Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Dilbu »

Curry-Langur wrote:He said in these difficult times, Americans wanted to know why so much money was being given to Pakistan when “we need it badly in California or Oklahoma or other parts of the US”.
Dilbulla wrote:I think it is to manage the takleef of mango amir khans on the street. Piss prize winner POTUS is spending so much of tax dollars on a cess pit called TSP without having anything of value to show in return. So the least he can do is to put up a show as if the whole issue is very complicated as to lose sleep over it. The truth about TSP is plain and simple but amir khan gubermint will be left standing in a ragged chaddi for all to see if amir khani people were able to guess it so easily.
Equal-equal onlee. :P
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Philip »

Veteran Dawn scribe Irfan Hussein on the reasons why Pak is bleeding and merely applying "band-aid" to the symptoms of the disease,instead of tackling the root causes.

http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/daw ... ease-am-05

Excerpts:The quotes have shortened the full article.
As Pakistan reels from a series of lethal terror attacks in major cities, there is a welcome strengthening of resolve to fight the Taliban and their allies.
Currently, the army is gearing up for a major campaign against the hub of terrorism in South Waziristan. The senior military spokesman has talked of the nexus between Al Qaeda, Fata-based Taliban and jihadi groups from southern Punjab.

Then, of course, there is the question of the terrorist centres in Quetta and Muridke. So where will our war against terrorism stop? With groups being trained and armed across the country, where exactly do the frontlines lie? By reacting to terror attacks when and where they occur, and by launching operations against the likes of the Mehsuds in South Waziristan, it seems like we are applying band-aids to gaping wounds when the patient is haemorrhaging all over the body.

The reality is that we have been trying to treat the symptoms, and not the disease. Thus far, we have not been prepared to admit that the causes of our crisis lie in our collective psyche, and not in the remote badlands of the tribal areas.

The easy response to why we are where we are is to say that it is largely due to the creation of jihadi groups by the ISI and CIA to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. After the invaders withdrew, and our American allies followed suit, thousands of armed and trained fighters were left to create mischief. The next step in this analysis is to blame our own army and intelligence apparatus for using these groups to further Pakistani interests in Afghanistan and Kashmir. After 9/11, when our establishment under Musharraf was forced to abandon its support for our proxies, they turned against us.

The proliferation of madressahs in Pakistan is another cause for radicalisation that has been repeatedly identified. From a few hundred when Zia seized power in 1977 to the current estimate of some 25,000, these religious seminaries are seen as the spawning ground for the foot soldiers of jihad.

Here, thousands of young children are taught little but rote learning of the scriptures. Maulvis unqualified to teach have assumed the responsibility of indoctrinating young minds. And while Musharraf vowed to reform this sprawling, unregulated system, he failed to live up to his word in this crucial area, just as he did in so many others.

So what has fuelled this deadly trend? Zia’s zeal to send the country back to the medieval era was certainly one factor. And financing many of the madressahs have been rich Muslims from Saudi Arabia, the Gulf and elsewhere who thought their philanthropy was paying to educate poor young Pakistanis.

In many cases, this financial support has had more sinister motives, as proxies were paid to further the causes of rival Muslim countries. Saudi Arabia was especially active in exporting its rigid brand of Islam.

More pernicious than these outward symbols of piety was (and is) the atmosphere of religiosity that has gripped the country since Zia’s 11 years in power. By making promotions in the army and the civil service conditional on a public display of belief, the dictator ensured that religion would be our defining identity. And what happened if you were not a Sunni Muslim in Pakistan? Our unfortunate minorities are finding out the hard way.

Long before Zia, Pakistan was a Muslim country, so he was hardly making any new converts through his relentless campaign. But what he did succeed in doing was to transform Pakistan into an Islamic state. This change in emphasis is deeper than it seems: in a Muslim country, the majority of citizens are followers of Islam. But it has been observed that in an Islamic state, one interpretation of the faith forms the basis for law-making. This can cause non-Muslims to be relegated to second-class status.

It is the consequence of this sea-change that we are contending with today. By creating an environment where a rigid, literal interpretation of the faith rules supreme, we stifle democratic debate based on reason.

Then the question arises about which school of jurisprudence will underpin the law of the land. Next there is the tension between the Deobandi and Barelvi schools. Finally, there is the ever-present conflict between Shia and Sunni Islam. This is the Pandora’s box Zia opened.

