Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part VI

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Post by Sudhanshu »

hey rahul :) it was just a sarcastic comment, it was just to emphasize how famous shankar writing is.

And next sentence was just to clear my own confusion.

Sorry, if my comment caused any mis-interpretation.
Rahul M
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Post by Rahul M »

buddy, understood you fully well!! actually it's you who have misunderstood (me)!! :wink:
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Post by Dileep »

Spy Story: The Final Bow
Sanjeev Gupta pulled out of the drive thru window of the Carl's Jr restaurant. The nice smell of french fries and flame broiled burgers filled inside the car. He was wary of his surroundings. The secured e-mail he got from 'the Ascetic' had an unusual dark tone. "Be wary of your shadow" was the cryptic message from the elusive mentor. You don't need great IQ to figure out that he and his team did mess with the CIA and FBI. What he did not know was how much advanced they are in figuring out his role.

Sanjeev was a direct recruit from his college. He was born to wealthy parents from Delhi. By the time he was 20, he had achieved enough notereity, that the parents had to pack him off to Bangalore in the guise of doing MBA. His exploits included drug abuse, sex scandals, cyber crimes and street violence. The final straw came when he messed with the son of a very influential politician, where both men competed for the affection of the same girl. Having lost the girl, he took vengence by obtaining a video of them in a very intimate situation and publishing it on the internet. He did such a good job, that the nascent cybercrime cell of Delhi police could not find any evidence linking him to the crime.

He continued the same lifestyle even at Bangalore. In fact, being away from the known circle of Delhi gave him more opportunities of mischief. But everything turned upside down one day, when terrorists decided to attack his college. The burst from the AK-47 instantly killed his girlfriend and tore the flesh away from his elbow. A moment of romantic chat was instantly turned into the most horrific tragedy he ever faced. After all the women he had in his life, he really loved Suman Bopanna, the smart, fair girl from Madikeri. MAbe he was not destined to have fruitful relationships. Maybe fate had other designs for him. Anyway, that incident had profound impact on his life.

Barely discharged from the hospital, and enraged by the loss of two more students and a professor apart from his girlfriend, he went on what he knew he could. He started his own tracking down of the terrorists. The Bangalore police was absolutely no help, but Sanjeev was not a person to take no for an answer.

What got eventualy published in the media all over the country was how the IB gave the police critical leads resulting in arrest of the terrorists from a safe house in BTM Layout and also of a bunch of facilitators from around the city. Sanjeev's name or his role in tracking them down was never officially acknowledged. But he did get a visit from a grey haired gentleman from RHS Technologies Pvt. Ltd. a week later. Four months later, Sanjeev finished the last of his exams and took a flight to Hyderabad to join the company.

His father was the happiest man on earth that day. He was glad that his wayward son is not enthusiastically joining a software company.

But he never knew it was a much nobler cause his son has dedicated his life for.

After hardly a year at the Hyderabad facility, he was hired by a small bodyshop outfit as marketing executive at their Singapore office. After an year, he was transferred to the Bay Area office. Shortly, he took the job of being the eyes and ears of the country at one of the very important areas in USA. He setup home in an apartment in Richmond district and settled down. The job was pretty dull by his standards. There are some Paki businesses who financed the terror operations, and there were some drug running. Also there were some people trying to continue the Khalistan movement, but their activities didn't go much beyond demonstrations at the Indian events conducted around the Bay Area. He used to get a lot of time at hand to enjoy what San Francisco offered to men like him.

Then fate again intervened in the form of General Pervez Musharraf. He has decided to live his exiled life at Napa Valley, which falls under his jurisdiction.

Life was not the same for Sanjeev Gupta after that.

He reached home, parked the car and started walking back to his apartment.


Agent Jeff Boger sat on the uncomfortable plastic chair, watching the re run of a San Francisco Giants. He was an ardent fan of the team once, but after Barry Bonds left the scene, the team was not the same. He still gets creeps watching the game when he hit the legendary XXXth home run. Jeff had missed that game, being on urgent work. He had tickets for the game ready for his then girlfriend and himself. He turned and looked at the dark figure slouched in front of the monitors. He kind of liked Agnes Hayes. She was very good at what she did, and very chic to boot. They had worked together on a couple of other stakeouts before, and poor Jeff couldn't even get her to share a drink with him. The faint light from the bunch of monitors projected a siluette of her curves, and Jeff sat there, taking it all in.

"He is in". The sound of her voice startled Jeff. He rose slowly and walked over to the work centre. There were a few monitors clustered around and a console of switches and keys in front. The monitors showed various views of the apartment they are staking out. The big 21 inch monitor in the middle was showing a view through the bedroom window. It was dark, and the IR enhanced image clearly shown the cold window pane against the warmer wall around it. Also, he could see the computer at the work table, which is plugged in and warm. Agnes turned on the laser beam on the window pane, and the loud speaker came alive with white noise first and then clicks and taps heard when someone moved around the house.

They heard footsteps and suddenly the monitor lit up to blank white. It took a few seconds to settle and the image clearly shown the floor lamp being switched on. The shape of a man was visible, walking around the room. "He is going to close the blinds", said Agnes. But as they watched, the man sat down and started eating something that looked like a burger. They waited more than tn minutes before he finished eating, cleaned up the place and then walked up and closed the blinds.

"Mr. Vyas is in business", said Agnes. "I think we can use his real name now Agnes." Jeff said rather dryly. Man, he even hated the words Sanjeev Gupta. He couldn't come to terms to the fact that this guy, maybe young enough to be his son, had him garndly. Even after he knew that he is going to get him down to the slammer tonight.

The loud speaker started to give out the clickety clack of someone typing on the keyboard. Then it was shaded by a loud hum. "He turned on the breaker". Let's go", said Jeff. "It's showtime".

Both of them, and the man who was silently watching the game stood up, passed their hands over the sidearm and radio, tapped the earset, nodded to each other and walked out of the room.

It was payback time for FBI.


The stakeout was the culmination of many sleepless nights for Jeff boger and his colleagues. He didn't care too much about the stuff belonged to the General, but his own hard disk, from his own goshdarn cubicle! Now that is one hit too much. He know who did it, but despite serious efforts by his colleagues and even SFPD, no evidence could be drawn. All they had was a picture of the perp who actually hit the FBI building and the truck. He did the obvious thing, that is circulating the picture all around the country.

The breakthru happened when Raphael Garcia was arrested in the suburbs of San Diego. He was apprehended by the border patrol, trying to sneak to Mexico. Faced with the photographic evidence and a plea bargain, he readily admitted working with Mahendra vyas, and specifically, pointed out the fast food joint in Santa Rosa where they met. From there, they could get the image of Sanjeev Gupta from the security tapes. It took only a day to trace Sanjeev, and set up a stakeout at his apartment. While they watched every move of him, another team collected and analysed evidence on his activities, piling up a case.

