Blasts in Ahmedabad

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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by archan »

Terror bombings 'black spot' on our religion: Muslim clerics
Muslim clerics Tuesday staged a 'silent fast' to protest the serial bombings in Bangalore and Ahmedabad and said the terrorists behind the acts were a 'black spot' on their religion.
Welcome development IMO. More such demonstrations on a larger scale would hopefully do good for harmony and lowering the morale of the pigs with bombs.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by vishwakarmaa »

Our experts in GoI know the real problems. But our politicians don't have enough "influence" on Indian Muslim community leaders to convince them to enforce better education and Islam among Indian muslim community.

We need Modi. He can deal with these stubborn community leaders better.

This war is long. People blame whole community because they are not ready to work upon this long-term solution. Out of their immaturity and haste, they suggest eleimination of IM community through starvation and what not. Such thinking will only worsen situation and help ISI.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Sumeet »

there is a whole blog dedicated to teesta and her anti national activities

feel free to contribute.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by archan »

However, a person like Modi or Advani has a polar image. Whatever their intentions may be, but based on their past statements/actions they do not have the trust of the IM population. This is not to say that the Kangressis are any better.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by vishwakarmaa »

archan wrote:However, a person like Modi or Advani has a polar image. Whatever their intentions may be, but based on their past statements/actions they do not have the trust of the IM population. This is not to say that the Kangressis are any better.
Thats true. Thats the crux of the problem. We have to deal with it. To Work on it. That should be focus. We need more leaders who are "influential" and enforce IM community leaders to act.

Blaming IMs is not solution.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by amdavadi »

Aarakshan Virodhi Aandholan sparked off the ethnic 'adjustments.' BTW one of the names mentioned now - Latif is well known in this regard
Aarakshan Virodhi Aandholan started by madhavsingh solanki to keep congress in power. It use to be every rathyatra city would expect a riot( usually hire goons by govt).. You also mention latif(now dead) was D-company's right hand man in gujarat. He was able to win muncipal election from 5 seats while locked up in jail. Every one knew including police, he was working for mahavsing solanki & chiman bhai patel. See the way things worked in ahmedabad in early 90's was politician would give free hand to hire goons to start riots & it would get out of hand. It would begin with pretext of hindu youth teasing a muslim woman or muslim youth teashing group of hindu girl walking to school. I have observe this ever year in dairapur & raipur ,every year before rathyatra neighbourhood feels tense. They are expecting a riot & have youth prepare Molotov cocktail in response to what muslim youths are doing to prepare for a riot.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Arun_S »

Singha wrote:under certain circumstances a tree bomb could work like a airburst explosive, i.e greater spread of the blast damage. if you wanted to take out a open crowded area, a tree burst will do more damage.
Very correct. Greatest destruction and death is caused when the explosives are located at a height/altitude such that the radius of lethal overpressure is maximum on the ground. the lethality is also higher because the circle of victims near ground based terrorist as act as sand bag and absorb the explosition and sharpnels, thus protecting people 2 or 3 deep but within the circle of overpressure. The high up explosive does it job on all people in the lethal overpressure radius & the victims close to bomb do not shield other victims in range.

The terrorist that put the bomb on tree was not monkeying around for sure, and is much well versed and well trained than ordinary Abdul.
Singha wrote:the curved shape and size of the device looks suitable for wearing as a suicide belt.

its also true that iraqi IED types have used 'explosively formed projectile' - its a armour piercing not anti personnel weapon in the main. ... penetrator
Not true. Recall Hyderabad terror attack? Why shape charge was used and why it was so lethal?

For a given explosive power exploded isotrpically (standard bomb explosion) good 75% of the explosive power is wasted because it is directed up above (50%) or way beow (~25%) to dig a crater. Shape charge OTOH directs a good 80% of the explosive power in the direction of human targets. So IMHO a 10Kg shape charge terrorist belt is as lethal as 40 Kg bum.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by RamaY »

One approach could be, GOI setsup a Religion Corpus Fund. All foriegn donations must be submitted to this fund.

