Blasts in delhi

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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Dmurphy »

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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by archan »

Vivek Sreenivasan wrote:We should get the religious leaders of the muslims in India to condemn these blasts
Good luck with that. The last time I heard from the religious leaders was when they were opposing the "oppressive" and "discriminatory" nature of investigations in the Ahmedabad bombings (the ones which led to the perps, by the way). How dare the investigators question Muslim men without being 400% sure that they are indeed terrorists!
PS: I am replying to VS since this post is not derailing the thread. I have no intention of discussing sanathan dharma here.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Vivek Sreenivasan »

I would like to know if any of you guys have information regarding weather any muslim leaders, have condemmed these blasts in India, i havent heard anything of it. It is VITAL they do so. Is the media just ignoring them or are they not voicing their disgust at this act. If it is the second then these leaders need to be potrayed as terrorist sympathizers by the media, not condeming these blasts is akin to supporting it. Again muslims themselves should not be targeted. I know that the muslim council in the US has condemned it but thats not good enough, Indian Muslim leaders HAVE TO on the threat of being a terrorist sympathizer CONDEMN these blasts in the STRONGEST terms.

Anyone have any info regarding this?
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by archan »

Sure, there should be a statement coming out sooner or later along the lines of the Indian Muslim org in US. Something to the tone of "we condemn this mindless act, BUT...blah blah..communal harmony...stop victimization...reasons for bombings..etc.". Everything will be fine and dandy after a few days.
Sanjay M
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Sanjay M »

Dmurphy wrote:And guys...plleezzjj don't hide your communal colours under the hijaab of 'nationalism' and 'atheism'! Losers! You're doing that just as a matter of convenience.

Please don't bray to us about being communal, when your knee-jerk leftism only wants to support a parallel state within a state for certain groups - parallel court system, organized crime, and your preferred country, Pakistan. If you want to declare your love for Pak so badly, then go live there.
I'm a hindu myself. My heart bleeds for those Hindus who have suffered all over the country who were rubbed the wrong way, just so that some of our ass politicians wanted to look 'secular' in the public. Screw them all! But the 'M's didnt do it, some Hindu Politicians did! So blaming a particular community for the blasts is such a 'sold out' thing to do, like having lost faith in the constitution. Thats so un-Hindu like. Perhaps that too is a convenient way to feel superior. Please dont pretend to be, coz you're not!
So now the "Indian Mujahedin" are actually working for Hindu politicians?
Spare us the crap, and show us some evidence instead of making up crap off the top of your head.

It is also true, that Shivraj Patil's stint as a Home Minister has been a failure with a big F. Eff him for that!

But at this crucial juncture when India needs to unite, all you geriatrics (some of you sipping coffee in Unkil's laps) can think of what Godse read out in the court and how he defended his cowardly act. If he had the guts, he should have countered Gandhi by introducing Bhook hartaals and satyagraha. But no! who wants to take that extra effort! Bumping a poor guy off is such a easy thing to to do!
dmurphy's a wackjob. The guy's ranting incoherently about Godse and Gandhi, to justify the bombing of innocent people today. And he'll do it again, the next time India gets bombed.
As Nehru said - if you only knew the cost of keeping Gandhi in 'poverty'.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Viswanthan »

A campaign of calumny by the family retainers in media has been successful in perpetuating a charade that the record of NDA government on the terror front is as dismal as the UPA.This line is faithfully paroted by Kangressi Cheerleaders like Katare in BRF

Admittedely there was shameful capitulation to the Isalmofascits in Kandahaar- can be partially attributed to the public opinion swayed by the demonstration of emotional relatives orchestrated by Lady Karat accompanied with dramatic television footages in her family news channel with Padmashri Barkha Dutt playing her part to perfection .Ofcourse the NDA government cannot escape blame for several blunders including losing the plot in Amristar.

Other than this episode,NDA regime showed purpose and imagination in fighting terror.Those who conspired to attack the parliament were convicted through rigorous and thorough investigation backed up with strong legal case.Tough laws like POTA ere enacted.The key anchors of NDA government powerfully articulated their stancea gainst terror .Efforts were made to issue nation wide ID cards and Advani was vigorously pushing for it.And more importantly, other than rare incidence of terror attacks,there was definitely no occurence of strikes once every three weeks like what we witness today

In current dispensation the sense of victimhood is nurtured by endorsing the imaginary grievances of the Islamists .The key ministers of the government lend legtimacy lend to terror by backing organisations like SIMI while Intelligence agencies are convinced about the complicity of the SIMI in acts of terror.This is unprecedented

While NSA himself is in agreement with the rationale of Gujarat terror law,the communalist like Manmohan/Laloo/Antulay in the government play cheap politics by delaying nod to it.And they have the temerity with the help of managed media to accuse BJP of politicisng the war on terror

And greatest damage that UPA government has done is to distort of public discourse in our country .Thanks to the Congress-CPM alliance(amusing to we see the spectacle of Congress accusing CPM of being desh drohis and panda huggers after ensoying their support for 4 yrs) loony leftists aka “eminent Intellectuals”,”thinkers” have managed to stage a comeback.These alleged representatives of "Civil society " who beat a hasty retreat during the NDA regime now enjoy enormous mainstream respectability .Some of the worthies have tremendous clout in the current UPA dispensation.For instance Sachar is highly regarded by the UPA sarkar and his expertise used to engineer dangerous social programs
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Dmurphy »

Sanjay M wrote:If you want to declare your love for Pak so badly, then go live there.
Sanjay, go enroll yourself for the next version of Laughter Challenge! Chances are, you'll be given a given time slot on Aaj Tak or India TV....or the next season of Bigg Boss!

Sanjay M wrote:The guy's ranting incoherently about Godse and Gandhi, to justify the bombing of innocent people today. And he'll do it again, the next time India gets bombed.
Wow! where did you get that from?! Infact, if you look a little deeper Sanju, you'll find that Godse was much like the Indian Monkeys who're on a bombing spree!
Last edited by Dmurphy on 14 Sep 2008 12:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Muppalla »

Condolences to the victims.

Being in India on vacation, I got the opportunity to analyze the news coverage from more channels than just four available in US. The good thing that has happened is police in Delhi was very quick and it seems like the administration of the targeted cities and potential targets are learning a lot of new tricks to counter the terror. However, defencive tactics are losing steam as the jihadis/islamists are able to outsmart and they have infinite opportunities and a large number of loopholes.

Regarding media all the main stream channels like NDTV, IBN etc are just dishonest in their coverage. 9x news ( ) seems to be balanced in their coverage. I haven't heard this media group before.

