Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by sum »

Family members of martyred Captain Najam Riaz have made a shocking disclosure about the alleged involvement of an important administrative official of Malakand in the killing of four SSG commandos at the hands of Taliban last wee
When did four super-duper SSG men meet their 72? :shock:

Didn't read any report about this...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Prem »

Ulema term suicide attacks, beheading un-Islamic[/quote]

Rejoice you Millions from Banu Quraiza tribe to May 17 of this month, beheading is Unislamic.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Rahul Shukla »


Ya? But they didn't issue any fatwa against betorsoing. That is still 400% Islamic.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Arun_S »

Obama Uvach becomes Brhama satya for the unwashed Yindian Dhimmies.

Pak recognises 'threat' from Taliban more serious than India
Washington, May 18 (PTI) US President Barack Obama has said that he is encouraged by the "decided shift" in Pakistan Army's recognition that the "threat" from Taliban was "much more immediate and serious" than it faced from India.
"One of the encouraging things is, over the last several weeks we've seen a decided shift in the Pakistan Army's recognition that the threat from extremism is a much more immediate and serious one than the threat from India that they've traditionally focused on," Obama said in an interview to Newsweek aboard Air Force One.

Less than a month ago at a press conference held to mark his 100th day in office, Obama had said that the Pakistani Army considers India as a more serious threat than those posed by terrorists.

This, he said, was "misguided". The issue was raised by Obama with his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari during his meeting with him at the White House early this month. Several top US officials including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also raised the issue with their Pakistani counterparts when they visited Washington this month.

Obama Administration officials say the Pakistani establishment now appears to be more convinced by their argument. Soon after the meeting, Zardari in a series of interviews given to the US media echoed Obama.

Zardari said that he never considered India as a serious threat and that his country is fighting for its survival by waging the war against terrorism. PTI
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by arun »

Maybe Kayani is being correct in saying that the capability for COIN operations does indeed exist within the Pakistan Army. Afterall the rather poor Pakistani COIN record in FATA/NWFP could very well be a case of a lack of motivation in fighting similarly inclined though un-uniformed jihadis :wink: :
Kayani: Oh yeah, we can do COIN

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 12:04pm

Pakistani army chief Kayani insists that his outfit can do that counterinsurgency thing just fine, contrary to what many foreign observers have asserted. …………………….

In my experience, the more someone insists they can do counterinsurgency, the less likely that is to be the case. …………………………..

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by jash_p »

new Paki drama? can Pakis be kicked out of ICC?

Pakistan court stops World Cup 2011 secretariat move
Updated at: 2110 PST, Monday, May 18, 2009
LAHORE: A Pakistani court on Monday issued a stay order against the relocation of the World Cup 2011 secretariat from the country's cultural capital to India on security grounds.

"The civil court of senior judge Mohammad Younis Anees issued a stay order against the relocation of the World Cup secretariat from Lahore to Mumbai until June 2, 2009," said Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) legal adviser Taffazul Rizvi.

The PCB's civil case against moving the World Cup head office is one of a series of protests Pakistan has made against the International Cricket Council (ICC) decision late last month to strip the country of its World Cup matches.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Anujan »

arun wrote:Maybe Kayani is being correct in saying that the capability for COIN operations does indeed exist within the Pakistan Army.
He might be right you know. Maybe he was referring to a different kind of coin operation. The one that involves a begging bowl and GUBO asking for coins from Unkil. Surely nobody will deny that they are experts in that. :lol:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Rahul Shukla »

Over 1.6 million people displaced in Pakistan, say officials (Sify)
Islamabad, May 18 (Xinhua) More than 1.6 million people have been displaced in Pakistan's troubled North West Frontier Province (NWFP), as the battle against the Taliban hots up, officials said Monday.
This is another case of the infamous 'zero-error'. There is a zero missing somewhere so the count will continue to go up uptil it reaches 160 million. Uncle must pay for everything cause it is his GOAT causing all the problems onlee.

