Terroristan - March 31, 2022

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BRF Oldie
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by A_Gupta »

https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.asp ... 4-550.html
Rana's petition to the US Supreme Court was filed in November 2024. The US Ninth Court of Appeals had denied him relief around September 2024.
The US Supreme Court dismissed his petition without a hearing.

Rana's petition to the US Supreme Court has this statement of the case.
1. Rana was previously prosecuted in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. United States v. Rana et al., Case No. 1:09- cr-00830 (N.D. Ill.). The second superseding indictment charged him in three counts. Count 9 charged him with conspiring to provide material support to terrorism in India. 11-ER-2340. The alleged conspiracy began “in or about late 2005” and continued “through on or about October 3, 2009.” 11- ER-2340. The centerpiece of the alleged conspiracy was the attack conducted by Lashkar e Tayyiba (“Lashkar”) on various locations in Mumbai in November 2008, resulting in the death of 164 persons. 11-ER-2335, ¶ 29. Rana's alleged co-conspirators included, among others, David Headley. Headley pleaded guilty and cooperated against Rana.

Count 9 incorporates by reference paragraphs 3 through 33 of Count 1. 11-ER-2341, ¶ 3. Those paragraphs allege conduct that mirrors the allegations in India's extradition request. Compare 2- ER-270-93 (summary of facts in extradition request) with 11-ER-2328-36 (¶¶ 3-33 of second superseding indictment).

Count 11 charged Rana with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorism in Denmark. 11-ER-2354. Count 12 charged him with providing material support to Lashkar, both in India and in Denmark. 11-ER-2356.

The jury acquitted Rana on Count 9 (conspiracy to provide material support to terrorism in India) and convicted him on Count 11 (conspiracy to provide material support to terrorism in Denmark). The jury also convicted Rana on Count 12 (providing material support to Lashkar), but it did not find that death resulted from his conduct. 11-ER-2366-68. In light of the verdicts on Counts 9 and 11, the Northern District of Illinois court concluded that the jury found Rana guilty on Count 12 of providing material support to Lashkar in Denmark but not in connection with the Mumbai massacre in India. 11-ER-2406 (“THE COURT: They specifically found that Rana did not cause any deaths, which eliminates the Mumbai massacre from the case, it seems to me.”).
"The jury acquitted Rana on Count 9 (conspiracy to provide material support to terrorism in India)" .
On January 7, 2013, the Northern District of Illinois court sentenced Rana to 168 months in prison. On June 9, 2020, the court granted Rana’s motion for compassionate release and ordered him released immediately. 11-ER-2481.

2. On June 10, 2020, a Magistrate Judge in the Central District of California (where Rana was serving his sentence) signed a provisional arrest warrant with a view to extraditing him to India to face charges there. Doc. 1; 11-ER-2496. The Indian charges consist of conspiracy to commit various offenses, including to wage war, to murder, to commit two forms of forgery, and to commit a terrorist act (Charge 1); waging war (Charge 2); conspiracy to wage war (Charge 3); murder (Charge 4); committing a terrorist act (Charge 5); and conspiracy to commit a terrorist act (Charge 6). 2-ER-233-35, 244-50. As a result of the warrant and ensuing formal extradition request, Rana has remained in custody throughout the extradition process.

Rana opposed extradition on two grounds: that the double jeopardy provision of the United States- India extradition treaty (Article 6(1)) barred his extradition because the Indian charges rested on the same conduct for which Rana had been tried and acquitted in federal court in Chicago, and that India had failed to establish probable cause that Rana had committed the crimes for which India seeks to prosecute him.
On May 16, 2023, the extradition magistrate judge rejected Rana’s arguments and certified that he is extraditable. App. 39a. Rana petitioned the United States District Court for the Central District of California for a writ of habeas corpus. He again argued that extradition was barred under the double jeopardy provision of the extradition treaty. Habeas Doc. 1; 11-ER-2509. The district court denied Rana’s habeas petition on August 10, 2023. App. 33a.
Omitting a lot of legal arguments.
Third, Rana argued that the government’s interpretation of Article 6(1) in the case of David Headley, Rana’s alleged co-conspirator, further demonstrates that “offense” refers to conduct rather than elements.

Headley pleaded guilty and testified against Rana. In a section of Headley’s plea agreement titled “Extradition,” the government agreed that “[p]ursuant to Article 6 of [the Treaty], defendant shall not be extradited to the Republic of India . . . for any offenses for which he has been convicted in accordance with this plea.” 11-ER-2462. The extradition section continues: “The defendant and the United States Attorney’s Office accordingly agree” that if Headley pleads guilty to a series of offenses, “then the defendant shall not be extradited to the Republic of India . . . for the foregoing offenses, including conduct within the scope of those offenses for which he has been convicted in accordance with this plea, so long as he fully discloses all material facts concerning his role with respect to these offenses and abides by all other aspects of this agreement.” Id. (emphasis added).
The underlying issue is whether extradition would result in double jeopardy - i.e., facing trial twice for the same offense. In this regard, the US Courts have two different standards - "it is the same offense if the conduct being judged is the same" vs "it is the same offense if the elements being judged are the same".

This is the crux of his argument:
Petitioner Rana was tried and acquitted in federal court in the Northern District of Illinois (Chicago) on charges relating to the 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai. India now seeks to extradite him for trial on charges based on the identical conduct at issue in the Chicago case. Under the Second Circuit’s Sindona “conduct” standard, the double jeopardy provision of the United States-India extradition treaty would bar his extradition. But because he happens to be detained in the Ninth Circuit, the “elements” test applies. None of the Indian charges has the same elements as the charges on which Rana was tried in Chicago. So Rana now faces extradition to and a potential death sentence in India.
Rana’s case demonstrates the problem with the elements test. He was prosecuted in federal court in Chicago on charges focusing on his alleged conduct in connection with the Mumbai attack. After a full and fair trial, the jury acquitted him on those charges. He served his sentence on other charges, unrelated to the Mumbai attack, and prepared to return to his family. But on the eve of his release from prison, India obtained an arrest warrant so he could be extradited to that country to stand trial on charges based on the identical conduct for which the Chicago jury had found him not guilty. He has spent more than four years at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles awaiting the outcome of his extradition proceedings. Absent action from this Court, he will be shipped to India, where – if he survives pretrial detention – he will face the daunting prospect of trial, conviction, and a death sentence.
Anyway, this is the summary of the Ninth Court's ruling:
https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/ap ... 08-15.html
Court Description: Habeas Corpus The panel affirmed the district court’s denial of Tahawwur Hussain Rana’s 28 U.S.C. § 2241 habeas corpus petition challenging a magistrate judge’s certification of Rana as extraditable to India for his alleged participation in terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

Under the limited scope of habeas review of an extradition order, the panel held that Rana’s alleged offense fell within the terms of the extradition treaty between the United States and India, which included a Non Bis in Idem (double jeopardy) exception to extraditability “when the person sought has been convicted or acquitted in the Requested State for the offense for which extradition is requested.” Relying on the plain text of the treaty, the State Department’s technical analysis, and persuasive case law of other circuits, the panel held that the word “offense” refers to a charged crime, rather than underlying acts, and requires an analysis of the elements of each crime. The panel concluded that a coconspirator’s plea agreement did not compel a different result. The panel held that the Non Bis in Idem exception did not apply because the Indian charges contained distinct elements from the crimes for which Rana was acquitted in the United States.