I was scared to use any unsecure WiFi spots in Mumbai hotels as it is learns that the terrorists are stealing the IPs from insecure WiFi spots to send emails. Another important thing to note is all the electronic communication by the jihadis is coming from Mumbai.

Rest is same as every leader repeats the same after every blast. After the Diwali blasts in crowded markets of Delhi, the terror struck again in crowded markets. How is it possible to secure crowded markets until some offensive action/plan is put into place. The defensive structure of fighting this war (with absolutely no offensive posture) is practically impossible.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Manu »

Looking at the Big cities only:
3/13/03- Mumbai - 11 people Dead
8/25/2003 - Mumbai - 60 People Dead
10/29/05 - New Delhi - 66 People Dead
7/11/06 - Mumbai - 180 People Dead
9/8/2006 - Mumbai - 32 People Dead
8/25/07 - Hyderabad - 40 people Dead
7/25/08 - Bangalore 1 Person Dead; 15 wounded
7/26/08 - Ahmedabad - 45 People Dead (Jaipur happened in the same time frame, killing roughly the same number of people)
9/13/08 - New Delhi 23 People Dead, so far

All said, Mumbai has seen the worst of it.

If I were the Australian or English or even South African Cricket Team, I would refuse to tour India.

It is a third-world War Zone. The movie A Wednesday! I saw a few days ago was more realistic than I realized.

I suppose everyone will stay indoors on Diwali. Like an Effing herd of Antelopes, One gets eaten alive by a carnivore, and the rest of the herd stops, pauses for a second and moves on.

I wonder who Ram Vilas Paswan will take along with him this time when he is on the campaign trail :?:
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Avinash R »

Operation BAD warned: Delhi is next
It now transpires that Delhi was in the crosshairs of unknown terrorists all along, and that was known to India's security agencies. Suspects arrested for Ahmedabad and Bangalore explosions in July had confessed that to their interrogators.

This was together called 'Operation B-A-D (Bangalore- Ahmedabad-Delhi)', a source said. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi said on Saturday he had alerted both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and national security advisor M.K. Narayanan about an attack on Delhi.

Abdul Bashar, who is in the custody of the Gujarat police, was in Delhi for three days two months ago. He was later arrested, but not much is known about his Delhi visit.

Investigators are probing his involvement and that of two other leaders of the banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) - software engineer Abdus Subhan Qureshi alias Tauqir Bilal and Qayamuddin alias Ashfaque. In an email sent after the first blast Indian Mujahideen, a shadowy outfit that behind the Bangalore and Ahmedabad blasts, claimed credit for the Saturday explosions - Indian Mujahideen.

Not much is known of this outfit. It is variously seen as a hardline splinter group of SIMI. Or a bunch of SIMI activists who have managed to evade the recent arrests that were supposed to have crippled SIMI. The email was written in flawless English and was sent from an address that couldn't be traced to anyone.

And it carried a picture of Qutubuddin, man who has become the face of the Gujarat riots - the one with folded hands. The email landed even before all the nine bombs mentioned by it were accounted for.

Only five explosions had taken place till then. Four unexploded bombs were soon found and defused.

The mail was tracked to an IP Address registered in the name of Messrs Kamran Power Control Private Limited - 201/202 Eric House, 16th Road, Chembur, Mumbai. There was no response when HT tried to call on the listed number of Kamran Power as the phone was connected to a fax.

Sources said the e-mail ID, "" \t "_blank" al_arbi_delhi@yahoo.

com , was created on Saturday itself. And it is possible the text of the mail was sent to the sender of the email the same day.

The police suspect a wi-fi network may have been used to send the mail. According to intelligence sources there was a specific alert on a possible terror attack in Delhi and the national capital region.

An Indian Mujahideen mail sent from Mumbai's Khalsa College a few weeks ago had warned of a "deadly terror attack" saying preparations were on for it. The Saturday email claimed that it plotted the latest attacks to "salute" the memory of two of its "inspirational martyrs" - Sayyed Ahmed and Shah Ismail, not much is known about them.
MHA for exclusive courts to handle terror-related cases

New Delhi, Sep 14 (PTI) With proceedings in most terrorism-related cases moving at a snail's pace, the Union Home Ministry has asked states to set up exclusive or separate courts to deal with them.

The idea is to ensure that fast track trials take place in such cases, Home Ministry sources said.

They said the state governments could set up such courts in consultation with the respective High Courts.

The effort assumes significance in the backdrop of some major terror attack cases like the Samjhauta Express explosion and the Varanasi Sankatmochan temple blast pending before various courts for long periods.

Sources said the State Governments may take up with the High Courts the issue of speedy trials of such cases.

Trials of such cases would ensure speedy and fair justice. But, for that state governments would be required to strengthen their prosecution and law and order agencies particularly those that specially deal with investigation of terrorism related crimes, they said.
This was reason POTA was introduced. speedy trials and justice to the victims.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Aryavarta »

A request to the moderators. Please disallow smileys, especially the laughter kinds, in terrorism or national disasters threads.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Sumeet »

Whats even more fearing is what if UPA is elected back again in 2009 ? Will that be end of our hopes to fight terror ?
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by SSridhar »

Terrorism to be met head on: Manmohan Singh
Hours ahead of the serial blasts in Delhi the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday asserted that the challenge posed by terrorism would be met head on but said that no one should be allowed to target any community in the fight against terror. {We will never meet the terror threat head-on with this ostrich-like attitude. This brave speech is a humbug.}

Addressing the Congress Working Committee meeting, the Prime Minister said the challenges posed by terrorism and communalism would be fought tooth and nail.

However, in the process of fighting terror, no one would be allowed to target any community, Congress media department head M Veerappa Moily quoted the Prime Minister as saying.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Muppalla »

Viswanthan wrote: Other than this episode,NDA regime showed purpose and imagination in fighting terror.Those who conspired to attack the parliament were convicted through rigorous and thorough investigation backed up with strong legal case.Tough laws like POTA ere enacted.The key anchors of NDA government powerfully articulated their stancea gainst terror .Efforts were made to issue nation wide ID cards and Advani was vigorously pushing for it. And more importantly, other than rare incidence of terror attacks,there was definitely no occurence of strikes once every three weeks like what we witness today
The thrust of you post is accurate except for the above. The terror attacks were of high intensity during the NDA regime. The ones that are happening now are of low intensity and are coordinated.

Terrorism in India is a rot that set in the 80s and got matured over the period of time. During NDA regime, even though they cannot solve the problem, they at least showed the willingness to do something ( right or wrong). The time is short for them as they cannot undo their own mistakes. They have got just 5 years to clean the rot that has set on the nations over couple of decades. Had the UPA government continued with the same thrust, these thing would have been in control.

