to come by at present. However, if the evidence of the Soviet Union’s involvement in Indian politics as revealed by the Mitrokhin archives is anything to go by, the quantum of encouragement to individuals and institutions opposed to Modi is certain to be significant. The people of India should be alert to this possibility that their internal political differences will be used by China to further its larger strategic agenda. In this climate, countervailing pressure, including the economic and cultural boycott of China, is inescapable — although care must be taken to not alienate countries such as Singapore and Taiwan where there are large numbers of resident ethnic Chinese.

Yes, as the Athawale prescription indicates, there are often excesses. But even his idea has to be kept in perspective. The battle on the Home Front involves the detection and decimation of what is best called the Vichy mentality. No further elaboration is necessary.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

From Nationalist to Secular to Anti-national – Shiv Sena says the world is with China
https://tfipost.com/2020/06/from-nation ... ith-china/

In its mouthpiece Saamana, Shiv Sena has made an outrageous claim, accusing PM Modi of doing Donald Trump’s bidding, which has resulted in the border clash with China. Further, in absolute contestation of actual facts, the propaganda piece went on to opine that most of the countries were standing with China. It also said that India would lose the US’ support as soon as Donald Trump loses the elections in November, in what comes as the Shiv Sena now wearing the hat of American psephology. A major reason behind China’s increased aggression is PM Modi’s seemingly warm relations with US President Donald Trump, Sena argued. Events like Namaste Trump only solidified such perceptions, the backstabbing party suggested.

Earlier, the Shiv Sena had said that while India was capable of only threatening Pakistan, it was unable to give a befitting reply to China. Sena said that in 1962, the Army lacked equipment but “today, they have everything but still the Chinese killed our soldiers brutally. India was insulted in 1962 and we still blame Nehru for that but it looks like our Defence and Foreign policies have not learned anything from it and we are doing the same mistake.”
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Hari Seldon »

ROFLMAO. Must watch 1min vid of 'LiberalMan', folks! Ensoi.

https://twitter.com/TheDailySwitch/stat ... 35592?s=20
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by g.sarkar »

An interesting article that may be relevant today:
https://thediplomat.com/2017/02/the-bit ... etnam-war/
The Bitter Legacy of the 1979 China-Vietnam War
Officially, both sides have tried to forget the bloody conflict. Unofficially, bitterness still runs deep.
By Nguyen Minh Quang, February 23, 2017

Almost 40 years after a short yet devastating war launched by China in 1979, there has been not any official commemoration of the war in Vietnam. The fierce fight from February 17 to March 16, 1979, claimed tens of thousands of lives, soldiers and civilians alike, in Vietnam’s border provinces, but the conflict hasn’t received the same level of attention as wars against the French and Americans.
Yet since the escalation of tensions with China in the South China Sea in recent years, the Sino-Vietnamese war has begun receiving renewed media attention. For this year’s anniversary, Vietnamese people used social media to vocally commemorate martyrs and civilians who died in the war, followed by debates criticizing the government for remaining silent and neglecting the war in high school history textbooks.
The Road to War
On February 17, 1979, hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops crossed Vietnam’s northern border to invade the country, waging a bloody strike along the 600-kilometer border that the two nations share. From the standpoint of historians, China’s month-long invasion of Vietnam is understood to as a response to what China considered to be a collection of provocative actions and policies undertaken by Hanoi.
Historically, China had previously given Hanoi steadfast support against U.S. forces in the Vietnam War. But their comradeship swiftly began to deteriorate in the mid-1970s, especially when Vietnam joined the Soviet-dominated Council for Mutual Economic Cooperation (Comecon) and signed the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the Soviet Union (USSR) – then China’s greatest rival – in 1978. China called the treaty a military alliance and branded Vietnam the “Cuba of the East,” pursuing hegemonistic “imperial dreams” in Southeast Asia.
In December 1978, Vietnam began a full-scale counter-attack against Kampuchea (today’s Cambodia), whose armed forces had launched a number of unilateral clashes along the Cambodia-Vietnamese land and maritime boundaries between 1975 and 1977, leaving more than 30,000 Vietnamese civilians dead. Vietnam’s incursions into China-friendly Kampuchea, which quickly eradicated the genocidal pro-Beijing Khmer Rouge regime, coupled with its intimacy with the Soviet Union, which was massively building up forces on China’s northern border, appeared to threaten China’s security and interests in the region. Thus, China’s leader at the time, Deng Xiaoping, had good reason to urge the government to teach a proper lesson to the Vietnamese.
It’s worth noting that, even prior to the war proper, incidents along the Sino-Vietnamese border had increased in frequency and violence since mid-1978 when Deng came to power and began consolidating his paramount leadership by creating an effective tripod – control of the state, control of the Communist Party, and control of the military. Deng had seen off the rival threat posed by the ultra-Maoist Gang of Four (headed by Mao’s fourth wife, Jiang Qing) and his well-reasoned strategy to modernize China required the removal of obstructionist Maoist People’s Liberation Army (PLA) cadres. Thus, some historians have speculated that a war was necessary to support Deng’s modernization plans by highlighting the technological deficiencies of the PLA and keeping the army preoccupied. The war brought Deng precious time in his first full year in charge to cement his own power in Beijing, eliminating leftist rivals from the Maoist era. Combat with the Vietnamese proved to be the PLA’s blood test.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Suraj »

