Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part VI

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Post by Shankar »

Captain james sandecker looked down on the sprawling flight as a scowl came over his craggy face lined by many years of squinting at the sun and salt sprays of oceans of the world. He was worried and still have not come up with a clear cut solution to nagging pakisatni f-16 flights just outside his self declared air exclussion zone of 100 kms which he intended to extend to 200 kms the moment any open hostility breaks out . The pakistani tactic was some what unconventional.3 or four flights of falcons will converge on the carrier group from diffrent compass bearings simultaneously and then breaking off moment the hornets on cap closed in to shoo them off .In all likelihood the falcons were carrying harpoon anti ship missile and in case they decide to close in within range and launch he will not have much time to raect particularly if it is a multi axis attack.

Today he has had enough and did talk to air group commander to just give a demonstration of reagans reach to the pakistani falcons so that they in future will stay away from his carrier group.

Four f-18s have taken off early refuelled in air and gone high and away towrads distant indian coast of jamnagar with thier radar on stand by mode and at most economic cruise speed of 450 knost making race tracks patterns in a distant sky out of the pakistani falcons radar range .At the same time two hornet on cap were sent south wards and told to stay there.Two more f-18s were on cat 1 and 4 ready to launch with thier piots strapped in

The tactical picture was a bit confusing as it was intended to be. As the pakistani f-16s approached the ronald reagan task force from the north east they could easily spot the standard cap of hornet pair far to south and the pair of hornet dispatched to east towards jamnagar were just an undistinguishable blurr spot on thier expot model read down graded radar.Each of the four paf falcons were carrying a single harpoon anti ship missile on the central pylon as it closed in on the carrier group at 100 ft .Seeing no cap on the immediate vicinity decided to close in just to test the american response .

Surprisingly nothing happened as if the carrier group was not aware of the intrussion and still the hornets on cap were not vectored in to intercept the falcons .

Wing comander intiqab alam could not believe his luck .He was already within the air exclussion zone of ronald reagan and still the amerian aircrafts were not scrambled and vectored in . In his mind he could see the president pinning on the shaan e pakistan awardon his chest after he has managed to sink the satans symbol of power with a surprise strike .Ofcourse he was not authorised yet to launch such an attack but then once he has sunk the 100000 ton carrier he was sure all his lapses will be forgotten .

In the darkened combat information centre of ronald reagan the most state of the art carrier of us navy air intercept controllers slowly started a series of complicated vectoring operations to bring the distant f-18s off indian coast behind the intruding paf falcons to cut of thier escape route .The two hornets on cat 1 and 4 were alerted for immediate launch status thru data link and radion communication .All the escorting destroyers were told to keep thier air search radar on search mode and keep the tracking radars onstandby mode to give the illusion of a trusting friendly patrol .

- sir we have four falcons inbound-510 knots-100ft -anti ship issile launch profile -78 miles and closing
- initiate intercept pattern bravo mike
- sending data message to flight african zulu to initiate intercept pattern bravo mike .

The the text message flashed on the central mfd of lead hornet on cap duty south of the task force and it dropped immediately to 50 ft over the wave tops and engaged reheat folowed closely by the wing man.The two closing in hornets at low altitude were masked by the giant retun of the carrier directly ahead and the four closing paf falcons were blissfully unware of thier change in course and speed
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Post by Shankar »

- clear deck for hello launch ,came the annoncement over echi free public address system
- change course to 135 and make rev for 32 knots
The single search and rescue helo lifted off the flight deck and took up position 50 ft to the star board and she would maintain that position till all aircraft launch is completed and once again during recovery of the aircrafts

The chief engineer acknowledged the captains command and keyed in the nessecery instrctions on his console .Deep in the bowels of the giant carriers control rods lifted by a few milimeter exposing more surface of the enriched uranium fuel rods to neutron bombardment and higher rate of fission reaction to produce more heat several hundred megawatt of it as super heated water flow increase and got fed to the high pressure steam generator .The extra steam so produced moved thru the high speed turbine blades which in turn rotated the large five bladed props 4 in all accelarating the giant carrier into wind and from 25 to 32 knots in less than 3 minutes.

Ronald reagan was getting ready to fight .

- bandit - 67 miles -speed 550 knots-altitude 76 ft -on direct intercept course

-clear deck for aircraft launch blared the public address system as the cat officer on catapult 1 and four kneeled down checked the cat track clear of any obstruction and also confirmed the jet blast defelectors were at the correct position

The noise level on the flight de k of reagan was now beyond human endurance and any ops personnel without ear protection would surelu have gone deaf as the four hornets went to full military power and then to full reheat .
- launch aircraft cat 1
-launch aircraft cat 4

The cat console officer sqeezed the launch button and 100s of kgs of superheated water in the reciever flashed to steam as the presssure responsible for keeping it as water was released and the steam expanded inside the high pressure cylinder that lines the cat tarck pulling the hornet along with it thru the mechanical hook all the to the end of the deck and beyond into the sky at more than 170 knots.
BR Mainsite Crew
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Post by nikhil_p »

Well, i thought up of one scenario , if you can drop me an email, i will resond with that scenario actually just an outline), so maybe you can integrate it.

nikhilzmail at lycos dot com
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Post by dhruvarka »


"In his mind he could see the president pinning on the shaan e pakistan award on his chest after he has managed to sink the satans symbol of power with a surprise strike ."

Suggest Nishan e Haider - Highest gallantry award of Pakistan.

Terrific going.
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Post by joy_roy »

wtf?? pak attacking US cvbg?? and trying to sink one??if unkil finds even a scratch on his shiny new carrier...he will nuke tsp to stone age..again bring em back to life..and again will nuke em :lol: .theres no way pak can be dat suicidal unless osama is da president ( it may not be that impossible as it sounds)! :lol:
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Post by Shankar »

Captain Sandecker knew he was taking a sizable risk in allowing the Pakistani f-16s close in with his formidable air defense screen on stand by mode under his direct order.He also knew under the present rules of engagement he was not allowed to open fire on any aircraft or ship unless in self defense .The term self defense though open to interpretation of the commanding officer after the tragic iran air 617 incident in Persian gulf the admirals in pentagon will took a very dim view of any captain who acted in haste again a term highly subjective and open to interpretation.