In the current situation, it will take a while before control sets-in. I will bet there will be more attacks (high intensity as well as low intensity) in the first year of next NDA governement ( if it comes). Imagine the current plight where the country's NSA talks in different wavelength to that of HM and PM.

Politically, the current setup thinks that by taking the country to the 80s situation, they have better chance to comeback and they do believe that at heart. Garibi-hatao style economics that includes hoarding and scarcities, KHAM style social blocks, increase the red tape to create well oiled favorable government personnel structure etc. Nuclear deal is an aberation from the above. However, the 21st century problems ( that includes 24x7 media, terrorism) cannot be solved by 80s structure and that is definitely backfiring on them and we are seeing a no-control situation. There are few in UPA who know the situation but they have dug deep into the sand when they took SP(political side of SIMI) into the alliance.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Tamang »
September 14, 2008 00:33 IST

The e-mail sent by the Indian Mujahideen [Images] minutes before the bomb blasts in New Delhi on Saturday is quite similar in its tone and language with the group's previous two e-mails. In Saturday's mail dated '12 Ramadan, 1429 AH' the Indian Mujahideen has demanded 'Vacate the land of Babri as soon as you can.'
The e-mail says, 'Your oppression will always be revenged Inshallah though after years to come. Never assume that we have forgotten the demolition of Babri Masjid and by Allah we can never forget it! It is that grave mistake of yours which will make you taste humiliation for generations to come. Babri Masjid was and will remain to be our glorious self esteem and Inshallah, we will prove it to you a hornet's nest in which you have immersed your bare hand, unaware of the pain to come.'

The e-mail complains about what it describes as the media's biased reporting about the recent anti-Christian violence in Orissa and about the weak and insufficient media coverage of the bomb blasts in Kanpur in which two Bajrang Dal activists died.

It mocks the Gujarat police investigation of the Ahmedabad [Images] blasts and claims that Uttar Pradesh [Images] cleric Abu Bashir is innocent of the crime.

The e-mail hints indirectly that the group may also resort to abduction and ransom.

It threatens 'disastrous consequences of the injustice and oppression inflicted upon the Muslims all over the country.'

It says, 'With this message, we once again declare that our intense, accurate and successive attacks like the one you will see exactly 5 minutes from now, Inshallah, will continue to punish you even before your earlier wounds have healed.'

It declares it planted nine bombs in the capital.

The e-mail targets the police and its investigation against the Students Islamic Movement of India. It names the police of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh [Images], Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

The e-mail describes the police investigation in these states as 'the never ending hostile hatred in your hearts against Islam and its people.'

The individuals behind the e-mail appear to be well informed about the Indian police. It names some Gujarat police officers and predictably Gujarat and Maharashtra's political leaders, but it also claims that, 'We are aware of your recent night raids at Ansarnagar, Mograpada, in Andheri (northwest Mumbai) and the harrassment and trouble you created there for the Muslims.'

The e-mail notes how in 2006, 'in Nanded, there was a bomb blast in the house of an RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) activist where two RSS activists went to Hell. After that in March 2008, there were bomb blasts at two places in Tamil Nadu. This time also VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) activists were arrested by the Tamil Nadu police who confessed that 'Yes. We were involved', claims the e-mail.

The e-mail says the RSS is against 'Muslims, Dalits and Christians'. The Indian Muhajideen has also vowed to fight for injustice and pain inflicted on Kashmiri Muslims during the Amarnath Yatra [Images] crisis. The Sangh Parivar is not its only target. The e-mail also targets the Congress party.

'The Central Congress Government which pretends to be the well wisher of Muslim interests has always treacherously hurt them and used them to come in power since Independence,' the e-mail notes. 'It is this double-faced attitude of the Congress that has secured its vote bank, and still allowed it to silently commit one of the most heinous crimes against the Muslim nation ever witnessed by history -- the demolition of Babri Masjid.'

The e-mail claims 'We have carried out this attack in the memory of two most eminent Mujahids of India: Sayyed Ahmed Shaheed and Shah Ismail Shaheed (may Allah bestow His Mercy upon them) who had raised the glorious banner of Jihad against the disbelievers in this very city of Delhi [Images].'

Lastly, the e-mail warns 'remember, it is not at all difficult for us to attack you in states like Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh [Images], Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Kerala [Images] etc.'
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by archan »

SSridhar wrote:Terrorism to be met head on: Manmohan Singh
Hours ahead of the serial blasts in Delhi the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday asserted that the challenge posed by terrorism would be met head on but said that no one should be allowed to target any community in the fight against terror.
I wish there could be a possibility of an open-to-public-question-answer-session-with-your-PM program. Imagine a citizen, say IC (Indian Citizen) asking the PM after the above statement.

IC: Sir, do you believe that the members of Indian Mujahedeen are Muslims or they could be of any other religion as well.
PM: Terrorism has no reli...
IC: Sir, what faith do you believe they, who send emails saying "In the name of Allah" follow?
PM: Well...I would think that they are misguided Muslim brothers.

IC: Question 2: They claim they are doing this for Allah, to carry out the will of Allah against the infidels. Sir, would you believe that the people who help them procure explosives, provide them shelter and other things needed to carry out such sophisticated attacks could be members of the "infidel" groups? or is it more likely that those who help them share their ideology?
PM: Well, I would think that they share their ideology.

IC: Sir, if you were an investigator trying to crack these cases and find out who the perpetrators are, would you then just pick up any random person from the country and interrogate him? or would you follow the leads, and then zoom in to a few individuals, question them, get more leads and finally try to get to the perpetrators themselves?
PM: I would think the second approach sounds more reasonable.

IC: So, would you be questioning people of Muslim community or would you be secular in your questioning and have equal representation for members from each religion among the interrogated?
PM: What kind of question is that...I will go by the leads.

IC: So if all or most of your leads indicate that the perpetrators are hiding amongst people who share their ideology and religion (most natural instinct, they wouldn't be hiding in a temple now, would they?) then sir would you try to question as many people of their faith from that area of interest and try to get to them?
PM: Yes...but still no one will be allowed to target any minority community during the interrogation process.

IC: Sir, would you call rounding up of some Muslims and being taken for interrogation as "targeting of a minority community?"
PM: depends.

