Understanding the US - Again

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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

Mort Walker wrote:Expect law suits, rioting and election violence. I really wish the MEA in India issues a travel advisory notice for Indians in the US. This is going to get ugly regardless of which side wins.
This is very much a reality. Especially electoral votes that may not go as anticipated. Gun sales and prices say all.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by ShyamSP »

Michigan looks like going strong for Trump and so do some other rust belt states. High poll numbers with stale methods of polling are No use.

If Basement Bieden can't flip blue color rust belt states there is no way he can win. Other than anti-Trump Covid message they don't have much to offer.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by chetak »

not too different from the Indian "press/media", especially runditv :mrgreen:

and swift "justice" is also served up the same way.

there was no way that the jehadi could have left the scene any other way, except in a body bag.

the french, mercifully, have never been squeamish in that way

Claire Lehmann@clairlemon·15h

A high school teacher was decapitated for blasphemy in France—the most secular of nations—

and the @nytimes frames it like this

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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

Of course, it will never be chinese who are actually looking to take the top spot from US while Russians are just getting back in the race.
‘Russia! Russia! Russia!’: Democrat Senator blames Russia for Joe Biden corruption, claims Hunter emails are Russian propaganda
https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/chris-m ... -guiliani/
Mort Walker
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Mort Walker »

darshan wrote:
Mort Walker wrote:Expect law suits, rioting and election violence. I really wish the MEA in India issues a travel advisory notice for Indians in the US. This is going to get ugly regardless of which side wins.
This is very much a reality. Especially electoral votes that may not go as anticipated. Gun sales and prices say all.
I’ve been finding it hard to get ammo. Usually I can pick it up from neighborhood kirana ki dukaan in the past along with my subji.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by chetak »

chetak wrote:not too different from the Indian "press/media", especially runditv :mrgreen:

and swift "justice" is also served up the same way.

there was no way that the jehadi could have left the scene any other way, except in a body bag.

the french, mercifully, have never been squeamish in that way


and contrast the above intellectually constipitated commie reportage with this Daily mail coverage of the very same incident which is both factual and to the point.

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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by vijayk »

ShyamSP wrote:Michigan looks like going strong for Trump and so do some other rust belt states. High poll numbers with stale methods of polling are No use.

If Basement Bieden can't flip blue color rust belt states there is no way he can win. Other than anti-Trump Covid message they don't have much to offer.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by suryag »

locking the thread as the discussion has gone into election mode
Y I Patel
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Y I Patel »

A lot of speculation right now on how a Biden presidency will pan out. Instead of making predictions, I am going to recount recent American political history which should help people understand the churn in Democratic party right now and how this will manifest itself, rather than just going by what Biden or Harris or even other Democrats have said or done in the recent past.

Our history lesson begins in February 2007. Obama is an audacious first term senator who has just pulled off a stunning victory in the Iowa caucuses. Hillary Clinton, the prohibitive favorite, has pulled back with a come from behind victory in the New Hampshire primary. All eyes or on South Carolina, where the next primary could set the tone for the huge Super Tuesday primaries that will succeed it. It is make or break time for the Obama candidacy, and Bill Clinton shows his true racist colors in launching a no holds barred attack on Obama on behalf of his wife. Bill Clinton, who at that time was called by Maya Angelou no less as the First Black President. Doing his articulate best to sink his wife's unexpected threat before he has a chance to gather steam.

That could have been the end of the Obama candidacy. But then, Ted Kennedy, the old liberal lion of the Democratic party steps in on behalf of Obama. Bill Clinton is told to STFU, Kennedy becomes the first heavyweight to support Obama, starts pulling the rest of the liberal wing with him, and plays kingmaker to Obama. You know how the rest of that story unfolded.

What followed is an object lesson in the power conferred to a successful kingmaker - this is how it has always been. What was Obama's signature initiative? Obamacare. What was Ted Kennedy's favorite cause? Universal Healthcare. Because Kennedy and the liberal wing of the Democratic party delivered the nomination for Obama, he adopted their causes in a political bargain. And when he got elected, the liberal wing displaced other power centers to become the predominant power center in the Democratic party.

