Terroristan - April 15, 2021

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Ashokk »

Vips wrote:
Bart S wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxYMYOvbKhg

Watch from 2:20 or so. :rotfl:

Ahmedilullah, solution to all the problems of Pakistan's economy
Check at the very start - the Paki is asking demanding $100 Billion from china at 0% interest. :lol:
At 2:56 don't miss the threat that if cheen does not pay $100 billion they also have the option to beg from someone else :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by partha »

Last time Pakis demanded bullet train from China (if India can have bullet trains, why can't we, hain?) Chinese laughed on the face of Pakis. If Imran Khan demands $100 billion, 0 interest loan, this is how Eleven Jinping will react

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Anoop »

https://theprint.in/opinion/imran-khans ... le/760968/

This is a good article, outlining the fissures in the religious landscape of Pakistan. Also talks about the necessity and the dangers of Bajwa's appeasement of the TLP.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by g.sarkar »

https://www.dailysabah.com/business/def ... stans-navy
Turkey begins constructing 4th warship for Pakistan’s navy
by Anadolu Agency, KARACHI, Pakistan Defense, Nov 05, 2021

A keel-laying ceremony beginning the construction of a MILGEM (National Ship) Ada class corvette tailored for the Pakistan Navy was held in the southern Pakistani port city of Karachi Friday.
The ceremony at the Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KSEW) – Pakistan Navy's specialized shipbuilding division – was attended by Naval Chief Adm. Amjad Khan Niazi, Pakistan Navy officers and representatives of Turkey's state-run defense firm ASFAT, said an official statement.
Addressing the ceremony, Niazi said the production of indigenous modern warships with the help of Turkey is a proud moment for Pakistan.
The joint venture, he said, will open new avenues of cooperation between Ankara and Islamabad in the field of defense production.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Rudradev »

partha wrote:Last time Pakis demanded bullet train from China (if India can have bullet trains, why can't we, hain?) Chinese laughed on the face of Pakis. If Imran Khan demands $100 billion, 0 interest loan, this is how Eleven Jinping

Pakistan already has Bullet Trains yoo kufr. That too, with not only one bullet but many. Here is the injhun

https://www.alamy.com/locomotive-with-b ... 94356.html
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Amber G. »

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by kit »


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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Vips »

Heh Heh handy argument to be used against Terroristan in the upcoming FATF session in January.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Malayappan »

Pak agrees to release TTP terrorists for the sake of ceasefire
In return of the release of its cadre, the TTP has proposed a one-month ceasefire that will be extended if the Khan government cuts down on the military exer cise against the TTP cadre, allows them to come back and peacefully exist in their traditional areas in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).
This development is the first public acceptance of the supposed multiple covert agreements between the Taliban leadership and the Pakistan government.
The long-term plan of the Pakistan army is to bring back the TTP into the “mainstream”, ensure that their arms are taken away, thereby making them harmless and then take “necessary action” against the top leadership to ensure that the TTP does not renege on its promise or breaks the ceasefire in the coming days.
TTP too...?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Vadivel »

On Iran and China, Pakistan Still Needs A.Q. Khan, Nuclear Hero and Pariah

n 2004, Pakistanis sat shocked in front of their television screens watching Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan in full confession mode: Admitting to illegally selling nuclear technology and know-how to Iran, Libya and North Korea. It was a double whammy for viewers: Here was a national hero, glorified as father of the country’s 'Islamic bomb,' and simultaneously the cause of deep national disrepute.

Yet when Khan died in September 2021, there was a forgiving, mournful atmosphere, not just because Khan’s nuclear proliferation sins were now a distant memory, but that the Pakistani state had failed to make an emotionally convincing case against the metallurgist.

The substantial evidence detailing Khan’s proliferation activity won’t dissuade the man on the street that he was a hero. This can be partly explained as a result of almost two decades of pro-Khan propaganda.

Abdul Qadeer Khan was only responsible for enriching uranium at his Kahuta research laboratories, while several other scientists worked silently but surely at the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) – but it was Khan’s name alone that would always be associated with the country’s non-conventional weapons program.

His achievement in clandestinely procuring the blueprint for the German-designed G-1 & G-2 centrifuges from his workplace at Almelo, Holland where he was employed from 1972 to 1975 cannot be ignored. Besides the blueprints, he also stole the contact details of suppliers for gas centrifuge equipment with whom Pakistan then linked up via the black market. By joining the PAEC, Abdul Qadeer changed the direction of Pakistan’s nuclear program, shifting its efforts from plutonium reprocessing to uranium enrichment.

All those years up until his exposure, he had charmed successive civil and military leaders, and ordinary people, with his lies. I myself met him four times, including two one-to-one meetings, the first in 1995 and the second in 1998, after Pakistan conducted its first ever public nuclear tests.

