2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

the snouts of all the mafia family are still firmly buried in the public trough but alas, the now ravenously hungry snouts of the darbaris and other lootyens hangers on, all of whom were once voraciously feeding and were all comfortably ensconced aboard the long gravy train but have now been kicked out, booted off their pampered perches where, only a short time ago, they were sitting as snug as pretentious macaulayite bugs, mollycoddled and cossetted in a traditional colonial reminiscent rug.

the more one digs, the more dirt one uncovers.

this robot PM, when he was the FM, once offered the RGF 100 crores in open parliament and also stated that he had made arrangements for a total sum of 250 crores, if more was required.
Manmohan Singh tried to allocate Rs 100 crores to Rajiv Gandhi Foundation in the Union Budget when he was Finance Minister
The archived records of the Indian parliament’s discussion of the Union Budget in 1991-92 shows a section when, after the then Finance Minister Manmohan Singh allocated a sum of Rs 100 crores to the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, there was a huge uproar from the opposition parties who questioned that how can the Congress-run government allocate funds for a foundation headed by the Gandhi family.

Not just 100 crores, Manmohan Singh kept aside 250 crores ‘if further needed’
This guy slyly bought his way into the PM's chair and would have made it to the presidential gaddi, had not another guy, a failed but long time PM aspirant, thrown a massive tantrum and so had to be placated by being kicked upstairs before he did any permenant damage to the eyetalians by spilling the beans and also, unwittingly cutting the patta of another poisonous guy who had been "promised" the rastrapathi bhavan by the pasta queen.

maun mohan has always known which side of the paratha was buttered and how to grab even more butter to liberally apply to the other side as well.

never elected, he always ensured, by hook or by crook, that he was always selected.
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation’s links to Clinton Foundation, Ford Foundation, donations from several foreign govts and potential quid pro quo

Not Just China: RGF received funds from other foreign governments too

Over the years, the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation has received donations from the Governments of Ireland, Luxembourg and the European Union as well. From the perspective of national security and sovereignty, it does not make sense why Indians should be concerned only when China makes donations to the RGF. Donations from other governments is a cause for concern as well.

Apart from that, the RGF has also received donations from numerous other dubious sources. One of the sources it received a great deal of funds from is the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung. FNS is a liberal organisation based in Germany that is closely associated with the liberal political establishment in the country and is a major donor for the RGF.

Source: RGF Annual Report
Donations from foreign governments to the RGF when the foundation was managed by top functionaries of the Indian government poses a grave threat to national security and sovereignty. We are now aware that the Congress party signed an MoU with the Chinese Communist Party and the African National Congress in 2008 for greater ties. Were similar MoUs signed with parties in western countries which then made a donation to the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation as part of the arrangement?

If the answer is in the affirmative, then it begs the question what did they receive in turn? Even in the absence of such MoUs, it is extremely difficult to see such donations as anything other than investment by foreign governments in order to achieve certain foreign policy objectives. It can hardly be described as anything other than Quid Pro Quo in exchange for favours from the Indian government which was then controlled by the Congress party.

Ministries of Indian Government donated to RGF during UPA rule
In addition to such organisations, the RGF has also received huge donations from multiple government institutions. The Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund is one of them but their annual reports reveal that RGF received funds from multiple government ministries when the UPA was in power. The Ministries who were partners with RGF and donated to them include the Ministries of Environment and Forest, Health and Family Welfare, Small Scale Industries and even the Ministry of Home Affairs. All of this is greatly disturbing.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Everything hidden in plain reports. Not sure why BJP wasn't tracing all this money trails. One can't find MoU but one can certainly track all open financial trails.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Amazing how fast gov't institutions respond when the complain comes from a BIF organization.

A youth from Nagaland arrested in Kutch for killing a dog puppy

https://www.deshgujarat.com/2020/06/26/ ... dog-puppy/

As this video clip went viral, it was seen by Neha Chaturvedi, a Delhi based volunteer of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). As she emailed a video clip and details to Adipur Police, requesting action, an accused youth was arrested and booked him under IPC section 429 and animal cruelty act.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Uttar Pradesh government orders to scrutinise documents of all teachers in aided madarsas in the state after the Anamika Shukla scam
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/uttar-p ... ukla-scam/
Soon after the Anamika Shukla scam was exposed in the Kasturba Gandhi School, the UP government has ordered that all the documents of the teachers from government schools and madarsas will have to be investigated properly. The office of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has ordered to check the certificates of all the clerics of all the Arabic-Persian madrasas funded by the state government.

In the Anamika Shukla scam, one teacher with that name was found to be employed in 25 schools at the same time and had drawn Rs 10 crore as salary in 13 months. The teacher was registered as employed with 25 Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas in Amethi, Ambedkarnagar, Raebareli, Prayagraj, Aligarh and other districts in the state. Later during the probe, it was found that the real person named Anamika Shukla is an unemployed woman, and her documents were misused by someone to draw salary in her name from 25 schools. She had said that she had applied for KGB schools in several districts, but she never joined any school. The documents submitted by her while applying for the job were being misused.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by VinodTK »

Congress 'Absconder' funded, Mehul Choksi back Sonia trust
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

Ambar wrote:I've had their subscription for a couple of years now. At 2k Rs / year for 12 issues of paper magazine and unlimited access to their site its totally worth
it. I also do my bit to help OpIndia, they are true "street brawlers" in my opinion. They are not writing flowery articles sitting in some cushy office but actually have people on the ground who report, and they've never hesitated to call a spade a spade.
Please spread this around among all whatsapp and twitter.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Vayutuvan »

Manish_Sharma wrote:TWITTER
#BREAKING : During the scrutiny, it found that China was financing Rajiv Gandhi Foundation led by Congress Chairperson Sonia Gandhi.

2004-2006 USD 2 Million
2006-2013 USD 9 Million
2014- 2020 Nil


Things r getting clear now.
https://twitter.com/drapr007/status/127 ... 35456?s=19
peanuts in the larger scheme of things, I have to say, manish ji.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Vayutuvan »

chola wrote:
Manish_Sharma wrote:TWITTER

https://twitter.com/drapr007/status/127 ... 35456?s=19
Holy chit! This is major.
chola ji, you know 11 million over as many years is chump change, that too when it went to a foundation that is duely registered in India.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

I don't know why these Hindus learn from Parsuram or Yogi from UP. Pick up the weapons instead of this drama. The weapons in this context being political leadership. Modernize and run akhadas with offensive and defensive tactics on how to thwart any direct day actions or urban naxal riots. If they kill sadhus, return the favor in many times more. Educate your followers about realities on the ground like Pushpendra does. Tell your followers to not vote for BJP. Turn Hindu vote bank into a solid vote bank like muslims have. Then one can make govt bend over backwards at will.

There are many things that can be done instead of this drama.

Upset with no Rath Yatra this year, Saraspur Mandir Mahant seeks death before God
https://www.deshgujarat.com/2020/06/26/ ... efore-god/
Worth note that Rath Yatra procession proceeds from Jagannath temple in the city every year and reach Saraspur Mandir.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Has social service become a way of Conversion for the Missionary mafia?
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/has-soc ... ary-mafia/
Social service or helping a helpless person is an act that has no connection with any particular religion or community. Whoever wants to serve the society in a selfless spirit whatever their religion may be, can do it. But in the last few years, it is seen that social service is also becoming a tactic to convert people. Specifically, the Christian missionaries are front runners in this practice.