-Bandits 54 miles -600 knots-150ft –spreading out
Sandecker decided to go by book atleast for the time being
-warn them off on guard frequency
-unidentified aircrafts –you are in us navy declared restricted airspace-reverse course immediately
There was no response on the air waves
-unidentified aircrafts – you are well within restricted airspace-lower your landing gear-reduce speed to 300 knots –immediately or we shall be taking preventive measures
Still the airwaves were silent
-bandits 48 miles -630 knots- 500ft –maintaining intercept course
Sandecker looked at the comabat plot and decided the time was right to close the trap
-initiate air defense plan cobra strike
-alpha zulu-blue steel-initiate plan cobra strike

Intiqab alanm was having some doubts at the unusal response of the us carrier group.may be they still trust us enough not to open fire thought he as he armed up the harpoon and shifted his radar from nav to ground search mode.The large radar shadow of the super carrier was too big to miss surrounded by smaller shadows of her escorts .It was precisely at that moment his dreams of wearing the honour medal from the president came crashing down as the radar warning receivers went crazy

- initiating plan cobra strike –angel zulu flight confirms -over
The hornets immediately went to full reheat and crossed the sonic barrier as they flashed over the flight deck of Ronald Reagan and activated the powerful active electronic scanning radar. The four Pakistani falcons came up immediately on the bottom right hand corner of their radar scope as fast moving low flying blips in a wide arc centering on the carrier

-blue steel-alpha zulu-confirm multiple bandits on intercept course-type f 16 –request weapons free
- alpha zulu can you do a visual ident –over
-roger blue steel going for a positive visual ident –over

The lead hornet zoomed up to 10000 ft and then took a tight diving turn keeping the intruding falcons in the centre

Intiqab alam already under pressure could take it no more as he quickly deselected the harpoon and armed up the two aim 9x side winders and launched them at the distant circling hornets at max range

-blue steel –alpha zulu –we are under missile attack –disengaging now .As the supe hornets took broke up in a tight 8g max rate turn first climbing up verticals and then crossing each other in a nerve wrecking dive to the ocean surface the advanced and automated self protection suite went to action dispensing chaff packets and flare bundles into the slip stream every 5 seconds creating a shield of decoy heat signature and bundles of radio confussion.

-alpha zulu –blue steel-copy you are under attack-you are weapons free repeat you are weapons free – fire at will –good luck

The two hornets came up from the oceans surface in a gut wrenching climb launching two of the worlds most advanced air air to air missiles each .The four falcons reacted predicatably . All of them dropped the harpoons at max range and tried to turn back to safety . For the time being the lead two f-16s managed to live a few more minutes but the following falcons had no such luck as they rushed into the sure kill envelope of the incoming amraams and quickly turned into a mass of hot aluminium smoke and lot of fire as they dropped like brick into the warm waters of Arabian sea .Tiny sprouts of steam erupted as the hot burningmetal touched the oceans surface and the airwave crackled with excited chatter of pilots who have just made their first air to air kill
-blue steel-alpha zulu lead-splash one falcon
-blue steel –alpha zulu wing-splash one falcon
- confirm two falcon splashed –good work- break off immediately –course 270=speed 650 knost

The hornets veered off the engagement zone as the task force got busy neutralizing the four incoming harpoons.

The escorting aegis cruiser got the clearance to launch missiles only after the hornets were more than 75 kms away from the carrier and the search and rescue helo safely on deck and engine switched off . The sm3 misisles leaped off their vertical launch tubes in salvoes of 4 .A total of 3 salvos were fired at a time interval of 15 seconds .covering the area around the cruiser thick with pungent white smoke and soon on the cis of uss Ronald Reagan the intercepts were called off
- one gone three left – 45 miles
- two gone – two left -38 miles
- three gone – one left 32 miles
- all four targets destroyed -26 miles

Captain sandecker chewed on the unlit cigar as he nodded to his xo and new orders went out two the f-18s which were blocking position behind the escaping falcons

Intiqab alam took a deep breadth as saw the attacking hornets are not giving the chase and his distance from the carrier increasing rapidly.The combat moves of last few minutes have eaten into his fuel reserve and he unwillingly came out of afterburner and strarted gaining altitude and moved his radar scope back to air search mode .He still had two aim 9x left but not much fuel to effective fight with it .He simply wished there were some tanker supprt available near his base like the Indian il-78mkis but it just a wish of a desperate and tired pilot .It was then only then he looked out of the window and saw the silver shark shapes in the distant horizon keeping position and a look back on the radar screen confirmed his worst position they were indeed a pair of low flying hornets who have just initiated a max rate climb on inetercept course .And then he saw the most dreadful sight of all combat pilots multiple white streaks racing out of the hornets wings and heading straight at him at a closing speed of more than three times the speed of sound He tried to evade tried very hard as if his life depended on it which actually did but did not have the energy or fuel or the spirit to do it correctly as the missiles took off his starboard wing and the aircraft cartwheeled towards the ocean ,intiqab alam pulled the ejection handle of his martin baker ejection seat .
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Post by nikhil_p »

Hey Shankar, can you include a scenario like this,

The prez of pakistan, now is depending upon the Mujahideen in kashmir. Understanding this, the Indians, decide to launch a surgical attack. Special forces (Marcos, etc) are called in, but there is a difference, they travel in choppers from the direction of pakistan. and attack the bases. On purpose they leave Forged Indian Passports (Clearly forgeries) in very visible places, and "Accidentally" there are some epaluettes or cloth pieces, or guns (which accidentally) fall, and are pakistani. This leads the Mujahideen to believe that the pakistanis attacked. Epaluettes can come of when a branch gets stuck.... etc... Ammo used is ammo whichh has been previously captured by the indian forces from pakistan, so have typical pakistan logos.. Then you can twist it the way you want.

You are the storyteller, BTW awesome work, keep it up.
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Post by joy_roy »

the US is supposed to have the source code of harpoons and sidewinders....aint it? :roll:
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Post by Sudhanshu »

joy_roy wrote:the US is supposed to have the source code of harpoons and sidewinders....aint it? :roll:
Having just source code, doesnt gaurantee that you can evade a missile.

Though there are researches going on how to remotely disable F-16 fighter planes sold to different countries, when required. One of my instructor once told me he had attended such seminar, in which they were talking about possiblity of installing such things into F-16 sold to egypt or greec (I really dnt rem the country name).
Last edited by Sudhanshu on 04 Dec 2006 08:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shankar »

pre knowledge of missile source code or better still software design logic for missiles auto pilot while improves the chances of evading a that particular missile it it degrades the kill probability by a very little margin unless the missile launch siganal it self can be countermanded from safe distance. Once launched a heat seeking fire and forget type missiles like sidewinder 9x with imaging infrared seeker head is impossible to fool just by electronic jamming even if you know the logic of its search and track programme simply because

- the auto pilot command signals are self generated with some pre launch inputs from aircrafts weapon computer,and some closed loop guidance commands again generated autonomously from the cryo cooled infra seeker head and final warhead detonation command by laser proximity switch. The knowledge of soft ware design basics only tels the pilot which evasiv move gives him better chance of survival by pre practised shortest route out of the sure kill envelope. This chance of escape rapidly decreses as the missiles laucnh distance from the target is reduced and as a rule of thumb if a missile is launched at 50% max ballistic range the chance of a kill is usally more than 90% for good infra seeker missiles like sidewinder 9x and r-73.

