Jaipur Blasts

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Post by sanjaychoudhry »

More than constraining India, containing Islam is the more urgent strategic priority of the United States.

That is not correct. Anglo-Americans hate Hindus more than Muslims. This is rooted in religious reasons. Muslims are the people of the book and Christians claim to have some kind of afffinity with them. But Christians of the West hate Hinduism more, considering it as unadulterated polytheistic evil. Why? Because Christians know paganism is what Christianity defeated in Europe to establish its supremacy. And India is Paganism Central of the world. Western Christians hate Hinduism but also fear it due to its deep and very powerful philosophy and intellectual content. They have nightmares about paganism reviving itself and overcoming Christianity again. That is why they have an army of scholars which deliberately distorts Hinduism and portrays it as uncivilized to hoodwink Western youth who may begin to fall for its charms. At no cost do they want a repeat of the Hare Krishna movement of the sixties and its flower children flocking to Rishikesh and Goa.

At a spiritual level, paganism is in sync with eternal laws of nature and the universe, and strikes a primordial cord inside humans because we are all deep down in awe of all creation. Western Christians know that paganism has a habit of growing back from where it was uprooted because of it has arisen spontaneously from man's inner pscyhe and is not artificially imposed from above, like Semitic faiths. When you leave humans free, they sooner or later turn to paganism and self-discovery. They want to explore and examine spiritual truths themselves and come to their own conclusions -- this is the essence of paganism. Western Christians know this. Their religious thinking and hatred and fear of paganism colours their attitude toward India and Hindus.

This manifests in several ways, such as propping up minorities and leftists in India through international awards, keeping quite when Hindus are slaughtered in Kashmir, slyly supporting Muslim terrorism agains India, arming Muslim states arrayed against India, not allowing Indian military capability to build up, and so on. In 1947, as a parting shot at pagan Hindus, they snatched 1/3 of the country and deliberately handed it out to Muslims. This was their "up yours" message to the pagan Hindus.

While Western Christians consider Islam as a strong and respectable rival of an equal status (since both are mirror images of each other with similar doctrines), they consider Hinduism as an absolute abomination that is fit only for contempt and is much below Christianity in the cosmic scale.

So you can forget about Western Christians coming to Hindus' aid in their fight against Muslim terrorism. They would rather eliminate polytheistic Hinduism first and then go back to good old crusades to settle the matter with the Muslims. In Islam's battle against Hinduism, you will never find Christians arrayed against the Muslims in favour of Hindus. You can just forget it. You are chasing a mirage. You haven't understood how Western Christians and church view Hinduism in relation to Islam.
Last edited by sanjaychoudhry on 15 May 2008 14:10, edited 5 times in total.

Post by Raju »

Sanjay, hatred for paganism is just a front to gather masses behind a strategic cause especially using evangelists as a front.

In Bosnia they are supporting muslims against Christian Serbs. The idea is to support a vocal combative minority against an assertive majority with the idea to create instability in a region. It's horses for courses policy.

the main motivations for their actions are purely geo-strategic and I dare say even Satanic. Although they couch it in very noble terms.
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Post by svinayak »

MuthuswamyM wrote:


If you had made these statements in 1980s I would have applauded you. I am afraid, you are a bit late to the party:)-

More than constraining India, containing Islam is the more urgent strategic priority of the United States.

Even recent American efforts to constrain India vis-a-vis Pakistan is driven by the perception that if India puts military pressure on Pakistan it will make Pakistan cooperate less in the Taliban/Al Qaeda front.

If I were you, I would just avoid statements such as "I am afraid you haven't understood the issues at their full depth." and just stick to reasoned analysis.
Pakistani society was ‘militarised’ with ‘active US support’: Khattak (Daily Times)
PESHAWAR: Pakistani society was ‘militarised’ with ‘active support’ from the United States as part of the ‘critical evolution’ of the ‘big powers’’ policy for the region, the Awami National Party (ANP)’s Afrasiab Khattak said on Wednesday.

