Understanding the US - Again

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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by g.sarkar »

KLNMurthy wrote: If you have time, please share your own perspective on US law enforcement.
I am a retired peace officer with 24 years in the department. I have worked with men, women and juveniles. I have counseled sex offenders and other mentally disturbed persons. My own perspective is rather complicated, and will be OT in BRF.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by chetak »

so what exactly is comma la heiress's position now, after she was fraudulently grafted on to the ameriki succession plan for the whitehouse, using a malevolently diabolical method of delivering a coup de grace to the once shining light of global democracy and altering the presidential pecking order by shadowy forces who muscled their way into the voting process by clandestine control over the big tech media to swing the results favorably towards a clueless set of easily controlled running mates

There have been very serious transgressions in the recent ameriki presidential voting process to justify the charge of deliberately and systematically planned electoral fraud and yet these charges have simply been brushed under the carpet by a tame house nigger woke press and even sillier "intellectuals" who have been influenced to obfuscate almost every discussion in the public domain seeking to expose such illegitimacy.

israel is paying the price right now

will India be next in line, after the wilfully created vacccine shortages attributable directly to the blocking of APIs needed for covishield and covaxin by invoking the war-time Defence Production Act (DPA)

Is that why sputnik was brought in by Modi, to bypass the beijingbiden's not so furtive attempts to blockade India's vaccine production capabilities

His mental, physical condition can’t be ignored: Former military officers question legitimacy of Joe Biden’s victory, ability to lead

His mental, physical condition can’t be ignored: Former military officers question legitimacy of Joe Biden’s victory, ability to lead

The letter written by a group of veterans called - "Flag Officers 4 America" said that the United States "is in deep peril" with Americans "in a fight for our survival as the Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776".

14 May, 2021
OpIndia Staff

124 retired US military leaders have written an open letter questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 United States Presidential election as well as President Joe Biden’s fitness to be commander-in-chief.

According to the reports, the letter written by a group of veterans called – “Flag Officers 4 America” said that the United States “is in deep peril” with Americans “in a fight for our survival as the Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776”.

“Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the ‘will of the people,’ our Constitutional Republic is lost. Election integrity demands ensuring there is one legal vote cast and counted per citizen,” said the letter released on Tuesday by “Flag Officers 4 America”. The letter is signed by 124 former admirals and generals.

The “Flag Officers 4 America” is a group of US military veterans, who pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Some of the signatories include – Retired Rear Adm. John Poindexter, who was the National Security Adviser under President Ronald Reagan, and Retd Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, who spent five years as Deputy Undersecretary of Defence for Intelligence under President George W Bush and is now Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council.

In their letter, the former generals and admirals urged the FBI and Supreme Court to act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020.

US military veterans raise concerns over Biden’s health
Further, the signatories have also addressed concerns over Biden’s health.

“The mental and physical condition of the Commander in Chief cannot be ignored. He must be able to quickly make accurate national security decisions involving life and limb anywhere, day or night,” the letter said.

The letter further read, “Recent Democrat leadership’s inquiries about nuclear code procedures send a dangerous national security signal to nuclear-armed adversaries, raising the question about who is in charge. We must always have an unquestionable chain of command”.

The letter goes on to address a number of pressing issues such as the border crisis, China, Iran nuclear question, Rule of Law in the US. As per the veterans, the border crisis is jeopardizing national security by “increasing human trafficking, drug cartels, terrorist entry, health/CV19 dangers, and humanitarian crises”.

The US military veterans also addressed the ongoing tussle between the US and China and described China as the “greatest external threat to America”.

Interestingly, the veterans’ open letter comes almost a year after Former President Donald Trump had cast similar doubts on Joe Biden’s health and suitability to rule, referring to him as “Sleepy Joe”. During the 2020 US Presidential Election campaign, Former POTUS Trump had also questioned Biden’s capabilities by saying that there was “something going on” with Biden’s mental abilities.

US elections and allegations of electoral fraud
The 2020 US Presidential Elections were marred by controversies after several shocking allegations of massive election fraud were made against the Democratic party. According to the critics, the Democratic party indulged in ‘rigging’ elections through ballot papers to gain a lead in key swing states.

