Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part VI

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Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part VI

Post by Rakesh »

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Last edited by Rakesh on 26 Jan 2007 23:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shankar »

the north west border of pakistan starts from gwadur bay adjoining iran-pakistan border on arabian sea which runs almost due north till saindak then turns east till outskirts of quetta and then again turns north east towards chitral and gilgit commonly called northern areas. The province of baluchistan shares border with iran and afganistan .The north west frontier province shares border with afaganistan and gilgit shares border with afganistan and china.Chitral and gilgit provide the southern base of wakhan corridor.

A little known fact of history is at the time of independence niether baluchistan nor north west frontier province opted to join pakistan but combined military and political moves forced them to join the newly merged nation state of pakistan .The british played thier role here too.The british officers of gilgot scouts were chief architect of annexation of gilgit into pakisatn.

The net ressult was in the begining of 2012 these regions were in a state of insugency ,armed rebellion and political turbulance ever since the creation of pakistan but by 2004 it strted getting out of control . By the ened of first decade of new millenium baluchistan was seeing the emergence of full scale armed rebellion and a big part of pakistani army were busy trying to neutralise the independednt aspirations of baluch people .As usal pakisatn blamed india for the rebellion though there was no plausible reason why india should get involved in a region like baluchistan which has no common borders with.Waziristan by 2012 was almost an independent state controlled by alquaida and both pakistani and afgan taliban . The dictates of akistani state never ran in the tribal heartlands of waziristan and now waziristan was a part of pakistan only in name and only places where the pakistani govt had any control were the army and air bases and that too were heavily infiltrated with ultra fanatical pakistani talibans as the un med flight incident demonstrated .

The geo strategic importance of this region was not overlooked by world military establishments particularly us and china. As far as pakistan was concerned it was ignoring the legitamate needs of the tribals at best and ruthless military suppression at the worst .US champion of human rights world over was conspicious by its intended oversight of gross human rights violationby pakistan in the region since it needed unfettred access to this vital piece of real estate to carry out its war on terror in afganisatn and also in the process ensure the safety of its oil route comming out of persian gulf.

Things however started changing dramatically as iran made public its nuclear ambitions and started withdrawing from the dialogue process in late 2005 and by 2008 it was assumed it has stockpiledanough enriched uranium to fabricate 35 bombs wheteher it has assembled them or not remained the big question .

The question was univocally answered in spring of 2009 when iran exploded three 12-15 killoton enriched uranium nuclear explossive devices close to pakistani border . The explossion characterisics and design features of the irans nuclear bomb were later on found to be remarkably similar to earlier chineese designs of 1970 vintage and presumed to be transfered thru paistan during aq khan fiasco.

And then came peoples republic of china .China invested heavily in pakisatn in return of defacto control of gwadur naval base pakistani navy as its own strtegic outpost close to gulf oil route as it became more and more dependent on imported enery to maintain its double digit growth rate mainly in form of crude oil and LNG .

But things were not going exactly the chinese way in baluchistan as local tribals strted targetiing chinese personnel and china was contemplating sending in a strong army contingent in the region "to assist" ye pakistani security forces battling the baluch insurgents .China was not at all comfortable with the islamic militancy in the north west frontier region and armed struggle in baluchistan as it in a round about way threatened its own control on the muslim rich province of xinjiang .

The situation in short was quite complex even without taking into consideration how iran would react to international military presence in the region ,in a big way .

Major genral aslam khan clsoe the intel briefing prepared jointly by RAW and CIA ,across the table major general steve watkins did the same with his copy of the report . Outiside few kms distant the aerofloat IL-62 touched down at indiara gandhi international airport with the russian military team after a 6 hrs flight from moscow with the final instructions from the russian president .
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Post by rajpa »

great stuff. look forward to the rest of the story unfolding...
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Post by Shankar »

It was chaos of highest order as the 1st marine expeditionary force started boarding thier assigned transporters all over the sprawling naval base of sandiego. In the back drop one could count the massive super carriers minus their aircraft complement standing at anchor .Not far from the ocean going airbases the neat line of super hornets and tomcats along with the vikings and seakings could be seen on the tarmacs of sandiego naval air staton .Between the four carriers there would be close to 300 combat aircaft and about half that number of choppers . The recent mobilisation order from pentagon have specified the force to deploy in full strength to a destination some where near persian gulf of the 45000 strong force.The force essentially consisted of 1st marine expeditionary regiment plus the marine aviation unit and the first marine division.

USS bonhomme Richard was the first one to be loaded up followed closely by amphibious assault ship uss boxer .This was followed in quick sucession by uss cleveland,uss dubaque,uss anchorage,uss comestalk and the last to leave the quay was uss pearl harbour .

The true destination was a closely guarded secret and few members of the media who were lucky to be at the wrong place at the right time assumed it was another massive reinforcement for the trouble torn iraq .The marine tp brass allowed the misconception to go unchallenged with a placid remark " us navy do not confirm or deny media speculation on its operational deployment objectives ".

But still the rapid deplyment of such a large force did draw some attention and was reported the next day all over the world in colour and with add on cometaries by tv military experts . Only few of them managed to report on the size and capability of the force .Pakistani news paper dawn and indian news channel NDTV . The commentary by trisnu sen of ndtv did mention " a marine expeditionary force is the largest and most robust marine air ground task force and combines air elements ,ground combat elements,logistics supprt elements,and was under the overall command of a three star general - mike blair "

An us marines spokeman when questioned by cnn on the composition of a typical marine expeditionary force said the following

" c2 plus recon and survilance assets
a marine division of 18000 marines organised into three marine regiments
one artilery regiment
one anti aircraft battelion
one tank battalion
a marine aircraft wing with 3000 marines and about 300 aircraft
one combat engineering battlion
a force support group of 9000 marines to provide suply maintainance and health services (all of them capable of combat if required).

But this spokeman also refused to discuss the destination of the expeditionary force with a curt "classified" .

In the distance the four nimitz class aircraft carriers were taking on stores and ammo.They were scheduled to leave in a weeks time ,destination onec again classified but assumed by all to be iraq and persian gulf(quite wrongly) . Docked two in a row in two adjoining berths uss nimitz,uss abraham limchon,uss george washington and uss carl vincent made quite an impressive sight . Those who knew thier capabilities wondered which part of the globe will see the business side of these super ships .In the adjoning docks the guided missile cruisers and the missile frigates were getting stocked up too -a lot of ships are required to escort and supply the four carriers in sea . The dozen odd los angeles class and virginia class boats could not be seen from the deck of the carriers being berthed in a seperate protected part of the harbour and would steam out a day earlier to sanitise the oceans for the carriers to move in safety .

