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Post by Rudranathh »

Singha wrote:UK proceeding along desired lines.....parliament ruled by islamists and streets ruled by a mix of yobs, morons and islamist streetfighters.
Wrong conclusions, since the report abt the low General Knowledge abt past world history in Brits could just be an article written to poke fun at its targets rather than serious attempt to analyse the true situation.

BTW the report is from AFP and the F in afp stands for France Britain's 'old friend'. :wink:
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Post by Gerard »

UK government acts on hoax e-mail
A widely-circulated e-mail has falsely claimed that schools in the UK will stop teaching the Holocaust because it might cause offence to Muslims.
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Post by Gerard »

Islamic preacher 'recruited terrorists for Iraq'
He said: "Terrorism against the kuffar [non-believers], terrorism against those that terrorise us, terrorism against those that terrorise our women and children. Yes we have terrorised them so when they call you terrorist, be proud to have that title."

As the audience at Regents Park Mosque in central London, joined in, he chanted: "Oh Allah support Sheikh Osama, Oh Allah destroy America.

"Destroy the kafir wherever they are. Let their blood run in the mountains of Afghanistan, let their women become widows, may their children become orphans, let them be bombed. Let death come to them by the hands of the mujahideen [holy fighters]."
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Post by vina »

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Post by Philip »

The Archbishop of Cantebury has stirred up a nest of hornets,vipers,etc al,after advocating that Sharia law be introduced into Britain! Needless to say,the ridicule which has greeted his idea must be read . ... chbis.html

Has the Archbishop gone bonkers?
Forgive the stark clarity of my headline, but sometimes when writing about the Archbishop of Canterbury, clarity is what is needed. I ask this of readers here, because this is the question put to me time after time this afternoon by incredulous commentators of every variety, stunned into blunt expression by the Archbishop of Canterbury's uncharacteristically clear comments on Sharia in Britain. The Archbishop believes adopting aspects of sharia law into British law would help maintain social cohesion. But who exactly is asking for this? No Muslim organisation in Britain has requested it, I could not find any who even wanted it. Instead, Muslims I spoke to this afternoon seem fearful of the effects the Archbishop's latest remarks will have on those already prejudiced against their community. As well they might be. His speech was delivered this evening at the Royal Courts of Justice in Strand, London. (Update: do read this interesting analaysis from Propaganda Box.)

The Bishop of Rochester, Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, responded: 'English law is rooted in the Judaeo-Christian tradition and, in particular, our notions of human freedoms derive from that tradition. In my view, it would be simply impossible to introduce a tradition, like sharia into this corpus without fundamentally affecting its integrity.' Read his full comments here. Also see here for a legal opinion from barrister Dr James Behrens.

Sheikh Michael Mumisa, an Islamic scholar at Cambridge University and who is affiliated to Centre for the Study of Muslim-Jewish Relations at the Woolf Institute, said: 'I do understand that by sharia law here he means only the personal status laws of Islam such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and not its penal code.â€
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Post by sanjaykumar »

And just what is wrong with introducing sharia penal codes for Muslims? Of course in some cases such as witnesses to rape, it may violate a sense of being civilized, but Muslims should be the guide.
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Post by Vriksh »

I actually liked the comments section of the below "Islamic Science" article ... 69,00.html

There seems to be a greater awareness of Indian contributions that were previously routinely passed off as Arabic or Islamic contributions.

Satyamevajayate et al.
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Post by Mahendra »

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Post by Gus »

Where is that quote from churchill about how england has the moral duty to protect muslims from oppression of caste-hindus ?
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Post by Tilak »

Gus wrote:
Where is that quote from churchill about how england has the moral duty to protect muslims from oppression of caste-hindus ?
Calling Gerard!! :)
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Post by Gerard »

Replying to Jinnah on August 5, Churchill ‘‘espoused the right of Moslems and the Depressed Classes to their fair share of life and power. I feel that it is most important that the British Army should not be used to dominate the Moslems, even though the caste Hindus might claim numerical majority in a constituent assembly’’.
On August 3, Churchill had written to Jinnah: ‘‘I was... surprised to read all the insulting things that were said about Britain at the Moslem Congress in Bombay, and how the Moslems of India were described as undergoing British slavery. All this is quite untrue and ungrateful.’’
... on December 12, a wary Churchill turned down a lunch invitation at the Claridges’s, advising that the two should not be ‘‘associated publiclyâ€
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Islamist extremists 'have penetrated to the heart of Britain

Post by Rudranathh »

Islamist extremists 'have penetrated to the heart of Britain' including Scotland Yard
11th February 2008

Islamist extremists have infiltrated Government and key public utilities to pass sensitive information to terrorists, the security services have warned.