The Trump campaign had alleged that there is serious voter fraud as they demanded a stop to the counting process in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia and Michigan after several inconsistencies were found in the counting process. The allegations of rigging in the US election process surfaced after several persons pointed out about the sudden halt of the vote count process on the counting day and the subsequent overnight increase in votes for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, especially in states like Michigan and Wisconsin without adding a single vote to President Donald Trump or any other candidates.

Despite several American voters pointing out the serious election fraud, especially the act of massive rigging in the ballot system, the American media and electoral institutions overlooked the allegations and did not even initiate a serious probe to look into such serious allegations.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by chanakyaa »

Not a typical "Understanding..." topic but worth watching/reading about. Following documentary is unfortunately only available on HBO, but the related material is publicly available. Big pharma facilitated drug cartel makes stereotypical mexican drug cartel operators look like petty thieves.

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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Najunamar »

Racism in usa - doubled the house value based on skin color.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by chetak »

any truth to this

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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by g.sarkar »

https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/19/us/ronal ... index.html
Body camera shows Black man being tased, kicked and dragged by Louisiana troopers before his death
Jamiel Lynch, CNN, May 19, 2021

Ronald Greene, a Black man who died after a pursuit by Louisiana State Police in 2019, can be heard apologizing to officers and telling them he was scared before being tased, dragged and kicked in newly obtained body camera video by the Associated Press.
The AP posted three clips, totaling just over two minutes in length, from the video it says was 46 minutes long. CNN has not obtained the original video and does not know what else can be seen in the unpublished parts of the video.
CNN previously reported that Greene died after struggling with law enforcement following a pursuit that ended in a crash on May 10, 2019, according to a preliminary report from the criminal investigations division of the Louisiana State Patrol (LSP).
In the video, an officer approaches Greene's vehicle with a weapon drawn and says, "Let me see your f**king hands m*therf**ker."
Greene's car door is opened and you can hear a Taser going off. Greene can be heard saying, "OK, OK. I'm sorry. I'm scared. Officer, I'm scared, I'm your brother, I'm scared," as it appears he is being taken out of the vehicle.
Another video clip, obtained by the AP, shows officers forcing Greene onto the ground. An officer says, "Taser, Taser," and Greene can be heard screaming.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Shameek »

Alabama Will Now Allow Yoga In Its Public Schools (But Students Can't Say 'Namaste')
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey has signed a bill to allow public schools to offer yoga, ending a ban that stood for nearly 30 years. Christian conservatives who back the ban said yoga would open the door for people to be converted to Hinduism.

The new law allows yoga to be offered as an elective for grades K-12. While it erases a ban that, over the years, some schools had not realized existed, it also imposes restrictions on how yoga should be taught. Students won't be allowed to say, "Namaste," for instance. Meditation is not allowed.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rudradev »

This article provides one of the best windows into Understanding the US that I have seen lately.

https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/ ... sis-489900

How the ‘Culture War’ Could Break Democracy
Thirty years ago, sociologist James Davison Hunter popularized the concept of culture war. Today, he sees a culture war that’s gotten worse—and that spells trouble for the future of the American experiment.
[Sociologist James Davidson] Hunter sees America as having doubled down on the “war” part—with the culture wars expanding from issues of religion and family culture to take over politics almost totally, creating a dangerous sense of winner-take-all conflict over the future of the country.

“Democracy, in my view, is an agreement that we will not kill each other over our differences, but instead we’ll talk through those differences. And part of what’s troubling is that I’m beginning to see signs of the justification for violence,” says Hunter... “Culture wars always precede shooting wars. They don’t necessarily lead to a shooting war, but you never have a shooting war without a culture war prior to it, because culture provides the justifications for violence.”

What changed? In the latter half of the 20th century, the culture war was, on some level, a “cultural conflict that took place primarily within the white middle class,” says Hunter, who now leads the University of Virginia’s Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture. But, today, as that conflict has grown, “instead of just culture wars, there’s now a kind of class-culture conflict” that has moved beyond the simple boundaries of religiosity.

“The earlier culture war really was about secularization, and positions were tied to theologies and justified on the basis of theologies,” says Hunter. “That’s no longer the case. You rarely see people on the right rooting their positions within a biblical theology or ecclesiastical tradition. [Nowadays,] it is a position that is mainly rooted in fear of extinction.