The panel also held that India provided sufficient competent evidence to support the magistrate judge’s finding of probable cause that Rana committed the charged crimes.
What has India charged Rana with?
In particular, on August 28, 2018, Poonam A. Bamba, District and Sessions Judge, Special Court of National Investigation Agency, issued a warrant for Rana's arrest on charges related to the Mumbai attacks, including: (1) conspiracy to (a) wage war (Object 1), (b) commit murder (Object 3), (c) commit forgery for the purpose of cheating (Object 4), (d) use as genuine a forged document or electronic record (Object 5), and (e) commit a terrorist act (Object 6), in violation of Indian Penal Code ("IPC") § 120B read with IPC §§ 121, 302, 468, 471, and Unlawful Activities Prevention Act ("UAPA") § 16; (2) waging war, in violation of IPC § 121; (3) conspiracy to wage war, in violation of IPC § 121A; (4) murder, in violation of IPC § 302; (5) committing a terrorist act, in violation of UAPA § 16; and (6) conspiracy to commit a terrorist act, in violation of UAPA § 18. (Dkt. Nos. 4-1, 42-2, 66-2, 66-6, 66-15; Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 1-5, 12-13). The Indian Government has provided the following evidence in support of its request to extradite Rana on the aforementioned charges, including transcripts of Headley's testimony in the NDIL Case.
BRF Oldie
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by A_Gupta »

Continuing, excerpts from
Rana and Headley met when they attended a military boarding high school together in Pakistan, became close friends, and remained so for many years. (Parasor Aff. ¶ 29; RT 59-60, 115, 643-46). After high school, Rana served as a doctor with the rank of Captain in the Pakistan army; however, he later deserted from the army and became a Canadian citizen before moving to Chicago, Illinois and opening several businesses, including the Immigration Law Center, which had offices in Chicago, New York and Toronto. (Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 29, 38; RT 177, 653-55). Meanwhile, Headley became involved with heroin trafficking and was twice convicted of drug offenses. (RT 61-62). Following Headley's 1997 arrest for importing heroin into the United States, Rana posted his house as collateral for Headley's bond. (RT 63). Moreover, during their friendship, Rana held money for Headley and sent it to him as needed. (RT 63-64, 657-58).

Headley's involvement with Lashkar predates the Mumbai attacks. (Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 38; RT 66-67). In 2000, Headley went to his first Lashkar meeting, listened to speeches about jihad, donated money, and volunteered. (RT 67-71, 660). Headley moved from the United States to Pakistan in December 2001, and between 2002 and 2005, he attended numerous training courses with Lashkar, including receiving military, intelligence and anti-terrorist training regarding subjects such as weapons, hand-to-hand combat, surveillance, and setting up safe houses in enemy territory. (RT 71-87, 662, 673-75; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 4-5). Headley moved back to the United States in August 2005, met with Rana, and told Rana about the training he had received from Lashkar, including that he had received, among other things, "weapons training, ambush, raids, [and] military training." (RT 87-88; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 5). Headley also informed Rana that Lashkar wanted him (Headley) to go to India for surveillance or an attack, and he was changing his name for that purpose so that "nobody would be able to tell that [Headley] was a Muslim or a Pakistani." (RT 88-89, 1148; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 5; Parasor Aff. ¶ 39). Headley legally changed his name to David Coleman Headley in February 2006 and obtained a new passport in that name. (RT 109-10).

In late 2005 or early 2006, Headley met with Lashkar members who ordered him to travel to India to conduct surveillance of places of public use and state and government facilities within that country. (RT 90, 96, 98, 107, 110-12). In the spring or early summer of 2006, Headley met with Lashkar members and discussed opening an immigration office in Mumbai, India as cover for his surveillance activities. (RT 112-16). Headley had told Lashkar about his friendship with Rana and Rana's ownership and operation of the Immigration Law Center. (Parasor Aff. ¶ 29; RT 115-17). Headley and his contacts agreed that Rana's business would be an ideal front for their activities because it would allow Headley to travel freely in and out of India and to establish connections with powerful individuals in India. (RT 115-16, 127, 129).

In or about June 2006, Headley traveled to Chicago and met with Rana. (RT 119-20; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 5). Headley told Rana about his association with Lashkar and his orders to conduct surveillance around Mumbai. (RT 120, 126-28; Parasor Aff. ¶ 42). Headley explained that opening an office for Immigration Law Center would provide a cover story for his activities. (RT 128; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 5-6). Headley also told Rana that one of the co-conspirator's could help with Rana's status as a deserter from the Pakistani army. (RT 128-29). After hearing Headley's explanation, Rana agreed to open a Mumbai Branch office of his business to assist Headley. (RT 128-29, 1149; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 6; Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 39, 71(b)). Although Headley had no immigration experience, Rana also helped Headley secure a business visa from Indian authorities as the "Regional Manager" of the Mumbai Office of the Immigration Law Center, with Headley purportedly responsible for supervising and coordinating the company's operations in Asia. (RT 129-30, 135; Parasor Aff. ¶ 62; Dkt. No. 66-9 at 65-71, 130-32). Headley prepared the relevant Indian visa application forms, which contained false information about his identity and purpose for travel to India. (RT 130-32; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 6). Rana reviewed these forms and knew that the information Headley had provided was false, but did not correct the forms before submission to the Indian authorities. (RT 132). Rana deceived his business partner - the immigration attorney at Immigration Law Center - to approve the forms. (RT 133-38). Headley presented the forms to the Indian Consulate in Chicago and was granted a business visa. (RT 138-41). Having the office in India and business visa was important for Headley's plans because it allowed him to stay in India long term and perform surveillance. (RT 1149).

Through his unsuspecting business partner, Rana also helped Headley complete an application with the Reserve Bank of India to open the Mumbai branch office of Immigration Law Center. (RT 178-81; Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 40, 63; Dkt. No. 66-9 at 93-110, 135-37). The application stated that Headley would serve as the Immigration Law Center's "South Asian Regional Director" and "Office Head." (RT 180; Dkt. No. 66-9 at 97, 109, 136). The bank ultimately rejected the application. (RT 180; Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 40, 63; Dkt. No. 66-9 at 107).