The best way out of heat seekers lethal radius is still the deployemnt of advanced thermal infra source decoys and simultaneous execution of high rate of turn climb preferably dives once better twice in series hoping the missile detonates as it passes close to the flares or simply hits a ground target or runs out of fuel and kinetic energy .For imaging infra seeker equipped missiles like 9x the best bet will to make the thermal image of the aircraft obscure by flying nape of earth where reflection /deflection of aircrafts thermal signature by grond proximity may achieve the objective of confussing the seeker and take the few seconds so gained to break the lock and go away at right angles sideways provided the pilot has enough skill to carry out this high turn rate move so close to ground .Timming is everthing in fleeing away from 9x type .Too soon and the move is wasted ,too late and you will be hitting the ground anyway and get killed even if the missile misses you .

Ofcourse if you are lucky enough to be flying a su-30 mki or a f-22 or even a sea harrier chances of your not getting hit by a heat seeker at max ballsitic range is more than 70% . Sudden de aceleration and turn that is achievable with thrust vectored engines makes a successful intercept by a heat seeker a matter of low probability.
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Post by Shankar »

The allied air battle commanders took their respective seats in the darkened room as the group captain in charge of making the broad presentation on detailed air tasking order for the first phase of the battle switched on the sony lcd projector and the high defination screen came alive .Outside armed airforce security guards were on patrol and for the entire duration of the presentation no one will be allowed to eiether enter or leave the level 3 .Steaming tea and coffee mugs with crisp biscuits and pakoras made thier appearence as the list of priority air targets which needed to be taken out came up on the screen .Understandably the nuclear installations of pakistan were on the top of the list .

1)pakistan institute of nuclear science and technology -10 mw research reactor -suspected site of tritium production facility along with spent fuel reprocessing facility -

strike team - 2 b-2 + six su 30 mki first wave
4 b-1 + six su-30 mki second wave
4 b-52 + six su-30 mki third wave
each strike wave will be seperated by a time gap of 10 minutes maximum

2)khushab nuclear reactor -40 mega watt pressurised heavy water reactor suspected site for tritium production

Strike team - 4 x tu-160 black jacks + 4 su-30 mki first wave
6x tu-22 backfires + 6 su-30 mki second wave
8 x mirage 2000 + 8 jaguar +6 su 30 mki third wave

3)wah -nuclear weapon assembly plant

strike team - 2 x tu-160 black jacks +4xtu 22m3 backfires+12 mig 35
first wave
12 x mirage 2000 +12 x jaguar + 12 x mig 29s second wave

4)qabul khel -uranium minning site
strike team - 6 x b1 + 12 x b-52 first wave +6 x su-30 mki
6 xmirage 2000 + 12 x jaguar second wave

The list was long and the air generals were patient as the tasking orders were gradullay scrolled down .Some last minute objections were raised and put to discussion immediately and nessecery corrections made .A Late lunch of delicious tandoori chicken and butter naan was served from airforce mess upstairs and was much appreciated by the bald pacific fleet air commander and surprisingly also by the russian airforce lt general who will be co ordinating the black jack back fire strike from bases in southern afganistan and central asia .
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Post by nits »

How about incorporating the real life War room Leake case in this scenario...?
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Post by Shankar »

Wing commander ajit saxena acting as executive officer to general officer commanding western air command switched on his blue ray based audio video recording system and entire proceedinngs of todays top secret discussion got faithfully recorded in the dvd recorder of his dell x peo laptop bought with govt money during his recent trip to alaska and now likely to be used in a manner which in all likelihood cause sudden violent death to many of his friends in the force .

Ajit saxena did not feel any sense of guilt in doing this act of ultimate betrayal to his country and people .His wife have been hankering after a large screen lcd tv and his son for a 650 cc bmw motorcycle way beyond hsi govt salary.He also had just rs 450000 in his savings bank account and a small piece of land in native vilage of gurgaon. The unnamed person who he suspected to be a iranian agent working for pakistani embassy have promised him a guranteed sum of us$ 2.5 million if he can deliver todays proceedings by evening ,in cash along with an original pakistani passport for himself and his family along with a confirmed tickets on pakistan international flight from delhi to tehran in late evening .

Being a logistics officer saxena was not very much familiar with the security set up of the air headquarteres war room . He did not know about the infra red video detector which faithfuly recorded his every move in total darkness and as in his excitement his body temperature went up by a few degrees F the video detector immediately bracketed him in the monitoring panel as "suspect" and initiated a remote electronic scan of his laptop and person .At the same time it also alerted the security officer on duty to the unusual behavior profile of wing commandre saxen during the presentation and over heating of his laptop compared to other laptops on the table indiacting possible operation of some kind of add on reccording device . The crack airforce counter intelligence team developed just for such and evantuality moved in for the kill .

Not aware of the developments ajit saxena kept on recording the procedings ,hoping the meeting will finish by 1900 hrs so he can take the 0100 late night flight to islamabad out .His family will be waiting for him as hyatt near bikaji kama and after a quick dinner and meeting with person x he will quickly exit this blessed country which does not know how to reward its brave officers

- chasama -300 mega watt pressurised water reactor with fuel reprocessing plant for plutonium extraction
strike force - 3 x tu-160 + 6 x b-52 + 6 x su-30 first wave
12 x jaguar + 12x mirage 2000 + 6 x tu 22m3 second wav
-kundian -fuel rod fabrication facility
strike force - 6 x mirage 2000 + 12 x jaguar first wave
4 x b-52 + 4 su-30 mki second wave

The dark uniformed airforce special security police chief watched for some more time taking his time to interupt such important meeting but then decided to move in . The eight comandoes all armed with silenced uzi machine pistols took positio outside the four exits and then in one synchronised much practiced move moved in
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Post by nits »

You are just great... thanks for lending ear to my request...
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Post by menon »

Wing commander ajit saxena acting as executive officer to general officer commanding western air command switched on his blue ray based audio video recording system
should be
Wing commander ajit saxena acting as executive officer to Air Officer Commanding Western Air Command switched on his blue ray based audio video recording system
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Post by Shankar »

The room went quite as the chief of security detail air headquarters briskly walked to the vice chief of air staff who also happened to be in charge of airforce internal security including counter intelligence .As the security chief saluted and handed over a small hand written note the expression on vice chiefs face grew grave and very very serious. He thought for a moment then leaned over the table to chief of air staff and spoke a few words.

Wing commander ajit saxena was alarmed but not unduly so. While not routine he assumed interuptions of such meetings by security people must not be something very unusal as he kepth the recorder on and leaned back on hsi chair to release the pent up tension slowly building up.

The vice chief then wrote a few words on the security note and the security detail went out quickly and the meeting and briefing resumed .The pacific fleet commander took the time to collect a cup of black coffee and could only guess the reason for such an unusal visit .But he did not say a thing .

It was almost eight in the evening when the first phase of the meeting was over and one by one the senior officers left the war room followed by thier aides and officiating executive officer .The next round of meetings were scheduled to start 0100 hrs exactly and then the strike plans were proposed to be fine tuned with with optimum weapon packages and logistics chain detailing over the next 2 days .Though most of the assets were already in position going over the plans one more time cannot harm was the collective opinion of the air bosses of coalition forces .

