Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by John »

Cyrano wrote: Russian forces may have modernised or not, their intelligence may be better or worse - but their adversary in Crimea was AFU, today it is NATO using AFU as a condom.
That’s a stretch to call it against NATO it’s regional war with foreign proxies and it’s nothing new. By your logic it is like saying Soviets fought Saudi/Pakistan/US in Afghanistan or US fought China and Soviet Union in Vietnam (given the scale of Soviet involvement far exceeds what we have seen from NATO in Ukraine).

Lot of chatter on Russian forces collapsing or retreating in Kharkiv region and Ukrainian forces now moving into Izyum area. Waiting for solid confirmation.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by sohamn »

Some news here reporting that Russian frigate has been struck by neptune missiles and is in the brink of sinking.
Cain Marko
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by Cain Marko »

Deans wrote:
Cain Marko wrote: This. The RuA never intended to take Kyiv - nobody is that incompetent. Russian generals might like their vodka but I can't imagine them wanting to take Kiev with a force of 40k and with unsure supply lines.
In 2014 the Russian took Crimea, 27,000 Sq km and a population the same as Kiev currently has, with the equivalent of 1 division, in 3 days.
If the Ukrainian forces in Crimea had put up the same resistance as they did on the approaches to Kiev, the invasion would have failed.
It was reasonable to expect that Russia's best case scenario was a repeat of Crimea, where Ukraine would negotiate when threatened with the loss of their capital and their army did not have the will to fight.

It was also reasonable to expect that Russia have a Plan B if the best case does not happen. We are not privy to what that might be, but military logic, as I understand it, suggests that the Russian forces could have kept their gains by digging in and posing a threat to the capital, both from artillery and actual occupation, should a lot of defending forces be diverted elsewhere. Russian units that took a beating on the Kiev front, are better off in defensive roles, than going on an offensive in a new area. The only time Ukraine was serious about talks was when the capital was threatened.

One possibility was that Belarus was not happy about providing the logistics support to the Russians threatening Kiev from the West.
Perhaps the withdrawal from kyiv didn't go according to plan, but the assumption that the plan was absolutely to take Kiev, seems rather a stretch. If you and I sitting with Uncle Google can figure out that the ukranians had prepped pretty well post 2014 with the full backing of the West, I seriously doubt the Russians couldn't understand this. The comparison with Crimea doesnt compute. For starters, it was obvious that the population in western Ukraine was not exactly Russia friendly or even Russian speaking. Quite the opposite.. Then the fact that this was their capital, and not a far off border province. Add to this the prep and support coming from the West and zelenskys rather confident antagonism. Now factor in the distance from the Russian staging points. They'd have to be high on vodka to think that they could take and hold kyiv. Then look at their statements... Military operation to liberate Donetsk/luhansk.

As Scott Ritter points out, this was obvious. They knew Kiev couldn't be taken, but they wanted everyone to believe that this was the plan. They succeeded only too well. It is of course possible that the second half of their plan (the withdrawal) didn't go as well they might have wanted it too.

IMHO everything points to this as the most reasonable explanation.
Last edited by Cain Marko on 07 May 2022 12:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by Cain Marko »

ks_sachin wrote:[
Ok if you say so
Thanks for stating the obvious, but it could've been done without quoting the entire post. Btw Sorry if my post caused some khujli for you....
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by Cyrano »

ks_sachin wrote: So their strategy was based on faulty intelligence you say?

Anyway what if the Russians had purely concentrated on Donbass and those areas? I wonder if they had avoided the attrition and morale sapping Kiev feint/thrust they may have had a better chance of exploiting the numerical superiority of their arty etc.
With the benefit of some degree of hindsight this is my view on the chain of events:
The 2014 Maidan revolution and regime change were not done just for fun. And Ukranians didn't go along for nothing.

The initial US objective was to prevent Russian hold on Ukraine, torpedo Minsk accords which were signed without US participation, and bring Kyiv under its own influence, which they did using tons of money, promising entry into NATO and EU membership (which means even more free money). In order to accomplish this regime change, stabilise and protect it they fostered militias like Azov, Sector 14 etc.

