Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by negi »

^^ Nice post RajeshA, infact GOI imo has never considered J&K or even the far NE as a part of India an occasional financial package and a special status have only widened the divide.

The fruit Industry will do very well in J&K provided there is political will to make environment conducive for business, Apple,Peech,Walnut,Plums and many other fruits should grow in that type of weather.

The least I expect from GOI is to take a leaf out of Panda's book and embark upon an aggressive construction (roads , bridges, broadcasting stations,small to medium power grids) programme in the region .
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by archan »

Most importantly what panda is doing is letting a huge influx of Han population into the region. This could automatically solve their problem in 1-2 generations.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by krithivas »

There has been sustained objection from the handful of Paki funded Hurri-rats for rail and/or alternate road links from Jammu to Kashmir. The construction status on the worlds tallest rail bridge is still up in the air? Pakis have been indirectly succesful in stalling integration. But the same rats went into a tizzy when Jammuites allegedly had blocked the single highway connecting J with K. Pinch the baby and rock the cradle strategy.

The flip side is that 60% of the electorate voted for the rule of law in the recent election.

The irony of modern secular India is that a hand-ful of rats over-rule 60% of the populace - India applies more Madrasa-Math than we know ....

R. Krithivas
archan wrote:Most importantly what panda is doing is letting a huge influx of Han population into the region. This could automatically solve their problem in 1-2 generations.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by negi »

I don't care if we are able to change the demographics of the state, but I am sure that if 'normalcy' be introduced in J&K in true terms i.e. people carrying on with their daily chores instead of paying attention to Hurrirats and PTV (ofcourse assuming we stop the influx of terrorists via the LOC,Samjhauta and stuff like that) then it will be just like any other state in India.

GOI as of now has for some reason not even grounded the Samjhauta and BUS service so how can GOI expect the world or US to acknowledge Pakistan's involvement in terror . :shock: ?
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by satya »

Management of border states is always a tricky business. Development of J&K should no doubt happen but not without influx of Indians from other states in J&K thereby making sure once J&K got developed & a bulb goes in brain of a KM that says we are more developed than rest of India so again 'azaadi' . For a start development could be started in Jammu region & Ladakh & only trickle down in valley with majority of employment opportunities going to Jammu & Ladakh with KMs only in 2nd lead that too for those who prove their nationalist credentials in open ( turning KM against KM will help us ) . We can't trust them , last thing we need is their Islamic Ummah zeal coupled with a developed economy on platter only to further their separatist agenda . Call me cynical but any such move exclusive for Kashmir valley will only strengthen their separatist tendency in future . Right now they now they are dependent on rest of India for their economic lifeline once that's gone with PRC , Ruskies , US with their TSP ready , they have more than ready options . We shouldn't be afraid of dealing with these other powers but only when we are sure about territorial integrity & means in place to maintain so . As for our neighbour in east , Tibet's development started with influx of Hans that should not be forgotten as a mere small issue , its the most imp. issue.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by ramana »

One outcome of the Mumbai terrorist attack is a hardening of internal values and cleaning house to clear dissension.

Op-Ed in Pioneer, 13 jan., 2009
We must dump Lahore Club

A Surya Prakash

Though their numbers are dwindling, members of the ‘Lahore Club’ (a bunch of pro-Pakistan do-gooders who always advise India to exercise ‘restraint’ after every Pakistan-sponsored terrorist attack) and some of its offshoots are still around. After lying low for some time when public anger against Pakistan was at its peak in the immediate aftermath of 26/11, these self-styled peaceniks are now crawling out of the wood work and once again thrusting their unsolicited advice on Indians, the Government of India and the political elite in our country, and urging all and sundry to avoid utterances or actions that would hinder the ‘peace process’!