And this fund will disburse the amount based on the % of the population to a religious committee elected by the community every year. All registered temples, sanatana-dharma schools, madrassas, mosques, churches, gurdwara’s will get a vote in their respective committee.
This committee submits an affidavit that none of these funds are diverted for anti-national activites and are being used for religious promotional purposes only on a yearly basis.

- Will reduce the external influence significantly.
- Will provide a legitimate channel to promote a religion.
- Will have a broad-based community representation in public’s religious life
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Pulikeshi »

Will the GOI also sell Indulgences? - ducking for cover!

<not using a smiley as this is a n-th iteration of the blast thread>
Perhaps a brave soul will publish all blast threads as a ebook someday!

It is amazing to me the "babe in the wood" psychology of folks -
"They are so despicable that they blasted a hospital...."
As if murdering "innocent civilians" would not suffice to call the sick *@&$# cowards what they are!

Back to chai-biscoot-with tang of black label until the next bum blast!
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Jayram » ... ding_bombs
Experts: Indian police struggle to halt bombings
What has been done between the last attack and the latest atrocity to augment our ability to stop terrorists, to root them out? Nothing," said Ajai Sahni, a former chief of India's domestic Intelligence Bureau
He called India's police forces and its intelligence agencies "hideous and hidebound" and noted that in a country where hundreds of millions of people worry every day about finding enough food to eat, "every politician knows that security issues don't win or lose elections."
Ordinary Indians, meanwhile, are putting little pressure on the country's leaders to stop politicking and tackle the problem.
"We've had linguistic riots, wars with Pakistan, caste conflict, religious riots," said historian Ramachandra Guha. "We are a society that is used to living with danger and minor catastrophes and stumbling on."
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by svinayak »

Somebody from Gandhinagar/Ahmedabad told me today that he was in the area just last week before the event. He was showing the facility for foreign investor and he considers this bombings to be similar to the earthquake of scale 6-7 Richter scale. The investor would take it in the stride.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by R_Kumar » ... nter_img=2
Call a spade a spade

Francois Gautier

In most of the cases, it is Indian Muslim terrorists

I have often been accused of being a 'Right-winger', a 'saffron journalist', a 'Hindu-lover'. Actually I am proud to be a lover of the Hindus -- 850 million in India, a billion in the world, one in every six humanbeings on this planet. I am proud to defend people who have always accepted others, who have given refuge to all persecuted minorities in the world, and who still possess knowledge of karma, yoga, avatar and the hidden realities behind life. People who still produce gurus, ashrams, individuals for us to learn from.

What surprises me the most is that there must be around 200 foreign media correspondents posted in India and that I do not know another one who defends Hindus, except maybe Mark Tully, in a roundabout manner.

I am appalled at what is happening at the moment. For, make no mistake, it is not a question of buying MPs to get through a dubious vote of confidence, it is not even a question of the Communists versus the Samajwadi Party, or even so-called secularist forces against the BJP, or the unleashing of terrorism on Indian democracy. It is, in fact, an all out attack on Hindus and their values.

Nobody wants to call a spade a spade, or else, apologists of Islam will say that Islamic fundamentalism happens because of Palestine or Ayodhya or the Gujarat riots. But make no mistake. All these attacks in Jaipur, Mumbai, Varanasi, Bangalore and Ahmedabad are only targeting Hindus; it is an accident if some Muslims also get killed. Why is it then that at the moment India seems to be paralysed into inaction in the face of an all-out war against Indian liberties and values by Islamic terrorists?

One is really shocked and suspicious as to why Prime Minister Manmohan Singh appears hell-bent to impose upon the nation a nuclear deal with the US which will neutralise India's nuclear weapons in the face of the aggressive nuclear weaponisation of China and Pakistan, and negate India's independence in foreign policy, as well as to bring with it immense Westernisation, not to speak of a huge influx of Christian missionaries. Here again, Hindus will lose.

