2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by venkat_kv »

chetak wrote:Image
They must have forgotten to look in the mirror, due to the fact that when West Bengal political violence petition was pending they couldn't bother to even give a date saying covid was more important.
And coming to oxygen supply they went into a panic and kept asking the oxygen reserved for other states to be diverted to Delhi as Delhi was more important or some such argument was bandied about.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by nits »

I always thought Vir Sanghvi is Congress supporter; so below article coming from his comes as surprise unless there is other factors at play behind the scenes

Gandhis and the Punjab Congress muddle - By Vir Sanghvi

All political parties face dissidence and the central leadership often has to intervene to bring peace to state units. But I can't think of the last time that the Gandhi family actually built up a rival to a sitting chief minister, encouraged him to snub that chief minister and then gave the rival the top party job even when they knew the humiliated chief minister was bitterly opposed to the appointment.

What makes this episode worrying is that it draws attention away from what the Congress stands for when it promotes a BJP-defector (WhatsApp has been flooded with videos of old speeches where Sidhu attacks Sonia Gandhi and praises Narendra Modi) who continues to cheerfully attack Congress leaders.

Many people desperately want an alternative to the ruling dispensation and its ideology. The BJP knows this. Which is why it is happy to frame the choice before India as one between stern authoritarianism and a capricious dynasty.

By playing into that caricature, the Congress is doing itself -- and all those who worry about what is happening in today's India -- a grave disservice
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

nits wrote:I always thought Vir Sanghvi is Congress supporter; so below article coming from his comes as surprise unless there is other factors at play behind the scenes

Gandhis and the Punjab Congress muddle - By Vir Sanghvi

All political parties face dissidence and the central leadership often has to intervene to bring peace to state units. But I can't think of the last time that the Gandhi family actually built up a rival to a sitting chief minister, encouraged him to snub that chief minister and then gave the rival the top party job even when they knew the humiliated chief minister was bitterly opposed to the appointment.

What makes this episode worrying is that it draws attention away from what the Congress stands for when it promotes a BJP-defector (WhatsApp has been flooded with videos of old speeches where Sidhu attacks Sonia Gandhi and praises Narendra Modi) who continues to cheerfully attack Congress leaders.

Many people desperately want an alternative to the ruling dispensation and its ideology. The BJP knows this. Which is why it is happy to frame the choice before India as one between stern authoritarianism and a capricious dynasty.

By playing into that caricature, the Congress is doing itself -- and all those who worry about what is happening in today's India -- a grave disservice
he continues to be a congi darbaari and a radia ecosystem influenceable presstitute.

this guy is on the outer fringes of the lootyens fauna biosphere, specifically the herpetological underbelly.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

and, here are some more venomous herpetological specimens

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

x posted from the Indo us thread

The reason for the previous FS Sujatha Singh's abrupt departure may now have become clearer.

As part of the deep state congi boot licking darbaari's who held a large sway at the time, it looks like singh was jettisoned to teach recalcitrant and obdurate babooze an unforgettable lesson. she seems to have been running her own kingdom in the MEA, voting on personal whim and fancy at the UN without reference to the govt in power

Antony Blinken Visited New Delhi, And Brought Some Reality Checks With Him

Antony Blinken Visited New Delhi, And Brought Some Reality Checks With Him

Venu Gopal Narayanan
Jul 29, 2021

Antony Blinken Visited New Delhi, And Brought Some Reality Checks With Him

US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, in New Delhi (Twitter)

Many 'commentators' of foreign policy were let down by what US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, said and didn't during his two-day India visit.

In a sense, this feeling of being terribly let down by America represents their extreme disconnect from realpolitik.

American Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s two-day visit to New Delhi this week was closely shadowed by hubbub in disparate spheres. The most strident agitations were from the Left Liberal jamaat, who expected Blinken to rap India sharply on the knuckles for a variety of misdemeanors, like a school marm chastising a truant ward.

Long, anguished op-ed pieces competed with desperate tweets for readers’ attention so fervently, that one might have been forgiven for thinking that an Occidental reprimand was the sole agenda point on Blinken’s visit. This time, yea, this time, President Biden’s chief envoy would surely deliver a rocketing for the ages.