After Headley obtained the visa, he went to Pakistan and met with Lashkar members and other co-conspirators, informing them that Rana had permitted them to use the Immigration Law Center and showing them the visa he had obtained with Rana's assistance. (RT 141-43; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 6). Headley was instructed to take general videos of Mumbai, including of the Taj Mahal hotel. (RT 143-46). Headley traveled to Mumbai in September 2006 and conducted many hours of video surveillance, including the requested recordings of the Taj Mahal Hotel. (RT 147-51, 164-65; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 6; Parasor Aff. ¶ 39). At that time, Headley "was received by an individual close to Rana" who "is a protected witness who has stated that at the telephonic request of Rana, he arranged accommodations and other logistics for [Headley]." (Parasor Aff. ¶ 67; Dkt. No. 66-9 at 138-42). In early December, Headley traveled to Pakistan, met with Lashkar members and others, provided them with the video recordings he had made, discussed the video and surveillance he had conducted in India, and received instructions to again go to the Taj Mahal Hotel and visit the second floor to obtain video of the hotel's conference halls since it was believed that some defense contractors or scientists held meetings in those halls. (RT 163-68).

While in Mumbai in the fall of 2006, Headley also rented an apartment, signed a lease for office space for Rana's immigration business, hired a secretary for the business, put advertisements in newspapers and printed fliers for the business. (RT 150-52, 157-58; Parasor Aff. ¶ 60; Dkt. No. 66-9 at 76-85). In signing the lease for office space, Headley used a letter from Rana's business partner claiming that Headley served as the company's South Asian Regional Director, represented the Immigration Law Center's interests in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, and had the authority to negotiate contracts, sign an office lease, and open bank accounts on behalf of the business. (RT 153-57). During its period of alleged operation, the Mumbai Office of the Immigration Law Center generated little to no business. (Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 64, 71(c); RT 158-59, 175, 181-82, 194-95, 701, 830-31; Dkt. No. 66-9 at 111-12, 120-29).

At the direction of co-conspirators in Pakistan, Headley returned to Mumbai on multiple other occasions between February 2007 and September 2007, conducted more surveillance of various locations there, including the second floor of the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, and thereafter traveled to Pakistan, met with Lashkar members and other co-conspirators, provided them with the video recordings he made, and discussed the video and surveillance he conducted in Mumbai. (RT 158-59, 176-78, 182-86, 191-93; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 7).

In July 2007, Headley traveled to Chicago and stayed with Rana. (RT 185). Headley told Rana about the surveillance he conducted and would continue to conduct in India, including the videos he had taken of the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. (RT 185-87, 195-96; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 7). Headley also told Rana about meeting co-conspirators in Pakistan and their reactions regarding the surveillance he conducted. (RT 186-87, 190; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 7). Since Headley's Indian visa had expired, Rana helped Headley obtain a new visa by processing the forms through the Immigration Law Center. (RT 188-90). The visa application included the same false information previously submitted to the Indian government. (RT 188-90; Parasor Aff. ¶ 62; Dkt. No. 66-9 at 72-75, 133-34). As a result of Rana's assistance, Headley secured a five-year multi-entry visa from Indian authorities on July 18, 2007. (RT 189-90).

In December 2007, at Lashkar's Pakistan headquarters office, Headley met with co-conspirators who told him about portions of their attack plans and showed him a styrofoam mock-up of the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. (RT 199-202, 208).

In March 2008, Headley met with other co-conspirators in Pakistan to discuss potential landing sites in Mumbai where a team of attackers could arrive by sea. (RT 209-13; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 8). At their direction, Headley returned to Mumbai the following month and conducted additional surveillance, took boat trips in and around the harbor to locate possible landing sites, and used a GPS device to record such locations. (RT 213-27; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 8). He returned to Pakistan and advised his co-conspirators of his recommendations for potential landing sites, but learned that the attack plans would be delayed, in part to await calmer seas. (RT 230-34; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 8).

In May 2008, Headley met with Rana in Chicago over a period of several days and told Rana about his extensive surveillance in Mumbai, his meetings with co-conspirators in Pakistan, the styrofoam mock-up he had been shown, the landing ideas (including specifically where a team of attackers would land in front of the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel), his boat trips in and around the harbor and use of the GPS device, and the delay of the attack plans, in part to await calmer waters. (RT 236-40, 245-48, 755-58, 767-72, 774-75, 1151; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 8; Parasor Aff. ¶ 43). Rana smiled and laughed when Headley told him about the landing site in front of the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel and when Headley said he thought the mock-up was "terrible." (RT 238-40). Additionally, during May 2008, Headley included Rana with other co-conspirators in email discussions regarding how one of Headley's contacts in India could be used to benefit Lashkar. (RT 248-79; Dkt. No. 66-9 at 161-66, 168-88, 203-05).

In June 2008, Headley returned to Pakistan and met with his co-conspirators, who gave him a list of targets in Mumbai for surveillance, provided him with a GPS device, and requested that Headley recheck the landing site. (RT 279-88; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 9). One of the co-conspirators also told Headley to close the office and take out a newspaper advertisement pretending to be an employment agency looking for people to work as security personnel in Canada since it was felt that this would attract retired military personnel. (RT 285-86). A day or two later, after Rana had a discussion with the co-conspirator who had told Headley to close the office, Rana also told Headley to close the office. (RT 803, 1168, 1180-81).

Headley returned to Mumbai at the end of June or the beginning of July 2008 and began taking steps to close the office and complete the surveillance tasks he had been given, and Rana gave Headley instructions on how he wanted the office closed. (RT 288-95). However, Headley was unable to close the office because the landlord did not want to refund the deposit. (RT 295). Thereafter, Headley consulted Rana, and it was decided to keep the office open until the deposit ran out. (RT 296). During this time, another business began sharing the office and paying half of the rent. (RT 295-96). After Headley negotiated a short extension, the Mumbai lease expired approximately two weeks before the Mumbai attacks. (Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 65, 71(c); Dkt. No. 66-9 at 76-85, 90, 118).

After leaving India, Headley returned to Pakistan and met with his co-conspirators and gave them the videos he had taken, the GPS device, and some bracelets he had purchased to help disguise the attackers. (RT 296-98).

In the fall of 2008, Headley learned that Rana was planning to go to China, Dubai and India. (RT 313). Headley arranged for Rana to meet a co-conspirator in Dubai, where, at Headley's request, the co-conspirator advised Rana not to go to India because the attacks were imminent. (RT 313-14; Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 44, 60, 65). On September 7, 2009, Rana and Headley discussed this incident during a long conversation that, unbeknownst to them, the FBI recorded ("September 7, 2009 conversation"), with Rana confirming the co-conspirator "had mentioned that in Dubai[.]" (RT 536-37, 560-61; Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 44, 60).