The first real move in the war on terror was being made and this was just the begining. The masters of terror in their caves and dessert hideout could not even have comprehended the formidable military power being assemble all over to end once and for all the nuisance called islamic terror .
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Post by Shankar »

The red light on the door was on which meant no entry in army terms .Inside the russain genearl sergai ivanov ,steve watkins and major genaral aslam khan poured over the terrain maps of waziristan . The political bosses wanted a quick solution to the terror probelm and they were authorised to use whateever force nessecery with the exception of nukes ofcourse to achieve that objective . However all these are better said than done .The simplest things like a detaild map of the region was difficult to come by .They were depending heaviliy on lansat and irs images to firm up the armour ingress routes though all of them knew it was heardly an armour freindly terrain. However after endless cups of coffee and marlbrough lights of general steve watkins and some acrid smelling cigar of sergai ivanov all three of them in a typical military way could atlast decide on a basic invasion objective and plan of action

- One full indian armour division will be airlifted to kandahar immediately
- US 101st airborne will join them in a few weeks time .

These two will form the invasion spearhead based in jalalabad and kandahar .
Russian special forces including the elite spetsnaz forces mainly uzbeks and cossaks will do the initial scouting duly assited by local afgan army elements
Indian paras will join them once the "lay of the land is some what known"
US marines will take over Gawdor port and liberate "baluchistan" from the south in a simultaneous move
Due to sensitivity of the afgans to russian military presence Russain role will be limited to providing both tactical and strategic air support .
To prevent pakistani army elements sympathetic to taliban from joining the struggle in north western provinces indians would simultaneouslt launch an armoured assault across punjab cut of lahore and keep the pakisatni army tied down .

Both indian and us airforce will be tasked out to make most of the main airbases and secondary air bases in pakisatn in operative in the firt few days which will atleast minimise the threat of a tactical nuclear strike by a cornered pakisatni air force .

All the known missile bases and suspected nuclear weapon storage sites will have to be taken out in the first hour of the battle .Both russian and us long range bombers will be used for this purpose .Indian airforce will have to ensure complete air supriority over pakistan for the first few days and that may call for a massive mobilisation effort for the iaf.In the initial hours of the campaighn not a single pakistan aircraft must be allowed to take off as the big bombers do thier ingress .In this effort elements of us navy and airforce will join the indian fighters eiether based in the carriers or indian forward air bases .

Missile defense of key indian cities and installations have to be made as fool proof as posssible .Apart from recently deployed arrow 2 anti missile system additional s-400 systems rushed from russia shall be deployed around all b grade cities near the western border as well as the main staging posts in afganistan.

Complete naval blockade will be effected around pakistani coastline -there should be no aq or taliban escape this time .

Patriot 3 units will be deployed along with all advancing columns and that is the best protection that could be rigged up forthe time being .

The basic game plan was to keep pakistan under intense pressure for 3 weeks till the geo political objective stated by the political leaders is achieved . Once the troubled regions are encircled infantry and lightly armoured units shall move in a concerted search and destroy missions . The naval blokade will be lifted and pakistan allowed to survive as a nation state minus its north western province and minus its nukes on the terms of the civilised world .

Conformation of french charles de gaulle carrier was still not confirmed but expected any time .

The confirmation of 1st marine expeditionary force leaving the sandiego naval base was already in and latest reports indiacted 101st airborne is getting mobilised and the first of the elements expected be in bagram in a few days .
Indian 1st armour division was at the moment heading for gwalior where a fleet of india and russian il-76s will be lifting them to kandahar complete with the tank transporters and armoured fighting vehicles .At the moment 24 il -76 s have been positioned at maharajpura All the russian il-76 pilots willbe provided with indian first officers or flight engineer to ease the language problem since most indian il 76 personnel spoke reasonably good russian.

However ther was one critical limitation .The IL-76 will not be saely able to lift the t-90s and for that reason russian airforce gracefully agreed to lease 24 an-124 s from its inventory which will come in to kandahar loaded with brand new t-90s about 300 of them .

The problem evrywhre was not in shortage of equipement but too much of it . Emergency constructio orders were issued at agra ,gwalior,jamnagar,lohegaon,ambala,pathankot,barilley,srinagar,jammu for barracks and new parking aprons .

The operation still did not have any name

the president of pakistan was cool as usal as he gave an exclussive interview to m/s patricia sandherst on CNN. In course of the interview he catagorically stated pakistans commitment on the war on terror and the recent terror strike on a un aid flight as unfortunate.He assured the tv viewers world wide how the securityforces of pakistan is tackling the islamic fundamntalism in waziristan and pronmised those responsible for the attack on un flight will be brought to justice as early as possible .

It was too little -too late
Ajay K
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Post by Ajay K »

Weave scenarios involving a combined attack by Chinese and Pukis on the east coast indian reactors like Kalpakkam and Kundakolam.
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Post by Shankar »

Kamt named after the german philosopher immanuael kant is located in northern kyrgystan close to chui valley.It has a large population of ethinic germans who were relocated some what forcibly from volga german autonomous regionduring second world war. Many of the germans left the town when during break up of union of soviet specialist republic due to economic slump many of the factories started closing down.

The city of kant came to global military focus in late 2003 when kant airbase was offcially opened under the aegis of collective security treaty organisation,which groups russia,armenia,kazakhstan,krygystan and tajikstan.Within 3 yrs russian presnec in this remote central asian base has already doubled and by 2011 it was perhaps one of the largetst airbases outiside russia and only one which boasted a 12000 ft runway capable of taking the heavy an-124/225 transporter as well as the heavy bombers like tu-22 and tu-160 .

Russian objective at the end of 2003 to set up such a large base in kyrgystan was manly to negate the aggressive presence of us airforce in a nearby base located in bisheks manas airport called ganci which was set up to facilitate operations in afganistan during enduring freedom .However as the enduring freedon keyed down slowly from 2004 onwards the newly elected kyrgystan govt subtly asked us to move out by proposing a 100 times increase in base rental per year which even the funds rich usaf found too steep.No doubt some russian hand was there behind this exorbitant rental call from kyrgystan and us finall decided to withdraw .

The call for withdrawal of us forces in the region was echoed by shanghai co operation council which said "us led coalition forces in afganisatan should provide a for the facilities and deployment of ilitary contingents in the region .(the shanghai cooperation organistaion includes all coutries in the region with the exception of russia,china and turkmenistan)

That time besides ganci base in kyrgistan the usmilitary also had access to basing facilities in khanabad in southern uzbek city of karshi . About the same time french air force used the tajikstans dusanbe airport .