Since Indians are democrats and have high levels of tolerance, some fellow citizens and their non-Indian friends have made it a habit to lecture us on the virtues of peaceful co-existence after every terrorist strike. Among the arguments often advanced in support of their pro-Pakistan stance are: India must yield and thus ‘strengthen’ democratic forces; if India takes a hawkish stance, the Pakistani Army will gain the upper hand; war will wreck economic progress and leave the population even more impoverished than it is today; and, there is no such thing as a winnable war against Pakistan because it is a nuclear weapon state.

Those who push the ‘peace with Pakistan at any cost’ line have such a stranglehold on the Indian establishment that they have successfully prevented us from retaining the gains of the wars in 1965 and 1971 and taking effective measures to secure our borders. Their latest argument is that people-to-people relations and the bonds that have developed between the civil societies of the two countries should not be weakened. Needless to say, according to them, war is no option.

We are all by now familiar with this gibberish because we have heard it from the days of partition. After Pakistan’s aggression in Jammu & Kashmir in October 1947, the Prime Ministers of the two countries met at Lahore in December that year. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru ‘urged’ his counterpart Liaquat Ali Khan to “appeal” to the intruders to withdraw. Khan pleaded his inability to do so. He told the Indians that he ran a Government of “moderates” and that if he issued such an appeal, there was every danger of his Government being replaced by extremists!

The Indian leadership, prompted by the then members of the ‘Lahore Club’, fell for this ploy and agreed that it would be inappropriate for Khan (the man who sponsored this infiltration in the first place) to “appeal” to the infiltrators to backtrack. Thereafter, we have seen many repeats of this story leading to dozens of such examples of Pakistan’s aggression and India’s pusillanimity. Every time we got ready for the kill, rationalists came out of the woodwork and urged us to give in so that there is ‘lasting peace’ and the ‘danger of extremists gaining control in Pakistan’ is averted.

We should not fall for this gambit any more. We must end this habit of pathetic submission to Pakistan’s criminality and warmongering, but we cannot do that until we deal with these pseudo-patriots and expose their hypocrisy. If we fail to do so even after 26/11, we will forever lose the capacity to protect our borders, our democracy and our way of life, and renege on our responsibility to hand over a secure India to future generations.

Therefore, the first task should be to confront members of the ‘Lahore Club’ and its many mutations and ask them to find a more appropriate location to peddle their wares. For example, they could open shop in Islamabad and direct their unsolicited advice towards citizens of a country who are in dire need of basic political education. If these professional advisers are truly committed to peace and modern constitutional ideas as they pretend to be, they ought to read the Constitution of Pakistan or what passes for it and urge the citizenry across the border to drop the term ‘Islamic Republic’ from this basic document.

Side by side, they could suggest that provisions which require the President, the Prime Minister, Ministers and other constitutional functionaries to solemnly swear their allegiance to the Quran and to commit themselves to the preservation of what is described as ‘Islamic ideology’ should go. When the peaceniks achieve this goal, they will acquire the right to advice secular India and promote peace.

Also, once Pakistan is re-built on a secular foundation, our so-called ‘friends’ across the border will have taken the first step towards removing the dehumanising logic on which their nation rests since its inception in 1947. Since many members of the ‘Lahore Club’ are closet Communists who have hailed the dismantling of the Hindu Rashtra in Nepal and the advent of democracy in that country, we must presume that they have similar commitment to the dismantling of the Islamic Rashtra in Pakistan!

After this task is achieved, there are many more chores for these so-called ‘friends’ of India. The ‘Lahore Club’ can take up a task in which its members claim to have expertise — detoxification of school curriculum. Pakistani textbooks contain vulgar abuse of Hindus and Hinduism. Surely, the detoxification of Pakistani textbooks ought to be a noble undertaking for secular beings?

Further, many of these worthies are aware that the Pakistani state ensures that the seeds of jihadi violence germinate in young minds. Since 2007, a new Islamiat curriculum has been introduced in Pakistan and the teachings begin from Grade III and go on till Grade XII. Students are taught the full concept of jihad as also the virtues of monotheism. This is where hatred for Hindus, Hinduism and India is injected. When textbooks contain such rubbish about 800 million Hindus, how can there be harmonious people-to-people contact between these nations? Any way, who are these ‘people’ in India who are shamelessly maintaining contact with such uncivil people across the border?