"Militarisation of state and society [has taken place] with active US support," he told the participants of a workshop titled Regional Aspects of Militancy in Pakistan at the University of Peshawar’s Area Study Centre. "Talibanisation is an extension of the militarisation of this [Pakistani] society," said Khattak. The US "supports [the] military" in Pakistan, he added.
Khattak said what was required was fresh talks with Afghanistan. He said Pakistan needed to "close down all Taliban sanctuaries," while Kabul needed to "address Pakistan's concerns about Indian involvement in anti-Pakistan activities using Afghan soil."
This is what ramana is talking about
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Post by manish singh »

Raju wrote:The idea is to support a vocal combative minority against an assertive majority with the idea to create instability in a region. It's horses for courses policy.

the main motivations for their actions are purely geo-strategic and I dare say even Satanic. Although they couch it in very noble terms.
Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I hope I am not wrong in assuming that you are you referring to the super elite that virtually control the world. The ones behind CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg group. The ones who are the "hope" in Carroll Quigley's "Tragedy and Hope".

Taylor Caldwell's "Captains and the Kings" provides an engaging window into the thought process of this super elite.

Post by Raju »

No I am talking of American foreign policy,

which may often front for the players that you mention.
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Post by SSridhar »

Foreign players may quit IPL after Jaipur blast

Even if one foreign player quits citing the blasts, all TSP players in IPL must be expelled.
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Government Inaction

Post by kunal anand »

The solution to the problem as pointed by some forum members already is to infiltrate these organsations or if that proves difficult then at least have some eyes and ears in the 'right' places, which will warn security agencies of something out of the ordinary begins to brew in these ghettos. The other aspect is of deterrence. By nabbing the suspects no matter how long it takes, and bringing them to justice through constitutional or extra constitutional methods. Once the msg is loud and clear that: 'we are gonna get you no matter what', these so called extremists will become as sober as a wet dog.

http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/st ... 0080049899
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Post by SandeepA »

A decade ago the then NTR led Govt in AP constituted the Greyhounds to hound out the Naxal menace in AP. Basically one organisation that can counter the menace without worying about Human Rights groups. They met with some success before the Kangressi Govt came and shut it down. Some such solution can help put the fear back in the Terrorists and their backers. This will give the Govt some deniability too. But ofcourse I'm dreaming again, its basically the intention itself thats lacking with GoI
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Post by sauravjha »

Muslims are the people of the book and Christians claim to have some kind of afffinity with them.
correction. jews and christians are the people of the book for muslims not vice versa. the disagreement between muslims and christians mainly lies in the nature of Jesus. the trinitarian doctrine sees jesus as the son of god on earth whereas for Islam he is a rasul- a direct messenger of god. he is not divine for Muslims. Muslims also do not have the concept of "original sin"- so central to mainstream christanity.

All mainstream judeo-christian religion is afraid of Dharma . they just can't handle it. thus a whole lot time is devoted to its's demonisation and the denial of the influence of paganism on some of their own traditions.

the roman catholic church for instance has a lot of rituals and rites that are very pagan and were adopted for the benefit of the roman gentility, which usurped christ's name , and turned it into a church for imperial gain.

you know what, the final manifestation of judeo-christian doctrine is not islam
but marxism.
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Post by S.Abhisheik »

EJs are same as jehadis.See this video to realise the level of indoctrination
in Jesus Camp.

Post by Raju »

this is what the bible says about muslims,

An angel of the Lord appears before Hagar the slave-mistress of Abram (Abraham) and says this about her son (Ishmael-the ancestor of Arabs and by extention muslims)
And the angel of the Lord said to her, "Go back to your mistress, and submit to her harsh treatment." And the angel of the Lord said to her, "I will greatly increase your offspring, and they shall be too many to count." The angel of the Lord said to her further, "Behold, you are with child and shall bear a son; you shall call him Ishmael, for the Lord has paid heed to your suffering. He shall be a wild ass of a man; his hand against everyone, and everyone's hand against him; he shall dwell alongside of all his kinsmen." And she called to the Lord who spoke to her, "you are El-roi," by which she meant, "have I not gone on seeing after He saw me!" Therefore the well was called Beer-lahai-roi; it is between Kadesh and Bered.- Hagar bore a son to Abram, and Abram gave the son that Hagar bore him the name Ishmael. Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram.
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Post by Ardeshir »

The Bible says nothing about Muslims (or Darth Vader, or George Bush, or Stewie Griffin). By the way, FYI, there are plenty of Christian, Jewish and Druid Arabs too.