IC: On what?
Moderator: Okay time for question and answer session is over..
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by MN Kumar »

One important thing that we all are missing here is how the identities of the masterminds have changed over the years. Earlier it was the ISI of Pakistan then HUJI, Bangaldesh and now SIMI & IM, India. Now its become a completely local movement. No blame on anyone else. We dont hear HUJI now. Suspect the sleeper modules in full active mode now. With these kind of hate mails being made public they have got two with one shot. Inflict damage and garner moral support from local muslims.

With the civilian govt. taking control in Pakistan things have changed a lot and fast. The game is getting murkier and the war has reached the heart of the country. Yet our PM and HM and Madam instruct faithful Yindoos of calmness and harmony. Pathetic.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by munna »

Dear Rakshaks while we have to be calm, our heart should be cold and mind concentrated on the task of bumping off the cowardly scum. Nothing works like pure unadulterated violence. As for the gandhiwadi types leave them to their devices and do not indulge them but show them 2 more Gujarats and they will get the message. Indians have been killed and those who did the task and the masterminds will pay.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by ashish raval »

First of all sincere condolences to all my country's men and women who lost their lives in this cowardly attack. Some of the features that come out form this:
1) We never learn.
2) Indian Intelligence and Security agencies useless, incompetent, untrained, unprepared, uneducated and definately a black mark on country. It is time I guess we should rake in help of FBI, CIA, MI-5 or Israel to setup a new intelligence agency with just a few sincere people from old intelligence setup and start afresh. Clearly NSA, IB, RAW, Police never know anything and what we see in bollywood is actually 100% true about these agencies.
3) The intelligence setup should only have elite armed forces or highly educated and highly trained intelligent officers capable of multitasking with lateral thinking.
4) What is worse that even after knowing that Delhi is next target the incompetent system was unable to keep an eye on the situation and anti-national media and sickoolarists are questioning the man who led from the front to prevent the repetition of Ahmedabad in Surat and also warned the top leader of impending attack. It is clearly the time that we change the subject contents of Journalism course and introduce a course of moral science and nationalism in their study. Indian journalists are using word like "Techie" and "Engineer" to glorify the achievement of an homegrown terrorist...this is very deplorable, I have never imagined Al-Jawahiri being glorified as Dr. Al-Jawahiri in the west. Journalists in India are simply the Idiotic bunchs.
5) Clearly these terrorists are above the community now. They are now a national menace and they should be nabbed by any means possible. If they can do it in Delhi, they can do it anywhere in India time and again.
6) If nothing above changes, I guess it is time that we sit and eat tea-cakes at home and sleep, while waiting for terror to strike again. Become robust and develop the skin like a rhinocerous, put blind eye again and hope that these terrorists will no longer find fun in bombing the people and stop it when they will get tired and nothing will change as we have 1.1 billion people to loose lives and assume that loosing 20-30 people every 2-3 month is like loosing drop from an ever expanding ocean.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by sanjaychoudhry »

With leaders like these, do you think Hindus will ever be safe in India?
Demand of BJP Unconstitutional

LJP leader Ramvilas Paswan has expressed his strong opposition to the demand of BJP to settle the refugee Hindu Pandits in a separate area in the Kashmir Valley. In a LJP rally held in Rewa, Paswan said that this demand of BJP goes against the basic structure of the constitution. He questioned that in a country where a crime is committed against dalits every 18 minutes, where everyday two dalilt women are raped, where daily two dalits are killed, will the BJP also ask for a separate area for dalits in India?

Paswan said that in BJP ruled Madhya Pradesh where 125 dalit people are dying due to hunger and malnutrition, BJP leaders sit in five star hotels and raise nonsensical demands like giving a separate and secure area for Hindu Pandits in Kashmir.

Translated from Dainik Jagaran

Paswan has begun to speak the language of White Christians against the Hindus. He recently attended a church-sponsored meet in the US where he announced that he is going to start a Dalit liberation movement in India and surround head quarters of private companies who do not give reservation to dalits.

A curse on every Hindu who attends his rally and listens to his hate speech against their own religion and race. Gandhi used to do that too and millions used to attend his rallies. Hindus have a fundamental inability to distinguish between their friends and foes.

Paswan is a despicable Hindu who is determined to become the king even if he has to walk over the corpses of other Hindus and ally with foriegn races against the very people he wants to rule over.
Last edited by sanjaychoudhry on 14 Sep 2008 14:09, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Sumeet »


B. Raman

1. The so-called Indian Mujahideen (IM) has once again, through an E-mail sent to some media offices, claimed the responsibility for a series of five explosions in three crowded market places of New Delhi between 6-45 PM and 7 PM on September 13,2008. At least nine persons are reported to have been killed and many injured. The message is reported to have been sent five minutes before the explosions took place. It speaks of nine Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) planted in different places. Five of these have exploded. Three are reported to have been detected by the police before the explosion could take place. One remains unaccounted for.

2. One has to await details of evidence regarding the IEDs before one could comment on their similarity,if any, with the earlier blasts in three cities of Uttar Pradesh last November, in Jaipur in May and in Bangalore and Ahmedabad in July, but the means of communication used to claim responsibility for the blasts and to provide authenticity of the claim are the same.The use of E-mails signed by similar kuniyats (assumed names such as al-Hindi or al-Arabi) and similar-sounding E-mail addresses indicate the same organisation has been responsible.

3. It is already quite clear that a wide area pan-Indian network of terrorists has come up in our midst and has managed to train a number of Indian Muslims not only in assembling IEDs, but also in clandestine methods of operation and communication. From what one heard of the contents of the message from the IM about the New Delhi blasts, there is an element of bravado in it. It taunts the security experts for not being able to establish who are behind these messages. It shows a certain confidence that the police are not yet on the trail of those sending these messages.

4. The success of the UP Police in identifying some of those involved in the blasts of last November did not prevent the blasts that followed in other cities. Similarly, the success of the Ahmedabad and Jaipur Police in arresting many of those responsible for the blasts in their cities has not come in the way of the successful strike in New Delhi.

5. Normally, timely preventive intelligence comes either from intercepts of communications and/or penetration of the terrorist organisations. The IM has apparently been using the Internet for its internal communications and not telephones. If so, this highlights our inadequacies in intercepting Internet communications. Since we still do not know the identity and organisational structure of the IM, penetrating it would have been understandably difficult. We were presuming before the UP blasts of last November that all terrorist strikes must be the work of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Toiba (LET) or the Pakistan/Bangladesh based Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HUJI). Since November last, we have been focussing on the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). It is possible that elements from all these organisations are involved. It is equally possible that there are other Indian Muslim elements who had not come to the notice of the police earlier/. It is important to keep an open mind and establish the composition and structure of the IM. Only then penetration would be possible.