That was odd, because the real world was, in fact, buzzing with diplomatic activity, as a number of state and non-state actors sought to bookend Blinken’s visit to New Delhi, by posing in richly-symbolic postures on the world stage.

Chinese Premier Xi Jinping, for example, made a dramatic visit to Nyingchi airfield just days before Blinken’s plane touched down at Palam. The airfield lies in southern Tibet on the Brahmaputra, hardly a dozen miles from the Arunachal border. Coming as it did when Indian and Chinese troops are still tightly engaged on the border, this gesture had all the subtlety of a rhino in a coffee shop, or a carnation in a sea of lilies.

Pakistan’s National Security advisor, Moeed Yusuf, gave an affable interview to an Indian journalist; again, just days before Blinken’s visit began. The bonhomie displayed was illuminating, as was the first name basis employed. (This very curious interview will be analysed separately, in a forthcoming piece)

The Met department reported that it was raining QUADs. Even as one quadrilateral formulation between America, Japan, Australia and India progressed sluggishly, from fantasy to punctured reality (Blinken denied in Delhi that it had any military overtones), another of the quadratic variety sprang up overnight in Central Asia.

Apparently, an in-principle agreement has been arrived at between America, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, ‘to boost regional connectivity’. The patent absurdity, of Pakistan and Afghanistan being forced to sit at the same table just so that America may retain a toehold in the region, precisely when a Pakistan-backed Taliban is surging to take control of Afghanistan, was lost only on those without a sense of proportion.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan demonstrated his considerable diplomatic skills, by segueing this incipient Quad with a most profound statement: ‘I think the US has really messed it up in Afghanistan’. Honestly, with friends like these, who needs enemies? (Naturally, there was no reference to the infernal double game played by his own army during the whole wretched affair!)

At the same time, the Chinese hosted a Talibani delegation in Tianjin, China. Using the same sort of subtlety their leader displayed by landing in Nyingchi, the Chinese said that they could work with the Taliban, as long as these Pakistan- and Qatar-based Afghan leaders broke with the East Turkestan Islamic Movement by Uighur Muslims (ETIM).

Someone should tell Beijing that asking the Taliban to crack down on the ETIM is like asking the Baader-Meinhoff gang to crack down on the Italian Red Brigade (both were militant ultra-left outfits which conducted numerous terrorist acts in Europe during the 1970s, including the kidnapping and assassination of Aldo Moro, a former Italian Prime Minister).

Ironically, these discussions took place while Pakistani National Security Advisor Moeed Yusuf, and the head of their Inter Services Intelligence, were parked in Washington DC.

Meanwhile, India lodged a formal protest against the Turkish opening of a sealed town in disputed Cyprus. This was a follow-up to Foreign Minister Jaishankar’s unexpected visit to Greece last month, and a surprising decision to hold joint exercises between the Indian and Hellenic navies. A thin red line was being firmly drawn, to deter Turkey from harboring any lunatic notions of participation alongside Pakistan in the Afghan fracas.

At the same time, Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh departed quietly for Dushanbe in Tajikistan, to attend a Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting (SCO; a still-born Asian Quad of sorts, including Russia, China, and Pakistan, inter alia).

And, for the bunting, leaders of Indian communist parties attended a virtual meet hosted by the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi, as part of the Chinese Communist Party’s centenary celebrations. It was a shameful act, any way you looked at it, and while the Communists will spin their arguments in self-defense on the freedom-of-expression line, everyone knows that the point isn’t legalistic, but moral.

So, while Blinken was in Delhi, you had Afghans talking to Chinese, Pakistanis talking to Americans, Imran Khan talking to the press, Indians talking to the Turks through the Greeks, Uzbeks talking to Afghans (the official ones, not the rebels), and a Pakistani talking to an Indian journalist about why India wasn’t talking to Pakistan.

With all that and more going on, and so many dots to connect, it seemed a little puerile that, the only topic of interest for our usual suspects, was when Blinken would give India a moral tongue-lashing of Jeffersonian proportions during his visit.