Post by Raju »

Ishmael is the forefather of middle eastern muslims. The chilldren of Jacob and Sarah are considered to be the forefathers of the hebrew and hebrew christian population. Since the first Christians were also hebrews.

So this is the ideological foundation of both as enumerated in bible.
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Post by Ardeshir »

Is there any proof whatsoever of the existence of Ishmael, or Jacob or whatever?

Let BR not be a forum to repeat EJ propaganda.
Last edited by Ardeshir on 15 May 2008 16:55, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Raju »

I don't deal in proofs, what is written in bible is what is quoted.
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Post by Ardeshir »

Raju wrote:I don't deal in proofs, what is written in bible is what is quoted.
So if you have no proof that a certain entity existed, yet quote 'proof' of his descendants, that's not such a good situation to be in, is it?

Post by Raju »

You have a problem with quotes ? Don't post such irritating argumentative nonsense.
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Post by Ardeshir »

Raju wrote:You have a problem with quotes ? Don't post such irritating argumentative nonsense.
I have a problem with people peddling EJ propaganda, even if inadvertently.
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Post by enqyoobOLD »

Therefore the well was called Beer-lahari-roll;

These days they call them bars. The stuff is now pumped up and comes out in little pipes. I think there is a direct connection to the pee-pee place too. 8)
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Post by satyarthi »

Tenants rule, owners are absent
Nice article by Tarun Vijay
Dr Do Little issued a strong statement condemning the dastardly act and Mr. Do Nothings shook the media headlines before leaving for their summer vacation. That's how the Jaipur blasts have been dealt with.
Nations are run by owners, not tenants. The maliks are those who face storms and sacrifice their lives for 'their' motherland without ever dreaming of a return gift. The children of Mother India, the real ones, consider themselves to be infused with the power and sense of belonging to every inch of our holy land, regard the land as a goddess personified, a living entity and not just a conglomeration of rivers, jungles, peoples and buildings. Then the land, India runs in our veins – we live her, adore her, devote ourselves for her service, the chant Vande Mataram is no longer a meaningless word but creates an aura of patriotism around our actions and thoughts. Every bit of her history and culture and people is reflected in the behaviour and actions of Mother India's children. Like an owner. Then the people are not just voters, they are your own kith and kin and any one anywhere who attacks them or hurts them automatically becomes your sworn enemy too. One doesn't have to ask ‘whom do you belong to' either of the security personnel who sacrificed their lives to save Parliament or of some of the unworthy insiders or the Afzals and their co-conspirators. The choice would be obvious.

But that's expected of owners.

Today we have just tenants who use the motherland as a piece of real estate for their personal ends. Tenants consider themselves as beneficiaries. If the rotten system helps them stay longer, they are not bothered to change it. They don't fight the mischievous neighbour trespassing or breaking a boundary wall. At the most a tenant would report it to the owner – look this is happening to your land – take care if you wish to do so. Only owners would have a commitment and strength to safeguard it, change and improve the system and take hard, unpopular decisions. Tenants can have "statement governance" that smiles when slapped and laughs when hit hard for an award or appreciation from New York, or London. Awards for peace and tolerance.

Post by Raju »

Prasant wrote:
Raju wrote:You have a problem with quotes ? Don't post such irritating argumentative nonsense.
I have a problem with people peddling EJ propaganda, even if inadvertently.
I don't understand. Possibly I have grown too thick to understand these things.
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Post by niran »

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Post by sauravjha »

Ishmael is the forefather of middle eastern muslims. The chilldren of Jacob and Sarah are considered to be the forefathers of the hebrew and hebrew christian population. Since the first Christians were also hebrews.

Ishmael is the father of Arabs whereas Isaac is the father of Jews. this is a point of discord between the two , because jews consider Isaac the righteous uttaradhikari of Abraham's legacy.

As far as the existence of these people, well Father Abraham had many sons , it's difficult to keep track of all of them :lol:
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Post by Ashok Sarraff »

Well, the truth of the matter is that all these guys are merely mythological figures. Ishmael, Isaac, Abraham, Moses did not exist at all. Neither did Adam and Eve. For that matter, even Allah and the White, Caucasian blue-eyed God also does not exist. And of course since God does not exist, how valid are Bible and Quran?