They use this method in two ways. The first method is to project their religion as the saviour of poor and helpless in order to convince them for conversion and secondly they provide financial help to the needy. They use social service as a cover to hide their fraudulent immoral converting practices. It’s not a sudden thing that Christian missionaries go to an area and start providing service and help. This is a very well planned practice.

First, a region is selected where most of the people are backward and poor, where majority belongs to SCs and STs, as it is easy for them to incite these people against their own religion. Then these “Jesus Salesmen” start to sell their religion. Providing financial assistance is not a bad thing at all but when it is done to convert people, it becomes wrong. It becomes a false allurement given to them to get them converted. This is immoral.

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Rajiv Gandhi Foundation: Rahul Gandhi must explain why RGF has so much money but no impact via these 8 dud projects
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/rahul-g ... -received/

Code: Select all

Program 1: INTERACT Scholarships

The aim of the program is to provide scholarships for children affected by violent conflict in various part of our country. The claim is that since the year 1993, across 11 states and 2 UTs, a total of 2,115 children were provided scholarship at their school level & 134 of these pursued higher education and vocational courses. With all the donors at their disposal, the RGF thought it fit to support 80 students a year, starting in the year 1993! 
Program 2: Rajiv Gandhi Access to Opportunities Program

The aim of the program is to “Award specially designed vehicles” for the physically challenged young people. The claim is that since the year 1992, across 25 states and 5UTs, 2900 such vehicles were awarded. That’s about 100 per year. With all the donors at their disposal, the RGF thought it fit to award ~100 vehicles a year, starting in the year 1992!
Program 3: Rajiv Gandhi Cambridge Scholarship (ha!)

Through this program, they collaborated with another trust (oh the maze!) – Cambridge Commonwealth Trust. What did they do since 1994? The sponsored tickets (fancy name – “travelling scholarships”) to 140 students of UK universities to visit India! And then they funded 60 Indian students to pursue a 2nd degree in B.A (Honors). And since 2014: they provided full scholarships for 6 PhD students who got selected from India to Cambridge. You would think that’s awesome. The catch is that this cost is shared by three different trusts! There are no details available on how the cost has been split. 
Program 4: Natural Resource Management

According to their website, this was established in 2001. And then they immediately jump to what they did in the year 2011. So that should only mean that this program did nothing till 2011 (Yes, 10 full years! I wonder how the donors feel about that). They then decide to be 1 of the 3 donors of “Gram Gaurav Sansthan” NGO working on the Rajasthan-Madhya Pradesh border. Their site claims that 1760 families have been impacted. But they give no clarity if this is the NGOs overall impact or just the families impacted by RGF’s funding alone.  
Program 5: Heritage – Archives & Gallery

The purpose is to maintain “Archives on Shri Rajiv Gandhi’s life and work.” All his photos, videos, speeches have been archived. No one has any problem if they did this on their own dime. Instead, they get government money to do what is essentially a family project!
Program 6: Schools program

Click on their link that reads “Schools program” and you get “Coming soon”!
Program 7: Wonderoom

This is a library-cum-activity centre in Jawahar Bhavan, Delhi. They claim that they have over 6000 books for children to read. Their FB page shows activities facilitated by this program and claim that over 400 children and parents attend these programs. The only meaningful statistic in this is the 6000 books in the library! 
Program 8: Relief and Rehabilitation

The confusion created in this page is mind-boggling. There is no proper timeline or details of relief efforts carried out. There are details of some disasters that have rocked India since 1991. After all this, we are told that 5000 families have received help. And that free medicines have been provided to 9000 patients. Oh, and 1200 blankets also. With all the donors at their disposal, the RGF couldn’t even give out 1 blanket a year? With all the donors and power at their disposal, RGF could not even support 200 families a year?
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation received donations from a foundation that was partners with Huawei and received donations from Qatar Foundation
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/rajiv-g ... l-year-19/
According to the annual report of the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation for the year 2018-19, Bharti Foundation was one of the organisations that donated to it. During the same year, Bharti Foundation was also partners with Huawei, recognised widely as an extended arm of the Chinese state.

The threat posed by Huawei has been clear for quite some time. And yet, the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation managed by top Congress functionaries were receiving funds as late as 2018-19 from an NGO that had partnered with Huawei

The documents submitted by Bharti Foundation to the Home Ministry also reveals that it received over Rs. 14 crores in the fiscal year 2018-19 from the Qatar Foundation Endowment. The Qatar Foundation is a private charity established by former Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani and his consort Sheikha Moza bint Nasser.

It is not clear exactly what amount the Bharti Foundation donated to the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation. It is also to be remembered that during this period, the RGF was partners with the Aman Biradari Trust, which was founded by Harsh Mander, an ‘activist’ who is a member of an organisation that works with the Italian Secret Service.
Last edited by darshan on 27 Jun 2020 21:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Kejri continues to outsmart BJP.

Aam Aadmi Party claims credit for 10,000-bed coronavirus facility in Delhi built by ITBP under union home ministry, mocks Modi government
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/aap-tak ... on-centre/

On Saturday, India’s largest facility for coronavirus patients, the Sardar Patel COVID Centre and Hospital, Chattarpur became operational in Delhi. The 10,000-bed COVID facility, which has been set up inside the Radha Soami Satsang Beas facility in Delhi, was operationalised after Union Home Ministry Amit Shah took control the affairs of the national capital, which had seen a massive rise in the number of coronavirus cases.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

#RealityHitsHindus that muslim wanted pakistan to wipe out Hindus but not really leave India. Will Hindus ever learn? When do muslims listen to request?

Masjid tere baap ka hai kya’: Mumbai girl heckled for requesting to lower volume of Azaan blaring from mosque’s loudspeaker

https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/mumbai- ... her-house/

The victim, Karishma Bhosale, living in Mankhurd, had visited a nearby mosque to convince the authorities to lower the volume of the azaan that blared through a loudspeaker installed right in front of her window. However, when she reached the mosque with her plea, a raft of belligerent Muslims accosted her and intimidated her for requesting to reduce the volume of azaan.

In a series of tweets, Ms Karishma expressed the ordeal she had to go through at the mosque on Twitter. She alleged that within minutes of visiting the mosque for asking them to lower the volume of the loudspeaker, scores of people gathered in the mosque, including men and women and entered into an altercation with her.

As can be seen in the above video, a Muslim woman gets in a war of words with Ms Karishma, presumably to intimidate her for registering her disapproval against the high volume of azaan roaring through the loudspeakers.

In the subsequent tweets, Ms Karishma shared videos from the mosque where patrons of the mosque were seen shouting slogans against her in presence of the police officials who were trying to pacify the situation.

In the ensuing commotion, it can be seen that the police officials walk her out of the mosque premises even as people keep shouting and intimidating her. One of the voices in the background ominously shouts, “Masjid tere baap ki hai kya?” which roughly translates to “Is the mosque owned by your father”. The crowd gathered at the mosque went berserk and even police officials who were at the spot to placate the emotions had to bear the brunt of the fury of Muslims in the mosque.

Furthermore, the girl has also shared a Whatsapp message in which Mankhurd MLA Abu Azmi has reportedly asked the victim to leave her residence if she has a problem with the sound of azaan. Azmi reputedly accused the victim of inciting riots by raising her voice against azaan.

Delhi Riots: Delhi Police charge-sheet says Dr Anwar, owner of a local hospital, organised riots that led to the killing of Dilbar Negi
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/delhi-p ... lbar-negi/
Last edited by darshan on 27 Jun 2020 21:05, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

brick by brick, enemy by enemy, it's payback time..... :mrgreen:

Prasar Bharati May Terminate Multi-crore PTI Contract Over Biased Reports, Propagandist Interview With Chinese Diplomat
Already facing flak for publishing an interview with Chinese ambassador Sun Weidong (that was described by seasoned media watchers described as a propaganda handout by Chinese state), Press Trust Of India (PTI) faces fresh trouble as India’s state public broadcaster Prasar Bharathi may soon opt to cancel its subscription contract with the news agency.