The final piece of the puzzle was, however, in Sanjeev's computer. The cyber security experts had warned that it would have a very sophisticated security protection, so it must be apprehended while in operation, and a cryptoanalyst team must immediately take over the equipment. It took a couple of days to assemble them, and they are ready to roll now.

Two more men joined Jeff's group silently. They lugged what looked like large briefcases, and walked a few feet behind. They walked over the pavement, crossed the grass patch and assembled in front of the front door. Jeff tok a step forward and rang the tiny door bell.


Sanjeev Gupta was working at his laptop. The little CardBus adapter snug in the slot did the magic of encrypting every byte of data that got transferred in the machine. It linked with the company network over a public DSL connection, but the logical link was encrypted to the highest level. Even the hard disk, including the swap file was encrypted. The laptop, made by Ansol Systems Pvt. Ltd at Noida also contained several counter intelligence options even he didn't understand.

He was startled when the door bell rang. That WAS unusual. He hit the F11 hotkey to secure the screen before moving out to see who it was.

Looking through the viewhole, he missed a heartbeat, and cold seat started tickling his brow. The 6-11 frame of agent Boger almost covered the view, with one equal sized guy and a smaller woman in the rear. All of them had their right hand behind their back.

"Open the door PLEASE". It sounded like a tiger's growl. Sanjeev had no other option than to comply.

Sanjeev opened the door. Boger gave out a smile that was almost mixed with a snicker. "FBI. You are under arrest". Boger said in a tone as neutral as he possibly could make. "Don't move, and keep your hands where I can see them". One of the other officers moved in swiftly and clicked the handcuffs.

Two more walked in with an unusual certainity and moved into his second bedroom that is being used as an office room. With methodical precision, they unplugged the power supply of the laptop and plugged it into a portable unit. Then they unplugged the network cable from the jack. Taking care not to touch any of the keys or fold the display, they proceeded to move the laptop into a padded carton box. That took almost a minute.

During that period, at some moment of time, a tiny capacitor discharged into a new of nichrome wires and burned up several square millimetres of silicon chip. Moments before, a small routine embedded in the BIOS started a loop clearing the DRAM and the HDD.

What the analysts at Langley got the next day was a burned up security processor and a cleaned out HDD.


the ordeal Sanjeev had to go through in service of the motherland was one chapter better reserved for a later time on a later media. It suffice to say that the americans, despite all the human rights activists, laws and courts, can be very cruel when they want to, even within the US.

He will have to suffer several weeks, till one day, as suddenly as he was incarcerated, he was released without any explanation, other than an advice to take the next flight home and to never come back to the USA. As of now, we do not know his whereabouts.

The golden bowl was opened, but the truth was not allowed to be seen. There will always be forces beyond the comprehension of simple mortals at play. The ultimate truth maybe that "The people can't handle the truth". At least that is what the soft spoken Prime Minister told his trusted National Security Advisor.

The End
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Post by Dileep »


Not only GOOD things end. Even not so good things also do end, and the Spy Story is no different.

So, it formally ends here, with the above post. When I started it (thread version V), I had no clue how it all is going to work out. But looking back, despite all the cockamamie schemes, factual, and language errors and inconsistencies, I guess I was able to concoct a reasonably complete story. I am glad that many of you read it, and that at least some said they actually enjoyed it.

I thank everyone who posted encouraging comments.

Now, moving to the sidelines and waiting for Shankar to return.
Rahul M
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Post by Rahul M »

dileep man, I would seriously miss u'r posts.
I feel you wrapped up things early.
anyway great going!! :)
Ankit Desai
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Post by Ankit Desai »

I enjoyed it very much. Appreciate ur work and effort from bottom of heart.

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Post by Shankar »

in the aftermath of gulf war 2 both indian navy and airforce realised the true value of conceled strike power a a better form preserving its strike capability from the preemptive strike of an opponent particularly a carrier based task force .As a direct ressult of this new doctrine a string of unnamed codeded airbases were developed all along the peninsular india fousing a limited number of best available assets which could be used to engae a surprise first strike or used as a meium of effective second strike as the need be .

So while the media and public clamoured on slow decision of the govt in aquiring new warships or aircraft a new underground force was built up known only to a few with best available weapon platforms and systems. They included aprt from known assets like brahmos and su-30s or mig35s also little known or suspected cutting edge technology based systems like high power directed energy weapons , nuclear tipped area airspace denial weapons ,nuclear tipped torpedos and depth charges right out of testing and into these super secrte bases .They were so secret that for all practical purposes they did not exist ,Thier operating prsonnel were all tripple security screned and not trabsfered for the entire term of thier duty .The usal term of duty in these bases lasted usally 3 yrs when all contact with outside world was firmly denied though the slary and perks were somw what higher by about 67% and at the end of the tour they all recieved a rank change and alloted a posting of thier choice and enhanced pension.Any breach of security protocol was dealt with very harshly starting with court martial and usally ending up with dishonourable discharge from service and forfiture of all pension and due privilages .Such incidents however were rare and far between

Compared to some other coded bases this was one was almost run of the mill and housed the newly arrived mig 29k detachment earmarked for yet to be named indian air defense ship expected to be launched from the kochi yards "shortly". Keping in line with other codede bases there was no regualr cap or traing missions . The sprawling underground complex opened into a short runway with a built in ski jump an exact replica of those found abord vikramaditya and also incorporated 4 set of recessed arrestor wires on both ends of the single snd coloured runway giving te naval fulcrum pilots a real carrier feel every take off and landing with enhanced operating safety . Most of the palm tree s surrounding the short runway weer essentialy thermo plastic replicas of coconut and palm trees with real filage and integrated programmed heater inside to fool the optical and thermal satelites orbiting the skies overhead.The hollowed out inside housed he communication antenas -very rarely used and the air defense missile launchers usally akash and patrot 3 units . The radar antenas were similary housed inside "sand dunes "along the beaches with some equaly dummu sea gulls nesting nearby .The navy personnel manning the beach were encouraged to wear the most outrageous beach ware to mak the deception complete when off duty
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Post by Shankar »

Deep in the bowels of island rocks illuminated by powerful sodium vapour lamps each in its own explossion proof hosing sat the dozen plus birds of war of indian navy still to taste blood .The massive underground parking bay with its attendant fuel farm and maintainance bay took almost 6 yrs to build but the effort was well worth it . The multiple L shaped parking aprons led to a common taxi way out to the main runway overground thru a 2ft thick sliding steel door .Extra large air bloweres kicked in whenever the aircraft engines started to keep the air inside breathable but this practice was not usally followed .Use of electric tow carts were recommended whenever few minutes of warning was available.They pushed the fulcrums to a hydraulic aircraft lifting elevator just outside the extra thick blast doors from where they were lifted smoothly up almost 30ft to the main runway hammerhead for straight take ,the aircraft not exposed to hostile detection and attack for more than 2 minutes since the pilots usally started the engine immediately on being placed on the elevator and by the time the slow lift pushed them up to surface the were usally at steerage power ready to move out and take off .