We often respond in anger when the Americans or the British talk of India and Pakistan — two countries which are from a constitutional, moral and humanitarian sense, poles apart — in the same breath. Then, why do we put up with this twaddle from these so-called Indians who are hell bent on perpetuating the hyphenated approach between a modern, secular, liberal, democratic India and a medieval, Islamic, theocratic Pakistan? Those of us who value our freedom, our safety and the well-being of our children, must expose their humbug and impose sanctions on these hypocrites. What we need today is zero tolerance towards those who are weakening our resolve and rendering us vulnerable to state-sponsored terrorism from across the border. We can deal with Pakistan later.
Lahore Club = WKK in BRF talk.

He starts out Ok but loses it when he reccomends options for the WKK brigade. He should confine himself to why the WKK brigade is deleritious to Indian interests and should be marginalised.

One point not made is the WKK birgade get intl recognition and get invited to seminar circuit precisely because of their anti-national stance. And the seminar circuit benefits(intl prominence, free travel arrangements, interact with world elite, call form BBC etc) are more than the non-WKK stance. So not good pay off in that matrix cell.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by Karna_A »
13. US Congressional committees and professional counter-terrorism organisations in the West are already examining the details of the Mumbai carnage in order to draw lessons for themselves and to prevent a Mumbai-style attack in their country. Surprisingly, such anexercise is hardly to be seen in India. All the debate till now has been on what are the options against Pakistan. There has hardly been any public debate on what are the options against the terrorists in order to prevent another major attack. ( 12-1-09)
My proposals:

(a) Stop overflights of all TSP in/out bound flights. That'll virtually cut off TSP from South East Asia. No airline can afford to go around India. Even if it did, The ticket prices will sky rocket.

(b) Rs 2 Security tax on Petrol for 2 years: Use it to arm 500K plus Police with BPJ/AK-47s and related training.

(c) Allow each retired military person to keep lethal arms at home.

(d) Settle 100k people in Valley giving each person incentive of 1 Lakh rupees to do it. Each terror incident would mean 100K more. Cost is 1000 Crore for each 100K. In 15 years, demography will will unless there are no more terror attacks.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by NRao »

I like that Lahore Club article. Have the UNSC ban it - official seal.

The best way to strengthen democracy in Pakistan is to kill all those that oppose it in Pakistan. We are only postponing the inevitable. And the more we postpone it, when the inevitable comes it will be that much more ghastly.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by tripathi »

Indian PM extends ‘good wishes’ to Pakistani leaders
The greetings card carries a picture of a dove with some flowers in his beak on its front and it has been signed by Prime Minister Singh and his wife Gursharan Kaur.

‘We are considering the good wishes sent by Indian premier as a positive gesture to de-escalate tension between the two countries,’ the president’s spokesman said.

He said a white dove on the front of the card symbolizes that Dr Singh desired for good relations between Pakistan and India and urged for the peace in the region instead of heading towards any conflict. ... eaders+aah
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by jrjrao »

Will need to bring out the hammer, says CRM:

Forget the dossier
C. Raja Mohan ... r/409454/0
Assembling credible evidence on the involvement of Pakistan’s security agencies in the planning and conduct of the war against Mumbai does not in any way mean that India can expect genuine counter-terror cooperation from across the border or automatic pressure from the international community on Islamabad. These are objectives that India will have to win by the dint of its diplomatic persuasion and the credibility of its threat to use force against Pakistan.

Constructing a convincing case on Pakistan’s involvement in the Mumbai attacks is an important but small part of India’s effort to compel Islamabad to act against anti-India Terror groups. That the heat from India’s political campaign is getting to the Pakistan leadership is evident from the sacking of its national security adviser, the retired Major General Mahmud Ali Durrani, on Wednesday.