Founded in 1949, PTI is the largest news agency in India and commands a dominant share of news agency market share in the country.

During the interview with PTI, Ambassador Sun reiterated the propaganda of the Chinese Communist regime— which has been rejected by India — that Indian troops are responsible for the Galwan Valley clashes. “The onus is not on China. The Indian side crossed the LAC (Line of Actual Control) for provocation and attacked the Chinese border troops. The Indian forces seriously violated agreements on border issues between the two countries,” he claimed

Ahead of PTI Board Meeting today (May 27), Prasar Bharati is said to have written a strongly-worded letter expressing deep displeasure on continued slant in reporting by PTI including the publishing of latest interview Chinese Ambassador without conforming to fair journalistic practices

Prasar Bharati has indicated that the PTI reporting practices makes it untenable for the broadcaster continue its relationship with the news agency.

As part of subscription contract, PTI receives huge annual fees from Prasar Bharati running into several crores over few decades. PTI has repeatedly refused to review the terms and condition of the contract since 2016-2017

Prasar Bharati is said to be in the process of reviewing its long-term relationship with PTI and final decision on the same is likely to be arrived soon.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

BJP continues to disappoint. Being in opposition they should have been tracking all this and should have been cleaning up from day one.

Row Over Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Exposes BJP’s Lack Of Ruling Mindset And ConMedia’s Style Guide Vis-A-Vis The Gandhis
https://swarajyamag.com/politics/row-ov ... he-gandhis
Apart from the graft of the Gandhis, the RGF-Gate exposes two more things.

First, it has revealed the lack of ruling mindset of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

“One family’s hunger for wealth has cost the nation immensely. If only they have devoted their energies towards more constructive agenda. The Congress’ Imperial Dynasty needs to apologise to the unchecked loot for self-gains!,” he added.

So, as per the leader of the ruling party, the Congress committed a brazen fraud by diverting public money into a family foundation. What is the leader’s prescription for this high crime against the people of India? Apologise!

Second thing that the RGF controversy has revealed is the Congress-sympathetic media’s aka ConMedia style guide vis-a-vis the Gandhis.

Most of the media outlets have not reported the revelations regarding RGF as facts. It is a fact that the Chinese embassy in India donated to RGF. It is a fact that PMNRF donated to RGF. It is a fact that government agencies during Congress rule donated to RGF. It is a fact that many private corporations donated to RGF.

But the ConMedia hasn’t reported these facts as they are. Most outlets have rather chosen to report the BJP’s allegations on RGF as the main story, which should actually be a side angle.
PTI is doing itself no good by going rogue and it can lose crores of rupees it gets each year from Prasar Bharati
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/pti-set ... e-details/

Another aspect that came to the fore was that despite paying crores to PTI by Prasad Bharati, the latter does not even have a seat at the board. Largely, PTI runs from public money, however, a look at their Board of Directors reveals how it mostly runs as a private news agency.

For PTI to run largely on public money and have no representative of Prasar Bharati does seem out of sync with how such institutions should run and this has been a bone of contention between Prasar Bharati and PTI for long.

With Prasar Bharati being a public broadcaster, it is obvious that such blatant anti-India propaganda which goes against the government of India and its stand in sensitive issues like the China conflict will not sit well.
Last edited by darshan on 27 Jun 2020 22:51, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

The swiftness and sharpness of islamics on display. This is just a reaction to an error. People insult Hindu entities all the time intentions and not a whimper out of Hindus.

Supreme Court stays investigation and coercive action against journalist Amish Devgan on multiple FIRs for his ‘Lootera Chisti’ remark
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/supreme ... ti-remark/

Luthra said, “If this starts happening, where people are dealt with for slip of the tongue, what will happen? Errors people make. He has also profusely apologized."

He said that multiple FIRs have been lodged against the journalist in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Telangana and it would cause grave prejudice to him if he is asked to appear in different places across the country in connection with the FIRs. Luthra said that Devgan’s family members are also being threatened and harassed.

In the news debate, Devgan was seen referring to Chishti as an invader who had tortured and forcefully converted the Hindus of India. However, Devgan later apologized saying that he had mistakenly named Chishti in place of Allauddin Khilji.

After this, mulitiple FIRs were registered against Amish Devgan in multiple places. Controversial Islamic organisation Raza Academy, which is known for its involvement in the Azad Maidan riots, has also filed a complaint against Amish Devgan under section 295A, 153A, 34,120B,505(2) and Disaster management act for making insulting remarks against Moinuddin Chisti
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

It's always about money. All these new found schools take your money and then turn around and use it to screw you.

Watch: Bishop Scott Girls’ school principal in Patna attacks guardian when questioned fee charged despite schools being shut during lockdown
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/watch-b ... -lockdown/
In the video, which is being shared widely on social media, the principal of Bishop Scott Girls’ school threatens the guardian who records the conversation between them. She looks visibly miffed with the parent for making a video of their interaction. She warns the parents of dire consequences if she continues to record the meeting.

The Director of Primary Education has categorically stated that during the lockdown, the government had ordered that schools will not charge any transportation fee from parents. Not only this, but the administration also made it clear that during this time the parents will not be forced to pay the school fees. In such a scenario, questions were being raised as to why schools are not following the government advisory and charging the following fees from its students.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights wants 11 ‘activists’ released, arrested for Delhi anti-Hindu riots: Here is what they have been charged with
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/ohchr-s ... d-to-know/

Code: Select all

OHCHR lists names of 11 anti-CAA protestors whom it wants India to release

Calling the arrest of Safoora Zargar “one of the most alarming cases”, the United Nation’ OHCHR mentioned the name of 11 such anti-CAA hoodlums, whom it wanted India to release. The names being, Meeran Haider, Gulfisha Fatima, Safoora Zargar, Asif Iqbal Tanha, Devangana Kalita, Natasha Narwal, Khalid Saifi, Shifa Ur Rehman, Dr Kafeel Khan, Sharjeel Imam, Akhil Gogoi.

It is pertinent to note here, that all the names which found a mention by the UN’s OHCHR were arrested in connection with the violent demonstrations that rocked several parts of the country, especially the national capital and eventually culminated into full-blown communal riots in the northeast Delhi.

Safoora Zargar

While the United Nations’ OHCHR, which tries to vilify the government for allowing the incarceration of a pregnant woman, chooses to turn a blind eye towards her culpability, it becomes imperative to note that the Jamia student, Safoora Zargar, who was recently granted bail on humanitarian grounds, was accused of inciting mob on Jafrabad Metro Station in Delhi that led to Delhi riots in February 2020. She had been booked under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA).

Her previous bail pleas were rejected by the Delhi Hingh Court noting that the “gravity of offence” against arrested Jamia coordination committee media coordinator Safoora Zargar was serious.

Her arrest has led to a barrage of propaganda accusing the Delhi Police of ‘anti-Muslim’ bias. The Delhi Police had recently slammed far-left propagandists at The Wire for making such dubious allegations.
Meeran Haider

On April 2, the Delhi police arrested a student leader of the Jamia Millia University for instigating violence during the anti-Hindu Delhi riots.