In 1991, politics still seemed like a vehicle through which we might resolve divisive cultural issues; now, politics is primarily fueled by division on those issues, with leaders gaining power by inflaming resentments on mask-wearing, or transgender students competing in athletics, or invocations of “cancel culture,” or whether it’s OK to teach that many of the Founding Fathers had racist beliefs. And this reality—that the culture war has colonized American politics—is troubling precisely because of an observation Hunter made in 1991 about the difference he saw between political issues and culture war fights: On political matters, one can compromise; on matters of ultimate moral truth, one cannot.

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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by KLNMurthy »

g.sarkar wrote:
KLNMurthy wrote: If you have time, please share your own perspective on US law enforcement.
I am a retired peace officer with 24 years in the department. I have worked with men, women and juveniles. I have counseled sex offenders and other mentally disturbed persons. My own perspective is rather complicated, and will be OT in BRF.
I respect your reticence, though I feel that BRF would benefit from your experience.

If not posting, maybe articles on medium or some such?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by g.sarkar »

KLNMurthy wrote: I respect your reticence, though I feel that BRF would benefit from your experience.
If not posting, maybe articles on medium or some such?
Let me make some short observations on the current situation, I hope it is not too much OT.
I would like to comment on the current situation of killing black men by police officers. Use of deadly force is covered under the topic “use of force” under the department policies, which is based on the penal code. Use of force is a part of the annual training of every peace officer in California. I am sure it is the same in other states. Sometimes this training is imparted more than once in a year, when public controversies erupt and the department wants its officers to know exactly what the policy is. Basically, it says that use of force is justified only when there is a threat to life. The response has also to be proportionate to the threat, if the perpetrator is just cussing/threatening you, and cannot actually harm you, you cannot respond by beating him to a pulp. And once the threat stops, your response stops too. For example, you are attacked and you get your nose broken, you press the alarm and 5 officers respond, the perpetrator responds by getting down to ground and saying I surrender. You are not allowed to beat him up as punishment for assaulting you. Lastly, once you cuff someone, he is your responsibility, as he can not defend himself from anyone and also he cannot harm anyone in that state. So, there is no justification of assaulting him after cuffing him. I remember leaving someone in a cage for just minutes after cuffing and I was warned verbally never to do it again. Every hold that you use on the suspect has to be department approved. Placing a knee on someones throat is not allowed, period.
High speed chases often cause adrenaline to flow freely and the officers may be high from it. That may have caused lapse of judgement by the officers. In my experience, it is quite common to remove an exited officer from the scene by saying I got it brother, be cool, and firmly taking over. That cannot happen if everyone is out of control. The race of the victim being different from the officers reinforces the "us versus them" feeling. The presence of just one black officer may have prevented the disaster. In backward states, there is often a group of old boys who have run things for generations, they may have developed their own way of doing things against the department policies, and are only now being noticed due to cams in telephones with the general public.
Long ago, I read the book “The felon” by John Irwin. There he says that most successful police officers come from the same troubled economic background as the criminal. But as he has overcome this handicap himself and become successful, he has no sympathy to those who could not overcome and took to crime. Sympathy is even less when the race is different.
Lastly, I would like to say that for BRF readers living in the US, about 99% of your interaction with the police will be with the Highway Patrol. When you are stopped (perhaps for speeding), remember that the officer is very jumpy and nervous too as he has no way of knowing if you pose a threat to his life. Keep your hands on the steering and follow instructions. That is what I do.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by vimal »

Shameek wrote:Alabama Will Now Allow Yoga In Its Public Schools (But Students Can't Say 'Namaste')
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey has signed a bill to allow public schools to offer yoga, ending a ban that stood for nearly 30 years. Christian conservatives who back the ban said yoga would open the door for people to be converted to Hinduism.

