Terroristan - April 15, 2021

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by chetak »

After son of a headmaster, meet son of a poor laborer

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by rsingh »

Why was this post?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

chetak wrote:Courts ordered the attackers to pay fines. Clerics have demanded that the Hindu community pay the fines on their behalf, and forced them to do so. This is what being zimmi looks like in an Islamic state.
What!! Wait a doggone minute! Court "orders" the peaceful attackers to pay a fine of 30 M to who? The receiver of the fine (i.e., complainant) would be the Hindu temple group. If the Hindu community "agreed" to pay the fine, it would be to themselves, right?

It sounds like a dhimmi-squared story. Everyone's a winner except this sounds like the foundation of a template (rinse, wash, repeat) to the next temple attack.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by rsingh »

Guys, recently there was a pic of Pakistani newspaper where there was an add about cleaning job reserved for only Hindus. i need that.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by sudarshan »

rsingh wrote:Guys, recently there was a pic of Pakistani newspaper where there was an add about cleaning job reserved for only Hindus. i need that.
This one? It's from 2018 though.

https://swarajyamag.com/insta/fact-chec ... ry-workers
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Here are some more...



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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manmohan »


‘War is Continuation of Diplomacy by Other Means’

- Carl von Clausewitz

The quote above may seem a simple one, but it holds a really deep meaning indeed. It is a simple enough quote for the times that Clausewitz lived in – where the King was also the direct leader of the military. However, subsequent evolution of the ruling structures in the world led to the King being replaced by elected representatives of the people who would then govern them through elected legislatures, which also meant devolution of direct command of the military.

It is here where the use of military as an extension of diplomacy took the backseat in a large number of instances, with the military being relegated to an instrument of last resort instead.

This is exactly what this book is premised upon – about the Union of India once again making good use of her military might as part of the gross national power, when it comes to strengthening her diplomatic engagements in the long running Tango with the most belligerent of her neighbours – Pakistan.

So before moving ahead, let me attempt to define what exactly is meant by the term ‘Coercive Military Diplomacy’.

While the term itself is sort of self-explanatory, I tried to get a more academic kind of an answer to what it meant.

Like any good researcher, I did the first thing that came to my mind when I set about defining this term on which my book is premised – I went to the all knowing Google! But to my amazement, I didn’t find any particular reference to this phrase that I could quote here.

Thus, I’ll offer a definition based on my own perception of what it means – Coercive Military Diplomacy is the actual or threatened use of military force to induce modification in the behaviour of an adversary to one’s liking.

Now coming to why I chose to write on this topic has been somewhat explained by me in the beginning of this book. Adding further thoughts to it, it has been a very interesting study in contrasts when one observes the terror campaign perpetrated by Pakistan against India, especially the one in Kashmir since 1989, with attendant terror attacks in other parts of India as well.

Over the past three decades or so, India, despite a formidable military machine, has primarily been in a reactionary mode to cross border terrorism from Pakistan.

It is an open secret that Pakistan Army has been actively training and infiltrating terrorists into the Indian territory of Jammu & Kashmir through the Line of Control. Yet till recently, the Indian Army had been in a merely reactionary mode, with the result that the initiative continued to remain with Pakistan – they could calibrate the tempo of their terror campaign as per their own circumstances and preferences while the Indian Army remained deployed on their own side of the border, waiting to see what came their way next.

In the midst of this Tango, an important event happened in 1998 that gave further wings to the Pakistan Army’s ambitions – Nuclear weapons tests by both, India and Pakistan.

First inkling of their newly found confidence came about less than a year after the tests, in the form of the Kargil War. While the democratically elected Prime Minister of Pakistan was engaged in an initiative aimed at bringing much needed peace in the neighbourhood, his Chief of Army Staff, General Pervez Musharraf was busy intruding his troops across the Line of Control into Indian territory.

