2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Jaritaji I don't believe that people here would be in disagreement with you. Though we don't matter in grand scheme of things. I would look at it from the other perspective where Modi and co are working with voters that are fickle and they need to have a game plan to keep them to achieve objectives. If voters need to be educated to reduce fickelness, then who's taking responsibility of it? Modi? BJP? Hindu organizations? Mandirs?

I'm not looking social media. I just sample people's thoughts. And these are people that in some capacity operate within the Indian political system. If MLA I'm talking to doesn't believe in what you are saying then one can't hope that this MLA's votebank will either.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by KJo »

I am discussing these issues with other Hindus and many are giving excuses for the Govt.
"What do you expect GOI to do? It is a state issue".

There are always ways around it and only foolish Hindus wait to follow the rules. Everyone else bends their fingers to get the ghee. Amit Shah could have called UT and read him the riot act. If that did not get him to obey, then dismiss the Govt. Or some up with some other way to make it happen. Just sitting around while Hindus are killed in large numbers is just another party taking advantage of Hindu trust.
asgkhan wrote:A 70 year old barmaid with a retarded son and 40 seats is showing more b@lls than our vishwa-guru, world pi$$ quoting, bearded wannabe nobel winner. I am not from Bhajan mandali of BJP, I am a kattar hindu and I will support only nationalist issues. But this guy needs to go to Margadarshak mandali. His party is busy demanding apology from the barmaid and penguin baba instead of letting loose the hounds of CBI and ED.

Just the smug faces of Sambit Patra, Javedkar and Amit Malviya is enough to cause the pain of hot poker in the guts. These blithering idiots are busy demanding apologies and condemning the actions of Penguin baba.

Travesty of my vote. It hurts to see the inaction on Palghar Sadhu lynchings, the poor cadres in WB getting hung, shot and r@ped.

Better to be invisible and contribute money and effort towards local temple and not catch the attention of anti-national parties.

I never even imagined I will be so hostile towards BJP and modi. This man has to go for the betterment of the party and nation.

Enough of his vishwa-guru/ek haath mein koooran ek haath mein computer nonsense.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Jarita »

vimal wrote:I did not know that Orissa has banned the sale of Firecrackers for Diwali due to Covid concerns also controlling the sale of Diyas to prevent the spread.
Did they ban any other non hindu festivals.
https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/ ... 016405.ece
A lot of this comes from the babu brigade. Someone must curate the list of babus and their orders and work. With data science, we can do pattern detection on all these entities. Start with the judges and their cases and then document the babus. Is there a place where there is a database of these entities?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

picture abhi baaki hai, producer: Enforcement Directorate

does this have anything to do with forcibly keeping arnab out of the republic TV's newsrooms :mrgreen:

lots of darbaris and lootyens libtards will be sweating blood and having continuous loose stools after hearing of auntie niira radia in the dock.

diwali sweets will have turned bitter onlee

she has many journos and media owners in her ample pockets and what if she starts to sing like a joyful canary in full flow



Last edited by chetak on 08 Nov 2020 23:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Jarita »

^^^^ Wasn't there a rumor of how this person was supplying underage kids to some elites in India?
I would be deeply concerned with any business enterprise of this person and investigate it for money laundering (hospitals are a great vehicle), parlaying influence at local level and human trafficking.
Please note that one is not casting aspersions, but merely outlining suspicions given this persons background and track record.
Given the track record, throw in organ trafficking as well.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

With Arnab Goswami facing multiple FIRs and remaining in jail, here is how the cases against some other journalists were handled by courts

With Arnab Goswami facing multiple FIRs and remaining in jail, here is how the cases against some other journalists were handled by courts

While most journalists were able to get immediate relief from courts in various cases, some of them were not that lucky

8 November, 2020
OpIndia Staff

With Arnab Goswami failing to get a relief from Bombay High Court, the possibility of the Republic TV Editor-in-Chief approaching Supreme Court has increased. Although he will initially approach the sessions court for his bail, he has been hounded by several cases by Mumbai police, and it is likely that those cases will eventually end up at the apex court. It that context, it is pertinent to revise how the cases involving other journalists progressed at various courts, including the Supreme Court.

HW News journalist Vinod Dua, accused in a sedition case, filed a petition in the Supreme Court in June, 2020. The Supreme Court was pleased to schedule a special sitting and hear the matter on Sunday. The Court was further inclined to issue Notice in a petition filed under Article 32 despite there being a more than efficacious remedy for quashing of FIR under section 482 CrPC being available to Vinod Dua.