Those hopes were, however, heartlessly dashed by Blinken, who instead displayed an exceptional lack of exceptionalism. Rather than rudely castigate India for her democratic failings, and audaciously rap a ‘Hindu-nationalist-majoritarian’ government on home ground, for a multitude of sins, Blinken, on the contrary, went out of his way to publicly explain just how democratic India was.

We may well imagine the dismay of our caterwauling classes. In a sense, this feeling of being terribly let down by America represents the desperate depths our progressives have fallen to, and their extreme disconnect from realpolitik. Too much online outrage only enforces irrelevance, and can even be counterproductive, especially when there is so much happening simultaneously. Not to mention the gall of wishing interference by a foreign power on domestic matters.

Similarly, Blinken’s profound silence marks the Democrats’ dichotomy, of having to give up their usual sermonizing in the wake of yet another war lost, in favour of some hard-nosed damage control with the only democratic power of worth, east of the Suez Canal. As they’ve now learnt, there’s a lot more going on in this world than race, gender fluidity, or pronouns, and it is spelt: multipolarity. In addition, Blinken would have been warned about the actual agenda getting derailed by a local squall, in spite of how ideologically enticing it may have seemed.

Consequently, the geopolitical implications are: no matter how many seminars Brown or Yale University conducts, on the supposed illiberalism prevailing in India, and no matter how many op-eds are written by academicians on why Modi must go, hardly any of that ideological outrage will ever translate into American foreign policy vis-à-vis India. Not even, as we note from Blinken’s stoic statements, by lip service.

Besides, people should remember what happened the last time an American doyen of the liberal world came a-visiting to Delhi. Barack Obama’s Siri Fort auditorium speech was delivered on 27 January 2015, a day after he attended the Republic Day parade as our chief guest. In it, he expressed his gratitude to Indians, on Indian soil, by lecturing Indians on the merits of religious tolerance. He said: “India will succeed so long as it is not splintered along the lines of religious faith…” [italics, this writer’s]

Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh, a Congress-era appointee, was given her marching orders the very next day; it was inconceivable that a foreign dignitary might make such insulting, insensitive, patronizing forecasts of India’s Balkanization, while on Indian soil as an official guest, without at least some sort of tacit, local approval. It was also Modi’s first, overt move towards draining the swamp, and the message hit home hard.

The Americans have, therefore, learnt to their chagrin that anyone taking a patronizing tone in Delhi is going to find themselves hopelessly Quad-less, and that is something America simply can’t afford. On the other hand, Blinken’s polite toeing of a pragmatic line, along with his disinclination to moralise on this visit, shows that the Lutyens lot is, in fact, expendable by America at the altar of harsher geopolitical realities.

Venu Gopal Narayanan is an independent upstream petroleum consultant who focuses on energy, geopolitics, current affairs and electoral arithmetic. He tweets at @ideorogue.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Rudradev »

Must-watch film on Love Jihad.

Please forward the link widely. It has only 10,000 views on YouTube.

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

SC admits petition of N Ram asking for a probe of Pegasus by sotting/retired judge
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

Must-watch film on Love Jihad.
Watched it, poorly scenarised, not sharp about the message. Still they deserve praise for attempting this topic. Just goes to show how hard it is to make a good film even in a short format.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Yagnasri »

They has no money and made it with limited funds collected from people. Same with many other short films etc made by Dharmics.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

Rudradev wrote:Must-watch film on Love Jihad.

Please forward the link widely. It has only 10,000 views on YouTube.

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

the danish siddiqui story will just not go away.

The truth is very different from the imaginatively embroidered lies that the presstitutes in India are desperately pushing. This incident has caused the shaheenbagh types huge disappointment and as well as untold embarrassment.

On confirming that he was an Indian, the taliban attacked the mosque where he and the afghan troops with whom he was embedded were holed up after they were ambushed.

he was tortured and shot multiple times at close range and a vehicle was run over his head.

of course, they later said that they were "sorry" and that seems to have ended the matter for the Indian presstitutes and JNU/jamia commie wokes who did not dare to rake up the issue of his cold blooded murder by their beloved talibanis.

I strongly suspect that even the "sorry" story was made up by these deluded wokes to save their ummah reputation.

Danish Siddiqui was not simply killed in a crossfire in Afghanistan, nor was he simply collateral damage, but was “brutally murdered” by the Taliban after verifying his identity, according to a report published in a US-based magazine Washington Examiner.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by shravanp »

Chetak saar.