Though first purchased for vikramaditya the fulcrum attracted indian naval aviators like a flock of hungry hyenas after a wounded gazzelle or may be a group of marines on liberty to a french house of pleasure . The option to buy the full complement of 46 mig 29ks were executed even before the refurbished carrier renamed as ins vikramaditya touched indian shores . So now even if the indian indegenious carrrier not yet ready her air complement was fully operational from the secret base code named siera delta .Though bearing the same name mig 29k s both single and twin seater ub versions were for all practical purpose totally new aircraft.The Pr nk 29k navigation attack suites permit navigation and engagement of aerial ground surface targets thruout the aircrafts designated target envelope,singly or as a part of the group,regardless of whether the aircraft is operating from a carrier or a shore base like in this case.Radar absorbing coating and special anti corrossion coatings were standard on all aircraft and helped reduce the aircrafts radar signature by a factor of almost 5 .The powerplants were all new rd 33mk afterburning turbo fan with ful authority digital engine control and the design revisions were incorporated in the high and low pressure compressors as well as the high and low pressure turbines .These design modifications improved the air mass flow by 6.5% with a corresponding turbine operating temperature increase by 40 c .To the pilot this meant a thrust level increase by approximately 8% at full after burner mode or 9000 kgp .That was not all completely new design created a low smoke combustion chamber to address the smoke signature of earlier mig 29 versions .

Though they still did not know when all the fulcrum pilots having ranks lt commanders and above were just looking forward to blast the damn super bugs of royal navy out of the sky .So far there was no information on their launch or attack vector so they waited strappped on to thier fulcrums and looking at the dispalys one more time
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Post by Singh »

Shankar U R Back Atlast!!!!
Missed u like hell mate.
Hmmm will we get to c another Tandav???
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Post by Shankar »

Commander jones impassively watched the emrald green tip of aouthern arabian sea as he rushed over the wave tops at barely 100 ft and mach 1.25.The state of the art auto pilot system coupled to radio altimeter kept the aircraft on attack course effortlessly towards the indian naval air station at lakswadeep. He has plotted his ingress very carefully teering around the patrolling destroyer ins bangalore and the naval base at kochi .He knew all along the route at this altitude he will avoid the land based radars .There was no aircraft within detection range too making his job of dropping of two 1000 kg implossion type bombs on the base double easy .He ofcourse knew exit will be more tricky as the shore based sukhois will surely intercept his flight and certain level of attrition was expected as long as he suceeded in "dropping" his load on the blessed indian navy base who have become intolerably smug after sucessful "sinking " of charles de gaulle with volley fire of their supersonic anti ship missiles .It was now his turn to show the world that royal navy still rules the waves

He crossed the first of the small islands in a rush .Only a small jolt to indiacte diffrence in air temperature iver land and then was over the ocean surface once again creating a twin furrow on the calm surface with his powerful exhaust and behind him were the other five in tight arrowhead formation .Time to target 9 minutes 43 seconds .

Down below in one of the fishing boats that surrounded the tiny island nair a petty smuggler watched the low flying aircraft with interest particularly the RN roundels on the wings and the shape of angled twin tail . He had a debt to pay to indian navy . Few years back when on a run from srilanka with smuggled consumer electronics were unfortunate enough to be almost caught by the srlankan naval gunboat off the coast of triconmalee just inside srilankan waters . Timely appearence of a navy sea king saved his day and the srilankan gun boat did bother to pursue . Considering the seaking was carrying two sea eagle anti ship missile some would say it was a most wise decision.As an unusal gesture the frigate commander did not hand him over to indian customs since he was technically still in srilankan waters but made him promise to report any unusal maritime activity to a dedicated cell number .

From the on he has paid his installments as when possible by reporting on gun running boats to organised smugglers and once on a thai fishing trawler within indian exclussive economic zone which was promtly confiscated by the coast guard . The reward money helped him set up a legitamate fihing business but he still did an odd job or two if the price was right . Todays report he hoped would put him in the good books of indian navy for long .

His call was answered on the third ring and then person on other end listened quitely as he described the aircrafts and thier course and possible objective He also described the heavy bombs on the centre line pylon of the lead aircraft and they were flying very very low almost skimming the top of his boat. Finally he did not forget to add his expectations for a job well done . The connection broke off quickly with a curt thank you from who ever was on the other end .

Up but not much up in the sky commander jones was blissfully unware of the fact that his mission have been seriously compromised by a school drop out part time smuggler in the employ of indian navy .Ensconed in his comfortable flight deck and surround by the best avionics money can buy he watched the time to target dispaly click down to 9 minutes 31 seconds .
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Post by Drevin »

Nice narration. Just curious if 100 feet is good enuf? Probably the radar ground can reach down to 50ft ??
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Post by Shankar »

Jones wished he was down to 50 ft to be absolutely sure of not being detected by indian long range ground based search radars he knew were located at several of the islands along his flight path but he decided to paly safe for a number of reasons .Firstly this was after all a war game and not a shooting war. Secondly for an effective safe delivery of a nuke he had to follow the proven lob toss flight profile which will nesseciat him to climb almost vertical on full power for almost upto 20000 ft before the attack computer will automatically release the bombs on its parabolic path to target grid allowing him enough time to loop out and away from the blast zone .THirdly he did not much trust the auto pilot which was accurate only upto 20 ft or so at his current ir speed over alternating ocean land terrain .There were just too many of those frigging coconut trees more than 25 ft long scattered all over he islands .Finally the radra reception particularly ground based ones were really not that effective in tracking a fightter sized target at just under 100 ft in high vegetation zone unlike in desserts of gulf where thy could and have sucessfuly targted fighter sized objects as low as 35ft . Only acceptable way he could go down lower was to reduce his airspeed to less than mach 1prferably 0.85 or nearabout but that would have compromised his time to target computation and give those extra minute to indian navy blokes o get an intercept solution worked out and call for asistance from maniland if required whcih he did not much appreciate.

Howver in one of the uninhabitated islands not far from his present position his flight have been reported and a flight of mig29ks have already started being pushed into tsarting position one at a time .he had no idea they existed and all his attention was focussed on the small naval airstation at lakswadeep whcih housed a sqadron of ex royal navy sea harriers bought at a deep discount in 2008 as royal navy wanted to go for the joint strike fighters . To his mind only these 16 odd harriers posed any serious challeng to the hms elizabeth carrier group and needed to be taken out and taken out fast without saying Hi .

He crossed the un inhabitated island housing siera delta his infra red sensors did pick up a few sharp spikes but on the surface there was nothing to see .Jones disregarded them asfocussed refelection from the volacnic rock bed not an unusal phenomena in tropical islands .