6. Preventive intelligence also comes fom the thorough interrogation of those arrested in connection with the previous blasts. All the arrests made so far, whether in UP or Jaipur or Ahmedabad , were mainly of those involved in those blasts. They apparently did not enable us to identify and arrest those trained with a capability for assembling IEDS, but who had not yet participated in any terrorist strike.

7. It should be apparent by now firstly, that we have only identified the tip of the jihadi iceberg in our midst. The iceberg itself remains unexposed. Secondly, we have not yet been able to identify the command and control of the IM. Thirdly, like Al Qaeda, the IM is divided into a number of autonomous cells each capable of operating independently without being affected by the identification and neutralisation of the cells involved in previous blasts.

8. All these years, our focus was on the training camps for jihadi terrorists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Interrogation of those arrested since the beginning of this year has brought out that many training camps had been held in different parts of India by the SIMI. We were apparently oblivious of the details of these camps and the identities of those trained. It is important to have a common investigation cell for the whole of India to identify the various elements involved in this wide area network and neutralise them. Piecemeal investigation in different States ruled by different political parties each with its own partisan perception and agenda will result in our continuing to bleed at the hands of this network.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Singha »

Last week, the chief cleric of Delhi's biggest mosque, Maulana Syed Ahmed Bukhari, met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to complain that innocent Muslims were being arrested "in the name of terrorist activities".

"It should be apparent by now, first, that we have only identified the tip of the Jihadi iceberg," former head of Research and Analysis Wing, B Raman wrote in the Hindustan Times. "The iceberg itself remains unexposed. Second, we have not yet been able to identify the command and control of the IM."
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by shiv »

Vivek Sreenivasan wrote:Has anyone thought about the fact that one of the primary reasons for these attacks in Delhi is probably to forment communal divisions, this is a time when we need to close ranks. We should get the religious leaders of the muslims in India to condemn these blasts and to state that the perpetrators were not muslims but terrorists, .

Muslims are not at fault. The problem is Islam. islam needs reformation. It is a religion that allows people to be killed if they are seen as being on the side of people who are anti_Islamic.

Indian Muslims always express their horror and they feel as bad as you and I do. But that is no use. They are human and that is their weakness against a heartless inanimate entity that Islam is. Islam first attacks Muslims who deviate from the path and Muslims cannot raise their voices against fundamentalists. Non Muslims have to do that. If we are wishy washy about Islamic fundamentalism, and if we imagine that we are hurting our Muslims brothers -sentiments by telling the truth -we only perpetuate Islamic terrorism. This is exactly what imaginary secularism is doing in India. . Read about Islam and you will understand that only the Taliban are "pure Muslims". Our Indian Muslim brothers are a pale shadow of what "real Muslims" need to be. And they remain that way voluntarily - but cannot go further. It is up to non Muslims to take the death sentence clauses out of Islam. Muslims cannot, or will not do it for us. Read about Islam.

Islam is now an outdated religion and was good only for unifying some tribes with some wild promises and wilder threats. It need to be watered down to meet modern human requirements and stop killing.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Manu »

The National Counter terrorism Centre in Washington says 3,674 people had been killed in militant attacks in India between January 2004 and March 2007, a death toll second only to that in Iraq. This is not even the complete toll from UPA Sarkari Raj.

I think even the Commonwealth Games should be cancelled. Unless Cricket Tournaments and other high profile 'events' in Delhi and other big Indian cities are cancelled, the govt. will not get the message. Clearly Z level security will ensure that they live through any and all bomb blasts.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by shiv »

Singha wrote:ibnlive:
Last week, the chief cleric of Delhi's biggest mosque, Maulana Syed Ahmed Bukhari, met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to complain that innocent Muslims were being arrested "in the name of terrorist activities".
This is only going to continue as long as Indian governmental policies regarding the media and education insist or making Hindus tell lies about how much they enjoy being subjected to Islamic extremism while we continue to sing "Ishwar Allah tere naam". The boiling, seething anger that Hindus are feeling shows out in little incidents.

99.99% of Muslims may be innocent, but as long as Muslim groups kill people in terrorist attacks only a person who is not in his senses will sit back and expect that others in India will be fooled into saying that Islam and Muslims have no connection with terrorism. Only 0.01% of people will believe this lie.

IMO Islam itself is going to need makeover in which revenge and killing of kafirs is going to have to be left out of the syllabus.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by ashish raval »

MN Kumar wrote:One important thing that we all are missing here is how the identities of the masterminds have changed over the years. Earlier it was the ISI of Pakistan then HUJI, Bangaldesh and now SIMI & IM, India. Now its become a completely local movement. No blame on anyone else. We dont hear HUJI now. Suspect the sleeper modules in full active mode now. With these kind of hate mails being made public they have got two with one shot. Inflict damage and garner moral support from local muslims.
Very simple yet effective strategy to turn India into another Pakistan. Make it weak internally by provoking people from particular faith and bomb innocents installing fear in people and loose the faith in the democratic system. Once things goes up in chaos, attack with believers and unleash the massacre.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Manu »

shiv wrote:Let me guess:

80% Hindu of which 40% forward caste (good riddance) and 20% SC/ST (sad)

15% Muslim (I will lose sleep)
List of the Dead:
1. Vinod Kumar (42) Churu, Rajasthan
2. Ganga Prasad (40) Karol Bagh, Delhi
3. Prithviraj (25) Uttar Pradesh, Harloi
4. Unidentified male (35)
5. Unidentified male (30)
6. Puja (15) Karolbagh, New Delhi
7. Chander Bhan
8. Harish Chandran
9. Priya Chandran
10. Kamini (25) Vadodara, Gujarat
11. Saroj (20)
12. Amit
13. Rajni Gupta (42) Pitam Pura, Delhi
14. Manoj Singh (12) Mayur Vihar, Delhi
15. Babita (20) Timarpur, Delhi
16. Unidentified male (40)
17. Hari Chand (50)
18. Chandra Bhan (50) Santnagar, Delhi
19. Unidentified Male (45)
20. Unidentified Male (50)
21. Amit Saxena (26) Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by SSridhar »

shiv wrote:IMO Islam itself is going to need makeover in which revenge and killing of kafirs is going to have to be left out of the syllabus.
Shiv, the entire thrust of that religion is to exercise an authoritarian, vice-like grip over the Believers. In the process, they are brain-washed from the very first day as toddlers they start praying. A free, inquisitive mind is shut out for them. Once that happens, revenge, killing, jihad-fi-sabilillah, jihad-al-saif etc. concepts become too easy to entrench. The whole area of criminal punishment in Koran is based on revenge. So, revenge and violence have been authorized by this 'religion of peace'. Since the mind is conditioned this way, from a very early stage, all it needs, for an apparently sane person, is a small spark to turn into a jihadi or a terrorist. The whole approach of this religion needs an overhaul rather than sections here and there in the Koran, IMHO.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by munna »