Most of today's media, sadly, is anti-Hindu. Nothing symbolises this more than CNN-IBN. This channel has chosen to sit on sting operation tapes that clearly show someone close to a very senior Samajwadi Party leader handing over a crore of rupees to three BJP MPs as inducement for abstaining from the trust vote moved by the Prime Minister. If the tapes had been aired, it would have immediately led to the postponement of the trust vote and the UPA would have ultimately lost confidence motion.

Instead, CNN-IBN decided not to telecast the tapes. It sat on them for 24 hours before handing them over to the Speaker. Is this the role of the media? Can a mainstream television news channel, which is associated with a well-known international television organisation, be so partisan and unethical? And get away with it?

Whenever Hindus are hit, the Government looks the other way. It happened when four lakh Hindus were chased out of the Kashmir Valley and many were killed in terrorist attacks over a period of time -- both the Centre and the State Government just kept watching. It happened over the recent Sri Amarnath Shrine Board land transfer issue. How dare Mr Omar Abdullah make a self-righteous yet untruthful speech in Parliament and then complain that he was booed?

And now look at the inertia of the Union Government and the media after the Bangalore blasts followed by the the horrible bombings in Ahmedabad, killing more than 50 innocent people.

Does the UPA think that the common citizen of India is a nitwit and does not understand that the Government of India, by pointing its finger at Pakistan's ISI, or at some Bangladeshi outfit, is trying to deflect attention from the fact that most of the recent terror attacks have been perpetrated by Indian Muslims, with or without Pakistani or Bangladeshi (or Al Qaeda) help?

It is not only a matter of vote-bank in times of election but also a fact that politicians in India want to keep their citizens blindfolded and pretend that nothing is happening. Does not the Government realise that we have all become cynical to its usual conduct on such occasions. It first condemns 'in the strongest terms' the 'barbarous act' and appeals for calm and 'communal harmony', and then gives a few lakhs each to the families of the dead or injured, so that they shut up, and finally never catches the culprits. And so it goes on till the next terrorist strike.

I am a born Christian, but I marvel at the greatness that is Hinduism and Hindus. Ms Sonia Gandhi and Mr Manmohan Singh are doing all they can to cut Hindus to size. Unless Hindus wake up now, unless they realise that they are under attack from all sides, one of the greatest civilisations of all times will slowly pass away. That will be a great loss to the world.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Rahul M »

RamaY wrote:
Rahul M wrote:as a community, the biggest problem with IM society is the absence of middle class. unlike the comparatively progressive communities, muslim middle class in India is miniscule.
This is not a fact.

If you take a true census in India today, I can guarantee that at least 30% of the IM population falls in to middleclass category, Middleclass being in 12,000-25,000 per capita annual income. If a family has 4 people this would be 48,000-100,000Rs income per year. And minimum 10% of muslim population is very rich in any standards.

IM popluation does reflect Indian macro economic situation. Just look around in your locality. You will know…

sorry, but I don't agree with the definition of Rs 48k-100k/annum as middle class. that is called LIG or lower income group.
I don't know what you mean by a true census, but common sense tells me that a community with a large number of madrassa educated people who are virtually unemployable is unlikely to have a large middle class.

of course, I'll admit my mistake when you produce reports to support your assertions of 10% of muslims being rich and 30% belonging to the middle class.
since you guarantee that this is true, it shouldn't be too difficult.

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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Rahul M »

Rupesh wrote:And most of the IM terriorists are highly qualified ( you may find a few with doctorates ). Its the uneducated and poor IM's that are generally peaceful. The poor are more bothered about food rather than religion, its the upper middle class IM's who are radicals.
you would be surprised !!


p.s. really sorry for these long posts !!
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by John Snow »

Try the argument of poverty and hunger to shoplift in any country where a semblence of law and order is enforced would be punished very severly.

Poverty is not a recourse to terrorism.

Terrorism is the recourse for politicians to play ball with criminals.