India must now start raising the temperature. It must remember when formulating its post-Mumbai strategy, however, that this is not a Bollywood court-room drama, where the good guys win the argument and the bad guys go to jail. New Delhi should not forget even for a moment that there is no higher international authority that is about to prosecute and sentence those guilty of the Mumbai aggression. In the world of sovereign states, the burdens of justice and retribution belong entirely to governments which must exercise the political will to use force against another, with all the attendant risks.

To be sure, there is the bar of international public opinion that shapes the political context of India’s post-Mumbai actions. It is in New Delhi’s own interest to exhaust all other options before resorting to its right of self-defence against Pakistan.
Having made a solid case against Pakistan, India must quickly face up to two important realities. The first is that Pakistan’s civilian Government led by Asif Ali Zardari is not a free agent capable responding to India’s demands. Zardari reminds the world of his unenviable political condition when he pleads for a United Nations probe into the murder of his wife and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. If he can’t order a credible national investigation into Bhutto’s assassination, how can we expect him to pursue those responsible for the Mumbai terror? The utter confusion in Islamabad’s response to India’s charges is a clear enough testimony to the political irrelevance of Pakistan’s civilian leadership. The army, in theory, could deliver on New Delhi’s demands; but it has no real incentive to act against a monster that it has so deliberately nurtured over the decades.

Compelling adversaries, especially a nuclear-armed one, to act in a prescribed manner is never easy. After Mumbai, however, failure is not an option for New Delhi. It can’t even settle for a draw or a delayed decision. The Congress leadership needs visible success, and on short order, to preserve its domestic political credibility.

Having a great dossier on Mumbai, therefore, is not good enough for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. To force the Pakistani leadership to act purposefully against anti-India terror groups, India must necessarily raise the threat of military/nuclear escalation and leverage, in its own favour, the inevitable diplomatic intervention of the great powers, especially the United States.

In India’s two recent crises with Pakistan, the US played the key role in defusing the tensions and finding an acceptable termination of the conflict. In 1999, President Bill Clinton insisted that Pakistan must unconditionally vacate its occupation of the Kargil heights without any reciprocal concessions from India. During the military tension between India and Pakistan after the attack on Parliament on December 13, 2001, President George W. Bush pressed General Musharraf to give commitments on ending Pakistan’s support to cross-border terrorism on a permanent basis. While the results from that commitment were never fully satisfactory, Musharraf’s restraint was indeed real. In these two crises, Clinton and Bush offered cooperation that was both unexpected and significant. Together, Clinton and Bush demonstrated that the US will no longer tilt towards Pakistan in its conflicts with India.

This in turn provided an entirely new basis for mutual political trust between New Delhi and Washington.

What we don’t know at this stage is what exactly Barack Obama wants to do in South Asia. On the one hand, he supports India’s right to self-defence against cross-border terrorism from Pakistan. On the other hand, he has repeatedly suggested some kind of linkage between Kashmir and Afghanistan.

India’s principal task is not further dissemination of the Mumbai dossier. The FBI has been very much part of this investigation and the American establishment knows as much about the Mumbai attack as India, and then some. Instead India should concentrate on one consequential question: Is there any common ground between the new integrated approach towards Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India that Obama promises and India’s urgent need to end, once and for all, Islamabad’s war against India? India must convey two important messages to the incoming Obama team. One is that India is prepared to fully cooperate with the Obama administration in a positive transformation of the north-western parts of the subcontinent; and the other is to make it absolutely clear that New Delhi will oppose, with all the resources at its command, any American attempt to appease the Pakistan army with Indian political concessions on Kashmir.

The first weeks of the Obama presidency are likely to define the broad contours of his South Asia policy. They also happen to be the UPA government’s final moments in power. The time for diplomacy, then, is rapidly running out. Sooner than later, either with or without American political support, Manmohan Singh will have to make good his promise to extract a price from the perpetrators of the Mumbai aggression.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by NRao »

Dove? Card? I thought we had not finished the topic of the Lahore Club.