Counter-terrorism officials say "insiders" or their associates are almost certainly working "undetected" in sensitive posts and are actively supporting the activities of extremists.

In some cases, lifelong relationships between friends or relatives are being exploited to obtain crucial information from those in sensitive posts.

The development is detailed in intelligence reports circulated to the Home Office, police and Whitehall officials.

The London Underground, Gatwick airport and BT are cited as examples of organisations which have been targeted by individuals linked to terrorists.

Officials say the idea of "penetrating the enemy is pervasive" for Islamic extremists.

It is understood a number of suspected jihadists working in Government departments and the public services are being monitored by the security services.

Details of the threat emerged months after the Daily Mail revealed fears that Scotland Yard has been infiltrated by individuals linked to extremist groups including Al Qaeda.

Several police officers and civilian staff are being monitored amid claims they are long-term sleepers trying to gain sensitive information of use to terrorists.

Some are even believed to have attended terror training camps in Pakistan or Afghanistan.

Fanatics who infiltrate the Government or the "Critical National Infrastructure" - vital utilities such as water, electricity, transport and communications - have a number of objectives.

These include trying to gain information on what the law enforcement agencies know about the activities of fellow Islamist extremists and how to evade the attention of police and the security services.

They may also try to obtain information or intelligence to help them to carry out acts of terrorism.

This involves getting access to premises or individuals "with the immediate purpose" of mounting an attack or obtaining sensitive information to facilitate a later atrocity.

The extremists might also seek information which is of "indirect use" to the planning of a terrorist attack - such as getting access to banking information to raise money through fraud, gaining insider knowledge about airport security and surveillance measures on the London Underground.

Security sources say there is evidence that UK-based terrorists have discussed the possibility of attacking national infrastructure targets with the help of a "sympathetic insider".

MI5 has warned in the past that suspects with "strong links" to Osama Bin Laden have tried to join the British security services and, in January last year, exiled radical Omar Bakri claimed that Islamic extremists were infiltrating the police and other public sector organisations.

College teachers must be "vigilant" in tackling the threat posed by violent extremists who attempt to recruit teenage students to terrorism, ministers said yesterday.

Al Qaeda supporters seek to "groom" impressionable young people and staff should be prepared to tell the police if they have concerns, draft Government guidance said.

The guidance, published for consultation, is aimed at colleges teaching students aged 14 and over, including more than 700,000 aged 16 to 18, and follows similar guidelines for universities.

A terrorist jailed for his involvement in a bomb attack on the Paris Metro later came to England and got a job as a traffic warden.

Mustapha Boutarfa, 32, was arrested by Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist squad in 1996 and extradited from Britain to France two years later.

He stood trial for his auxiliary role in the 1995 attack on the St Michel station by a notorious Islamic militant group, in which eight were killed and 80 wounded, and was given a two-year prison sentence.

But after his release, Boutarfa, who held dual French and Algerian nationality, managed to get back into the UK with his wife and children and secured the job as a parking attendant in Richmond-upon-Thames, Surrey, with NCP Services.

Boutarfa's secret would probably never have come to light had he not accused a van driver of assaulting him in a row over a parking ticket in October 2005.

It led to the sensational disclosure about his past in open court.

That case was then dropped and he was charged with fraud but walked away with a 12-month suspended sentence. He has quit his job.

It is still not clear how he was allowed back into Britain.
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Post by Gerard »

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Post by Manu »

All these fears of Sharia in UK are misplaced. The Brits have almost stopped immigration from Pakiland/BD and and an equal number of Poles and other assorted Eastern Europeans are set to become the largest minority.

The Birth rate of native Pakis is almost at the same levels of UK white population (who continue to be 92%-93% of the total population), so no Islamic takeover any time soon.

From what I hear (and saw last Bank Holiday weekend)...most of the front-end, blue collar workforce is now Polish.