Enough has been written about the Kargil War that followed, so I am not going to spend much time on that except for highlighting the fact that the Indian Army and Air Force were explicitly forbidden from crossing the Line of Control as they went about their business of throwing out the Pakistani troops back to their own side. ,

Yes, India chose to exercise restraint and kept the war localized, even if at immense material and human cost. Of course, the very fact that the Government of India chose to escalate to use of air power, in itself constituted a major step towards coercive military diplomacy, even if in a reactionary situation. Pakistan was to grudgingly acknowledge later that in their scheme of things, India wasn’t supposed to react this violently to their unilateral attempt at altering the situation on the Line of Control, thereby leading to yet another military slap on Pakistan Army’s face!

Yet, there was a relatively unknown side effect to the Kargil War, apart from the coup in Pakistan, of course!

It so happened that the Pakistan Navy Chief had to resign right after the Kargil War, thanks to the aggressive posturing by the Indian Navy during the war, to which the Pakistan Navy had no reply.

However, despite the military humiliation in Kargil, the self-restraint exercised by India also apparently gave confidence to the Pakistani security establishment that India was not likely to escalate in case the provocations were kept below a certain threshold.
Carrying on from above
The aftermath of the hijacking of IC-814 flight in December 1999 wherein personnel of Pakistan Embassy in Kathmandu were revealed to have provided material assistance to the hijackers further bolstered this perception.

Thus began a campaign of terror attacks in the Indian hinterland, mostly with bomb blasts in crowded places. Some of the biggest ones amongst them, in order of chronology, were the car bomb attack at the Jammu and Kashmir State Legislative Assembly Complex on 01 Oct 2001, the suicide attack on the Indian Parliament on 16 Dec 2001, the Kaluchak massacre on 14 May 2002, Mumbai train blasts on 11 Jul 2006 and finally, the infamous 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

Of these, the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks very nearly breached the limit of India’s perceived threshold which had otherwise absorbed all prior provocations without much overt reaction. India came close to mounting a military response to these attacks which were different from the others listed above in that they continued for more than 48 hours, with visuals being telecast far and wide all across the world media.

Yet, India chose not to do so, for reasons best known to those in the corridors of power.

But something had definitely given way, for Pakistan never attempted a major terror attack in the Indian hinterland after that. Hereafter, the focus shifted on attacking Indian security forces’ convoys and garrisons within the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir, apart from the already ongoing operations on the Line of Control.

In addition to this, came the instances of beheadings and mutilations of the mortal remains of dead Indian soldiers on the Line of Control; with the most infamous / publicized amongst those being the beheadings of Lance Naik Hemraj and Lance Naik Sudhakar Singh of a Rajputana Rifles battalion of the Indian Army by Pakistan Army on 08 Jan 2013.

At the cost of repetition, it is once again re-emphasized that these provocations remained confined to either the Line of Control or within the hinterland of Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan had correctly anticipated that these would remain within the supposed ‘tolerance threshold’ of India.

This is not to say that the Indian Army didn’t retaliate appropriately, or in some cases, even disproportionately. This part is covered subsequently in the book.

In the midst of all this, what was, to some, unclear, was the reason why India wasn’t being more aggressive in responding to such brazen provocations by Pakistan.

I intend not to delve on this question in the course of this book because firstly, it is moot at this point in time, and secondly, all I can do is speculate since I have no knowledge of what factors were at play when the decision makers chose this approach.

At the same time, there can be no doubt that even while choosing to merely react to Pakistani provocations, India still retained a huge military advantage over her belligerent neighbour. In fact, it is a testament to this fact that Pakistan too, chose to keep her provocations deliberately below the perceived Indian tolerance threshold in what is commonly described as the ‘War Avoidance’ strategy.

It was the perfect plan for the Pakistani security establishment.

Indeed, it was .. till the time it slowly but surely unravelled right in their face as India decided enough was enough!
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Anujan »

Right till MMS and even in ABV tenure, there was a widespread feeling that India could do a bunch of things, like trade, visa, maybe even autonomy to JK and Pakistan and India can co-exist. There was even a feeling that if India escalated, Pakistan had nothing to lose and would retaliate, bringing down India's economy and causing mass casualities.

