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Post by Lalmohan »

lucky fellow, once upon a time i think the soverign's swans enjoyed protection on pain of death. recently, eastern european migrants have also been helping themselves to the flora and fauna of the english countryside, much to the disgust of the natives who consider such acts abhorrent (unless it involves chasing foxes on horseback and tearing them to pieces with dogs)
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Post by sauravjha »

I have a feeling once it becomes apparent that Unkil is about to become a nanny , the poodle is going to look for a new master . Indeed ,it is already looking for one. ... 974144.cms

between India and China the poodle will choose India because of "historical ties" and "cultural links".

this relationship will of course be beneficial to india, if managed properly.
technology, trade , a base in Europe , a lot of things actually
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Post by sanjaychoudhry »

sauravjha wrote:I have a feeling once it becomes apparent that Unkil is about to become a nanny , the poodle is going to look for a new master . Indeed ,it is already looking for one. ... 974144.cms

between India and China the poodle will choose India because of "historical ties" and "cultural links".

this relationship will of course be beneficial to india, if managed properly.
technology, trade , a base in Europe , a lot of things actually
There is much more to it than simple economics. Both Unkil and its poodle are clamouring for a "special" relationship with India in defence, trade and academics. They are spending a lot of resources in studying India and Indian society. There is something brewing. I hope it does not turn out to be a death hug for us. No non-Christian country in the world has emerged unscathed from "special friendship" with the Anglo Americans. Better be careful. Call it paranoia or whatever, but it is a good policy to keep these two countries at an arms length. They have only one agenda --ensure total domination of the world by the English-speaking Whites. They do not have any other special relationship in mind apart from this.
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Post by vsudhir »

Sanjay, Saurav

I hear ya, biraders.

Once a blissful ignorant, BRF awoke me to the dangers beneath yanglo-yamrikan charms. I no longer doubt that the strategic community in unkil-aunty have no benign (for us, that is) vision for Bharat in their warped worldview.

They will move Heaven and Earth to have their way. Sadly for them, India is more than merely heaven and earth. She is unique, another world in herself. They have had their successes, sure, and the high point porbably is the installation of the UPA sarkar with a teflon sonia remote controlling MMS on Dilli's gaddi.

I call it the high point coz its downhill for them from here. (Or so I hope).

India is too vast, too complex, too easily misunderstood, too dynamic and too stable at the same time to manipulate easily. Past templates are useless here. India is, literally, a sui generis. Consider this:

- What their military analysts called 'lack of strategic planning' among India's military brass ensured they didn't have a large enough handle to grab among our forces.

- What they subtly laughed at as a messy chaotic (compared to PRC, no doubt) democracy unable to take quick and firm decisions ensured they couldn't ram through their agenda whether in the N-field, or IA for Iraq/Afg'n, or endorsement for their aggression against Iran & Myanmar etc.

- What they were sure would bend India to soften (their tech denial regimes etc) ended up with India having to develop a large range and base of technologies in the denied sectors, so much so that in a few decades, we could comfortably take down their denial regimes by bypassing them.

- What they thought was soul harvesting bonanza (Look at SoKo and PRC for guidance) turned messy with reconversions, recriminations, relapses into the dharmic way of life, and rescidivism in general.

- What they thought they were gaining in terms of psy-ops and soft power in India is now beginning to feel backlash. For all their manouvering, the chattering classes haven't been able to deliver Bharat to yamrika. Not yet, anyway.

- Neither carrots (oil contracts in Iraq) nor threats (sanctions, travel advisories) seemed to work in any predictable fashion in this democracy - regardless of the dispensation in power.

And they realize time is running out slowly but surely. An India with a deployed, tested triad of N-deterrence would be confident enough to reject their darker machinations. With a self-sufficient energy policy (the assuming the 3 stage Th cycle takes off), we would be relatively much stronger down the line.

Sure, maybe I'm being naive and/ or over optimistic. I hope not. But Bharat won't give up without a fight. It shouldn't, at any rate.

/Have a nice day, all.
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Post by sauravjha »

Bhai log,

careful to rahna hi padega.