(wearing a CT hat)
The entire episode to me does not seem to add up. Or rather make sense. I don't find a strong reason for Taliban to kill Siddiqui guy in such a brutal manner, when Taliban is a proxy of Pakis who in turn are the main beneficiaries of Siddiqui types of reporters in India. I totally get that Taliban are monsters and worst possible scum on the planet. However the "be-rehmi" qatl of him seems like he was punished for something that he truly deserved (and we all know what for).
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

https://swarajyamag.com/ideas/a-tale-of ... enetration

A Tale Of Two Hacks: Pegasus And China’s Microsoft Exchange Penetration
n the recent past, we have seen a lot of news stories. Massive riots in South Africa and Cuba. The uncertainty in Afghanistan. Floods in Germany and China. Surging Wuhan virus cases in hitherto relatively unscathed Southeast Asia. A ‘border clash’ between Assam and Mizoram. Bezos going one-up over Branson in the space race. China being accused of large-scale hacking of Microsoft Exchange a few months ago.

So there are plenty of real, meaty stories to report on.

Yet, the Indian media was full of stories about something dubious: the alleged Pegasus hacking expose. There are two problems with it. One is that, as a narrative, it makes no sense; in fact, the meta-narrative is far more interesting. Two: It is an outstanding example of how gaslighting works on Indians (but not on Chinese).
The Pegasus allegation is also not new: it is recycled from before, as seen in these screenshots from 2019 and 2020.
Clearly, there was a toolkit, and the memos had gone out to rally the troops to all sing from the same hymn-book.

The American wing of the ecosystem also swung into action. Instantly, 30 groups organised a protest against India, Hindus, and Modi. Notably, this included rabid Christian fundamentalists like this person below, various Muslim groups like CAIR, and radical leftists. Obviously, there was a plan, and surely a toolkit for the Americans as well.
Even though this particular effort was an abject failure — nobody in India gave a damn, and within a day it had disappeared even from the NYTimes (so it is possible to embarrass Deep State bastions) — this is not the end of it. The ecosystem will, like Robert Bruce, try, try and try again.

Two reasons: one is to give the Nehru dynasty scion some excuse to strut about; two is to prevent Parliament from conducting business, thus negating the BJP’s majority.
The Reaction To Chinese Hacking: Softly, Softly

Simultaneously, there was the case of the Microsoft Exchange hack from earlier in the year, which affected some 30,000 businesses.
A Tale Of Two Hacks: Pegasus And China’s Microsoft Exchange Penetration

As this magazine, a known cheerleader for the Deep State, points out, the US, its Five Eyes Anglo allies (the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), Japan, and the EU got together, and gave China a delicate slap on the wrist. The fact that all of them “admonished” China together means that they would not be able to agree on anything to “punish” China other than the most anodyne and soothing actions.

There is ample evidence of Chinese mischief. Apart from large-scale hacking (Obama negotiated what was billed as a ceasefire, but apparently it wasn’t), it has been stealthily acquiring genetic data about millions of pregnant women from all over the world: all the better to create targeted biological weapons.

As this magazine, a known cheerleader for the Deep State, points out, the US, its Five Eyes Anglo allies (the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), Japan, and the EU got together, and gave China a delicate slap on the wrist. The fact that all of them “admonished” China together means that they would not be able to agree on anything to “punish” China other than the most anodyne and soothing actions.
The third is that India is far easier to bully because we are easily gaslighted and shamed by Anglosphere narratives, do not retaliate, and are infiltrated by fifth columnists. India could have sent a message by putting the screws on Amazon, as Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post, which was active in the Pegasus fairy tale.

It could also have, as I have been saying ad nauseam, sued or defenestrated the pompous white migrant workers from The Economist, FT, BBC, WaPo, NPR and all the other hostile media, as Lee Kwan Yew used to do with such salutary effect.