Once the US friendly regime was in place under Poroshenko, Russia retaliated and annexed Crimea after a referendum which the west refuses to recognise. The objective evolved to weaponise Ukraine to make it a thorn on Russia's side, literally. So NATO interoperability prep-phase was launched and over 25000 soldiers were trained in Ukraine, EU and US. The Azov militias were pacified/used as counter power center to the regime by funding them and letting them indoctrinate youth and swell their ranks. And they were given a free reign to ravish Russophone people in the eastern Donbass region in total disregard of Minsk agreements. Which naturally sought Russian help and were obliged, thus drawing Russia into a Ukrainian civil war. In parallel massive corruption and plunder of Ukraine by US and Europe continued, just consider why this erstwhile insignificant country became a battle ground for a US President's impeachment.

By 2019, AFU became a potent force, Azov where totally legitimised and integrated into AFU as separate regiments, some were dispersed around to mould AFU psyche. Eastern Republics voted massively for elensly since he promised to respect Minsk accords and end the civil war. But the US would have none of it. Azov leaders who surround elensly ensure he is kept on a tight US leash. Now the objective evolved further to scale up the civil war and get Russia involved in a full scale conflict which the US hoped will weaken it and revive NATO which was increasingly seen as useless by EU countries which were secure, well fed, energy supplied and mercantiling as they know best. Meanwhile US MIC was getting despondent for the next cycle of sustained sales. Especially since the Afghan withdrawal.

So to trigger EU out of its stupor, a physically menacing and morally outraging event must happen. AFU dialled up its attacks on Donbass and started creating a huge defensive infrastructure (as Russians are discovering and dealing with now) like a shaped charge pointing east against the Donbass region, with it tip somewhere between Kramatorsk and Donetsk. Mariupol was also reinforced to act as a southern flank support, Kharkiv and Severodonetesk as northern flank supports to fend off land invasions. It looks like Ukraine was being prepared to set up a Cauldron for DNR, LPR forces supported by RA. While all the time continuing shelling and using US supplied javelins to keep the pot boiling. Some views say that AFU was prepared for a major thrust to re-take D & L and expected RA to rush in and then they would draw back an entrap them from north and south flanks - Kharkiv and Mariupol - their doctrines come from somewhere right?! They know RA BTGs are heavily mechanised and thats why the massive clamour and supply for ATGMs since years.

However, Russian forces where mobilised for months along the eastern borders of Ukraine, with their own sig, sat and hum intel had a fairly good idea of whats being prepared. When they were convinced AFU was going to attack imminently ie within a few weeks, they sprung a bigger trap of their own. AFU might not have expected RA thrusts across Belorussian borders towards Kyiv and from all over the eastern semi-circle. RA took out UkrAF and Navy so quickly that before they knew it, Ukr lost all means of supporting land troops. Northern flank was stuck defending Kharkov - the 2nd biggest city. Southern flank was under siege by Russian forces from the east and south heading up from Crimea with total control of Azov sea and no naval challenge.

Additional Ukr forces could not be sent to either flanks since Kyiv was under siege. Mariupol was the hot seat of Ukr/NATO theatre C&C and they're holing out even now from the Azovstal dungeons. At some point of time RA didn't see continued interest in threatening Kyiv and pulled out from there, their initial attempt to take Kyiv in an overnight surprise having failed. But full marks for having tried. Plus they want elensly to be there to sign the treaty whenever it comes, his saintly status is necessary for legitimising the treaty.

Now US has achieved its objective of drawing Russia into a war. What next? While Russia was hoping to make Ukr capitulate with its multi pronged invasion shock and awe, US was hoping to do the same to Russia with shaming and gaming UN resolution and economic sanctions shock and awe. Both miscalculated.

Russians were surprised by the deep rooted anti-Russian sentiment and brainwashed fight until death attitude that Ukr showed and is able to enforce on its troops. US was surprised by Russia's economic resilience and the support it got from so many big countries and the anti-US sentiment it provoked far and wide, and also the unprecedented support it accrued to Putin as its leader.

The fight is now in a chess board late middle game, Russia having some big pieces advantage all of which aren't fully developed, and Ukraine with strong positioning of its knights and pawns in the center, having lost its Queen (Mariupol), rooks and bishops (AF and Navy). But knights cannot travel far and pawns will be ultimately gobbled up. I dont see any Ukr pawns resurrecting into a Queen unless Russia blunders (like a tactical nook or something). And Russian GMs dont blunder that often with all the time on the clock. NATO arms supply may add a few bonus seconds to Ukr clock but cannot alter the positions on the board.