The new law allows yoga to be offered as an elective for grades K-12. While it erases a ban that, over the years, some schools had not realized existed, it also imposes restrictions on how yoga should be taught. Students won't be allowed to say, "Namaste," for instance. Meditation is not allowed.
:shock: :shock:

I’m shocked that they were able to do this in a secular nation. And then there is that USCIRF.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by sanjaykumar »

The United States as a whole is not a secular nation, Some bits of both coasts are secular. Nothing to be shocked about or are you in India?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by KLNMurthy »

g.sarkar wrote:
KLNMurthy wrote: I respect your reticence, though I feel that BRF would benefit from your experience.
If not posting, maybe articles on medium or some such?
Let me make some short observations on the current situation, I hope it is not too much OT.

Thank you for obliging me. The information has special weight because of your experience. I think it’s very much on topic for this thread, though it’s not my call.

Some followup questions.

Do you think the “threat” concept involved in split-second decision to use deadly force, is just the subjective feeling of the officer? This is the impression that I as a member of the public get. It is interesting that you say the officer has no way of knowing that you don’t pose a threat, implies that he always assumes that the civilian is a threat? Is that a healthy basis for policing in a free democracy? What if I suggest that the officer be trained to accept a certain level of risk that comes with removing the prejudgment that any civilian in an encounter is a threat to him?

I also have the impression that police unions, in staunchly defending the officers, end up harming the cause of public safety in police encounters; am I wrong?

Do you see any parallels or contrasts with policing in India (maybe getting OT?), with encounter killings etc.? I realized only a few years ago that handcuffing requires court permission in India. Police just hold the prisoner’s hand /arm while transporting. It’s probably a more civilized way, but it also makes it pretty easy for the prisoner to get away, and /or snatch the officer’s gun etc. which in turn makes it easy to decide to shoot him. Or to stage a plausible justifying scenario for shooting. The reason for this question on this thread is that, generally we don’t have a proper understanding of Indian practice vs US practice, as a result we are either blindly critical of India or blindly defensive. I hope we can have a good understanding so as to take the criticism or defense to a different level. Which, to me, is one of the rationales for having a thread like this.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by g.sarkar »

In short:
When you are stopped, it is an event for you. For the officer it is just routine. I have been told that the HP Officers are expected to give out tickets at least 1 per hour they are on duty. Tickets are a good source of income for the department. It also shows that the officer has been active in his duties. I am not sure, but I expect the shift to be 8 hours, plus overtime that is often involuntary. So, in his line of duty, over the years the officer makes thousands of stops. Think of the amount of drugs that are transported from Mexico to the North and the local Meth labs that produce drugs, which are then moved to users. I am sure you agree that the chances of an officer stopping such a transport is high during his service in the department. Another factor is the general population possesses millions of weapons. Most criminals are often better armed than the LE agencies. An officer has to carry a weapon that the department provides not what he can procure for himself.
Please understand that the officer is not thinking of democracy, fascism or communism while he works his shift. He wants to come home without an incident and not land up in a hospital, or dead. Law Enforcement is a para-military organization, not a democracy. Officers at the end of the day has to obey all lawful orders. As I wrote before, when you are stopped, the officer has to make a judgement on whether you are indeed a danger to him or not, so it is in your interest to come across a regular person and not a criminal. So, expect him to be edgy during the first few minutes of the encounter, when he is assessing the situation. That is his training. All training is based on policy developed by the department, and this training is constantly changing depending on the changing circumstances. You are saying that he should be trained not to be aware that the civilian that he is stopping could be carrying contraband and be armed to the tooth and ready to shoot to protect his goodies? He could also be high on drug, erratic in his behavior and a danger to all.
My union supports me against the department or anyone else, if there is an adverse action against me. The department has policy and procedure, as long as those are followed, the department should support me, if I am taken to court. That is the reason why one has to follow procedure, even if it does not make sense. If for any reason, the department fails to support, the union comes to help. The job of the union is to staunchly defend its members, period. I pay them for this service.
I have no idea about the police in India. I have no idea what their practices are. I do see a number of Hindi films where the police officers routinely beat up criminals or torture them to get information or even just to punish them for their misdeeds. I have not seen that happen over here. There are policies and procedures here that prevent a prisoner snatching a weapon from an officer. I have never heard of anyone being shot while trying to escape from the police, as there is no threat there.You can not legally use deadly force if there is no threat to life. I think that is what is known as an encounter in Bollywood.
My last on this topic.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Tanaji »