Unless we can somehow summon up the will to confront these difficult and divisive issues, we will be destined to continue applying band-aids to our bleeding body.

PS:Instead of India dying from the "death of a thousand cuts" throuh Paki terror,it is Pak who is bleeding far more from the folly of its ways.
Last edited by Philip on 20 Oct 2009 12:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by sum »

Revolutionary Guards Corps chief General Muhammad Ali Jafari said on Monday an Iranian delegation would head to Pakistan to deliver “proof” that Islamabad is supporting Rigi. “The delegation will ask for him (Rigi) to be handed over,” Jafari was quoted as saying by the ISNA news agency.
Request the Iranians to take tips from MEA on how to prepare big, leafy dossiers..
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by AmitR »

SSridhar wrote:Sen. Kerry meets civilian and military leaders of TSP
“As of today, it seems to me that the Pakistani leadership, civil and military”, is on the same page, said Senator John Kerry in a select briefing in Islamabad with six senior journalists. He was asked whether the Kerry-Lugar Bill and its subsequent clarification had found acceptance in the power centres of Pakistan.

Senator Kerry was on a brief visit to Pakistan because he was “concerned that a straight forward effort has been misinterpreted”. He said that the US’ statement of clarification on the KLB “could not be clearer”. He cautioned that “we should not play to cheap galleries here”. He aslo said, “if you don’t want the money, say so. We’re not forcing you to take it”.

Senator Kerry said that his meetings with civilian and military leaders had been “very positive”.

The senator was returning to the US embassy from a “brief lunch” with Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Nawaz Sharif. Senator Kerry said that Mr Sharif had asked for “further clarification” on some points but that the senator did not see that as a problem and the meeting was “very positive”.

He used the same words for his meetings with Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Kayani and ISI Director General Gen Shuja Pasha.

One journalist referred to a lead story in a national daily according to which the US had pulled out its forces from Afghanistan border posts near South Waziristan, making it easy for Taliban to cross over into Afghanistan and thus subvert the Pakistan Army’s Operation Rah-e-Nijat. Senator Kerry said he had heard no such thing. When asked if Generals Kayani or Pasha had raised the presumed removal of US border forces as an issue, Senator Kerry categorically said “they had not”.

He further explained that he was a friend of Pakistan and that is why he had worked long and hard to put together this assistance for “the people of Pakistan”.

He said that this was a difficult time for the US economy and when allocating taxpayers’ money to foreign countries, lawmakers have to be satisfied about its usages. He said this was particularly true in the case of Pakistan where in the past American money had been allocated by Pakistani governments for purposes for which it was not meant.

He was asked questions to clarify the wording with regard to caveats associated with spending the KLB money on Pakistan’s nuclear programme. Senator Kerry said that those caveats were to make sure that Pakistan did not spend this money on purposes for which it is not intended, like arming to “fight wars with India”.

Senator Kerry’s body language was weary and disappointed, although he was careful not to use such negative words. He simply said that he was in Pakistan to clarify his intention to help Pakistanis and he was “concerned” that those not be misconstrued.

He finished on a light note by saying that he had “never had so much difficulty in trying to give away $ 7.5 billion”. The unsaid subtext of Senator Kerry’s presentation was: take it or leave it.

He said in these difficult times, Americans wanted to know why so much money was being given to Pakistan when “we need it badly in California or Oklahoma or other parts of the US”.
Sorry for quoting the entire story but this is as straight as it gets.
Kerry is basically telling the Pakis to take the money and dance to the American tunes or just FU** Off.
Playing to cheap galleries is not something that Ombaba is ready to do.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Lalmohan »

there is a tacit approval from the west of the TSPA 'flattening' taliban villages, something the west cannot openly do... its creeping into the op eds and conversations. bit like extra ordinary rendition, but on a larger scale. there is also the creeping worry that the heavy handed solutions of the TSPA is not going to solve the problem... quite likely the TSPakjabiA has bitten off more than it can digest in the longer term with the Pashtuns. The end of pakistan is nigh.

interesting factoid, there appears to have been on average 2 soosai IED mubaraks in Pakistan every week for the past 2 years... (the Economist), its only going to get worse kids...