UK Residents please correct me if I am wrong.
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Post by Gerard »

I still have faith that the vexed mussalmen will demand a homeland, PakDesh, where they may have their fair share of life and power (as Winston Churchill promised Jinnah).

As the creator of the term "PakDesh", I consider myself a latter day Rehmat-Ali and demand the mussalman erect monuments in my honor (a suitable distance from where they stone the adulterers and loose wimmens) along with monuments to Iqbal, Rehmat-Ali and Jinnah. These monuments should be eco-friendly and multipurpose (public urinal/avian perch etc)
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Post by shyamd »

The Paki's are still coming but are working as illegals. Same with the BD population and a smaller extent Indian population. The ones coming here are here to work and go back. They come here through visa loopholes. Also come here on a pretext of education, they complete some course and then go to get work in the local paki Fish and Chip shop or restaurant as a chef. But the immigration dept raids these, if they get caught they are sent on the first flight to TSP. They will be here for a while, then they might get married to a local paki or get a visa extension on some pre-text, stay here for 10 years and get Permanent Residency and eventually British passport. But Poles are everywhere now, they are entering into medicine field and are in most jobs now. The reason why many indian doctors don't get training jobs is because of the Polish/ new EU entrants. The Indian docs are way way better than the Poles that are coming in BTW.

There is a small amount of Asylum seekers from Pak i.e the Ahmadiyaa's. You get Afghan and Kurdish asylum seekers here too who end up working in restaurants etc.

But you are right that the Poles have come in and flooded the market with cheap labour in all fields.
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Post by Rudranathh »

UK plans to impose new immigration tax

London : British Government is planning to impose a new immigrant tax on foreigners coming to the country to help pay for the public services they use, a media report said on Wednesday.

“Foreigners will have to pay a special levy on entering the country which will be used to provide extra funding for public services,â€
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Post by Sanjay M »

I'm impressed to hear that Prince Harry is fighting in Afghanistan.

Where's our little pampered poodle, the son of the Gandhi clan? He's not to be seen anywhere in the absence of his bodyguards, let alone on a warfront. The only shots he's taking are by posing for camera-men.
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Post by hnair »

Sanjay M wrote:
Where's our little pampered poodle, the son of the Gandhi clan? He's not to be seen anywhere in the absence of his bodyguards, let alone on a warfront. The only shots he's taking are by posing for camera-men.
First, Prince Harry is a high value target and is useful only as a bucket of chum is at sea. Second he is a deadly risk to the brave men and women who had to struggle even harder in Iraq to protect him. That photo is for prepping the middle-aged crowd that the old bull dog spirit and not just the looks, is still alive. And it does help erase some parts of his Halloween costume goofup.

Seriously, why do you want Rahul in any trouble zones? So that more of the brave and not so elite Indians can die either protecting him or just being around him? Or is it that you want more airports in the provinces named after him? No sir!! Let him potter around safely like the other elite kids of Delhi and let the highly professional SPG drive him around in their BMWs, so that some poor homeless Indians will not get runover :lol:
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Post by Sanjay M »

I'm saying that I wish we had more people in our ruling classes who had Harry's spirit, instead of being stuck with so many like Rahul.

This is a pretty good piece from BBC, and it has videos on the side:

I think it's still laudable of Harry to serve, as it demonstrates British egalitarianism, rather than the political feudal poodle pampering typical of India. Note that he was incognito, so that nobody knew he was there, except of course the men he was with.

Once again, kudos to Harry.
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Post by Surya »


The fact is that Harry still can be in danger. Some stupid media leaked it out and notw they will have to pull him out for the reasons u mentioned.

But otherwise all said he has done a commendable thing.
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Post by Sanjay M »

Here's a clip with a brief scene of Harry having some light banter with the Gurkhas: ... =1&bbcws=1#

See pictures #2 and #8:
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Post by hnair »

Sanjay M wrote:I'm saying that I wish we had more people in our ruling classes who had Harry's spirit, instead of being stuck with so many like Rahul.
Once again, kudos to Harry.
Boss, we are not the only people stuck with Rahul type people. Hell, ask Americans, one such Rahul was ruling them for the last 8 years :D And how will we know if the herrowick leader we have is of Paddy Ashdown material or is just a lying Mushbob BrownPants?