In other news: plus ca change plus c’est la meme chose:

https://indianexpress.com/article/world ... t-7333657/

After criticising Trump for exiting the Open Skies treaty, Biden has “done a review” and confirmed he is also not signing up to it.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Kaivalya »

Shudder to think about implications:

Pilots used exam prep sites to create flashcards with sensitive material information

https://news.yahoo.com/nuclear-flash-ca ... 18744.html

:shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by kit »

Kaivalya wrote:Shudder to think about implications:

Pilots used exam prep sites to create flashcards with sensitive material information

https://news.yahoo.com/nuclear-flash-ca ... 18744.html

:shock: :shock: :shock:
Who needs the CIA when you have Google :rotfl:
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by vera_k »

Clearing up any misunderstanding that communism is banned in the USA.

Community Party USA
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by krisna »

vera_k wrote:Clearing up any misunderstanding that communism is banned in the USA.

Community Party USA
Founded in 1919, the Communist Party USA has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality, racial justice and peace for 100 years. The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States, from the struggle against Jim Crow segregation, the organizing of the industrial unions, from the canneries of California, to the sweatshops of New York City.

founded in 1919 in USA. USSR commie revolution in 1917.

But in usa travels and various visa types of forms we have to fill out the statements that we have no connections to communism etc etc .
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by g.sarkar »

There are similar limitations in Germany. Anti-constitution organizations/parties are forbidden. This targets Communists and Nazis (neo or old style). It is put in this way: every citizen has to support the German constitution and any party that propagates an overthrow of a duly elected government by revolution is illegal. I think Neo-Nazi parties such as the NPD and the communists have found a way around this. The old KPD was banned after the creation of the German constitution, but still exists in splintered forms. Then there is the SED party that ruled East Germany.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

As usual, a terrific job by muslim Americans on identifying christian control of institutions.
Only Christians could apply for jail chaplain job in Prince George’s County, federal lawsuit says
https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/b ... story.html
Bridges, 49, learned in April that the county was hiring a paid chaplain. He asked for an application but couldn’t complete it because all applicants were required to sign a “Statement of Applicant’s Christian Faith” that would force him to abandon his religious beliefs as a Muslim, his lawsuit says.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

The guy put in decent effort to advertise Islamic items but not good enough. Thought end of the day, Arabs do get to identify themselves as Caucasian so it's white supremacist.

IIRC, this is one more such sleeper picked up in this part of Texas. One has to wonder what's going on with islamics and this area.
Kerrville man arrested for alleged terror plot, white supremacist paraphernalia found in home
https://www.kens5.com/mobile/article/ne ... 77b14c2188
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rudradev »

^^ I have printed off a PDF of the article as it is on the Website right now. As soon as CAIR/ICNA vermin see the article, we can expect them to descend on KENS5 demanding that the photo with the Saif-ul-Islam flag should be removed (and KENS5 will do it of course, see how careful they have been not to mention anything about it in the text of the article). Better to have a copy with date/time stamp for the record.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by KLNMurthy »

g.sarkar wrote:In short:

Thank you for providing an important perspective on this topic. It’s a tough problem—balancing effective policing with minimizing harm to civilians.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

Chinese showing Americans their place as usual. Americans have turned into dancers that dance to the tune of Chinese money. Wokeness disappears when it comes to China. All steroids no strength.
John Cena issues apology to China in Mandarin after calling Taiwan its own country in 'F9' interview
https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/j ... country-f9
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshhan »

X posted
Lisa wrote:
darshhan wrote:
What if American deep state was also involved? Along with chinese they also wanted to oust Trump as much if not more.
The West/Americans OWN the global narrative. Their innocence in this matter is a forgone fact. When they decide that its in their interests to go 'full Cambodia' on the chinese, nothing will save these commies.
I wouldn't be so sure of that anymore. The fact is that China is not playing for second position anymore. They have done their homework for that. Their leadership has encouraged meritocracy along with competence and shunned political correctness as well as social justice gimmicks unlike US. As far as their GDP is concerned, it is within striking distance of passing that of US in less than a decade, probably 5 or 6 years at max.