Outside in the darkened car park a plain clothes security person quitely attached a magnetic base radio tarnsponder under the leaf springs of wing commander ajits official gypsy . Some where in the distance the parking lights of a waiting sumo blinked twice -confirming tracking signal is being recieved o.k .

Wing commander saxena was obviously in a rush as he briskly walked over the gravel path to his parked gypsy and thumbed the ignition .He did not bother to look around or back.If he would have done he might have seen the black sumo parked in a no parking zone and engine already idling also slid off the kerb and started quitely following him as he made for the hyatt international .

Once inside the sprawling car park of hyatt located in the basement and reserved for hotel guests only the sleek merc c class was difficult to miss.As he slid in the adjacent slot the intent eyes of the iranian contact greete him without humour. As ajit quickly removed the dvd disc from his lap top and opened the door a blinding flash mesmerised him and the next moment he was staring down the barrels of an uzi . In the encircling shadows he could see the black clad shapes of numerous air force commandoes and just thier eyes behind the ski mask

The voice was cold and hard
- wing commander ajit saxena you are under arrest . Anything that you do or say can be and will be used aginst you in a military court of law.Now please raise your hands slowly over your head and come out of the car.You have exactly five seconds to comply or we shall be force to use undue force

Wing commander could see all his dreams of unlimited wealth and life long carrer dissolve by a moment of giving in to temptation as he kneeled down on the hard pavement and began to cry .
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Post by Shankar »

38.43N - 93.32 W
Colonel johnson looked at the sprawling airbase located in johnson county 65 miles south east of kansas city just off the us highway 50 .The base had its origin during second world war in the afteramth of pearl harbour and first activated in 1942 as sedalia glider base .Onset of cold war saw this base return to life and became an important cog of strategic air command . The naem of the base was changed from sedalia airbase to whiteman air force base in honour of 2nd lt george a whitman a native of sedalia who was kiled in pearl harbour.The base got mired in controversy soon after as us govt wanted to base to supprt the fourth minuteman strategic missile wing .The original plan called for launchers to be spread into lake of ozraks region .Due to terrain inacessibility and high water table prevalent in the area the plan was ultimately scrapped. Finally the minuteman launchers were placed in the vicinity of whiteman air base makining it one of the smallest minuteman base as regards area spread.

A total of 168000 cubic yards of concrete,25 355 tons of reinforcing steel and 15120 ton of structural steel was used for construction of hardened underground launch centres and 15 launch control centres.The project called for excavation of 867000 cubic yards of earth and rock .A total 150 silos were put in place with 15 launch control centres.The first minuteman missile arrived from boeings plant at hill airforce base in 14th jan 1964 and by 29th june same year the last of the missiles went on alert status .Subsequently minuteman 1b s were replaced with minuteman 11s .In 1980s 351st got the distinction of having the first female missile crew ,the first male and female missile crew and finally the first deployment of b-2 advanced technology bomber.The first operational b-2 landed on whiteman on 17th december 1993 and was aptly christened "the spirit of missouri".Less than a week later whiteman again made history as the first b-2 operational sortie was generated out of the base .

Colonel johnson was not the first pilot to fly the b-2 almost 20 years back he was then just a young captain flying as first officer on b-52h as rookie first officer . He would be flying b-52 s for more than 10 years more over kosavo,afganisatan and iraq before being promoted to lt colonel and transfered to the present b-2 wing . Still this time he will be for the first time flying against a nuclear armed adversary who was an ally not so long back . His squadrons alternate base will be some god forsaken place called kalaikunda on the eastern coast of india and famous for nothing else but fish curry and rice . It will be a long flight from missouri to kalikunda almost 20 hrs mostly flying over 40000 ft and avoiding high altitude commercial airways with three mid air refuelling along the way.He will fly fully loaded with jdam ,air launched cruise missiles and 3 gravity drop flexible yield thermo nukes just in case .
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Post by Shankar »

Nothing beats the frozen splendour of russian winter .Along side the snaking moscova river russian airforces premier strtegic airbase looked mean and and deadly even when 1 mtr thick snow covered almost everything . The snow plows were working feverishly clearing up the taxi way and keeping the main 12000 ft main runway open to trafic . In the distance one by one 12 tu-160blackjacks slowly taxied out fully fuelled and armed .The latest weather report said thunderstorm of kyrgystan afganistan area where the blackjacks were expected to make a refuelling halt and then wait for the green signal to commence offensive operations.

The sky was overcast and held the possibility of heavy shower later as one by one the russian supersonic heavy bombers took off and arrowed south west to thier refuelling base in central asian republic .From their they will pick up thier indian escorts and onwards to target -possibly next day .
Located at engeles airbase on the outskirts of moscow 121st guards regiment perhaps is the most potent strategic bomber force in the world in terms of speed and time to target capability next only to the ballistic missile fleet .While the b-2 held the distinction of being the first stealthy long range bomber they were way too slower and far far expensive .

About the same time 4 il-78 aerial tankers also took off from this secondary bomber base of russian airforce .Their job would be to partly refuel the blackjacks on thier way to central asian forward deployement base and secondary indian airbase in afganistan during the entire duration of the conflict . They will fly a course parallel to the heavy bombers which were flying at around 750 kms per hour and move in only if some of the bombers needed fuel not very likely at this speed .The situation will be much diffrent during combat sorties when flying at nearly twice the speed of sound the blackjacks will the biggest gas guzzlers that fly the worlds skies and the il 78 pilots will really earn thier pay fuelling up the pride of russian airforce on the way in and may be out and if required under combat condition.

About one hour later from the same airbase three a-50 mainstay also took off and also headed south west . They flew at 40000 ft nominal with a vertical seperation of 1000 mtr and horizanatal seperation of 10 kms .

The tu-160 blackjack strategic bomber designed by AN Tupolev design bureau and produce at the aviation plant of kazan.Each of them were equipped with extended range 12 kh 555 air launched cruise missiles in the internal bomb bay and were for the time armed with conventional and fuel air explossive warheads .Two of the tu 160s were also carrying longer range kh 101 conventional warhead equipped cruise missiles and also kh 102 nuclear tipped cruise missiles -to be armed and used only under specific verbal authorisation from the commander of russsian strategic forces in moscow .

Down below it was white and nothing but the massive expanse of whiterolled on , which perhaps is the most distinctive feature of russian landscape frigid,beautiful sterile and deadly.

It was chaos of highest order in the civilian air terminals as all most all the outgoing flights were delayed indefinitely and all incomming flights were cancelled . The passengers whose trips have been so unexpectedly rescheduled had nothing to do but watch the might of indian airforce on live dispaly . The base was emtying out fast . First to go were the jaguars .Followed by fleet of an 32 s and il 76s carrying god knows what and going to god knows where thought arun sikdar a sales representative with infosys. Finally came the sukhoi 30 mkis .One by one they took of ina rolling thunder of engine noise and arun counted a total of 56 of them before the airbase became quite again and civilian air trafic resumed and things went back to normal slowly .