Oh, I figured it out. It was sent to strengthen the Democratic side of the equation.

Not meant for the PM/ISI.

That is OK.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by ManishC »

The LaWhore Club in the very same edition of Pioneer:-
Continue dialogue

CP Bhambhri

We shouldn’t stop talking to Pakistan
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by CRamS »

jrjrao wrote:Will need to bring out the hammer, says CRM:

Forget the dossier
C. Raja Mohan ... r/409454/0
If CRM has to turn against TSP, I guess the temperature is indeed rising in Dilli. As frustrated as I am with MMS, there definetly seems to be a method and strategy in India's dealing with TSP post Mumbai.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by CRamS »

ManishC wrote:The LaWhore Club in the very same edition of Pioneer:-
Continue dialogue

CP Bhambhri

We shouldn’t stop talking to Pakistan
The words I AM A COWARD must be tattoed across the length and breadth of this clown.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by sid_ashar »

Pretty soon, a "TSP response to the mumbai attacks' thread will need to be started on BR. See posted link from India-today.. ... 8&Itemid=1

Statements from TSP during the last week or so do reflect a sense of desperation and its very possible that they will do what none of our politicians are willing to do..

As Bush said to the Iraqi militants, 'BRING IT ON'.. I just hope the MMS's, SG's, Mukherjee's and Anthony's of India are not surprised..

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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by AdityaM »

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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by Prabu »

Indian troop movement' alarms Pakistan

and cross posting from BR main page.

Are We Battle Ready:
Submarine repair that takes forever

New Delhi: Over-emphasis on indigenous work is hurting India's readiness for war.

As India's vital submarine arm struggles with dangerously low numbers, a top-end submarine has been taken out of the fleet for a repair programme.

The shocking part is that the repair schedule will last 10 years. Such upgrades have previously been done overseas in two years. One could compare this to a submarine being laid comatose, at least in the case of the INS Sindhukirti, a frontline Kilo class attack submarine of the Indian Navy.

It's been in dry dock at Vizag for a refit programme for close to five years now. It seems that Hindustan Shipyards, the government-owned contractor with little experience in submarine upgrades, will take at least another five years before the submarine can be put to water again.

Unavailable to the submarine-starved Navy for 10 of the 30 years of its useful life, the Sindhukirti is as good as a write off.

"How viable is a surgery which requires a healthy patient to be in a hospital bed for one-third of his life? That is the approximate analogy for the mid-life upgrade for this submarine INS Sindhukirti, the Dry Dock Queen. Four submarines are stuck in such protracted upgrades. Not surprisingly, just nobody is accountable," said our defence correspondent.

Russia took just two years each to upgrade six similar Kilo class submarines for the Indian Navy.

The government insists that it is now building national capability with inhouse upgrades.

"That kind of expertise did not exist in India before and this is for the first time that we are trying it out here. Instead of sending them to Russia all the way, this one is being offloaded to Hindustan Shipyards. There are some problems in their procurement procedures. It takes a little longer than is expected," said Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Suresh Mehta.

What this trade-off on time does to India's military readiness is anybody's guess. It took a recent CAG report to blow the lid of the Indian Navy's worst kept secret: that the vital submarine arm faces a crisis of numbers.

The shocking revelations of the report were:

Only seven of India's 16 submarines are available for combat at any time.

10 of these 16 ageing submarines will be due for phase-out by 2012.

To maintain current numbers, one submarine needs to be inducted every two years but there's been no addition since 2001.

India's only submarine-making facility in Mumbai was kept idle for 12 years.

The gaping hole in India's naval capability is showing.