He was right and wrong . Some of the infra signature was indeed solar reflection from the irregular rock face but some of them were not .They came from dozen odd pusher tractors working on full power to position the migs on lifting elevator for short vertical climb to the sand coloured

The navu fulcrums in few minutes will be in aposition for tail shot instead of frontal interception as anticipated by commander jones of royal navy .He did consider all possibilities but not this one and would cost his team dear
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Post by Shankar »

As the wargames between indian navy and its new found nato allies continued in the arabian sea showcasing the true might of india. against the best of the best in the world the ,as a prelude to the comming epoch battle soon to fought on the arid plains of afganistan and north western frontier province ,the soft spoken prime minister of india could at last take a break from the hectic behind the scenes diplomacy of last five years required to bring this unusal coaltion between russia -us -uk -france and several other smaller miltary poweres agree to a common action plan to end the etrror game of pakistan once and for all It was not definitely easy but no one really expected it to be back in 2005 when the cabinaet commitee on security analysing indias economic growth potential realised unless the scourge of terorism is firmly and decisively tackles the nessecery resources needed to make up for the infrastructure deficit cannot be met which called for substantial private participation both from within and outside country .

Pakistan was however in the cross hairs of western military commanders as early as 2005 as the principal supplier of men materials and logistics base provider to the taliban partcularly the nato commanders who fought them on ground in the afgan pakistan border ,despite routine denial of such an alliance by bush administartion who still then considerd pakistan a s a frontline ally against terror .The bush administartion was begining to loose confidence of its own military commanders in afganistan and this ultimately led to a major policy shift in the white house and pentagon .The top military commandres from us,britain denmark canada and holland who after fighting one of the fiercest battle with taliban in 2005 demanded from thier respective governments they do something more concrete against paksitan if the so called war on terror is to have any meaning.This was in fact mentioned very specifically by a reputed pakistani analysist rashid which rocked the white house administration.In his despatch from afganistan where nato troops fought a pitched battle with talibans lasting more than 12 days september 4th to 17th to be exact and called operation medusa clearly confirmed nature of assistance provided by pakistans interservices intelligence to taliban in form of military supplies and other logistical aid which allowed them to resist a well equipped nato army for such a long duration.One of the senior nato commanders was quoted as saying"our boys in southern afganistan is hurting because of what is comming out of Quetta".In this operation nato soldiers captured nearl;y 160 talibans many of them pakistanis who described in detail isi s support for taliban just the way jihadis caught in kashmir outline the involvement of pakistani intelligence agencies in their proxy war against india.In operation medusa more than 1000 talibans were killed as pakistan fed them as ideal cannon fodder into afganistan.An estimated 400000.
rounds of ammo was fired by the talibans along with 2000 rocket propelled grenades which have arrived from quetta over the preceding months of spring.

In the aftermath of operation medusa nato commanders strted mapping the entire taliban support structure in pakistan starting from traioning camps in balochistan to isi run training camps in quetta to talibans new weapons dump at shura and the leadership council in quetta where at that time it was believed mulah omar is hidding.The nato commanders alos had conclussive proof that two training camps for taliban existed just outside quetta which were fed by hundreds of madrasaa in the region and after training waved onto pakistan by pakistani border guards in direct contravention to guarantees provided by pakisatni president to world community.

And then this triggred focussed redeployemnt of nato recon assets to confirm what was long said by india and thier own military commanders on ground fighting the taliban. The physical evidence of pakistans two faced game was not long in comming as thousands of high resolutio sat and uav photos proved beyond doubt pakistans extent of pakistani involvement in the deadly game of terror .

And then very slowly a global military alliance strted taking shape culminating in todays assembly of most powerful military machine since world war 2.
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Post by Shankar »

The green strobe flashed continiously as the masive steel blast doors slid into its recess cut in the rock face powered by silent track motors and for a few minutes the secrets of indian navy was open to the skies .A sky scan from isro telemetry centre in hassan a few seconds back was positive about no foreign sattelite in orbit over lakswadepp at the moment and none were expected for the next 17 minutes .The information was uploaded to the giant plasma screen over the blast door and pilots knew thier window of launch was 15 minutes and no more after which the blast flashing strobe will turn amber stay like that for 30 seconds and then turn red and the door will close irrespective of whether any aircraft was still in the door way or not .If for some reason any of the aircraft under launch reported malfunction on exit they will be any way pushed in by the dedicated tractor inside or outside and the doors will close no matter what .

The communication between tower and launching aircraft was thru optical fibre data cable layed underground and connected to the airframe thru a sealed feed thru which allowed the tower air battle commander to talk freely to the pilots on attack profile ,target designation procedure and fall back ops instructions if required apart from standard take off clearences and mission specific procedures. Once the tower aircraft communication protocol was over the connecting flexible optical fibre cable dropped due to its own weight as the aircraft receptor released the mechnical latch holding it so far in position .The lone ground crew rettrieved it and pushed it into same position of the next aircraft in line and the process was repeated .

In the planning stage of this ultra secure communication system finance ministry did object to the prohibitive cost of such elaborate system costing more than 30 times a normal ground to air encrypted vhf system but gave in when they were explained with lot of patience by the then serving airchief himself a decorated mirage 2000 pilot the need for secrecy in a nuclear second strike mission or preemptive one if the situation so demanded .

Group captain vikash deshmukh saw the green strobe flashing at higher frequency and felt the push of the tractor slowly positioning his aircraft on the hydraulic elevator which would take him to runway surface in just under a minute .As his aircraft moved over the lift platform the tractor disengaged quickly and moved out and the crew chief showed the customary thumbs up with a broad smile .Deshmukhs hand slid over the engine console flawlessly closing the ignition circuit .A few quick turns of the intake fan and as the compression stages built up the required 60 bar chamber pressure the computer gave the ignition command and the twin rd 33 engines came alive with a pulsating throb belching dirty black smoke at first but which quickly cleaned p to a hazy brown as the combustion chamber temperature picked up and so did the digital engine rpm indiacator on the right bottom corner of right colour multifunctional lcd dispaly . The bright sun dazzled him as the elevator came upto ground level and stopped with a mild jolt .The wheel locks opened up automatically as the vertical motion of the elevator stopped and group captain deshmukh could atlast take command of his aircraft as he scanned the dispalys checked the allignment of his helmet mounted sights and the infra red tarcking system calibration data before gently nudging the collective throttle just a noth forward as he released the parking brake .The fulcrum responded like spirited stallion eager to move out and touch the sky ,quickly rolling onto the tarmac and deshmukh pulled back the throttle as the lone ground crew on duty in a bizziare beach shorts pushed up the optical fibre data chord into airframe socket

- tower - white death lead -requeast clearence for take
- white death lead -tower - bandits on ultimate strike profile -all dispersed -course 030-angels wave top - climb runway heading to 20k before going active - emcon 2 - over
- message understood - emcon 2 -multiple dispersed targets on us profile
- white death roger that -you are cleared for immediate take off .