Until India applies some pain to the perpetrators of fraud and their paymasters, this sort of thing will continue.
What can we do to them?
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Theeran »

Twitter the last three four days has been depressing. If not BJP what other party to vote for?
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ambar »

In what context has the last few days been depressing ? Twitter/FB thrives on negativity and harbors deep hostility towards anyone not towing the leftist line. If you step an inch outside of their ideological line then reach is restricted, followers removed in thousands, arbitrary bans, trending news that are anti-national/anti-right, nothing new in any of this. I am so glad that i don't spend any time on twitter ever since they banned me. Atleast on youtube i get to learn new things but twitter/FB adds zero value.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Skanda »

Add Clubhouse to that mix as well. You get some great discussions here and there but overall, its an ocean of negativity.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ambar »

Someone mentioned about @bharadwajspeaks aka "true Indology" in the social media thread. While in my opinion @trueIndology should have remained anonymous and Bharadwaj put himself and his family at great risk by revealing his true identity during his debate with that IPS officer on Twitter, his original twitter handle is a prime example of the ideological bias of Twitter and Facebook. I started following him when he had less than 2000 followers and saw his handle grow, but when he became popular twitter started restricting his reach, i stopped receiving notifications, and everytime i logged out of twitter and logged back in i had to re-follow him. His followers never moved beyond 500k and eventually his ID was permanently banned (i think) and he started a new one. In all my years on Twitter , i think its only 5% of the time when a discussion was constructive or positive else 95% of the time it is negative. And since Trump , Twitter/FB's restrictions, bans, throttling of messages contrary to their ideological belief has become so repressive that its a waste of time and energy being there.

While many of twitter/FB's biased actions are copied by youtube as well atleast in youtube's case there is as much positive content as there is negative. One can educate themselves, watch old movies, listen to music, watch games, learn skills etc. which is a value addition. On FB/Twitter though it is as superficial and negative as it can get.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by madhu »

Trying to reach him. Not picking up the phone. If anything untoward happens, I'm afraid
is responsible.
Quote Tweet

Saumya mishra #WeStandWithBharadwajSpeaks
· Jul 29
Replying to @ARanganathan72 and @BharadwajSpeaks
. @ARanganathan72 kindly talk to @BharadwajSpeaks once. His account doesn't exist now. I hope is Okay. Can you just confirm it?
Truindology is in soup again. account doesn't exist now. I hope is Okay. Can you just confirm it?[/quote]

Truindology is in soup again. Is governorswaraj husband of visa mata
Anand Ranganathan
Jul 29
was neither spreading hatred against the Mizos, nor was he creating disaffection. The thread is FACTUAL and carries historical citations.

It was a mistake to be polite to this man. He is drunk on allusions of power and past glory.
Quote Tweet

· Jul 29
Somebody is spreading hatred against the Mizos. It is an offence to create disaffection against an ethnic group. A police officer in Aizawl will register an FIR. He can ignore my advice and do what he pleases.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

shravanp wrote:Chetak saar.

(wearing a CT hat)
The entire episode to me does not seem to add up. Or rather make sense. I don't find a strong reason for Taliban to kill Siddiqui guy in such a brutal manner, when Taliban is a proxy of Pakis who in turn are the main beneficiaries of Siddiqui types of reporters in India. I totally get that Taliban are monsters and worst possible scum on the planet. However the "be-rehmi" qatl of him seems like he was punished for something that he truly deserved (and we all know what for).
“Taliban are normal civilians, how is Pakistan supposed to hunt them down?” — PM ⁦⁦@ImranKhanPTI ⁩ in US TV interview.

So “normal civilians” killed #DanishSiddiqui?

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Rudradev »

This Youtube Discussion should worry you.

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra on Kushal Mehra's channel talks about The End of Hinduism.

He analyzes the different dynamics of how native traditions all over Eurasia and Africa were replaced by Abrahamic religions throughout history, including Rome, Egypt, Anatolia, and Iran. (This is a much deeper analysis than the superficial explanation of "oh the Abrahamics were so brutal/fanatical onlee"-- yes, they were, but there's a lot more to the picture than that, and it's important to understand all of it in detail).

Then he explains his understanding of why/how dharmic traditions survived in India despite Turkic and British imperialism. He argues why the Modern Indian State has in fact put Hindu Dharma at much greater peril, because of core structural reasons, than it ever actually was in the last 1000 years before 1947. He warns that complacency at this time is going to lead, almost certainly, to a minority-Hindu India within the present century.