According to the reports, Meeran Haider, a 35-year-old a PhD student from Jamia Millia Islamia University, was arrested in connection with rioting and criminal conspiracy pertaining to anti-Hindu riots in north-east Delhi that have claimed the lives of 53 people and left over 400 injured.

Meeran Haider is also the president of the Rashtriya Janata Dal youth wing’s Delhi unit. Meeran Haider is also a member of Jamia Coordination Committee (JCC).

Reports said that Haider and his few associates had mobilised around 60 people to instigate riots in the national capital. He was also allegedly present in the Chand Bagh area during the riots. The accused had also run Whatsapp groups to incite riots in Delhi.
Gulfisha Fatima

Gulfisha Fatima is one of the Pinjra Tod protesters who was arrested for her patently anti-national and seditious activities which led to the communal violence during protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act in northeast Delhi in February. A Delhi court had last month granted bail to Gulfisha Fatima.
Asif Iqbal Tanha

Arrested on May 17 in the Delhi riots case, the Special Cell of Delhi Police has booked the Jamia Millia Islamia student Asif Iqbal Tanha under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act for purportedly being a part of a larger conspiracy behind the February riots in northeast Delhi.

The development comes days after the Delhi Police’s crime branch arrested the SIO member and Jamia student in connection with the violence that erupted in the national capital during the anti-CAA protests in December last year. He is a resident of Shaheen Bagh.

The police argued in the court that Tanha’s custody was required to uncover the larger conspiracy and to confront him with the electronic data collected during the investigation.

Tanha, a member of the Students Islamic Organisation and a part of Jamia Coordination Committee which led the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act.
Devangana Kalita

On June 6, the Delhi police investigating the north-east Delhi riots case, booked the second Pinjra Tod activist, Devangana Kalita, under stringent Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). She was arrested on May 23 on the allegations of inciting violence.

The JNU student and far-left group Pinjra Tod activist has been booked under the anti-terror charges for allegedly conspiring to incite riots in the parts of Delhi and involving in Unlawful activities.

She was arrested on May 23 by the special cell of Delhi police. The court permitted police to interrogate her and if required arrest her formally on June 3. Devangana has been booked under several sections related to sedition, an attempt to murder, murder, criminal conspiracy, promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, etc as per a lawyer. This was the fourth case for which Devangana was booked for within a few weeks. The two other cases relate to North-east Delhi riots while one of them is related to the violence that burst out in early December last year.
Natasha Narwal

Before Devangana Kalita, the Delhi Police booked ultra-left activist Natasha Narwal of the controversial group ‘Pinjra Tod’ under the stringent Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) for her role in inciting the anti-Hindu communal riots in Northeast Delhi in February. She was the 7th person to be booked under UAPA in the case. 
Khalid Saifi

On June 9, the Crime Branch of Delhi Police had arrested Khalid Saifi, allegedly one of the key conspirators of the violence that took place in the Chand Bagh area during the Delhi anti-Hindu riots in February this year.

Saifi is named as an accused in the third charge-sheet filed by Delhi Police in connection with the Delhi violence case. He is also said to have attended the January 8 meeting at Shaheen Bagh, where Muslims were holding an anti-CAA protest for almost a month.

Moreover, Khalid Saifi is known to be the person who had facilitated the meeting between JNU’s ‘Tukde Tukde’ gang activist Umar Khalid and IB officer Ankit Sharma’s murder accused, the AAP suspended councillor, Tahir Hussain.

As per the Times Now report, Saifi has been named as one of the ‘facilitators’ of the riots. The charge sheet also reportedly mentions that Saifi ran the ‘Shaheen Bagh control room’ to incite, organise and facilitate the Delhi anti-Hindu riots.

Soon after Saifi’s was arrested, pictures of him smiling and posing with Delhi CM Arvind, Kejriwal, Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, journalists Ravish Kumar, Rajdeep Sardesai, Arfa Khanum, Abhisar Sharma and RJ Syema had emerged.
Shifa Ur Rehman

In April, Special Cell of the Delhi Police has arrested one Shifa-Ur-Rehman, the president of the Jamia Alumni Association (JMA), for involvement in the Delhi Anti-Hindu riots under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). 

Delhi Police have stated that Shifa was caught on CCTV footage in riot-hit areas of North East Delhi. Technical evidence such as call records and Whatsapp messages have suggested his role in inciting mobs during the Delhi Anti-Hindu riots. Delhi police, while deamding his custody, said that witnesses had revealed that Shifa Ur Rehman received funds from alumni association of JMI based in Middle Eastern countries and he was coordinating at the protest sites. 
Dr Kafeel Khan

The Uttar Pradesh police have slapped the National Security Act (NSA) against that controversial Gorakhpur ‘doctor’ Kafeel Khan for making provocative comments during his speech on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) on December 12, 2019.

Controversial ‘doctor’ Kafeel Khan arrested in Mumbai on January 30 for making a provocative speech in the Aligarh Muslim University campus on December 12th, 2019, inciting people against the CAA.

An FIR was filed against Kafeel for attempting to vitiate the peaceful atmosphere and disturb communal harmony. The FIR was registered under section 153-A (Promoting enmity between different groups on ground of religion) of IPC on the 13th of December.

It is pertinent to note here that Kafeel Khan is one of the accused in the BRD Medical College and Hospital children’s death case in Gorakhpur. He had taken to social media to spread false news that he had been given a ‘clean chit’ in the 2017 case in a departmental inquiry. The Uttar Pradesh government had in October initiated a fresh inquiry against him for spreading misinformation in the media and forcibly entering a hospital and trying to treat patients during his suspension period.
Sharjeel Imam

The rabid Islamist Sharjeel Imam was arrested by the Police from Bihar’s Jehanabad. Sedition charges were filed against him in multiple states for his remarks urging Muslims to cut off North East India from the rest of the country by blocking the Chicken’s neck. The arrest was made by the Delhi Police Crime Branch after he was absconding for four days. A manhunt was launched after the video of his seditious speech went viral on social media.

Several states like Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh had filed FIRs against him under charges of sedition and other offences for his secessionist statements.

A series of videos had gone viral on social media in which Sharjeel Imam, the chief co-ordinator of Shaheen Bagh protest and a The Wire columnist was seen instigating Muslims of the country to break India by cutting of North-east from the rest of the country. While speaking to Muslim mobs, he said, “Our aim is to cut Assam and North-east India from rest of India”.
Akhil Gogoi

The Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti leader Akhil Gogoi while addressing a rally at Panitola in Assam’s Tinsukia district had issued a secessionist statement over the Citizenship Amendment Bill. Gogoi had said that if Assamese sentiments are not respected than the state will have to secede from the Union Of India.

Akil Gogoi was already slapped with a sedition case on January 7, after he organised a rally and issued secessionist remarks at Guwahati on January 7, along with Sahitya Akademi winning litterateur Hiren Gohain and senior journalist Manjit Mahanta. The three were booked under sections of 120 (B), 121, 123 and 124 (A).
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Madhya Pradesh: VHP Goraksha wing’s Hoshangabad district chief Ravi Vishwakarma shot dead in broad daylight
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/vhp-gor ... a-pradesh/
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Ravi Vishwakarma was reportedly shot dead on Friday in Pipariya town of Hoshangabad district of Madhya Pradesh. Ravi Vishwakarma was the Chief of Goraksha wing in the district. About half a dozen people attacked him when he was returning from a VHP meeting in Hoshangabad with his colleagues.

This is not the first incident in Pipariya. Prior to this many VHP leaders have also been killed in broad daylight. On 9 October 2019, a VHP leader named Yuvraj Singh was shot dead in an attack in Mandasaur of Madhya Pradesh. He was at the tea shop near the Geeta Bhawan underbridge.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

I wonder if anyone's compiled a list of Jewish people like Soros from last few centuries.