As noted above, the Mumbai terrorist attacks occurred between November 26 and 29, 2008, killing 166 people, injuring 239 people, and causing significant property damage. (Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 24, 37).

Headley returned to the United States in December 2008, and discussed the attacks with Rana, sharing the details Headley learned from the co-conspirators about the attacks and reminding Rana that he (Headley) had made videos of the locations that had been attacked. (RT 316, 325, 334, 348-50). Referring to a 1971 attack on his school in Pakistan, Headley told Rana that he believed he was "even with the Indians now." (RT 350). In response, Rana said the Indian people "deserved it." (RT 350).

On December 25, 2008, the co-conspirator who met Rana in Dubai sent Headley an email asking " 'How's . . . [Rana's] reaction on what all is happening, is he terrified or relaxed?' " (RT 346-48). Headley responded the next day that Rana " 'is very relaxed' " and was trying to calm Headley down. (RT 350-52).

In the September 7, 2009 conversation, Rana told Headley that the nine Lashkar terrorists who had been killed in the Mumbai attacks " 'should be given Nishan-e-Haider,' " which is Pakistan's highest military honor. (RT 552-53; Parasor Aff. ¶ 44). Rana also asked Headley to tell one of the co-conspirator's responsible for planning the Mumbai attacks that he should get "a medal for top class." (RT 553-55). Rana was pleased to learn Headley had already conveyed the compliment based on prior statements Rana had made equating the co-conspirator to a famous general. (Parasor Aff. ¶ 71(g); RT 490-92, 495, 553-55).

In 2009, Headley conducted surveillance activities for potential future terrorist attacks in other parts of India as well as for an intended, but ultimately foiled, terrorist plot in Denmark that was meant to retaliate against a Danish newspaper for publishing a cartoon Headley and his co-conspirators found offensive. (See, e.g., RT 317-19, 325, 334, 362-81, 389-91, 396-400, 407-11, 417-18, 422-24, 433, 474-86, 1149-50, 1220-25; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 10, 12-17). In India, Headley conducted surveillance on Chabad Houses in Delhi, Goa, and Pushkar as well as the National Defence College ("NDC"), which "teaches courses for high-level Indian Army officers, colonels and up." (RT 330, 405-07, 417-23, 1079). He kept Rana apprised of the surveillance activities. (RT 334, 362-68, 382-86, 392-93, 436-40, 484-86, 555-59, 815-16, 926, 1149-50; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 13-14, 16). For example, in the September 7, 2009 conversation, Headley and Rana discussed targeting the NDC, Rana told Headley that he was already aware that the NDC was a target, and they talked about how such an attack would kill more high-ranking Indian military officials than previous wars between India and Pakistan. (RT 555-59). Moreover, Rana set up an email account for Headley so that Headley could communicate securely with Rana, and Headley transferred a list of Chabad houses in India - including the ones he was supposed to conduct surveillance on - into the email account for security purposes. (RT 410-16; Dkt. No. 66-9 at 153-59, 207-10, 289-95). Rana also occasionally communicated directly with some of Headley's contacts in Pakistan. (RT 470-73, 704; Parasor Aff. ¶¶ 41, 61; Dkt. No. 66-9 at 198-02; see also Parasor Aff. ¶ 42 ("Rana was also in direct touch with the . . . handlers for [Headley] and passed on information as and when required.").

Headley was arrested in Chicago on October 3, 2009, and Rana was arrested on October 18, 2009. (RT 57, 638, 1020, 1039, 1381; Dkt. No. 16-6 at 16-17). On January 14, 2010, in the NDIL Case, a First Superseding Indictment was filed against Rana, Headley, and two other co-conspirators, and on April 21, 2011, the operative twelve-count Second Superseding Indictment ("Indictment") was filed in the NDIL Case charging Rana and six co-conspirators with multiple federal offenses relating to the Mumbai attacks and the Denmark plot. (Dkt. No. 16-2; NDIL Case Dkt. ("NDIL Dkt.") Nos. 32, 213). The Indictment charged Rana with three counts: (1) Count 9 - Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to Terrorism in India in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2339A - which essentially alleged that Rana conspired to provide material support to Lashkar in connection with such entity's conspiracies to commit the Mumbai attacks as charged against others in Counts 1 and 2, and, as pertinent to sentencing, that death resulted to approximately 164 persons; (2) Count 11 - Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to Terrorism in Denmark in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2339A - which essentially alleged that Rana conspired to provide material support for a planned attack (which ultimately did not take place) against a private newspaper in Denmark as charged against others in Count 10; and (3) Count 12 - Providing Material Support to Lashkar in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2339B, which alleged that Rana provided material support to Lashkar, and, as pertinent to sentencing, that death resulted to approximately 164 persons. (Dkt. No. 16-2; NDIL Dkt. No. 213).
The District Judge in the NDIL Case instructed the jury that "[t]o sustain the charge of conspiracy as alleged in Count [9], the government must prove two elements: [¶] First, that a conspiracy to provide material support or resources or to conceal or disguise the nature, location, source and ownership of such material support or resources existed, as charged in Count [9]; and [¶] Second, that the defendant became a member of the conspiracy, knowing or intending that the material support or resources provided, or concealed or disguised, were to be used in preparation for, or in carrying out, one of the two conspiracies charged in Counts [1] and [2] of the [ ] Indictment [i.e., conspiracies to bomb places of public use in India and to murder and maim in India]." (NDIL Dkt. No. 284 at 19). He further advised the jury that "[a] conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to accomplish an unlawful objective[,]" that "[a] conspiracy may be established even if its purpose is not accomplished," and that "[t]o be a member of a conspiracy, the defendant need not joint at the beginning, or know all the other members or the means by which its purpose was to be accomplished[,]" but that "[t]he government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was aware of the common purpose and was a willing participant." (NDIL Dkt. No. 284 at 20).
How did the jury acquit Rana of Count 9? but convicted him of the charges against Denmark?

Why the long posts -- to expose the vagaries of the US justice system and the question above; and to remind all BRFers of the facts, to never forget nor to ever forgive.

The benefit of having more weight in the international order is that it becomes more dangerous/expensive for these offenders to mess with Bharatiyas. Power need not be accumulated to dominate others; power **must** be accumulated to prevent others messing with you.

IMO, this is not a "Trump" effect. This is a Bharat effect. In 2011 where was India compared to 2020, when India started the extradition proceedings? From lowest court to highest court, all fell in line, leaving behind the question in bold above.
BRF Oldie
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by SBajwa »

by A_gupta
The underlying issue is whether extradition would result in double jeopardy - i.e., facing trial twice for the same offense. In this regard, the US Courts have two different standards - "it is the same offense if the conduct being judged is the same" vs "it is the same offense if the elements being judged are the same".
The double jeopardy clause is in the 5th Amendment of the US constitution states that a person cannot be prosecuted twice for the same crime.
Does the US constitution applies on crimes committed inside India?