i've been wondering if the iranian bombing is another tactically brilliant diversionary tactic by the TSPA like 26/11? couldn't get India to invade, so I know! we'll get the iranians to invade... take the heat off...?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by James B »

TSPA's Rahe-na-ijjat

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by James B »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Singha »

I think the iranians have lost their revolutionary mojo and fervour and are just a bunch of windbags like our MEA/MHA apparatus. they of all people have enough of shia assets inside pak (and pok) to make pak pay a price.
but they seem to be content with status quo instead of aiming for a rich, steaky slice of baluchistan.

lack of ambition jeeves, lack of ambition...they want to keep PRC happy and sleep in peace on oil revenues.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

The three parts so far have provided fascinating details. From the above,
The trip confirmed suspicions I had harbored for years as a reporter. The Haqqanis oversaw a sprawling Taliban mini-state in the tribal areas with the de facto acquiescence of the Pakistani military. The Haqqanis were so confident of their control of the area that they took me — a person they considered to be an extraordinarily valuable hostage — on a three-hour drive in broad daylight to shoot a scene for a video outdoors.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Gagan »

The only dossiers that Iran will send will be packed in vests and labelled IED Mubarak - which will all get blamed on the YYY. :((
But the ISI and Pak fauj Jernails just got warned. They had better get those burkas cleaned and ready - tough times ahead. :twisted:
Iran can't respond overtly or use military force against PUUS (Pakistan, US, UK, Saudi Arabia) or PUBIS (Pakistan, US, Britain, Israel, Saudi Arabia) { (C) Gagan :P }, and it knows using the diplomatic route on Pakistan is an endless series of dossier pe dossiers. The only way they will respond will be via IED mubaraks it seems.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by hulaku »

Explosion heard in Pakistani capital
ISLAMABAD, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- Explosion was heard in Pakistan's capital city of Islamabad Tuesday, local TV channel reported.
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009- ... 280169.htm
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by shyamd »

Singha wrote:I think the iranians have lost their revolutionary mojo and fervour and are just a bunch of windbags like our MEA/MHA apparatus. they of all people have enough of shia assets inside pak (and pok) to make pak pay a price.
but they seem to be content with status quo instead of aiming for a rich, steaky slice of baluchistan.
Iranians are talking of a limited invasion into Pakistan, to destroy Jundullah assets. The last time Jundullah attacked last year, there was a suicide bombing in a court house in NWFP by the Iranians. The Pak ambassador to Tehran was called in and they told him, we did it, you will pay a price if Jundullah does anything again. You mess with us, we will mess with you. Mark my words Iranians will do something about it, albeit covertly.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by anupmisra »


Blasts at Islamabad’s Islamic university
Blasts took place at both the boys and girls campuses of the university
Enlightened equality.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

15 dead in Islamabad University blast
Two bomb blasts tore through a university building in Pakistan's capital Islamabad on Tuesday, police said.

"It was a bomb blast. It was inside the Islamic university building," said police official Mohammad Afzal from the emergency response department.

"There was another one a few minutes later," Afzal told AFP referring to the Islamic International University, on Islamabad's eastern flank. Students from around the world attend the campus. Most take Islamic studies. {Momin attacking momin ? What's Na Pakistan coming to ? What can I say, except AoA ?}
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Porki so-virginity & all that
The picture is a classic case of the stinging socio-political contradiction that Pakistan has become. Its people and politicians, its army and holy men can be seen lovingly engaging with the most ubiquitous symbols, gadgets and concepts of what we all instantly ridicule as ‘western materialism/imperialism’, and yet without even blinking for a second, many Pakistanis can be expected to roll out high and mighty examples of thoughtless oratory about political and cultural sovereignty.
Especially, feigned so-virginity.
My question is: if we aren’t sovereign, then exactly what does a politically and culturally sovereign Pakistan really mean?
Sovereignty, like charity, begins at home. We delude ourselves and glorify our importance by constantly suggesting how powerful nations are so interested in Pakistan; as if Pakistan is all that is discussed by their politicians, army generals, think-tanks and economists.
Many would turn around and instantly remind you that we are a nuclear power. If so, then perhaps we are only slightly better than the isolationist, poverty-stricken and repressive North Korea.
Now you are insulting NoKo.
We are all prisoners of certain delusions—about ourselves and about the many countries that we believe are constantly scheming against us. We refuse to free ourselves from these paranoid, self-serving apparitions and yet we demand sovereignty from the nefarious designs of our many (largely imagined) enemies. The enemy is us.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by anupmisra »

SSridhar wrote:15 dead in Islamabad University blast
Students from around the world attend the campus. Most take Islamic studies
Hence, they are presumed innocent in the war against the kufr.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Further proof that YYY are involved
According to sources, first blast occurred in cafeteria of women campus and immediately after another blast took place in the Sharia Block.
The evil YYY combine don't want the pious to eat and pray. QED.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Puki spin Pun intended. The art of claiming victory in defeat.