One had to be constantly guarded, in order not to be swept away by his conversation, in order to distinguish between facts, exaggerations and falsehoods.

He talked me through his contributions to Pakistan: he claimed that, besides uranium enrichment, he had invented the 'Ghauri' medium-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile. This was one of the many lies with which he hoodwinked the less well-informed, while winking at the policymakers who knew better but only cared about competing with Pakistan’s strategic rival, India.

From other sources in the defense industry, I learnt that he habitually passed off imported technology as his own. He was so absorbed in marketing himself that most scientists at the PAEC were relieved to see him humbled and ousted in 2004. I remember hearing about one specific ruckus at the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission when Khan presented the government with imported equipment which he passed off as his own, bypassing the native apparatus produced by PAEC’s own laser lab.

The Pakistani military, which was a partner with civilian scientists in setting up the nuclear weapons program, did not bother to curtail Khan’s shenanigans for at least a decade and a half, for several reasons.

Besides the oft-repeated fact that policymakers were too absorbed with competition with India, it took the national security establishment years to integrate into its thinking the reality of nuclear deterrence. While successive governments and the military desired nuclear technology, their strategic and tactical imagination still centered around conventional weapons. In the early 1990s, for instance, the Pakistan Air Force was anxious that chatter about the country’s nuclear proliferation would stymie its acquisition of American F-16s.

That meant the nuclear program proceeded with only the most primitive oversight. So no one really noticed when Abdul Qadeer siphoned off the funds meant to develop or acquire at least seven Ghauri missiles. Instead of the 20 missiles for which funds had been committed, there were only 13 missiles in Pakistan’s arsenal. An inquiry was opened in 1997. Though its results were never announced, the next government of Pervez Musharraf exposed Khan.

It seems that those stolen missile funds may have triggered a fresh investigation of Khan and subsequently the chasm between him and the military over his freelance nuclear mercenary business. That does not necessarily mean that some of the key decision-makers were not privy to his proliferation secret. But it is almost impossible in a country where the military tends to protect itself and cover up its own actions to conduct the research that would truly expose those responsible for partnering with Abdul Qadeer.

Compare the Khan situation to Osama bin Laden, who was located by the Americans in a Pakistani army cantonment in Abbottabad, despite Islamabad having repeatedly denied having any knowledge of the Al-Qaida leader’s whereabouts.

Supporters of the hardline pro-Taliban party Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Nazaryati protest in Quetta after the killing of Osama Bin Laden by U.S. Special Forces, May 2, 2011.

Supporters of the hardline pro-Taliban party Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Nazaryati protest in Quetta after the killing of Osama Bin Laden by U.S. Special Forces, May 2, 2011.Credit: AFP

The Americans would not, or could not, lay the blame on Pakistan’s military leadership, despite one of its senior retired generals, the former head of the prime intelligence agency, the Inter-Services-Intelligence (ISI), Lt. General Asad Durrani, stated there was a strong likelihood of senior generals' involvement in sheltering bin Laden.

Likewise, several books covering Abdul Qadeer’s nuclear trafficking refrain from pointing a finger at any general, the question remains if there really was any chance Khan operated totally on his own. The case for autonomy is weakened substantially by the frictionless access Khan enjoyed at the very highest and most sensitive levels of the policy and security agencies in Iran, Libya and North Korea.

It is clear that the deal with North Korea involved a technology swap that must have been approved at the highest levels in Pakistan. Passing on nuclear know-how to Iran may not have been a single man’s work either, as is evident from the recently published biography of former army chief of staff General Mirza Aslam Beg, "Compulsions of Power."

Beg, as the former head of the ISI, Lt. General Asad Durrani notes in his book "Pakistan Adrift," was responsible for giving the army its strategic direction and he believed in Pakistan adopting a stance of "strategic defiance" of the U.S., by diversifying strategic partnerships with other states in West Asia and Europe.

People light oil lamps in memory of Pakistan's nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, in Karachi, Pakistan last month

People light oil lamps in memory of Pakistan's nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, in Karachi, Pakistan last monthCredit: AKHTAR SOOMRO/ REUTERS

Both Beg and A.Q. Khan believed in building a Muslim bloc that could challenge the U.S. and its policies in the Middle East. A leadership role for Pakistan in the Muslim world and ability to come to the aid of Muslims wherever they needed help including Palestine and Kashmir.

Those two army men imagined a warm relationship with Iran, like schoolboys think of their buddies, until disappointment emerged in the form of a stark divergence with Tehran on Afghanistan, followed by the disclosures that Pakistan was proliferating nuclear technology. The current Iran-Pakistan relations are based on tactical compromise, not on the kind of deep-rooted fraternal pact that Khan and Beg had fantasized about.