Russian airforce genearl vladimir looked at the sky and then at his watch .he was expecting tupolov 160s which have been hastily converted from uclear to conventional weapons delivery platform in the tupolov works and now being positioned in kant .A total of 12 tu-160s all upgraded and 24 tu-22m3 were being ferried in after a heavy overall . They will form the spearhead of coalition attack on pakisatans nuclear capability and missile silos . A light snow strted to fall covering the grass along the taxi way sparkling white and in the distance he could see at alst the quadra contrails of the first blackjack making a sharp bank and lining up for the long final approach .

For general vladimir it was important that russian airforce give a good account of thier power projection capability into central and southern asia so that the collective security treaty organistaion sponsered by russia become more effective - a kind of warsahw pact in central asia /southern asia region .

The su -27s and mig 35s were already there which would escort the blackjacks on thier mission . They were parked in neat rows of 8 each in the along the oversized parking apron(there were 6 such rows) and being slowly pushed into the assigned hard shelters by the squat carts . In the distance he could see the additional surface to air missile batteries and tungska systems being set up for the unlikely situation that any pakistani f-16 decide to make a strike in the confussion of the comming battle .

General vladimir was an afgan war vetern when as a majot he flew the su-24s chasing the mujahideen allover afganistan and he has seen quite a few of his friends being shot down by the dreaded stinger supplied by the pakistani intel agancy isi sourced from usa . For him this war on terror was a personal war . He knew pakistan was responsible for disintegration of his country in an indirect way -now was the time for him to get even .

He wanted to bomb the state of pakistan to stone ages -only if his political masters would give him the tactical leeway .

The second stone in pakistans coffin was about to be thrown in.

Group captain nandita sahani sipped her third cup of black coffee as she watched impassively at the long line of t-72s being unloaded from thier tranporters and reversed into the the waiting line of il-76s . As each tank was loaded its crew also embarked and the candid would taxi out and the next loading will start . So far everything was going well except one where the loading ramp of one of the aircrafts sagged dangerously as the tank driver backed up too fast .Repalcement of the ramp and its final allighning took almost 3 hrs and then the process strted all over again .

The flight plan called for take off at 15 minutes interval for the first four starting 1500 hrs ,flying at most economical cruising speedof 450 kms/hr at 40000 ft it should be in kandahar 1900 hrs local time at kandahr . One hour for the turn around at kandahar and the flight should be back at gwalior by 0300 hrs next day . The second flight was scheduled for take of 2 hrs later at 1700 hrs .And she was expected by her bosses in delhi tomaintain this tempo till all the tanks of 1st armour are airlifted out .

She was in charge of the whole operation and that meant no active flying for next few days . She hated the desk job ,but then orders were orders and she was not to reason why thought group captain sahani sooon to become the first female air commodore of indian airforce .

In the distance she could see on the other side of the runway the first of the mirage 200s getting ready for deployment with centre line belly tanks and full complement of air to air missiles . They will not be carrying the laser guided bombs on this run which shall follow in dedicated AN 32s few hours behind . The empty hard shelters will however not stay empty for long . While she still did not know the exact schedule usaf f-15s and 16s are likely to are arrive any time to keep the base warm
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Post by Shankar »

The chief of air staff looked thoughtful as the regional air commanders out in thier erquirements an aircraft and personnel requistions as the shape of the air battles to be fought frmed up .The basis plan of action called for

- maintaing complete air superiority over pakisatni and afgan air space at all times 24x 7. Role to be primarily undertaken by the 200 odd su-30 mkis with assistance from mig 29s for the border areas and mig 21s in and around the forward air bases which were about to be activated
- Almost all the mirage 2000s will have to repositioned in afgan air bases of bagram,kandahar,mazar e sharif and heerat to provide close air supprt as well as precision trikes at short notice as per requirement fo advancing armour columns.
-the newly inducted 126 mig 35s will have to take the responsiblity of north east regional air defense along chineese border .While the eastern border was quite for the time being things could change anytime once active air operations began in the western sector.
- aerial battle control will as usal be by the 6 phalcons the last of which have just been formally inducted .3 of them will be asigned the western border two in the east and the remaining held in reserve .
-USAF contingents shall be almost exclussively based in gwalior due to thier familiarity with the area and also proximity to thier intended area of operation.That will include resupply flights from diego garcia and continental us as well
- For us naval aircraft lohegaon will be the primary diversion base along with jamnagar .
- All the mig 29s will have to be accomodated at srinagar and jammu and essntislly tasked with security and air dominance along the supply route to kandahar .
-at some time all civilian aircraft operation at jamnagar,jodhpur,jaipur and udaipur will ahve to be closed down as the air tarfic control facility will not be able to cope with the tremendous load the operations will generate as well as to provide protection to civilian air trafic in the border areas wil be too ig a drain on the air force resouces .
-inflight refuelling shall be done as usal by the 12 odd il-78s located at lohegaon,jamnagar,pathankot,srinagar,agra and jodhpur .They can thus access routine manitainance from agra without much upsetting the refuelling schedule.
- routine air lift requirements will have to be shouldered by the an-32 squarons that included supply missions to leh and north east as almost the entire iaf il 76 assets will be busy air lifting the 1st armour division to afganistan for the next two weeks and may be more depending on how many il-76s russian make available for this job.
- arranging fuel will be perhaps the biggest problem apart from thousands of tons of jet fuel ,lubricating oils,hydraulic fuels,high speed diesel for the generators will also have to be prepositioned particularly at the remote air bases like srinagar ,leh ,thoise which will bear the brunt of intense air operations.Though indian oil has promised full support some one senior from the air headqurters and at the base level need be assigned to monitor the stock position on a real time basis .
-specific area defense palns needed to rediscussed and finalised for key economic targets in the along the western border that included particularly the oil refineries of reliance and essar oil in jamnagar,bhakra namgal dam complex ,mumbai port and barc complex ,karwar naval air base ,national capital region ,mathura oil refinery,hbj pipeline booster compressing stations ,large fertiliser and petro chemical compexes in gujrat etc

As usal the combat assets available t do all thes tasks were not enough and all the regional air comanders started putting in thier requests for more with apparently valid justifications . And it was the job of chief of air staff of indian airforce to find the the middle ground as authorise redeplyments which in his opinion was absoulutely unavoidable .At the end of the day the data enrty opeators became suddenly very busy as the mass of mobilisation ,deployement orders started comming out of the chiefs office all o be sent to respective commands and units by courier to avoid excessive radio trafic .
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Post by Shankar »

INS VIKRAMADITYA -KARWAR NAVAL BASE ---------------------------------------------------
Commnder vijay brought back his gaze from the distant rolling hils and sprkling arabian sea and he small fish tal shaped bay that froms the karwar naval base soth west of the popular tourist resort city of goa. In the distance he could see the twin mig 29s on combat air patrol and a single kamov 31 on sentry duty even when the capital ship of indian navy was under scheduled maintainance.Reports have confirmed despatch of us 1st marine expeditionary force few days and the the 4 carrier task forces about leave sandiego in few hours time . Till thier arrival vikramaditya need to come up to combat ready status and that was not as easy as made out in the signal from the western naval command. At the moment virat was doing the needful patrolling the pakistan coast from some distance with some add on cover from sukhoi 30mkis based at loheagaon but the arrangement was not fool poof since su-30s were required everywhere at the same time all along the pakistani border pure for defensive reasons -at least for the time being .