Younis ready to lead Pakistan again
The captain received strong support from fans, who staged street protests while a parliamentary committee said the match-fixing claims were groundless.
The matches are officially home games, with Pakistan forced to play all their games abroad following the March gun and grenade attack on the Sri Lankan team in Lahore.

What if the porkis are denied visas to play overseas? Will that constitute "no-show" of a home team on "home ground"?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Iran to do an America

Hunt for Jundallah may cross into Pakistan: Iran MP
TEHRAN: An Iranian member of parliament on Monday raised the prospect of a possible cross-border military operation into Pakistan against the terrorist group blamed for a deadly attack on the elite Revolutionary Guards.

“There is unanimity about the Revolutionary Guards and the security forces engaging in operations in any place they would deem necessary,” ISNA news agency quoted MP Payman Forouzesh as saying, appearing to refer to agreement on the issue among lawmakers.

Iran threatens to invade Pakistan, "crushing response" for US, UK
The commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafary, Monday, Oct. 19, threatened "crushing" retaliation against the US, UK and Pakistan including the invasion of its eastern neighbor.
Whoa! Easy birather. We are cut from the same, er..., ethnicity.
A military official in Tehran then suggested Iran might launch a military thrust into Pakistan against the group blamed for the attack. Lawmaker Payman Forouzesh said: "There is even unanimity that these operations (could) take place in Pakistan territory."
Iranian sources report that Tehran will have to make good on its threats without too much delay or lose face among the political and ethnic minority dissidents plaguing on the regime, especially those who rose up in protest against the tainted June 20 presidential election. Hesitation will be seen as weakness.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by derkonig »

Don't hold your breath on that one, Eyeran will do no such thing.

http://news.rediff.com/report/2009/oct/ ... k-army.htm
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Very disappointing.
Death toll revised down to 4
Two of them should be the suicide bombers themselves, sigh.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by sum »

Why in #$@%'s name would Pak want to provoke Iran given it is already receiving enough bamboo from all sides without Iranian intervention? Me thinks Amrika made pak do it after a massive GUBO session (want to know what the quid pro was for this attack)

BTW, happy IED mubarak in Isloo
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Singha »

maybe Iran==India ? if Iran launched a limited incursion, PA could disengage from gubo work and rush to defend
their western frontier legitimately.

same as the old excuse of big bad India always licking its lips on eastern front.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by kenop »

The senator was returning to the US embassy from a “brief lunch” with Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Nawaz Sharif. Senator Kerry said that Mr Sharif had asked for “further clarification” on some points but that the senator did not see that as a problem and the meeting was “very positive”.
Badmash was not on the same page at least till two days back. He skipped ("not well") a meeting called by groper to discuss the KLPD
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Refugees see Waziristan operation as pointless
‘There is no likelihood of this operation being a success. It’s just for show,’ said the 45-year-old shepherd, whose family’s meagre belongings are crammed into a minivan. ‘We have spent the last four or five years living in misery. As far as we are concerned, neither the army nor Taliban are any good.’
‘People from our village hired six vehicles and the jets started bombing soon after we left. Two vehicles in front of us were totally destroyed. We saw wounded people and we were told 11 people died.{These civilian deaths are added to inflate Army's daily claims}
‘Military operations have never been successful in the area. If they want success they need local help but the people do not support the offensive.’
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by brihaspati »

X-posting :

TSP maintains terrorist groups officially focused on Kashmir, such as LET and JEM. Both groups are allowed to operate under new forms and preserved. Same goes for anti-Shia terrorists, such as the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Sipha-e-Sahaba-e-Pakistan. It is significant to note that these groups derive their support and recruitment from the backone founding population and region of Pakistan - the Punjab. The terror groups are flourishing in spit of six army corps being stationed in Punjab. Apparently Dr Usman, the leader of the nine man group that attacked the army’s general headquarters on October 10, was himself a member of the army’s medical corps. It is difficult to imagine that the recent attacks on Rawalpindi and Lahore military installations could happen without insider help for the terroists must have needed to breakup or bypass the security measures and also needed intimate knowledge of the layout.