When Obama got elected due to the tanking economy and global financial crisis, the first fight he chose in his incredible honeymoon period was universal healthcare. Kennedy was seriously ill even by the time Obama got elected. So Obama needed someone to do the political heavy lifting in the congress, especially the house and the skeptical Blue Dog (i.e. fiscal conservative) Democrats. Enter Nancy Pelosi,another hard core liberal, who put in the peak performance of her political life to deliver the votes for Obama. Even though both Pelosi and Harry Reed (Senate Majority Leader) had to pay the price for Obamacare in subsequent elections when Dems lost their majority, the power of the liberal wing comprising of coastal elites was consolidated - not least because several Dems who did not agree were forced out (e.g. Leiberman, VP candidate with Al Gore), retired (Ben Nelson of Florida), or were voted out.

The lesson here is how the ultra liberal coastal elite dominance of Dem party came about - they backed the winning candidate at the right time, and then used a fleeting window of opportunity to ram through their most cherished policy initiative. Note, I am not judging. I am recounting political history to explain why the Dems are like this right now.

Also note the consequences of this swing - when Hilary ran, the base of the old Dem party (working class, blacks, hispanics) abandoned her and the Dem party in droves. Hispanics still cannot forgive the great Dem/Obama betrayal on immigration, and have still not come back. And with the rise of Trump and the migration of the traditional Dem base to him (working class whites, hispanics, even AfAms) the liberals lost all grounding and you see the fringe elements like Alexandra Occasio Cortez, Rasheed Tlaib, Premila Jayapal and others come to the fore.

That is why there were so many liberal to ultra liberal candidates in the Dem party early this year, including Harris. By February, the Dem field looked like a circus. Biden was faltering and people were bracing for a Warren or Sanders candidacy. At that time, honestly, it looked like Trump would romp home to a second term. Until the South Carolina. Another king maker stepped up, as Ted Kennedy had done for Obama. The kingmaker this time was Biden's old friend Jim Clyburn, an old-style Af Am pol from South Carolina
[img=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jim_ ... ngress.jpg][/img]
Clyburn's plan and message were simple - it was time for Af Am Dems to step up and reassert their power by standing behind a centrist candidate. Biden came roaring back in SC, and again, you know the rest of the story. The big difference to note: Obama was a black president brought to power by white politicians; Biden is a white president brought to power by black politicians.

There is more - Georgia. There is a new Af Am political star - Stacey Abrahams, who lost the contest for GA Governor by a whisker, but delivered GA for Biden in a humongous and historical shift. Also, there is Florida, where Biden got slammed in a traditional Dem stronghold (Miami-Dade county) because Trump was able to successfully make a case with the staunchly anti-communist Cuban Americans that voting for Biden amounted to bringing Pelosi's socialists to power.

So right now there is a huge churn in the Dem party. Black is back, with a vengeance. Libs are in the doghouse due to underperformance in House and Senate races where Republicans were supposed to be pulled down by a supposedly radioactive president.

It would be very tempting to start projecting out from this situation to what a Biden presidency will look like, but it is still too early to tell how things will fall out. Biden's choice of a cabinet will reveal a lot. If he chooses liberals like Warren or even Obama types like Susan Rice for some major positions, that will say something. If he chooses to or is pressured to decisively break ranks with the ultra liberal faction, that will indicate a very different trajectory that will diverge sharply from Obama's 2 terms. Also pay close attention to Pelosi's fate. I sense she may be in some trouble, but she is absolutely formidable as a politician and I will not underestimate her even when she is weakened. But a rebellion against her is not inconceivable, and a new Speaker of the house may emerge. That would be huge as well.

Final note - when Obama burnt all bridges with Republicans and Reps gained Senate+House majority, there was a Republican whisperer he needed to turn to. That person was Joe Biden. So if anyone can pull the severely polarized country together, it is him. For America's sake, I hope he succeeds.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by vera_k »

Celebration, protests in Portland, Salem after Biden defeats Trump (live updates)
Undeterred by rain, a drum line played as chants of “Just because Biden won doesn’t mean the job is done” rose from the crowd.
My sense is that the progressive/socialist/communist/pseudo-secular wing of the Democratic party will not be satisfied with the incremental progress Biden can achieve.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Zynda »

Whats gonna be the future (in politics) be like for Tulsi Gabbard? I see a lot of hate (& now mocking since Dems have won) for her by many Dem supporters. I think she will leave D party...probably her moderate views will be an appeal for many and she might be find herself in R camp come 2024.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by g.sarkar »