I am not even talking about A Monkey's Ayesha (Aman Ki Asha) brigade who were convinced that Pakistanis were our long lost brothers, I am talking about "centrists".

I remember the TV debates during Brajesh misra's tenure, on why India is not retaliating with force.

Pakistanis on the other hand, did not seek to achieve a well defined objective (Autonomy for JK, peace treaty, reduction of force along the border, recognition of Pakistan, trade ties etc etc), they just wanted to kill as many Indians as possible, make JK into another afghanistan and generally spread terror and mayhem everywhere.

In this regard, they were "innovative". They assumed that India will roll over after nuclear tests, did Kargil. They assumed that India wont retaliate and did Mumbai attacks (if you recall there was train attacks in Mumbai in 2006, for which there was no response. Everyone forgets that Incident, which perhaps emboldened the Pakis to do the 2008 attacks. In fact more people died in the 2006 attacks when compared to the 2008 attacks. 2008 is more famous because it was covered on TV and lasted for a long time).

The current dispensation has demonstrated through words and actions that we'd give them a tight slap at a time and place of our choosing and has created a benchmark for all future governments.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Cyrano »

Xtian sanitary workers: they are just faithfully following the treatment recommended for kaafir in the hooly boook onleee. Incidentally also happened to be a part of Kashmiriyat until recently.

Then they will claim to have minority friendly state policies with even job reservations for which the majority can't apply.

These ads are keepers and must be shoved in the face of Owaisi, Khurshid, Congis and Gupkar gang at every opportunity.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Cyrano wrote:Xtian sanitary workers...
I read that during the 1947 carnage in LaWhore, Hindus and Sikhs were given three choices - die, leave or convert. Many low caste Hindus chose to convert to Christianity in the hope that their lives would be spared as they would be seen "of the book". Local peacefuls had implicitly agreed not to kill any Christians because they needed a small group of non-muslims to clean their toilets, streets, and sewers.

I will try and find a link to back this claim.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

I am not making this up. Sheikh Chilli at his pakjabi best.

Sleeping cells of banned outfits active in Pakistan: interior minister
Speaking at the passing-out parade of assistant superintendents of police at the National Police Academy (NPA), he said there were 78 banned outfits in Pakistan. Sleeping wings of certain banned outfits are carrying out activities, he added.
Mr Ahmed said the police did not get the facilities and pay which they deserved.
People have two cameras in their pockets, Mr Ahmed said, adding a video clip of people fighting police gets viral within no time.
Harami ka link: https://www.dawn.com/news/1660277/sleep ... r-minister
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

And, this is the reason why pakis are not invited to international conferences and moots. You can take a paki out of pakhanistan but he/she will take the paki character with him/her.

PM’s aide, state minister got into brawl at UN moot, alleges PTI MNA
A Member National Assembly (MNA) of the ruling PTI on Thursday created a controversy by claiming that Adviser to Prime Minister on Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam and Minister for State Zartaj Gul got into a brawl while attending a UN conference on climate change in Glasgow.
Mr Fatyana said during the UN conference on climate change, Minister for State Zartaj Gul had a brawl with the prime minister’s adviser and she returned to Pakistan in the middle of the event.
He said the representation of Pakistan in the conference was not up to the mark due to incompetence of the officials of the ministry.
Mr Aslam later termed MNA Riaz Fatyana’s claim rubbish and in a video message said the lawmaker will face disciplinary proceeding by the party.
Haram link: https://www.dawn.com/news/1660271/pms-a ... es-pti-mna
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

More pakis being...er...pakis.