chetak wrote:this entire MOU idea is quite diabolic and sinister.

Is there precedence to this elsewhere in the world.

the eyetalian probably did not sign the MOU herself because of possible complications arising because of her country of birth. :mrgreen:
from opIndia

Photograph showing Congress signing MoU with Communist Party of China
Aren't MOU's published in an official gazette or similar document ? Have the contents of this MOU ever been published ? There's no reason it should not be public, particularly at the current moment.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Suraj wrote:
chetak wrote:this entire MOU idea is quite diabolic and sinister.

Is there precedence to this elsewhere in the world.

the eyetalian probably did not sign the MOU herself because of possible complications arising because of her country of birth. :mrgreen:
from opIndia

Photograph showing Congress signing MoU with Communist Party of China
Aren't MOU's published in an official gazette or similar document ? Have the contents of this MOU ever been published ? There's no reason it should not be public, particularly at the current moment.
this is a private MOU and it's not subject to any gazette notification and cannot even be accessed under the RTI
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

has AI quietly started its notorious "babuz, friends and family including sifarish walle" discriminatory and differential services once again. :mrgreen:

Cloud over Vande Bharat flights from US: Why has the US accused Air India of unfair practices?

The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) has restricted repatriation flights being operated by Air India, accusing India of being “unfair”, and engaging in “discriminatory practices”. Air India will now need specific authorisation from the DOT to conduct such flights.

“…Effective 30 days from the service date of this Order, it shall not perform any Third- and/or Fourth-Freedom charter flights unless the Department has granted it specific authority in the form of a statement of authorisation to conduct such charters,” the Department said in an order dated June 22.

What are the allegations made against India by the US?

The US Transportation Department has noted that the Government of India has “impaired the operating rights of US carriers”, and has engaged in “discriminatory and restrictive practices with respect to US carrier services to and from India”.

It has said that the Indian government has prevented US carriers from conducting India-US passenger charter operations involving direct sales to individual passengers or through other distribution systems. However, “For its part, the United States has not placed any limitations on US-India charter operations, and Air India has been and remains free to conduct the full complement of passenger charter services…,” the order said.

In addition, the Order noted, Air India’s repatriation flights have gone beyond the purpose “at least on the India to the US segments”, and have involved sales to any member of the general public able to enter the US.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Advocate Mahesh Jethmalani demands NIA probe under UAPA in Congress party’s agreement with Communist Party of China in 2008
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/advocat ... a-in-2008/
Posting the viral photograph from his Twitter account, Jethmalani said that the NIA must initiate an investigation under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act and secure the agreement signed by Rahul Gandhi on behalf of the Congress party with the ruling party in China.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

#UrbanNaxals #KillHindus
What's the average bail for dowry and rape charges?