It's easy to respond to this by saying "Abhijit Iyer Mitra is a drama queen who talks rubbish"-- and yes, he can be quite annoying and prone to attention-grabbing hyperbole at times. BUT watch this in its entirety and listen carefully to what he is saying. When it comes to historical facts and analysis, I could not identify anything wrong with his thesis.

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by csaurabh »

Rudradev I am not inclined to watch that episode.
AIM is very well established to not know anything about defense industry which is supposed to be his specialty. He talks nonsense about technology because he is just a hotel management graduate and doesn't understand engineering. If he is that incompetent in what is supposed to be his profession (defense journalism ), why would he be any better at history, social science or religion .
I don't know if you follow youtube but real defense journalist channels like Defence Matrix and Defence Decode utterly and comprehensively debunk the nonsense that he keeps spewing because they are, you know, real engineers who understand this stuff.
Honestly AIM is a gasbag who weakens the RW intellectual ecosystem and we would be a lot better off without him.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

My sentiments exactly csaurabh on AIM, he is an expert on everything with qualification or dedication to nothing. On personality side, wisecracking doesnt make him wise. Him being gay doesnt mean its some kind of qualification. His shabby turnout and smoking while on live streaming is disrespectful to his hosts, fellow panelists and audience. Now I skip any webcast with this fellow even on channels I otherwise like.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Rudradev »

As I said, AIM is an easy enough messenger to shoot. I don't really listen to him on defence technology-related matters, nor do I have any expertise on the subject, so I can't comment on his accuracy in that field.

But I could not find a single flaw in what he had to say on this particular subject... which I have read about quite extensively. Not in any aspect of his historical modeling of Abrahamic expansion, nor in the logic of his observations regarding the future of Hinduism.

Dismissing the argument solely on the basis of the personality who is making it does not appear to be a wise course. If it lacks merit in & of itself, that would be worth pointing out.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

Ok Rudradev ji, i'll watch & listen to the link you posted keeping by predisposition aside.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by kit »

Why doesn't some one post a video on the end of religion ? ..all religions should end at some point as humans evolve, it is merely a tool . If Islam still goes on its tones will be different as we already see.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Pratyush »

shravanp wrote:Chetak saar.

(wearing a CT hat)
The entire episode to me does not seem to add up. Or rather make sense. I don't find a strong reason for Taliban to kill Siddiqui guy in such a brutal manner, when Taliban is a proxy of Pakis who in turn are the main beneficiaries of Siddiqui types of reporters in India. I totally get that Taliban are monsters and worst possible scum on the planet. However the "be-rehmi" qatl of him seems like he was punished for something that he truly deserved (and we all know what for).

In order to understand the action, understand the Taliban attitude towards photography and music and entertainment in general.

Secondly, they have also executed ANA men after they had surrendered.

So it's not beyond them.

Having said all that. For the Anti Modi chattering class. A supposed apology is enough for them to go back to regular bashing Modi programing.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by rsingh »

Au contraire, I personally feel that we are more religious now then ever. Left India in 1987. Used to go to temple once every month (when I was kid). No dedicated temple at home. Just Diwali puja. These days every household has dedicated temple. People got to pilgrimages at least once a year. Kirtans were rare. Pujas were only a Baniya or Brahmin thing. These days it common thing. I am talking about Haryana . I do not speak for other states. I gues Southern state population is more religious.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SRajesh »

^^^Jihadi's or no Jihadi's
N Rolers''s or no Roler's
The religion is well entrenched in the south and doesn't get affected by caste or class distinction.
Pongal/Shankranti or Ugadi or Ganesh Chatruthi is celebrated by all but doesn't mean that the south is more religious.
My theory is that the south has not been under the Yoke of Islam for too long to for the religious customs to be affected that religion or customs being the sole domain of the Brahmins or Baniyas!!!
My two cents
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Karnataka Government Notifies Order Prohibiting Use Of Temple Funds For Non-Hindu Religious Institutions

https://www.reportwire.in/karnataka-gov ... du-causes/
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by rsingh »