Perhaps the growing China-Iran relations will redefine Iran-Pakistan links too. In the event that relations between Islamabad and Tehran warm up substantially, midwifed by Beijing, Pakistan could find use for Abdul Qadeer Khan’s rhetoric glorifying a potent geopolitical "Islamic bloc," an issue he wrote about during his last years.

The Pakistani state may end up needing to comprehensively rehabilitate Abdul Qadeer Khan’s image and political rhetoric to justify that new strategic direction to ordinary folk at home.

https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/on- ... 1.10353293
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by CalvinH »

Pakistan has hero's that are all fraud and as they say in Hindi "do numberi". Serving themselves and not the nation. Because there is no nation. Only a made up belief that is used as per convenience to further self interest of the elite.

Im the dim is the latest in the series. Total fraud low IQ nincompoop. But thinks of himself as some kind of a savior and new age Khalifa.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Aditya_V »

CalvinH wrote:Pakistan has hero's that are all fraud and as they say in Hindi "do numberi". Serving themselves and not the nation. Because there is no nation. Only a made up belief that is used as per convenience to further self interest of the elite.

Im the dim is the latest in the series. Total fraud low IQ nincompoop. But thinks of himself as some kind of a savior and new age Khalifa.
Absolutely, thier "Bomb" was more a Chinese import with Wink wink with everyone and a result of our stupid self restraint, since we did not weaponise after 1974 it was believed, that we did not have the cabability, after the Soviet's collapsed, the West assumed Pakis can do the same with Punjab, Kashmir, NE and Maoists with us, only thing is Pakis thought even better, then armed an F-16's with nukes, Threatened IK Gujral Foreign Miniter. They were thinking in 1990 to get us to a Japanese like surrender after hitting a couple of Indian cities.

Only after being told they will be Nuked back was this plan shelved, then they ran to the Chinese and got M-9, M-11 and liquid fueled Ghauri's, in 1998 they thought they had more robust Nuclear capability, till they were required to test when 4/6 Nukes fizzled, then during Kargil- the Ghauri missiles proved to be useless, they are slowly but surely going down.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Vips »

Worst example of candle kissing wokeism.
Most Dangerous ''businessmen" who under the garb of 'doing business for mutual benefits' advocates a foreign policy disaster for India. While saying more then couple of time i am a businessmen and not a military or political expert, he advocates:

-India should be a magnanimous big brother, show large heartedness and give concessions.
-India should do what US did for Europe after World War II: give a Marshall Plan for Pakistan.
-India should give an open line of credit to Pakistan
-Wants to give Pakistan access to everything that makes India a winner: Education, IT, Infrastructure, Milk Processing Knowhow, Pharma manufacturing Knowhow. In short handover all the crown jewels of India to pakistan on a platter.
-Help in the Railways Sector(Giving away India's diesel engines at one fifth the price).
-Wants India to import all its Coal, Cement and Marble from Pakistan directly. Wants a volume of trade of $250 Billion with Pakistan.
-Give up on Kashmir by accepting the LOC as border.
-Contacted the host of this channel on his own in an attempt to propagate and gain traction for his plan and catch attention of the Aman ki Asha brigade in India (Paki sympathizing individuals and Pro pakistani media houses in India).

This Marwari businessmen has visited Pakistan 14 times, and for someone who is Mumbai based is using typical urdu words more comfortably then the corresponding Indian ones. Insidious snake most certainly looks a blackmail/honey trap case of ISI. Needs to be kept watch on very closely.
Last edited by Vips on 09 Nov 2021 22:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Dumal »

Vips wrote:

Worst example of candle kissing wokeism.
Most Dangerous ''businessmen" who under the garb of 'doing business for mutual benefits' advocates.

This Marwari businessmen has visited Pakistan 14 times, and for someone who is Mumbai based is using typical urdu words more comfortably then the corresponding Indian ones. Insidious snake most certainly looks a blackmail/honey trap case of ISI. Needs to be kept watch on very closely.
Something doesn't add up with this guy. I didn't listen to all that's being said in the video but it seems like the guy is the CEO of VAV Lifesciences that supplies lipid nanoparticles that go into the mRNA vaccines and perhaps other pharmaceuticals. See this https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/eco ... 2021-04-22

For such a guy to have such connections and interest in Pakistan leading him to articulate this kind of BS, needs looking into.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Bart S »

Vips wrote:\Wants a volume of trade of $250 Billion with Pakistan.
Isn't the entire Pakistani GDP around that much? Then how will their 'trade' volumes with India be $250 Billion?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Lisa »

^100 lashes for you!