Jamia student Safoora Zargar granted bail by Delhi High Court in the Delhi Riots case on ‘humanitarian grounds’
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/safoora ... unds-bail/
Jamia student Safoora Zargar was granted bail by the Delhi High Court on Tuesday in the Delhi Riots case on humanitarian grounds. The bail was awarded after the Central government said that it had no objection to her release. She is in her 23rd week of pregnancy. Safoora Zargar was arrested on the 10th of April.

A regular bail was granted to Safoora Zargar after furnishing a bond of Rs. 10,000 on the condition that she will not leave the territory of Delhi without th permission of the Court and will not hamper the investigation. She has also been instructed to be in touch with the Investigating Officer through phone calls once every 15 days.

Delhi anti-Hindu riots: Rajdhani school owner Faisal Farooq gets bail, was accused of orchestrating riots
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/delhi-r ... ool-owner/
Last edited by darshan on 23 Jun 2020 17:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

U turn when it's time to collect the cut. Looks like all typical green lovers are also pretty quiet.

Shiv Sena’s U-turn: After protesting against felling of trees in Aarey for metro shed, BMC claims cutting trees for coastal road project ‘inevitable’
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/aarey-m ... hypocrisy/
Skeptics question the BMC

According to citizen environmentalist, Zoru Bhathena said that it is incomprehensible as to why 600 trees are affected for a road built on reclaimed land. “We could understand five-10 trees being cut or transplanted, but 600 is a huge number. Also, BMC claims Coastal Road will result in the reduction of flooding conditions, however, it looks like BMC follows their made-up theories on physics, geography, history and environmental studies. This is just a classic example of all that is wrong with BMC,” the activist alleged.

Marine conservationist Pradip Patade claimed that the flooding will not reduce because of the coastal road construction. He said that he saw pictures wherein the turbulent water is hitting the construction area. This is a general logic because the more you fill in the sea, the more will come out,” he emphasised. However chief engineer of the project Vijay Nighot reiterated that the BMC has not reached the stage where it can consider deforestation or reforestation. He said that a green signal has not yet been received from the BMC’s tree authority. “Also, when we say flooding will reduce, it is because we are going to build a sea-wall, and due to this comparatively flooding will reduce. We have not claimed that there will not be any flooding,” he clarified.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by RaviB »

amar_p wrote:Debhashis Basu misses one simple point in his untimely rant. Because our mugshot + bylined journos can't bothered to do some elementary research.

China's global trade balance in 2019 was a surplus of 422B$ of which India contributes 57B$, or 13.5%

China's trade surplus will see a big drop in 2020 due to Covid. Assuming 2019 levels, spread evenly across the year, the surplus generated is about 35B$ per month. Lets say surplus generation drops by 50% from March to Dec 2020. That would be a 158B$ reduction in surplus.Compared to 2019, thats a 37.5% drop in trade surplus YoY. Which is a mega drop.
If India reduces its imports from China by 25%, that would be 14.25 B$, or nearly 9% of the drop in trade surplus YoY, big enough to hurt seriously.
I think we can achieve this 25% target.
Thank you Amar ji, this, is a fantastic point that I hadn't thought of. Now all the Global Times and People's Daily propaganda makes a lot of sense. So they are seriously worried about economic retaliation and that is where we need to act.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Supreme Court allows Rath Yatra in Puri, Odisha with restrictions, gives state power to stop festivities ‘if things go out of hand’
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/supreme ... ronavirus/

Jagannath Is Aboard His Ratha, Finally
https://swarajyamag.com/culture/jaganna ... ha-finally

U-Turn On Puri Rath Yatra Proves Again Why Governments Shouldn’t Control Temples; They Can’t Be Trusted To Defend Traditions
https://swarajyamag.com/politics/u-turn ... traditions
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

Actually the numbers are already much worse for China: India's FY19-20 trade deficit down to 48.7B$. This is pre-Covid and pre-boycott calls. I saw somewhere that China is now adding in HongKong trade numbers also, so getting the real picture needs further analysis.