Why are the Pakistanis not billing Uncle for suffering and losses endured when they were displaced in 1947 and 1971 also? Not to be forgotten is their planned displacement in 2012. Pakis should be given the keys to Fort Knox.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by A_Gupta »

Retd. F.B. Ali
http://turcopolier.typepad.com/sic_semp ... b-ali.html
What remains to be described is how this tragedy will likely unfold as Pakistan slides ever closer to an Islamist takeover. The current military operation in Swat (like the earlier one in Bajaur) consists mainly of subjecting successive areas to heavy bombardment from the air and the ground, behind which ground troops advance, shooting at anyone they encounter (including unfortunate civilians trying to flee). The area thus occupied is then subjected to an indefinite curfew, and again anyone seen outside is shot (often civilians trying to flee or seek food and water). The hardened Taliban militants, who had moved into Swat from the adjoining tribal area (FATA), have mostly slipped back to their own areas, leaving behind local diehards to attain the honour of martyrdom (those not so inclined merely bury their weapons and mingle with the escaping refugees).

So, even though a famous victory will undoubtedly be won, this military operation is unlikely to do much lasting damage to the Taliban. The army will, in due course, occupy much of the inhabited portions of the Swat valley (but not the hilly regions). The million plus displaced refugees will rush back to find their homes demolished or looted, and most civic infrastructure destroyed, and with it their means of livelihood. As would already have happened in the camps they came from, the flood of US and international aid dollars would dwindle to a trickle by the time it reached them after passing through so many sticky fingers. The main relief effort will be mounted by the Islamist aid organizations, just as they did after the 2005 earthquake in Northern Pakistan. They will thereby win many friends and much goodwill, unlike the Pakistan government and the US, which is even now seen as the instigator of this operation and the resulting calamity. Ultimately, the army will have to depart, and the same ineffective, corrupt and complicit civil administration will return. And so will the Taliban, digging up their black turbans and AK-47s.

Meanwhile, the US war in Afghanistan will continue, and the need to stop the Taliban from using the FATA as a base and launching pad for attacks will intensify. Washington will twist some arms and thump some tables, and the hapless Pakistan military will have to go in and clean up FATA as it did Bajaur and Swat. Another miserable wave of destitute Pashtun refugees will flood back into the adjoining settled areas, to meet the same indifferent care that the refugees from Bajaur and Swat received. The Taliban will not only fade away into the hills and caves of FATA and Afghanistan, but also infiltrate into the interior of Pakistan. FATA will become a depopulated free-fire zone, but scattered garrisons and air attacks will not be able to stop guerrillas from using it as a base to attack both Afghanistan and Pakistan (nor will magical drones manipulated from balmy Florida).

Taliban infiltration and Pashtun alienation (due to these operations by a largely Punjabi military) will likely lead to the collapse of government in the NW Frontier province, allowing an insurgency to grow in this area (low-level, but considerably worse than the one now occurring in Baluchistan). The ethnic conflict now simmering in Karachi will escalate. The Taliban militants who have infiltrated into the cities and towns will stage bombings and attacks in them. All this will intensify the many internal strains and problems already plaguing Pakistan (which I spelt out in my earlier article). Throwing US money at this mess will not make much difference, except to hugely inflate some bank accounts in obscure tax havens. Pakistan is not a very strong and stable structure as it is; under all these additional pressures and complications, something has to give.

Casual or uninformed outside observers are quick to predict the break-up of Pakistan under pressure. That is unlikely, though it remains a possibility at the end of a long chain of adverse events. What is most likely is a change in the present governance structure. Pakistan is currently ruled by one man, Asif Zardari (the facade of democracy notwithstanding). Mr. Zardari, and his policy of unlimited support for US policies in the region, is extremely unpopular (in an opinion poll conducted by the International Republican Institute in March 2009 he was the most disliked politician in Pakistan (72%) with only 17% liking him). When conditions in the country worsen due to the “war on terror”, he and his subservience to the US will be blamed, and he is unlikely to be able to remain in power for long. (The delegation from Dubai is ever ready to depart, uttering in farewell those immortal words that Douglas Adams put into the mouths of his departing celestial dolphins: So long, and thanks for all the fish).

Mr. Zardari’s most likely replacement will either be his political rival, Mr. Nawaz Sharif, or an Islamist military junta. Mr. Sharif is currently displaying a somewhat tentative friendship for the US. But, if he comes into power on a wave of anti-US sentiment (whether through an early election, a popular movement, or military intervention), his policies will be radically different from those of the present government. This will probably cause US (and international) aid to dry up, and as this exacerbates the country’s problems, he will have to lean increasingly on Islamists (political Islamists, not the Taliban), and they will gradually take over the government.