Deshukh looke back to see his wing man was already in postion and slowly advanced the throttles as the mig 29k rolled out of hammerhead and into the sand coloured runway . Only a line of low intensity blue led marked the centreline of the ruunway from the surround earth as he blinked the navigation lights on twice ,switched them off and advanced the throttle all the way forward hesitated just a little at the reheat gate and then pushed it against the stops .The fulcrum took to the sky in a blaze of fire sound and dust and was soon climbing at nearly 60000 ft/minute towards its designated cruise /attack altitude . Deshmukh didnot need the slats and flaps for more than 5 seconds and was relieved to see the flight computer thought so too as the double hinged flaps recessed into cruise mode and the slats reverted to its normal position . Down below his wing man has just strted his take off roll
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Post by VijayV »

By doing this, didn't they showed there BASE to Royal Navy/ Airforce which is infested by CIA ???
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Post by Sudhanshu »

Rahul M wrote:buddy, understood you fully well!! actually it's you who have misunderstood (me)!! :wink:
you are right :) , actually, may be I was out of my senses (sleepy)at that time and replied from top of my head...

Well!! I have a question for shankar... do you really think such huge military activities in the vicinity of pakistan wont raise eyebrows in pakistani establishment, or at least in ISI. Wouldnt they try to decipher the all of sudden allied like behavior of dozens of militrarly strong nations with his arch rival, india.... in short they might be having a strong thinking like "let see what is cooking there".

I am sure if even pakistan become aware of the original grand plan... they will be left with very limited options.... like what we frequently use in hindi slangs back in INDIA "aa ke meri maaroo" (Admin you can delete that comment if you want to...). But, I guess countries like saudi (whose defense expenditure is rising exponentially every yr), malasiya, iran, .. etcetra will not be silent..

I guess you will have to address all this in your plot, to make it "more" realistic. (plz dont take my "more" in a negative sense)
Last edited by Sudhanshu on 11 Oct 2006 11:07, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Shankar »

The president of pakisatn looked at the mass of intel reports on his desk as he calmly sipped the extra large peg of green level on rocks in true british style ,a habbit he picked up in his early years at sandhurst and never bothered to give up.As he scanned the mass of individual reports form isi agents from afganistan kochi dabolim and mumbai apart from usal voluminous daily reort sent by isi resident representative in delhi and moscow posiing as cultural and economic affairs attache respectively some thing was not sounding right in the volley of military exrcises in the arabian sea .While the indian navy have in past regularly exercised in past with french and royal as well as us navy in more or less the same area and presence of us carrier groups in the northern arabian sea was also nothing new todays situation was diffrent in more ways than one .Firstly indian navy has never before exercised with french and royal navy wihtin a matter of days and it was also unusal for the yet to formally commissioned royal navy carrier hms elizabeth to take part in an exercise so far from home shores .ISI reports from central asian russain airbases also confirmed increased presence of large russian bombers particularly blackjacks and steady increase in indian armoured presence in southern afganistan.The president felt uncomfortable as any leader in hsi position would normally be when faced with long range supersonic bombers on the north and seven carrier battle groups prowling the southrn sea lanes of communication ,an arch enemy to the west and doubtful ally in the west .Unrest in baluchistan and frontier province was at its highest level in last 5 yrs and all evidence pointed to indian agents acting as provocateures in most cases .

But on theovert political front everything was as normal as can be expected under the circumstances .In a nationwide televised address us president reaffirmed his commitment to pakisatn as a strategic ally in his war on terror , british defense minister in his recent visit to pakistan promised to look sympathetically for additional military and economic aids which would include 200 challenger main battle tanks .Even russia a traditional indian ally was in the process of agreeing to sell 100 odd mi 24 attack helicopters at highly discounted rate .French president has already given the green signal for supply of three more agosta 90b class of submarines to paksiatni navy at the same old rate which came as abig surprise to all.

But some how the political promises and the situation on ground did not match and that made the canny old general uneasy.Everything was going too damned well and it was his job to look for the hidden agenda. He knew us was mad at nuclear technology proliferation to north korea in exchange of ballistic missiles but so far they have not even mentioned it in any of the summit meets which was unusal except when bush refused point blank to accord pakisatn the same status as indian in civilian nuclear co operation saying "both countries have diffrent histories" a clear reference to pakisatans nuclear proliferation records.

The president of pakistan still was no wayaware of the true intent of the distinct military developemnts taking palce around but he decided to act any way as he picked up the scrambled landline phone and scheduled an urget all chiefs meet next day 0900 hrs at his residence to discuss and finalise pakisatns response to the changing military scenario.
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Post by Shankar »

Jones really did not have the time to appreciate scenery but could not help but snatch a few quick look below and to the distant horizon at the white sand beached and the surrounding pool of turqouise ocean an deep blue lagoons.He was not sure if did really see a large hammerhead circling a large school of tunas just out of the shore line in one of the peripheral islands The sky was clear blue with just a few wisps of cummulus clouds and his breand new hornet was behaving herself perfectly . Occassional sharp jolts as can be expected in such low level high speed ingress was the only reminder that he was in fact flying very close to a firey death should the flight computer reboots uncommanded or the radio altimeter for some reason stops transmitting for even a few seconds .He simply did not have enough time to take over mannual control by pressing the auto/mannual toggle down pulling back on the stick to gain safe mannual flying altitide at that speed and then pull back on the throttle to come back to subsonic flight regime and then try going back auto mode once again since flying the new hornet on mannual was not a recommended option if avoidable particularly with heavy drag on the centerline pylon of the 2000 kg dummy nuke .

The f-18 f superhornet flew first time in 1995 november and is about 25% larger than its predecessor.on completion fo operational evaluation us navy decided to purchase a total of 222 aircraft to replace its ageing f-14 tomcats for its entire fleet of carriers .Later on 40 odd was ordered and the total purchase by us navy alone came to 550 aircraft plus and equipped all the newere carrier like ronald regan,abraham linchon and later on replaced the f-14 fleets of older carriers like nimitz and george washington as the f-14 got formally decommissioned in september 2006.First operational deployment of super hornets was in 2002 on board uss abraham linchon from where they launched jdam strike at iraqi sam sites in souther iraq.The primary improvements in block 2 models included inclussion of apg 79 active electronic scanned array radars having several specific advantages over older versions including better and faster target aquisition nad tracking capability.The aircraft of block 2 was also fitted out with more capable of mission computer ,fibre optic based dat interchange network an/asq 228 ATFLIR targetting pod along with helmet mounted cuing system for its new generation aim 9x sidewinder air to air missiles.US navy also went for other versions of super hornet like EA 18G for electronic warfare and which ultimately replaced EA6B prowler by 2011.A total of 100 such aircraft was purchased replacing competely the old prowler fllet abroad us navy carriers.

Developemnt and induction of f-18 super hornets were not however without major problems and some very embarassing international incidents as far as us navy and the aircrafts manufacturers were concened particularly . with respect to its air search radar apg 79. iN MID 2006 russian airforce tu-160 and tu-22m3 s along with some tu-95 s managed to penetrate north american air defense shield without detection by some real innovative low level contour flying being at that patrolled by by us and canadian airforce hornets and eagles equipped with apg 79 active electronic scanned array radars .As expected usaf underplayed the event but the whole event came to international attention as a top russian airforce general went public with the incidents and as direct ressult the super hornet market in india and malayasia suffred and the russian aircrafts like sukhoi and mig 29smt/35 was the obvious benificiary.