However , Unkil accepted Britain as it's poodle , because britain brought to the table the following things:

1. Vast experience with "oriental" people. Remember these guys ran the largest empire the world has ever seen . they did it by exploiting the inherent emotionality of our people, more than anything else.
2. Ability to divide europe on atlanticist vs non-atlanticist lines etc.

3. base for atlantic and other operations.
4. trained and highly skilled technical manpower. the first brain drain actually happened from good old england.

5. other economic reasons, well developed trading system etc.

today , if the news coming out of America is to be believed , they are in serious economic shit . the most worrisome indicator is the fact that productivity is stagnating in several sectors.

The British are clever, and they are the ones who have the saying :

"if you can't beat them, you must join them"

Increasingly , there is a realisation amongst some of them , that India is too big to beat. so logically they are going to make an attempt to join us. We must however set the terms and conditions accordingly.
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Post by Ardeshir »

MI5 linked to Max Mosley sex scandal

An MI5 officer has been forced to resign after admitting that his wife was a prostitute who took part in a notorious “Nazi-style orgyâ€
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Post by Singha »

wow gets messier. I wonder if that woman was a MI5 contractor to go have
fun with people like Mosley then blackmail them or force them to reveal
some secret that MI5 was after.
they would surely not deploy female employees in normal circumstances
though the notion of "taking one for the team" is there drawn from friends/family would be preferred to keep paws clean.

trust an english tabloid to blunder in and spoil whatever was being setup!
page3 rocks!
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Post by Philip »

Singha,Mosley is reportedly saying the same,that he was set up and forces are trying to oust him from his intl. motor-racing admin post.

Meanwhile,British PM Gordon Brown is in the "ICU",as it where after heavy electoral defeats, books savaging him from Blair's wife and other Labour bigwigs,and now the Unions have finally turned on him.If as expected,Labour trailing the Conservatives heavily in the polls, loses a forthcoming by-election,it may be very well be bye-bye Brown very soon. ... 32133.html
Now the unions turn on Brown

By Andrew Grice, Political Editor and Nigel Morris
Thursday, 22 May 2008

Some more bad news for Brown...
The Sketch: Gordon stays in the bunker to avoid doorstep disaster

The leader of the trade union movement accused Gordon Brown of lacking a vision for Britain on the eve of a by-election today which could trigger a crisis of confidence in the Prime Minister.

In the most important parliamentary by-election since Labour came to power, the voters of Crewe and Nantwich will deliver their verdict on the Brown government. Many Labour MPs fear a humiliating defeat which would spark an open debate about whether Mr Brown is the right man to lead the party into the general election.

Brendan Barber, the TUC's general secretary, added to Mr Brown's problems last night by making a withering assault on his strategy. Calling on New Labour to "reconfigure its DNA", he said the party "has not been clear about what it wants to be – and where it now wants to go", adding that "the support base that Labour brought together in 1997 needs convincing that the party is on their side and fairness must once again be asserted".

The normally loyal Mr Barber urged Mr Brown to set out his priorities rather than rely on a raft of small-scale initiatives. He said there should be "no retreat to the failures of the 1970s or 1980s, nor a fall into the trap of 1,000 policy launches and initiatives. Instead, the Government needs to find the courage again to make the case for the most enduring Labour values – equality, fairness and social justice".

He told the Labour modernisers' group Progress that Mr Brown should reconnect with the party's natural supporters by staking a stand against "casino capitalism". He said: "The Government will not win the battle to convince the nation of its commitment to greater fairness for those at the bottom unless it discovers a new boldness in challenging the corporate and personal greed at the top. That means a new commitment to tax fairness and clamping down on the loopholes currently being exploited by the super-rich and the City. In short, reconfiguring the DNA of New Labour for a different age."

In another sign of unease among the unions, Mr Brown was warned that he faced a wave of summer strikes by public-sector workers, including civil servants, firefighters, teachers and college lecturers. The Public and Commercial Services Union announced a strike ballot of 280,000 civil servants over the Government's 2 per cent pay limit.