Christians and Muslims have been causing mayhem for thousands of years just for myths. This is the tragic comedy of our times.


sauravjha wrote:
Ishmael is the forefather of middle eastern muslims. The chilldren of Jacob and Sarah are considered to be the forefathers of the hebrew and hebrew christian population. Since the first Christians were also hebrews.

Ishmael is the father of Arabs whereas Isaac is the father of Jews. this is a point of discord between the two , because jews consider Isaac the righteous uttaradhikari of Abraham's legacy.

As far as the existence of these people, well Father Abraham had many sons , it's difficult to keep track of all of them :lol:
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Post by Rishi »

Thread Derail ki heights!! :evil:
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Post by vina »

enqyoob wrote:
Therefore the well was called Beer-lahari-roll;

These days they call them bars. The stuff is now pumped up and comes out in little pipes. I think there is a direct connection to the pee-pee place too. 8)
Ha..Ha.. Ha.. That was devastating Qyoob saar.. :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Post by SaiK »


The ID used this time is marginally different.

While the ID used for claiming the UP blasts was "guru_alhindi@yahoo.fr", this time the ID is "guru_alhindi_jaipur@yahoo.co.uk". Tuesday’s mail came with three attachments of videos showing the cycles strapped with bags that apparently had the bombs.
YaHOO! stocks should come down
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Post by uddu »

The one billion+ cannon-fodder

I marvel at how, despite its global unpopularity -- barring in India, of course -- the United States has not had a single terrorist attack on its soil since September 11, 2001.

But I don't marvel at how India, which courts global affection like a pretty teenager, keeps repeatedly getting hit by the terror brigade. Blink your eye, wham. Open your eye, bang.

The terrorist is a school bully, see, and a bully only knows to respect superior strength. Like it or hate it, the US of A has strength in abundance and, crucially, it doesn't hesitate to use its brute force in pursuit of its security. It has no hesitation in walking into a country if it feels -- proof can come later, or not at all -- that nation is inimical to its interests.

In contrast, India is the eternal Arjuna caught in a moral dilemma on the battlefield. Alas, no number of Krishnas can give it clarity of thought and purpose.

No, this is not an attack-the-United-Progressive-Alliance, support-the-National-Democratic-Alliance kind of argument. Both groupings have failed miserably to tackle the biggest threat facing the Indian nation, which is natural if you consider they are really cut from the same cloth.

Right now, I imagine India to not be the favourite choice at terrorist offsites, presumably being held in the hospitable terrain of FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas in Pakistan), for there is no daring required to hit her.

The bids must be going on even as I write this, and I don't expect any major adrenaline flow at India's mention at this fellowship of the fidayeen or hectic bidding at the prospect. Now, a bid on Uncle Sam may be worth their while, earning them brownie points in the virgin-filled hereafter, but not pusillanimous India. Maybe trainee-terrorists will be given the job of bombing us out of our complacency, generated no doubt by the thought that we are a nuclear power and hence invincible.

Heck, just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, so is a nation as invincible as its Achilles Heel. Truth is, we are a nation eternally in risk of the terrorist who makes no distinction between masjid and mandir. If attacks on mandir don't evoke outrage he will attack the masjids, hoping for a bloody reaction. And he will keep doing it till the communal flare-up he orgasmically yearns for is achieved.

Unless. And that is a big unless.

Unless the Indian State shows some steel and gets tough with the perpetrators of terrorism. But when the government chooses to scrap the only anti-terrorist legislation in its armoury, when court cases against terrorists saunter along unhurriedly, when administrations court the very men they should put away for ever, you know the towel has virtually been thrown in. We are not serious about battling this scourge.

I can understand if we go the other extreme and follow M K Gandhi's precept of Ahimsa and Satyagraha in toto. But no, we are in the middle ground, where we are easy prey like sitting ducks. Or, one billion plus cannon-fodder. Wow.

I am not sure how much of the Internet-savvy generation knows anything about the Sikh insurgency that almost sundered India in the 1980s. Punjab was more or less out of India's grasp, newspapers daily told horror tales of Hindus being singled out and shot dead, and the name of a putative sant struck terror all around, ably fanned by his cross-border friends in Pakistan. (Aside: Plus ca change, Plus c'est la meme chose [the more things change, the more they remain the same]) New Delhi then was a city under siege, with roadside bunkers being the most common scenery.