Trade = Jazia

Now write this out 250 times.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Vips »

Bart S wrote:
Vips wrote:\Wants a volume of trade of $250 Billion with Pakistan.
Isn't the entire Pakistani GDP around that much? Then how will their 'trade' volumes with India be $250 Billion?
Check what is the total value of just our Coal imports and you will see how this figure comes into play. This joker while admitting that open trade between the countries will be more favorable to pakistan then India wants India to import all its coal from Porkistan.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by CalvinH »

Vips wrote:
Bart S wrote:
Isn't the entire Pakistani GDP around that much? Then how will their 'trade' volumes with India be $250 Billion?
Check what is the total value of just our Coal imports and you will see how this figure comes into play. This joker while admitting that open trade between the countries will be more favorable to pakistan then India wants India to import all its coal from Porkistan.
Pakis are importing coal for all of their new coal based power plants. Their first new local coal based power plant is coming up and is set up by the same company which owns the coal mine. What coal will they sell us and what will we do with it.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by CalvinH »

India is ready to do all this but is Pakistan ready to compromise on Section 370? Can Pakis backstab the Kashmiri momeens and sell them for trade with India. Just to make money.

Any Pakistani talking about trade with India should be given 100 lashes in Pakistan.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manmohan »


Written by a serving Indian Army officer. Posting some excerpts here with the author's permission


Not very long ago, I found myself serving in one of the many beautiful small towns that this great Nation of ours is blessed with, and with some spare time on hand. I finally had the opportunity to pen down certain thoughts that had been playing in my mind for the past few months, ever since the Pulwama Attack and later, the Balakot raid and the events that followed, right upto the abrogation of Article 370 and the events that followed in its wake.

To every single person who was following these events, it was quite apparent that something had changed. It was a change that was difficult to quantify, but it was amply clear that the established rules of the game had been thrown out of the window and a fresh set of rules brought in.

I didn’t intend to write this book as a purely academic one. Instead, I have chosen to write it in a free flowing narration with my personal take on things and opinions that I hold quite strongly.

I really do hope this book will help me make my point on this issue in a language that will be easy to comprehend.

Happy Reading!
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manmohan »


The day was 9th June 2015. A group of 64 or so of men, who were amongst India’s finest Special Forces troopers made their way into a small, nondescript village on the India-Myanmar border. Interestingly, they had come into the village not from the Indian side, but from Myanmar. Each and every one of them was dead tired, dehydrated and probably stinking too, given their dirty uniforms and the fact they hadn’t had a bath in the last three days despite it being the peak of Indian summer!

Yet, each and every one of them was in happy spirits. There was a shine of quiet contentment in their eyes. A contentment that comes from a job well done; of a mission successfully executed; of fallen comrades avenged.

It was a mere five days since 18 men of a battalion of The Dogra Regiment of the Indian Army had been ambushed in Chandel District of Manipur as they were in the process of deinduction after a successful tenure lasting almost three years. The sheer brutality of the ambush, and the large number of casualties to own troops had shocked not only the Nation, but the entire world as well. What fueled the rage was the assumption that going by past trends, there would be a lot of statements from official Govt channels and maybe a token operation, but nothing more than that.

Yet, here we were, with own men having gone right inside the lair of the enemy and sending an unmistakable message to those concerned.

Yes, they would done many successful operations in the past too.

Yet, this operation was vastly different from the earlier ones.

These content, but tired men didn’t know it yet, but they were the harbingers of a new, aggressive policy of Coercive Military Diplomacy that their Nation had apparently embarked upon.

They were the first visible signs of a sleeping giant that had finally awakened; of a Nation that was no longer content to punch way below its weight when it came to fighting the numerous proxy wars facing it at practically all its borders.
It was an operation that had been ordered at the very highest levels of the Govt of India, and personally overseen by the top echelons of political as well as military hierarchies. No compromises were made as far as the planning and preparation went. Whatever the team commander asked for, he was provided, including delaying the operation by two days.

It was indeed a bit different from previous such operations - A welcome change at that.

That things were far more different than merely this, became apparent soon enough after the successful execution of the operation and exfiltration of own troops into own territory (They were thereafter airlifted from the Indo-Myanmar border back to their base near Imphal).

This time the Govt of India did something it had never done before - It went public with an announcement through its Information Minister, Colonel Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore (Retired), that the Indian Army had successfully carried out a cross border operation against the insurgents that had ambushed the men of the Dogra battalion.

More than the military operation itself, however impactful it might have been, it was this official acknowledgement by the Govt of India that caused a lot of heads to turn in a lot of capitals all around the world. That it had been on Myanmar soil and not in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir too wasn’t lost on those who cared to see it for what it was.

And there was that proverbial ‘Chor ki Daadhi Mein Tinka’ (Translation: A guilty conscience needs no accuser) type reaction amongst a set of people within another Indian neighbour who had a lot of dirt hidden in plain view.