The apex Court had promptly granted relief against arrest and subsequently granted relief from even participating in the investigation. Effectively the Supreme Court ensured that no effective investigation takes place against Vinod Dua in the FIR registered in Himachal Pradesh.

Previously, Vinod Dua had approached Delhi High Court in an FIR registered by Delhi Police seeking quashing of the FIR. The Delhi High Court was pleased to directly stay the entire FIR and subsequently, quashed the same.

A case was been registered against Vinod Dua by a local BJP leader Ajay Shyam in Shimla for making false allegations against BJP, especially Prime Minister Modi on his YouTube show on March 30. On the basis of the complaint, Dua was summoned by the police in Himachal for questioning. However, the controversial journalist had used his health, age and lockdown protocols as an excuse to evade questioning and did not turn up at the Kumarsain police station. A similar complaint was also registered against in Delhi accusing him of misreporting the Delhi riots and also on charges of creating a public nuisance by false reporting.

Vinod Dua was charged under sections 124A (sedition), 268 (public nuisance), 501 (printing matter known to be defamatory) and 505 (statements conducive to public mischief). On the other hand, he claims that he has been targeted for criticising the govt.

When the UP police registered an FIR against Siddharth Varadhrajan of The WIRE form spreading fake news about Yogi Adityanath, the Allahabad High Court had promptly granted anticipatory bail to him. The FIR was filed after the Founder-Editor of The Wire had took quotes of an expelled mahant and misattributed them to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. As he had refused to delete the fake news from his Twitter handle despite requested by UP govt, the govt had proceeded to take action against him. But he had managed to secure protection from the High Court.

Similarly, when journalist Dhaval Patel, editor of a Gujarat website called Face of Nation, was arrested in Gujarat on charges of sedition, the Sessions Courts in Gujarat was pleased to grant bail. The court had said that the FIR and other documents filed by the police did not appear to establish the charge of sedition.

The FIR was filed after the website by Patel had published a news claiming that Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani may be replaced with union minister Mansukh Mandaviya, because the state administration poorly handled the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. While a court had sent him to police custody saying he tried to destabilise the govt by spreading fake news about change in leadership, the sessions court said that the charges were not proved, and hence had granted him bail.

In a similar case, Supreme Court had stayed an FIR registered against Yogesh Kumar Holkar in October this year. The journalist had covered the 2018 Bharat Bandh protests in Morena, Madhya Pradesh, while the police had accused him of participating in the protests.

Yogesh Kumar Holkar is a journalist for local newspaper ‘Dainik Chambal Surkhi’, and a total of five FIRs were registered him. When he had approached the High Court to quash the FIRs, the court had refused to so, because the trial had already started in the case. After that when he approached the Supreme Court, the court accepted his plea and granted stay in the FIR. The apex court had also stayed further proceedings in the case, even though it was being heard by trial court.

Contrast the same with the case against four journalists from West Bengal and Maharashtra. When the journalists approached the Supreme Court with evidence of corruption by high level functionaries including ministers along with the sting operations conducted by them, multiple FIRs were registered against journalists Bhupendra Pratap Singh, Abhishek Singh, Hemant Chowrasia and Ayush Kumar Singh by the West Bengal police. But apart from granting protection from arrest, the Supreme Court has not thought it fit to list the matter for the past six months. The Kolkata Police had booked the journalists in January alleging that the sting operation was a bid to extort money from politicians.

The said journalists were in fact directed by the Supreme Court to cooperate with a vindictive state machinery and had to flee the state to avoid being persecuted under some other criminal proceeding. Despite there being ample evidence of high-level corruption, and a specific request being made to transfer the cases to the CBI, there has been no movement on that front. The journalists had approached the Supreme Court after the High Court had rejected their plea, saying that the sting operation was still a criminal act even if it was for public interest.

Similarly, when more than 200 FIRs with verbatim text were registered against Arnab Goswami and he approached the Supreme Court in relation to the Palghar lynching episode, the court declined to quash the FIR and merely consolidated the same in Mumbai and relegated the case to be heard by the Bombay high Court. When the Maharashtra Police filed another FIR against Arnab Goswami and Republic TV in relation to the purported TRP Scam, Republic TV moved Supreme Court seeking protection from arrest. Despite seeking urgent mentioning and listing of the matter, the petition was listed only after some time had elapsed and the court declined to intervene observing that it would be appropriate for the petitioner to approach the Bombay High Court.