Today one wonders if it is the same Punjab with its mustard fields that one sees digitally colourised in Bollywood films. How did it happen? How was the battle that was so nearly lost, won?

The glib assessment puts it down to a battle fatigue, but I am not sure Julio Ribeiro and K P S Gill -- yes, the latter is the same name that adorned news bulletins just a few days ago (Aside: Oh, how the mighty've fallen!) -- who are very much around, will agree with it.

Because peace in Punjab was won through waging war. And Ribeiro and Gill were the men sent in to clean up the mess created by politicians. Twenty years later, why are these men still provided security? Because, the men they fought have very long memories. And more than a few guns.

You can lay all kinds of charges at the door of Indira Gandhi [Images], including that she was the Frankenstein who created the monster, and not be terribly of the mark. But to her eternal credit, when push came to shove she delivered even if it meant paying with her own life.

You can debate till kingdom come her decision to send the army into the Golden Temple. But she knew a State cannot exist within a State, and that is what the shrine had become. It cannot have been an easy decision, to go against the shrine of a people who have spilt their blood in India's defence like none other. Yet, she did it, and today we once again look at Punjab as the nation's granary, not armoury.

The point I am driving at, have always driven at, is that you cannot fight terror through peace. As the citizen of a land from whose womb have sprung forth Mahatma Gandhi [Images], Gautama and innumerable saints advocating ahimsa and before who I unhesitatingly bow, I wish we can wage peace against the purveyors of terror and mayhem.

What will happen when you wage peace? Gandhiji says, First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. This was Gandhiji's tactic against the British, who I think were inherently decent (I use the term with great reservation) folk only after our wealth, nothing else, and it worked. Would he have used the same tactic, say, against the Nazis? Would it have worked?

The enemy we face today is very different. He is out to destroy our plurality and all the freedoms we cherish. He is not open to reason or logic, and he knows only to spread fear. How do you fight him?

You can only fight terror through terror. Let the warlords planning the next move and their associates and their sleeper cells and who else, know what fate awaits them. Counter fear with greater fear, terror with super-terror, and the perpetrators will think twice before carrying out their evil deeds.

But to do that calls for steel in the soul. Does India have it?
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Post by CRamS »

I know its a callous kind of resignation. Maybe Indian inaction has its benefits. If after every terror attack, people just go about their business, pretty soon, Pakis might realize the diminishing returns of their attacks. I mean you can only beat a rock so many times. This Jaipur blast, so diabolical in nature, a machination of Pakis to creat a communal cauldron, his evoked not even a whiff of outrage from Indian public and elite, much less the rest of the world. And except for us strategic thinkers on BR, and a handful in India, who are kicking and screaming, the rest of the country didn't even pause to commiserate about this. Matter of fact, most of the country is more worried if gora sahib Shane Warne is going to tuck his tail between his legs & run away to the land down under; and hefty efforts are on to persuade this bahadur to stay, and the a billion+ Indians are breathing a sigh of relief that he is not running away for the moment. The cricket super power has demonstrated its will. Sorry to make you throw up.
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Post by vsudhir »

Throwback to metallurgy class in engg college.

Keep stressing (tensile pull or compressive stress or even shear) a material repeatedly and often and at some point it suddenly gives out. Properties change permanently and you cannot make it go back to the way it was before by applying stress in the opposite direction this time.

I know analogies are imperfect. But can folk really say nothing has changed? Change is a law of nature, discerining its direction and magnitude is the task here. I mean what was it, 10 yrs ago, when whacky theories that laid blame on the I-word was so treasonable, BRF would ban you for it (or so some old timers say). Today, nobody (not even the commies, really!) believes the I-word has nothing to do with terrorism. Compared to 10 yrs ago, how many folks outsoide India in the world associate TSP with terrorism? How many associate the US-UK axis with probity, integrity and humanitarianism?

Similarly, the shifts in the domestic polity and social fabric we see are subtle, slow, easy to miss but long term and perhaps inexorable. Megatrends, basically. The desperate wailing and brestbeating by the adharmic DIEs at the events in Gujrat (riots, polls, governance, performance) were the first real indication to me that domestic society was being mobilized again (not siince 1992 when Babri fell) and that this time, the effects and consolidation would be longer lasting simply because it is not impulsive or reactive or reactionary. It is diffuse, evolving, and gaining strength.