I do not see the need for despondency. As somebody who has seen the grassroot political discourse in this country I can safely say that after Jammu movement I have turned a believer. The current impotence in the system is due to a lame duck government headed by a lame political leadership. The current DDM discourse predicts an even chance for UPA's return but my friends let me assure there is no chance whatsoever of their return! The silent majority is backing leaders like Modi and it is these people who shall show results in the next dispensation. I agree with all the sorrow and anger expressed by Rakshaks but we should be dispassionate in analysing the situation and charting the course of action.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by sum »

Hours ahead of the serial blasts in Delhi the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday asserted that the challenge posed by terrorism would be met head on but said that no one should be allowed to target any community in the fight against terror.
This one statement should put to rest any hopes of a breakthrough....
Intrestingly, i had posted a Pravin Swami article yesterday(before the blasts occurred) :
From the Swami article:
India, it seems probable, will be compelled to live with this threat for many years to come.
If the IB(assuming that Praveen Swami puts across the views of IB in print) has come to the conclusion of the last sentence of the article, very bleak days are ahead... :cry:
Basically, since the IB puts its view point across through the Swami articles, it seems that even the IB has come to the conclusion thatthe network is too vast and with the available political "support", the common man is on his own and better pray to any of his 10000000 deities that he does not get caught up up the bomb blasts which will soon become a weekly affair...
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by sum »

Our WiFi was hacked, says Kamath family

Sarika Kamath, wife of K M Kamath from whose Internet Protocol address the terror mail was sent around the time of the Delhi serial blasts, on Sunday said they have been 'victims of technology'.

Images: Shock and horror in Delhi

"Hacking has become a terror for common citizens like us. We are innocent and hard-working people," Sarika told PTI from her residence in Chembur, an eastern suburb in Mumbai.

Sarika and her husband were being questioned by the Mumbai Anti Terrorism [Images] Squad since Saturday night. The ATS tracked the IP address of the terror mail on Saturday night and found it belonging to Kamath.

Terrorists have accomplished Operation BAD

Sarika further said the ATS after preliminary probe has stated that it seems to be a case of hacking the WiFi, which was similar to the case of US national Kenneth Haywood.

"We did not feel the need to secure or password-protect our internet connection. But now it has become a necessity for all citizens to secure their connections," Sarika said.

An open challenge

The ATS on Saturday night traced the terror mail sent under the name of Indian Mujhahideen to the IP address of a firm, Kamran Power Control Pvt Ltd, located at 201-202 Eric House, 16th Road, Chembur, an eastern suburb in Mumbai. The service provider is Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited.
These IM turds seem to have hit upon a new untraceable way to ensure they get their message across...All Wi-Fi owners,beware...

Mumbai seems to have become a snake pit with snakes of the terrorist variety being bred...
Wonder why is it that Mumbai and the Latur belt seem to breed these turds?
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by SSridhar »

sum wrote:it seems that even the IB has come to the conclusion thatthe network is too vast and with the available political "support", the common man is on his own and better pray to any of his 10000000 deities that he does not get caught up up the bomb blasts which will soon become a weekly affair...
sum, the IB reflects the current political thinking of the rulers. The same IB, under a more imaginative and fearless leader will behave differently.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by kshirin »

sanjaychoudhry wrote:With leaders like these, do you think Hindus will ever be safe in India?
Demand of BJP Unconstitutional

LJP leader Ramvilas Paswan has expressed his strong opposition to the demand of BJP to settle the refugee Hindu Pandits in a separate area in the Kashmir Valley. In a LJP rally held in Rewa, Paswan said that this demand of BJP goes against the basic structure of the constitution. He questioned that in a country where a crime is committed against dalits every 18 minutes, where everyday two dalilt women are raped, where daily two dalits are killed, will the BJP also ask for a separate area for dalits in India?

Paswan said that in BJP ruled Madhya Pradesh where 125 dalit people are dying due to hunger and malnutrition, BJP leaders sit in five star hotels and raise nonsensical demands like giving a separate and secure area for Hindu Pandits in Kashmir.

Translated from Dainik Jagaran

Paswan has begun to speak the language of White Christians against the Hindus. He recently attended a church-sponsored meet in the US where he announced that he is going to start a Dalit liberation movement in India and surround head quarters of private companies who do not give reservation to dalits.

A curse on every Hindu who attends his rally and listens to his hate speech against their own religion and race. Gandhi used to do that too and millions used to attend his rallies. Hindus have a fundamental inability to distinguish between their friends and foes.

Paswan is a despicable Hindu who is determined to become the king even if he has to walk over the corpses of other Hindus and ally with foriegn races against the very people he wants to rule over.
The Dalits are being agitated world wide to open a third front inside India, and the Chinese have also been fishing for intelligence on this issue, I just posted a telling article on some other thread on the Maoist J & K agitation link. The Dalits and the Mulayam Singhs and Laloo have been pleading with Government not to arrest IMs as it would affect their constituency base. What do you do about the Mulayams and Paswans and Yadavs? I am sure they do not represent their own cast brethren, who must be as angry as the rest about the random and horrible killings. But even BJP friends tell me that Modi doesn't have a chance at the centre, but since country is really fed up with lack of action on terrorism something will happen. That is why this forum should focus on an action plan and solutions so the authorities can pick up ideas and implement them.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by kshirin »

sum wrote:Link
These IM turds seem to have hit upon a new untraceable way to ensure they get their message across...All Wi-Fi owners,beware...