Again, when Arnab Goswami was arrested by Mumbai police in the old case which was closed by court, the Bombay High Court refused to grant him interim relief, saying they need to hear the entire case even for granting bail. This is despite the fact the CJM court which had declined police remand of Goswami observed that police erred by reopening the case without taking necessary permission from court.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Minhaz Merchant@MinhazMerchant·11h

Judging by the gutless reaction of the centre, judiciary & media to the persecution of journalist #ArnabGoswami, it’s no wonder Indians were complicit in the conquest of India by barbarian hordes from Central Asia & then by polished crooks from Britain. #TheEnemyWithin
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Minhaz Merchant@MinhazMerchant·14h

Not widely reported by most media: Bombay HC yesterday ordered Param Bir Singh, Sachin Vaze & other Mumbai police officers to respond to Hansa Research petition accusing police of coercing Hansa employees to give false statements in #TRP case.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

it looks like only the @IndianExpress has had the guts to have reported this. The rest of the media is too busy crawling in the dirt in supplication to the powers that be.


via @MinhazMerchant
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

via ⁦@IndianExpress

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

UAE Relaxes Islamic Laws To Allow Cohabitation Of Unmarried Couples, Alcohol Consumption; Criminalises Honour Killings

so, now one may poke and drink at will. or atleast until the girl's father or brother or son happens upon the horizontal festivities with his unsheathed and rusty sword.

Honour Killings were any way already being done without let or hinderance, so that restriction is really no big deal

full freedom for all the arabs, then. :mrgreen:
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Srutayus »

This fickleness is the luxury of those who have a lot of choices. Look around, where are the other nationalist parties. Such is the absurdity of Indians. There is no survival instinct. They keep threatening the BJP as if they have plenty of options. Actually time is running out. However imperfect, we have to give BJP a long enough rope till such time that we have an alternate viable option. This is a suicidal and short term tendency that you see amplified on social media.
However flawed the BJP might be, there is no other nationalist party. The Mahathugbandhan in Bihar is plain bad news. Even if BJP comes back they will have to reverse the damage. This is a destructive cycle.
Even if BJP does not fulfil promises, it is still the only option. The venomous so called Hindu voices on social media really need to halted. They are actually destructive.
When we give vent to the shortcomings of the BJP let us think more of building an alternative to it. We must objectively see how far the BJP can take us and build on, within, and around it. Also remember the decades of struggle often with blood spilt (literally), by generations of Karyakartas of who NaMo is one, albeit outstanding, example. Venting over their shortcomings without providing an alternative is counterproductive. There is no silver lining in empowering the likes of the RJB in league with the Congress, Communists and Islamists. Let us also seriously discuss how to build our own ecosystem in academia, the media etc.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

Why are his lawyers not filing in SC for his bail? SC milords open up at mid night to rescue Teesta.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

vijayk wrote:Why are his lawyers not filing in SC for his bail? SC milords open up at mid night to rescue Teesta.
case is still pending in the HC, it will come up for hearing at 3pm today
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Santosh »

Srutayus wrote:+1
When we give vent to the shortcomings of the BJP let us think more of building an alternative to it. We must objectively see how far the BJP can take us and build on, within, and around it. Also remember the decades of struggle often with blood spilt (literally), by generations of Karyakartas of who NaMo is one, albeit outstanding, example. Venting over their shortcomings without providing an alternative is counterproductive. There is no silver lining in empowering the likes of the RJB in league with the Congress, Communists and Islamists. Let us also seriously discuss how to build our own ecosystem in academia, the media etc.
Lot of people have started getting an impression that BJP is taking its supporters for granted. From the killing fields of Kannur to Bengal, BJP has been mute spectator. Frankly lot of people are getting tired of sabka saath sabka vikas. It is true that there is no alternative and so BJP is the best alternative for dharmic forces. But we need to maintain the pressure. Look at Nawab Malik, the guy has b** to say that AG may commit suicide. What is he implying? And this guy is part of MH govt. They have made their demand very clear to UT. In the absence of pressure, Modi Shah will be happy to do down their path of sabka vishwas. As an example DL, TL and WB are giving anywhere from 10 to 18K to mullahs. Why can't BJP give 20K to pujaris in BJP ruled states for starters.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vimal »

If I were Modi I would be tired and ready to retire.