Rajiv Gandhi Foundation and its links to shady Soros funded orgs in India and Soros-linked organisations abroad
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/rajiv-g ... sh-mander/
His target included Prime Minister Narendra Modi. From the podium, with unrestrained arrogance, he committed himself to combating the democratically elected leaders whose worldview differed considerably from his own. He was, of course, the Jewish American Billionaire George Soros.

The annual report of the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation for the year 2007-08 lists a rather interesting partner, the Human Rights Law Network (HRLN). We have reported extensively on the organisation and its links to associations that are intimately associated with ‘Urban Naxals’ and separatists in Kashmir and elsewhere.

The foreign donations are available for HRLN only from 2014-15, therefore, we cannot be sure whether the organisation was receiving foreign funds while it was partners with the RGF. But its FCRA submissions do reveal that it has been receiving a huge amount of funds from George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

In addition to the Open Society Institute, the HRLN has also received huge funds from Christian Missionary organisations and foreign governments as well. HRLN’s public declaration of funds is also consistent with th Modi government’s crackdown on foreign funded organisations and the insistence of the government on greater transparency.

The HRLN has also been campaigning against Indian sedition laws along with Naxal-linked organisations and has also been providing free legal aid to Rohingyas who have been living illegally in this country.

In addition to Human Rights Law Network, the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation also partnered with the Aman Biradari Trust as late as 2018-19. The ABT was founded by Harsh Mander, an individual who is closely linked to George Soros and is the Chairman of Open Society Foundation’s Human Rights Initiative Advisory Board.

One of the organisations that has donated heavily to the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation is the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. The FNF is a liberal organisation based in Germany that is closely associated with the liberal political establishment in the country and was a major donor for the RGF. This particular organisation has links to George Soros as well although it is not obvious on the surface.

As we have reported earlier, the RGCT partnered with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) of the Clinton Foundation, which was established by former US President Bill Clinton. According to the RGCT’s website, another sister organisation partnered with CHAI “to train community members on managing diarrhoea in 31 blocks within the Raebareli and Amethi districts.”

Needless to say, an initiative floated by the Clinton Foundation was working with a foundation where Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi are in the Board of Trustees for welfare work in constituencies from where the mother and son have contested Lok Sabha elections from. All of this is blatant election interference at quite an unprecedented scale.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Vayutuvan »

Suraj wrote:... and if you need to be heard, do it the right way - constructively explain why your concerns are important to national security and wellbeing, and convey it through multiple available channels.
I agree violently. :)
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by ricky_v »

^ :lol: I can assure you sir, there have been more than a few of such databases. There has to be more than mere jealousy to explain the fact of their expulsion from 108 nations to date; read the protocols of the elders of Zion, it is a good starting point to understand what plagues the world today.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sanju »

Why would you kill the Goose that lays the golden egg, when it is the gift that keeps on giving? So, Maa-Beta are allowed to be "free". One is a star BJP campaigner and the other is there for target practice.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

let no one claim that they did not know, this came out in the public domain on 15 December 2012

this came out in 2012.

what was the then "in opposition" BJP lootyens liberandus doing, sleeping, scheming or surreptitiously extending support by keeping quiet so that their lootyens privileges were unaffected and they could continue to portray themselves on the "kabob, single malt and ghazal" circuit as being eminently sickular and liberal :mrgreen:

we all know who these guys are. Only, these days they have all very tactfully and piously covered themselves in the taqiya hijab of nationalism.

Sonia must explain foreign NGO links

15 December, 2012 | Articles

Amidst an Assembly election fraught with national implications, the Congress announced that in the next general elections it would be led by a quartet comprising party president Sonia Gandhi, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Amethi MP Rahul Gandhi and Finance Minister P Chidambaram. Hot on the heels of this announcement, Narendra Modi responded with an unambiguous signal that New Delhi was his next target by writing to the Prime Minister not to ‘hand over’ Sir Creek to Pakistan.

Caught unawares, the Prime Minister's Office angrily denied any such plans and questioned the timing of the missive – the day before the first phase of polling (Sir Creek lies in the Rann of Kutch) on December 14. Since this was a ‘personal’ letter and not a poll sop, it didn’t violate the Model Code of Conduct. But it paid back Congress for announcing the Direct Cash Transfer scheme for some Gujarat districts in the midst of campaigning (which the Election Commission censured mildly) and increasing the cap on subsidised cylinders from six to nine (which EC again had to put on hold).

The motive could be mischievous. But for a nation concerned with the secret diplomacy called Track II, where Sir Creek is reputedly gift-wrapped and Siachen Glacier stands endangered, the release of the letter before the arrival of Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik is timely. In his reply, the Prime Minister chastised the Gujarat Chief Minister for not making efforts to ascertain facts from the Government of India before shooting off his missive.

Narendra Modi should seize the invitation underlying this reprimand and ask Dr Manmohan Singh if it is appropriate that the Prime Minister, Finance Minister (former Home Minister), and two Lok Sabha MPs (including the UPA chairperson) should preside over a foundation that solicits and receives funds from foreign agencies?

Modi should specifically ask why the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation has accepted and perhaps still accepts funds from Friedrich Naumann Stiftung which funds the Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia-Pacific that supports the secession of Kashmir. UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi is a co-president of this body, along with former Philippines President Corazon Aquino; South Korea leader Kim Dae-Jung; and former Costa Rica president Oscar Arias Sanchez. Others associated with FDL-AP include Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi; South Africa Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu; former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev; and former German President Richard von Weizsaecker.

It is disgraceful that the Indian Prime Minister is member of a trust funded by such dubious sources. Since Sonia Gandhi has not quit the FDL-AP even after her association came to light some weeks ago, Narendra Modi could ask the Prime Minister about the genesis and growth of Track II diplomacy. In November 1996, the FDL-AP hosted an international seminar in Manila, Philippines, on Burma; the eminences from India were M Rasgotra, vice chair, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, and George Fernandes, MP. It is safe to say that the RGF is committed to ‘promoting democracy’ in Asia, which in the context of democratic India means allowing J&K to go its own way. As a Member of the Lok Sabha who once bid to be prime minister, Sonia Gandhi must explain her personal stand and that of the Foundation she chairs on the issue of India’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In a section, Independent Jammu & Kashmir: Justifications & Advantages, FDL-AP asserts, “the best and most logical solution of the Kashmir issue is to re-unite Indian and Pakistani controlled parts of Jammu Kashmir State (the valley of Kashmir, Jammu, Ladakh, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan) and make it a fully independent country having friendly relations with both India and Pakistan…” Readers will appreciate that this is precisely the formula mooted by then Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf at Agra, and subsequently by the phalanx of track 2 specialists. FDL-AP even claims that on August 9, 1951, Jawaharlal Nehru and on January 15, 1948, Indian representative Gopalaswami Ayengar at the UN Security Council, had declared that India fully recognised Kashmiris’ right to complete independence.

Manmohan Singh must explain the incongruity of a sitting PM and his Finance Minister joining an NGO and soliciting funds from their own government and other sources to do social welfare! This simply means the Government he presides over is not doing its job of serving the people. If that is the case, he must choose between running the Government or running an NGO; he cannot be establishment and anti-establishment at the same time! This applies to the Finance Minister and UPA chairperson as well.

There is need to scrutinize the functioning of the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, especially its foreign donors and partners, and their political objectives; charity is a good cover for interacting with political leaders and penetrating Indian society for ulterior ends, such as religious conversions.