There are two things about Harry. One is Harry the rich, bored "never had a bad day" kid and the other is "Harry the highly visible heir of the UK public". The first Harry, we will not hear often and in future even less. And that is the Harry that can be convinced easily into a PR stunt, for the sake of his "heir to the throne" image . His family's PR managers know their subject (pun allright). They have been doing it for centuries. All those oil paintings of potbellied royals, sashes choked with medals and crosses, I dont think they got it for hauling various wounded Gunga Dins through a storm of dumdums. And rest assured that Harry, when his time comes will have some "Star of Mesopotamia, First Class", adorning his sash.

To summarize, all I see is a dude who is being used for old fashioned imperial imageries and he does not mind it. But then some other humbler folks lives suddenly became seriously threatened.

Surya, blue tinged or not, which red blooded young fellow wouldn't love to be in his place? To be honest, I envy him :evil: But then my objection is against the cynical reasoning behind this extremely costly excersize and also suggestion from Sanjay M that it ought to be replicated in India.
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Post by Surya »


All that you say is right still

there is a pretty decent chance of a fateful incident that cause harm. So you have to hand it to him that he took the chance.

Lets give him the benefit of the doubt.
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Post by Singha »

is it harry or william who has a wild nightlife and moves around with celeb teens ?
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Post by Karan Dixit »

Singha wrote:is it harry or william who has a wild nightlife and moves around with celeb teens ?
Once I was talking to a stripper from England. (Not in a strip joint :)) She informed me that Harry and Williams are regulars at those places. Also they are a big fan of Nelly Furtado. (Pardon my spelling. I am too old to know these hip artists.)

But the bottom line is, it is refreshing to see a non gay member of the royal family. :)
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Post by Johann »

William, the heir to the throne is the one doing a pro-forma tour of the services. He has only become somewhat serious about what he's doing thanks to Harry's influence

Harry, who never expected to inherit is the one who was serious about an army career right from the start. He wanted the challenge, an environment where he had to prove himself to men who were not particularly impressed by his accident of birth.

As far as Harry bringing extra fire down on those he served with, that is exactly why secrecy was essential in making his service acceptable to the Chief of General Staff, who has the largest say in the matter.

I do believe that if there is a PR message here, it is largely from the New Labour Govt, using the monarchy, with the QEII's support. The knighthood for Salman Rushdie, the support for Harry's deployment, etc.

There is no question that the jihadists have heard and understood this, and are just as willing to attack the symbols used against them.
Manu wrote:All these fears of Sharia in UK are misplaced. The Brits have almost stopped immigration from Pakiland/BD and and an equal number of Poles and other assorted Eastern Europeans are set to become the largest minority.

The Birth rate of native Pakis is almost at the same levels of UK white population (who continue to be 92%-93% of the total population), so no Islamic takeover any time soon.

From what I hear (and saw last Bank Holiday weekend)...most of the front-end, blue collar workforce is now Polish.

UK Residents please correct me if I am wrong.
You are pretty much spot on.

Local resentment of high rates of immigration is shifting towards Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians, etc.

But public atttitudes towards the Islamic-minded among the Pakistani/Bangladeshi has seen a great deal of hardening in the last seven years. I've said that before here, but more objective evidence exists on the poll on the Islamism threat.

Establishment efforts to balance tough security policies against the jihadis (mosque surveillance, cracking down on jihadi rhetoric, continued commitment to Afghanistan, etc) with special sensitivity to Muslims on cultural matters will only deepen the public's feelings of resentment of Islam.

Post by Raju »

Anybody has access to complete article ?

[quote]White men unburdened
By John Lloyd

Published: February 29 2008 21:14 | Last updated: March 1 2008 01:47

A cultural movement is happening within liberal opinion. It no longer greets immigrants with open arms. They are welcome – but with tighter conditions, aimed at encouraging, even mandating, integration. The old, cross-party order that strove to see immigration “not as a flattening process of assimilation but as equal opportunity, accompanied by cultural diversity, in an atmosphere of mutual toleranceâ€
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Post by ashish raval »

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Post by ashish raval »

If UK dont allow immigration of highly skilled workers or even labourers, it will turn into a third world country within 50 years without any proper technical skills. You can check this from "white enrolment" in technical education in british universities. i know this because i teach India's school standard 6 maths to undergraduate's. lol
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Post by kshirin »

UK still seems miles better than any other European country.
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Post by Kakkaji »

The UK is set to create the new currency of the Khilafat:

Islamic banks give London world financial clout
LONDON - After taking a battering from the global credit crisis, London has a potential ace up its sleeve as it seeks to restore its reputation as a global financial center — its premier position in the Islamic banking industry.