The threat of a "summer of discontent" emerged on the day that the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, suffered abuse and ridicule from rank-and-file police officers as anger boiled over at their annual conference in Bournemouth over her refusal to meet their pay increase in full.

She sat stony-faced as Jan Berry, the chairman of the Police Federation, berated her for "betraying" the service and breaching the trust between police and the Government. As the two women shared a stage at the conference, Mrs Berry mockingly referred to the Home Secretary's admission that she smoked cannabis as a student. She said: "Your recent crimes have been more for the serious fraud office than the drug squad."

Mrs Berry tore into the Home Secretary over the Government's decision to meet a 2.5 per cent pay increase in instalments, reducing it in effect to 1.9 per cent. Police officers have voted to abandon their historic no-strike agreement and could stage their first walkout for 90 years. The High Court is due to rule next month on the legality of the Government's stance.

In Crewe, Labour enjoyed a 7,078 majority at the last election and has held it since the Second World War. It is 165th on the Tories' target list of seats and they need a swing of 8.2 per cent to win it – more than the 6.9 per cent swing David Cameron needs to win the next general election.

Despite that, the Tories are odds-on favourites to gain their first seat from Labour in a parliamentary by-election since 1978 and their first from another party since 1982. Labour's campaign to portray the Tory candidate, Edward Timpson, as a "Tory toff" has backfired. But Labour MPs said yesterday that the party's expected defeat would have little to do with its tactics locally.

One senior Labour figure said: "Crewe is about the economy, the abolition of the 10p tax rate and Gordon Brown."

The scale of the panic in Labour's ranks tomorrow will depend on the size of the expected Tory majority. A crushing defeat could plunge Mr Brown into his most severe crisis since he became Prime Minister 11 months ago. Some Labour backbenchers could go public with demands for him to stand down.

However, a concerted move to push him out is thought unlikely at this stage. While many Labour MPs are privately discussing how they might move against Mr Brown, a majority believes that he should be given until Labour's annual conference in September to close the opinion poll gap with the revitalised Tories.

"Crewe could be the tipping point; things can happen very quickly," one former minister said yesterday. "But most of us think that if it happens, it will happen in the autumn."

Mr Brown has already lined up his defences. The Commons is not sitting tomorrow and is in recess next week. So the scope for plotting will be limited and the Crewe by-election may have faded by the time MPs return to Westminster on 2 June.

Mr Brown's allies say it will be "business as usual" for the Prime Minister tomorrow – a clear sign that he would not respond to a disaster in Crewe with a snap cabinet reshuffle. Ministers admit the £2.7bn compensation package for losers from the 10p tax debacle has made little impact on voters in Crewe. They concede that people will not notice the tax cuts announced last week until they see them in their pay packets in September.
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Post by vsudhir »

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Post by Nayak »

Indians largest group to get British citizenship in 2007
Indians have turned out to be the largest group of immigrants, who have been granted British citizenship during 2007, according to the official figures released this week.

Last year, a record numbers of foreign nationals, 164,635 people, were granted citizenship, a seven per cent rise in 12 months. It was the highest since the Home Office began keeping comparable records in 1997, the figures reveal.

The biggest group was from India, who made up nine per cent of the total with 14,490. Filipinos constituted seven per cent with 10,840, Afghans six per cent with 10,555 and South Africans five per cent with 8,150.

A quarter of citizenships, about 41,000 were given to children, while about 29,000 became British nationals through marriage.

Last year, 160,980 people applied for citizenship while 14,725 applications were rejected.

According to the Home Office the reasons for increase in 2007 were not clear but suggested that speedier decision making had reduced the backlog of applicants.

While record numbers of people took citizenship, separate figures released by the Office of National Statistics showed that a record 400,000 people have left Britain in 2006, of which more than half were British citizens.

Of these, almost one-third went to live in Australia and New Zealand, a quarter to Spain or France and about one in twelve to the US.

An estimated 591,000 people came to Britain, resulting in net immigration in 2006 running at 191,000. Net immigration of New Commonwealth citizens was 115,000. It was the highest of all foreign citizenship groups coming to the country.

Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans made up 80 per cent of net migrants, with London being their most common destination, where they intended to stay.
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Post by vsudhir »

Church of England: UK Will Be an Islamic State in 30 Years
If recent reports of trends in religious observance prove to be correct, then in some 30 years the mosque will be able to claim that, religiously speaking, the UK is an Islamic nation, and therefore needs a share in any religious establishment to reflect this. The progress of conservative Islam in the UK has been amazing, and it has come at a time of prolonged decline in church attendance that seems likely to continue.

This progress has been enthusiastically assisted by this government in particular with its hard-line multi-cultural dogma and willingness to concede to virtually every demand made by Muslims. Perhaps most importantly the government has chosen to allow hard-liners to act as representing all Muslims, and more liberal Muslims have almost completely failed to produce any leadership voices to compete, leading many Britons to wonder if there are indeed many liberal Muslims at all, surely a mistake.

At all levels of national life Islam has gained state funding, protection from any criticism, and the insertion of advisors and experts in government departs national and local. A Muslim Home Office adviser, for example, was responsible for Baroness Scotland’s aborting of the legislation against honour killings, arguing that informal methods would be better. In the police we hear of girls under police protection having the addresses of their safe houses disclosed to their parents by Muslim officers who think they are doing their religious duty.
Britain's bad karma catching up with its murky past.

Fwance is headed in a similar demographic direksione, apparently. Wonder who gets their nukes after they go green.....
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Post by Karan Dixit »

I think that is just a hype to serve as an excuse to persecute peace loving muslims.
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Post by ranganathan »

Karan Dixit wrote:I think that is just a hype to serve as an excuse to persecute peace loving muslims.
Good riddance to pakis and Beedees.
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Post by derkonig »

Remember, how UK, Fwance & some other EU nations had issued us a demarche over the post-Godhra riots?
How about returning the favour?

More importantly, has MMS, the raging insomniac, lost his sleep over the persecution of these pissful minorities yet?
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Post by Karan Dixit »

An Indian company The Times of India bought Virgin Radio. I hope The Times of India will put this newly bought resource to a good use - promote truth about India. So far UK had been a breeding ground for anti India propaganda. I hope UK people will show some gratitude towards Indians who bailed out yet another UK brand in distress. ... =0&chkFlg=
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Post by shyamd »

Apparently, Corus under Tata control is doing superb. The Port Talbot plant and the port nearby has become one of the busiest in europe!
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Post by Gerard »

In the Islamic Emirate of England, Held Wales, Occupied Scotland and English-Administered-Ireland....

Christian preachers face arrest in Birmingham
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Post by shyam »

Karan Dixit wrote:An Indian company The Times of India bought Virgin Radio. I hope The Times of India will put this newly bought resource to a good use - promote truth about India. So far UK had been a breeding ground for anti India propaganda. I hope UK people will show some gratitude towards Indians who bailed out yet another UK brand in distress. ... =0&chkFlg=
:lol: Naivette to the extreme. What does ToI do in India? Do you expect them to do anything different in UK?

Post by Raju »


the new British passport is now fitted with an RFID chip. Enabled to track and trace the bearer wherever they are.
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Post by h.jay.s »

Track passports everywhere using RFIDs ?
The IPS chips are designed to operate at a distance of just a few centimetres from the reader
Most of the countries are switching over to biometric passports (yes, they have rfids) simply to comply with US visa waiver.
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Post by Hitesh »

Raju wrote:ImageImage

the new British passport is now fitted with an RFID chip. Enabled to track and trace the bearer wherever they are.
And totally useless as a Vista operating program. If people don't want the gov't tracking them down, all they have to do is disable the RFID by ripping it out or wrapping the passport by a mini-faraday cage wrapping. Or better yet, sink it in a tub of water and then dry it out.
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Post by Philip »

Now the Anglican Church attacks the labour Govt.! ... 083979.ece

Church attacks Labour for betraying Christians
Strongest criticism of Government in decades

Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent
The policies of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have helped to generate a spiritual, civic and economic crisis in Britain, according to an important Church of England report.