David Headley himself told US courts that Tahawwur Rana is the one who conspired with him.

So Tahawwur Rana has completed his 14 years old Sentence in US and will be out soon (sometimes in 2025) but with new Supreme Court and President we should get him to be lodged inside Tihar Jail.
BRF Oldie
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by A_Gupta »

On Hoodbhoy's "The Black Hole" a Paki federal minister is saying "democracy alone is not the answer. Look at the UK, good elections, good courts, no economic results in the last dozen years".

If he reflected deeply, he would have to acknowledge the Paki contribution to the UK economy.

Added: Pakistani thinking -- traffic from the Karachi port can pass through the city only from 11 PM to 6 AM, because of traffic. Gwadar port doesn't have the connectivity - so all goods from Gwadar are brought by road to Karachi first, increasing the cost. In the face of that, Pakistan has apparently decided that 40% or some such of all shipping must go through Gwadar, extra cost doesn't matter. This is all per Qaiser Ahmed Sheikh,
Federal Minister for Maritime Affairs of Pakistan.

Pakistan's new strategic position is to become the point of transshipment to Central Asia. But the good Minister admits that Pakistan does not have the capital to build the necessary road and rail infrastructure. He claims that lots of foreign companies want to sink their money in Pakistan to build all this, but only if there is some political and economic stability. As evidence, he cites a $2 billion MoU with Denmark/Maersk shipping.

The Minister also claims that Pakistan has huge offshore resources, but does not have the necessary capital to develop them. Again, foreign investment is needed, which won't come without some political and economic stability. He also claims that the Pakistani military now understands that it needs regional trade, with India, Iran, Afghanistan, etc..
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by SSridhar »

Chinese nationals file petition against harassment by Pakistani police - ToI

Allah-o-Akbar. What's happening here?

Does the Sind have a different view of the Chinese than the Punjab?
At least 12 Chinese nationals had filed a petition in the Sindh HC in Dec claiming that they, along with thousands of other Chinese citizens, came to Pakistan after completing all necessary legal formalities and invested significant amounts of money and resources in various business ventures and sectors.

The petitioners said the Sindh police had engaged in repeated acts of harassment over the last six to seven months, including unwarrantedly restricting movement of Chinese nationals in Karachi and Sindh and unjustified detentions within their residences on the pretext of “security issues” without any clear legal grounds or specific incidents to justify such actions.

They also claimed that the policemen stationed at their homes literally locked them in and restricted their movement within the confines of their houses, and that when the petitioners bowed to their illegal demands of paying Pakistani Rs 30,000 ($110) to Rs 50,000 ($182), they were let go.

The petitioners also stated that officers from Sukhan police station (in Sindh) had recently sealed seven industrial units of other Chinese nationals without prior notice, citing security reasons.

They added that their problems began when they arrived at the airport where officials refused to let them enter the country unless they were bribed, despite having all legally required papers.

They also accused police of allegedly throwing stones at their vehicles and smashing the rear screens of their cars, and that the deployed policemen appeared indecent and unprofessionally trained. They cited complaints against them for disturbing privacy and demanding tips ranging from Pakistani Rs 15,000 ($55) to Rs 50,000 ($182).

The petition also referenced an incident in which three Chinese female investors were forced to return to China after being treated disrespectfully at a Karachi expo centre. They warned that unless the authorities intervened they would either return to Lahore or leave the country altogether.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by chetak »

A_Gupta wrote: 26 Jan 2025 03:34 On Hoodbhoy's "The Black Hole" a Paki federal minister is saying "democracy alone is not the answer. Look at the UK, good elections, good courts, no economic results in the last dozen years".

If he reflected deeply, he would have to acknowledge the Paki contribution to the UK economy.

Added: Pakistani thinking -- traffic from the Karachi port can pass through the city only from 11 PM to 6 AM, because of traffic. Gwadar port doesn't have the connectivity - so all goods from Gwadar are brought by road to Karachi first, increasing the cost. In the face of that, Pakistan has apparently decided that 40% or some such of all shipping must go through Gwadar, extra cost doesn't matter. This is all per Qaiser Ahmed Sheikh,
Federal Minister for Maritime Affairs of Pakistan.

Pakistan's new strategic position is to become the point of transshipment to Central Asia. But the good Minister admits that Pakistan does not have the capital to build the necessary road and rail infrastructure. He claims that lots of foreign companies want to sink their money in Pakistan to build all this, but only if there is some political and economic stability. As evidence, he cites a $2 billion MoU with Denmark/Maersk shipping.

The Minister also claims that Pakistan has huge offshore resources, but does not have the necessary capital to develop them. Again, foreign investment is needed, which won't come without some political and economic stability. He also claims that the Pakistani military now understands that it needs regional trade, with India, Iran, Afghanistan, etc..

A_Gupta ji,

no matter which paki you talk to, anywhere in he world, they are always two faced

In one version they are neutral, friendly, and seemingly agreeable to logic and decency

In their other face, they are virulently hostile, the intention is to always denigrate and humiliate, and their mad mullah madrasa narrative is what they will justify and their alleged victimhood is always presented as something that is being wilfully done to them because of their desert cult beliefs

for these jihadis, there is never any room for the "other" point of view, no tolerance and no thought of coexistence

It is the sustained "non trade" with India that has hit them savagely in their testimonials, devastated their economy and caused them to question their own self identities which they are now futilely comparing with a rising India and her prominent place in the comity of nations, her globally appreciated, honest and dedicated leaders and the hardworking Indian citizenry

why would India want to trade with such neanderthal scum ....

The latest disaster to hit the pakis is that UAE Bans Pak Fans Visa For the Ind Vs Pak Champions Trophy Match(es) in Dubai

the little paki schitts have now come running to the BCCI, which they cursed vilely only a few weeks short ago, for help in getting visas for the pakis. One seriously doubts if anyone from India will interfere in the matter
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by A_Gupta »

"... a report in the Economic Times, the respected Indian financial daily, said ISI chief Lieutenant General Asim Malik was visiting Dhaka with a view to creating an intelligence-sharing network between Pakistan and Bangladesh."
"The Hindustan Times, on the other hand, reported that a four-member ISI delegation is visiting Bangladesh, sans chief Lt Gen Asim Malik.

It said the delegation is being led by Major General Shahid Amir Afsar, the ISI’s director general of analysis who previously served as Pakistan’s defence attache in Beijing."
The Chief Adviser's Press Wing has refuted reports emanating from India that the chief of Pakistan's premier intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence or ISI, is currently on a visit to Bangladesh.