Only two possiilities (or a combination of both) can explain the observed trends. First, all the terror groups are coordinated by a common organization connected to the PA and having innermost access to military command as well as intelligence. Second, the militants themselves have been able to penetrate the army and MI. There is of course a third possibility in that such coordination has been voluntary - by middle or lower level members of both the militants as well as the army and the MI. This is not entirely impossible if the Punjabi society itself has been radicalizing at an accelerating rate. Since both militants and soldiers are eing recruited from this same society - the radicalization would reflect in mutual penetration.

The Punjab provincial government is run by Shabaz Sharif, the brother of Nawaz Sharif and leader of the opposition in the country. The Sharif's are supposed to have close links with the leaders of several militant groups, including Hafez Saeed, the leader of LET. The Sharifs have blocked US, Indian and the federal government pressure to crack down on militancy in the poverty stricken south Punjab Talib-recruitment ground.

The army began to loudly complain and lobby against restrictions in the 7.5 billion dollar five year aid package from the US for civilian and developmental purposes - at exactly the same time when the attacks on the army began increasing. The main contentions seems to be the demand for control over the army by the civilian wing. Now why is that a problem over non-military aid packages? This can only happen if the overall economy of the country is on the point of bankruptcy and these aid packages are the only lifeline of support for the army to survive. The army can only survive by keeping the various separatist and militant conflicts alive.

The signs of hesitation and potential withdrawal by the USA (the latest twist being the contentious issue of disputed presidential elections and delayed declaration of results) implies that all the interested powers other than USA and with regional presence - Iran, Russia, China, Pakistan to plan and hedge on their respective "strategic assets". The latest attacks on the Revolutionary Guards of Iran in Seistan is perhaps a last ditch coordinated attempt to prevent Iran from activating its "stratgeic" assets. This could have come from the USA or even from within TSP. In either case, it could be a reaction against possible activation of "Shia militants" within TSP.

TSP itself cannot afford to destroy the Talib leadership and their capacity to carry out mayhem within AFG and against India. None of the spectacular casualtiesof Talib leadership have come from direct TSPA action or on factions apparently still professing loyalty (public declarations of being against attacks on the PA) to the PA.

If the TSPA action gets bogged down in the winter over the mountains, then the retreat of the TSPA will also be in the classical fashion. There will be several surges, going back and forth from spring over the next year. Unless massive aid flows in, it will be the heartland back in Punjab that will be the reason for overthrow of the current form of the TSP state. The middle and lower portions of the Punjabi dominated increasingly radicalized army will lean towards a Talibani form of the state. In fact the real difference between the core principles, attitudes and foundational values of TSP are not that different from the aims of the Taliban - only the latter are less hypocritical and free of the restrictions for "appearances sake" imposed by the climate of the 40's geopolitics.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Suppiah »

deleted in deference to sentiments expressed by some others...see explanation below..
Last edited by Suppiah on 20 Oct 2009 20:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by manjgu »

as long as these piglets were exploding bombs in india it was 'islamic' and now suddenly when pigs are dying, the same piglets have become 'unislamic' .... the level of discourse is so disgusting in pakiland !!! one 'reputed' columist is saying ... it is unislamic to kill muslims !! ( but islamic to kill non muslims??) . How can a such a society exist at all is beyond my comprehension... they are getting what they truly deserve !!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by harbans »

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Last edited by harbans on 20 Oct 2009 21:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Pranav »

^^^ Yeah, more decorum is needed, especially regarding attacks wherein victims are not confirmed evil-doers. In this case it was University students being blown up in a cafeteria.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Dilbu »

Malik warns Afghan Imams to leave country
ISLAMABAD: Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik Tuesday asked Afghan Imams to leave the country, adding the enemies are trying their best to destabilize the country at all costs.