What should I solve, what is the highest priorities?
Toilets, Bijli, Paani, Roads, RJB, 370, POK, Pak, Covid, Hans, Media, US, Arnab, Education?
Everything is urgent and has been festering for decades and in some cases centuries. While pappu and papini can pull the strings from the remote corners of country with little hesitation or control. They sow the seeds to discord and create havoc without a single consequence.

State/local level things should be taken care of by the state/local level leaders, use steel to fight with iron but let it be organized and run by lower level functionaries with general guidance from central leadership. Having Modi and Shah in the mix of everything means we lose sight of the big picture which is to develop and close gap with Hans asap and to achieve our strategic goals.

So the answer to this is strong state/local level grassroots leaders. Start grooming them now, every state must have a few ruthless ones.
Second is intellectual class who can handle education and media houses like DD. There are a lot of these that BJP can utilize but seems reluctant to use.

The biggest folly of Hindus is the avatar complex, who wait for some awesome godhead to take human form and fight for them while they look on and pass commentary. When COVID came there were Modi kitchen and Sonia kitchen all running from the same locality by Hindus. Sikhs were running it from central Gurudwaras, no politics. Maybe there is a reason Sikhi was created to show the divided Sanatanis to unite under a flag. All seems to be lost on sanatanis though!
Last edited by vimal on 09 Nov 2020 07:23, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Srutayus »

We should not put our energy into bemoaning our fate or into pulling down the only alternative we have.
We need to put our energy into building the structures to support our goals. By finding people in the BJP to cultivate, and by building alternatives. Most of the alternatives should be made to be dharmic. And also by cultivating institutions that focus on the humanities from dharmic perspectives and and promoting academics such as Vishwa Adluri etc.

I do broadly agree with the suggestions by Vimal and Santosh above. But what productive suggestions do we have that we can make a contribution to either individually or as a group from BRF? Shall we meet online to talk about it?
KL Dubey
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by KL Dubey »

chetak wrote:the BJP don't want this nitishwa millstone around their necks come the next gen elections. Their RS seats numbers are anyway protected and that may matter more to the BJP than govt formation in BH at this time. They have enough control over tejaswi via luloo prasad in jail/bail
Like I said a few months ago, we will see all "family business/one-man business" parties leaving the NDA one way or the other, and becoming reduced to irrelevance in a few years. SS, AD, LJP, JDU...none wants to be a junior state-level partner of BJP and they think they can make it on their own.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by praksam »

vimal wrote:If I were Modi I would be tired and ready to retire.

What should I solve, what is the highest priorities?
Toilets, Bijli, Paani, Roads, RJB, 370, POK, Pak, Covid, Hans, Media, US, Arnab, Education?
Everything is urgent and has been festering for decades and in some cases centuries. While pappu and papini can pull the strings from the remote corners of country with little hesitation or control. They sow the seeds to discord and create havoc without a single consequence.

State/local level things should be taken care of by the state/local level leaders, use steel to fight with iron but let it be organized and run by lower level functionaries with general guidance from central leadership. Having Modi and Shah in the mix of everything means we lose sight of the big picture which is to develop and close gap with Hans asap and to achieve our strategic goals.

So the answer to this is strong state/local level grassroots leaders. Start grooming them now, every state must have a few ruthless ones.
Second is intellectual class who can handle education and media houses like DD. There are a lot of these that BJP can utilize but seems reluctant to use.

The biggest folly of Hindus is the avatar complex, who wait for some awesome godhead to take human form and fight for them while they look on and pass commentary. When COVID came there were Modi kitchen and Sonia kitchen all running from the same locality by Hindus. Sikhs were running it from central Gurudwaras, no politics. Maybe there is a reason Sikhi was created to show the divided Sanatanis to unite under a flag. All seems to be lost on sanatanis though!

I completely agree with what you've written. Most of the folks here want everything served on a platter. They do not understand that the tightrope situation MAD are walking on. What the trio have done for Hindu cause and Hinduism is much more than they can comprehend. For starters you'll can hold your head high and trot around the globe being an Indian. That's one of the major respects showered on you'll by PM Modi. I've lived in Newyork for 2 decades and moved back to India for good in 2013. I have seen first hand racism very often, inspite of me running my own business. Having said that, things are no different in India. The bureaucracy/ civil services/ politicians in India are the worst. It will take many birth of Modi to evict this evil ie, corruption, from the country.

Folks sitting in US and dissing the current govt. need to come here and work from grassroot level and make a change, instead of blaming.