Rsatchi wrote:^^^Jihadi's or no Jihadi's
N Rolers''s or no Roler's
The religion is well entrenched in the south and doesn't get affected by caste or class distinction.
Pongal/Shankranti or Ugadi or Ganesh Chatruthi is celebrated by all but doesn't mean that the south is more religious.
My theory is that the south has not been under the Yoke of Islam for too long to for the religious customs to be affected that religion or customs being the sole domain of the Brahmins or Baniyas!!!
My two cents
If you are talking about my post, at no point I mentioned Jihadi or something else. It is my personal observation. I visited South India and I was overwhelmed by experience. Old temples, people had tilak on forehead ( white Chandan paste I presume). Lot of flowers used in worships. Very calm and graceful people. I watch lot of religious and cultural programs from South. That is why I think they are more religious people. In Haryana it was not so. I remember going to Shiv temple once a month with my mother. It was Amavasya and on that day milk from our cows was not used to make butter. No animal was used for farm work. Then I went to city and college etc and never went to any temple. Same for my friends. These day we have youth committees in our village where they bring Gangajal from Haridwar on foot. Visits to Vaishnav Devi is must. BTW keep your 2 cents Jamana bahut kharab hei :)
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by sanjaykumar »

Interesting observation.

I am free of all religiosity. But I find myself accepting the Hindu identity with ease.

It has to do with the obligation of Hindus to abandon their culture. Hindus can be pulled of busses and shot in the head with the killers venerated in panjab. Their lands and temples and religious donations expropriated by fanatics. They can be taught about loving gods by the most barbarous desert cult. But they are expected not to reciprocate the a$$holery.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Pratyush wrote:
shravanp wrote:Chetak saar.

(wearing a CT hat)
The entire episode to me does not seem to add up. Or rather make sense. I don't find a strong reason for Taliban to kill Siddiqui guy in such a brutal manner, when Taliban is a proxy of Pakis who in turn are the main beneficiaries of Siddiqui types of reporters in India. I totally get that Taliban are monsters and worst possible scum on the planet. However the "be-rehmi" qatl of him seems like he was punished for something that he truly deserved (and we all know what for).

In order to understand the action, understand the Taliban attitude towards photography and music and entertainment in general.

Secondly, they have also executed ANA men after they had surrendered.

So it's not beyond them.

Having said all that. For the Anti Modi chattering class. A supposed apology is enough for them to go back to regular bashing Modi programing.
They sent a message because he was Indian, period. They know that India supports the afghan govt. His crime was that he was a hated "Indian".

they knew that he was a journo and a mu$1!m and he would have told them all about himself in a desperate bid to get out alive. They also ran a vehicle over his head which they did not do to the ANA guys whom they executed. these guys are all for the umma@h on their side and not so much for the umm@h opposing them.

They are butchering the ANA, even those who surrender and that is another message that they are sending.

dance, music, and photography whatever does not count during a firefight. It never did.

the stories being spread about a kind and "sorry" taliban, who made a mistake is a desperate shaheenbagh construct and the presstitutes are helping with the narrative to sell the afghan roper snake oil to the Indian ropers.

we were never the intended target of this fiction
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »


and it looks like the taliban has not apologized because runditeevee is trying to goad the Modi govt to ask for it.

the Indian presstitutes and the shaheenbagh types were too scared to even name the taliban until the western press finally did call out the taliban

incidentally, these are the presstitutes who portray themselves as those who "dare to speak the truth to power" types

Journalist Vikram Chandra slammed for suggesting Indian Govt should seek Taliban’s ‘apology’ for the brutal murder of Danish Siddiqui
While the gory details of Danish Siddiqui’s execution and mutilation by the Taliban were extensively reported by many Indian media outlets yesterday, it probably struck a chord with former NDTV CEO Vikram Chandra only after the international leftist media house The New York Times reported about it today.

Sharing the report by NYT, Vikram Chandra asserted in his Tweet on July 31, that the Indian government should demand an apology from the Taliban for this shocking barbarism.