In lot of cutting edge critical STEM fields they have almost at par with US. For eg Artificial intelligence, Quantum computing, biotech including Biowar, automobile and EV production etc. In many fields they have already surpassed US such as electronics production, civil infrastructure, telecom and networking equipments, lithium ion battery production, High speed Railways, shipbuilding, solar panel production, UAV manufacturing etc. In low to medium tech manufacturing, America is not even in race.

As of now there are only few fields where US still has a decisive lead such as Semiconductor design, civilian airliners, jet engines and defence technology.

Furthermore being proactive they have either banned or heavily regulated American Big tech and social media giants which could have been used as tools to shape and manipulate chinese public opinion apart from exploiting Chinese social and economic faultlines. Instead they created their own technology giants such as Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu etc, which have become formidable competitors on global level both with respect to their revenues and market cap as well as the products and services they are offering.

Chinese urban infrastrucure is also much better than that of America, where homelessness and crime are endemic for quite some time now. As far as internal security situation and crime is concerned China is in a much better position than most of the world including USA.

Additionally Chinese do not give a single dime about social justice and woke agenda unlike US. Hence their society is much more cohesive than that of US which is coming apart at seams due to political, ideological, economic and racial differences. Chinese are also much less degenerate in their personal behaviour and less of a parasite compared to average American.

Here just check the latest US Army recruitment. They have forgotten that to win wars you need battlefield warriors and not social justice warriors. Activism cannot be a substitute for battlefield performance. All the advanced defence technology will be of no use if you do not have the right warriors for the job

Even the CIA has been afflicted by the woke and social justice. This is their recruitment video.

In contrast check the chinese recruitment video. If you ask me as of today I will be placing my bets on Chinese

America is giving a walkover to Chinese without even fighting. They are more interested in commiting suicide. Infact the sooner this degenerate shitshow is over, the better it would be for world.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by m_saini »

^ The thing is Americans come to their very best when they have decided on an enemy. The woke culture and social justice didn't save the palestinians, the yemenis, the kurds and it won't save the chinis. What one has to realize is that the Americans don't just tolerate the woke culture, they prop it; it's a great weapon for them. When they feel it has outlived it's use, they're going to "McCarthy" it out of existence.

Even a decade or two from now, I would still bet on the Americans. The G2 theory is stupid, they didn't do it for their "brethren" English, the "almost white" Japanese and they certainly won't do it for the chinis.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshhan »

m_saini wrote:^ The thing is Americans come to their very best when they have decided on an enemy. The woke culture and social justice didn't save the palestinians, the yemenis, the kurds and it won't save the chinis. What one has to realize is that the Americans don't just tolerate the woke culture, they prop it; it's a great weapon for them. When they feel it has outlived it's use, they're going to "McCarthy" it out of existence.

Even a decade or two from now, I would still bet on the Americans. The G2 theory is stupid, they didn't do it for their "brethren" English, the "almost white" Japanese and they certainly won't do it for the chinis.
You are free to believe whatever you want. America doesn't have a God given mandate to rule the earth. The one who is deserving, competent and cohesive will dominate. Data tells its own story. One additional indicator is that China is far more stronger than Soviet Union ever was during cold war in terms of comprehensive national power.

When did America fight yemenis, palestinians or kurds by the way? Palestinians are being dealt by israelis. Is America now trying to take credit of israeli achievements on the battlefield? Trying to live vicariously through israel in absence of one's own achievements. Lol

Sorry to say but your post sounds like an emotional response and a cope mechanism.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by m_saini »

darshhan wrote:...
Sorry to say but your post sounds like an emotional response and a cope mechanism.
we all have our opinions, fair enough. Still you may dismiss my post as emotional but "cope mechanism" is the wrong buzzword you're using. I'm not American or Chinese and neither do I have any skin in the game. Whoever wins i don't have to cope with anything.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshhan »

m_saini wrote:
darshhan wrote:...
Sorry to say but your post sounds like an emotional response and a cope mechanism.
we all have our opinions, fair enough. Still you may dismiss my post as emotional but "cope mechanism" is the wrong buzzword you're using. I'm not American or Chinese and neither do I have any skin in the game. Whoever wins i don't have to cope with anything.
Thanks for the clarification. For a moment I actually thought you were an American. My apologies.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by vera_k »

m_saini wrote:^ The thing is Americans come to their very best when they have decided on an enemy.
However, the historical record from WW1 and WW2 shows an urge to observe and not get involved when confronted with a capable enemy, unless the hand is forced. Unclear yet if Covid-19 is a sufficient forcing of the hand given internal contradictions. For instance, the USA is already back joining the WHO tail between legs and all.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

Any past performances of US aren't relevant today. During WW1 and WW2 circumstances were different and world was different. US is in the best position to be the one out there but the past doesn't mean much. Their further past is Europe and one can see what that looks like today.