Another possible scenario is an Islamist military coup. Though possible at any time (it is unclear how deeply they have penetrated the military, but nationalist fervour easily shades into the Islamist variety), it becomes much more likely if governance in the country seriously breaks down, or the military buckles under the combined pressures of trying to support the US war in Afghanistan, combatting insurgencies and militant attacks at home, while all the time looking apprehensively over its shoulder at the “threat” posed by an India it does not trust. A takeover of the military and the government by a group of Islamist officers could well occur in such circumstances.

Whatever the actual chain of events that transpires, the great (and avoidable) tragedy is that the policies the US is pursuing in the region greatly increase the likelihood of the loss of Pakistan to the Islamists. The frightening consequences of this, for both Pakistan and the US, are easy to imagine. Any successes the generals can achieve in their war in Afghanistan would be meaningless; military campaigns divorced from the real needs of national policy usually end up as expensive failures. The pages of history are littered with them.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by JE Menon »

An excellent and insightful article.

Except for the last para, which is utter nonsense...

Meanwhile, I've noticed that all and sundry in Pakistan are calling for drone strikes to end, and now Kilcullen has joined the fray. This is the most cock-eyed recommendation. There is a reason why the drone strikes are pissing off the Pakisatanic establishment. THEY WORK. The kill the right people, most of the time, and they upset the cosy relationship the ISI has with the Taliban and Al Qaida cause the associates of those killed can never be sure how they were betrayed.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by wamanrao »

BRF Jingos,

Here's a chance to do some psyops. The BBC "World Have Your Say" program is hosting tomorrow's program in the Taj, Mumbai to review the progress on 26/11.

Kindly do not forget to post your comments and disavow the equal-equal tripe.

http://worldhaveyoursay.wordpress.com/2 ... -pakistan/
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by KLNMurthy »

JE Menon wrote:An excellent and insightful article.

Except for the last para, which is utter nonsense...

Meanwhile, I've noticed that all and sundry in Pakistan are calling for drone strikes to end, and now Kilcullen has joined the fray. This is the most cock-eyed recommendation. There is a reason why the drone strikes are pissing off the Pakisatanic establishment. THEY WORK. The kill the right people, most of the time, and they upset the cosy relationship the ISI has with the Taliban and Al Qaida cause the associates of those killed can never be sure how they were betrayed.
We know perfectly well that the Islamist takeover has long since happened, and any changes would be stylistic. To keep US attention focused, we need people in Pakistan who are uncouth enough to constantly threaten Israel with nuclear annihilation.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by James B »

Pakistan Is Rapidly Adding Nuclear Arms, U.S. Says

Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirmed the assessment of the expanded arsenal in a one-word answer to a question on Thursday in the midst of lengthy Senate testimony. Sitting beside Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, he was asked whether he had seen evidence of an increase in the size of the Pakistani nuclear arsenal.

“Yes,” he said quickly, adding nothing, clearly cognizant of Pakistan’s sensitivity to any discussion about the country’s nuclear strategy or security.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by James B »

Gola's interview with Fareed Zakaria on CNN.

http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/be ... f.intv.cnn

Watch Foxy smile of Gola at 9:00 when Fareed asks him about Jalaluddin Haqqani.

http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/be ... istan2.cnn
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by James B »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by James B »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by James B »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Anujan »

He said that the one exception was a portion of US funds in the past few years focused on "improving" security safeguards for Pakistan's nuclear weapons, "which is exactly what we like."
This reads like a NSN report :D
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by sunilUpa »

$600-800m needed to cope with IDP crises, says Tarin
ISLAMBAD: Pakistan needs about $600-800 million to cope with the influx of internally displaced people, Adviser to Prime Minister Shaukat Tarin said on Monday.
He said that foreign donors should realise ‘this as an opportunity to win hearts and minds of the displaced people.’
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Damn, these beggers have made begging an art, it is the donors who have to win porki's heart and mind...not porki govt.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by r_subramanian »

Here are two reports that are next to each other in 'The News International' on the All Parties conference held yesterday
Nation speaks with one voice: crush militants
The all parties conference (APC) on Monday unanimously backed the government’s counter-insurgency operation ‘Rah-e-Rast’ by adopting a 16-point resolution
Inside accounts
The All Parties Conference (APC), held here on Monday, remained divided on the issue of endorsing the ongoing military operation in Swat, but was unanimous in condemning the US drone attacks.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by archan »

Paki newspapers are a true reflection of all things paki! liars!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Tilak »

Vivek_A wrote:The nutty nation is always good for a daily dose of the giggles

'US special squad killed Benazir'
Benazir Bhutto because in an interview with Al-Jazeera TV on November 2, 2007, she had mentioned the assassination of Usama Bin Laden, Seymour said. According to BB, Umar Saeed Sheikh murdered Usama, but her words were washed out from the David Frosts report :rotfl: :roll: , he said.