This tweet above by a prominent Pakistani journalist, since deleted, explained the grudging unease felt more than 2,000 kilometres away from the scene of the deadly raid. They had just been given a glimpse of what this benign giant and its military to their east was capable of, in case it chose to.

And that day in June 2015, when the Indian Information Minister announced the raid in Myanmar, though coated in diplomatic niceties, it was more than apparent that it was going to be a different India from now on. An India that was briefly outraged when nine soldiers of a Gorkha battalion were similarly ambushed and killed in Churachandpur District in Manipur almost exactly a decade ago before moving on to other, more pressing issues of the day, had this time visited unprecedented retribution over the perpetrators.

Not just content with that much, this was the first glimpse of an India that had actually formally and officially owned such an operation across her borders.

As things in the coming days were to prove, this sense of unease amongst Pakistani elite was adequately justified, and with good reason. Pakistan has been, since its very birth, waging a proxy war against India in Kashmir - A war which refused to stay confined to Kashmir and instead, spilled over in form of all too frequent terror attacks in the Indian hinterland as well.

What gave her confidence to keep waging this relentless war was a benevolent India that despite its formidable military machine, chose to keep taking punches on her chin instead of taking the fight to the enemy. India continued its pursuit of growth and development.

This book intends to chronicle the changes in this strategy which have come about in the recent past.

My intention has been to write this book as much as an academic report as an emotional one. Emotional, because I too have been alternating between being an active and a passive participant in this war for nearly two decades now, losing many dear friends in the process and on more than one occasion, avoiding grave injury myself too. Thus, my own take on this is naturally coloured by my experiences and I don’t intend to expend much effort in tempering it down.

It has been a war that has bloodied the hands of countless Indian soldiers, including my own, but without showing any signs of abating. It has been a frustrating war because thus far the puppeteers were sitting safe in their own cozy little worlds, happy to dispatch their brainwashed puppets into India to do their dirty job.

Until they managed to wake up the sleeping giant, that is.

What follows in the coming pages is a soldier’s take on what just happened. I hope I have been able to do a good enough job of it to make it relatable for you.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by sanjaykumar »

If the preface is so stirring, what’s the book like?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manmohan »

sanjaykumar wrote:If the preface is so stirring, what’s the book like?
This is how the book is structured -

Table of Contents

1. Preface

2. What is Coercive Military Diplomacy

3. The ‘Not So Subtle’ Pushing of the Envelope

4. The October 2014 Border Crisis

5. The Interregnum – Before the Surgical Strikes

6. The Surgical Strikes of September 2016

7. The Pulwama Attack

8. The Balakot Strike

9. Operation Swift Retort – Pakistan Strikes Back

10. The Pakistani (Mis)Information Warfare

11. The Nuclear Conundrum – Calling Pakistan’s Bluff

12. The Way Ahead – Some Crystal Gazing

13. Concluding Notes
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by RCase »

In landmark move, PM Imran unveils 'new political map' of Pakistan

Taking a cue from the Taller than the Himalayas, deeper than the ocean, sweeter than honey iron brother's tactic of cartographic aggression, Dimran has unveiled a 'Naya Pakistan' map.

Eastern Frontier of J&K is 'Undefined'. (I guess that will depend on Uncle Xi's claims).

They should have shown entire Pakistan as PARIAH China (Pakistan Autonomous Region of Inbred Anti Hindus). Instantly they would be part of a $15 T economy. :rotfl:
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Cyrano »

While the Paki stand on J&K is well known and there is nothing new, this is a second or third time AFAIK that they are claiming Junagadh while re-releasing their maps, It seems to me that having reached a dead end on J&K, Junagadh is the next ploy. They have also shifted Sir Creek claim line further eastwards to claim the area between Sir Creek and includes Kori creek, their claimed IB line is actually on the main Indian landmass. This is porki style salami slicing.

India usually ignores such stuff thinking that loudly refuting such claims only gives more air to such ideas. But Pak is hoping that if they repeat a lie often enough and long enough, it starts sounding like the truth, especially if the other side doesnt loudly refute and condemn it.

India should not let such lies go without a pointed response. MEA should refute and condemn Paki propaganda on J&K and rubbish their delusional thinking on Junagadh & Sir Creek in unequivocal terms.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Aditya_V »

Vips wrote:

-India should do what US did for Europe after World War II: give a Marshall Plan for Pakistan.
-India should give an open line of credit to Pakistan
I partially agree with him, but there must be a similar all or Nothing War first, and advocates of Islamfacism in Pakistan equal to Nazism must first be eradicated, Pakistan reduced in size and occupied like post WW2 before that happens
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

RCase wrote:In landmark move, PM Imran unveils 'new political map' of Pakistan
This "cartographic aggression" is not new. It was first "revealed" in August 2020 and the rest of the world gasped and shook its collective heads. No one cared! After all, it's Im duh Dim trying to look busy.