Sure analogies are seldom perfect and I maybe simply naive but is there NO change at all in a positive direction in domestic polity? Can Mulayam romp home with a majority on his own in UP today? Can Laloo play the caste card with equal facility today as he did post Mandal? I'm hoping (maybe reading too much into some indications) that polity maybe moving into a post-caste, post-Hindutva phase. We're seeing a new polarization emerge - with nationalist (relatively speaking) forces on one side and non-nationalist/ internationalist ones on the other. I hope and pray this polarization process will lead to some sorta stable outcome. Time will tell, of course.

But throwing our hands up, throwing up generally and wailing about is the easy way out. And the pointless one too. It is when we are down that we most need self-confidence and self-belief. Hang on folks, its not over till its over. India deserves better than its patriots giving up at the first sign of pressure. Dharma will prevail. If we dont believe that, might as well convert to the missionary faiths right away and go the internationalist route. Why bother anyway.

/Have a nice day, all.
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Post by surinder »

satyarthi wrote:Tenants rule, owners are absent
Nice article by Tarun Vijay
This article says: "doctor who saved hundreds of lives was shown the door by a legislation exclusively targeting him introduced by those who considered yielding to a rogue ally more important than saving the honour of a great citizen."

What is he referring to?

"When the Supreme Court tears off a bad law, the minister and Prime Minister stare blankly as if nothing has happened."

Again, what is beign referred to?
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Post by nkumar »

surinder wrote:This article says: "doctor who saved hundreds of lives was shown the door by a legislation exclusively targeting him introduced by those who considered yielding to a rogue ally more important than saving the honour of a great citizen."

What is he referring to?

"When the Supreme Court tears off a bad law, the minister and Prime Minister stare blankly as if nothing has happened."

Again, what is beign referred to?
AIIMS director Venugopal Vs health minister Ramadoss's fight. He was shown the door by Ramadoss (he belongs to PMK?) by blackmailing GoI into enacting a law through parliament.
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Post by surinder »

uddu wrote:The one billion+ cannon-fodder

Punjab was more or less out of India's grasp, newspapers daily told horror tales of Hindus being singled out and shot dead, and the name of a putative sant struck terror all around, ably fanned by his cross-border friends in Pakistan. ...
Today one wonders if it is the same Punjab with its mustard fields that one sees digitally colourised in Bollywood films. How did it happen? How was the battle that was so nearly lost, won?
...Because peace in Punjab was won through waging war. And Ribeiro and Gill were the men sent in to clean up the mess created by politicians.
Soon after the lesson to wage war was learnt in the Punjab, Kashmir boiled over. It has been 20+ years and the pot is still boiling, maybe even overflowing. So if the tactic worked so well in the Punjab, why has it not worked in Kashmir?

Unable to answer this, or even raise this question, the author's contention is even more dubious.

This was Gandhiji's tactic against the British, who I think were inherently decent (I use the term with great reservation) folk only after our wealth, nothing else, and it worked. Would he have used the same tactic, say, against the Nazis? Would it have worked?
Everything you need to know about the intellectual capability of the author is there is in the bolded part above.
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Post by sanjaychoudhry »

surinder wrote:
satyarthi wrote:Tenants rule, owners are absent
Nice article by Tarun Vijay
This article says: "doctor who saved hundreds of lives was shown the door by a legislation exclusively targeting him introduced by those who considered yielding to a rogue ally more important than saving the honour of a great citizen."

What is he referring to?

"When the Supreme Court tears off a bad law, the minister and Prime Minister stare blankly as if nothing has happened."

Again, what is beign referred to?
He is referring to cardiac surgeon Dr. Venugopal of AIIMS. The health minister Ramadoss tried to get rid of him by enacting a legislation. But the Supreme Court struck down the AIIMS Amendment Act 2007 that fixed the institute directors''' retirement age at 65.
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only the start

Post by ShivaRaj »

Is there even any need for discussions these days about who is responsible anymore? Forgetful are all: the aam janta has a memory of 2 days, media about 3 days, politicians 3 days, corrupt lazy police about 5 days, IB-NSA about 5days. So where does that leaves us? What is next? since in TSP all preparations are underway to relaunch everything back at India, the things to come can be another mega Kargil as well. I can also think of... first there used to be a single blast... then there came chain of blasts type of attacks... what will be next? simultaneous chain of blasts across many many city at the same time??? seems everyone will be sitting duck hereafter.