Jones lightly touched the large liquid crystal dispaly screen and all the tactical information in his immediate environment came up in full colour -so far there was no other aircraft in the vicinity and his time to target read 7 minutes 22 seconds .He was scheduled to start the pull up at 1min 45 seconds ,release weapons at 0-0 and then exit drop zone on full afterburner on a direct course to mother ship in another 40 seconds after completing the vertical loop and nessecery course correction all ofcourse done by the pre programmed flight computer.For this mission he would not be needing the martin baker sju 6 ejection seat he hoped or the best night vision goggles that lay in left side glove box .

He was somewhat wrong on both counts . Still unknown to him and despite the state of the art apg 79 radar on board 12 indian navy mig 29ks have already taken of and stayed very very low about 60 ft over the isalnd surface housing the indian secret naval airbase siera delta after intial climb out when they have aquired the target data from a patrolling russian airforce a-50 mainstay far to the south via dedicated highfrequency sattelite data link which went active less than 0.2 seconds in burst transmission mode . The electronic ear onboard hornet could not make head or tail of this ultra high speed transmission and dumped it into an inactive folder not available for the attack computer to plot any intercept evasion course or alert the pilot . So unknow to jones or his team mates 12 indian mig 29ks were in a convoluted intercept course to his flight assisted by russian awac carrying on maritime and airspace survilance over the oceanspace near thiruvanthapuram .

The high speed burst communication was in fact detected by the e2c hawk eye patrolling over the carrier hms elizabeth and automatically down linked to the carrier combat information centre 3 level below the sprawling flight deck.It took the signl analysts a few minutes to confirm that it was indeed a target inforamtion signal uplinked to the indian communication sat over equator and down linked to some flight group in the vicinity .Another minute was lost before the flash warning to abort the mission went out the the sky bolt flight . But by then it was too late . The royal navy armed pigeons were already encircled by the eagles of indian navy and the killing field was about to open
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Post by Shankar »

The president of pakistan closed the volumnious intel file as he scared vacantly into space and the expensive ameriacn aircondtioner operated silently in the background effectively keeping the room temperature a comfortable 72 degree compared to outside temperature of104 degree today on the streets where common pakistanis toiled to make a decent living amidst religious fanaticism and insensitive military dictatorship taking the cream off the land.Majority of pakistani population was just fed up with empty promises from the military leadership,tired with continious anti india propaganda from state run radio and tv channels and all secretly aspired to be part of an economic miracle called india which in a short span 15 odd years came outof economic hibernation and shared the second place in world stage in terms of political economic and not less important military influence .With liberalisation of visa regime in mid 2005 more and more pakisatni nationals visited india evry year taking advantage of international bus road travel facilities available and in a few hours they got exposed to the vibant economy of free india which all of them hoped were there for them to back home . Pakistani tourists first came in small numbers a bit with trepidation to a country they have been tought as enemy no 1 for religious visits and critical medical care particulalry cardiac surgery and treatment to state of the art private run mediacal institute like narana hridalays of dr devi shetty or escorts and jaslok in majot metros like delhi and mumbai. The warm welcome they recieved not only from thier realatives in india but aslo from the indian population at large changed thier perception about india for good .And then trade took over and then no one really wanted a war with thier larger and more pwerful neighbour but more importantly wanted to share the prosperity of resurgent india . The soft spoken prime minister of india watched all these with interest and knew his policy of making trade the route to peace is working much better than even he expected .A disturbing aspect of this new development was a sizable part of incomming tourists decided to "stay back" indefinitely causing major problem for the local police stations just like it happened across us-mexico border in late 1990 but no amount of border fencing or monitoring could stem the rising stream of illegal alliens not only from pakistan but also from other neighbouring countries like sri lanka ,bangladesh,afganisatn ,nepal,bhutan,mynamar,thailand,central asian and most of african states who looke at india as most favoured immigration destination even in preference to traditional destiantions like us and europe because of security excesses prevailing in those highly terrified developed nations .

In short India was slowly becomming the new melting point of civlisation for the new century just like us was in the last century and it in more ways than one enriched the country and made ours more culturally and linguistically divergent than ever before and net ressult was economy boomed riding the shoulders of frantic construction activity generating out of massive infrastructure projects and housing needs for the affluent millions crossing the magic double digit mark by late 2008 and currently touching 13.2 percent of GDP on annualised basis . India was no longer a country aspiring to be developed but a dream destination of the professional world .
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Post by Shankar »

Deshmukhs right hand moved over the collective throttle pausing a few seconds then rechecking once again his mental picture of the target flight of 6 super hornets he pushed it all the way forward and switched on his navigatio lights for a few seconds .The auto throttle was already disengaged and the fulcrum responeded with glee atleast free to do what she always wanted to do fly fast and fly high as deshmukhs left hand firmly pulled back on the control stick nosing up into sky for a missile launch position. Behind him the 5 other members of his flight acknowledged the visual signal of the navigation lights and followed suite climbing up and spreading out each pair zooming close to thier pre assigened target super hornet . Surprise was on thier side and in a few minutes they expected to launch the missles 2 r-73 each from a distance of less than 20 kms even before the hunted became aware of the threat in any useful way .Ofcourse it was not fair four r-73s against a single hornet but then who said war is a fair game that too when the opponents declared aim was to obliterate one indian navies strategic bases with possibly 300 kt implossion bomb .

The 12 mig 29ks spread out in wide arc covering 150 behiond the superhornets with specific angle of engagements of 15 degree for each aircraft and the rest two too floated down from formation and back ready to fire their r-77s at any hornet sucessful in breaking out of the initialheat seeking missile strike envelope and counter attacking the attackers .

Deshmukh knew now he has know no other alternative but to go active since the missiles will need some good launch reference and depending on the navigatioanl and target data being recived from the russian a-50 mainstay may not be enough at the same time he did not want the royal navy hornets to have too much of an advance warning so that they can activate thier powerfulelectronic countermeasures which he was sure most of them were carrying and being fully automatedthey will enrgise the moment the radar warning recievers of the hornet recieve unidentified radar signal incident on airframe

Faztron NIIR began serial production of multi functional multi mode capable zhuk me pulsed doppler radar somewhere in mid 2005 after a comprehensive range of flight tests replicating the combat envelope of mig 29ks of the indian navy.Both the slotted and phased antena aray versions were made ready. Zhuk me in comparison with regular brls did have 150% more detection of fighter sized aerial targets which in simple terms means could spot and track a fighter almost 135 kms away and had the capability to track 4 ofthem simultaneously and attack them individually according to the threat perception generated by the mission computer.All of them were incorporating high resolution synthetic apperture mode thogh not much useful today but will be of critical importance in days to come. Apart from the powerful air search and track radar all the fulcrums have also recieved extensive radar absorbing coats including the engine air intake and on the fan blades ,topsight helmet mounted cueing system,india made tarang radar warning reciever on the tail and many other still classified features making them a more than even match for the block 3 super hornets

Deshmukh looked at the digital watch on the central multi functional dispaly and decided it was time to start the attack and any more delay will become counter productive as the royal navy hornets will start their near vertical clmb any time and the best time to shoot them down was when they were committed to climb as he looke at the latest data feed from the a-50 mainstay and touched the screen yeallow radar zone whic h immediatelyturned red and the powerful zhuk me started radiating at max power . He also flashed his nav lights one more time and the rest of the fulcrums became active too quickly settling down to missile launch countdown except the two r-77 equipped ones who still maintained thier stand by status depending rather on the situation updat from the active fulcrums thru the high bandwith high speed encrypted data link.

