Dilbu wrote:Miftah calls Dar's exchange rate policy 'a joke with the economy'
Former finance minister Miftah Ismail on Thursday slammed the policy of artificially managing the dollar rate, saying that it was "not a serious economic policy but a joke with the economy".
...This is not a serious economic policy but a joke with the economy,” said the former finance minister.[/b]
It's not like he did anything better. All these are jokers, nobody wants to touch the following live wires which are all needed to fix this hellhole:
1. Deradicalize the population, stop terrorism
2. Demilitarize the country, seek peace
3. Denuclearize, get big benefits
4. Enact land reforms, redistribute land
5. Control population
6. Bring women into workforce
7. Regularize the economy, effectively enforce tax collection
8. Encourage saving, discourage or tax profligate spending
and only then
9,10.... educate your population, provide healthcare, provide pensions and welfare...
Which one of points 1-8 did he touch or even influence when he had power, hainji?