On the flight deck of vikramaditya and below it was an engineers nightmare come true. No 6 and 2 boilers were having steam pressure retaining problem which was finally tarced to leaky superheaters and now being replaced . No 1 arrestor wire on the deck was showing sighns of unacceptable level of wire and tear and needed to be replaced coupled with quite a few pressure seals on the shock absorbing hydraulic cylinders.Several patches on the flight deck were warped and dimpled particularlynear the touch down zone and presently being cut out with a team of gas cutters to be welded back with new plate scetions. The no 2 aircraft elevator was comming up few inches too short and limit switch of the hydraulic cy linders powering the aircraft elevator had to be changed reset at earliest.Thinges of jet blast deflector were reported jamming up and again had to be changed .

All the mig 29ks have disembarked while still in open seas and now half of them were based in karwar naval air statin and rest flown over to lohegaon base repair depot for comprehensive over all once they are back hope fully day after tmorrow the other half will get thier chance of pune piligramage.

That left the b ig problem -no 4 propeller shaft have been reported by the lt commander in charge of engine rom to be out of allighnment with the speed reducing gear box and that meant taking it out che king the all the bearings that support the long heavy shaft finding and repalcing the damaged one and re insyalling the shaft allignment checking with portable laser device before hooking it up to the reducing gear box.Clearly a week long job and may be more .

To top it all he missed the life of gurgaon the bar and the malls -due to emerging situation all leaves were cancelled and he did not even know when next he will have a week long shore leave. Atleast tonight he had the permission to go ashore and already tied up with one of the fulcrum pilots to make a quick dash to goa in his mobike and be back before tomorrows daybreak . His pilot friend has assured him of intersting diversions easily available in the panjim region provided one was not to fussy .

Vijay looked at his watch once again -still 2 hrs 35 minutes and 23 seconds to go before he can step out . In the distance he could see the two fulcrums taking in unison no doubt to relieve the two in air .Their twin firey tails on full after burner almost 18 ft long made a nice contrast against the darkening sky.
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Post by Shankar »

the old man thought about the reverses he had in his long jihadi carrier perhaps the most significant was his attempt to blow up a dozen wide bodied jets over atlantic all under american flag and included premier carriers like continental,north west and american airlines . It was a novel plan based on on board asembly of improvised explossives with a mixture liquid explossives and suspended explossive slurries were to be carried on board under the guise of day to day use items like tooth paste,baby milk, shampoo and of all things hair styling gels . A wide variety of explossive mixtures were created based on nitroglycerine and several peroxide cocktail to be detonated with tiny low power heating elements .

Howver at that time in mid 2006 ,he was not aware of the he level of intel sharing that existed beween central inelligence agency and MI5 . the diabolical plans were identified and the instigators tracked right frm the begining .In fact this kind of tero strike was first brought to the notice of world intel communities when a japan airlines flight out of phillipines was used as a test case. The terrorist used the domestic leg of the international flight and got down from aircraft after placing the liquid explossive filled container to which the detonator power source was added in flight in the toilet,under the seat. One pasenger was killed and the aircraft had to make an emergency landing on japanese coast .Alucky brake for the acciedent investigators was locatin of the dry cell used by the terrorist to power the detonator which was a type marketed only in phillipines . Though the main suspect managed to escape phillipines police rest of the ganf were apprehended and ring broken for the time being .

In 2006 the internet chatter just before the multiple blow up attempt triggred the nationwide arrests and even one of the flights were recalled 2 hrs out into atlantic to et at the suspects who were on a scheduled no fly list.

This time the old man did not want to repeat the mistake of 2006 july. He ensured there will be no discussion on net an all the strikes will be done by independent cells taking orders only from him .But organising such complex multiple operation based on trusted coriers was time consuming.The old man needed few more months to put every thing in place.

Unfortunately this time time for him was running out too fast .
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Post by nits »

One more marevlous display of Shankar's Writing...

This incident happened just yestreday and he took little time to add it in the sotry to make this thread more real time...

Gr8 going...
Rahul M
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Post by Rahul M »

Dileep , I'm giving you 2 more days. no no make that 1. if you do not contribute in this thread by that time, I'm going to flame you anywhere else on BRF. :evil:
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Post by ramana »

OK. I could have deleted those posts but wanted to show how one bad post clutters a good thread.

Now for the obligatory part. If anyone as much as thinks of contaminating this thread they will be banned. No warning. Kapich?

Mil scenarios thread is a writing thread. Either contribute or admire the writing and provide minor feedback to improve the process. No hijacking.. If you have issues use the feedback button.
Rahul M no threats. Dileep will post when he can. OK?
Last edited by ramana on 11 Aug 2006 22:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rahul M »

Dear ramana, I'm rahul m not mehta.
that was a kinda fan mail. :P sorry if it disturbed anybody.
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Post by ramana »

Ok. Was on a roll and worried that we will see a spate of commons posts proliferating. :oops:
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Post by Shankar »

what started as a knee jerk reation in the aftermath of 9/11 became an all encomapssing security dragnet after the aborted london blow up attempt.Several measures were put in place by civil aviation authorities in to monitor and control indian airspace including the teritorial waters .The steps included
1) use of soft radars in series with standard hard radars to monitor high density liquid like peroxide based explossives and nitroglycerine slurries.Unfortunately this meant fashionable ladies could no longer carry the imported shampoo. on their shopping trips abroad at least not on hand baggage.
2) use of body scaners in all major airports .Though there was lot of objections in the media highlighting intrussion of personal privacy ultimately the govt stood firm and the measure was implemented .Only concession made in this regard was use of same sex personnel in a closed cubicle just after security enclosure and also in some unspecified strategic locations around the airport for general passenger profiling .
3)all car parking in the vicinity of all airports were banned .Passengers were asked to get down from thier persoanl vehicles 1km from the entrance and carried the remaining distance by air port shuttle transport which were all equiped with metal detector gates
4) the entire airport complex was brought under the close circuit tv monitoring system programmed generate audio alert if any passenger under its scanning area does anything out of normal like erratic movement,excessive packing and unpacking of baggage,aggressive behavior small fights with fellow passengers and like .
5) hand baggages were banned and this was resented a lot because of lap top carrying business travellers particularly since high damage to the laptops due to mishandling by the loaders .To get around the probl could a seperate locker was created in each wide bodied aircraft where the passengers were to deposit thier mobiles and laptios after boarding and they culd it back at the luggage collection aree against a token .This was not a full proof situation but the best that could be thought of at the moment after all the airlines did not want to loose thier frequent fliers because of security restrictions.