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/09/us/p ... etary.html
Trump Fires Mark Esper, Defense Secretary Who Opposed Use of Troops on U.S. Streets
Mr. Esper’s removal was quickly followed by speculation that the president was not finished: The F.B.I. director and the C.I.A. director could be next, according to administration officials.
By Helene Cooper, Eric Schmitt and Maggie Haberman
Nov. 9, 2020

WASHINGTON — President Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper on Monday, upending the military’s leadership at a time when Mr. Trump’s refusal to concede the election has created a rocky and potentially precarious transition.
Mr. Trump announced the decision on Twitter, writing in an abrupt post that Mr. Esper had been “terminated.”
The president wrote that he was appointing Christopher C. Miller, whom he described as the “highly respected” director of the National Counterterrorism Center, to be the acting defense secretary. Mr. Miller will be the fourth official to lead the Pentagon under Mr. Trump.
Two White House officials said later on Monday that Mr. Trump was not finished, and that Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, and Gina Haspel, the C.I.A. director, could be next in line to be fired. Removing these senior officials — in effect decapitating the nation’s national security bureaucracy — would be without parallel by an outgoing president who has just lost re-election.
Democrats and national security veterans said it was a volatile move in the uncertain time between administrations, particularly by a president who has made clear that he does not want to give up power and that he would be reasserting his waning authority over the most powerful agencies of the government.
“President Trump’s decision to fire Secretary Esper out of spite is not just childish, it’s also reckless,” said Representative Adam Smith, Democrat of Washington and the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. “It has long been clear that President Trump cares about loyalty above all else, often at the expense of competence, and during a period of presidential transition, competence in government is of the utmost importance.”
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshhan »

X posted

Even China which would love to see Trump drown in Pacific ocean, is refusing to congratulate Biden for now. So have Russia and many other countries. America has lost all its moral superiority over world. Doesn't matter if Biden is formalised as a "president"at a later stage. This "election" is less about biden "defeating" Trump and more about deep state replacing Democracy that too without any pretense. And what better way to show their power by getting an insipid and borderline senile candidate like Biden elected. Their is no doubt now in the minds of Putin, Xi or even Modi on who controls the lever of Power in America. The unholy combination of Military Industrial complex, Intelligence agencies and corporate world with transnstional interests including Big Tech, have shown the world who is the boss. Presidents like Trump or Biden will come and go. And they better suck up to the powers that be and not upset the applecart if they want to get reelected. Trump is actually lucky in the sense that he just lost the so called " Elections " and didn't end up in a morgue.

If I were in place of Namo, I would request Ajit Doval and other Chiefs to increase the interaction with heads of CIA, NSA and other alphabet soup agencies. Same goes for working level cooperation between the respective agencies. We already have some cooperation between the militaries especially with PACCOM. Even Centcom should be engaged. Plus permanent liason should be maintained with SOCOM/JSOC.

Also Big Tech owned social media should be totally banned. They couldn't be controlled by Trump so what chance an Indian PM like Namo has. Twitter's shutting of Trump's tweets is definitely an indicator of things to come. So is media's deliberate hiding of Hunter Biden's adventures and pollsters fake surveys according to which Biden was sweeping the polls better than even the Charismatic Obama.

The whole episode has only reinforced what many people knew already. I.e America is in the same category as China, Iran or Russia. In fact the latter are atleast better in one respect. They save their electoral process costs. Lol
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshhan »

X posted
Vivek K wrote:And GWB won because of mail in ballots in FL. Its time to move on. Even if GA and AZ could be overturned, it will not make a difference to the outcome of the election. But DJT will go to courts and have people he put into the SCOTUS turn their backs on him and certify JB.

Just because a system is prone to fraud, does not make it fraudulent. And there was massive voter suppression put in place in this election by every Republican Governor.

At the end of the day - Republicans need to re-group and work for 2024 instead of lowering the dignity of the American system and democracy.
Why should we as Bhartiyas be concerned what GWB did or what Republicans should do in future? Screw them. For all I am concerned they might as well dissolve the party.

The point is that USA is no longer a democracy. It is just like Iran or Russia only technologically more advanced. Shouldn't give moral sermons to anyone.