Lately I feel Modi looking tired. He is just performing his dharma. His body language suggests that he has had enough. Must be like " in logon ka kuch nhi honsakta". BJP is not a saint either. Except for a few the rest are as corrupt as the kangress if not more. In Karnataka corruption has reached its zenith. Go to any revenue department and you will be so depressed seeing the open corruption.

I am happy Modi came by. That's all.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by arshyam »

Agreed that we should not bemoan the current state of affairs and stop there. For starters can someone with legal knowledge help us understand what's stopping the centre from intervening in the Arnab issue? He's clearly being muzzled and the entire exercise is to show to the rest of us what state power can do if one were to pick a fight with it. Another goal is to show how the BJP leadership treats even its supporters by demonstrating their might against Arnab with impunity. While the suicide case should be investigated, no doubt, but the fact that it was re-opened after 2 years and at this juncture shows a malafide intent on part of the MH govt and even the lower court judge observed that the govt did not get permission to re-open the case which they'd get only if fresh evidence had come up.

One can argue that the centre legally does not have a locus standi to intervene but we are not as much of a federation as the US where questions of state vs federal jurisdictions are well settled. In India, the union govt still has a lot of power to deploy if they choose to, which they are not doing. These actions also show to us how much of a banana republic we still are with selective application of the rights given to us by the Constitution. The worst part is the colonial-level protection given to govt officials - blatantly violating settled procedure (for example, the mode of Arnab's arrest or the ~200 verbatim FIRs which the HC/SC allegedly simply merged into one without a fuss) does not even invite a slap on their wrists which in other democratic countries would at minimum lead to their suspension pending investigation and even removal from service with prejudice. But here these officers know they'll personally never be pulled up and so betray their oath to openly serve the politicians of the day without fear of consequences.

At this rate, why would any aam aadmi nationalist speak up for the Modi govt when they cannot uphold the law and constitution on behalf of their own supporters?

Sometimes such battles have to be fought just to make an example - perversely, which is what the MH govt is doing to Arnab. Modi's job is not to just build toilets and water pipelines - yes these are important but they are also state subjects which the centre finally took over after decades of no progress. OTOH, the matters of fundamental rights and protection of the people from harassment by govt officials is definitely and directly a union matter, and the centre should at least implead itself into the hearings to debate the conduct of IPS officers (who come under the centre afaik) as well as the constitutionality of Arnab's treatment, one would think. But beyond a few tweets, nothing is happening. What gives?
KL Dubey
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by KL Dubey »

With CAA, Shah has added 10-15 million Hindoos on the voter rolls. And probably another 10 million of these folks who will become of voting age over the next decade.

The fact that we are seeing a tumultous time is proof that the forces of darkness are seriously under siege. MAD are relentless and thorough, not flash-in-the-pan street scrappers. They know that the foundation of the INC ecosystem is rotten, and once enough stilts have been kicked out from under the whole thing will collapse. Timing is important.....

Those opining that Modi is "tired" should follow his engagements/schedule. Looks like no let-up whatsoever. Limitations on movement imposed by COVID are another matter.
KL Dubey
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by KL Dubey »

It is surprising that this thread keeps repeating the same cycle of desperate/angry posts after every state election that goes wrong.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sicanta »

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Swaroop »

The word NOTA, in Kannada, means "to see". We will see. I have been on BRF from the days of the Kargil war, we just seem to have a death wish that never comes true. Modi-avru is so bad that when he works hard, toilets are created, RJB happens, 370 is repealed, Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh are UTs, every village in our country has electricity.... but but but he did nothing to Barkha Dutt. This is not TINA, this is not even alternative this is the best we had. DONE.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Santosh »

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by arshyam »

Not sure if any of the recent replies were to my post (even in a general sense since no one quoted my post). But this is what am most concerned about:
arshyam wrote:At this rate, why would any aam aadmi nationalist speak up for the Modi govt when they cannot uphold the law and constitution on behalf of their own supporters?
I personally have stopped tweeting my thoughts and many nationalist minded folks I now have done the same. Good luck to those in power at the centre but we have to look out for our own well being since we are clearly on our own. All I'll do is to vote for Modi come next election but don't expect any open support from me. This is clearly Modi's problem to fix if his own supporters are feeling threatened under his own watch.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by praksam »

^^ No saar, It is not Modi's problem. It is the problem of Modi's supporter. Let me ask you one question. What is in it for Modi to be the PM of Bharat? I don't see him getting any personal gain from it. That is why I said He is doing his Dharma.
Modi supporters want everything to happen overnight,which is not possible.