Russia has several options and is able to act at times and places of its choosing and has kept the initiative while seemingly leaving the enter free to occupy. US/Ukr have exposed themselves perilously but won't resign hoping for a miracle.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by John »

Serna class landing craft docked in snake island was hit, it is no Admiral Makarov and its loss represents more of a morale victory as Russia posses 11 more of these. ... jdtwG9SHXw
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by ks_sachin »

Cain Marko wrote:
ks_sachin wrote:[
Ok if you say so
Thanks for stating the obvious, but it could've been done without quoting the entire post. Btw Sorry if my post caused some khujli for you....
That did not mean acquiescence with your “obvious” point of view - just means I chose not to respond. We will agree to disagree.
Khujli - yeah just back from my GP with a prescription for lacto calamine.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by brar_w »

Cyrano wrote:
ks_sachin wrote: So their strategy was based on faulty intelligence you say?
I am sure there is an appropriate thread somewhere (if not then we could alway start one) for you to present your thesis on the geopolitical chess game and reference queens bishops and kings. Not sure that "Ukrainian Combat Tactics" is the appropriate title but I suppose we should probably change it since we're really not sticking to it anymore.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by John »

Cyrano wrote: RA took out UkrAF and Navy so quickly that before they knew it,
Hope you realize Ukraine doesn’t really have much of navy and even what they scuttled it.

Anyway Sticking to topic from what I have read UkrAF had less than 40 Fighter AC out of 100 or so in flyable condition at the start of conflict, lot of jets where scrapped or in repair due to lack of supplies. No evidence Russians have taken down any significant amount atmost a dozen. Current US assessment is UkrAF has more active ACs now than pre conflict (which indicates they are starting to repair them and put it into use).

For last few days I have seen more vids of UkrAF flying over Ukraine than RuAF.

Here is Su-25 being used in Ukr offensive in east ... PriAws83WQ
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by brar_w »

John wrote:
Hope you realize Ukraine doesn’t really have much of navy and even what they scuttled it.
From the earliest days of the Russian invasion, the Russian navy has largely followed a classical strategy. When Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 and retook complete control of the then divided naval base at Sevastopol, where they leased facilities from Ukraine. It also took possession of nearly three quarters of the Ukrainian navy. When the Russian invasion began earlier this year, there was little more than a “mosquito fleet” of patrol boats to stand in their way. Russian naval forces out of Sevastopol include missile corvettes and frigates as well as some Kilo-class submarines, joined by the old Slava-class cruiser Moskva as the flagship. These were reinforced by amphibious ships from the Baltic Fleet and Northern Fleets before the invasion began. These ships largely bottled up the smaller Ukrainian patrol forces in port at the start of the war and established command of sea via blockade and strikes on Ukraine’s ports. LINK
I guess "took out their Navy" sounds a lot better than "These ships largely bottled up the smaller Ukrainian patrol forces". I wonder what was the largest Ukrainian vessel to be "taken out" over the last couple of months. From what I've read up on its mostly been patrol boats and a few tugs..Calling whatever they had a "Navy" is a bit of a stretch but I suppose one has to give them some credit since they took out a 11K ton cruiser a couple o other Russian Navy ships though this is hardly a naval competition given one side practically had no Navy at the start.
John wrote:Serna class landing craft docked in snake island was hit, it is no Admiral Makarov and its loss represents more of a morale victory as Russia posses 11 more of these. ... jdtwG9SHXw
Video of the strike - ... 8247788369
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by Cyrano »

Combat tactics don't aren't applied in a vaccum but within a larger context. Given the sweeping generalisations being made, I felt it was necessary to reset the context. Isn't manoeuvre warfare part of combat tactics but dictated by geography and conditioned by political aims? But l agree we can stick to more operational stuff here, now that the context of the conflict is set.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by bala »

What combat tactics are we learning from this tussle. The Ukr Army does not have command and control, it is at best a rag tag army trying to survive against great odds. There is no Ukr Airforce nor Ukr Navy to speak about. They have the Azovs who are a law unto themselves. All I keep hearing about in the news is some new fangled arms being given to Ukr with little to none in training. Every so often, mainly due to the incompetence of Russian forces, we hear about some tank on fire or abandoned, some tactical retreat. The main warfare is occurring in places we are not privy to get a front row seat. The Russians are sending missiles taking out places they deem are important. The black sea access is within Russian control, save for Odessa. Pincer moves are being conducted to seal of the remaining Ukr forces to surrender.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by John »

I am pretty sure ragtag with no CC wouldn’t have coordinated multiple strikes to weaken air defenses and just level Russian operations in snake islands with ACs.