Labour is failing society and lacks the vision to restore a sense of British identity, the report says in the Church’s strongest attack on the Government for decades. It accuses the Government of “deep religious illiteracyâ€
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Post by Apu »

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Indians are the new Jews and are taking over Britain

Post by Nitesh » ... itain.html

Lord Archer: 'Indians are the new Jews and are taking over Britain'

Indians are the 'new Jews' of Britain, which will one day day be ruled by an Indian prime minister, according to disgraced Tory peer Lord Archer.

Archer, who is touring India to promote his latest book, said Indian businessmen are 'taking over' Britain and that Indian mayors and councillors are taking over local government throughout the country.

His comments were made following a number of Indian takeovers of major British companies, such as Jaguar, Land Rover, Corus Steel and the Scottish whisky gian Whyte and Mackay.

In a television interview staged in a glitzy new shopping malls near Delhi, Archer said India's impact on Britain will be 'massive'.

"It is going to be taken over by Indians, and I don't joke," he said.

"Now what you [Indians] are doing is what the Jews did 30-40 years ago when the came to England after the war.

"They took over the local councils and they became mayors. Now they are in Parliament.

"The Indians are now taking over the local councils. There are mayors all over England who are Indian.

"You are young enough to live to an Indian prime minister in England," he said.

The number of Indians living in UK according to 2001 Census is 1,051,800.

The interview took place at a bookshop in a mall in Gurgaon, a new city outside Delhi, where Lord Archer was promoting his latest book 'A Prisoner of Birth'.

The novel is based on the time the former Conservative Party deputy chairman spent in Belmarsh Prison after being sentenced in 2001 to years in jail for perjury and intending to pervert the course of justice.
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Post by Tilak »

Church castigates Labour Govt for paying lip service to Christianity in favour of Islam
June 7th, 2008
London, June 7 (ANI): A report commissioned by the Church of England has said that the Labour Government pays lip service to Christianity and favours Islam and other minority religions.

The damning study criticises the policies of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown for focusing intently on minority beliefs while neglecting the Anglican faith, the Daily Mail reported.

It also accuses Labour of ignoring the breakdown in society and failing to recognise the Churchs potential contribution to public affairs.

We encountered on the part of the Government a significant lack of understanding, or interest in, the Church of Englands current or potential contribution in the public sphere, the report says.

‘Indeed we were told that Government had consciously decided to focus… almost exclusively on minority religions.’

The report calls for a ‘Minster for Religion’ to utilise the untapped reserves of volunteers in churches and charities and accuses the Government of ‘religious illiteracy’.

The report comes days after Dr John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, accused Prime Minister Gordon Brown of sacrificing liberty for misguided notions of equality and betraying New Labours mantra of rights and responsibilities.

Dr John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, said that Brown is sacrificing liberty for misguided notions of equality.

The 180-page report, entitled Moral, But No Compass shows how church leaders feel betrayed by the Government.

It also echoes claims made by the Bishop of Rochester, the Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, last week that the decline of Christian values is destroying Britishness and has created a moral vacuum which radical Islam is filling. (ANI)
I believe every thing said above applies to India as well. But people who say it.. are not "secular", and should stop bringing religion into State's affairs(which BTW is good IMO), but "just like" they do in Umm al-Britain and "I am not a Muslim.. vote for me" Yamrica ??. :lol:
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On the lighter side

Post by Lauka »

For those who havent seen it before! ... itesearch=#
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Post by Gerard »

Britain's decline foretold

By Premen Addy
The Daily Pioneer
posted in full since site does not archive

I have come late to Winston Churchill: The Struggle for Survival 1940-65, the diary of his personal doctor Lord Moran. As Sir Charles Wilson, he was president of the Royal College of Physicians, but his appointment as Churchill's doctor was not of Churchill's doing, it was forced upon him by certain members of his Cabinet when he became Britain's Prime Minister in May 1940, following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain. It was the country's darkest hour. Adolf Hitler's legions were cutting a swathe through much of western Europe like a knife through butter; and the health of Britain's 65-year-old leader was, therefore, of critical importance to his Government.

The first entry, dated May 24, in the 864-page diary, described Moran's noon-time call on Churchill, who was in bed reading a document.