Shocking barbarism. India should demand an apology from the Taliban.
The body of Danish Siddiqui, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Reuters photojournalist who was killed in southern Afghanistan, was badly mutilated while in the custody of the Taliban, officials said. https://nyti.ms/3lgxETy
Interestingly, until today, several left-wing “liberal-secular” journalists had taken to Twitter to condole the death of photojournalist Danish Siddiqui by aggressively sharing images of the deceased photojournalist to pay some sort of tribute to him. However, the intriguing part of the matter is that hardly any of them called out the Taliban over Danish Siddiqui’s killing.

In fact, Vikram Chandra’s colleague, NDTV news anchor Ravish Kumar had gone a step ahead to completely absolve the Islamic terrorist organisation from Danish Siddiqui’s murder. In his Facebook post, the controversial journalist had wished thousands of curses to the “gun which fired the bullets” that killed the Indian photojournalist but did not even mention a single word against the Taliban, which actually killed him.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

chetak wrote:
Pratyush wrote:

In order to understand the action, understand the Taliban attitude towards photography and music and entertainment in general.

Secondly, they have also executed ANA men after they had surrendered.

So it's not beyond them.

Having said all that. For the Anti Modi chattering class. A supposed apology is enough for them to go back to regular bashing Modi programing.
They sent a message because he was Indian, period. They know that India supports the afghan govt. His crime was that he was a hated "Indian".

they knew that he was a journo and a mu$1!m and he would have told them all about himself in a desperate bid to get out alive. They also ran a vehicle over his head which they did not do to the ANA guys whom they executed. these guys are all for the umma@h on their side and not so much for the umm@h opposing them.

They are butchering the ANA, even those who surrender and that is another message that they are sending.

dance, music, and photography whatever does not count during a firefight. It never did.

the stories being spread about a kind and "sorry" taliban, who made a mistake is a desperate shaheenbagh construct and the presstitutes are helping with the narrative to sell the afghan roper snake oil to the Indian ropers.

we were never the intended target of this fiction
Time to send rNDTV PRESSTITUTES to cover Afghanistan and letting Taliban know the esteemed journalists from India are in their hold land
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ambar »

Bengal BJP MP and former cabinet minister Babul Supriyo resigns as a member of the parliament and from the party. He quit the party and has decided to retire from politics after losing his cabinet berth in the recent reshuffle. This, unfortunately, is the reality of Indian politics. Every politician irrespective of the party harbors an ego the size of Indian ocean, they cannot admit nor accept that there could be better candidates than them and when things don't go their way they'll throw the toys out and turn the pram upside down. Its a loss for BJP and for the people of Asanol, he may not have been the greatest of administrators but he did well for his party and its cadres.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by srin »

The real tragedy in the Danish Siddiqui story is that the ANA commander and soldiers died trying save this guys ass. I mean, if he had survived, he'd have thought nothing about taking photos of their dead bodies to win a Pulitzer or something.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

srin wrote:The real tragedy in the Danish Siddiqui story is that the ANA commander and soldiers died trying save this guys ass. I mean, if he had survived, he'd have thought nothing about taking photos of their dead bodies to win a Pulitzer or something.

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

Cyrano wrote:Ok Rudradev ji, i'll watch & listen to the link you posted keeping by predisposition aside.
I watched this webcast. I have a fundamental lack of trust in anyone who presents a lot of historical analysis without quoting references or studies to substantiate his arguments. It could be a lot of conjecture or selective facts, how much of it is true or false I cant determine since I'm not deeply knowledgeable on European and ME history esp wrt Xtianity & Islam from say 200BC to 1200AD. So I'm constrained to accept or reject 2/3rd of what was said based on the credibility I attach to the speaker.

His core argument is that (1) socio-economic factors that enabled spread of Xtianity and Islam in other countries few centuries currently exist in India (2) this makes India's total islamisation inevitable and (3) freeing temples from govt control and the Govt being a truly secular state etc is the need of the hour.

(1) and (2) are strenuous arguments in my view, I don't share his pessimism or alarmist view of Hindu future. The last part (3) is AIM's political views on today's BJP, RSS and a wishlist, he has a right to his wishes, I share some of them as well.

Overall I've seen AIM perform much worse on other topics, he did a comparatively saner job here, may be thanks to his host. But I don't consider his entire stuff as some great reading of past, present & future.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

good start.

let's wait to see if the momentum builds up and also carries through