Some where along the process a brisk annoncement was made on the pa system confirming closure of all civilian air operations from tomorrow onwards indefinitely for unavoidable "operational reasons".All passengers who were booke on a return flight to pune were requested to change thier ticket to mumbai or get a full refund . The inconvineance caused was deeply regretted by all the commercial airlines .
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Post by Sudhanshu »

It will be up to shankar to convince his readers how and why pakistan could not use his substantial stock of nuclear bombs against indian cities or against any air craft carrier group.

I would suggest shankar to in-corporate the indigenious prithvi based AMD (with 99+% kill probablity; far better than any Israel or US systems)
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Post by Shankar »

The adjacent conference room was packed full as combined powerpoint presentation from raw/cia/gru commenced to all the battle force commanders on pakistans nuclear programme ,its current known and projected capabilities and more importanyly likely targets once the overt hostilities braek up .There was absolute silence as each commander responsible for the men under his command tried to take in the grave implication and take some last minute decisions on how best to go ahead with the tasks assigned

A no fly zone would be declared over the entire airspace of islamic republic of pakistan 10 hrs from with simultaneous notification to airmen .Also a similar notification will be issue by the allied navy off the coast of pakistan effectively cutting of pakistan from all outside help .This was agreed on and nessecery orders issued to local commanders .This meant any aircraft in pakistani airspace which does not have the correct sqwak and authorisation to fly in that particular segment with a pre approved flight plan will be shot out of the sky without question.This everyone hoped will take care of the manned aircraft carrying gravity bomb type threat .Similarly any pakistani ship detected outside 12 mile teritorial limits will be sunk regardless it has hostile intent or not once the notice to seamen were issued after the 12 hr grace period to comply .

The entire pakistani air space will be monitored round the clock with 6 iaf phalcons ,3 russian a 50s and 3 usaf e 3a sentries . Atleast one of the iaf phalcons will always be in air and have senior air battle commandere to issue on the spot authority to release tactical nukes ofcourse taking clearence from joint political war commitee .The phalcon will also be taking in data from individula field coomanders combat air patrols and bases along with naval task forces and responsible for overall co ordination between various forces .

The presentation pakistans nuclear capability was quite detailed and informative and in days to come will prove its worth in the comming battles in more ways than one

The nerve centre of pakistani nuclear weapon capability is as everybody knows a q khan research laboratories at kahuta 48 kms from the capital city of islamabad .Employing close to 11000 people including 3500 scientists and engineers became operational in mid 80s .Low enriched uranium was first produce in 85 followed by addition more gas centrifuges and first production of highly enriched or weapons grade uranium 95% plus in late 1986.It has run almost non stop from then till date that is for almost 25 years .Intel sources estimate close to 3000 centrifuges on average ran for this 25 years giving a total fissile material cummulative production of 2500 kgs at the rate of 100 kg/year . The chinese design warheads and bombs with 12-15 kiloton yield for bombs and 20-22 kiloton yield for the missile warheads each require about 17 kg of 95% enriched uranium . So at the moment it is estimated to posses approximately 150-160 warheads and bombs .We can safely assume atleast 50% of this capability is in free fall bombs and the rest in missile warheads both the short range m-11 and longer range nodongs .

The second enrichment plant at golra again 6 miles from islamabad is even large than kahuta but have been facing operating problems including ring magnets a vital component for the ultra centrifuges due to international restrictions.It is expected the production of weapons grade uranium from this facility was almost entirely diverted for manufacture of higher yield missile warheads .We can safely assume enough uranium for about 35-40 higher yield warheads were produced .

The plutonium production capability of pakistan is centred around kushab heavy water natural uranium reactor.The plutonium is extracted from spent uranium fuel and the quantum of which depends on the plant load factor.Assuming this plant has been operating at 75-80% load factor for the last 10 years or so we can once agin assume about 175 kgs of plutonium have been so far produce this translates to about 8-9 imp[lossion type 20 kt weapons available for use .
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Post by Sudhanshu »

Had India done something like operation opera in 1980s with Pakistani nuclear program, shankar would not be taking pain to write above post. :)

The mistake has been done by not reacting in those times.

Now, as the post suggest we would not be doing any reckless gamble. For atleast once, we got to do this in future, the early the better.The more it get late the more hazardous it gets for the humankind.
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Post by Shankar »

To improve its nuclear support infrastructure pakistan which includes production capability for reactor grade graphite and heavy water or deuterium oxide for power reactors which keeps on generating plutonium as an end product of uranium fission during power production in a commercial reactor.The two nuclear power plants which deserve special attention in this regard are karachi nuclear power plant with a rated output of 137 mega watt and chasma nuclear power plant with a energy output of 300 mega watt.Chasma nuclear plant was incidentally made by china nuclear power corporation and came to operation in late 1999.It is estimated close to 1200 kgs of plutonium have been produced in this reactor till end 2011 but most of it have not been seperated as the plutonium extraction process used by pakistan is not very effective and time consuming which limits the amount of usable plutonium that could be extracted from the spent reactor fuel rods.However this amount of available fissile material represents once again a sizable nuclear weapon capability say 60 nos 20-25kt missile warheads in future.

The khushab reactor is also understood to be used for production of tritium the heaviest isotope of hydrogen and rate of production estimated to be around 100-150 gms per year and as such commencing from 98 to 2012 we expect the total tritium inventory of pakistan at close to 2000 gms which is sizable and can be used in production of large numbers of boosted fission weapons having yield as high as 30-35 kt or maybe even higher depending on which design china has parted with .It is important to note most of the weapon tested by by pakistan post shakti 2 were of boosted fission type .It is more or less confirmed that peoples republic of china have suplied as early as 90s a complete detailed design of a 25kt fission weapon for missile warhead as an add on package for its m-11 missiles.

Pakistans stock pile of fissile of fissile material essentially consists of weapons grade uranium along with a smaller load of extracetd plutonium from natural uranium fuelled power reactors.Based on aknown stockpile of 12500 kgs of low enriched uranium in 2005 at the maximum we can safely assume they could have produced close to 500 kgs of high enriched uranium per year from 2006 onwards plus the high enrich stockpile created earlier 2005 estimated to be anywhere 150-260kgs .

Thus we can assume total stockpile of fissile material of pakisatan today in 2012 as high as 3000 kgs or as low as 500kgs.Intel reports indiacte it to be some where in the middle that is close to 1800 kgs enough to make 90-100 deliverable nuclear warheads or bombs most likely of boosted fission type with an average yield of 27/28 kilo ton of tnt.
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Post by Shankar »

Manufacturing of actual nuclear weapons both bombs and warheads essentially take place at military industrial complex of of pakistani ordinance factory atWah. Included in this infrastructure is a large machine tool complex
called heavy mechanical complex at taxila where most likely the actual machining of of heavy metals like uranium and plutonium take place making it suitable for fitting into weapons and make it effective as a weapon with help form heavy rebuild factory and heavy forge factory which makes the bomb casing and explossive lenses required to initiate the supercritical nuclear fission reacton or more simply a nuclear explossion.