We need explicit laws to ensure that Ministers, MPs, or government servants are not associated with bodies that solicit funds from government, corporate, and especially foreign sources. This undermines their dignity and autonomy and surely does not happen in any other major world capital.

The Rajiv Gandhi Foundation is too opaque. Established on 21 June 1991 to commemorate the former prime minister’s vision for India, its website does not even mention the law it is registered under; a protracted battle to bring it under purview of the Right to Information Act, by advocate Shanmuga Patro, made the Foundation admit it is a trust under the Indian Trusts Act 1882.

Two months later, in August 1991, RGF registered with the Home Ministry under the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act 1996, to enable it to receive foreign contributions. This is a privilege, as rules stipulate an NGO must function for at least three years on its own resources before it can apply for foreign contributions.

The RGF Board of Trustees comprises Sonia Gandhi (chairperson), Manmohan Singh, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, P Chidambaram, YK Alagh, Suman Dubey, Rahul Gandhi, RP Goenka, V Krishnamurthy, Sekhar Raha, Sir Shridath Ramphal, MS Swaminathan, Ashok Ganguly (members), and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra (executive trustee).

FCRA rules specify the category of persons who cannot accept foreign contributions under Section 3(1) of FCRA, 2010, and include a candidate for election; correspondent, columnist, cartoonist, editor, owner, printer or publisher of a registered newspaper; judge, government servant or employee of any Corporation or any other body controlled or owned by the Government; member of any legislature; political party or office bearer thereof.

While the dignitaries listed above are not receiving funds in their personal capacity, it is unseemly and undignified that persons holding such high office should accept foreign funds for an organisation whose functioning is opaque.

In fact, the Foundation should declare the foreign contributions it has received since its inception and their utilisation, as balance sheets uploaded on the website do not reveal such information. Under the rules, foreign funds cannot be deposited or utilised from the bank account used for domestic funds; banks have to certify that an account is exclusive for funds under FCRA. Also, the organisation accepting foreign contributions must maintain records of receipt and purpose-wise utilisation, and submit an annual return, duly certified by a Chartered Accountant. A NIL return is mandatory if no foreign contributions are received in a particular year (Form FC-6), duly accompanied with the balance sheet certified by a Chartered Accountant.

FCRA lists 109 agencies of the United Nations, World Bank and other International agencies / multilateral organisations which are exempt from the definition of ‘foreign source’. Many have obscure names and objectives, and call for greater transparency. At a time when the nation is concerned about the subversive uses of foreign monies, all bodies receiving foreign funds should list foreign donors clearly in their balance sheets.

For instance, the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2009, as per RGF website, does not specify any foreign funding. Yet the Annual Report for 2008-09, at page 50 and 51 (accessed on December 12, 2012), carries a list of Partner Organisations and Donors (clubbed together). Most are Central Ministries and other government departments and bodies, private corporates, NGOs, and private trusts.

But the listed donors also include The Good Gifts, UK; German Technical Corporation (GTZ), a German federally-owned enterprise; World Memorial Fund for Disaster Management; Agrisud International, France; Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, Cambridge, UK; Rajiv Gandhi (UK) Foundation, UK; European Commission; Government of Ireland; Government of the People’s Republic of China; United Nations Development Programme; World Health Organisation; and above all, the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung (which supports secession of Kashmir).

If Dr Manmohan Singh wants the nation to believe he is not involved in compromising national sovereignty, he should begin by resigning from the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, and withdraw his cabinet colleagues as well. Nor should serving bureaucrats be allowed on deputation to a Foundation funded by dubious foreign sources. These issues need to be addressed on an urgent basis.

NitiCentral, 15 December 2012

http://www.niticentral.com/2012/12/soni ... links.html
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

This possibly explains why Modi has insisted and kept some people out of the NDA govt and also ensured that they were not given any role or any other assignment whatsoever by this dispensation.

such entitled people, very seriously, must have been banking on plum posts in Modi's govt, both to leverage their purviews and also to extend their reach very much beyond the normal ambit of the usual lootyens range and magnitude. The possibilities of being funded by some or the other well heeled BIF inspired FFNGO tends to increase exponentially, especially if one has managed to bag an important portfolio like the FM, disinvestment, commerce ministry, etc, the very same high offices that some of these particular guys were so hopefully salivating to grab. some were even rogue chief minister aspirants, hoping to encash their alleged nagpur connections and spread their regional wings hoping to emerge as power centers and thus punch much above their political weights to the benefit of friends and family.

these guys' records of performance in the ABV govt weren't really all that great and some of their more dubious disinvestment, commercial and financial decisions have already been called out as partisan and self serving. They were all initially hoping and later became vociferously demanding that they be allowed free passes to ride Modi's coattails. They soon discovered that ABV and NM were very bosses of different political genres. None of them had bothered to contribute even an iota of effort to Modi's election. Such is the entitled expectations of such woke eminences.

shourie has the magsaysay "award" and that usually is a clear indication of the beneficiary's singularity of ideological commitment and as well as the "Hindu society damaging" expectations that the BIF fraud foundation which "gives" these dubious awards, has from the recipients.

urban naxal khujliwal has been given a magsaysay "award" and just recall how he has "performed", especially during the shaheenbagh blockade and the dilli riots. This is very much in line with what the BIF demands.

one can now understand why some guys turned so personally vindictive and were finally reduced to continually and viciously taunting Modi and the NDA govt, much like the aged and withered "companion" of a shady builder who is now so full of bile and brimstone after she was caught in the case of the fraudulently engineering and obtaining an OCI card through her lootyens connections. Soon after the fraud came to light, that card was rightfully withdrawn from an evil and slyly masquerading poseur family member who claimed to be something that he never could be. This god's gift to humanity, british born and brit passport and US green card holding creep was outed in more ways than one when caught with this shadily and fraudulently obtained OCI card and he was found to be living in the US with his "husband".

Chameleon politics, like taqiya morality, is a specialty of this very woke family.

It always amazes me how many people there are who never seem to understand that what they have done has inevitably contributed to the consequences that invariably followed.

One of the founders of rajiv gandhi foundation is suman dubey, rajiv's doon school buddy and brother-in-law of arun shourie and ajai shukla.

shourie and dubey are married to two of shukla's three sisters.

Nothing wrong with that except when there's a potential conflict of interest in a charged political milieu and then, ethically speaking, one must declare one's interest but they have never ever done so.

shukla has three sisters:
1. anita shourie,
2. manju dubey, and
3. malini saran (who's daughter is mitali saran, a pasta queen darbari and woke urban naxal journo, and one who describes herself as a "free range vagina", whatever the schitt that means)

this, in a nutshell, explains the lootyens connections as well as the guaranteed, very privileged and easy media access of the two guys and very unsurprisingly, runditv seems to be their channel of choice. The dubey guy is mercifully quiet publically but very active behind the scenes.

Almost every high-profile person in the congi-commie liberandu establishment is related to each other whether it is in politics, bureaucracy, or journalism. Recent books by kuldip nayar, tavleen singh, and sanjaya baru also tell of the same incestuous and self sustaining freeloading network feeding off each others' BIF spoutings and meeting frequently for ghazals, single malt, and kababs and more often than not, these high profile "society" evenings and exclusive festivities are invariably paid for by someone heavily paki pasand or some woke BIF sponsored FFNGO and all of them band together in assiduously pushing paki interests and of late, chinese interests too.