Bibi in her rhetorical best misspoke Osama Bin Laden for Daniel Pearl.. The ISI guy she is refererring to is ~Hamid Gul, as I saw a bunch of Interviews on Pakistani TV, which point to him.. There was one in which the interviewer popped the question to Hamid Gul himself.

X-Posted from Pakistani Role in Global Terrorism Thread :
Tilak wrote:
***Must Read***

Book review: Jihad goes on in Pakistan —by Khaled Ahmed
Jihad goes on in Pakistan —by Khaled Ahmed
The Fluttering Flag of Jehad
By Amir Mir - Mashal Books Lahore 2008 Pp306; Price Rs 700
Amir Mir was able to interview Benazir Bhutto just before she fell to the terrorism of Al Qaeda or whoever it was who assassinated her in December 2007. She thought Pervez Musharraf was secretly in league with the terrorists and had tried to kill her in Karachi in October 2007, and was sure he would get terrorists like Abdur Rehman Otho of Lashkar-e Jhangvi and Qari Saifullah Akhtar of Harkat Jihad Islami, protégés of the ISI, to do the job. She named Brigadier Ijaz Shah and Brigadier Riaz Chibb etc. in her final writings. She predicted her death and blamed it on the army; months later, Major General Faisal Alvi too predicted his own death at the hands of the army and was shot down in Islamabad.
Musharraf claimed that Benazir was killed by Baitullah Mehsud through his suicide-bombers whose minder was taped talking to him on the phone about the achievement. Evidence in place was destroyed by the establishment, and questions arising from her murder could not be answered although Al Qaeda was at first quoted in the press as having taken care of ‘the most precious American asset’ in the words of Mustafa Abu Yazid, the Al Qaeda commander in Afghanistan. Benazir had her moles inside the ISI (p.28); but Amir doesn’t accept that Baitullah Mehsud killed her and gives a convincing critique of the findings of Scotland Yard.
Now a lot of writers use inside information from the US government to claim that Musharraf was sympathetic to the Taliban as they fled from the US attack in 2001. Amir Mir tells us that Corps Commander Peshawar General Safdar Hussain, who signed the peace accord with Baitullah Mehsud at Sararogha near Wana in February 2005, had called him a soldier of peace even as Mehsud’s warriors shouted ‘Death to America’. Major General Faisal Alvi was to accuse some elements in the army high command of being on the side of the Taliban before his assassination in 2008. Baitullah rewarded General Hussain with 200 captured Pakistani troops in August 2007.

Benazir believed Qari Saifullah Akhtar was involved in the attempt on her life in Karachi in October 2007 (p.43). Qari was in prison for trying to kill Musharraf in 2004 and was sprung from there to do the job on Benazir. Musharraf was outraged when he got to know that an ISI protégé had tried to kill him from his safe haven in Dubai after fleeing from Afghanistan in 2001. Qari was special because he was rescued by the spooks after he was found involved in trying to stage a military coup in league with Islamist fanatic Major General Zaheerul Islam Abbasi in 1995. He along with his Harkat Jihad Islami was to become the favourite of the Taliban government.
The place to be mined for leadership talent was Karachi’s Banuri Mosque where the Qari and that other protégé Fazlur Rehman Khalil had received their Deobandi orientation. The third Banuri Mosque protégé of the state was Maulana Masud Azhar, who formed Jaish-e Muhammad and was rescued from an Indian jail together with Omar Sheikh, the man who later helped kill Daniel Pearl in Karachi. Qari was recalled from Dubai and kept in custody, and the Lahore High Court did not release him on a habeas corpus petition. But he was released quietly before Benazir arrived in Pakistan in October 2007 (p.45).