TV stations are now required to flash this map for 20 seconds at 9:00 PM just to remind the viewers that the paki leaderans know how to draw maps. This juvenile act coupled with the mandatory two minutes of silence at noon every Friday should do the trick. Now that the "experimental-idea-that-is-pakhanistan" is swirling counter clock-wise in the world's toilet and the pakjabi awaam is going to bed angry and hungry, this re-revealing of the map is a typical Lord Faw-Faw'ish political stunt to divert that pakjabi awaam's attention to more pressing matters than hunger and jobs.

You ask "what are those pressing matters"?

Well, whaddayaknow, it is the million-man Yindoo army-occupied Cashmere (including the chini-occupied or paki-donated cashmeres) and, hold on to your seats, Junagadh. Not to be confused with Jinnagadh (a residential plot of land in Bombay, but that's another story).

And, lest you forget, a land-locked Gujju town of Manavdar surrounded by aggressive Hindus.

We are in for some fun times.

Dekho for your self:

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by sudarshan »

anupmisra wrote: This "cartographic aggression" is not new. It was first "revealed" in August 2020 and the rest of the world gasped and shook its collective heads. No one cared! After all, it's Im duh Dim trying to look busy.
If I were to decide the response to this, I'd do as follows. Augment the paki claims, tack on areas from Afg, Taj, Iran. Add more areas from India. Add a nine-dash line in the Arabian sea, which impinges on the waters of Oman, UAE, Yemen, India (of course), maybe even Maldives. Add on Socotra island from Yemen. Then release this as the map which the pakis claim as "theirs" and keep parading it on Indian news channels. A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, right? Basically, keep repeating - "see the delusions of these pakis, they think they're the next China, claiming territory from all their neighbors."
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Karan M »

Manmohan wrote:
sanjaykumar wrote:If the preface is so stirring, what’s the book like?
This is how the book is structured -

Table of Contents

1. Preface

2. What is Coercive Military Diplomacy

3. The ‘Not So Subtle’ Pushing of the Envelope

4. The October 2014 Border Crisis

5. The Interregnum – Before the Surgical Strikes

6. The Surgical Strikes of September 2016

7. The Pulwama Attack

8. The Balakot Strike

9. Operation Swift Retort – Pakistan Strikes Back

10. The Pakistani (Mis)Information Warfare

11. The Nuclear Conundrum – Calling Pakistan’s Bluff

12. The Way Ahead – Some Crystal Gazing

13. Concluding Notes
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by disha »

Karan'ji, it is available on Amazon US as kindle edition and amazon India as paperback

https://www.amazon.com/India-Pakistan-T ... ingh+Kohli


https://www.amazon.in/India-Pakistan-Ta ... oks&sr=1-1
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by chetak »

sudarshan wrote:
anupmisra wrote: This "cartographic aggression" is not new. It was first "revealed" in August 2020 and the rest of the world gasped and shook its collective heads. No one cared! After all, it's Im duh Dim trying to look busy.
If I were to decide the response to this, I'd do as follows. Augment the paki claims, tack on areas from Afg, Taj, Iran. Add more areas from India. Add a nine-dash line in the Arabian sea, which impinges on the waters of Oman, UAE, Yemen, India (of course), maybe even Maldives. Add on Socotra island from Yemen. Then release this as the map which the pakis claim as "theirs" and keep parading it on Indian news channels. A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, right? Basically, keep repeating - "see the delusions of these pakis, they think they're the next China, claiming territory from all their neighbors."

just ignore it, and don't dignify these puncher wallahs by allowing any credence by needlessly debating such pipedreams

doesn't mean that anyone is obligated to lie down and play dead while these unwashed abdools come and claim their alleged prize because even their so called ghazwa-e-hind err wind is just another sharia fuelled, drug induced myth.

this "new" map and their puke worthy claims alleged in the ghazwa-e-hind err wind is the true goal of these crazies and is the latest in the line of claims on Hindu lands made up by kooky khalistanis and doped out dravidians of the eelam variety

even the portughese, the french, the britshits, the dutch, the hans and the eyrabs still may have wet dreams in their forcibly terminated colonial cravings for Hindu land and treasures

this ghazwa-e-hind err wind is their pitiful acknowledgment that while the rest of the lands and civilizations were "conquered" by them, they failed miserably in Hind after centuries of futile efforts and are thus forced to live in the dar al-kufr, eating kufr grown food, all the while leaching off kufr taxpayers because no one else will have these unwashed millions at any price

The myth of Ghazwa-E-Hind

The myth of Ghazwa-E-Hind

December 18, 2014

At the recently concluded JUD jalsa in Lahore, the portly figure of international terrorist Hafiz Saeed sitting on a horse would have been comical except for the seriousness of his proclamation - Ghazwa-e-Hind is inevitable, Kashmir will be freed, 1971 will be avenged and Ahmedabad Gujarat victims will get justice.