Mumbai seems to have become a snake pit with snakes of the terrorist variety being bred...
Wonder why is it that Mumbai and the Latur belt seem to breed these turds?
Read Shantaram, Maximum City and other books on Bombay/Mumbai. Shantaram especially shows that the entire underworld nexus is populated chiefly by Muslims.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by sum »

Few comments for blasts articles in ToI from readers of "a particular community":
Habeeb A. Alwi, Canada, says: There is more to it than meets the eye. One wonders that after every such incidence the only beneficiary is BJP-RSS-VHP & their Sangh allies. Are the perpetrators in collusion with them or are these engineered by the Sangh Parivaar? What happened after Tehelka expose on Gujarat state sponsored Carnage? Was justice delivered? Although Lucknow and Malegaon blasts revealed VHP's involvement and design to malign muslims, what was done. Aim at the base of the fire. Ban hatred spreading Shakhas of RSS, Bajrang Dal, the rest of the Sangh Pariwaar together with their muslim counterparts. Hatred begets hatred. Justice must first be delivered uniformly and not selectively as in Bomabay blasts. Stop the game "DECLARE THE DOG MAD AND SHOOT IT" A pained but discrete Indian
Khan Ghulam Mohammad, Saudi Arabia, says: It is Irony that when the police & IB has all this much information of so many people even then they are unable to catch them. If these snakes are hiding in rats holes, even then I trust the IB should be able to cath them. Kill them all along with the people who are sheltering them or have links with them then only we can over come this mess. Now were can we find safty to live peacfully, it seems each & every political party are themselves terrorist just frightning the common man for their benefit & as usual at the end there are no results, everyone forgets as said TIME IS THE BEST HEELER. Jai Hind
Irshian Kahn, London, says: this is nauseating. innocent people are being killed everywhere in India by these terrorists. These ******** should be apprehended and hanged. How dare they use slogans like 'In the name of Allah'. Its sickening they use Allah's name to justify their act!!!!! What is the purpose of these terrorists? Kashmir? do they want kashmir over blood of 100s of innocent? or is it revenge for Gujarat? who gave them the right to take revenge? If they want revenge, go and get Modi!!!!! eye for an eye will make the world blind!!! If these people are Indians, then should be stripped of their nationality. Infact they should be stripped of their identity of being called human being. Staying so far from my country, my heart bleeds every time I see these news in TV. But I am sure we Indians will boldly face this evil and defeat it.
Abdul Majid Zargar, Srinagar, says: While Condemning terrorism in all it's forms & manifestations,We Kashmiri Muslim greive for the loss of Innocent lives. No amount of compensation or sympathetic words can bring solace to affected families.It is very easy for Intelligence Agencies to club Indian Mujahideen as front for Lashkar or Huji.Basically it covers their shortcomings & failure to protect ordinary citizens. It is also time for every one of us to look into the causes of terrorism. The contineous dance of death & destruction played by security forces in Kashmir,the pogrom conducted by Modi in Gujrat,the Anti Sikh riots of 1984,the killing of minorities in Orissa by Hindu Zealots are all responsible in varying degrees to this scourage.Let us t resolve these issues & wean young people away from such acts. This is a wake up call for all Indian Politicians,if they care for our lives & liberty.
Imran, Ireland, says: Most of SIMI activist are already in Jail or under the vigilance of intelligence then how come SIMI is involved.. or Is it to win the coming elections.. I think they create new SIMI member everytime something like that done by our own political leaders for their own benefits. How much do we spend to on terrorism is just a waste... What is the purpose of those who works in these departments to tell us that Ammonium Nitrate was used.. and link the other blast with the new one...
Monawwar Alam, Saudi Arabia, Dammam, says: Serial Blasts in different parts of the country, is concerned to internal political issues. I hope that it will reduce after the finishing of coming parliamentary elections. Killing of more than hundred thousand of innocent people in Gujarat, by Modi Govt. is also the important reason of bomblasts. Army action against the innocent people in Kashmir is also boosted up the terrorism. Actually, due to inefficiency of Indian political leaders, terrorists organisations got the chance to disturb the country.
Naveed Khan, san jose, USA, says: What is this madness? What do these people want? A Retaliation like in Gujarat against Muslims? I have a feeling that it is revenge. It is revenge for killings in Kashmir.
There are thousands more but the point is that from the tone of the comments, it seems that the common theme is its revenge and not entirely condemnable...If this is what the educated muslims feels, how is it they expect the majority to have any sympathy towards them when their patience is being tested to the limit since the impression of the conduct of the muslim elite doesnt seem less than cheerleading the terrorists from the sidelines?
Read Shantaram, Maximum City and other books on Bombay/Mumbai. Shantaram especially shows that the entire underworld nexus is populated chiefly by Muslims.
Thats true(and well known fact) but these turds were always into small time smuggling, petty thefts etc...the new terrorists emerging are all well educated and have never had any bad experiences and still turn up in remote areas of India to conduct their bombing runs...My q was: why are most of these new age terrorists coming from the Mumbai/Latur?Malegaon belt?
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by kshirin »

No major NYT IHT website etc is carrying the news about the blasts.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by SSridhar »

sum wrote:. . . it seems that the common theme is its revenge and not entirely condemnable...If this is what the educated muslims feels, . . .
That's very true. That was what I said a few posts above.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by kshirin »

sum wrote:Thats true(and well known fact) but these turds were always into small time smuggling, petty thefts etc...the new terrorists emerging are all well educated and have never had any bad experiences and still turn up in remote areas of India to conduct their bombing runs...My q was: why are most of these new age terrorists coming from the Mumbai/Latur?Malegaon belt?
Common thread - they are Muslim. Someone above said Muslims are not to blame, Islam is. Well, they have to reform it, right? Also reminds me of the dictum "guns don't kill people, people do". But this needs to be researched, maybe they are getting funding from TSP+ lizards because they do not fit profile of alienated Muslims in UK and elsewhere. Actually they are just whiners.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by harbans »

no one should be allowed to target any community in the fight against terror.
I agree with the PM. I agree also with the helplessness of the investigators. The solution lies beyond that. What has to be targetted is the IDEOLOGY behind the community. That ideology talks page after page, volume after volume on killing, slaughtering, mutilating, decapitating infidels to no end.

Shiv Ji has correctly stated that Muslims themselves are victims. Specially the moderate and humanist elements. They are the ones that are threatened the most. They are the 'Hypocrates' that Mohammed always has so much of hatred of. They are the ones that backed off from some of his Ghazwas saying they did'nt want to participate in the killings and lootings. Mohammed had nothing but hatred for them and infidels.

Mullah Omar of Taliban and Bin Laden and Zawahari know their Koran and Hadith. They follow Islam correctly. PA knows that and thus find it impossible fighting against truer Muslims from the Taliban.

From B. Ramans paper:
The iceberg itself remains unexposed. Secondly, we have not yet been able to identify the command and control of the IM.
The Command and Control is the ideology of Islam. Confront that and you have succeeded in killing off all the splinters that will emerge. Don't confront that and be prepared for ISI, HUJI, SIMI, IM, Al Hind, Al Bakra, Al bheja etc etc millions of viper nests will emerge too complicated and confusing to tackle.

Confronting this ideology is not a simple affair. The GOI cannot suddenly in a fit say Islam is banned. The ideology is confronted by firstly allowing absolute freedom of speech. Including the right to blasphemy. Protecting the Taslima Nasreens and Rushdies and Husseins too.