Citing a Defence Ministry spokesman, the press wing led by Press Secretary Shafiqul Alam, on its fact-checking page on Facebook, said on Thursday that the chief of the ISI is not visiting Bangladesh. "The news circulating in the press and social media is false."
All from:
https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh ... -isi-chief
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Manish_P »

Enchandee pass headline from Yawn- China bans livestock product imports from numerous countries on disease worries

China has prohibited imports of sheep, goat, poultry and even-toed ungulates from African, Asian and European countries due to outbreaks of livestock diseases such as sheep pox, goat pox and foot-and-mouth-disease.

China also said it has stopped imports of sheep, goat and related products from Palestine, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal and Bangladesh due to sheep pox and goat pox outbreaks.
Lots of zulm by Tallel and Deeper friend on ummah birathers of Pakistan.

Lost and found birather East Pakistan
Fueding birather Afghanistan
'Tu kaun?' birather Filistan
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Manish_P »

Can the US divert the Aid...to stop the spreading of AIDs in pakistan?

Trump admin freezes $50 mn fund for condoms in Gaza
In her first press briefing, United States Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said that the US Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) found that about USD 50 million was used to fund 'condoms in Gaza'.

Calling the funding "preposterous", Leavitt said that the government is focussed on being good stewards of American dollars.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by RCase »

Are the Pakis condoming the US?
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Aditya_V »

Nobody will use them in TSP
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Manish_P »

Aditya_V wrote: 29 Jan 2025 15:07 Nobody will use them in TSP
That's the point Aditya ji... It is the money being sent. Not the actual latex.

The pakis can simply show an accounting book entry stating so many were purchased and distributed among the TFTAs
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Amber G. »

Pakistan’s passport ranked among the weakest in the world, ranked 103rd in Henley Passport Index
This is a significant drop from its position in the previous year.
Even Somalia's passport ranks above Pakistan. Palestine's rank is also 100th, better than Pakistan.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Parasu »

Some 20-40 bheri green mujahideen of Pakistan have been sent to their 72 in Baluchiatan.
ISPR and Pakistani media are trying to restore Ech and Dee by claiming that the attackers also suffered casualties.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by bala »

Sanjay Dixit of Jaipur Dialogues believes that Balochistan has separated from the Pukis and the breakup is complete. Pakistan has lost its grip over Balochistan. Time for India to recognize their free nation.

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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by KL Dubey »

bala wrote: 03 Feb 2025 02:40 Sanjay Dixit of Jaipur Dialogues believes that Balochistan has separated from the Pukis and the breakup is complete. Pakistan has lost its grip over Balochistan. Time for India to recognize their free nation.

:lol: Sure, why not join Sanjay, Sumit, Sree Iyer, et al for a trip to newly-liberated Quetta for Baloch flag hoisting and report back to us. Just don't take Rajagopalan, he is valuable. :lol:

Buddy, as I mentioned politely before....this is just clickbait-and-switch tactics that he is resorting to these days - perhaps his fundraising for summits and other events is under par or something. Why post this junk/misleading info on BRF ?

He ends up just discussing the Kalat encounter in which 20-odd Pawkees were killed. Pak is in control of the sarkar but is not successful in subduing the BLA attacks. Yeah, I hope the Baloch gain their freedom sooner than later, but it is not free yet. The BLA doesn't control any territory, it managed to blow up a bank and kill a detachment of brownpants.

The other day he had a bold headline "Wakf Bill Passed", but the discussion was just on the fact that the JPC completed its vote and passed on the bill for re-introduction in Sansad.

Another one: he claimed Bharat has done "Operation Devil Strike" to capture northern BD. But there is no such operation, it was instead "Exercise Devil Strike" carried out on Indian soil only. Sure, the exercise in WB increases preparedness for such scenarios - but he is using these for bait-and-switch viewership numbers.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Rana »

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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by ricky_v »

bala wrote: 03 Feb 2025 02:40 Sanjay Dixit of Jaipur Dialogues believes that Balochistan has separated from the Pukis and the breakup is complete. Pakistan has lost its grip over Balochistan. Time for India to recognize their free nation.

sounds quite far-fetched to be honest, bala ji; in this day and age, comms would be lit up with any such activities, and would have percolated well over loudspeakers on sm, hell, parts of syria / libya have been trying to separate from the main body for some time, and you have had constant chatter leading up to and into it, the only thing we have with balochistan is the restive movement ~2 years ago, and then only mild grumble and prolonged business-as-usual, with a blast here and a blast there, seems unlikely that a couple of guys have more open information than frankly the entire world
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by RCase »

Dang, I was searching for the cameras and film products in the picture that the guy wanted to boycott.
Next I thought that the Pakis had found a new kafir/enemy to hate - Fiji.

Sirji - had to read the 'fine' print of fauji dhanda for the KLPD moment!
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by bala »

ricky_v wrote: 03 Feb 2025 06:19 sounds quite far-fetched to be honest, bala ji;
Ricky_V ji, yes. What I found from Sanjay is that he has captured kinda of the gist of what is going on in Balochistan and claimed whatever headline he tagged to his YT. Some things which are pertinent is that the terrain is foreboding, mainly desert like, sparse and very small pockets of habitation. Both BLA and TTP are in concert hammering the Punjabi Paki Fauj. We keep hearing about the brown pants being perished on targeted raids. Even the chinese dude in gwadar was clobbered. The writing is on the wall that Balochistan will fall from the Paki very quickly. Some nudge by India will hasten this collapse. DJT has cut of all aid to all nations and this will pinch the fauji clan, which is trying to eke out a living in a dying state. I feel a catastrophe is in the works and tis a question of ticking time for the Pakis.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by gakakkad »

Rana wrote: 03 Feb 2025 06:13 Image
https://x.com/hashtag/BoycottFaujiDhand ... ick&f=live
Boycott Fauji Dhanda
milk costing 3500 / 1.5 liters !! yikes
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by A Deshmukh »

KL Dubey wrote: 03 Feb 2025 05:27this is just clickbait-and-switch tactics that he is resorting to these days -
the headlines might be a little click bait.
but these channels provide news on daily killings of paki faujis.
there has been 100s of soldiers killed by BLA, TTP and other rebels in a year.
how long is that sustainable?
TSP army has Baloch and Pathan soldiers, how long will they fight their co-religion brothers on the other side.

BLA is backed by Uncle. So we will not see direct benefits of independent Balochistan.
we should not expect Baloch merging with Bharat (at least for a decade). It may not be a good idea to have radicals into India.
Most important need is the trade routes to Central Asia/East Europe/Russia. Our historical routes via Afghanistan, Tajikistan are currently blocked.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Manish_P »

gakakkad wrote: 03 Feb 2025 09:39 ..
milk costing 3500 / 1.5 liters !! yikes
That's for a set of 10 / 12 packs
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Manish_P »

A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 11:29 ....
we should not expect Baloch merging with Bharat (at least for a decade)....
Have the baloch expressed any such desire (after the partition) ?