This is the ststus of our Naval prepardness ! :roll: What our defence ministry and service chiefs are doing ?This makes me think that MMS hesitation in taking any action may reflect a true real weaknesses in our armed force , to get our strategic military objectives !
Very very bad for a country of our stature. India deserves much better. No defaming of our defence forces, but If we can not fight a war with a chota paki, then whom else we can win then ? What is the use of 1 Million strong force, if it can not fight in a time of crisis ? :roll:
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by Prabu »

Karna_A wrote:
13. US Congressional committees and professional counter-terrorism organisations in the West are already examining the details of the Mumbai carnage in order to draw lessons for themselves and to prevent a Mumbai-style attack in their country. Surprisingly, such anexercise is hardly to be seen in India. All the debate till now has been on what are the options against Pakistan. There has hardly been any public debate on what are the options against the terrorists in order to prevent another major attack. ( 12-1-09)
My proposals:

(a) Stop overflights of all TSP in/out bound flights. That'll virtually cut off TSP from South East Asia. No airline can afford to go around India. Even if it did, The ticket prices will sky rocket.

(b) Rs 2 Security tax on Petrol for 2 years: Use it to arm 500K plus Police with BPJ/AK-47s and related training.

(c) Allow each retired military person to keep lethal arms at home.

(d) Settle 100k people in Valley giving each person incentive of 1 Lakh rupees to do it. Each terror incident would mean 100K more. Cost is 1000 Crore for each 100K. In 15 years, demography will will unless there are no more terror attacks.

Not a bad idea !
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by SaiK »

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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by Abhi_G »

As the title goes...."India should give some time to Pakistan: US" ... 959211.cms

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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by Chandragupta »

Wow, MMS sent a card with a dove on it? Lol, the GoI should have sent a soiled toilet paper to better explain their condition.

No hard response till now, effectively means that the GoI has decided not to walk the talk. I think it's more than clear that there is going to be no military action against TSP, a dead giveaway of India's lack of will to use force in any situation. Basically means that the Jehadis would more loudly present their case that 1 Believer >> 100 Kafirs, more piglets will grow up thinking how their country kept India on it's knees.

There is no politcal entity in this country with a clear cut set of objectives on how to solve India's problems. Signing defence deals (even that takes 15 years) is not enough, what use is our military might when it's not going to be put to use regardless of whatever happens. WKKs dominate our media circles, bureaucracy & politics. The government is being run by thugs like Amar Singh & Shibu Soren, who the ****** wants to solve India's problem while they are busy stuffing their pockets with exchequer's money.

There's no dearth of options for India to take, in order to tackle Pakistan. A 1 billion strong nation with a booming economy & mammoth military might, we can crush Pakistan anytime we want, not necessarily talking of military action. But there's no one to realise this. We complain about the West treating Pakistan as an equal to India, but what about our own people who think Pakistan is equal to us? Pakistan should be looked at the way it is, a full of shit, poor, backward, failed, terrorist state run by brainwashed & suicidal mullahs, a country that can do no good ever & a region that needs to be sanitized the same way we sanitize our toilets.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by negi »

Maha Manbuddhi Singh is at it again, for a moment I was wondering whether it was India which bombed a city in TSP or it was other way round; amidst all this talk of diplomatic action against TSP what in the God's name is PM upto ? :rotfl:
Last edited by archan on 14 Jan 2009 05:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by ramana »

With the press leaking witness names and the Mumbai police not giving protection, the DI gang must have kidnapped the person.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by kasthuri »

Chandragupta wrote:Wow, MMS sent a card with a dove on it? Lol, the GoI should have sent a soiled toilet paper to better explain their condition.

No hard response till now, effectively means that the GoI has decided not to walk the talk.
I suspect that India does not want to take any action before Obama sets in and has his say on this whole deal. I guess the indecisiveness by the GoI is due to the mum behind Obama.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by Vikram_S »

negi wrote:Maha Manbuddhi Singh is at it again, for a moment I was wondering whether it was India which bombed a city in TSP or it was other way round; amidst all this talk of diplomatic action against TSP what in the God's name is PM upto ? :rotfl: ... 974030.cms

this man is a disgrace and needs to go.

he has no sense of shame in any sense and simply does not care for death of indian citizen
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by ramana »

Glad he didnt send a goat! But on other hand Gilani/Zardari might have the dove in their biryani!