Messy passengers
NEWS that passengers on a PIA flight from Manchester to Islamabad left so much litter on the plane that it led to a delayed departure comes as a national embarrassment.
The now viral photos taken of PK-9785 show shocking scenes of heaps of trash strewn on seats and the floor of the plane, including plastic cups, bottles, tissue and wrappers. Discarded food items, too, were thrown on the floor. The lavatories were equally dirty, with tissue scattered everywhere. :eek:
Delays and viral photos will further erode the airline’s poor reputation.
Haram ka link: https://www.dawn.com/news/1660339/messy-passengers
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manish_P »

The CJP is wajib-ul-cutlet now for raising questions against those who-are-above-any-blame

Does he not know that films are 6th gen warfare only.. after all where else can the paki awaam see their uniformed afsars win wars to justify all those medals they keep adding to their chests hain?

From Yawn - 'Are wedding halls and cinemas for defence?' CJP grills govt official over military land's commerical use
The CJP questioned Defence Secretary retired Lt Gen Mian Mohammad Hilal Hussain about the activities being conducted on military lands. "This land was given to you for strategic and defence [purposes and yet] you have started commercial activities on it," he said.

"Were wedding halls, cinemas and housing societies built for defence purposes?" CJP Ahmed asked.

The chief justice commented that colonels and majors were acting like kings. "What the colonels and majors desire, happens," he said.

"Go and tell all the chiefs [of the armed forces] that the land meant for defence purposes will not be used for commercial objectives. Go to all the military cantonments and tell them the land will be used only for strategic purposes," CJP Ahmed ordered the defence secretary.
Of course the defense secretary can simply tell the courts that he is answerable to the Generals only... who are answerable to Allah only. Like this officer did...

Also from Yawn - 'Don't play games with us': CJP rejects BoR report on retrieval of state land in Sindh
The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a report furnished by a senior member of the Board of Revenue (BoR), claiming encroachment on 70 per cent of land across Sindh had been retrieved and directed him to end the occupation on all government land in the province with "visibility of action taken in a practical form". "In case of failure to implement the court orders, a contempt case will be initiated and you will go to jail," the CJP told the government officer. It will take us just five minutes to pass an order, the top judge remarked.

Later, speaking to media after the hearing, Soomro said the chief justice didn't read the complete report submitted by the BoR.
"I am only answerable to the Almighty Allah and no one else," the officer told journalists. :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manmohan »


The ‘Sleeping Giant’ slowly started to come out of its slumber sometime in 2014.
Thus far, Pakistan had pretty much gotten away with murder, and much worse, as has
been recounted in the previous section of this book. Despite the obvious advantages
across practically every spectrum of military capability, India had thus far been content to play the role of the ‘benign big brother’, giving pass after pass to the delinquent junior.

Even provocations as grave as the Parliament Attack or the 26/11 Mumbai
Attacks had failed to provoke the then Govts of India enough to retaliate in a way that would get the conventional military might of the Union of India to bear on Pakistan.

Instead, atleast in these two cases, the ‘retaliation’ came about in the forms of the
inconclusive Operation Parakram[5] and sending to Islamabad, dossiers containing
evidence of perpetrators based inside Pakistan respectively.

Unsurprisingly, Pakistan remained convinced that in terms of cost benefit
analysis, the continued terror export was an exercise which was far beneficial for it.

With such grave provocations refusing to shake the gentle giant next door from
its slumber, the ever increasing shallow cross-LoC raids coupled with mutilation /
beheadings of mortal remains of dead Indian soldiers too carried on with reckless

It was a win-win situation for Pakistan, in that the pains inflicted on India were
there for the entire world to see, thanks to the raucous Indian media landscape while on the other hand, Indian retribution (which, by the way, inevitably followed), was summarily dismissed as fake by the Pakistan Army which practically rules the country with an iron hand.

As a result, Pakistani citizenry only came to know about the ‘valour’ of their
‘invincible’ army and none of the pain inflicted by India in return.

This template suited the Pakistan Army just fine. The pain that they were
subjected to was never made known to their own citizenry, not just by themselves but also by India, which somehow was content to visit retribution on them, but without making it public.