To improve the yield of its enriched uranium explossive devices even further pakistan imported in late 80s a tritium extraction plant of west german make capable of producing upto 10 gms of pure tritium per day and was installed in alocation 150 kms south of rawalpindi using lithium 6 targets irradiated in pakistan atomic research reactor 1 .During irradiation of lithium 6 tragets it can broken down to lighter tritium gas which in its turn can be used as fission booster or as neutron initiator.

The primary storage area of pakistans nuclear weapons is not aq khan lab in kahuta but in and around chagai hill where the weapons were tested in 1998 .The secondary storage sites are believed to be wah industrial complex,pakisatni naval air station at karachi,sargodha air base complex and most likely near the operational commercial nuclear reactors stored along with spentfuel rods and hidden in the fuel rod fabrication facilities .
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Post by nits »

Shankar - its going gr8... just one Q - what about China... there was such massive attack on china and no action from there side... may be you can fix this loose end...
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Post by Shankar »

While the pakistani nuclear weapon development programme did have some pakistani component like efforts t steal the design of gas centrifuge from dutch corporation or extraction of uranium ore from its own mines with chinese equipment its ballistic missile programme was fully imported lock stock and barrel .Starting from sounding rocket technology from france which went towards development of its first aborted attempt to manufacture solid rocket motors to incorporation of m-9/m11 missiles from peoples republic of china and finally the liquid fuelled nodon missiles from north korea against exchange of nuclear weapons technology in lieu of cash .

The entire pakistani ballistic missile programme has a sole objective of using those missiles against india and as such can be called wholly and totally india centric.Though initially pakistan wanted both the combat aircrafts and short range ballistic missiles as nuclear weapon delivery platforms the airopping supplies of new aicraft option soon strted loosing ground mainly because of us sanctions slowing down the supply of new aircraft mainly f-16 falcons and more importantly its spares forcing paf t ground most of its f-16 fleet 1999 onwards .Though pakistan have always claimed itself to be an ally of us in its war on terror us never really trusted pakistan or more correctly its commitment to the cause with alurking fear that some day those nuclear weapons might find wayto the taliban alquada dominated functions of its armed forces.Pakistans very poor economic achievements did not help the cause eiether.It was impossible
for paf to purchase modern nuclear capable aircraft or even maintain the existing fleet of aircraft so attention got re focussed to ballistic missiles from north korea and china at the cost limited loss of national pride .Most classic example perhaps was allowing peoples republic of china unlimited access to gawdor port and north korea access to its so called "home grown"nuclear fission technology .

At that time indian anti ballistic missile capability was still in its infancy.Prthvi series of missiles have just completed development trials and agni series of technology demonstrators about to be tested for the first time .A desperate pakistan decided to invest in "development" read purchase of both solid and liquid fuelled rocket technology for its yet to be fully develped bombs .However why a cash strapped pakistan decided to try out both solid and liquid fueled missiles is not clear .Reports indicate a possible inter departmental rivalry between khan research lab and pakistan atomic energy commission was responsible for such a lop sided decision.Pakistan atomic energy commission due to its past loyality to china wanted to opt for solid fueled m-9/m11 missiles while khan research laboratories wanted to have longer range north korean nodong series of missiles at that time still under development . A desperate pakistani armed forces and its govt decided to try out both options assuming even if one route does not work out still it will have a nuclear delivery option open.

As a ressult of this this complexly reasoned procurement philosophy NDC a subsidary of pakistan atomic energy commission a complete to be assembled M-11 missile along with undisclosed number of m-9s.Consequently china transfered a complete m-11 production line and possibly m-9s to NDC . It can be safely assistance provided by china included solid fuel propellant manufacture and casting technology,process plants for manufacture of solid propellant ,post boost vehicle design and manufacturing guidelines,guidance and control hardware and soft ware as completely bought out items ,on board missile computers,assistance in warhead bus design and help in integrating warhead to missile.

The assembly of pakistani missiles take place at fatehjung missile integration plant which was agin built with prc assistance in late 90s capable of completely manufacturing m-11 s except perhaps the critical guidance chips and control software .Also it is suspected the nose cone composite materials are also supllied by china under tight control .
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Post by Shankar »

Hi guys sorry sorry for the unintended break - have to meet a tender deadline and so next post in 17th this month -to make up promise shall have lot of current info on indian space then-seeyou
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Post by ashdivay »

No prob Shankar...we will still be here when u get back
BTW i was curious can i post a small conflict scenario between India-Pakistan-China and even a little bit of US thrown into it... i devloped the scenario for SteelBeasts Tank Sim. Might try and record a video of the battle from the Sim itself ill let yall know when its done.
Hari Sud
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Post by Hari Sud »


Looking forward to your scenario, when Shankar attends to his other business.

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Post by Shankar »

ash please go ahead
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Border Dispute :Day Before !

Post by ashdivay »

sir i would like to let yall know that i wont be goin to much into polotical side of my secnario ill be postin more on the actual on the ground battles.

ill be running my scenarios thru the Sim and as things progress and based on the simulated output will devlop story for it.

The following setting is made for the simulation to run on..

There are three major battles
the war is over in 5 Days
all involving major Armour and Mech inf Push across International borders both from East and west.

[Day 1]

(LT.Gen.Ajay Sindhu -Fort Hood - Western India - 0600)
Lt.General Ajay Sindhu looked outside his window of his new Command Bunker. He could see men and equipment being unloaded of the new C-130's . then on the east end he saw a line of New Arjun 2 MBT's.
There he saw a figure standing ,It was no doubt a woman non of his officers ,he knew as they all will be busy with makein this Foward Base operational. It was one of the reporters He assumed ,He was too busy to go and chat anyway. He sipped his coffee and went back to his plasma screen .....

(Tim Baker -FOX News Room,USA - US Evening Time)
"Good Evening I am Tim Baker and we have a breakin News of a coup attempt in Pakistan .About midnight Unknown Group have been reported to have taken over Pakistani leadership.Soon after that Indian Government announced shelling across International border of India from Pakistani side. However these have not been comfirmed.
We now go live to our corrospendent Gillian Smith who is on the front line with Indian Military ,Gill can you hear us ?What can u tell us of the situation there ?"

(Gillain Smith - Ft.Hood ,W.India-0620)
"Good Evening Tim ,Yes i can hear u ,Well for last two hours there was some shelling ,a local village not too far from here was targeted ,fortunatly the village was evacuted in time and no one was hurt.
the Indian Military here have been on full alert for last 24 hours ,last night when we arived here we met some Gorkha's from Indian Army's Gorkha Regiment moving to the foward area.

It is still unclear whos incharge in Pakistan as local and international media are kept in dark.

We know what we are hearing from Indian side ,That a group of fanatics have taken over Pakistan. It is unclear who their leader is and what they want.

As for India you can see its making all the arrangments to meet any threat from across the border. "Gillian says and the caamera man pans the camera around to show a glimps of Modern Armoured Fighting Force.
the camera showes view of New Arjun 2's and BMP-3' and men workin on them loading ammo ...