While US was at its best, it's voting population and elected officials were different and there was enslavement of half of the world. Germany and Japan didn't have such advantage of enslaved colonies like India.

US' best lately is to "find" WMD and Muslim terrorists everywhere. That's what they specialize in.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

Come fleece my pockets in virtual manners. The speed camera industry is one of the most corrupt out there.
US House Democrats Seek Government Funds For Speed Cameras
The House Democratic leadership's proposed transportation reauthorization measure, dubbed the Invest in America Act, provides for a half-trillion dollars in spending with a new emphasis on passenger rail, public transit, cycling and walking infrastructure. It also adds a provision gutting the ban on taxpayer funding of speed cameras.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Najunamar »

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/nri ... 242642.cms

It is back to regular programming by the Times group. When you don't have some smashaan ghat pictures to flog, it is back to good old stereotypes - with folks who have sold out their souls like this our progress is all the more remarkable!
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

The famous consolidation effect to blindside one and not know what just happened to voting patterns.
31% Rise in Number of US Mosques in Ten Years
https://iqna.ir/en/news/3474896/31-rise ... -ten-years
"This represents a 31% increase from the 2010 count of 2,106," said the report, "The American Mosque 2020: Growing and Evolving," released Wednesday.

"Undoubtedly, the primary driving force for the increase of mosques is the steady expansion of the population of Muslims in America due to immigration and birth rate," it added.

The primary sponsors of the survey include the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Center on Muslim Philanthropy, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) and the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies (ASARB).

The number of mosque participants also grew, according to the report.

Weekly Friday prayer averaged 410 attendees in 2020, as compared to 353 in 2010 -- a 16% increase.
Mosques in towns and small cities declined from 20% in 2010 to 6% in 2020.

"The apparent cause is the dwindling population of Muslims in these towns/small cities due to the drying up of jobs in these areas and the moves of young adults, children of mosque founders, and activists to large cities for education and jobs," said the report.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

It would have been helpful if news sites also listed the ethnicity of the attacker. chinese are awfully quiet about this sort of attacks happening in US. Not sure why Chinese aren't jumping up and down in UN.
Police: Christian Batista Charged For Sucker Punching 75-Year-Old Asian Woman
https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2021/06/07 ... ian-woman/
There have been at least 86 anti-Asian hate crimes reported to police citywide so far this year, up from just 19 reported for the same period last year.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Lisa »

The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax

https://www.propublica.org/article/the- ... income-tax

"In 2011, a year in which his wealth held roughly steady at $18 billion, Bezos filed a tax return reporting he lost money — his income that year was more than offset by investment losses. What’s more, because, according to the tax law, he made so little, he even claimed and received a $4,000 tax credit for his children." :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

Arkansas state trooper sued for allegedly causing a pregnant woman's car to flip during traffic stop
https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/10/us/arkan ... index.html
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshan »

Just out of the school.
Ramaswami: When two worlds collide
https://www.stanforddaily.com/2021/06/1 ... s-collide/
Unlike some South Asian cities that are thousands of years old, my home in Atlanta was Native land just two centuries ago. Stanford is itself built on indigenous land and the exploitation of Chinese workers. And for all the hard work my parents did to come here, it was only possible because they come from an upper-caste and well-off family in India that could actually afford to fly to America — and to what degree has that ameliorated inequality in India? Being a Stanford graduate and an American citizen gives me significant opportunity and influence to advance the values I believe in, yet this very power is built on countless injustices in the past and present. Can the proximity to power that a Stanford education gives me still afford me the latitude to make the system more just, rather than merely profiting from past injustices?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by darshhan »

The degenerate woke sheitshow that is America.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3R0-pmUcAI ... me=900x900
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