During the congi regime, such gatherings invariably included more than a smattering of allegedly "nagpur" anointed "opposition" politicians and shameless ex-service brass, who, today, have quite opportunistically changed colors to portray themselves as "nationalistic". Bless their newly repurposed little black hearts and may every misfortune befall them.

mitali saran is the daughter of malini saran. malini saran is the sister of anita shourie (wife of arun shourie), ajai shukla (controversial ex-Army officer turned runditv commentator who is alleged to be a broker for several foreign defence companies) and manju dubey (wife of suman dubey – a journalist and hardcore nehru-gandhi family loyalist, who is also one of the accused in the national herald scam).

There are many more connections to be discovered in case anyone is of the mind to dig further.

Almost every high-profile person in the congress-communist establishment related to each other whether it is in politics or bureaucracy or journalism.

Recent books by kuldip nayar, tavleen singh, and sanjaya baru among others also tell of the same.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

PVNR had to get things done with no money, MMS, PC, Maino, etc.

A Great Scholar’: PM Modi Remembers Ex-PM Narasimha Rao On His Birth Anniversary
https://swarajyamag.com/insta/a-great-s ... nniversary
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Manish_Sharma »

https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll ... at/1879604

Indian CEOs of Chinese firms to answer: Is brand bigger or Bharat?

New Delhi, June 28 (IANS) Famously known as ''Rajni'' for his unique accent and ''Jingle'' for his jovial nature among his classmates and friends, Colonel Santosh Babu remained in the frontline and was mortally wounded in the attempts to ensure withdrawal of Chinese troops from the Indian soil on June 15.

He finally succumbed to his injuries, along with 19 other brave soldiers who fought against the Chinese intrusion in the icy heights of Galwan Valley in Eastern Ladakh.

Since then, there has been a strong build-up against the Chinese goods in the country and unlike a trade war where barbs are exchanged over taxes and custom duties (like the US-China trade war and Huawei being sandwiched in between), India is currently witnessing a border situation amid rising public sentiment to avenge the brutal killing of 20 soldiers.

The volatile situation puts a great onus on the Indian CEOs who represent firms which are headquartered in China and have invested in the country, along with those who have Chinese investments in their Indian firms.

The time tells them to observe utmost silence, show solidarity and stay focused on their work and keep a low profile on social media which is a brutal boxing arena in its own way, along with traditional media outlets.

According to experts, making insensitive or disrespectful comments at this juncture that stir up consumer sentiment would only boomerang, harming them more in the long run.

"Indian CEOs who work in companies that have their headquarters in China or those who work in companies heavily invested in by Chinese conglomerates should desist from making derogatory and insensitive comments and keep their control," Virag Gupta, a lawyer who is arguing the case in Supreme Court for data localisation in India, told IANS.

On Saturday, the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT), which represents seven crore traders and nearly 40,000 trade associations in the country, slammed Manu Kumar Jain, Vice President, Xiaomi and Managing Director, Xiaomi India, for hurting the sentiments of millions of Indians by saying that the boycott Chinese sentiment exists only on social media and is a result of "mob mentality".

Taking serious exception to the recent statements by him, CAIT National President B.C. Bhartia and Secretary General Praveen Khandelwal said in a statement that his comments were "most insensitive and disrespectful".

Bhartia and Khandelwal said that since the Chinese attack on the Indian soldiers, most Chinese CEOs in the country have remained silent and not made any comment to aggravate the situation.

The problem is even bigger if we look at it from a global perspective.

"India is one of the biggest consumer markets and the world''s biggest MNCs -- from China to the US -- look at us only from the lens of a big bazaar where they can come, sell, make money and prosper," said Gupta.

These multinational companies are not even taxed properly in India.

"The top 15 Internet companies alone have amassed a value of over Rs 20 lakh crore due to their Indian users. The companies'' value could be a major chunk of the Indian economy, but is serving no purpose to Indians," he stressed.

The Indian CEOs of the China-based firms need to soul-search, remain in control of their acts and should not let their aggressive market approach disturb the current, delicate mind of the nation which seeks some hard answers from the government.

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

While Indian apps and platforms can be developed, GoI also needs to pass laws to not allow enemy investments. Chinese companies seem to be investing into Indian platforms as soon as they become popular and that needs to be stopped.

Given that this app has been on the market since 2018, that mitron app fiasco was certainly a big egg on the face for many who didn't do proper research on which Indian apps are available in the market. Hopefully, opindia has researched this one in detail.

Chingari, Indian alternative to TikTok, gains momentum amidst calls to boycott Chinese products
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/amist-c ... er-tiktok/

Sumit Ghosh, Product Head of Chingari, informed that it took him two years to develop the app. He stated that the app has been customised to meet the demands of Indian users. Although released in November 2018, Chingari has started gaining traction recently. Ghosh highlighted, “We are receiving an overwhelming response from Indian users, and as per recent stats, the App has more than 25 lakh plus downloads. This is the only social application developed in India which is a complete rival to TikTok App.”

As per the report, Chingari is available in multiple languages such as Bangla, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Punjabi, Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu. Besides creating content, the Indian app allows users to socialise and browse trending and entertainment news, funny videos, song videos, love quotes, and so on. Users can watch, download, and even share information or entertainment videos with friends and family. It also allows people to earn money on the basis of the virality of the videos. Views can be converted into points and then monetised.
India-China stand-off: Zomato Employees burn uniforms protesting against Chinese investment in the company, urges customers to boycott the app

In 2018, the food delivery major Zomato had received a substantial funding USD 210 million from the Amt Financial, which is part of Chinese major Alibaba
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/zomato- ... t-kolkata/
Last edited by darshan on 28 Jun 2020 20:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Well if this is the case then MAD needs to create a new desk for names and ideas to come in for them to add to this list.

Without making some public examples of accountability, one is not going to change the system. There has to be tons of people charged with treason, sedition, etc. From all the walks of life.
‘Sab yaad rakha jayega’: PM Modi and HM Amit Shah take on China and China sympathisers on the same day
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/india-c ... amit-shah/
The same day, Home Minister Amit Shah also took a jibe at China at the expense of the Congress party and Rahul Gandhi. During an interview with news agency ANI, he said, “We are fully capable of handling anti-India propaganda but it does pain when a former president of such a big political party does ochhi rajiniti (shallow politics)’ at a time of problems.”

“It is a matter of self-introspection for him and Congress that his hashtag is being taken forward by Pakistan and China. It is not for me. It is a matter of concern for Congress that hashtag of their leader is being encouraged by Pakistan and China. You say what China and Pakistan like. And at this time of crisis,” he added.

The Home Minister stated further, “There will be Parliament (session). If you want to discuss, we will. Let everything be discussed from 1962 to today. No one is afraid of discussion. But when the soldiers of the country are making efforts, the government is taking solid steps after taking a stand, at that time, making statements that please Pakistan and China should not be done.”

Thus, the government appears to have decided that the conflict with China will not be resolved in a day or weeks or even months. A well calibrated approach appears to have been formulated to counter China effectively. Thus, the regular statements by the Prime Minister and Home Minister and other functionaries within the government appear to be a conscious effort to instil consciousness about the Chinese threat among the larger populace.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

One doesn't need fancy degrees and proofs to know how to meet the objectives. Imparted knowledge and human brain is more than enough.

Take that fake NGOs, EJs, etc.
Meet The Mandya ‘Mad Man’ Whom Prime Minister Modi Mentioned In His Mann Ki Baat Today
https://swarajyamag.com/culture/meet-th ... baat-today
He bowed humbly in front of the mobile phone as he thanked the person on the screen in the unusual call he got this Sunday. The smile on his face is of assurance. Assurance from the Minister for Jal Shakti Gajendra Singh Shekhawat that the pleas of this man shepherding his flock in Dasanadoddi, a remote village of Karnataka, around 120 kms away from Bengaluru, shall not go unheard and his efforts not be in vain.