What is the Ghazwa-e-Hind, also known as Ghazwa-tul-Hind?

Literally translated, it means 'prophetic battle for India'.

The likes of Hafiz Saeed quote from an alleged Hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A.) that claims that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had predicted that one day India would be conquered by their Mujahideen and all idol-worshippers will be wiped out for ever. Those who participated in this bloody war against infidels will be granted free and faster entry to paradise as compared to ordinary Muslims.

I am no Islamic scholar. The following is based on my academic research into this topic.

The proponents of Ghazwa -e-Hind quote 4 Ahadith in its support. The most popular Hadith is of Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A).

The other three as quoted by "Islam ke Sipahi" (http://islamkesipahi.wordpress.com/ghazwa-e-hind/) are:

Thawban (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) said, "Two groups of my Ummah Allah has protected from the Hellfire - a group that will conquer India and a group that will be with 'Esa son of Maryam (AS)." - Sunan Nasai.

Abu Huraira (RA) said, "The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) promised us the conquest of India. If I was to come across that event, I will spend my soul and wealth. If I am killed then I am among the best of martyrs. And if I return then I am Abu Huraira (RA) who has been freed from the fire of hell." - Sunan Nasai,

Na'im, son of Hammad in al-Fitan reports that, Abu Huraira said that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) mentioned India and said, "A group of you will conquer India, Allah will open for them (India) until they come with its kings chained - Allah having forgiven their sins - when they return back (from India), they will find Esa son of Maryam in Syria." - Kitab Al Fitan

There are several problems with these so-called Ahadith.

First, none of the so-called Ghazwa-e-Hind Ahadith find a mention in the Sihah-e-Sittah, which is a compilation of six authenticated Hadith collections that have been meticulously scrutinized by Hadith experts and considered to be the most reliable.

Second, two of the Ahadith do find a mention in an unauthenticated Hadith collection of Imam Nasai but not in the Sunan an-Nasai al Sughra, which is among the six books counted among the Sihah-e-Sittah. The other two Ahadith do not find a mention in any compilation of Ahaditth.

Third, even the two Ahadith mentioned in the unauthenticated collection of Imam Nasai have difficulties. Imam Nasai died in 915, many years after the compilation of Sihah-e-Sittah. This obviously raises the question as to why Imam Nasai mentioned a Hadith that his predecessors had not mentioned at all. If there was any truth in the Gazwa-e-Hind, would all his predecessors have missed it totally, especially one as important as this that promised a direct entry to paradise?

Fourth, all these four Ahadith are narrated through a single chain, that is, only through one companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him). This technicality is enough to reject the Hadith.

Fifth, it is surprising that such a Hadith has come to prominence only in the last decade or two. If it was authentic, surely invaders like Mahmud Ghazni, Ghori and so on would have claimed resort to it to motivate their soldiers. The fact that none did for over a thousand years throws doubts about its authenticity.

Sixth, Shah Waliullah, the 18th century Islamic scholar who invited Ahmad Shah Abdali to invade India and fight against the Marathas, made no reference to this Hadith. A scholar of his standing would surely have known about this Hadith and so couched his invitation accordingly if there had been one such.

Finally, none of these Ahadith finds a mention in the Shia Hadith collections. Contrarily, the Shias believe that Abu Huraira actually demonised the Prophet and vulgarised Islam through his dubious collection of Ahadith. Given Abu Huraira's profile, he seems to be an apt choice for Hafiz Saeed and his ilk.

The above narration clearly shows that the Ghazwa-e-Hind lacks credibility and in fact, is a concoction. This being so, the question arises, why is such a stratagem being used that lacks authenticity and credibility?

The answer is the desperate attempt of the ISI-backed Jihadis to get support, funding and recruits for terrorist actions in India by appealing to their religious sentiments. Apparently, the cry of Jihad did not seem to be enough given the large population of Muslims living peacefully in India and so the resort to a Hadith that promised speedy entry into paradise.

The problem is that rabble-rousers like Hafiz Saeed are able to distort Islam in such a manner as to mislead youth and to use them as cannon fodder for the ISI's notorious plans against India.

This is compounded by educated and informed Pakistani Muslims, who do not contradict such misuse of Islam. It is only when the Muslims themselves call for putting an end to such distortions, that the likes of Hafiz Saeed would be put in their place.

But I suspect it will be quite a while before that happens.