Anyway Reportedly heavy damage (more than 100 soldiers were stationed there) after Ukr Su-27s leveled the snake island building. ... PriAws83WQ
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by brar_w »

So it seems Ukraine does have an Air Force and claims otherwise were misinformation. They probably don't have a Navy but still seem to be able to sink a ship every now and then using ground or air based systems. It's quite amazing how they can detect, track, target and sink a cruiser (flagship of the RuNavy's black sea fleet) apparently without having any command and control whatsoever.

Via HI Sutton (Twitter):
Smoke still visible from attack on latest #Ukraine️ Navy TB2 attack on #Russian forces at Snake Island in Sat image 09:07 UTC today

Hit Serna class landing craft appears still there. Likely wreck

2 assault boats (e.g. Raptor) seen heading towards Ukraine
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by John »

Here is the SAT confirmation of strike as well ... PriAws83WQ

Russian inability almost to accept any truth or mistakes and Baghdad Bob everything is at this point Ukraine greatest advantage. Russian military learns almost from none of its mistakes because they are all part of plan or a success. Snake island was under attack for days, right after sinking of raptor Russian MOD even released a ridiculous claim that they deterred Ukranian invasion on island and shot down countless jets and sank ships. You see raptor and Tor system did their job and drew the Ukrainians in was their claim.

Rather than admit TB2 strike and focus on either pulling its forces out or battening up the defenses seemed to be more focused on PR.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by brar_w »

Initially the Tor near the lighthouse was taken out by a TB2 drone strike.

This allowed Ukrainian Su-27s to strike the Island safely, leveling the lighthouse complex. I expect this resulted in heavy Russian casualties. LINK

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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by bala »

John wrote:I am pretty sure ragtag with no CC wouldn’t have coordinated ..
There is no pretense, is there? We all know the CC is delegated to NATO headqtrs and US Deep State & Pentagon. The Rag tag Ukr is not doing things, it is the embedded "foreign" advisors/experts trying their maal against the Russians.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by ks_sachin »

bala wrote:
John wrote:I am pretty sure ragtag with no CC wouldn’t have coordinated ..
There is no pretense, is there? We all know the CC is delegated to NATO headqtrs and US Deep State & Pentagon. The Rag tag Ukr is not doing things, it is the embedded "foreign" advisors/experts trying their maal against the Russians.
But who is pulling the trigger?
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by Cyrano »

^^^ The puppets
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by Jayram »

This one is a must watch. Shows the attacks captured at night by a strategically loitering TB2 drone (undetected!) and the stricking effects of delayed explosions - looks like ammo dumps going up or delayed fuzes. Hollywood would be proud. ... 1525966848
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by brar_w »

The Snake Island attack via TB-2, and Ukrainian AF's fast jets (which we were told they don't have) appears to have also taken out an Mi-8 using a TB2. Looks like a coordinated attack with unmanned and manned based on good intel.

Video below.
This might be the first TB2 UCAV aviation kill. It looks like a Russian Mi-8 helicopter was struck while dismounting soldiers onto Snake Island.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by Cyrano »

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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by Cyrano »

War is fun until the other guys shoot back. If they shoot back with tanks, fold tail and run!
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by Deans »

Some data on the battle for the Donbass.

The Front (the arc from Kharkiv - Luhansk- Donetsk- Zaparozhye) is 900 km long.
The Russians are attacking with the equivalent of 93 BTGs
The Ukrainians are defending with the equivalent of 27 brigades, or 81 Battalions. (total strength is 70,000 men).

Some of the Russian BTGs were badly hit in the first phase of fighting and not fully replenished.
About half the Ukrainian formations are reservists.