However the biggest change in ensuring aviation security was implemented by the indian airforce who brought the entire indian airspace under its radar coverage in line with europe and usa.All aircraft after take off were assigned an air identification code which was a kind of pass word for the aircraft to cross thru diffrent air identification zones and also to obtain any kind of ground support from permission to vary cruise altitude to approach and landing clearence. Added to this any un identified aircraft were to be inetercepted and the local air base commander had the authority to issue shoot order if he felt the flight profile of the aircraft in question can endanger public safety or national security .For this purpose dozens of air survilance radars were procured mainly from russia and france and installed in the gaps of existing air defense zone so that radar coverage of entire india airspace was seamless with abundant redundancy.

The old man was not aware of this development since it was hardly mentioned in the print and never in the elecrtonic media . the multiple strike he was planning would put t test several of these new security blankets and decide its outcome .

Along with above the art of passenger profiling was put to practice in direct consultatin with EL AL security personnel deployed on deputation .From now on passengers will be monitored not when they entered airport but from when they bought thier air tickets .This also complicated the old mans grand plan somewhat .
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My views

Post by karthik »

I always felt that we should have atleast 4% of GDP for defence which is about 40billion dollors....

Any war in the Subcontinent may lead to a Nuke War....

So we must have an huge superiority of convential power so as to counter the Nukes before they ever get a chance to take of....

We must atleast have 3000 to 3500 modern fighter aircrafts in an senario... We should achieve complete airsuperiority over Pak as it would ensure they dont deliver through F-16s and also it would make there missiles vulnarable and we could have an easier task of bombing them while they are in the ground and also shoot them down while in the booster stage...

Solution Bigger Airforce not Bigger Army.... Both will be good actually :)
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Post by Shankar »

major general stoneway looked at slow speed convoy making its steady progress the vast stech of ocean .Fortunately today the weather was good and various units were doing thier normal on board exercises and practices .To his port some distance away were a group of small islands beautiful in thier green tree cover against the azure blue ocean .

His mission objective was to take control of port X on the coast of pakistan but that was an information only he was privy to at the moment.For the rest of the force it was just another tour of duty in war torn iraq . the four carrier task groups were surrounding the expenditionary force but beyond visual horizon thier presence only indicated by the distant contrails where the aircrews and thier flying machines were being putthru their paces.Stoneway remembered two quotes from his annapolis days .

" under all circumstances a decisive naval superiority is to be considerd a fundamental principle ,and the basis upon which all hope of sucess must ultimately depend" -George washington

"there is no reason for having a navy and marine corps ,general bradley tells me that amphibious operations are a thing of past .We will never have any amphibious operation .That does away with the marine corps.And the airforce can do anything the navy can do nowadys so that does away with the navy" - secratary of defense Louis A Johnson -Dec 1949

Stonway thanked his stars that this kind of recomnedations were not taken or made in any seriousness though the options were considered at some stage particularly as the long range bombers and intercontinetal ballistic missiles made thier presence felt in the early cold war era .

The navy and marine corps provide a naval expeditionary force as a joint force which are customised and organised to accomplish a specific objective in a foreign country which mostly includes projection of military power ashore from sea ,which may or may not include a landing force of foreign soil if and when when needed and thus fully capable of operating in littoral regions under hostile environment .

To achieve this broad objective the expeditionary force or simply mef may deploy attack aircraft likesea harriers,surface fire suport ,ocean launched long and short range cruise missiles like tomahawks and theatre surface to surface missiles of various kinds,along with special forces to weaken enemies will to fight.navy forces provide the capability to attack targets in the littoralregion and also responsible for the capability to deploy land and sustain the expeditionary force ashore. Marine aviation assets are used to strike targets in the littoral region and also provide close air support to the expeditionary force during establishement of bridge head and subsequent move inwards .

In short a well balanced expeditionary force offers the antion a flexible range of options in supprt of national interests covering peacetime missions ,crisis and conflict also act as a visible deterent to the target country not to cross the line by having the ability to project power inlands at a time and place of thier choosing .

Major general stonway knew his objective is not an easy one but then marines normally do not go for easy missions .
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Post by Shankar »

The largest and arguably the most powerful flat top inthe world today outside united states eased out of her reserved berth into the calm of mediterian sea.
Vice admiral Franco watched impassively from his elevated chair the banks of spanking clean computerised display 3 levels above the flight deck and also had a good view of the flight deck which atleast for now was empty barring the few dauphin search and rescue helicopters .His mission specifics was once again known only to him at the moment which was to join indian carrier vikramaditya and provide air support to indian and french marine commando forces in thier amphibious operation to neutarlise confirmed and suspected nuclear weapon storage sites near the port city of karachi the home base of pakistani agostas and also degrade the pakistani offensive naval and air capability in the region so that it is no threat to the indian navyled multinational forces about to enforce strict blockade all along the coast .

Franco was quite familiar with the capabilities of the indian carriers both virat and the newly aquired vikramaditya .He particularly liked the mig 29ks with their superb slow speed agility and their ultra long range r-77 bvr missiles which is an asset in any kind of high intensity air combat particularly in naval air combat where the acceptable level of attrition is much less than in land based air wars Being a naval aviator himself he took every opertunity during the joint exercises off the coast of goa every year almost to aqure some flying time on the fulcrums and he loved every moment particularly the tight slow speed turns and the full after burner vertical climbs to avoid the simulated sam launches to be followed quickly by a turning dive almost to the periphery of a red out . He had to admit to himself atleast he liked flying the uncomfortable fulcrums more than the rafales .

He could feel under him the slow rumbling of twin k15 pressurised water reactors each generating 150 mw of raw power capable of pushing the 40500 tonne carrier at more than 25 knots comming alive as charles de gaule moved out of the shiping channel and entered the mediterian ocean .In the distance the skyline of marsel city strted fading out and on the adjoing air group controllers console radio chatter strted indiacting imminent arrival of the air group from adjong naval air station .Out there on the somewhat small flight deck as compared to nimitz class the technicians checked out the arrestor wires and staem catapults one last time .