After Benazir named him in her posthumous book, Qari was arrested again in March 2008. The reaction came in the shape of a suicide attacks on the Naval War College and the FIA office in Lahore where Qari’s terrorists were being kept for interrogation into the War College attack (p.47). A Karachi terrorist court heard the case against Qari and freed him on bail because the proof with which the prosecution could have proved him guilty had ‘disappeared’. Later he was rearrested but then quietly released by the Home Department because the spooks wanted him freed (p.48).

Fazlur Rehman Khalil is another protected person who lives in Islamabad but governments hardly know what he has been saying to the American authors who visit him. When Islamabad got into trouble with its own clerics in Lal Masjid, it was Khalil who was taken out and made to negotiate with them (p.109). He is the sort of person who can some day get Pakistan into trouble after which Islamabad will have to say he has mysteriously left the country and cannot be produced. He is Osama bin Laden’s man and his Harkatul Mujahideen was prominent among the jihadi organisations in Kashmir and ran training camps for warriors in Dhamial just outside Rawalpindi, at least that is what an American suspect Hamid Hayat told the FBI after visiting it (p.108).

It is not only Dr AQ Khan whom Pakistan has to save from being kidnapped by the anti-proliferationist West, there is also Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood, the top scientist who enriched uranium at Khushab and then conferred with Osama bin Laden about building a nuclear bomb when he was in Kabul looking after his charity organisation called Umma Tameer Nau (p.111). He is the crazy bearded man who once presented a paper to General Zia saying Pakistan could make electricity from jinns. He also thought he could use a nuclear bomb to clear up a silted Tarbela Dam. Daniel Pearl was on to him, but he got killed when he got close to another protected person.

The other person was Mubarak Shah Gilani, a scion of the great Sufi of Lahore, Mianmir, who actually controlled jinns and ran a jihadi organisation named Al Fuqra still alive and doing well in the UK’s Londonistan. He had recruited Richard Reid, the Shoe Bomber terrorist who was caught before he could blow up an aircraft. Daniel Pearl had traced Mubarak Shah Gilani to Karachi and was going to interview him when he was tricked by Omar Sheikh into going with Lashkar-e Jhangvi gunmen who then handed him over to Khaled Sheikh Muhammad, who confessed at Guantanamo to personally beheading him (p.116). Omar Sheikh, who got involved in planning the 9/11 strike, was finally made to surrender after sheltering in home secretary and ex-ISI officer Ijaz Shah’s residence in Lahore for a week.

The book says on page 122 that the ISI chief General Mehmood was later investigated by FBI for sending $100,000 to plane hijacker Atta, who led the 9/11 strike on the World Trade Centre. The conduit for Mehmood was Omar Sheikh. The Wall Street Journal, Daniel Pearl’s paper, reported that an examination of Omar Sheikh’s telephone record showed him talking to General Mehmood, proving also that the money sent by General Mehmood through Omar Sheikh was funding for the New York strike (p.122). General Musharraf in his book reported, as if in rebuttal, that Omar Sheikh was first recruited by the British spy agency MI6.

The book also reports that the hijacking — done by Masood Azhar’s brother Abdul Rauf and brother-in-law Yusuf Azhar — of an Indian airliner that led to the release of Omar Sheikh and Masood Azhar from an Indian jail was linked to the ISI because its Quetta-based officers talked to the hijackers on the wireless set at Kandahar (p.128). Masood Azhar then went on to attack the Parliament in New Delhi in 2001, a month after 9/11. ISI chief Javed Ashraf Qazi on March 6, 2004 admitted that Jaish was involved in the New Delhi parliament assault (p.134). Later Jaish militants were to be housed in Lal Masjid during its siege by state troops in 2007 (p.141).

An interesting chapter is included on the infiltration of the Pakistani cricket team by the Tablighi Jama’at. As a result, the team under captain Inzamam-ul Haq lost its playing ability to its obsession with tabligh and conversion. Media manager PJ Mir accused the team of neglecting the game during the 2007 World Cup and spending all the time trying to convert the innocent people of the West Indies (p.204). *

Last edited by Tilak on 19 May 2009 06:18, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by vsudhir »

Young Pakistanis Tackle Trash Problem
LAHORE, Pakistan — The idea was simple, but in Pakistan, a country full of talk and short on action, it smacked of rebellion.

It was a strange thing to do, particularly for students from elite private schools, who would normally spend Sunday afternoons relaxing in air-conditioned homes.

But the students were inspired by the recent success of the lawyers’ movement, which used a national protest march to press the government to reinstate the country’s chief justice, and their rush of public consciousness was irrepressible.