The British government will decide next week if it will issue a sovereign Islamic bond, or sukuk, a new avenue into a market that's estimated to eventually reach $4 trillion by Standard & Poor's.

"It will further underline London as an international Islamic financial center,"

"It will be the first hard currency, highly rated, government sukuk to be issued. These are all milestones," Percy said at BLME's headquarters in the capital's financial district, where the bank opened for business just six months ago.

Islamic financing is increasingly seen as a key support to London's reputation as a financial center, which took a beating recently due to the failure of Northern Rock PLC and criticism of proposals to raise taxes on wealthy expatriates living here.

"Islamic finance is a tool that the government realizes it has in its hand, which it can utilize to re-establish some clear blue water between themselves and Wall Street," said David Testa, chief executive officer of Gatehouse Capital PLC. Gatehouse is expecting to receive its license to become the fifth standalone Islamic bank in London within weeks.

As the fallout from the U.S. credit crisis continues to take its toll on banking, interest is rising on banking which conforms to Shariah, or Islamic law. It forbids interest and requires deals to be based on tangible assets, which have provided some insulation from credit turbulence.

Shariah compliant products attempt to replicate the concept of interest through cost-plus transactions, leasing arrangements or by linking payments to returns on underlying assets. The process is normally blessed by a board of religious scholars affiliated with a bank.

A British government sukuk — which could be announced in next week's annual budget — would increase liquidity in the market and expand the secondary commercial market in the takaful, or Islamic insurance, sector.

"Sukuk and other bonds would absolutely explode," . "If we in London could promote such a market, there would be huge international interest."

Wilson added that the British government is likely to go ahead with the sukuk even after a furor earlier this year over comments from Rowan William, the archbishop of Canterbury and the head of Britain's Anglican Church, that a limited application of Shariah in Britain was inevitable.

"The sukuk would look very good in the interest of the Islamic finance altogether and U.K. Muslim community in particular," said Wilson.

Britain has worked to position London to take advantage of the rapid growth in wholesale Islamic banking. It is the only Western country among the top 15 for Shariah-compliant assets, ranking ninth, according to industry group International Financial Services London.

Both retail and wholesale services have grown rapidly since the Islamic Bank of Britain became the first domestic bank to cater exclusively to the country's 2 million Muslims just four years ago. There are now also some 23 conventional banks, including Lloyds and HSBC, offering Islamic products.

In contrast, France, with a Muslim population of more than 5 million, has just four conventional banks offering Islamic products.

London is also far ahead in training for the industry. The Islamic Finance Qualification offered by its Securities and Investment Institute is recognized around the world and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants' Certificate in Islamic finance is the first offered by a professional chartered accountancy body.
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British muslim civilians assault british airmen in UK

Post by G Subramaniam » ... 282943.stm

Brown condemns no-uniform advice

Police say they have not received complaints about abuse
Gordon Brown has condemned reports that RAF personnel at a Cambridgeshire base were advised not to wear uniform in public for fear of verbal abuse.
He said armed forces members should be "encouraged to wear their uniform in public and have the respect and gratitude of the British people".

The decision not to wear uniform was taken by the station commander at RAF Wittering near Peterborough.

Defence minister Derek Twigg blamed "a tiny minority" for the abuse.

It has been claimed that verbal abuse has been directed at service personnel by people opposed to UK involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The police don't have records of any serious problems

Stewart Jackson MP

'No tolerance' for abuse

Cambridgeshire police said they did not know of any abuse reported in the city.

The guidance was issued in January 2007 advising personnel to wear civilian clothes in certain areas for fears of abuse. It followed a verbal incident in December 2006.

The city's Conservative MP, Stewart Jackson, said: "The police don't have records of any serious problems. My understanding is that it's a small number of incidents of verbal abuse."

The Mayor of Peterborough, Marion Todd, said the decision not to wear service uniforms was a "sad day for the city".

'Great shame'

Mr Twigg condemned the incidents of abuse "on the day we've got 184 members of the armed forces being honoured for their courage and bravery".