Charles de gaulle replaced the carrier foch in french navy and the manufacturing history was far from smoothdespite the experience gained by dcn brest in making foch and clemenceau.The hull was laid down in 1989 and the carrier basic structure completed 1994.Several delays followed and the ship actually got commissioned in french navy late 2001.The ship in construction period was subject to much international interest and once some mi5 officers were caught spying posing as engineers trying to understand the method used for reactor shielding.During extended sea trials one of the main propellor broke when the ship was enroute to norfolk virginia most likely to install the steam catapults which are same model as used in nimitz class ships.The ship had to return to toulon to replace the 6 mtr wide 19 ton aluminium bronze propellor.Intergranular corrossion was suspected to be the reason though never confirmed eiether by the french navy or the manufactures when the other propellor as well as the spares showed same kind of structural defects during close up inspection.In the meantime the company who have supplied the propellors have gone bankrupt and as a stop gap measure spare propellors from foch and clemeceu were used restricting the max speed to 24-25 knots .There were also case of high radioactivity level some time in 2001 attributed to a faulty radion isolation component .

However charles de gaulle also implemented several innovative communication protocols and systems the most notable being the liason 16 high band width secured data link between the carrier ,her escorts and the hawkye lfying overhead .The same network also allowed transmission of the raw data from the awacs and the escorts sensors thru older liason 11 system to the base real time .

Out on the flight deck first of the super etendard landed with the characteristics thump and in the distance he could see the second linning up for the landing approack .A slow mist started rolling out of the distant coastline and soon the flight deck was covered in a thick sea fog . The landing system officer immediately called for a go around and the etendard rteracted the flaps and wheels and went full power turn around for a fresh approach on instruements .
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Perils of air war

Post by HarshS »

While the air bosses of India and Russia and the sea bosses of India, USA, and France plotted how to use overwhelming force to "shock, awe, and destroy" the Pakistani armed forces, one group of military men wondered: "Was this going to become an even bigger quagmire with no outcome than was seen in 2006, when Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tried to attack Hezbollah, and failed. The subsequent ground attack also ground to a halt.

Of course, the key difference was that the the key players in the UN wanted an end, and weren't going to let there be any ceasfire.

But still, the brigadier and army generals wondered--where was the army and the paratroopers in all of this? In theory, such airpower should win, but vietnam, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and Israel had shown that airpower wasn't enough.

There were other worries too, and not just China. The entire Ummah wasn't going to sit back and watch the largest muslim country in the world (Pakistan's population had crossed Bangladesh's and India's) pummelled from four corners and from four countries.

The unity of Shia and Sunnis seen over Lebanon was rekindled. The President of Pakistan had some inkling of bad tidings and he asked for and got help from the rulers of Iran, Iraq. Even the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia told him that while it would not support him militarily because of US presence, it would announce unscheduled downtime of most of Saudi Aramco's refineries, driving the price of oil to 150 USD a barrel.

The Chinese government while not supporting Pakistan directly, was also loath to see one more of its satellites taken away by the USA, after the fall of North Korea last year. The Chinese government offered the use of China's satellite communication system to Pakistan as well as immediate shipment of spares for the planes, tanks, and ships of Chinese origin in the Pakistan armed forces.

In some sense, the imminent attack on Pakistan was also looking like the start of the third world war--between the democracies of the world (Russia somewhow counted as one) versus the dictators, communists, and Islamists.

The US and Indian planners had not yet factored in the ground power and diplomatic fallout of Pakistan. What they had also not yet factored in was the fact that Pakistan and Iran were planning a major retaliation.

Pakistan had by now over sixty small and mid-sized N-Bombs in its arsenal. Sitting in Kahuta, they were of no use as a deterrent, only liable to takeout by commandoes as had been seen two years ago.

So, the ISI stirred itself. Ten of Pakistan's hard-earned nuclear bombs were shipped out in total secrecy via China and then by sea to Vancouver, Vladivostok, and Valencia. All these arrived in their respective ports by the time that the MEF reached the Arabian sea.

Pakistan's (no, the Ummah's) defense was ready: Attack us, and you'd also see death and destruction.
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Post by Shankar »

The presidential aircraft a citation with twin mirage escorts landed just as the dawn breaking out . It has been reported in the press that the battle hardened general was not comfortable flying into the border port city at all however the bad roads between islamabad and gawdor made it impossible to avoid .His primary reason of comming into this strategically important border port was to survey and finalise some of the free fall nukes as they are being dispersed around the country from peshawar to quetta to gawdor as in this case close to an air base but as far away as possible from indian border .Pakistani intel has indicated increase in india air deployements along the sind,rajastan border and also additional units being moved in including armoured elements in afganistan.

As on day gawdor had a sizable chinese military presence along with a sizable civilian presence involved in upgrading the port facilities .As a part of secret understanding between him and chineses premier the peoples republic of china have agreed to construct a set of nuclear strike proof silos in specified locations of pakistan to protect its strategic assets in the event of a nuclear shoot out . China has however not given any assurance on direct military involvement by comming into pakistans assistance in any overt way .

The so called bomb proof silos were to be made in hard rock almost 100 mtrs deep encased in prestressed extra strong concrete . Each silo shall be desiged to hold only one free fall bomb or warhead on a hydraulic lift .The top of the silo shaft shall be covered in removable concrete slab almsot 5 mtr thick topped by 100 mm thick stainless steel plate .To camoflage the silo a small earthen mound will be created on the surface with a single artificial palm tree on top to ensure quick recovery in a national emergency .No map will be kept and only the president and local army and navy/airforce commander shall be privy to the information about thier exact location around the port complex of gawdor .

For the media the story given out was president of pakistan shall be inaugarating the dry dock no2 in gawdor port complex and dedicate to the world maritime community .In the function to be held later in the day he will also than the chinese friends for thier continued support and announce free access for the plan ships to the port as a token of his nationas appreciation.

The importance of gawdor is its proximity to strait of hormuz or more simply the persian gulf.Apart from the 13 odd million barrles of oil that pass the region every day.It is also close to resource rich central asian republics all of which are kind of land locked and need a deep sea access to meet theie growing trade needs with the rest of the world.The president of pakistan apart from being a good military general wasalso an astute business man.As a ressult of his vision gawdor has developed today into a deep sea port ,natural gas termination station for turkmenistan-afganistan-pakisatn pipeline and a new natural gas liquification plant was comming up to convert the natural gas in lng and then export to the world . While the port facilities were almost exclussively buil by chinese army and nay personnel the lng facility was being put up by iranian oil company on soft credit to be paid out of its earnings over the next 15 years.