I had predicted this home grown terror in 1999 when Shri LKg was home minister and he would not allow the showing of white paper on ISI cells to Indians except to select diplomats.

The spread of ISI cells in Aurangabad, Karimnager, Nizambad district in AP were all sprouting then.
Watch this space for even more dastardly bombings and more score. Is martaba apna desh bal bal bachgaya.

Till basic law and order takes hold , guilty are punished and politico and criminal nexus is broken nothing is going to prevent the country sliding into mega chaos.

Kora kagah kora hi reh gaya
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My Feedback on Outlook Article

Post by Sanjay M »

When I read Dr Ajai Sahni's comments in his article published in Outlook, I was furious, and wrote him back. ... ajai&sid=1


Ajai Sahni wrote:
"The gravest threat to India’s security is not Pakistan, not the Inter Services Intelligence, not terrorism, but the limitless acts of omission, the venality and the ineptitude of the political and administrative executive, and the complete absence of accountability in the top echelons of government. Our greatest enemy is not only within -- it has captured and blocks up the highest nodes of power and decision-making in the country"

Dr Sahni,

What a pack of nonsense! Next you'll be demanding that policemen catch bullets with their teeth (failing which, you'll again declare them all venal and incompetent)

Whatever the flaws of the police forces in India, the fact is that any determined person(s) can set off explosions in an open society, particularly a less developed country like India. When terrorists these days use elaborate schemes like liquid explosives in shampoo bottles, it's not hard for a sophisticated predatory organization like ISI to get sophisticated methods into the hands of anyone they please to.

These bombings were conspicuously committed 2 days after the successful parliamentary vote on the nuclear deal. So given that we all knew about this vote in advance, then how come you armchair analysts and commentators who project yourselves as geniuses, weren't able to predict the bombing campaign in advance?? Surely one doesn't have to be a policeman on patrol to recognize how Pakistan would react to the successful 123 Deal vote in parliament. Surely policeman aren't expected to scrutinize the consequences of signing international strategic pacts. That's you guys who're supposed to do that. So physician, heal thyself, before blaming the poor hapless policeman, or local Gujarat state authorities who are obviously outmatched by the power of ISI. Scoring partisan points for a dithering party in the New Delhi is no contribution to national security.

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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Muppalla »

Since Muslim education, employment and ecnomic conditions as (could be , would be) reasons for becoming terrorists is being discussed, I thought it is better to post some official statistics.

The site has a lot of numbers from GOI sources and here are some printer friendly web pages:




Yes, there are gaps even though they are norrow in many areas and wide (especially Muslim women related stats) in some other areas. How could the intellectual India thinks that these differences are the reasons for brewing jihad in Indian muslims.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by R_Kumar »

Can we stop this poverty-terrorism debate. They are not related at all. This logic is manufactured by "secular" / anti Hindu.
Hey SC/ST are real backward class in India but I don't see them blowing up their As@.
Rahul M wrote: sorry, but I don't agree with the definition of Rs 48k-100k/annum as middle class. that is called LIG or lower income group.
I don't know what you mean by a true census, but common sense tells me that a community with a large number of madrassa educated people who are virtually unemployable is unlikely to have a large middle class.

of course, I'll admit my mistake when you produce reports to support your assertions of 10% of muslims being rich and 30% belonging to the middle class.
since you guarantee that this is true, it shouldn't be too difficult.

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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Rahul M »

R_kumar, just superb post. kindly read the whole post before coming up with witty one liners.

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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by shiv »

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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Rahul M »


at a cursory glance, the NCAER survey is more or less in line with my assumptions , but I've to read it more closely.
btw, the Rs 8000 figure in the 2nd link uses data from 1999-2000, not sure it is still relevant.

p.s. perhaps some of the posts from this thread should go to the new islamism thread, as and when it appears.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by shiv »

Rahul M wrote: the new islamism thread, as and when it appears.
:rotfl: It appeared and disappeared in a trice like Indian redlines. Islamism only describes some non relevant Arab stuff and hardly relates to India. We probably don't even need that thread any more.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Rahul M »

ramana ji will have a fit when he sees an emoticon on this thread !!
:no emoticon:
:ducking for cover !:
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Karan Dixit »


I probably misunderstood your post. Please accept my apology.