The whole gesture is lost on barbarians. A dove is a symbol of peace in Western culture. Not in TSP. Makes ideal ingredient for their food!
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by bharat_r »

There is no doubt that Indian government is shooting in the dark in absence of a workable strategy. They do not want to go for war and short of war, they do not have any ideas on how to curtail terrorism without losing muslim vote banks.

We invite all of you to new a website This website provides links to nationalist articles published in various newspapers. All the items in website appear as hyperlinks and a summary of article is provided just under the article header. We also pick up liberal opinions and compare with nationalist opinion, so readers can compare both the views and reach their decision. The articles are updated on a daily basis. The headline news stories are updated every 30 minutes.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by svinayak »

bharat_r wrote:There is no doubt that Indian government is shooting in the dark in absence of a workable strategy. They do not want to go for war and short of war, they do not have any ideas on how to curtail terrorism without losing muslim vote banks.
Burka Dutt program with NSA, GP and others shows that they are trying to deflect the responsibility of the govt. No focus on PM and SoniaG and public opinion is being monitored and made sure that the govt is not being blamed.

Extremely sucessfull media control over shaping the public opinion. Nobody is saying the govt is shooting in the dark.This is a caretaker govt.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by SBajwa »

Here is my theory!

All the imbeciles WKK (Wagah (K)candle kissers) Lawhore Club members also suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.
They got exactly infected with this syndrome during the times of March 1947 - September 1947. Most of these guys were saved by so called their "villagers" or "islamic peers" and thus left them affected with this syndrome.

It is my opinion that Anybody who is from Western Punjab or Eastern Bengal and was in the age group of 15+ in 1947 should be BARRED - BARRED from indian public office. In this group I would add these people.

our esteemed prime minister

Manmohan Singh
Kuldeep Nayar
IK Gujral
L.K Advani (remember Jinnah talk in Karachi). He is most likely affected with syndrome

This group has also procreated and let their affected offspring among us, people like Sagarika Ghose, Barkha Dutt, Karan Thapar, et, all.

and you can easily grow this list.

so!! we should at least build a public opinion to not to listen to this Here is another acronym for BR
LaSSi group (Lahore Stockholm Syndrom infected group).

Lassi for their "Punjabi Bhaichara"
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by enqyoob »

Time to close this thread? What is the point of the ongoing :(( :twisted: :oops: here any more?
Posts: 432
Joined: 28 Dec 2008 03:35

Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by Karna_A »

The least GOI can do is to make Indian private sector fire all Pakistani US citizens employed at Mumbai etc.
Some work for Birlas, Tatas and other big firms and they are openly Islamists.(Like making jokes about Modi, Hindusim etc) They are paid big dollar salary that is spent by these bozos in buying property in Karachi etc.
If anyone wants names, tell me.

These people have no gratitude of India, its plurality etc.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by NRao »


One last post before you close this thread.

Anyone noticed the quite that followed the Israeli blasting of Hamas? Love that. Do the job - very quietly.
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Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by brihaspati »

New Delhi: Over-emphasis on indigenous work is hurting India's readiness for war.
Someone definitely and desperately needs money - could be a new sharing deal between GOI, recession stricken EU and Unkil. This is what comes of frequent Alpine visits, and refusing to invest properly indigenously. Sub-optimal investment is the perfect strategy to always keep the indigenous capacity far-behind, push out brains to the outside, and then payoff outside so that a cut of it can flow back safely through third party back to the Alpine enclaves.
BRF Oldie
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Joined: 06 Jul 2008 20:25

Re: Indian Response to Terrorism after Mumbai

Post by enqyoob »

OK, if there is major :(( :(( someone else can reopen the thread, no problem, but I am sorry, I cannot any more stand the sight of a thread titled "response to terrorism" after Mumbai.

When (if) there is a response we can reopen it.