And Dubeyji, थकान सिर्फ शारीरिक नहीं होती II
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Jarita »

biggest folly of Hindus is the avatar complex, who wait for some awesome godhead to take human form and fight for them while they look on and pass commentary. When COVID came there were Modi kitchen and Sonia kitchen all running from the same locality by Hindus. Sikhs were running it from central Gurudwaras, no politics. Maybe there is a reason Sikhi was created to show the divided Sanatanis to unite under a flag. All seems to be lost on sanatanis though!
Hindus think that they have done a great favor by giving a vote. Most of the city dwellers don’t want to invest in nation building and developing infrastructure. They don’t want to celebrate their rituals, build organizations and become involved in civil activities. Such laziness deserves extinction.
The voices in social media are amplifying this disgruntlement. Democracy is wasted on this lot. They are capricious and vote on whims and fancies.
Look at how they are castigating the government for Arnab. This guy was viciously against CAA, yogi and Sabarimala. Enough of this short sightedness. Time to stump some of these handles. They are all middling IQ who have suddenly got a voice due to the nature of the media and their provocative tweets and messages. They are power drunk and fickle and do not think civilization ally.

Look at Bihar, so stupid and short sighted. Congress will control this guy like Thackeray. Wait for left party vicious behavior.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SRajesh »

hanumadu wrote:
Rsatchi wrote:^^^Will this in a way end JDU
Either they have to join RJD or join BJP.
The lawlessness will probably in Bihar return .
I am now wondering how NaMo n AS have made mistakes three times in a row: Maharashtra, MP and Now Bihar.
Scindia saved the bacon in MP
Agadi is hell bent on committing Hara-Kiri
At this rate come 2024 will it be repeat of the post Emergency Janata Combine (Cong+RJD+NCP+SP+BSP+Left+Didi+DMK+TRS+TD)
These could be amply funded overtly and covertly by CCP+Soros+Unkil
All with the sole intent of defeating NaMo
This would lead to a 10-15 yrs total chaos in the country with Baboos running riot and various lobbies vying for a piece of cake.
Salami Slicing Kashmir conundrum etc will start
Hope BJP take course correction and stem this rot.
And the world is ending tomorrow. I doubt if even the leftists have such wet dreams.[/quote
Instead of the one liners If U could answer with some points
Is it not a fact that Scindia saved the bacon in MP
Maharashtra experiment will be continued in Bihar if RJD combo wins
Where else do the left have power apart from Kerala
The common enemy in WB is BJP for both left and the TMC
Three times in a row if you come up short Raj/MP/Bihar dont you think the strategy has gone wrong!!!
The media as one is united against the BJP except for one or two
If you want to believe it or not the social platforms are generally anti dharmic and are a powerful force(see the recent US elections)
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by asgkhan »

To the bhajan mandali, few simple questions.

1. Why was Shaheen bhag allowed to go on?
2. Our vishwaguru fires off a tweet on some low grade terrorist where victims are ropians.
3. Not a single tweet from BJP bigwigs threatening action on Palghar lynching.
4. Other than doing bhangra on the dead bodies of bjp workers in WB, what has it done from Center?

Nobody is yet to justify the impotent cabinet ministers and spokies who are doing r@ndi rudaali on TV channels and demanding apologies from the barmaid.

As a hindu, I support my local temple, priests, follow my traditions. I have voted a self declared hindu nationalist party to safeguard my interests.

He is yet to show his 56" dadagiri in cleaning babudom, judiciary and media.

Give me a fcuking answer why?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by praksam »

^^ you Sire, need to definitely be in the Modi cabinet. I bet you'd have immediate resolution for all the problems.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by asgkhan »

Other than snarky remark do you have a answer to my questions? We have this butt sniffing baboon who wakes up during Diwali and exhorts the janata to stop bursting crackers. This chadarmod is a minister in Vishwa guru's cabinet.

Do the testicles shrink and disappear during Eid? Does the testostrone disappear during Christmas?

Jawab do mere bhajan mandali key maulanao....
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by arshyam »

praksam wrote:^^ No saar, It is not Modi's problem. It is the problem of Modi's supporter. Let me ask you one question. What is in it for Modi to be the PM of Bharat? I don't see him getting any personal gain from it. That is why I said He is doing his Dharma.
Modi supporters want everything to happen overnight,which is not possible.

And Dubeyji, थकान सिर्फ शारीरिक नहीं होती II
Do you live in India? Why don't go outside your house and hoist a big swastika or Om, or heck, even a saffron flag and see what happens? Or put that on your shopfront (in case you run a business)? Maybe also light firecrackers for more than 2 hours this Deepavali?