Ukraine has heavily fortified the area for the last 6-7 years. Satellite pics show 2 parallel defensive lines, each is anchored to a strongpoint, which is a village or town. Conceptually, this is roughly similar to the battle of Kursk in 1943.
Ukraine is fighting exactly the battle they have trained for since 2015. Russians can't simply destroy villages with their artillery,
because the Ukrainian occupied parts of the Donbass still have a significant Russian population.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by brar_w »

brar_w wrote:Russia Just Lost Its Most Advanced Operational Tank In Ukraine
Shared on Twitter by The Kyiv Independent’s defense reporter Illia Ponomarenko, the image, dated May 4, shows what appears to be the remnants of a T-90M tank, still smoldering after a direct hit somewhere within Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv Oblast.
There's now a video of the first (reported) Russian T-90 tank loss. T-90s have only recently been introduced to the front by the Russian Army.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by hgupta »

brar_w wrote:The Snake Island attack via TB-2, and Ukrainian AF's fast jets (which we were told they don't have) appears to have also taken out an Mi-8 using a TB2. Looks like a coordinated attack with unmanned and manned based on good intel.

Video below.
This might be the first TB2 UCAV aviation kill. It looks like a Russian Mi-8 helicopter was struck while dismounting soldiers onto Snake Island.
This was not a Russian helicopter but an Ukrainian helicopter. The Ukrainians tried to pass off a lost Ukrainian helicopter for a Russian one. Look at the way the soldiers dismounted from the helicopter. They were in combat formation expecting an attack. You don't do that unless you don't have control of that territory and at that time Russia held that territory.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by YashG »

Going forward from here, Russia has only two choices - massive new buildup that outweighs NATO support & steam rolls ukrainian west or drop a small low-yield nuclear bomb on kyiv.

How bad would that be ?
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by brar_w »

^^ There is no evidence that this was a TB-2 attack on a Ukrainian helicopter. If you have some hard evidence please share as one would need some pretty strong proof to claim that this was a fratricide. From what I have been able to make out, the Mi-8 was destroyed much after the air-defense system, and the buildings were destroyed there by TB-2 and fighters. This has been noticed by folks using to satellite imagery. This appears to be a follow on event and one possibility is that there was a TB-2 overhead as the Russians made attempts to reinforce the island or evacuate troops which you'd expect from an offensive side which has access to UAVs like Ukraine (you'd revisit to see what the other side was up to once they've assessed their damage from an earlier successful strike).
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by hgupta »

The Russians came out and said it was an Ukrainian helicopter not a Russian helicopter. And the missile was not from a TB-2 attach but a different missile.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by Baikul »

hgupta wrote:
brar_w wrote:The Snake Island attack via TB-2, and Ukrainian AF's fast jets (which we were told they don't have) appears to have also taken out an Mi-8 using a TB2. Looks like a coordinated attack with unmanned and manned based on good intel.

Video below.
This was not a Russian helicopter but an Ukrainian helicopter. The Ukrainians tried to pass off a lost Ukrainian helicopter for a Russian one. Look at the way the soldiers dismounted from the helicopter. They were in combat formation expecting an attack. You don't do that unless you don't have control of that territory and at that time Russia held that territory.
You are quoting Russian sources that have being saying this almost all day today. Except one- the Wagner Group on telegram says it was a Russian copter (

However the jury is still out. Ukrainian sources say that they would have made an assault with more than just one heli, whereas the Russians were there with one to pick up wounded and resupply.

As for their combat posture on the ground, a Russian system has been destroyed on the island a little while ago, so it’s not like this was safe territory for them or protected miles behind the contested zone.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by brar_w »

hgupta wrote:The Russians came out and said it was an Ukrainian helicopter not a Russian helicopter. And the missile was not from a TB-2 attach but a different missile.
They also claimed they shot down a bunch of drones and fighters there without any evidence to back that up. So again, where’s the proof that it was a Ukrainian TB-2 filming a Ukrainian helo being shot when all evidence (visuals not just claims) points to multiple successful strikes by Ukraine on the island.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by hgupta »

brar_w wrote:
hgupta wrote:The Russians came out and said it was an Ukrainian helicopter not a Russian helicopter. And the missile was not from a TB-2 attach but a different missile.
They also claimed they shot down a bunch of drones and fighters there without any evidence to back that up. So again, where’s the proof that it was a Ukrainian TB-2 filming a Ukrainian helo being shot when all evidence (visuals not just claims) points to multiple successful strikes by Ukraine on the island.
So have the Ukrainians. If you demand proof from the Russians, please do the same for the Ukrainians.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by John »

hgupta wrote:
brar_w wrote:
They also claimed they shot down a bunch of drones and fighters there without any evidence to back that up. So again, where’s the proof that it was a Ukrainian TB-2 filming a Ukrainian helo being shot when all evidence (visuals not just claims) points to multiple successful strikes by Ukraine on the island.
So have the Ukrainians. If you demand proof from the Russians, please do the same for the Ukrainians.
Wagner has already admitted in telegram channel it’s Russian Mi-8 and those where spec ops sent in to help secure the island and evacuate the wounded from the Su-27 strike. Supposedly it’s mass casualty event.