The views expressed in the above article are that of Mr Salim Haq.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by morem »

disha wrote:Karan'ji, it is available on Amazon US as kindle edition and amazon India as paperback

https://www.amazon.com/India-Pakistan-T ... ingh+Kohli


https://www.amazon.in/India-Pakistan-Ta ... oks&sr=1-1
It is available on Kindle for free if you have subscription to Kindle unlimited - this is for Amazon India. I read it last night and it has some very interesting incidents that were not public knowledge / not widely known. It also speaks to the 'mindset change' in the Indian Establishment which i feel is the most important aspect of the whole book.
A worthwhile addition to a BR member's library for sure.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Anujan »

sudarshan wrote:
anupmisra wrote: This "cartographic aggression" is not new. It was first "revealed" in August 2020 and the rest of the world gasped and shook its collective heads. No one cared! After all, it's Im duh Dim trying to look busy.
If I were to decide the response to this, I'd do as follows. Augment the paki claims, tack on areas from Afg, Taj, Iran. Add more areas from India. Add a nine-dash line in the Arabian sea, which impinges on the waters of Oman, UAE, Yemen, India (of course), maybe even Maldives. Add on Socotra island from Yemen. Then release this as the map which the pakis claim as "theirs" and keep parading it on Indian news channels. A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, right? Basically, keep repeating - "see the delusions of these pakis, they think they're the next China, claiming territory from all their neighbors."
If I were to decide the response to this, I will declare Imran Khan a Kufr and a bull cutlet for not including central asian republics from where Pakistan's forefathers came.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by nandakumar »

According to the NYT, Arabs hadn't heard of paper until after 100 years of Prophet establishing his rule over the Arabian desert. So what is provenance of this Hadiths?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Rudradev »

nandakumar wrote:According to the NYT, Arabs hadn't heard of paper until after 100 years of Prophet establishing his rule over the Arabian desert. So what is provenance of this Hadiths?
Hmm. So in Prophet"s time there was no paper & almost no water (it was a desert). What did they do after...?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Aditya_V »

Rudradev wrote:
nandakumar wrote:According to the NYT, Arabs hadn't heard of paper until after 100 years of Prophet establishing his rule over the Arabian desert. So what is provenance of this Hadiths?
Hmm. So in Prophet"s time there was no paper & almost no water (it was a desert). What did they do after...?
There is a very clear explanation to use Smooth stones and pebbles.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by sudarshan »

Aditya_V wrote:
Rudradev wrote:
Hmm. So in Prophet"s time there was no paper & almost no water (it was a desert). What did they do after...?
There is a very clear explanation to use Smooth stones and pebbles.
In what way? Swallow them like the chickens do, to aid digestion?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Rahul M »

sand instead of water may be ?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Cyrano »

For all their claims about unalterable word of god as revealed to some prophet etc there are some 26 odd versions of the holy book in Arabic, the one Saudi Arabia recognises today and prints millions of copies of each year, which was sourced from Egypt in 1920s. None of these versions were compiled during the prophet's time and didn't exist in a stable form until mid 9th century. The Hadiths have even more dubious provenance and have been rejected by none other than Saudi crown prince Md bin Salman.

This cult survives on ignorance of its fidels (and non-believers who know even less) who are deliberately misled this way or that by "scholars" who claim to be the only ones qualified in Arabic, who have major disagreements among themselves which are carefully kept out of public eye.

The text which most people agree on, itself seems unoriginal and largely borrowed from the 2 religions that preceded it, except for generously added doses of self proclaimed superiority, violent injunctions towards the others, and incredulous promises of heaven.

All their scholars & preachers and many of their followers know all this. But it doesn't matter, they are stuck in it and have justified living their whole lives according to it, and there is no way out, no turning back. Even if you prove with a thousand evidences that Gazwa e Hind is a totally fabricated concept, its just one more falsehood among so many others that define their existence, and they are shit scared that accepting even one inconsistency will lead to a domino effect which will crumble their entire edifice of faith. So they will adamantly stick to it and charge you with blasphemy to rally others onto you and put you to death. That is the only way they can continue since leaving the faith and becoming a mulhid also attracts death penalty from ex-fellow believers.

Therefore while debunking concepts like Gazwa e Hind is necessary, merely doing so achieves little else. Its proponents must be destroyed mercilessly, only then will such concepts (falsehoods) disappear.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by a_bharat »

sudarshan wrote:
Aditya_V wrote:
There is a very clear explanation to use Smooth stones and pebbles.
In what way? Swallow them like the chickens do, to aid digestion?
Arun Shourie's book on Fatwas gives a good view into what goes on in M simpletons' minds.
You won't believe the sort of questions Ms pose their Imams and the hilarious fatwas issued by them.

The above topic and much more (unfit for public conversation) is covered in that book.