How will it wage future wars on the premise of spreading "Democracy and Freedom"?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Cyrano »

How will it wage future wars on the premise of spreading "Democracy and Freedom"?
Don't worry saar, there will be "Green" wars in the future against <<high CO2 emitting>> <<coal burning>> <<tree cutting>> <<insert fav Green crime>> nations.
I'm not joking.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

Indian-American Kash Patel appointed Chief of Staff to acting US Defence Secretary
https://www.wionews.com/india-news/indi ... ary-342332
Kashyap Pramod Patel, or popularly known as Kash Patel, had previously served as senior counsel for Counterterrorism at the House Permanent Select Committee.''

In June 2019, Patel, 39, was appointed as senior director of Counterterrorism Directorate of the National Security Council (NSC) in the White House.

New York-born Patel has his roots in Gujarat. However, his parents are from East Africa, the mother from Tanzania and father from Uganda. They came to the US from Canada in 1970. The family moved to Queens in New York which is often called as Little India -- in the late 70s.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by ShyamSP »

darshan wrote:Anecdote.
Indian-American Kash Patel appointed Chief of Staff to acting US Defence Secretary
https://www.wionews.com/india-news/indi ... ary-342332
Kashyap Pramod Patel, or popularly known as Kash Patel, had previously served as senior counsel for Counterterrorism at the House Permanent Select Committee.''

In June 2019, Patel, 39, was appointed as senior director of Counterterrorism Directorate of the National Security Council (NSC) in the White House.

New York-born Patel has his roots in Gujarat. However, his parents are from East Africa, the mother from Tanzania and father from Uganda. They came to the US from Canada in 1970. The family moved to Queens in New York which is often called as Little India -- in the late 70s.
Watch documentary "The plot against the President" featuring him. He played a central role in investigation.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by KLNMurthy »

Very good and compelling analysis Y I Patel.

I predict that one of Biden's domestic accomplishments will be to significantly reform the criminal justice system, especially the incarceration of disproportionate numbers of af-ams. This will be fairly easy to do, as there is probably bipartisan support. Even Trump supported and signed such a bill into law. States won't be affected too much by the changes at federal level, so the more conservative hard-on-crime type of states won't have that much reason to complain.

As you say, ascent of Biden represents a defeat for the self-styled progressive wing. Throughout the primary season, even before the South Carolina primary, AfAms (the older, organized, church-going segment that turns up for elections at least) were solidly for Biden. This segment tends to be generally conservative-leaning on all issues except of course fair treatment of AfAms.

Kamala Harris looks like she planned for this moment her whole adult life, right from the time she chose to attend Howard University (she could have probably got into a tier 1 non-HBCU university is my guess) and became a member of the highly influential, upper-class, mostly black, Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.

I don't see much role for the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party in a Biden administration, going by your reasoning. Let us wait for the cabinet appointments, I would be surprised if Warren gets any job. Sanders is angling for Labor Secretary, which seems historically to be a bone for aged socialists (like Robert Reich earlier), so he may get it. Not sure how much real power he will have in that job.

On the foreign policy front, he will have a tough time rejoining the treaty with Iran, an easy time joining the Paris accord. Temperamentally I don't think Biden is that big on the environment. Lot of things like Islamic terrorism, Chinese aggression etc., are not within his control, so he will be put on his mettle when one of those balloons will inevitably go up.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Zynda »

Bernie Sanders@BernieSanders Nov 9

Florida passed a $15 minimum wage

Montana, South Dakota, Arizona & New Jersey legalized marijuana

Colorado passed 12 weeks of paid family leave

Arizona increased taxes on the rich to fund education

All over America, voters approved a progressive agenda. Now, Congress must act
3 months of paid family leave? Nice...does it include sick leave as well or is there another quota for it? So on paper, an employee can avail 3 months of continuous leave (say like Summer) & go on a traveling spree and employers are left stuck with finding a temp replacement & loss of productivity. Need to figure out a way to find a job in CO.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Cyrano »

Whats the use of all these investments in Digital & AI if employees and therefore the society cannot enjoy more time off and improve quality of life ? How much QonQ growth numbers are enough ? Whats the point on working 50-60 hrs/week for decades when one major illness can ruin you or make you dead ? This is European thinking and its hard to say they are a whole lot worse off because of it. Balance is key.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by chanakyaa »

3 months of paid family leave? Nice...does it include sick leave as well or is there another quota for it? So on paper, an employee can avail 3 months of continuous leave (say like Summer) & go on a traveling spree and employers are left stuck with finding a temp replacement & loss of productivity. Need to figure out a way to find a job in CO.
I do not believe it is paid vacation time off.