Camera man turns the camera back to Gillian who then starts walkin towards a Arjun MBT .Removing her Heels she climbs onto the tank and shakes hand of a young Lt. sittin there.

"We have here a Lt. Dev Chandan Das " She says introcuding the young Lt to the FOX Viewers..

"Morning .. "He says looking toward the camera a bit nervous .

"Lt how old are you and tell us something about ur self ?" She ask's Him

"I am 23 Ma'am , I grew up in Little Rock ,Arkansas but decided to join the Army of country of my birth. I wanna say hi to my Mom who in Little Rock. and my girlfriend Stacey who is also there ,And i feel great"He answers her

Gillian then shakes the Lt's hand and turns back to camera "I am Gillian Smith Reportin live from Fort Hood,Western India. "

Ok that was a pilot post let me know if i should continue !
BRFite -Trainee
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Post by Philbert »

Yes please do continue :)
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Post by Shankar »

Air commodore nikhil looked again at the signal just recieved from air headquarters . It was not a clear cut ops order but rather a cryptic instruction to increase base alert level to max peacetime and keep all aircraft and attack choppers under his command for immediate close air support mission if required .

In the distance dispersed around the air field the were the hard shelters of 36 hal made jaguars and armourers were busy loading up the 500 kgs laser guided bombs under the wings and a single 1000 kg bomb in the main centre line pylon.Another group was loading up the long chain of shells for twin 30 mm guns recessed into the wing roots and cleaning up the nozzles one last time clearing up any foreign matters which if present can be catastrophic for the aircraft when the guns are fired in anger.

In the main maintainance hanger of the base technicians were busy checking the laser tergeting system by pointing and focussing on a white screen while another group was checking up the hydraulic circuit of a bird which have reported minor mal function of landing gear lowering actuators by jacking up the entire aicraft on a over sized jack ,connecting an external hydraulic pump and trying to determine the obstruction be repeatedly lowering and raising the gear . A third group were repalcing the inflight refuelling probe cover plate which have not closed fully during a practice refuellng sortie and jammed up the fuel robe retraction mechanism forcing the pilot to abandon the practice mission and return to base when the new alert message came on.

Fortunately the weather was good thought m/s sunita rao as she climbed out of the cockpit of the same jaguar after finishing a routine radar software upgrade .She came from a conservative south indian family and even after working for more than 7 years for hindutan aeronautics still have not managed to be comfortable wearing anything but a sari even when inside the cockpit of a strike aircraft. She found it difficult to climb in and out of the congested cockpit of a jaguar in a male dominated maintanance hanger of an air base but accepted with all the grace of an indian woman .She has to to 3 more upgrades before she could call it a day .Sunita was all of 28 year old and still single
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Re: Border Dispute :Day Before !

Post by nits »

ashdivay wrote: Ok that was a pilot post let me know if i should continue !
Nice piece... Lets continue...
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Post by ashdivay »

Thanks for the support ..i will continu the Scenario and when i have some time i will also post some clips from the SIM...
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Post by Shankar »

the president of pakistan was a worried man today though from outside it was difficult to make that out.At the moment he had a simply complex decision to make -to make a pre emptive strike or not .If yes against indian nuclear installations ,against us carrier task forces ,against russian air bases in central asia ,against french and british carrier groups or just wait and do nothing .

After israels attack on osirak nuclear ractor in iraq all the pakistani army establishement really though about was protection of its so called "strategic assets" a term coined by the president himself.Pakistan felt may be justifiably may be not ,that it will be the target of next such attack.It was reported in media that israeli airforce concerned with the possibility of a pak nuclear bomb in irani or iraqi hand could be devastating for the security of israel first explored the possibility then put forward an operations plane to take out pakistani nuclear capability with or without help from india.In this effort detailed sat imagery from CIA was used and this operation plan was never shelved even after due to direct us intervention the strike was called off few days before being put to use.In fact israeli pilots are kept trained on this particular mission involving f-16 and f-15 aircraft using ful scale mock up of kahuta nuclear complex some where in nagev dessert.The kahuta attack plan was in fact made concurrently with plan to attack osirak and using the same aircraft formations and pilots who went into iraq.Whether the israeli plans included use of indian airbases were never really confirmed or fly direct using air to air refuelling .Israeli awacs were assigned to jam oakistani air defense radars while the f-16 s would take out kahuta with precision guided missiles and bombs .The role of the f-15s were limited to providing local air dominance during the mission .

Why india was reluctant to join this operation was never again clearly known -possibly due to us diplomatic pressure or may be pakistans nuclear retaliation leading to another round of war.Us did not like the timming of the operation somewhere in mid 1982 since it had its hands full with soviets in afganistan.In the meantime there was some leakage of this plan and pakistan issued its own warning that any attack on kahuta will invaribly lead to a reciprocal attack on dimona reactor the mainstay of israels nuclear weapons programme.In fact the pakistani air chief did in fact issue an air tasking order commanding the akistani air defense command to take all possible measures for air defense of kahuta /karachi and also to prepare a contingency plan to attack dimona reactor complex in israel in case kahuta was attacked.A detailed study of air defense ground environment around kahuta and karachi was carried out and necessary reinforcements made/gaps filled up.On 10th july 1982 the contingency retaliatory strike plan was also finalised which involved use of mirage 3/5 on dimona complex.Later on as the pakistani airforce recieved the f-16s the mirage element of the strike formation was repalced with f-16s.

During pakistani nuclear tests PAF was in full cap duty over the test site as well as the nuclear installations at nillore ,fathejung,khushab,karach and wah.

The president of pakistan knew all this and more and he knew only way to save pakistans strategic capability should involve simultaneous strike and comprehensive air defense involving all the PAF commands as he poured over the air defense map of pakistan
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Post by menon »

is the present part before or after the attack on the US carrier? why is there no reaction from anyone on that??
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Post by Shankar »

Pakistani military leadership knew all along right from the day when overtly nuclear that they simply did not have the necessary strategic depth or defensive capability to face off a determined indian pre emptive first strike though the official Indian nuclear doctrine stated -no first strike.Policies are something written on paper to suit the need of the day while the military capability that exists in the form of hundreds of prithvis and Agnis and SU 30s and mirages and Jaguars which if unleashed could take out with almost cent percent certainty the pakistans so called strategic assets eiether in a massive pre emptive onslaught or in retaliation to even a minor nuclear provocation .

Pakistan in short needed a safe storage space for its nuclear warheads as well as at least some of its lonf range delivery systems like the north Korean no dongs or some of its falcons and mirages so happily provided by the western powers knowing full well it could be easily made nuclear capable with some minor structural modifications and add on specialized arming circuits required for nuclear weapon delivery .

As a logical extension of this line of thinking more than 50% of Pakistani nuclear weapons were in fact kept in safe storage ,in countries far away from its borders like Saudi Arabia and Iran which at least gave its some assurance of its availability and with the understanding that the host countries can have access to the weapons if the need so arise to use the so called " Islamic bomb" against Israel .