From being called a ‘mad man’ to being now acknowledged by the central government and the Prime Minister himself, Mandya’s Kaamegowda who is popularly known as ‘Pond Man’ has seen it all.

But as he stood atop the very hill at Dasanadoddi that he transformed leaving literally no stone unturned, the 86 year old’s main request to the Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhavat is to initiate the interlinking of all the lakes he has dug over decades.

He has not a penny, his grandchildren go to a government school, the half built house he lives in could have been way better if he didn’t put his sheep and birds and nature before himself and his own. But none of this is his worry as much is the need to inter-link these water bodies he has carved atop the hillock.

‘It is possible. I know how to and can tell’ he says with the confidence and clarity that no degree in water resource management could give him.

And just as Gowda was explaining how he had carved the lakes saving every penny that he had often saved for family expenses, there is yet another surprise. Prime Minister Narendra Modi just mentioned him in his Mann Ki Baat.

His face lit with a smile that shone on his wrinkled temples. For here was a man who sought not fame or flattery, nor kept any bit of what he received incidentally, but had his name echo through the nation as the Prime Minister appreciated his selfless service.

The Kundinibetta hillock in Dasanadoddi which lay barren for decades now has 14 ponds that are brimming with water. While the first ponds were dug by him with his own hands, he then got in labour who he paid from his own pockets to ensure ‘the sheep the birds have enough water to drink’.

How else will they survive in a barren stretch he thought as he took his sheep for grazing and that’s what led him to intuitively figure out the mechanism to sense where he could find water and then transform those piles of stone into tiny reservoirs that stay filled even in peak summers.

Sporting an ill-fitting shirt, a half pant and shawl on his shoulders and a stick in his hands and a dozen sheep around him, Gowda in all humility asks if the government can get his son a job.

For the lakes are all the legacy he will leave behind as he spent all he earned, including the money from awards, on them.

‘I have named two of the ponds after my two granddaughters, he says with glee, for these will stay beyond me and my lifetime.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ambar »

chetak wrote:This possibly explains why Modi has insisted and kept some people out of the NDA govt and also ensured that they were not given any role or any other assignment whatsoever by this dispensation.

Recent books by kuldip nayar, tavleen singh, and sanjaya baru among others also tell of the same.
Despite never having been a part of the Delhi establishment, Modi has done a very good job of identifying the troublemakers, careerists and opportunists who want to ride on his coattail and keeping them far away from power. I am sure he knows fully well that the caliber of BJP bench is not very strong, so the last couple of years we increasingly see him bring in technocrats into the government.

Post Vajapayee, BJP was a rudderless ship with torn sails. In his younger days Advani may have been a great organizer but he was not politically savvy. Rajnath, Arun Jaitley, Sushma Swaraj, Uma Bharati etc were busy scuttling away whatever little political capital they had without a long term vision, besides none of them had pan-India support. How else could one explain losing the 2009 elections months after 26/11, a heinous , barbaric event which itself was preceded by nearly two dozen serious terror attacks on India before that. Then there was the economy ; crony capitalism emptied out the coffers of public sector institutes while corrupt businessmen, politicians and government officials became incredibly wealthy. As the country went deeper and deeper into debt, the rupee lost half of its value, food inflation hit well above 30%/year on average but yet UPA-2 came to power. Despite the abysmal situation of our country in 2013-14, i have no doubts in my mind that UPA would have won a third time on the trot had it not been for Modi and Amit Shah.

Congress remained unchallenged right from the inception of the country and upto mid-90s barring few years out of power while they watched the opposition sew together and attempt to run the government. This 50 year run + another 10 years in the current century helped them build an ecosystem of durbaris from the scratch in all areas, from a panchayat level clerk to additional secretaries and joint secretaries in the cabinet to media to ex-military officers to supreme court judges. It will take decades for BJP to build a similar ecosystem or wreck the one carefully built and nurtured by INC. Until then you will always find BJP on the defensive and congress on the offensive irrespective of who is in power.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »



some of the older bjp/congi guys are still fatally smitten by the madness of paki samjhauta, PM kurssi and nobel sickness, excluding all else from their immediate focus.

India is much more than such narrow and selfishly delusional ambitions.

Modi and his new narrative has upset many applecarts on both sides of the border and the BIF just do not want that new narrative to become the dominant one that will be taken forward by India.

They all forget that in any paki settlement, siachen, cashmere, sir creek, renegotiated IWT and the total sidelining of core Indian interests will be the minimum ask, and of course, china will forcefully claw its way into the discussions quoting something that adam said to eve in the presence of abraham who immediately drew a map proving that the whole of India was a part of the ancient chinese kingdom, to seek unduly favorable and one sided settlements of her own, leaving India devasted, fatally wounded and nicely set up for the next sacrificial series of jehadi inspired partitions.

The bottom line, we just cannot accommodate anyone of them and still hope to survive as the integral state that we are now.

unless many components of the original anglo US great game are incorporated into the agreement they will simply not allow any India paki settlement to take place. Xi is a new entrant with his own chinese great game considerations that he wishes to impose on India and the region as a whole and that is a whole new ball game.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Politicians in MH seem to be putting on a charade about distancing from Rahul Gandhi on china issue. Deora, Pawar, etc.

Though Shiv Sena's Saamna is pulling anti India line. It seems like that they know that they are going to be vacating political scene permanently after this term and getting in as many days as possible.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

BJP's gandhism foolishly continues.
West Bengal: BJP district secretary Pabitra Das injured after getting shot in a clash with TMC workers
https://www.opindia.com/2020/06/bjp-lea ... ssion=true
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by mukkan »

Petrol price issue is bad optics for GOI. Below image from INC is becoming viral hit in whatsapp.


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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by arshyam »

It's actually good economics, and that's why the rationale escapes the congress.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Gerard »

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ambar »

mukkan wrote:Petrol price issue is bad optics for GOI. Below image from INC is becoming viral hit in whatsapp.

That's because INC did not care nor understand the 'D' of deficit. No matter how you cut it the government needs to cover 20 lakh crores they are spending to jumpstart the economy after prolonged lockdowns thanks to chinavirus. The last time i checked only 3% of India's gargantuan population pays direct income tax, so the revenue to cover the spending has to come from somewhere. GoI is fighting a pandemic, trying to save failing businesses, equip our military to fight China and pakis, improve quality of life especially for the poor through schemes like Jan Dhan, Ayushman Bharat, Ujjwala Yojana, Swach Bharat mission etc. Because there are no leaks, no scams, no skimming from top to bottom this government has kept a steady petroleum price over the last few years despite the ups and downs of the global energy market.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vimal »

India's defence establishment reminds of this scene from the classic Yes Minister series.
"We follow the four-stage strategy."
"What's that?"
"In stage one, we say nothing is going to happen."
"Stage two, we say something may be about to happen, but we should do nothing about it."
"In stage three, we say that maybe we should do something about it, but there’s nothing we can do."
"Stage four, we say maybe there was something we could've done, but it’s too late now."
$5.2 billion used for S400 would've done miracles for our MIC. How do we come up with money for these acquisitions when we cant fund LCAs or Akash or Pinakas?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Lisa »

mukkan wrote:Petrol price issue is bad optics for GOI. Below image from INC is becoming viral hit in whatsapp.


You should read this.

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/bus ... 751068.cms

Govt repaid over Rs 2 lakh crore on account of oil bonds tak ..