I used poor Hindus of Kolkata as an example. But it would have been equally true of poor Hindus in Mumbai.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Rahul M »

karan, no need to apologise.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Rahul Shukla »

India to review entire intelligence network (Daily Times)
NEW DELHI: The Indian government has decided to review the country’s entire intelligence network following the successive blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by darshan »

Sometime back, there was some study done about number of muslims in various institutions by GoI (at least I like to say that).

Did that study include how many taxpayers are muslims?

It is interesting because I have not heard about even one raid from income tax department in a community where fireworks are used when pakis win a cricket match. I am just wondering that when local police cannot access this area, how would IT department would access it.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Rahul M »

do you mean any source other than the sachar commitee report ??
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Nayak »

Glitch saved Surat from possible mayhem
30 Jul 2008, 0916 hrs IST,TIMESOFINDIA.COM

NEW DELHI: Gujarat continues to remain tense a day after 18 bombs were defused in Surat.

The state administration has called for a bandh on Wednesday following the panic that spread across the city on Tuesday.

Much to the relief of the city's administration, none of the bombs exploded and were all defused in time. Police had imposed a virtual curfew in and around Varacha area, where most of the bombs were found.

Forensic experts in Surat say that the reason the 18 bombs planted in the city by terrorists did not explode is because there was a technical flaw in the integrated circuits wired in them.

For the first time ICs have been used in explosive devices, say experts.

The failed ICs have now become the core of the entire investigation and also a puzzle for the FSL experts.

Officials told TOI that once the make of the ICs and their batch numbers are decoded several links in the investigation will surface.

Police on Tuesday detained four persons from Maharashtra and seized maps of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Punjab and some materials written in Urdu, three days after the serial bomb blasts in Ahmedabad.

"We have detained four people with maps of various cities of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Punjab. They also had some Urdu literature on them," Surendranagar District Superintendent of Police Ashok Yadav told news agencies.

They have been identified as Tariq Ahmed Sheikh, Imrankhan Mohammadkhan, Vazir Khan Pathan and Hakimshah Fakir, police said.

The police were trying to determine whether they had any links with the July 26 bombings in which 53 people were killed and more than 200 injured.

"All of them are from Maharashtra," Yadav added. "We are currently interrogating them and cannot reveal anything further."

Urdu experts have been called to find out the contents of the literature seized from the quartet, police officials said.

The police were trying to find out if they had any links with outfits like SIMI or Indian Mujahideen and the purpose of their visit to Gujarat. They were also trying to know why they had taken maps of the three states with them.

Earlier, police had detained three persons with cash from Surendranagar and handed them over the City Crime Branch.

Ahmedabad police is also probing the email sent to television and media organisations purportedly by 'Indian Mujahideen' from the Navi Mumbai area. The cars with explosives found in Surat were stolen from Navi Mumbai, police said.

The crime branch is coordinating with other security agencies in probing possible links of pan-national groups in the attacks.

A team from Rajasthan police is in Surat to assist the crime branch with the investigation into the serial explosions, which bears similarity with the Jaipur blasts in May this year.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by shiv »

darshan wrote:Sometime back, there was some study done about number of muslims in various institutions by GoI (at least I like to say that).

Did that study include how many taxpayers are muslims?

It is interesting because I have not heard about even one raid from income tax department in a community where fireworks are used when pakis win a cricket match. I am just wondering that when local police cannot access this area, how would IT department would access it.

Muslims celebrating Paki wins in cricket falls in the category of usual stories:
*Hindus ripped belly of pregnant women
*Muslim pissed on Ganesh idol
*Pigs head thrown at Muslim procession

BTW Could someone please tell me where I can get a pigs head to throw at random communities? In fact why doesn't someone ever throw a pigs head that all those people who burst crackers when Pakistan wins?