Even if they want to it is tactically unsound as Sindh (with pakistans financial center of Karachi) lies in between.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by KL Dubey »

A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 11:29
KL Dubey wrote: 03 Feb 2025 05:27this is just clickbait-and-switch tactics that he is resorting to these days -
the headlines might be a little click bait.
but these channels provide news on daily killings of paki faujis.
there has been 100s of soldiers killed by BLA, TTP and other rebels in a year.
how long is that sustainable?
TSP army has Baloch and Pathan soldiers, how long will they fight their co-religion brothers on the other side.
You probably know the answer, but here it is anyway.

Technically anything can happen, but most likely scenario: Balochistan lost its independence due to the formation of the Pak state, and it will regain independence due to the demise/collapse/dissolution of the Pak state.

Pak's occupation of Bstan is "sustainable" as long as the Pak army and sarkar are functional and continue to extract the natural resources (energy, minerals etc) along with the PRC presence. The Baloch population is not large, and they have been almost completely locked out from any meaningful participation in/control of the local economy. They do not currently have a critical mass of manpower or resources to overthrow the Paks. They can kill Packees regularly, but also get killed with the same regularity.

Demise of Pak will most likely come from some sort of Indian and Afghan action in GB/POK/Panjab/Sindh/Khyber. The breakup will not be orderly nor along the lines of current international/provincial borders. It will be chaos with likely humanitarian issues as well. India will have to be the key actor. After all, most of Pak is actually our land.

As for Sanjay, he has been announcing "Pak breakup" for years now. At least 15-20 headlines in the last few years proclaiming "Pak finally breaking/breaks". Usually his definition of "breaking" is some small incident, so he has "broken Pak" many times (usually with his buddy Sumit).

For anything serious on this issue, Sushant Sareen at ORF is a much better resource to follow.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by KL Dubey »

Manish_P wrote: 03 Feb 2025 14:28
A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 11:29 ....
we should not expect Baloch merging with Bharat (at least for a decade)....
Have the baloch expressed any such desire (after the partition) ?

Even if they want to it is tactically unsound as Sindh (with pakistans financial center of Karachi) lies in between.
Bstan was an independent country and should gain independence first before its people decide anything else. If/when the Pak state falls in Islamabad, Bstan will be quite fragile during the transition period.

Just see this map: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochist ... emoved.jpg

The Afghans have disputes over the border all the way from Khyber to Quetta, plus Iran has its own Balochistan province next door and will likely not be comfortable with maintaining the current international border.

The Baloch people are divided between Pak, Afg, and Iran, and they are also 20% of the population of Oman.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by A Deshmukh »

Manish_P wrote: 03 Feb 2025 14:28Have the baloch expressed any such desire (after the partition) ?
1947. Khan of Khalat wanted to join India.There are a lot of Akhand Bharat enthusiasts, who think it is feasible even now.
I personally do not think that Baloch can be integrated into Bharat at this time & for a foreseeable future (at least a decade).
we can best hope for an independent Baloch with US blessings and bases, but we can support in mining as well as be a market for any minerals.
From Uncle pov neutering Chin in Gwadar & CPEC and having bases for their UAVs and planse could be a goal. They can monitor Iran, Rus, Chin, India (+ Afg & TSP).
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by KL Dubey »

A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 19:10
Manish_P wrote: 03 Feb 2025 14:28Have the baloch expressed any such desire (after the partition) ?
1947. Khan of Khalat wanted to join India.There are a lot of Akhand Bharat enthusiasts, who think it is feasible even now.
I personally do not think that Baloch can be integrated into Bharat at this time & for a foreseeable future (at least a decade).
we can best hope for an independent Baloch with US blessings and bases, but we can support in mining as well as be a market for any minerals.
From Uncle pov neutering Chin in Gwadar & CPEC and having bases for their UAVs and planse could be a goal. They can monitor Iran, Rus, Chin, India (+ Afg & TSP).
Once Pak actually "breaks", anything is feasible. Like i said, it won't be orderly.

Akhand Bharat won't be a hasty cobble-together job. It is not just a political map project but also a cultural project. Initially such regions would be some kind of automonous protectorates or territories to be slowly integrated. Your timeline is a "decade" which makes no sense...that's like saying "I will make my yet-to-be-born child a CEO in 10 years". It will be much longer, but if Bharat successfully revives our heartland then none will be able to resist its gravitational pull. It took about 1200 years to break down Akhand Bharat, expecting it to come back up "ASAP" is unrealistic.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Manish_P »

A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 19:10 1947. Khan of Khalat wanted to join India.
Exactly. But that time is long gone. And there are too many players in the area now who will make it a drain on us - especially since we will be hard pressed to hold it without a direct border (like Beediland was for the Pakis).

The Pakis and their 4.5 fathers will make sure of that
A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 19:10 There are a lot of Akhand Bharat enthusiasts, who think it is feasible even now.
Ask them for a detailed explanation on why it is feasible and what is the strategy
A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 19:10 I personally do not think that Baloch can be integrated into Bharat at this time & for a foreseeable future (at least a decade).
I don't think it can even in the foreseeable future. Not even with Pakiland split into 4/5 pieces
A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 19:10 we can best hope for an independent Baloch with US blessings and bases, but we can support in mining as well as be a market for any minerals.
From Uncle pov neutering Chin in Gwadar & CPEC and having bases for their UAVs and planse could be a goal. They can monitor Iran, Rus, Chin, India (+ Afg & TSP).
I doubt even the US would want to split Pakiland. They have always found it easier & cheaper to deal directly with the Jernails and let the Jernails control the abduls. Afghanistan being the recent case in point. The US MIC/CIA might be more inclined to do it than the politicians but i doubt it.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Jay »


These guys are quickly turning out to be major frauds and idiots of the first kind. Hard to take any of these jokers seriously anymore with these kind of assertions and conclusions.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by A_Gupta »

YouTube algorithm changes have made clickbait headlines necessary. Judge by content only.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by SRajesh »

Just a Noob Pooch
Just as Trumpwa wants to evict all Palestinians/philistines as they claim to be from Isreal and send them to Other 1.5 Umma
Can this be a precedent elsewhere??
Hope you get my drift of 4.5 forefathers!!!
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by RCase »

Here is an idea for the Terroristan jernails to milk a situation ...

Why should Trump think of gifting Billions of dollars to Egypt and Jordan to take in the Gazans? Make a deal with Trump to take in the Gazans in lieu of Billions of dollars over the years. After all adding a couple million fellow jihadis will be a rounding error in the Paki population. Pakistan has always been willing to make major sacrifices.

No need for IMF bailout, repayment of CPEC, paying for F-16s etc. Pak economy will once again be roaring. Real estate in Pak, UAE, Englandistan, Kanneda (51st state) will see an uptick.