To bettre connect this facility with the rest of the country a coastal expressway was also under completion connecting karachi to gawdor .Like all pakistan govt project this roadways also had a military implication.While second strike nuclear weapons could be stored in farway gawdor they could if required moved surreptiously by road to naval air station karachi even when indian airforce have established the inevitable air superiority over entire pakistan air space ,and from thier loaded on mirage /falcons to do the needful on western and northern india .
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Post by Shankar »

Needless to say the coastal highway project was financed by peoples republic of china which allowed them apart from acess to all the arbian sea ports like ormara,pasni also allowed them the flexibility to intervene in any fiture indo-pak indo-sino conflict from the back .Anew airport near pasni was also built catering to both cvilian and military air trafic.

The anti terrorist coalition knew all these and more .It was obvious while most ofpakistan can be effectively contained with many fold air superiority the the two provinces of waziristan and gawdor region had to have a strong land based military presence - gawdor was to be key in neutralising the terror lock .

The makran coastal region surrounding gawdor port was reported to be inhabitated by broze age people who settled around few spread out oases in the arid region.During his return from india of alexnder his admiral nearchus led an expedition along the markan coast and reported about the arid mountainous region inhabitated by fish eating people. The regio was ruled by alexanders generals till about 300 bc and then slowly the locals took over till arab army invaded and took control in 711 ad.Later protugeese took control of gawdor in 16th century and then for a short duration by taimur sultan the defeated ruler of muscat.Gawdor fort was built during omani rule.

Gawdor is an unique city .First of all it looks and feel more like an arab city than a typical indian/pakistani city due to closeness to arab world and secondly the omani rule in past.A significnt part of the population is of african descent a direct ressult of slave trade not so long back.Most of the worlds religions can be found in this port city including parsis and hindus along with muslims,christians and quadianis.

The president of pakistan was ofcourse not interested at the moment on cultural and religious diversity of gawdor region .He wanted a hide way forhis nukes with road connectivity to karachi ,peswar and quetta . Gawdor was it .He knew it will be impossible for the indian army to quickly take over the city giving him ample time to react in an appropriate manner before he lost his strategic capability.
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Post by Dileep »

This is for you Rahul M :lol:
Spy Story: The Golden Bowl

The five floor nondescript building with fake brick finished walls stood in a quiet neighbourhood, not too far from the busy civic center area of San Francisco. There was no public business being conducted there, so not many knew what is going on inside. However, keen eyes could see the massive steel crashguards at the entrances, disguised as flower pot stands. that was standard equipment for the federal buildings, to thwart any attack using a vehicle. The main doors simply had the building number on it, and nothing could be seen through the tinted glass. But if you happen to walk in, you would see a small front desk and beyond that, a security station complete with X-Ray and metal detectors.

Agent Jeff Boger of FBI worked there, in a cubicle in the third floor.

The place was well secured, especially since it housed the intelligence wing of the organization, dealing with the southwestern region, including California, Arizona, Nevada, and Hawaii. The standard detail of security cameras, locks and round the clock monitoring was part of the deal.

It was late in the night. Most of the building is deserted. There was a meeting going on in the fourth floor, and maybe a couple of agents burning the midnight candle. Everything was calm and quiet.

Miguel Ernesto had just started his shift. He belonged to the Calexa Building Services company, who is the janitorial contractor for the feds. He was part of the five men crew that maintained the workplace clean while everyone else slept or partied. A pleasant mannered talkative guy whom everyone liked. The security guards gave a brief go through on his cart, taking a look at the bottles of Lysol and hand soap. The bottles and the bundles of tissues were sent through the xray machine, and pushing the cart through the metal detector, Miguel came back and walked through the loop again, this time the machine not complaining. After exchanging brief pleasantries with the lady at the x-ray console, he put the liquids and tissues on his cart and pushed it towards the elevator

He pressed No 3 on the control.

The elevator dinged and stopped at the door. While Miguel tried to maneuvre his cart through the door, he slightly hit the wall, and dropped the thick mop on the cart. He stopped, bent down and picked it up. He then released the cart, pushed it out and carefully placed the mop on top of the cart.

He took a little time to adjust the mop head. In fact if you have looked hard, you might have seen that the strands of the mop are now combed back and bunched carelessly on top of the wooden block that served as the base. The wooden block is not exposed.

He then proceeded to do his job. Pushing the cart in front of him. Moving from cubicle to cubicle, emtying the trash cans and picking up the odd piece of litter.

And when he reached Boger's cubicle, he parked the cart halfway into the cubicle, instead of leaving it in the passage. Also he was clumsy enough to let the mop fall down again, and he had to pick it up again and place it on top of the cart again.

Yes, he knew exactly what he was doing, and he was geting a handsome amount of dollars for that. After finishing the cubicles, he moved to the bathroom and for no apparent reason, imagined a spot on the floor and started mopping it with the very same mop.

No one would touch it anymore now.

to be Continued
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Post by Rahul M »

can't wait!!
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Post by Dileep »

Spy Story: The Golden Bowl

Raphael Garcia and Sanjeev gupta spent the day watching the grainy video shot by the "mop cam" over and over again. Miguel did a good job of getting the details in. The small camera, made cheaply using a standard webcam parts recorded the video on a tiny flash chip. It gave much more detail than the earlier generation spy cams. Embedded inside the sheet metal body of the mop head, no one would find it, even if it was x-rayed. The tine lens was set in a recess, covered by a rubber boot, and then pasted over by sticky dirt. Once that is removed, the camera can see outside.

They didn't have much time. They should act ASAP.


The security detail at the FBI building was mildly surprised to see the new guy who turned up a bit late. It was customary for the Calexa guys to inform them when they have new people. Anyway, this guy had the correct photo ID issued by NSA, so they let him pass. He thanked them, walked over to the eleator and disappeared in.

If they were careful enough, they could have noticed that the laser holographic sticker on the ID was in fact the CE conformance label from a chinese made CFL lamp. However smart the fake ID businedd guys are, they have not yet invented the technology to reproduce holograms.


Armed with the detailed knowledge gained from the mop cam, Raphael confidently walked out of the elevator on the third floor. He systematically moved from cubicle to cubicle, emptying the trash cans. When he reached Boger's cubicle, clumsiness overtook him, and the stuff on his cart came tumbling down. With a loud expletive, he started getting them back. During the process, he spent lot of time ducked into the cubicle, out of sight from the security cameras.

Finally when he finished cleaning up the mess he made, there was a hard disk and a few CDs wrapped in a trash bag extra in the huge trach can on the cart. He let a sigh out and continued the job.