Jones tightened his straps onec more time though not actually required as looke at the time to weapon release come below 2 mintes and any time now the flight computer will initiate the max climb rate pull up with full afterburner power to gain the safe weapon release altitude in minimum time .The aircraft was still flying on auto pilot and the vague threat warning from mother ship few minutes back was nothing he could act up on except knowing some military type air to air communication has take place in the vicinity. He ofcourse could have broken of the programmed attack profile and go searching for the phantom enemy who could be hiding anywhere in the rocky landscape or on the wave tops or may be not be there at all .After all still his radar warning reciever has not blinked even once and nagging nancy was unusally quite .The amber light on the head up display flashed thrice in quick sucession as the auto throttle recieving command from flight computer increased thrust to 100 military power and then to 1005 afterburner with a time gap of precisely 5 seconds .At the same time the control surfaces on the wing moved moved down all the way and the hornet nosed up and started a max rate climb as jones got pushed back into his martin baker ejection seat like sardine sandwich and could only see the deep blue skyand the glaring sun out of the window . The throbbing pulsation of after burner combustion jerked his backside to numb ness as he realised if the indians decide to attck now there is nothing he can do . He just hoped the damned indian fulcrums or flankers are no where near .
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Post by Shankar »

The central mfd came alive painting aclear picture of the two hornets on initial phase of the climb out prior to thermonucear weapon release profile and rest four spreading out to protect the principal strike bombers by taking up position two on two sides and two below the climbing fighter bombers to foil or defelct any missile comming from below .It was a goo strategy and would have worked well in case of surprise element still existing or with less capable interceptors but this was not he case this time .Deshmukh did not wait any longer as his nomex clad right hand slid over the arming switch iover weapon station 2 and four and the green light came on under the protective glass cover showing the heat seekers were now active and tracking ,a few seconds delay and then the low grumbling tone came over his head piece as he moved his eyes searching for the target which was climbing fast and away. All he could see at the distance was the thin twin contrails of the lead hornet blended into one in the far horizon and his right hand moved in flipped off the hard plastic protective cover of the grooved red coloured fire button and squeezed two times . The onboard attack computer registerd the multiple fire commands and verified the realtime target data from the air search radar and passed on the navigational dat to the missiles tiny guidance chip thru the high speed data bus built into the weapon pylon . Though it is theoritically possible to launch four r-73s simultaneously at four diffrent targets usally the attack computer will delay actual missile launch by a few seconds so that the chances of each subsequent missile to avoid the very real possibility of one missile tracking the hot exhaust of the one before and a remote possibility of mid air collission of two missiles and the lauching aircraft flying into the ressultant fire ball . Deshmukh closed his eyes as one after another the two r-73s launched themselves in a blinding flash and followed a lazy trajectory towards the lead hornet and almost immediately bright flashes ejected from under the wings of all the royal navy hornets signifying thier radar warning detectors ahve automatically activated the counter measure systems ejecting about half a dozen programmable falres in their wake as the pilot struggles to break out of the full power climb and dive to ground sidways. It was a game the hornets were destined to loose by the time the lead hornet could come out fo the climb and nose down to ground the two r-73s were both locked firm and sure on thier twin exhaust . Each missile was programed to pass withing 5 mtrs of the hornet one to port and above and other to starboard and below making any possible escape out of the killing envelope technically impossible whichever way the hornet tried to evade. First of the hornet "died" while still trying to decide whih way to go . The first salvo of r-73s claimed 4 hornets as the other two at extreme age of firing envelope climbed down and away and turned back on full afterburner towards the attackers getting ready to shoot thier load of active radar amrrams and closong the range quickly to less than 50 kms for a 90% hit to kill probability . The migs which have already launched thier missile went up and looped out of the fire line discharging bundles of chaff all the way and behind then the two reserve r-77 equipped fulcrums started launching thier long range active radar r-77s one at a time very deliberately even before the the two emaining hornets could come withing the max firing range of amraams . A total of 6 r-77s were fired and both the remaing hornets went"down . Only one of the amraams fired by the royal navy hornet found its mark and one fulcrum was "lost" . The game was over with a resounding victory for indan navy -the preemptive nuclear strike attempt was a total failure and it went on reccords like that

About the same time 4 mig 29ks launched from the same hitherhio secret base flying extra low at 70 ft and carrying two uran air launched anti ship missiles each going straight for the carrier hms elizabeth whose position has been firmed up during the short but intense air battle over lakswadeep they launched thier missile from an arc of 120 degree one at a time and went abck to their bases withing ever comming within the air defense screen of the escorting destroyers by firing from maximum ballistic range .Only two of the missiles could find thier mark rest being shot down by the escorts sm3 missiles and close in weapons systems .The one that got thru the protective screen strted a major fire on the flight deck stopping all fight operations for afew hours .the hornets on cap had to "ditch" in the sea and the carrier was without any actice air cover for an hour .

This was too good an oppertunity for the india navy to let go. 8 jaguars who were waiting for just such a possibility scrambled from thruvantharam and headed straight from he carrier in thier customary ultar low level flight profile at 50+ ft each equipped with 2 sea eagle subsonic anti ship missile s and launched their attack just inside the protectice sam cover of the scorts . Out of 16 missiles that were launched 3 found the mark one hitting the oxygen plant and starting an uncontrollable fire near the hanger deck and other hit the parking bay on open flight deck .The third hit the protective lead shielding and caused massive radiation leakage from no 2 reactor which automatically shut down .The captain ordered abandon ship
-and the "battle was over
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Post by Sudhanshu »

Everybody knows the responses of the great power... but it will be sheer beauty of the Shankar to capture the response of Pakistan, how they (or any country in their position) would resist such action. --in a good piece of writing element of suspense should exist.

I hope shankar would write the about the utility of the (still existing) indian secret bases in central asia.

He may also take into account the current geo political situtions too.
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Post by Santosh »

Shankar, wonderful!
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Post by Shankar »

The president of pakistan stepped of the jogger and accepted absentmindedly
accepted the snow white turkish towel offred by his executive asistant , full time colonel of the armoured corps and looke at the massive pile oflatest intel reports sent by isi operatives world wide and also at the comparitively smaller pile all hand written by the al quida operatives in us,india and china.He was too intelligent a person not to notice the massive miltary build up in the region particualrly inthe northern arabian sea and the spate of joint military exercises of the last few weeks .He also knew there is no way he can take on the massive alliance in a conventional way but then he did not become the president of pakistan in a conventioal way eiether .His chain of thoughts was broken as the uniformed butler came with his breakfast tray .A typical american breakfast of freshly squeezed orange juice,two eggs poached with sunny side up,hash brown and a small portion grilled goats liver on the side and a small bowl of full cream milk with kellogs cerial.