FY20-21 will see India's imports decline sharply again, and though exports to China may decline as well, the deficit will again drop considerably.

India’s trade deficit with China at 5-year low
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

IMO, chinese would only care if there's a permanent change in India. Till then, millions could die in China but it won't result in much for their sun whatever philosophy that brainwashes you to live in imagined world to fool your enemy. Not realizing that that stupidity only works till enemy also reads it and stops trusting you forever.

There needs to be complete purge of termites within India and permanent established industries. Especially high tech and MIC. This is when there will be real turmoil in China and demands for new dynasty in ruling elites.

The problem with chinese civilization is simple that they live in a world where they define victory different than enemy's definition. And Indic civilization has issue of not finishing off enemy and taking foot off the enemy's neck. Something that fits in perfectly for likes of islamists and chinese.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Ah. Congress always knows how to achieve their goals. Multi decade rule in GJ and BJP knows diddly squat about how to get something done.

Rajasthan: Congress govt revises class 10 book which gives “lack of patience and control” as reason why Maharana Pratap lost Battle of Haldighati
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/maharan ... aldighati/
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sachin »

chetak wrote:has AI quietly started its notorious "babuz, friends and family including sifarish walle" discriminatory and differential services once again. :mrgreen:
There was an earlier case of Qatar also delaying the Vande Bharath flights and seeking clarifications. And there were also rumours that these flights actually brought in the friends of embassy babus from the middle eastern sheikdoms. The cheap tricks used were to allow a pregnant woman to be in the flight manifest, but deny the permission for her elder child (who still needs her support). Net result; the pregnant woman will have to opt out and some business tycoon who jumped the queue gets the seat.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

darshan wrote:IMO, chinese would only care if there's a permanent change in India. Till then, millions could die in China but it won't result in much for their sun whatever philosophy that brainwashes you to live in imagined world to fool your enemy. Not realizing that that stupidity only works till enemy also reads it and stops trusting you forever.

There needs to be complete purge of termites within India and permanent established industries. Especially high tech and MIC. This is when there will be real turmoil in China and demands for new dynasty in ruling elites.

The problem with chinese civilization is simple that they live in a world where they define victory different than enemy's definition. And Indic civilization has issue of not finishing off enemy and taking foot off the enemy's neck. Something that fits in perfectly for likes of islamists and chinese.

when the US was the one doing the regime changes it was OK but now that it is being alleged that the same is being done to them by other countries, suddenly it does not seem to be so OK. china seeks regime change both in India and the US.

For china especially, regime change in India would be a far far better option in terms of piddly investments in the manipulation of elections and because there are enough and more very eager gaddari parties to accept funding under the table to overthrow the current dispensation which is hitting cheeni interests in India and the han's ultimate goal is to get India into the OBOR headlock and then bleed it dry.

The envisaged OBOR routes through India are mostly pre existing and so with minimal investment in terms of some augmentation, they have an almost ready made transportation network, secure and terror free with clean and smooth access to multiple well developed ports.

They will also have free access to the India markets and a docile dispensation in charge at the center ever willing to kowtow to the masters in beijing, thus guaranteeing no hassles on the borders.

If this cheeni and Indian gaddari fantasy were to actually happen, then rest assured that we will see the very first military/military backed govt in independent India to take on the cheeni and their backers.
Last edited by chetak on 23 Jun 2020 18:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

CWC meeting: Rajasthan CM stands to pay tribute to martyred Indian soldiers, Netizens question why ‘madam’ remained seated
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/cwc-mee ... ed-seated/
Ashok Gehlot shared two pictures. In one picture, Gehlot is seen standing, while in the other one the Congress President Sonia Gandhi remains seated. Netizens who were quick to observe this asked why “madam” remained seated when the committee observed two minutes silence to pay tributes to our brave soldiers.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Sachin wrote:
chetak wrote:has AI quietly started its notorious "babuz, friends and family including sifarish walle" discriminatory and differential services once again. :mrgreen:
I have been following MoCA and assigned Union minister for last three months. And, their performance has been barely acceptable. Many times this Union Minister was found frustrated and sometimes making out right incorrect statements when pushed into corner. In democracy, one doesn't need immediate transparency in military operations but in situations like this there needs to be transparency about how each decision is made.