For the masses, their heart bled for their fellow ummah Gazans. Now they will be united and for many a Paki would ACTUALLY have met a Philistini. Meanwhile we can enjoy the Paki Youtubers interviewing the Gazans on the streets of Lahore about the extreme hospitality and sacrifices of the Pakis.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by chetak »

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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by RCase »

It was not stolen. Kafir's iPhone is maal-e-ghanimat for momins.

Not sure if the doctors at the hospital had already done dawa to Rachin to embrace the most peaceful cult.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by partha »

https://www.dawn.com/news/1893246/wont- ... n-says-dar
Won’t accept any pressure from Washington, says Dar
When is the next round of IMF funding? :rotfl:
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by chetak »

Manish_P wrote: 03 Feb 2025 19:31
A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 19:10 1947. Khan of Khalat wanted to join India.
Exactly. But that time is long gone. And there are too many players in the area now who will make it a drain on us - especially since we will be hard pressed to hold it without a direct border (like Beediland was for the Pakis).

The Pakis and their 4.5 fathers will make sure of that
A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 19:10 There are a lot of Akhand Bharat enthusiasts, who think it is feasible even now.
Ask them for a detailed explanation on why it is feasible and what is the strategy
A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 19:10 I personally do not think that Baloch can be integrated into Bharat at this time & for a foreseeable future (at least a decade).
I don't think it can even in the foreseeable future. Not even with Pakiland split into 4/5 pieces
A Deshmukh wrote: 03 Feb 2025 19:10 we can best hope for an independent Baloch with US blessings and bases, but we can support in mining as well as be a market for any minerals.
From Uncle pov neutering Chin in Gwadar & CPEC and having bases for their UAVs and planse could be a goal. They can monitor Iran, Rus, Chin, India (+ Afg & TSP).
I doubt even the US would want to split Pakiland. They have always found it easier & cheaper to deal directly with the Jernails and let the Jernails control the abduls. Afghanistan being the recent case in point. The US MIC/CIA might be more inclined to do it than the politicians but i doubt it.

Manish ji,

here is a beardo paki katmullah who has admitted in their parliament that the police, as well as, the paki army has lost control of many areas of baloch.

If the baloch declare independence, there may be precious little that the pakis can do, except weep and blame India

the fact that in 1947, the khan of khalat wanted to join India will not even figure in their narrative when the global jihadi press gangs up on us.

what complicates the entire issue is this: The Gwadar Port is situated on the Arabian Sea at Gwadar in Balochistan province of Pakistan and the cheen own that port because they need it for their military use. The locals are not even allowed to fish in these waters for "security reasons" which the cheen enforce quite harshly. There is also a cheen airport that has been purpose built and that airport with its runway can take heavy lift strategic and tactical transporters (built under the pretense of accommodating the operations of the A-380 sized aircraft and the runway has been designed to heavier aircraft requiring a considerably higher LCN, allegedly to cater for future "growth")

There was never any commercial use planned for these air and sea ports which were from the very beginning planned as cheeni owned (very long leased assets, because the pakis could not repay the BRI loans) large over seas military installations and the pakis got taken for a royal ride. The pakis have been completely screwed Its too late for them to do anything about it

Pakistan Tries To Arm-Twist China Over Gwadar Port. The Plan Backfires.

Islamabad reportedly told Beijing that if it wants a military base in Gwadar, Pakistan might permit it only if Beijing is willing to arm it with a second-strike nuclear capability.

https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/pakista ... es-7287324

the latest development in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, a $50+ billion investment in Pakistan as part of China’s Belt and Road initiative. NGIA (New Gwadar International Airport) is situated approximately 45 kilometres from the Chinese-operated Gwadar Port and spans 4300 acres, making it the country’s largest airport by area. It was built with a $246 million Chinese grant, and can accommodate large aeroplanes such as the Airbus A380.



take a listen saar.


Balochistan News: Pakistan का ऐलान सुन पूरा भारत खड़े होकर बजाएगा तालियां !Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman

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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by Manish_P »

chetak wrote: 21 Feb 2025 11:21 ..
here is a beardo paki katmullah who has admitted in their parliament that the police, as well as, the paki army has lost control of many areas of baloch.

If the baloch declare independence, there may be precious little that the pakis can do, except weep and blame India...
Thanks for sharing Chetak sir. Baloch independence is ok IMHO. Though i feel it is not tenable.

What i am against, and what i think the baloch do not want now, is a merger with India.

And i do not think the indian military will support it either.
chetak wrote: 21 Feb 2025 11:21 ...
The Gwadar Port is situated on the Arabian Sea at Gwadar in Balochistan province of Pakistan and the cheen own that port because they need it for their military use.
There was never any commercial use planned for these air and sea ports which were from the very beginning planned as cheeni owned (very long leased assets, because the pakis could not repay the BRI loans) large over seas military installations and the pakis got taken for a royal ride. ...
The Pakis and Cheenis both tried to take each other for a royal-loyal ride. The Chinese in their over-confidence about their military and financial prowess and the Pakis in their geo-strategic confidence that sugar daddy USA needs them against the chinese and india.

The real fun would be if either or both US and China try to push for balochistan 'independence' with both demanding 'loyalty' from the Baloch nation in return for the favor.

I will be ok with both supah-powahs duking it out in baloch land, using their proxies eyeran and bakistan.
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by chetak »

mass suicide may be the way to go for these jihadis, like herds of lemmings that commit mass suicide by jumping off seaside cliffs.

We have lost our credibility, need urgent economic reforms: Pak FM

Feb 20 2025

Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb said on Thursday that Pakistan had lost its credibility as the country struggled to achieve economic stability.

He was speaking at a Senate climate change committee meeting, where he discussed the country's climate financing challenges and its negotiations with international lenders, The Express Tribune newspaper reported.

We have lost our credibility as a country, Aurangzeb stated, adding that urgent economic reforms were necessary to restore the trust.

https://www.business-standard.com/world ... 327_1.html
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Re: Terroristan - March 31, 2022

Post by RCase »

Time for some entertainment. It seems like real news - Firstpost ...
Pakistan’s Moon Mission: A Giant Leap or Just a Hitchhike? | Vantage on Firstpost


Maulaners, there is a prize for naming the mission. 100,000 award for best name (not dallars, but PKR).
Pakistan will hitch a ride on the Chinese launch vehicle. The rover will land in (no prizes for guessing) South Pole region of the moon.

Am wondering whether the rover is built with Islamic science and technology or is it a Chinese kit assembled and painted green by Pakistan. Target date 2028.

I think the rover should be made like a flying donkey (Buraq), with wings instead of solar panels. Enclose it in a burqa to withstand the extreme cold of the lunar night.
My claim for the PKR 100,000 is 'Burro' (donkey in Spanish).
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