Deep in the bowels of Negev dessert ,in the nerve centre of israeli airforce young staff officers were giving the finishing touches to a simultaneous strike plan ot neutralize Pakistan's second strike or reserve nuclear capability with utmost efficiency like all Israeli air force operations.At least this time they knew united states will not put cold water on their ready plans simply because it is the lives of us armed forces personnel that are on line

First confirmation of this game plan was confirmed by a series of Iknoss satellite photos which clearly showed css-2 missiles possibly armed with nuclear warhead in a remote dessert air base of Saudi Arabia way back in 2005.This was followed by on ground hard intelligence provided by mosad and raw and then by the CIA.

Outside in the sand co loured twin runway with hard shelters built into rock dunes 2000 kgs laser guided bombs were being loaded onto the Israeli falcons .The eagle escort would join them some where over saudi airspace just before the strike and then escort them all the way back .

An additional reason for this some what unconventional dispersal plan of its strategic weapons was the need to pay back in kind the countries which in the first place financed the Pakistani nuclear weapon in the first place or who helped it with the delivery system like north korea.

But all these was known to all those who did not want nukes in thier neighborhood particularly Israel and India .It was time now to take them out before pakistanis get a chance to even think about using it .
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Post by Shankar »

The bat shaped B-2 s were dispersed in temporay shelters all around the airfield mainly under cluster of trees with camo nets over to protect them from the prying eyes of all sats .In the main building of the base in the backgound of IAF escorting aircrafts of the mission the final mission briefing was soon to follow and the detailed air tasking order was under review.The target list was comprehensive and the most critical ones were alloted to this group of heavy bombers

- SUPERCO plant and head quarters
- instrumentation laboratoris

Sonmiani beach
- flight test range


- aerospace institute
- al tecchnique corporation

-national defense complex

-khan research laboratories
- defense science and technology organisation

Wah cantnment
- air weapons complex
- pakistan ordnance factory

- Ghulam ishaq khan institute of scienec and technology

- Jinnah naval base

- air force base complex

- mashood test firing range ,Tilla jogian

The strike plan called for simultaneous strike on all the primary nuclear targets by allied strike aircraft with close mission overlap meaning after the first strike by b-2 s and tu-160 follow up strike by fighter bombers followed by another saturation strike by heavy bombers in this case b-52s/tu-22s

The strike plan also called for simultaneous neutralisation of pakistans suspected nuclear and delivery assets overseas so that withing 24 hrs at most the nuclear teeth of pakistan can be pulled of somewhat cruelly.

It was imperative during the primary de nuclearisation mission no single aircraft should be able to leave the runway and that was squarely the responsibility of indian air force and carrier air wings of indian ,us,royal and french navy and every one hoped they did thier job well otherwise the ressult could be catastrophic.

Major general maqbul khan special officer in charge of pakistans fleet of 18 nodongs based in saudi dessert finished checking the target data programmed into the guidance chips .They were correct as per latest GPS data collected by ISI agents thru hand held us military supplied gps recievers for all the major targets in india .All the missiles needed few hours of launch preparation after recieving the final authorisation and launch clearence from the president of pakistan thru a chinese military communication satelite to pakistan embassy in Riyadh and then by underground optical fibre link up to this saudi-pak joint strategic missile base .

the target list was exclussive only the best of the best will do for the nodongs thought maqbul khan as he checked the latest updated list on his dell laptop

- BARC Mumbai
- Rashtrapati bhavan New delhi
-Srihari kota high altitude ricket centre ,Tamil nadu
-lohegaon airbase ,pune
- maharjpura air base gwalior
- Kalaikunda air base /kolkata city
- port of chennai ,chennai
- dimona nuclear complex ,israel
- port of haifa ,israel
- israeli parliament building ,tel aviv
- us naval base ,baharain
- us airforce base ,kuwait city'
- aramco refinery complex ,saudi arabia

Alongside were the launch and strike coordinates . Ofcourse the saudi hostes were not aware of target in thier own countru which could be fed into the missiles robotic brain should the war go in indias favour.Pakistan was not going to go down alone ,it intended to take all its friends and allied with them -if possible .

The decision to take out the israeli cities were the decision of the hosts who wanted to neutralise the threat of israel once and for all .The upgraded nodongs/topodengs were supplied by north korea only on one condition they will be used against us interest .

In short middle east at the moment was sitting on a nuclear powder keg.Only one country could defuse it effectively -Israel.
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Post by nits »

Believe me... a shiver ran throw my body just by thinking what if this happens in real...
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Post by Shankar »

the camo nets were now comming off and customised heavy tractors getting hitched up to the b-2s nose wheels getting ready to pushe them into the taxi position on the sprwaling parking ramp . In the distance the su-30 mkis were already in postion with full load of just air to air weapons and nothing else for this particular mission . The first strike was to be carried out against the PAFs long range tracking and detection assets followed by nuclear installations.

Colonel robert shook hands with base commander air commodore joginder singh as he tightened his flight suit and finished mandatory walk around.His long mission will take him all the across the indian subcontinent from kalaikunda along the high altitude kolkata mumbai airways then turn north west over the khandla hills alongside the approach route to lohegaon air base and then to jamnagar turn west again to the arabian sea over the carrier group ronald reagan and then to the first target no 482 control and reporting centre just outside the port city of karachi in the paf base of malir which controlled 11 mobile and static pulse doppler radars then carry on to 484 control and reporting centre as chakla air base priimarily responsible for point defense of pakistani nuclear installations and then carry on to 481 control and reporting centre based at PAF base lahore (17 kms west of lahore city)
and finally the MPDR radar station at psani balochistan before turning back into indian air space ,refuelling over agra from indian il 78 mkis and then landing at kalakunda late afternoon .

Refuelling tankers for this mission will be available over lohegaon on the way in and over agra on the way out which should be more than adequate . Karachi and chakla air battle control will be from usaf e-3 sentry ,lahore and balochistan strike will be co ordinated by iaf phalcons both already in position just inside indian air space .The usaf sentry was presently flying out of iaf station jamnagar and the iaf phalcon out of chandigarh . Emergency diversion available along the way at nagpur(civil)
lohegaon -pune ,jamnagar ,chandigarh ,mahajpura ,patna(civil) ,Kolkata

IAF sukhois will escort the bombers all the way with one refuelling stop at pune and another at agra making the operation some what simpler .

Operation altitude strictly restricted to 40000 ft plus at all times to avoid acciedental sightings by civilian air lines on the busy east west high altitude air ways along kolkata -mumbai corridor and on the return journey delhi-kolkata corridor .

Ststarting 0000 hrs all civilian airliners in the two desiganted routes shall be alloted max flight level of 350 or 35000 ft over sea level as they eneter indian air space .This job was done simultaneously by kolkata,mumbai and delhi centre citing "operational difficulties. IAF/USAF air trafic controllers were already in these air ports and as per last report "everything was going fine".

The report of crew chief came over the waves and colonel roberts lifted his 90kg /6ft2 inch frame onto the aluminium ladder to the cockpit entry hole .