Now why was this policy adopted by the Govt of India can be debated till time’s
end, but that is not what concerns me as I author this book. What matters instead, is the fact that this was the policy of the Govt of India, whatever might be the reason. That it suited Pakistani narrative may have been purely incidental.

The Pakistan Army couldn’t have asked for anything better, especially since they
are masters at not just hiding their own casualties, but at times, even unconcerned
about them, as was more than adequately demonstrated during the Kargil War when
they not only refused to acknowledge the presence of their own regular troops, but even refused to take back their mortal remains, many of which continue to remain buried on the Indian side of the LoC even today.[6]

All in all, things were quite comfortably set in a predictable routine - Pakistan
would provoke, and even kill Indian soldiers. In return, Indian Army would retaliate, but not acknowledge the same (more on this further in this book). As a result, what the world at large, and Pakistani population in particular would see was ‘spectacularly successful’ operations mounted by the Pakistan Army against a much larger adversary.

The entire situation, absurd as it may look, worked to the perceived advantages
of both neighbours. As far as Pakistan was concerned, her army was able to maintain
its status as being the only functional instrument of State that was virtually ruled by the military establishment in any case. In the case of India too, local level retaliatory actions ensured adequate retribution while the Nation at large concentrated on growing economically.

Pakistan had learnt to calibrate its actions and counter-actions in a way so as to
remain below her perceived threshold of Indian tolerance. They had learnt their lessons well, thanks to the Parliament Attack, the Kaluchak Massacre and the 26/11 Attacks in Mumbai. The ladder of escalation was firmly under Pakistan’s control.

However, it all changed in Oct 2014.

The Pakistan Rangers had, in yet another round of cross border firing across the
International Boundary in Arnia Sector near Jammu, opened unprovoked fire targeting India’s Border Security Force (BSF) positions as well as civilian areas on the night of 05/06 Oct 2014. The night long firing resulted in the deaths of seven civilians on the Indian side.[7]

Now where earlier India would normally respond by firing back on the positions of
Pakistan Rangers in the localized area of provocation, this time the chosen
methodology of the Indian retaliation was different.

It was the first sign that the benevolent giant had had enough of its pesky
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Cyrano »

We should stop feeling good about surgical strikes and Balakot. While commendable and absolutely the right things to do as they did earn India a reprieve from brazen terror attacks across the country, the jihad factories are back in operation, with a huge reserve in Afghanistan to fill in for attrition at LOC/J&K.

Instead of seizing the opportunity and striking again at the root of the problem, or at least renewing such punitive strikes to keep the enemy under severe pressure, we have let the pressure off in terms of "creating and maintaining fear".

Pakistan's stated raison d'être is India's destruction - Gazwa e Hind. We somehow don't want to acknowledge that and counter it seriously, with all means we have.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Vips »

Islamic Birather Saudi Arabia is not only charging 3% interest on the $3 Billion to be "parked" with State Bank of Pakistan but is also charging interest on the oil purchased on deferred credit facility and included terms that when demanded all outstanding dues of $4.2 Billion including the $1.2 Billion Oil on should be repaid in 72 Hours (72 Houris) :rotfl:

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by chetak »

Vips wrote:Islamic Birather Saudi Arabia is not only charging 3% interest on the $3 Billion to be "parked" with State Bank of Pakistan but is also charging interest on the oil purchased on deferred credit facility and included terms that when demanded all outstanding dues of $4.2 Billion including the $1.2 Billion Oil on should be repaid in 72 Hours (72 Houris) :rotfl:

looks like the saudis got some cheeni loan documents translated

this is right out of the xi playbook and xi has paki military muscle to enforce his loan conditions
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by S_Madhukar »

I think we should start a Cayman Islands types Birather Bank and loan out to Bakis at NaPaki rates and see if we can bag a Sargodha or 2 ;) might as well land way more a la Alaskan purchase
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manish_P »

Just TFTA uniformed jihadis displaying their 'skills'...