I mean - imagine going for an India Pakistan match with a largish bag with a severed pig's head in it.

"Bag mey kya hai saab?"

"Arre - is mey to paani hai. Nahi - sharbat hai. Rooh Afza"

"Zara bag kholke dikhayiye saab"

"Kyon? Aapko bola na? Sharbat hai. Yeh lo - dus rupiye - chai le liye"

"Shukriya saab. Andar jaiye"

And then wait with the pigs/head and when the cracker bursting starts - chuck the head at the traitors. Lovely.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by darshan »

Rahul M wrote:do you mean any source other than the sachar commitee report ??
I am not sure but after googling I think that was the study.
Did that include any information about income tax like percentage numbers, how many raids were conducted to collect income tax, etc.?

Personally my family has seen many raids over the years but i would like to know if changing the religion would help in that matter or not.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by darshan »

Shiv, only thing I can say by your post is that I do not think you have ever been to Gujarat while match is being played.

I am pretty sure my ears work properly and I can even tell which direction the sound came from.
And at the same time I can see properly too and find which direction fireworks were.
Unless you are suggesting that those fireworks were used by hindus living on the border of mini pakilands because India lost.

I suggest go and watch a match or two next time in such areas and then say something.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by sum »

~35 bombs planted across the state points to a colossal intel failure.....
Only indicates that there is zero intel coming from the "minority" community else surely there would have been an inkling for a event of this magnitude(inspite of a efficient and comparitively free hand given to the police in Gujarat)!!!!!!

Since the commies and Human rightswallas have succeeded in demonising the govt so much, unsure as to how this situation can be rectified in the future :-?

Can only mean that more dark days are ahead.... :(
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by pradeepe »

NEW DELHI: Gujarat continues to remain tense a day after 18 bombs were defused in Surat.
Btw, I guess I dont know what tense means. Remember the pictures yesterday, police poking around the bombs and aam junta standing just about 30-40 feet away from another, some even strolling by, I even saw a guy on a motorbike still going through the same lane - which obviously isnt even cordoned off.

I have seen wider berth given to some of the larger diwali day "atom bums".

For the first time ICs have been used in explosive devices, say experts.

The failed ICs have now become the core of the entire investigation and also a puzzle for the FSL experts.
So a defective batch. That to me is a lot more scary. It means, first class co-ordination on methods and general approach, but also independent sourcing. Not one, but multiple accomplished tier x? graduates.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by shiv »

darshan wrote:Shiv, only thing I can say by your post is that I do not think you have ever been to Gujarat while match is being played.

I am pretty sure my ears work properly and I can even tell which direction the sound came from.
And at the same time I can see properly too and find which direction fireworks were.
Unless you are suggesting that those fireworks were used by hindus living on the border of mini pakilands because India lost.

I suggest go and watch a match or two next time in such areas and then say something.
Fine fine. You want me to go to Gujarat during an India Pakistan match and watch for Muslims celebrating.

The fundamental problem here is that unless I agree to agree with what you say it will mean nothing. The same holds true for ripping pregnant woman's belly and throwing pigs head. All these things may have happened at least once. But as per our "knowledge" all thee things happening every time and in all Hindu Muslim interactions, just like the Gujarat cricket celebrations.

The pointlessness of your rhetoric can now be aggravated by me in this mirror image of your statement:

"Darshan, only thing I can say by your post is that I do not think you have ever been to a mosque when a pigs head gets thrown in. I suggest go to a mosque next time and then say something."

I no go to Gujarat at the point in time when you want me to be there. You no go to mosque at that moment when I want you to be there. Your truth is your truth. my truth is mine. What anybody chooses to believe is just that. Whatever he chooses to believe.