“Everybody keeps blaming the government, but no one actually does anything,” said Shoaib Ahmed, 21, one of the organizers. “So we thought, why don’t we?”

So they got on Facebook and invited all their friends to a Sunday trash picking. Trash, Mr. Ahmed said, “is this most basic thing. It’s not controversial, and you can easily do it.”

Pakistan is a country plagued by problems, like Islamic extremism and poverty. But these young people are another face, a curious new generation that looks skeptically on their parents’ privilege and holds mullahs and military generals in equal contempt.

“The youth of Pakistan wants to change things,” said Shahram Azhar, the lead singer for Laal, a Pakistani rock band, reflecting an attitude that is typical of this rebellious younger generation.
media spinning away as usual. now they wanna put lip stick up the porki pig. Wonder why.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Gerard »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Prem »

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Damn, these beggers have made begging an art, it is the donors who have to win porki's heart and mind...not porki govt.
Among the beggers , I am Pakistan.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Tilak »

Nuggets from PakeeTV :

Interview with a jernail leading the Rah-E-Rast :
Peochar Valley{Mullah Radios Stronghold - TTP } has become a banaras for militants.
Something I picked up : Johri Hathyar = Nuclear Weapons.

Is Johri == Jauhar ??, if so does it mean Honour or Suicide ? .. Knowing the Pakis I wont be surprised what the answer would be.
Remittances to Pakistan in Percentage :

Saudi : ~22%
US : ~20%
UAE : ~21%
PS: Dick Holbrooke is in Saudi and is said to be in consultation with Saudi Intelligence chief and the Prince.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Amber G. »

Johri = jewel(s)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Tilak »

Amber G. wrote:Johri = jewel(s)
As in "Crown Jewels".. Could be. I say this because I am unble to get if the PakJabis say "Johri" or "Jauhari", as they are notorius for skipping a letters when they speak. Like "Klaashnikov" and "Skurty" for Security.. :lol:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by pgbhat »

:rotfl: You missed out "krachi"

Panetta: Location of all Pakistan nukes not known :roll:
hopefully desh knows but i would'nt count on it :( .
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by SSridhar »

The All Parties Conference (APC) does not support the Army action

The APC itself was convened conveniently after Zardari's trips and his brave talk there. Now that it is all over, Pakistan will revert to its usual stance on the Taliban. Now that the Army action is not supported by any of the political parties (except PPP & MQM), it will be cited as a reason for toning down the operations followed by a ceasefire. Within a month or two, the Taliban will be back and this time with even more authority and territory.
An all-parties conference (APC) on Monday was clearly divided in providing support to the armed forces for the protection of the lives and property of citizens. In clause 5 of a government-prepared draft, it was proposed to endorse the role of the armed and security forces in the current situation. But Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid President Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain sought an amendment in the draft, and proposed support for the “positive role of the armed and security forces of Pakistan”. Besides the government, this proposal was supported by the Muttahida Qaumi Movement. But sources said the PML-Nawaz, JUI-F, JUI-Sami, Jamait Ulema-e-Pakistan-Noorani, Pakhtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party, Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf and some other smaller parties opposed the proposal, and said they would not agree to any clause supporting military action. “If you do not delete this clause from the draft, we will walk out from the APC,” they threatened. The clause was deleted from the draft. These parties agreed that the APC might pass a resolution to support the constitution and the writ of the government, in addition to supporting the efforts aimed at the welfare of IDPs. “This concession was, in fact, given to the government as a face saving gesture,” said the sources.
From this post,
r_subramanian wrote:Inside accounts
Madam says:
Dr Shireen Mazari, who attended the APC as part of the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf delegation, told The News that the APC neither supported the military operation nor expressed any such thing in the unanimously adopted resolution.
From another report, look at the fudging and obfuscation going on. That's why the US is making a huge mistake once again by funding TSP.
According to the Online news agency, Nawaz Sharif told the conference the Swat operation must continue until the elimination of the Taliban. But he was also of the view that the Swat accord should have been given more time.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by arun »

Vivek_A wrote:The nutty nation is always good for a daily dose of the giggles

'US special squad killed Benazir'
NEW YORK (Online) - Former prime minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on the orders of the special death squad formed by former US vice-president Dick Cheney, which had already killed the Lebanese Prime Minister Rafique Al Hariri and the army chief of that country.