The president knew he had to act and act fast and act decisively if not anything but to give his "strategic ally" a feel of pakistans teeth in a covert but obvious way and also to make them understand the global reach of his allies in afganistan and iraq and more importantly in the cities of europe and us .One thing was certain in his mind -ameircan are detered by only one thing and that is her men and women in uniform in body bags .The general knew exactly how to squeeze his long term ally by the ba--s and he intended doing that well .As regards indians his action plan was already in place and all he needed to do was to ratchet up the tempo .he knew that will not be easy but then who said war for survival was ever easy.After carefully finishing the breakfast he noded to the colonel who sat down respectfully and started taking down short notes .It was almost evening before the general finished and got up for his evening namaz .A new wave of terror have been planned to be unleasehed on the world ,whether it will have any bearing on the final destiny of pakistan -only time would tell but for the time being the general knew this is the best he can do as an ultimate warning before he is forced to use his "strategic "weapons .

It was a normal day in the tropical island .Except for the comparitively larger number of b-52s and b-1 s on the tarmac nothing to suggest anything sinster is in the offing.On the harbour several fleet replenishment ships were getting ready to riase anchor for another sortie to arabian sea
It will just mak one stop at colombo to pick up mail and fresh vegetables before linking up with abraham linchon carrier group in the arabian sea.

Everyhting went on normally in this busy airport which meant quitely and efficeantly . On the multi level overpass at airport approach a single old car was stranded and the driver busy with the overheated engine but obviously not having much sucess.Just in the distance not more than 500 mtrs united airlines flight 471 to chicago was being refuelled.

The small town of karwar on the west coast of india was known to be communally sensitive andthat was one of the reasons why it was selected ot be the premier naval base .The single mosque in the region was frequented by local muslims and almost adjacent to it was an ancient shiva temple .The poor fishermen of karwar were not overtly religious and a weekly visit to the temple or mosque was usally enough for most of them to be followed by a leisurely fish rice lunch and a long siesta.The large navy ships in the distance and the small but busy naval airstation in the vicinity provided all the excitement to local populace.

The posh california suburb about an hours drive from the busy metroplis of los angeles did not merrit any special security consideration .The main freeway from losangeles to super large pacific fleet home base of sandiego ran thru this sleepy suburb mostly populated by third generationelederly americans,indian americans ,host of legal andillegal mexican/cuban population. All of them had one common agenda on a sunday morning to visit the central mall on san diego free way and then have lunch in the numerous eateries that line the mall .Trafic was heavy for a sunday morning on the freeway most likely because of the sunny and cool weather
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Post by ramana »

Dileep and Shankar can you both complie your past scenarios in one pdf format? You should get these published.
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Post by Dileep »

Ramana, I am working on the spy story to make it into a book. Must remove references to real persons and streamline it for readability.
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Post by Shankar »

ramana -can some one from BR help compile my scenarios which inlcudes corecting spelling mistakes -and convert it in adraft pdf format .
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Post by ramana »

Any volunteers to help Shankar?
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Post by marimuthu »

I can. But i don't have the scenarios with me. If that can be send to me in web format or word format i can do that
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Post by ramana »

You can start in the Trash Can archive for old threads and start putting them in Word file. After creating the file please run spell check and grammer. Then we can have an editing team look at the story and get fianl approval from Shankar.

Thanks for volunteering. you are contributing to the scenarios.
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Post by marimuthu »

Thanks sir.
Hari Sud
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Post by Hari Sud »

Can we hold back a bit before somebody transfers files into MS Word and creates a 300 page document.

Shankar's scenario are great, but are not coherent. They need to be organized geographycally. May be separated into ground battles, air battles, naval action and threat civillian life etc. Also Shankar had a African scenario about three months back. If you include all of them without proper separation then everything Shankar has done will become a mass of sweet jumble.

Hence before anybody begin, separate the writing into distinct chapters. Let Shankar himself come out with suggestion into how to separate his writings into various chapters.

As regards to Dillep's writing, this should stay separate. It is distinctly differnt from Shankar's.

(Shankar, please try your best and overcome your spellings weakness. Technology has made spell check very easy. You should learn to use it. May be you read your writings before you publish or get your friends to read it before it goes online)

Hari Sud
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Post by ramana »

Hari, you just volunteered to be the editor. Siva please coordinate with Hari and Shankar. Dileep should take care of himself.

Hari has good experience and has written policy papers.

Hari, Really thanks for lending a hand. We need to chat.

you all can e-mail me at ramana_56 AT yahoo dot com

Shankar use the new Firefox 2 as it has spell check.
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Post by Rakesh »

Sigh...All prior military scenario threads have been saved in an archive called the Military Scenarios Archive. Click the link to access them.
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Post by marimuthu »

Last edited by marimuthu on 30 Oct 2006 21:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by menon »

may I do it?
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Post by Sathish_A »

Though may not be too late...

I have both Shankar's and Dileep's scenarios in word format.

I had compiled them from all the scenario threads including the one in trash.

if you need them mail me sathish_aero [at] yahoo.com
BRFite -Trainee
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Joined: 27 Apr 2006 19:11
Location: Darmstadt - Germany

Post by Sathish_A »

Though may not be too late...

I have both Shankar's and Dileep's scenarios in word format.

I had compiled them from all the scenario threads including the one in trash.

if you need them mail me sathish_aero [at] yahoo.com
Hari Sud
Posts: 183
Joined: 12 Dec 2002 12:31
Location: Toronto, Canada

Post by Hari Sud »


What says master author Shankar? How much hand are you going to lend. Please tell us what is the best way to organize your scenarios.

The progression of this work is going to happen thru Siva. He is the first volunteer. He deserves our greater thanks and best support.

Siva, Please proceed from Sathish's work.

Sathish has already done some work. Let us use his work as start point.

Menon - you did offer something. I did not catch it. Could you repeat it.

Once all the volunteers are known, then we can begin the process.

My e-mail is hsud@rogers.com.

Please use the above address temporarily. My other e-mail address has been copied and used to send me hate mail quite ferequently, until I built filters. I will give you my more common e-mail address later.

For this editing job, we need copy writers, editors, story tellers and finally chief editor. We will have to divide the work among three four guys.


Hari Sud
BRFite -Trainee
Posts: 66
Joined: 18 Feb 2004 12:31
Location: Bangalore

Post by viktor »

All gurus, I happen to have a PDF of previous scenarios. I think I have all the posts till the beginning of the version 5. So please let me know if I can assist in this noble endeavour. Let me find that PDF and I'll upload it on a file server.