Two more raptors where sent to help out after Mi-8 strike and those got hit as well to make matters worse ... 6AhnuYf1AQ

Also confirmed the Mi-8 was seen leaving Crimea so don’t tell me it’s Ukranian Mi-8 that went from Crimea to Snake island :lol: ... 6AhnuYf1AQ
Last edited by John on 08 May 2022 22:41, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by Guddu »

Not sure where to put this, but next week Sweden and Finland announce if they join Nato.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by brar_w »

hgupta wrote:
brar_w wrote:
They also claimed they shot down a bunch of drones and fighters there without any evidence to back that up. So again, where’s the proof that it was a Ukrainian TB-2 filming a Ukrainian helo being shot when all evidence (visuals not just claims) points to multiple successful strikes by Ukraine on the island.
So have the Ukrainians. If you demand proof from the Russians, please do the same for the Ukrainians.
Ukrainians literally posted video feeds that they themselves generated of A) Russian Navy landing craft being struck, B ) targets such as buildings etc being struck by fast jets, and C) a TB-2 filming an attack on a helicopter. So far they are 3-0 when it comes to the attack on Snake island and they've released footage of what they've claimed for this particular offensive action. Folks have been able to use open source and commercially available imagery to confirm attack on the Russian navy vessel and buildings there. I am yet to see any evidence that A) they filmed their own helo being destroyed (by themselves or someone else) and released that, and B ) any evidence to back up the claim that Ukrainian fighters, drones, etc were shot down as has been claimed. I am also yet to seen any open source, or satellite based analysis that connects the dots on this being a Ukrainian or Russian attack on a Ukr helicopter.

Based on what John has posted just now, it appears that the Ukrainian strikes went beyond and they managed additional kills as well. So far, no evidence has emerged that Russian air-force, ground forces or Navy shot down anything during this particular set of offensives over Snake Island. I'm not saying that they couldn't have or didn't just that no evidence has emerged of the Ukrainian side losing a single set of kit or men.
Last edited by brar_w on 08 May 2022 22:58, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by John »

Guddu wrote:Not sure where to put this, but next week Sweden and Finland announce if they join Nato.
You can use this thread for that

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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by ks_sachin »

Cyrano wrote:^^^ The puppets
Exactly. All this Rona Dhona about western support! This is real-politik. Russia has to deal with it. It chose to engage. That they did not seem to plan for or anticipate what is happening is on them. The Ukrainians have done entirely as expected when faced with a superior enemy.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by ManuJ »

Based on the latest videos emerging, newly received western artillery seems to be inflicting heavy damage on the Russians. Probably because of its increased range and due to the Ukrainians' counter-offensive around Kharkhiv and Izium bringing them closer.
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Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by ManuJ »

Calling the Ukrainians 'rag-tag' is a huge insult to the Russians.
BRF Oldie
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Joined: 03 Feb 2001 12:31

Re: Russian / Ukranian Combat Tactics

Post by John »

ManuJ wrote:Based on the latest videos emerging, newly received western artillery seems to be inflicting heavy damage on the Russians. Probably because of its increased range and due to the Ukrainians' counter-offensive around Kharkhiv and Izium bringing them closer.
Problem is Russian military is hell bent on capturing as much territory before the 9th as possible even if meant the FOB will be in range of Ukranian Artillery/MRLs and even they are getting pounded don’t seem to pull out that easily.

One Russian advantage is the fact they have blank check on casualties meaning they can get away with large military casualties I can think of no other than NK which has similar advantage. Then again also means the generals don’t get replaced for blunders so they keep doing the same thing over and over again.

So far we haven’t seen to many of western artillery these vids are work of

Soviet era 155 mm guns ... W9e1iQhivQ

Smerch ... W9e1iQhivQ

I still remember two months ago when I called out Scott Ritter ridiculous statement about how Ukraine artillery has been wiped out.