The squad was headed by General Stanley McChrystal, the newly-appointed commander of US army in Afghanistan. It was disclosed by reputed US journalist Seymour Hersh while talking to an Arab TV in an interview. ...................
Hardly surprising :rotfl: . Just the sort of stuff a newspaper of a conspiracy theory obsessed nation would dish out and its readers lap up .

Meanwhile it turns out that the article was a fabrication and Seymour Hersh said nothing of the kind:
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I did not say Cheney killed Benazir: Hersh

LAHORE: US journalist Seymour Hersh on Monday contradicted news reports being published in South Asia that quote him as saying a “special death squad” made by former US vice president Dick Cheney had killed Benazir Bhutto. ………..

“I have never said that I did have such information. I most certainly did not say anything remotely to that effect during an interview with an Arab media outlet.” …………..

“This is another example of blogs going bonkers with misleading and fabricated stories and professional journalists repeating such rumours without doing their job – and that is to verify such rumours.”

Daily Times
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Vivek_A »

paki chefs, cooking the economic books.

Govt admits fudging figures, lowers growth rate

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

By Khalid Mustafa

ISLAMABAD: The government on Monday revised the national growth rate downwards from 2.37 to 2.15 per cent, Adviser to the PM on Finance, Shaukat Tarin confirmed to The News.

The economic managers acknowledged that the 2.37 per cent GDP growth estimates for current fiscal year worked out by the Federal Bureau of Statistics and endorsed by National Accounts Committee, were flawed and fudged.

Tarin, confirming that the GDP growth estimates have been revised downwards at 2.15 per cent from 2.37 per cent, acknowledged that the FBS and NAC had not included the negative growth registered in the large-scale manufacturing sector during July-March period.

“We have rectified the fault of FBS and now the GDP growth for current financial year has been projected at 2.15 per cent,” he said. “I asked the institution concerned to ensure transparency in figures and show the growth figures as they are.”

However, Tarin said the other issues such as reducing the base by lowering the GDP growth of last fiscal from 5.78 per cent to 4.1 per cent and change in methodology in measuring the growth in agriculture and construction sector will be explained later. He argued that all the steps taken by the FBS other than excluding the large-scale manufacturing growth till March were justified.

However, when The News made contact with IMF’s resident chief Paul Ross for comment over the role of the FBS in estimating the GDP growth, he refused to offer any comment. Finance Secretary Salman Siddique actually took note of the story “GDP growth figures are fudged’ published in the Sunday edition of The News on Business pages and worked out two options on Sunday during a massive brainstorming session which continued till late in the night.

“The two options that were worked out were either to stick to the 2.37 per cent GDP growth and face criticism or to include the minus 7.7 per cent LSM growth during July-March by replacing the minus 5.7 per cent of LSM growth in July-February period.”

When Adviser Tarin was briefed on the two options on Monday, he took the right decision while acknowledging the foul play by FBS and lowered the GDP growth estimates to 2.15 per cent.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Arun_S »

SSridhar wrote:The All Parties Conference (APC) does not support the Army action.....
According to the Online news agency, Nawaz Sharif told the conference the Swat operation must continue until the elimination of the Taliban. But he was also of the view that the Swat accord should have been given more time.
He heee that is Islamic Pakistani tradition.
  • Being virgin and pregnant at the same time !!!!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by arun »

The Guardian on curricula of the Non Madrassah Government controlled education system in Pakistan.

Nothing that is not known on BR which has long recognised the toxic nature of the curricula of the Non Madrassah Government controlled education system in Pakistan.

It is no coincidence that all threads on BR titled THE “Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan” , as does this thread, start, among others, with :
Pakistani Education, or how Pakistan became what it is: Curricula and textbooks in Pakistan

Now onto the Guardian article :
The threat of Pakistan's revisionist texts

Historical revisionism is erasing minorities from Pakistan's school textbooks and fostering religious extremism

Afnan Khan
Monday 18 May 2009 12.05 BST

Pakistan's minorities are being written out of school textbooks while the government conveniently looks the other way. Experts say the texts used in state-run schools foster religious extremism in a less blatant but more widespread way than the infamous Wahhabi madrasas. ……………………

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Tilak »