From Yawn - Senator wants probe into plane controversy
The controversy over the grounding of a Boeing aircraft by Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) after it was damaged during an anti-hijacking drill by the law enforcement agencies is likely to face a parliamentary scrutiny, as an opposition senator belonging to the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) on Sunday declared he would raise the matter before the parliamentary committee concerned.

The PML-N senator said PIA’s Boeing 777-200 LR with registration number AP-BGL had been parked at a storage facility in Karachi for almost two years. The aircraft that cost over $300 million to the national exchequer had not been able to fly due to the damage caused during the drill by the law enforcement agencies when an ASF truck had hit it with full force, he added. :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by sanjaykumar »

You can’t make this $hit up.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by rsingh »

Manish_P wrote:Just TFTA uniformed jihadis displaying their 'skills'...

From Yawn - Senator wants probe into plane controversy
The controversy over the grounding of a Boeing aircraft by Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) after it was damaged during an anti-hijacking drill by the law enforcement agencies is likely to face a parliamentary scrutiny, as an opposition senator belonging to the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) on Sunday declared he would raise the matter before the parliamentary committee concerned.

The PML-N senator said PIA’s Boeing 777-200 LR with registration number AP-BGL had been parked at a storage facility in Karachi for almost two years. The aircraft that cost over $300 million to the national exchequer had not been able to fly due to the damage caused during the drill by the law enforcement agencies when an ASF truck had hit it with full force, he added. :mrgreen:
It looks like some mard-e- momeen was trying to to jump from roof of truck into plane itself........a la JAmes BOND. :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Pigs In Air (PIA) have a stellar track record in safety (joo kufrs better beware or else a fatwa will be issued for spreading facts). Have a look at the recent (publicly reported) safety record of PIA.

PIA B772 at Toronto on Oct 17th 2021, runway incursion

PIA B773 at Lahore on Oct 18th 2021, got stuck on the turnpad for backtracking

PIA A320 at Karachi on Aug 12th 2021, disagreeing airspeeds

PIA A320 at Peshawar on Mar 12th 2021, cabin did not pressurize

All hiyar: https://www.aeroinside.com/airline/pia- ... airlines/7
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

rsingh wrote:It looks like some mard-e- momeen was trying to to jump from roof of truck into plane itself........a la JAmes BOND. :mrgreen:
Per Yawn, an ASF truck had hit the obliviously parked plane "with full force". Baki deaf and dumb bureau claims that a "live hand grenade went off" inside the plane. Either way, pakis are the best in whatever they do.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

In every disaster in pakiland, there's an opportunity for a momeen to make some spending money as a kamishan agint. Here's a recent advert.

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by partha »

anupmisra wrote:Pigs In Air (PIA) have a stellar track record in safety (joo kufrs better beware or else a fatwa will be issued for spreading facts). Have a look at the recent (publicly reported) safety record of PIA.

PIA B772 at Toronto on Oct 17th 2021, runway incursion

PIA B773 at Lahore on Oct 18th 2021, got stuck on the turnpad for backtracking

PIA A320 at Karachi on Aug 12th 2021, disagreeing airspeeds

PIA A320 at Peshawar on Mar 12th 2021, cabin did not pressurize

All hiyar: https://www.aeroinside.com/airline/pia- ... airlines/7
But the best PIA story is about a missing PIA plane. Ex-CEO of PIA who was a German national was placed on exit control list but he just took a PIA plane and flew to Germany. Why was he placed on ECL? Because he had sold a PIA plane to a German museum as a CEO :rotfl:
ISLAMABAD: The issue of a ‘missing’ PIA plane was raised in the Senate on Tuesday with Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmad claiming that the former acting chief executive officer (CEO) of the airline, Bernd Hildenbrand from Germany, had taken the plane home while leaving Pakistan.

Senator Tahir Hussain Mashhadi of the MQM raised the issue in the House saying he had learnt that a Boeing plane of the national flag carrier had gone missing.