Colorado Proposition 118, Paid Medical and Family Leave Initiative (2020)
Reasons for leave

A covered individual can take leave for the following reasons:
- caring for their own serious health condition;
- caring for a new child during the first year after the birth or adoption or for foster care of a new child;
- caring for a family member with a serious health condition;
- when a family member is on active duty military service or is called for active-duty military service; and
- when the individual or the individual’s family member is a victim of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Vayutuvan »

Cyrano wrote: This is European thinking and its hard to say they are a whole lot worse off because of it. Balance is key.
Yes, true that. Europeans are a happy lot. When I was working in Zurich, Friday lunch used to be an hour-long affair, copious amounts of Italian wines included. Then people would leave work after two hours of being happy. Advantages of storing Nazi gold, you see.

Brits are the hardest workers. They work 4 days and only 4 hours per day - 16-hour workweek. The advantages of being a colonial power, but those mountains of gold and riches have disappeared over the years.
Last edited by Vayutuvan on 18 Nov 2020 04:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by la.khan »

In many respects, modern-day India is counted as a success story, says Barack Obama

O heathens! Rejoice, for Massa has certified our blighted land as modern and successful :P
As the chief architect of India's economic transformation, (former) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh seemed like a fitting emblem of this progress: a member of the tiny, often persecuted Sikh religious minority who had risen to the highest office in the land, and a self-effacing technocrat who had won people's trust not by appealing to their passions but by bringing about higher living standards and maintaining a well-earned reputation for not being corrupt, says Obama, who had visited India twice as president in 2010 and 2015.
Never mind the gigantic corruption the distinguished economist presided over for 10 years :eek: If you can prove your secular credentials, liberals will forgive/overlook everything else :roll:

Did BHO write the highlighted part in his book or is this PTI's take on India? Often persecuted? How often? What persecutions did the Sikh face in free independent India? Persecution as in denial of voting rights, not allowed to practice their faith as they deem fit, stripped of their property rights, denied pursuit of educational and/or professional opportunities, hindered to run their religious institutions without outside/govt. interference, physical assaults/rapes/murders etc? What persecutions?!?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Cyrano »

He is probably referring to the treatment of Sikhs under Mughal rule.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Dilbu »

That or the snake oil peddled by Khalistanis.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Cyrano »

Possible as well. I thought Khalistanis has a lot less support in the US than in Canada.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

Correction: MMS belongs to congress party that persecuted Sikhs.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by chetak »

is this weasel still around and spreading liberally his china appeasement manure :mrgreen:

Disclose.tv @disclosetv · Nov 17

BREAKING - Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said Biden should move quickly to restore the relationship with China or risk a crisis that could escalate into military conflict.
Last edited by chetak on 18 Nov 2020 04:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Vayutuvan »

KLNMurthy wrote:I would be surprised if Warren gets any job. Sanders is angling for Labor Secretary, which seems historically to be a bone for aged socialists (like Robert Reich earlier), so he may get it.
Neither would get a job in the admin. Both MA and VT have Republican governors. Their replacements in the senate would surely be from GOP. If Dems take both the senate seats in GA, why would they lose the advantage of changing laws whole scale plus expanding and packing the courts?!
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Karan M »

The way Obama peddles over simplified hot takes- college school professor speaking down to the yokel - is exactly why we should treat all his commentary as poison pill. Folks on social media were going ga ga over his comments on Rahul, thankfully BRF was more tempered in its evaluation ("he's right in this case, that's about it"). Don't forget that even in his India visit, he was needlessly patronizing.
la.khan wrote:In many respects, modern-day India is counted as a success story, says Barack Obama

O heathens! Rejoice, for Massa has certified our blighted land as modern and successful :P
As the chief architect of India's economic transformation, (former) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh seemed like a fitting emblem of this progress: a member of the tiny, often persecuted Sikh religious minority who had risen to the highest office in the land, and a self-effacing technocrat who had won people's trust not by appealing to their passions but by bringing about higher living standards and maintaining a well-earned reputation for not being corrupt, says Obama, who had visited India twice as president in 2010 and 2015.
Never mind the gigantic corruption the distinguished economist presided over for 10 years :eek: If you can prove your secular credentials, liberals will forgive/overlook everything else :roll:

Did BHO write the highlighted part in his book or is this PTI's take on India? Often persecuted? How often? What persecutions did the Sikh face in free independent India? Persecution as in denial of voting rights, not allowed to practice their faith as they deem fit, stripped of their property rights, denied pursuit of educational and/or professional opportunities, hindered to run their religious institutions without outside/govt. interference, physical assaults/rapes/murders etc? What persecutions?!?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by chetak »

odrama's choice words about erdogan in the barack Odrama's memoirs released today.

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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by g.sarkar »

https://greekcitytimes.com/2020/12/04/t ... s-kashmir/
Turkey is preparing Syrian mercenaries to fight in Kashmir: report
by Paul Antonopoulos

Turkey, which has previously sent Syrian mercenaries to Libya and Azerbaijan, is preparing to send fighters to Kashmir to fight against India.
According to ANF News, which quoted local sources in northern Syria, Abu Emsha, the head of the Turkish-backed Suleyman Shah Brigades terrorist organization that is a part of the so-called Syrian National Army, informed his members five days ago that Ankara wanted to reinforce Kashmir.
The head of the terrorist groups, Abu Emsha, said that Turkish officers would later ask the commanders of other terrorist groups to list the names of those who want to go to Kashmir.
Abu Emsha stated that those who will go from his terrorist group will be registered in a list and they will receive $2000 in funding. Abu Emsha told the militant fighters he met that Kashmir is a mountainous region like Artsakh.
Local sources stated that Ankara has been conducting this activity in Azaz, Jarablus, Al-Bab, Afrin and Idlib for a short time, picking the names of the fighters to go. The sources say they will be transported secretly.
I am not very sanguine about information from Greek sources about Turkey. To be taken with a pinch of salt?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by srikandan »

moved post and response to Turkey thread.
Last edited by srikandan on 07 Dec 2020 21:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rudradev »


But I suggest taking this to a more appropriate thread.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by srikandan »

:lol: Look at how the democrats are normalizing racism against Indians and Chinese -- areas that are predominantly white built their own white-only schools so their kids do not have to compete with Indian and Chinese kids. This is the "progressive" white and african american crowd -- apparently building more schools in not an option, so "Reservation" is the answer. USA is looking more and more like Lalu's Bihar in the 80s and 90s. How nice.

A moment's silence for the low high IQ Indian-americans who voted for democrats. Nice job, guys. Enjoy the ride, you deserve it.

One African-American parent stated it’s because of Asians hogging up all the spaces “Black people can’t catch up technologically because the ‘stupid Asians’ are keeping black people down out of fear they’d be overtaken.”
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Yagnasri »

As per PC BS of SJWs, some "minorities" shall be more privileged than others. Momos are more privileged than jews/Hindus/Yazidis and what not.

Just like Trans are more privileged than females.

It is all politics, blacks are a bigger vote bank than Asians. Just like Momos are a bigger and more vocal vote bank than self loathing HINO/Hindus.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by vera_k »

Well, a US public school of any stripe is not known for excellence. They are the place of last resort for those who cannot afford better options. Somewhat puzzling that so many Asians go to these schools.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by sum »

vera_k wrote:Well, a US public school of any stripe is not known for excellence. They are the place of last resort for those who cannot afford better options. Somewhat puzzling that so many Asians go to these schools.
Because its free and the pvt ones are pretty steep?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Vayutuvan »

vera_k wrote:Well, a US public school of any stripe is not known for excellence. They are the place of last resort for those who cannot afford better options. Somewhat puzzling that so many Asians go to these schools.
That is quite an extraordinary claim. Care to provide some evidence, please?
BRF Oldie
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Joined: 20 Jun 2011 04:36

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Vayutuvan »

sum wrote: Because its free and the pvt ones are pretty steep?
Bull's eye. Prep Schools cost $50K per annum. K-12 education at something Philips Exeter will be ~$700K all told. Then you send your kid to haavaD to get a degree in Art History for the low price of $250K. Study abroad and other travel, books, designer clothing, etc. will make your pocket lighter by a $1 million. But then now-a-din, $1 million means nothing. China is there to buy our T-Bills, no?!!!
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