SSridhar wrote:The All Parties Conference (APC) does not support the Army action

The APC itself was convened conveniently after Zardari's trips and his brave talk there. Now that it is all over, Pakistan will revert to its usual stance on the Taliban. Now that the Army action is not supported by any of the political parties (except PPP & MQM), it will be cited as a reason for toning down the operations followed by a ceasefire. Within a month or two, the Taliban will be back and this time with even more authority and territory.
An all-parties conference (APC) on Monday was clearly divided in providing support to the armed forces for the protection of the lives and property of citizens. In clause 5 of a government-prepared draft, it was proposed to endorse the role of the armed and security forces in the current situation. But Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid President Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain sought an amendment in the draft, and proposed support for the “positive role of the armed and security forces of Pakistan”. Besides the government, this proposal was supported by the Muttahida Qaumi Movement. But sources said the PML-Nawaz, JUI-F, JUI-Sami, Jamait Ulema-e-Pakistan-Noorani, Pakhtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party, Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf and some other smaller parties opposed the proposal, and said they would not agree to any clause supporting military action. “If you do not delete this clause from the draft, we will walk out from the APC,” they threatened. The clause was deleted from the draft. These parties agreed that the APC might pass a resolution to support the constitution and the writ of the government, in addition to supporting the efforts aimed at the welfare of IDPs. “This concession was, in fact, given to the government as a face saving gesture,” said the sources.

TNSM says it will fight next elections
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
By Mazhar Tufail
ISLAMABAD: The Tanzim Nifaz Shariat-e-Muhammadi (TNSM) has expressed its disappointment over the outcome of the APC but promised to show its strength and response in the next general elections.

“We will discuss the details of the all parties conference proceedings later. Right now, we want to tell all political parties of the country that we will respond to their utterances in the conference in the next general elections,” said TNSM spokesman Ameer Izzat while talking to The News.

The spokesman, who called this correspondent from an undisclosed location to record his reaction, accused the right-wing parties, especially the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz, the Jamaat-e-Islami and both factions of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, of duplicity.

He said the TNSM failed to understand as to why all political parties and religious scholars are maligning it. “We have so far done nothing that all the parties are opposing us. We are surprised as to why these parties and Ulema have turned against us,” he said.

Interestingly, a Taliban commander, who called himself Birjees, also contacted The News and gave his reaction. “Until now we have been defensive but now we will act aggressively because now the right-wing parties have also joined hands with the Pakistan People’s Party against us,” he said. The militant commander, who apparently used a fake name, said that now they would motivate their Tajik and Uzbek allies to come to their rescue. He did not give details.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by chetak »

Last edited by chetak on 19 May 2009 10:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Didn't TNSM say that democracy was unIslamic and elections were kufr things ?

Also, why is TNSM accusing the right-wing politico-religious parties such as PML-N, JI, JUI-F & JUI-S ? In the last APC, all these parties have opposed military action. It is also significant, TNSM has left out PML-Q and Imran Khan.

The fact that TNSM's spokesman and the Talibani spokesperson echo the same views, which has been a recurrent theme, proves that the TNSM is trying to be a political wing of the Taliban which in turn is the military wing of Al Qaeda.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Arun_S »

Tilak wrote:
Amber G. wrote:Johri = jewel(s)
As in "Crown Jewels".. Could be. I say this because I am unble to get if the PakJabis say "Johri" or "Jauhari", as they are notorius for skipping a letters when they speak. Like "Klaashnikov" and "Skurty" for Security.. :lol:
In my broken Urdu, "Jow-hari" means "tactical" and by no means it means "strategic". So "Jow-hari Hatyaar" in my lingo means tactical weapons.

Unfortunately Pakistanis no more use the term "Eatami hathiyaar" that means Atomic weapons. {Yet another acceptance of fate of de-nuke status)

So Pakistan is left with only musharraf to show their Johar.

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Rupesh »

Its seems that after evicting 2 million plus ppl from SWAT and leaving the international community to feed them, Bakistan has finally managed to start thinking abt exporting wheat... Next is evict 20 million from NWFP and Balochistan to make TSP a food surplus country. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
'Pakistan to export wheat'

BTW report onlee says India to export wheat and Bakistan will remove curbs...
India and Pakistan moved closer on Monday to export wheat and wheat products for the first time in several years after bumper harvests left them with surpluses.
While India is near to exporting 2 million tonnes of wheat and wheat products, Pakistan is expected to ease curbs on wheat product exports on Tuesday (today), taking a step closer towards allowing sales of the grain.