After finishing the cubicles, he tied up the trash into a bundle and camly dropped it into the garbage chute near the fire exit. The bundle, with the much sought after content inside, landed with a thump three floors down, into the dumpster.


Early next morning, there was no one to notice the American Recycling garbage truck picking up the dumpster, out of schedule. Instead of driving to the landfill in San Mateo, it drove to a blighted neighbourhood in Colma. Two men in protective suits climbed in and started sifting through the smelly lot. They finally found what they were looking for after half an hour of searching. They left the truck there, and left in a hurry.

The day brought a huge commotion not only at the FBI building, but also at the Calexa office as well as the SFPD office. Miguel Ernesto had reported that he fell asleep after he had a drink with a woman he took home. He woke up only in the morning. Nothing was missing from the house, except his work ID and some cash. FBI found that the hard disk of the PC used by agent Boger is missing, along with some CDs left in the drawer. Agents rushed to Miguel's place and recovered some evidence, including a pair of beer mugs. Blood tests on Miguel shown the influence of a sleep inducing agent.

Images of Raphael Garcia was sent for ID, and returned with a string of crimes attached. On a hunch, Boger sent the image to the StoreMax guys. Edgar Robledo, the driver who was carjacked, instantly recognized him as the guy who carjacked his truck.

Heads would Roll!

to be Continued
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Post by nits »

No post from long time... are our respected Authors busy...?
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Post by Shankar »

-cairo tower -air france 348 -request IFR to charles de gaulle paris
- air france 348-cairo tower - IFR to paris cleared-climb runway heading to flight level 390 -contact ground when ready to push back
- thanks cairo tower -contacting ground
-cairo ground -air france 348 -request permission to taxi -ifr to paris -oush back complete
- air france 348-cairo ground -cleared to taxi via taxi way lima -peru-bravo-foxtrot-hold short of runway 5 right -contact tower when ready for take off - you are 4th in que for take off -watch out for cessna right in front of you
-thank you cairo ground -have the cessna in sight .

The a-340 smoothly pulled into the designated taxi way with its four engines merely rumbling as it gently started its long taxi run to the hamerhead of runwway 27 .Its take off will make it fly right over the famous pyramids before turning over suez canal over the port of alexandria and then get feet wet over mediterian on the high altitude airways to paris .

Cairo international is perhaps the msot beautiful of all airports in african continent and the influence of middle east culture is quite strong .The artificial neon li palm trees and glitzy duty free arcade reminds one of dubai more than jan smuts or nairobi . The security is tight by any standards but still not the biometric scanning and gel detectors were not installed firstly because of costs and secondly no one seriously thought any egyptian airlines or airport will be a target of terrorist strike .Body scanners were not used so as not to offend arab sensibilities . Retina scan was done only at random anad that to for male passengers only.Like everywhere else in the world arab women also did go for silicon breast implants and rarely would any female security guard frisk them in such an obtrussive manner so as to conform the liquid was silicon gel or nitroglcerine jelly .

The old man in a run down apartment of quetta was ofcourse aware of all the shorcommings simply because he lived and thrived on such shortcommings and nicities of worlds security agencies .Unknown to rest of the world he did have selec group of exquisitely beatiful women operaives who tal several languages and commited enough to die without asking why .

Roshanara begam was a french citizen and she was dressed in very revealing tank tops and low waist jeans . Her hour glass figure some what to top heavy drew attention of all both at the airport security and now her co passengers in flight 348 .Everthing was perfect apparently the security police at cairo international were more busy admiting her waistline than at her unusally heavy uppers which were some what disproportanate to rest of her anatomy . What they did not know is that she a refugee of beiruts refugge camps were adopted by an affluent french family and detected with breast cancer at an early age . She had to undrego masectomy of both of her breasts and sillicon implants added in thier place .It was only much later when she joined the movement and visited pakistan for an obligatory visit to the madrasas in north west that a minor operation was done in a well equiped cave in tora bora mountain which replaced the silicon bags with some thing more deadly -concentrated and stabilised nitroglycerine jelly with its own microwave detonator with just the small carbon antena sticking out to recieve the ultimate command .Once the scars have healed she was going home via cairo with a small visit to the pyramids .

Like all french citizens visiting pakistan she was also put on a special list forwarded to all the major airports in the world along with her retina scan taken during her outward trip from paris to islamabad a genearl warning issued for extra careful check .Egyptian police did not pay much attention to the interpol note considering it to be one more of western parania.

Only this time -it was not

Roshanara sipped on her her chiled orange juice as the a-340 climbed steadily to its designated flight level down below the pyramids were just like as they were seven thousand years back .She slowly touched her left breast to confirm the antena was sticking out and touched with her finger the small microwave transmitter below her right toe which when presssed repeatedly will generate the signal required to activate the detonator blowing her and the aircraft to paradise .

The mission objective was stupendous and timimg was everthing like all the plans of the old man. Just destruction of 250 odd passengers and crew mostly french and american tourists was not the goal .The main objective was to block the canal by damaging one of the large ships that almost cross the canal in a long line . This was his way of punishing egypt and france for suprting united states in its war on terror .

Charles de gaulle entered the canal at a mind blowing speed of 2 knots .All the air ops were suspended only the air defense missiles were on alert and the radars kept on searching the sky for any unusal air trafic .So far there was none .Most of the crew were top side watching coastline of egypt pass by languidly in the distance they could see the a-340 making a slow bank to west on a path which will take the aircraft over thier port beam as it would be settling on its final course . For the officer on watch the air france emblem on the airbus was nostalgic in an unusal way .

-Air france 340 -cairo departure - turn left heading 135 - resume own navigation -contact egypt centre on 121.5
- cairo departure -air france 348 - turning left 135-resuming own navigation-contacting cairo centre on 121.5

In the first class cabin just behind the locked flight deck ,roshanara begam calmly finished her orange juice ,adjusted her bra ,checked the detonator antena is clear ,smiled at her admiring co passenger a young american student returning from a peace corps tour to egypt , opened her seat belt and stood up putting her full body weight on the toe operated detonator once and twice and thrice .

She died without pain as the 2 1.5 kg nitroglycerine gell exploded in a blinding flash assited by the peroxide based liquid oxidiser and created an immense shock wave which blew the rear aircraft bulk head outwards .Desigened for an internal pressure of 8 psi and tested at 12 psi the shock wave of explossion genearated for an instant almost 23 psi pressure and the rear of the a-340 opened to sky .Most of the hydraulics which control the tail controls and main landing gear ruptured and the one of the most modern aircraft lost all vestiges of control as it nosed down to the dessert floor from 23000 ft and the canal right in front of the incomming carrier charles de gaulle .