By attacking the ideology and not muslims we don't fan communal passions. By attacking Muslims and not the ideology we fan communal passions like some of the blokes in Bajrang Dal or VHP do.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by kshirin »

God, just look at the viciousness and sweep of this, as i suspected, there is a larger hand aimed at breaking up India: Very very sick ... asts&sid=4

'Stop The Heart Of India From Beating'
'With this message, we once again declare that our intense, accurate and successive attacks like the one you will see exactly 5 minutes from now, Inshallah, will continue to punish you even before your earlier wounds have healed.'
Indian Mujahideen
The Delhi blasts, like the earlier ones in Ahmedabad, Jaipur and UP, were also accompanied by an e-mail purported to be from Indian Mujahideen. The last e-mail from this group, warning more attacks, had been received as recently as August 25. "We the Indian Mujahideen, ask Allah, the Almighty, to accept from us these nine explosions which were planned to be executed in the holy month of Ramadan" "Do whatever you want and stop us if you can"

The email contained an attached PDF document running into 13 pages, which claimed sole responsibility for the serial blasts in Delhi. "The Indian Mujahideen — the homegrown jehadi militia of Islam — have once again attacked to make you face the disastrous consequences of the injustice and oppression inflicted upon the Muslims all over the country." The mail also contained a video clip and an attached document, which the group claimed was evidence of its hand in the serial blasts. The clip showed a series of photographs of victims from previous blasts along with the caption "our jihad". Security analysts point out that the PDF document seemed to have been created at 1.38 p.m. on Saturday while the e-mail ID,, from which the mail was sent was created minutes earlier. The high-end software used to create the PDF document was similar to those used in previous mails, indicating that the same nodal group could be behind the mails.
The document claimed that the Delhi blasts were organised to "prove to you the ability and potential of [the] Indian Mujahideen to assault any city of India at any time." 'With this message, we once again declare that our intense, accurate and successive attacks like the one you will see exactly 5 minutes from now, Inshallah, will continue to punish you even before your earlier wounds have healed.' It claimed that the Delhi blasts were the direct result of the police raids carried out before and after the Ahmedabad blasts on July 26: "This accurately planned deadly strike is just another reaction to all those pre-and post-26 July harassments imposed by your ATS and police on the innocent Muslims."
'Your oppression will always be revenged Inshallah though after years to come. Never assume that we have forgotten the demolition of Babri Masjid and by Allah we can never forget it! It is that grave mistake of yours which will make you taste humiliation for generations to come. Babri Masjid was and will remain to be our glorious self esteem and Inshallah, we will prove it to you a hornet's nest in which you have immersed your bare hand, unaware of the pain to come.' "Be it the ATS [Anti-Terrorism Squad] of Maharashtra, the ATS and ACB of Gujarat, the OCTOPUS [Organisation for Countering Terrorists] of Andhra Pradesh, or be it a psychological propaganda war by the biased media, none shall be spared when it comes to vengeance – the Qisas."
While the e-mail dated '12 Ramadan, 1429 AH' sent by the self-styled Indian Mujahideen this time around is quite similar to the previous e-mails, there are crucial differences too. Although the e-mail message bears the signatures of both ‘al-Arbi’ and ‘al-Hindi,’ as previously, but the hand-writing used for the second name is markedly different from that used in earlier messages. Security analysts say this lends credence to the police claims that at least one of the individuals it refers to has been arrested. Second, this is the first time, when the Indian Mujahideen have made a reference to Jammu and Kashmir. "The injustice and pain inflicted on Kashmiri Muslims during the Amarnath crisis has once again landed you in great trouble". It goes on to describe the Delhi bombings as "a tribute to all our brethren martyrs in Kashmir."
'Muslims, Dalits and Christians'.The email goes on to complain about the insufficient media coverage of the bomb blasts in Kanpur in which two Bajrang Dal activists died and questions, what it calls, the media's biased reporting on the recent anti-Christian violence in Orissa. It blames the media of being soft on the RSS and calls it as being against 'Muslims, Dalits and Christians'.
The message, significantly, seems to have tapped the groundswell of grievances that have been come to be articulated more and more loudly in recent days. It talks about a 2006 case: ' Nanded, there was a bomb blast in the house of an RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) activist where two RSS activists went to Hell. After that in March 2008, there were bomb blasts at two places in Tamil Nadu. This time also VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) activists were arrested by the Tamil Nadu police who confessed that 'Yes. We were involved'.
But the RSS is not its only target. The Congress is not spared either:
'The Central Congress Government which pretends to be the well wisher of Muslim interests has always treacherously hurt them and used them to come in power since Independence. It is this double-faced attitude of the Congress that has secured its vote bank, and still allowed it to silently commit one of the most heinous crimes against the Muslim nation ever witnessed by history -- the demolition of Babri Masjid.' 'We have carried out this attack in the memory of two most eminent Mujahids of India: Sayyed Ahmed Shaheed and Shah Ismail Shaheed (may Allah bestow His Mercy upon them) who had raised the glorious banner of Jihad against the disbelievers in this very city of Delhi.
The e-mail also targets the police of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh ,Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka states and describes their investigation of the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) as 'the never ending hostile hatred in your hearts against Islam and its people.' The document, while warning of more attacks, ends with a taunt to security agencies: "The Indian Mujahideen accepts the sole responsibility for the Delhi serial blasts and we claim this through our third consecutive e-mail, which is unfortunately, still a mystery for you. It is very sad to see the bad condition of your cyber forensics who have still failed to find out our technique of sending the message of death."
Mumbai Connection
The document references to some very specifically local Mumbai incidents—for example, it talked of a police raid on some Muslim colonies in Andheri—that were hardly noticed or reported even in the local press. Analysts point out that it least indicates good knowledge of events in Mumbai, if not first hand, then possibly through a local network. There definitely is some Mumbai connection, analysts say because the email sent on July 26, minutes before the Ahmedabad blasts, had been traced to the unsecured WiFi connection of US national Kenneth Haywood in the eastern satellite city of Navi Mumbai. It was widely accepted to be a case of hacking.
Another terror e-mail sent weeks earlier was traced to Khalsa College in Matunga, another eastern Mumbai suburb. This email too was traced to a WiFi Internet connection in Chembur in Mumbai -- at 201/202, Eric House, Commercial Complex, which turned out to be the residence of one M.K. Kamat,who owns Kamran Power Controls Pvt Ltd, which manufactures and exports electrical panels and control panel boards. The house was locked as Mrs and Mr Kamat and their son had been away all day.This too seems to have been a case of hacking, analysts point out.