The Prime Minister took no notice of the physician's presence. "After what seemed quite a long time, he put down his papers and said impatiently: 'I don't know why they are making such a fuss. There's nothing wrong with me'.

He picked up the papers and resumed his reading. At last he pushed his bed-rest away and, throwing back his bed-clothes, said abruptly: 'I suffer from dyspepsia, and this is the treatment.'

With that he proceeded to demonstrate to me some breathing exercises. His big belly was moving up and down when there was a knock on the door, and the PM grabbed at the sheet as Mrs Hill came into the room.

Soon after I took my leave. I do not like the job, and I do not think the arrangement can last."

The good doctor was wrong, as wrong as anyone can be. He was to remain with Churchill throughout the war and well beyond it as doctor, friend and confidant, keeping a record of their association, sharing in Churchill's triumphs and anxieties and black moods of depression, witnessing at first-hand the slow mental and physical decline of the great man's later years.

Lord Moran accompanied Churchill to the United States for his meetings with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Washington; he was part of the Churchill entourage in Moscow, where Churchill conferred with Stalin; and he had a grandstand view of the meetings of the 'Big Three' at Tehran (November 1943), Yalta (February 1945) and Potsdam (June-July 1945). Roosevelt had died in mid-April, some three weeks before Germany's unconditional surrender, Harry Truman was the American President at Potsdam. Half-way through, Churchill, having lost his country's general election, departed and the new British Prime Minister, Clement Attlee, took his place.

Lord Moran's vignettes, mostly British, naturally, but also American, Russian and French, are memorable. Every detail of worth is faithfully set against the wider canvas. These flesh and blood pages are laced with thought and reflection. Woven into a single set of covers, the work is a literary masterpiece, a wonderful portrayal of men and women at war learning to cope with the increasingly cold and difficult peace. The old order was dying on its feet, the new struggled to emerge.

Where does India fit into this? India was part of the British Empire; the 2.5 million-strong Indian Army, the largest volunteer force in history, was fighting on the Allied side in ever theatre of the war. The future of the subcontinent was also at stake in this life-and-death conflict with the Axis.

The vision of a free India was an anathema to Churchill, who railed at the idea before the war and would have nothing to do with it as Roosevelt unfolded his plan for the decolonisation of Asia. The American President accorded Chiang Kai-shek's China a place at the high table of the great powers, much to Churchill's annoyance.

Lord Moran understood Roosevelt's reasoning: It was the future that was at stake. The weak wartime China would not be disabled forever. "It is when he talks of India or China that you remember that he (Churchill) is a Victorian," was Moran's terse comment. He was last in India in 1897 covering Britain's military campaigns on the North-West Frontier for the London Press. He also wrote for The Pioneer.

As the war proceeded, Churchill sensed that Britain's two principal allies, the US and the Soviet Union, with their immense resources of men and material, would determine the course of future developments. Churchill's struggle to maintain the weight of British influence in the counsels of the 'Big Three' were doomed, as Roosevelt and Stalin started calling the shots over his head.

A noticeable coolness crept into the once warm friendship between Roosevelt and Churchill. Modern British writers, too, are decidedly lukewarm in their assessment of Roosevelt. Perhaps they, too, if only subconsciously, grieve over the loss of their Indian Empire.

The Victorian politician in Churchill drew on the corpus of Curzon's proconsular wisdom. One of Britain's greatest Viceroys in India, Lord Curzon wrote and spoke extensively on a subject closest to his heart: His country's imperial association with India.

In a speech to the Philosophical Institute of Edinburgh in October 1908, entitled The Place of India in the Empire, Curzon said, "It was the remark of De Tocqueville that the conquest and Government of India were really the achievements that had given Britain her place in the world... Consider what would happen were we to lose India, and were some other power to take our place, for it is inconceivable that India could stand or be left alone. We would lose its unfailing markets... we would lose... the principal, indeed almost the only formidable element in our fighting strength; our influence in Asia would quickly disappear... our colonies would cut themselves off from a dying trunk: And we should sink into a third-rate power, an object of shame to ourselves and of derision to the rest of mankind. Remember, too, that India is no longer a piece, even a king or queen on the Asiatic chessboard. It is a royal piece on the chessboard of international politics."