Imagine this picture...

In a dingy house Pizza lady and her three crying dirty babies (MMS, SP, PM) sitting around dinner table... being served raw chopped heads of hindus, the chef is a jihadi terrorist winking at pizza lady and smiling. Pizza lady is smiling back at him. The household servant maid washing utensils in the background is none other than pres patil... RSS wala standing outside are peeping thru window not able to do anything. This is what India has become... I wish some newspaper cartoon walla had imagination and strong heart to paint and publish something like this.
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Post by vsudhir »

Raje questions Sonia trip: no politics now, give us our law

Seems dilli sarkar sat upon and continues to sit upon a file Jaipur passed them about a certain POTA-lite bill for Rajasthan. They have been sitting over a similar bill by Gujrat as well. Of course, the Afzal file is till pending with the MHA.

These are acts of commission, not omission, I daresay.
John Snow
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Post by John Snow »

surinder wrote:
satyarthi wrote:Tenants rule, owners are absent
Nice article by Tarun Vijay
This article says: "doctor who saved hundreds of lives was shown the door by a legislation exclusively targeting him introduced by those who considered yielding to a rogue ally more important than saving the honour of a great citizen."

What is he referring to?

"When the Supreme Court tears off a bad law, the minister and Prime Minister stare blankly as if nothing has happened."

Again, what is beign referred to?
That was AIIMS chief being shown the door by third rate DMK minister...
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Post by amar_g »

sauravjha wrote:I consider the Communist party of india ( mullah) and Shiv Sena at par. see the actions, not the words. bal Thackeray may talk about driving a tank to the border , but when it comes to Salman Khan driving a BMW over poor pedestrians , he "forgives" him.

The Sena talks tough, but targets the poor. the CPI (M) talks tough but targets the poor.

how many BDs has the Sena party from relocated from India's largest urban centre?
when it came to it , the poor Bihari became the one threatening Marathi prosperity. what crap. Shame on them and all those who defend such nonsense.

In any case I don't want to do a "blue on Blue" and will not post further on this issue as I am getting unnecessarily agitated.

Mr Jha please stop posting like a typical person from bihar who is not at all aware of the ground realities of Maharashtra and mumbai in particular.

Even a small child will tell you that you fill up too much air in a balloon and it will burst. As for Bal Thackeray let me tell you had it not been for him the pigs of religion of peace would have wreaked havoc during the nineties riots.He is the only person they are scared of in mumbai..yes he is not without flaws..I dont like seeing innocent poor people being bashed up in the streets..and none of most maharastrians do...but the problem is much more complex and i dont think its the right place to post about it ..besides in your current state of biased mind i think its beyond your understanding..
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Post by vsudhir »

Stop the presses!

Dilli sarkar has finally sprung into action aftert the Jaipur blasts.

PM rejects demand for re-enactment of POTA
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday rejected BJP's demand for re-enactment of POTA in the aftermath of the Jaipur blasts and said India would raise the issue of terrorism at the forthcoming Indo-Pak Foreign Ministers meeting.

"All issues which have a bearing on our relations will come up at the meeting," Singh said in reply to spate of questions on the Jaipur blasts and who was behind them.

Rejecting the BJP demand for bringing back POTA, he said "there is no co-relation between POTA and terrorist strikes."
Wondering "what has POTA achieved", Singh said the attack on Parliament and Akshardham temple took place when POTA was in force. "There is no dearth of law in the country to deal with terrorism", he added.
MMS should know that its not abouty having laws on the books but about sending strong signals that GoI mneans business that is sorely lacking. Neither USa nor Gujrat have seen jihadist attacks since the last time their leaders developed spine and a no-nonsense anti-terror stance. Must be coincidence rather than consequence, am sure....

If POTA has no connection with jihadism, bring back TADA instead to fight against the Jihad.
/Sarc off
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Post by satyarthi »

vsudhir wrote:Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday rejected BJP's demand for re-enactment of POTA in the aftermath of the Jaipur blasts and said India would raise the issue of terrorism at the forthcoming Indo-Pak Foreign Ministers meeting.
After this decisive and exhaustive action, an exhausted prime minister had a good night's sleep.