Confirming that the plane had gone missing, the minister said: “We have also formed a committee to probe the matter but it has not found any clue so far.”

When contacted, PIA spokesman Mashhood Tajwar told Dawn it was not a Boeing plane rather Airbus-A-310. “It’s not missing. It’s in Germany,” he remarked.

Mr Tajwar said the plane had been chartered by a British company for picturising a movie in Malta following which the aircraft flew to Germany. He said the plane had already completed its flying hours and was no longer airworthy. “It’s a 30-year-old aircraft and had already been grounded.”

He said heavy expenses were to be incurred on bringing the plane back to Pakistan and, therefore, tenders were floated to dispose it of what can well be termed a scrap.

In reply to a question, he said the FIA had conducted an inquiry into the matter but the findings had not been shared with the PIA.

The name of the former acting CEO had been placed on the Exit Control List (ECL) after a number of charges of corruption against him, including one about selling a PIA’s plane to a museum in Germany.

He had initially gone on leave and was later removed from the post. Apparently, his name was struck off the ECL as he is believed to be in Germany right now.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by rags »

anupmisra wrote:Pigs In Air (PIA) have a stellar track record in safety (joo kufrs better beware or else a fatwa will be issued for spreading facts). Have a look at the recent (publicly reported) safety record of PIA.

PIA B772 at Toronto on Oct 17th 2021, runway incursion

PIA B773 at Lahore on Oct 18th 2021, got stuck on the turnpad for backtracking

PIA A320 at Karachi on Aug 12th 2021, disagreeing airspeeds

PIA A320 at Peshawar on Mar 12th 2021, cabin did not pressurize

All hiyar: https://www.aeroinside.com/airline/pia- ... airlines/7

Thank you Sir. This is a treasure trove of information including this piece below.

https://www.aeroinside.com/14444/pia-b7 ... munication

PIA pilots scrambled fighters of multiple countries! I wonder how they explained away that incident.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

rags wrote:Thank you Sir. This is a treasure trove of information including this piece below.
https://www.aeroinside.com/14444/pia-b7 ... munication
PIA pilots scrambled fighters of multiple countries! I wonder how they explained away that incident.
Yes, that's a winner. But, can you beat this one?

Black Goat Is Sacrificed On Tarmac Of Pakistani Airport
Employees of Pakistan's national airline took a black goat to the tarmac, near an ATR-42 aircraft that was ready to depart on a domestic flight from the Islamabad airport, and sacrificed the animal.
PIA is Pakistan International Airlines, which had grounded its fleet of ATR turboprop passenger planes after a Dec. 7 crash of an ATR killed all 47 people on board. The flight on Sunday was the first by an ATR since then.
"It was done by some local employees as a gesture of gratitude over the clearance of the first ATR [for flying]."
And the goat's color was significant. Some Pakistanis believe that a black goat is particularly effective as a way to counteract black magic and the evil eye.
https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandso ... ni-airport
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manish_P »

^ that was for the in flight meal, Saar. No other airlines offer such fresh food..

Seriously though the PIA scrambling multi- country fighters is worrisome. The fighters would have tried various ways to get the attention of the paki plane wouldn't they? If despite those attempts there was no response then wouldn't it be cause for some serious alarm? Wonder what the post 9/11 era Americans would have done in the situation..
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Cyrano »

Germany, Hungary, Slovakia should suspend overflight permission to PIA and restore it only after the cost of scrambling fighters and a fine for reckless behaviour is recovered from the airline.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by RCase »

The PIA (Plane In control of Allah) pilot and co-pilot being pious must have been offering namaz. The passengers must have praised them for offering prayers in front of kufr fighter pilots. Inshallah, boys played well!
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manish_P »

Only in Bakistan...