The younger Churchill was nourished on such sentiments. His country's and his own finest hours lasted from July to September 1940, when the Royal Air Force foiled the German invasion of Britain. Britain's solitary splendour in the conflict ended with the arrival of the USSR and the US. The Allied victory was assured, but its spoils were commandeered by Moscow and Washington.

The rise and decline of the great powers has long been grist to the mills of history.

Post by Raju »

Who is Pulling Gordon Brown's Strings on the Road to a One World Government?
"Clearly, the leaders of the main Western nations are following a script given to them, which is the reason Western Europe, North America and Australia in particular, are self-destructing under the weight of 'human rights', and 'equality' legislation, where reality is the opposite of the rhetoric.

Gordon Brown, like his predecessor, has been given the task of continuing to enslave the British people by taking our rights and dumbing us down in the hope that we do not notice and are unable to change things.

Mr Brown talks about the importance of 'Britishness,' but his refusal to give us a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty shows he is really concerned with throwing away what is left of our sovereignty in the direction of the EU, like you would throw the bones left on your dinner plate to a dog.

With the Australian Prime Minister calling for an Asian Union and a North American Union already underway, we can see the plan taking shape that will ultimately (or sooner than we expect) create a One World Government."
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Nayak »

Massive psy-ops
Thursday 12th of June 2008
Despite the emergence of a wealthy 'global India', 900 million Indians survive on less than $2 (Rs.85) a day, the British government said while announcing a new seven-year aid package for India.

A senior British official said the figure is higher than that estimated by India, which counts its poor by setting a poverty line measured chiefly by the amount of calories eaten per day.

The British aid package, for the first time, recognises the growing inequalities in India and the need to engage simultaneously with several levels of Indians - a fact mentioned by International Development Minister Douglas Alexander who unveiled the new strategy at the House of Commons Wednesday.

While acknowledging 'extraordinary transformation', Alexander said: 'It's important not to forget that a third of the world's poor and 44 percent of the world's unvaccinated children are resident in that single country.'

The new British strategy, detailed in a document titled 'The Three Faces of India', says Britain will work with three layers of the Indian society - global India, developing India and the poorest India - from 2008 to 2015.

According to the document, the benefits of global India - characterised by rapid economic growth - 'are a reality for less than 20 percent of Indians'.

The second layer of developing India comprises approximately half a billion people - those who live on incomes of between one and two dollars a day.

The third layer of poorest India counts those who are at the bottom of Indian society - the 400 million living on less than a dollar a day, for whom day-to-day survival is the primary concern. Half of them live in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa.

Taken together, the number of Indians surviving on less than two dollars a day adds up to 900 million.

'If our strategy is successful, India will no longer have three faces,' Mark Lewis, who heads the India office of the Department for International Development (DFID), told IANS.

Another senior DFID official said the British strategy was aimed at eliminating poverty in India, 'or something close to elimination'.

The department has announced an aid package of 825 million pounds for the period 2008-09 to 2010-11.

'A budget has not been set beyond this period, but depending on developments, the overall aid allocation is likely to decline as India becomes a middle income country. The focus of our assistance would shift more towards technical cooperation,' the document says.
How did they arrive at these figures ?

How are they dispersing the aid ?
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by vsudhir »

Premen Addy writes quoting Curzon:
Curzon said, "... And we should sink into a third-rate power, an object of shame to ourselves and of derision to the rest of mankind..."
Well, rest assured sir, UKistan is on its way there. Whats a few decades here and there in the life of civilizations, eh?
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Apu »

'Scottish Islamic state plotted'
Plans to set up a secret Islamist state in Scotland were discussed by two supporters of jihad, a court has heard.

The pair said it could provide a safe haven for those who felt "oppressed", London's Blackfriars Crown Court heard.

Aabid Khan, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, said the only problem was the availability of weapons, the court was told.

The 23-year-old and three others deny terrorism-related counts of possessing articles or documents.