Sorry to sound snarky saar, but I don't think you got my point. You are mistaking your support for a person (PM Modi) to include what the Government of India should be doing. GoI's job, among others, is to uphold constitutional principles of the Union within the Union. If GoI is not seen to be doing that basic function, it will be questioned. And as PM, who has also taken the oath to defend the constitution, the question would go to him. What's wrong with that? On what basis are you saying it's not Modi's problem?

If Modi were doing his dharma (I don't have any doubts about it, actually), he would not wonder "what's in it for me". That is the very antithesis of what the Gita says about doing one's own duty. And I have seen no indication that Modi follows "what's in it for me". So please don't make such asinine statements on behalf of a person who does not think like that. But at the same time, this is also the same person who has encouraged holding him to account for his govt's performance, so there is nothing wrong in asking some questions. Hope you get the difference.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Dilbu »

People who think the mandate Modi got was a mandate received for Hindutva will be disappointed. It was not Hindutva that had won the mandate for Modi but the hope he gave to many Indians about the positive steps he had taken to improve the lives of citizens. Many people actually overlooked the Hindutva image and voted for BJP only because of Modi's policies. Modi is well aware of this. It is also a fact that BJP has not used the power in the centre to counter coordinated attacks on their cadre in many states. Modi will deliver CAA, Article 370, Balakot etc but he will not take a stand which will polarise the popular support he is enjoying by stepping out as a virat hindu. IMO etc.
Last edited by Dilbu on 09 Nov 2020 13:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by arshyam »

As if on cue. This is not Modi's fault or something he should be doing. This is something we should be doing, i.e. boycotting Tanishq, and sell their stocks if we can. But the ecosystem has definitely become emboldened to come up with these things consistently. One wonders why?

'I Don't Think Anyone Should Light Firecrackers': Tanishq Releases New Diwali Ad, Deletes After Outrage - Swarajya
Jewellery brand Tanishq has stirred up a new row on social media after releasing a new Diwali advertisement which discouraged people from bursting firecrackers.

Many social media users as a result slammed Tanishq for the advertisement and also questioned the lack of Hindu symbols in the video.

Tanishq was also slammed by BJP National General Secretary C T Ravi who commented that "Why should anyone advice Hindus how to celebrate Our Festivals?".

Following the social media outrage, Tanishq proceeded to delete the tweet.
Read the gory details at the link.
Last edited by arshyam on 09 Nov 2020 15:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

the tanishq ad with the muslim family definitely had an evil agenda

so the same dumbos have put out another ad for diwali

Hindu women do not usually use dangly earrings and all the models have been depicted with dangly earrings only which muslim women normally wear.

someone is hell bent on pushing a very shady agenda.

how can you have an ad for diwali without lights/diyas or for that matter, without crackers. :mrgreen:

this is one of the models that tanishq has used for the diwali ad



for a diwali ad, the vacuous models have no bindis, there is no deepam and no lakshmi puja and one of them can be heard saying, "...definitely no firecrackers and I don't think anyone should light any firecrackers...".


Tanishq stirred up a row after posting an ad which discouraged the use of firecrackers. The Jewellery brand has now deleted the same

Vaidehi @dharmicverangna

Dear @TanishqJewelry, your advertisement team has mistaken Diwali for Thanksgiving.

Diwali is not about buying jewelry, spending time with family & eating good food.

It's about the victory of good over evil.

It's about Dharma.
krithika sivaswamy@krithikasivasw

No bindi, no deepam, no lakshmi pooja.
While I don't like to intefere into people's dressing or spiritual choices or what they do daily, if you are trying to depict #Deepawali with this, then you are totally off.
Hindu festivals are not just a carnival with good food #Diwali
https://twitter.com/TanishqJewelry/stat ... 1337480199
10:08 AM · Nov 9, 2020
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by praksam »

arshyam wrote:
praksam wrote:^^ No saar, It is not Modi's problem. It is the problem of Modi's supporter. Let me ask you one question. What is in it for Modi to be the PM of Bharat? I don't see him getting any personal gain from it. That is why I said He is doing his Dharma.
Modi supporters want everything to happen overnight,which is not possible.

And Dubeyji, थकान सिर्फ शारीरिक नहीं होती II
Do you live in India? Why don't go outside your house and hoist a big swastika or Om, or heck, even a saffron flag and see what happens? Or put that on your shopfront (in case you run a business)? Maybe also light firecrackers for more than 2 hours this Deepavali?