HAVE YOUR SAY If you are anti-war and feel the need to sling insults then direct them at Westminster
Mark Topper, London
Send us your commentsTory leader David Cameron said police should come down "extremely hard" on people targeting members of the armed forces in the streets.

He said: "The overwhelming majority of the British people think what they do is extremely brave and professional and we're really proud of them."

A government review of the public's perception of the military is currently being carried out.

It has been suggested as part of the review that soldiers may be encouraged to wear their uniforms off-duty to boost their popularity.

Air Chief Marshall Sir Glenn Torpy, said: "Whatever people's views are about specific military operations, everyone should be able to recognise the bravery and professionalism of our Armed Forces and respect the difficult job they do."

Speaking on Thursday, Defence Secretary Des Browne said it was "a great shame that some individuals in this community don't respect our forces".

He added: "I hope that by working closely with Peterborough City Council and the local police, service personnel at RAF Wittering will soon be able to wear their uniforms freely about the town with the support of the local people."

RAF Wittering was established in 1916 and more than 2,000 servicemen and women are based at the station.

Largest Chinese Buddhist temple plan for Wigan

Post by Raju »

Anybody know what this contraption 'Chinese Buddhist Temple' sic is all about ?
Largest Chinese Buddhist temple plan for Wigan

IT is famous for its pier, pies and mintballs, but Wigan could soon also be celebrated for a massive Chinese temple. In a bid to attract tourists, the town's huge Chinese textiles hub project may soon include an ornate Shaolin Buddhist temple - the largest of its kind outside China.

It is thought the temple would attract hundreds of thousands of people a year. An outline concept for the Wigan Chinese Temple project has been put forward by the Lee Kai Hung Foundation, a charity founded in 1992 to help Chinese students studying in Britain, on behalf of the North West Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

It would be a source of meditation for visiting Chinese business people. ... _for_wigan
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Post by derkonig »

cover for chicom sigint/elint operations?
must be just like the xinhua office in wash d.c. which was/is notorious for being a chicom intel base.

btw, any BRFites played IGI2: Covert Strike?
it has a "chinese temple" kinda mission..
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Post by Kalantak »

derkonig wrote:^
cover for chicom sigint/elint operations?
must be just like the xinhua office in wash d.c. which was/is notorious for being a chicom intel base.

btw, any BRFites played IGI2: Covert Strike?
it has a "chinese temple" kinda mission
The game developers have made the mission so hard that you need an trainer to complete it.
G Subramaniam
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Priest hurt in faith-hate attack

Post by G Subramaniam »

Priest hurt in faith-hate attack
A priest has been attacked in the grounds of his church, in what police described as a "faith-hate" crime.
Canon Michael Ainsworth, 57, was injured by two Asian youths at the church, in Tower Hamlets, east London.

Canon Ainsworth said a third youth watched as he suffered cuts, bruises and black eyes in the assault at the church of St George-in-the-East.

The youths also jeered at the priest for being a churchman in the attack on Wednesday night, the Met Police said.

An appeal for witnesses has been made.
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Post by Gerard »

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Re: Priest hurt in faith-hate attack

Post by ashish raval »

G Subramaniam wrote:

Priest hurt in faith-hate attack
A priest has been attacked in the grounds of his church, in what police described as a "faith-hate" crime.
Canon Michael Ainsworth, 57, was injured by two Asian youths at the church, in Tower Hamlets, east London.

Canon Ainsworth said a third youth watched as he suffered cuts, bruises and black eyes in the assault at the church of St George-in-the-East.

The youths also jeered at the priest for being a churchman in the attack on Wednesday night, the Met Police said.

An appeal for witnesses has been made.

I dont know when these "British Idiots" will start using term "British Pakistani's" or "British Bangladeshi's" for these people.
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Post by Gerard »

"England" tattoo bars ex-soldier from joining Police
He said he was told in a phone call by the Manchester force’s senior recruitment consultant: “A family who aren’t of English origin who see England on your arm could feel you might discriminate against them.
Replying to Jinnah on August 5, Churchill ‘‘espoused the right of Moslems and the Depressed Classes to their fair share of life and power. I feel that it is most important that the British Army should not be used to dominate the Moslems, even though the caste Hindus might claim numerical majority in a constituent assembly’’.