All sorts of stories keep going around with nobody to ask for any verification. Under the circumstances everything goes. Muslims are always celebrating Pakistan;s victory. Hindus are always cutting open pregnant Muslims wome's bellies. Muslims are always pissing on Ganseh idol. The start of a riot is always the throwing of a pigs head at a crowd of Muslims.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by shiv »

sum wrote:~35 bombs planted across the state points to a colossal intel failure.....
A more true statement can hardly be made.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by harbans »

I may add, that an Indian version of Islam that cuts its roots from elsewhere is also necessary. In fact I had posted something to that order earlier.

There is no Indian version of Islam. There can be none possible. There is ONLY one version of logical Islam: That espoused by the Taleban and Al Qaeda. The so called Islamists are right when they say that Ahmediyaas are not Muslims. Different brands of Islam don't constitute different stable versions or it's final logical version.

The above streak of thought though innocent is what apologists say in addition to that better Islamic education will lead to enlightenment. To be a true follower of Islam and an 'enlightened' person (the infidel version) at the same time is an anamoly.

Jihad is binding on Muslims according to the founders and the doctrine. Whats important is understanding that only .001% (maybe less) of Muslims who follow the doctrine to it's logical end will culminate in some form of violence that the (infidel) calls terrorism. And that logically means that a large part of Muslims are not violent people and that like the rest do want to live in peace. The conflict for such muslims is not with the unbeliever it is with their own doctrine or if it not so it should be so. Most Muslims possibly don't even have a clue to what the doctrine states. But it's no excuse the State and Security agencies that are in charge of our security apparatus are unaware.

As long as they are unaware and we have romantic notions on creating an 'Indian' version of Islam we do fudge the issue. Something the Islamists take cover under.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by harbans »

In addition to the above post i consider most Muslims to be good as long as they don't take their doctrine to it's intended conclusion. The root cause of terrorism is not muslims but Islam because Islam is intolerant of the unbeliever. When the WKKs at Bollywood make the bhaichara movies they are correct in stating that muslims do do good things to unbelievers. But thats not Islam which motivates them, it is the innate humanity inside them that has little to with Islam. Even i am not much bothered at this stage that many Muslims have not read their doctrine and just doled out appropriate bits and pieces by the local mullah. But i find it disconcerting when the security apparatus and people in charge don't bother about those who make it a point to ignore the motivation of those who do go by 'defeating the Infidel using every strategem of War'. Thats the part i find inexcusable.
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Murugan »


it will be very difficult for you to explain clearly what exactly happens and what happened in previous riots/disturbances in gujarat and even in mumbai.

most of the people especially from outside gujarat come to know about riots/disturbance on tv and newspaper. they dont have any knowledge of ground realities. they will have a different understanding of the situtations. many would have never ventured in muslim areas in their liftime. many folks might have not even seen their backyard properly - forget about the sensitive areas of their towns. and forget about notorious areas of gujarat towns.

your interactions with IMs will be different from theirs.

btw, the ripping off the pregnant female's belly and throwing a pig's head on a procession - if it really happens - happens, let us say once in 10 years. bursting crackers while pukis win happens twice a year - at least. getting a pigs' head cut and throwing at the trouble makers will not be easy for hindus who still think that they can tackle terrorism (tackling islamic terrorism in india). thinking weak at the start.

ask them to get a walk into those dark gullies of that kalupur/jamalpur area after 9 o'clock and they will realize what happens and how they are welcomed - and tell them why we have to go there for business purposes at odd hours. tell them what we see on daily basis and not on puki match day or night. chance they may realize what you are saying

they need not come to these places when Paki is winning by chance a final match against India. They will then think of "Eliminating Islamic Terrorism " starting at least from the hometown

Avinash R
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Re: Blasts in Ahmedabad

Post by Avinash R »

shiv if by the pig heads been thrown you are refering to the b'lore incidents then you will be surprised to know who threw them. i think you live in b'lore. so just visit any one of the 2mosques on friday and ask the people there who threw the pig heads.
they will even tell you from which pig rearer the pigs werebought, in which lane the pigs were cut and who were 6 people who threw them.