We have received requests from concerned authorities in several countries including US, France, Germany among others requesting that their air carriers be allowed to participate in transportation of passengers along the line being conducted by Air India under Vande Bharat Mission
Whether true or not but well deserved spitting on incompetence.

and 6 others
They didn’t care about the citizens crying out loud but just one whip from the US has made such an impact
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Suraj »

chetak wrote:
Suraj wrote: Aren't MOU's published in an official gazette or similar document ? Have the contents of this MOU ever been published ? There's no reason it should not be public, particularly at the current moment.
this is a private MOU and it's not subject to any gazette notification and cannot even be accessed under the RTI
Do you have any further information to support that ? On what basis does an elected authority of India have the ability to enter into a private MOU with a foreign government to which its own electorate is not privy to ?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by nandakumar »

Wasn't there some ruling about officially recognized political parties being governed by the RTI law?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

vijayk wrote:Image
Expect Romila Thapar to go on hunger strike, which is not such a bad idea actually.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

And they certainly should not. It would have only made sense if there was actual disciplined population still doing everything to avoid the virus. GJ BJP will have to continue to live with the ghosts of failures and glove treatment given to certain population during the lockdown including practically no enforcement starting with ramadan. Gov't interference in temples and Hindu traditions would not be forgiven especially with BJP govt in center and in state.

Hindus will never forgive the present government in Gujarat for this: VHP on Rath Yatra
https://www.deshgujarat.com/2020/06/23/ ... ath-yatra/

Ahmedabad: Vishwa Hindu Parishad has slammed the Gujarat government in strong words over Rath Yatra episode in a statement issued today.

‘Bhagwan has been imprisoned in a Mandir campus on Rath Yatra day, which is very sad. If Gujarat government had made attempts with positive approach, Rath Yatra in Karnavati was also possible like in Puri,’ VHP statement said.

https://www.deshgujarat.com/2020/06/22/ ... ess-chief/
Ahmedabad: Gujarat Congress chief Amit Chavda today said, ‘we should take care of health aspect through precautionary steps and if necessary Janta curfew should be declared, but with minimum people and proper social distancing, Rath Yatra should take place in Ahmedabad. This is our stand from day one and even today.’
Last edited by darshan on 23 Jun 2020 23:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Looks like from now on, all one has to do is put pregnant jihadi in front.

Sympathy for The Devil? With Safoora getting uncontested bail on ‘humanitarian grounds’, Islamists win this round
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/safoora ... the-devil/

Essentially, the Modi government, citing ‘humanitarian grounds’, allowed a terrorist to walk free simply because she was pregnant. One can go on and on talking about the history of births in Tihar Jail. Or that pregnant convicts give birth to their children behind bars almost on a daily basis.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ambar »

VHP needling BJP and RSS is nothing new, Togadia and co. did their darn best to hurt BJP's chances in 2014 and in 2019. For all the brave talk what exactly has VHP done for Hindus now or in the past other than chest-thumping? One can only bring in changes only if they have the power to make those changes. GJ and MP were the planks for BJP's spectacular resurgence post Vajpayee, and if it was upto to the constant naysayers then maino parivaar would still be in power, Kashmir would still be under ISI's Srinagar division, Ladakh, Sikkim and Arunachal would had yielded several thousands of sq.miles to China and we would still be screaming "Mandir wohi baneyenge". The governments both at states and center have their hands full with a raging pandemic, which by the way claimed close to 500 lives today, crisis with China, an economy that is struggling to fire after a prolonged shutdown, migrants trapped in between disease,hunger and shelter, so i don't blame them if they are unable to give the time or effort to think through ramzaan arrangements or rath yatras in a time like this.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by VKumar »

Indian Customs have slowed clearance of Chinese Imports