‘Male elephant’ at Karachi's Safari Park turns out to be female after 12 years
The team, headed by German vet Dr Frank Goritz, in its interim report placed before the SHC made a startling disclosure that one of the four elephants earlier considered as a male turned out to be a female in check-up.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by rsingh »

There is this German finger-stealer with Paki thugs. This unending saga......How bad . It took German Vat to declare the sex of elephant. costs 12000 Euro without VAT.Finding rat shmitdth, Stealing Aircraft, charging for elephant care....more to come.Und Bier bite.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Kufrs, your saas-bahu and shotgun marriage TV dramas are having a negative effect on the peacefuls. Please stop!

Divorce rate hits all-time high in Pakistan: survey
The divorce rate has surged to an all-time high in Pakistan, according to a 2019 Survey carried out by Gallup and Gilani Pakistan.
It added that 2 out of every 5 Pakistanis believe that the in-laws are responsible for most of these cases.
On top of this, many couples went through privacy issues.
Forced marriages :(( are another main factor
Haram ka link: https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/91301 ... tan-survey
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Pakis... They will steal anything that is not nailed down (or is that right?)

Tusks of two elephants allegedly cut off at Karachi Zoo
In yet another tragic development at the Karachi Zoo, the tusks of two female elephants have allegedly been cut off, it emerged on Tuesday.
When contacted, the zoo administration claimed that the elephants lost their tusks because of eating sugarcane and branches of trees.
the zoo director said that the incident occurred when he was not appointed to the post
one of the elephants, Madhubala, is suffering from severe pain due to an infection in her teeth
The doctor said that the elephants were never administered vaccines in the past 10 years.
In another bizzare news,

‘Male elephant’ at Karachi's Safari Park turns out to be female after 12 years, SHC told
The team, headed by German vet Dr Frank Goritz, in its interim report placed before the SHC made a startling disclosure that one of the four elephants earlier considered as a male turned out to be a female in check-up.
The report said that as per preliminary results, both elephants kept at Safari Park had severe food problems and elephants at Zoo had severe dental problems.
Sonu, at the Safari Park presented as a male turned out to be proven female as uterus and inactive ovaries were visualised ultrasonographically, but an oversized clitoris has been palpated inside the vestibulum, which was getting exposed very often by Sonu as reported by local staff.
Pakis "inspecting" one of the elephants:


Harami sources:
https://www.dawn.com/news/1661256/male- ... s-shc-told
https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/91300 ... arachi-zoo
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by saip »

Seven blind men went to 'see' an elephant ............
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Cyrano »

All this stuff can make a compelling Paki's Believe it or Not series...
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by chetak »

Manish_P wrote:^ that was for the in flight meal, Saar. No other airlines offer such fresh food..

Seriously though the PIA scrambling multi- country fighters is worrisome. The fighters would have tried various ways to get the attention of the paki plane wouldn't they? If despite those attempts there was no response then wouldn't it be cause for some serious alarm? Wonder what the post 9/11 era Americans would have done in the situation..
the chances of the PIA services improving would have been marginally better if they had sacrificed the Federal Minister of Aviation by halaling the blighter on the tarmac.

They could have painted him black to appease whatever gods the sacrificial ceremony was dedicated to propitiating.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by partha »

Any discussion on Pakistani news channels on yet another Indian becoming CEO of an American company?

I heard a rumor that Pakistan has asked its taller than mountain friend China to appoint a Pakistani as CEO of some high profile Chinese company to restore strategic balance in South Asia. Apparently, Pakistan is pushing for this project to be included as part of CPEC. FM Qureshi is making a stop over in Beijing on the way back from his latest four nation tour regarding this sensitive issue and an announcement is expected to be made as soon as he lands in Islamabad.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manish_P »

Partha ji, some reactions below

(it is one of the many indian youtube channel which pokes fun at Bakis and shows clippings of the rona-dhona on various Baki media channels - a particular favorite target is the shrill 'Dr.' Fiza Khan, popularly known to watchers of this channel as 'Ms Pizza Khaan' :mrgreen: )