Sorry to sound snarky saar, but I don't think you got my point. You are mistaking your support for a person (PM Modi) to include what the Government of India should be doing. GoI's job, among others, is to uphold constitutional principles of the Union within the Union. If GoI is not seen to be doing that basic function, it will be questioned. And as PM, who has also taken the oath to defend the constitution, the question would go to him. What's wrong with that? On what basis are you saying it's not Modi's problem?

If Modi were doing his dharma (I don't have any doubts about it, actually), he would not wonder "what's in it for me". That is the very antithesis of what the Gita says about doing one's own duty. And I have seen no indication that Modi follows "what's in it for me". So please don't make such asinine statements on behalf of a person who does not think like that. But at the same time, this is also the same person who has encouraged holding him to account for his govt's performance, so there is nothing wrong in asking some questions. Hope you get the difference.

I get what you are saying,and to put my point clearly, you cannot expect Modi to fight your war with you sitting cozily in your offices/homes and sipping hot tea. You'll can cuss and curse as much as you want,but certain issues take a lot of time to get resolved. Modi does not hold a magic wand which he can waive and fulfill all your desires.

I am not here to challenge anyone's thought process, neither am being a prophet of virtue. Just bringing to the notice that blaming or pinning everything on Modi's shoulder is not going to solve the issues and may be counter productive.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Sicanta »

Dilbu wrote:People who think the mandate Modi got was a mandate received for Hindutva will be disappointed. It was not Hindutva that had won the mandate for Modi but the hope he gave to many Indians about the positive steps he had taken to improve the lives of citizens. Many people actually overlooked the Hindutva image and voted for BJP only because of Modi's policies. Modi is well aware of this. It is also a fact that BJP has not used the power in the centre to counter coordinated attacks on their cadre in many states. Modi will deliver CAA, Article 370, Balakot etc but he will not take a stand which will polarise the popular support he is enjoying by stepping out as a virat hindu. IMO etc.
Certainly, as Dilbu ji said, there is a significant section of supporters who gave BJP votes on the promise of better life. Hindutva as an agenda figures down below i.e. they will not seek to hold Modi accountable for this unless and until they are actively and directly suppressed.

Bihar election proves that much. By many accounts - 'Development and Jobs' has been the voting issue there apart from the usual caste equations.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Aditya_V »

Hindus like to criticize but never play the long haul, BIF has gamed this no matter what they do, they will only be out of power for 5 years, while their heart which is based on international networks will continue.

Hindus do not have the unity to play for the long haul.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by arshyam »

praksam wrote:
arshyam wrote: Do you live in India? Why don't go outside your house and hoist a big swastika or Om, or heck, even a saffron flag and see what happens? Or put that on your shopfront (in case you run a business)? Maybe also light firecrackers for more than 2 hours this Deepavali?

Sorry to sound snarky saar, but I don't think you got my point. You are mistaking your support for a person (PM Modi) to include what the Government of India should be doing. GoI's job, among others, is to uphold constitutional principles of the Union within the Union. If GoI is not seen to be doing that basic function, it will be questioned. And as PM, who has also taken the oath to defend the constitution, the question would go to him. What's wrong with that? On what basis are you saying it's not Modi's problem?

If Modi were doing his dharma (I don't have any doubts about it, actually), he would not wonder "what's in it for me". That is the very antithesis of what the Gita says about doing one's own duty. And I have seen no indication that Modi follows "what's in it for me". So please don't make such asinine statements on behalf of a person who does not think like that. But at the same time, this is also the same person who has encouraged holding him to account for his govt's performance, so there is nothing wrong in asking some questions. Hope you get the difference.

I get what you are saying,and to put my point clearly, you cannot expect Modi to fight your war with you sitting cozily in your offices/homes and sipping hot tea. You'll can cuss and curse as much as you want,but certain issues take a lot of time to get resolved. Modi does not hold a magic wand which he can waive and fulfill all your desires.

I am not here to challenge anyone's thought process, neither am being a prophet of virtue. Just bringing to the notice that blaming or pinning everything on Modi's shoulder is not going to solve the issues and may be counter productive.
It's like talking to a wall. Upholding constitutional principles is one of the basic functions of GoI, which it is not doing. It's not about your war or my war, it is our war. As common people, there is only so much we can do against a vengeful state, and other state organs that pledged to uphold the constitutional rights of people need to step up. When they don't, they'll get called out. Simple as that.