In the dock are Mr Khan and Sultan Muhammad, 23, also from Bradford, Ahmed Sulieman, 30, from Woolwich, south-east London, and Hammaad Munshi, 18, from, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.

Incriminating material

Jurors heard the state would also be run according to Sharia law and eventually be used as a base to "discreetly train" for attacks against non-believers.

The court heard the online exchange was part of a "mass" of allegedly incriminating material found by police during a series of swoops in Bradford and London two years ago.

Prosecutor Simon Denison said the MSN exchange between Khan and Muhammad about the secret Islamic state in Scotland occurred on 12 November 2005.

He said it began with Mr Muhammad explaining how he and work colleagues had allegedly been chatting about "hijrah" or emigration for Muslims feeling oppressed in Britain.

He then continued: "So like maybe a remote part of Scotland - people were like 'What the hell?' - at least to a place where there were Muslim communities."

Sharia law

Mr Khan is said to have replied: "A group of Muslims can go to a remote place and set up a mini Sharia state and they can rule according to Sharia law, like this and stay there, building them up and their children up, preparing for fitness, and then launching jihad once they strengthen themselves."

Mr Denison claimed he then added: "In the UK you can isolate with a group discreetly and train, but better in the US as they have weapons there. Over here weapons is problem."

All defendants deny possessing articles or documents likely to be useful to terrorists in 2005 and 2006.

Mr Khan and Mr Muhammad also deny possessing articles for a terrorist purpose.

The trial continues.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Gerard »

The UN Human Rights Council says the UK must “consider holding a referendum on the desirability or otherwise of a written constitution, preferably republican”.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by kshirin »

have a feeling once it becomes apparent that Unkil is about to become a nanny , the poodle is going to look for a new master . Indeed ,it is already looking for one. ... 974144.cms
between India and China the poodle will choose India because of "historical ties" and "cultural links".
this relationship will of course be beneficial to india, if managed properly.
technology, trade , a base in Europe , a lot of things actually
For all the US-UK bashing guys, two points:

1. We will miss this quest for a special relationship with India, once the unipolar moment passes, as it seems to be doing already, and everyone courts the Chinese instead because of their hoards of US$, hold on American treasury bonds and other assets. Russia will also compete for the spotlight, it has been unfairly treated by the US, and some rebalancing is necessary, which will not be at our cost.
2. These are still the only white countries where Indians are normally treated with respect.

The MP Peter Luff is one of India's oldest promoters in the UK Parliament, he is not one of those who joined the bandwagon once it started rolling, he is genuinely fond of India and understands it also. You can certainly not call him a poodle looking for a new master, he is probably taking advantage of the current pro-India mood. And we should capitalise on alliances offered and maximise benefits in them before the Chinese take centrestage.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Lalmohan »

kshirin - you make an excellent point. unfortunately, many of our fellow forumites are still caught up in the past of Indo-UK relationships and are not in the realpolitik of the present
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by kshirin »

Thanks Lalmohan. Did you see the news item about the US withholding 11$ billion package of military supplies to Taiwan immediately after their treasury secretary's dialogue with China and the 14 b worth US-China deals signed? The sudden hush on Tibet? There's a new alignment out there, and we will have to be more nimble in picking our way through the shifting plates, and also guard against our internal problems being exploited by enemies newly empowered by the ebbing tide. We just have to bank on faster economic growth and better governance.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Lalmohan »

kshirin, you are needed on the china threads active at the moment! there is much discussion that you might enjoy and add to
Amber G.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Amber G. »

According to this BBC story:
Abu Qatada (Described in the story as " one of the UK's most wanted men ") released from prison ...
but he will be closely monitored etc ...
he Palestinian-Jordanian preacher will be subjected to a 22-hour home curfew and tight restrictions on his liberty. ...cause ..he is "truly dangerous individual at the centre of al Qaeda's activities in the UK".
Not only that ...
Among the people he is banned from meeting in London is al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
....Others include bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri
:eek: :rotfl: :-o :roll: :rotfl:

Why can't other parole systems be that strict???
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by kshirin »

Will do. Bit busy at the moment.