Talking to media after meeting the injured at PIMS Hospital here, he said the blasts occurred owing the internal security lapses at the University, adding the guard of the University first stopped the suicide bomber from entering the building, but later deeming him a cafeteria servant, allowed him entrance.
The federal minister said the terrorists are intent on fraying the nerves of the nation; but, their intentions would be frustrated.
Death toll is 7 according to some sources.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Rahul Shukla »

Man gets 37 months for Pakistan money transfers (Pennsylvania Inquirer)
Pakistani citizen was sentenced yesterday to 37 months in prison for using his Philadelphia-based money-transfer business to send more than $2 million to a bank in a Taliban-controlled territory in Pakistan, federal prosecutors said.
At least one of his customers used Khan's business to pay ransom for a kidnapped family member.
Prosecutors said it was unlikely that Khan could have dispensed the millions of dollars without paying a tribute or a bribe to Taliban officials. In addition, Khan never obtained a license to operate the business...
Khan, convicted in April, was also ordered by U.S. District Judge Joel H. Slomsky to pay a $126,000 fine and serve three years of supervised release following his prison term.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Suppiah »

Pranav, Harbans, semantics aside, the overwhelming sentiment on BRF is, to put it mildly, not crying with grief whenever a terrorist in TSP goes against his own ex-comrades, trainers, handlers, paymasters and fellow countrymen. That is the overwhelming sentiment amongst ordinary Indians and also many non-Indians who have been victims of TSP sponsored terrorism.

Pakistanis have been fed and raised on a diet of fanatic barbarianism and these kinds of religious schools and colleges pay a big role. Like Vicks pit bulls, they know nothing but fight non-believers and kill them. At least Vick's pit bulls had no choice in that matter...which brings me to the next point..

An apology is due, if at all to anyone, to poor animals who have been unfairly bracketed with Pakbarians...

Anyway I have deleted the post in question if it genuinely offends some Pakistani's who are not terrorists or financiers, sympathisers or silent admirers...in case there are any..
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Rangudu »

Many moons ago, I made a post here asking for sympathy for TSPians following the earthquake that killed many in TSPOK and NWFP.

We all know what those same "victims" ended up doing and we all know that the "refugee camps" in Mansehra, Balakot and Muzaffarabad etc. were camps of another kind (Hint: Read Ajmal Kasab's confession).

Sympathy is natural and as human beings there is something wrong if we don't feel compassion at the sight of grief.

But once the fleeting sense of regret passes over, remember the reality of Mumbai, Kabul, Kaluchak, Varanasi, Hyderabad, Delhi etc. :evil:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by CalvinH »

AmitR wrote:
Sorry for quoting the entire story but this is as straight as it gets.
Kerry is basically telling the Pakis to take the money and dance to the American tunes or just FU** Off.
Playing to cheap galleries is not something that Ombaba is ready to do.
Agree..he put it simply that beggars cant be choosers. Direct blow to the H&D and rightly fits pakis back in their place. Somehow pakis were thinking that they can take the money without obligations and by few protest marches here and there can also tell Khan that they are taking the money reluctantly under great opposition to make it appears as some sort of favor they are doing to Khan. Kerry blew that whole show and tamasha they did to pieces.

Kerry knew they wont decline the money and used the travel to fit them back in their place as a used whore of Khan.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by harbans »

Sympathy is natural and as human beings there is something wrong if we don't feel compassion at the sight of grief.

Indeed and well said. Suppiah Ji, i agree with some points you make and agree i have little sympathy at Pakistan's plight, specially since this is what they plotted meticulously for us. If you see Paki's recieve very little sympathy even elsewhere in the world. However much we may ridicule Saudi barbarians and their medieval legal system, it grieves to see the Police pushing innocent school girls back into the school collapsing and burning in a fire, because they were not covered. Like all Germans or Japanese were not war criminals or Nazi's, we must remember there were even Army regulars in the German Army that plotted against Hitler and were executed promptly. Humanity exists in all sections of society and they are victims in the true sense. Even the German Army Officers that revolted/ plotted against Hitler. It is always ideology and it's institutional backers that one has to confront. I am appalled at the ideology of kufr, infidel and Jihad against unbeliever, but i won't say most Muslims don't have a humanitarian side. There is a distinction, albeit a subtle one and in the rhetoric or semantics it may be lost. At the end of the day, one reaps what one sows and the Paki's are reaping exactly what they have sown, so no sympathies on that count really. But in Pakistan there are plenty of victims, Ahmedia's, Baluchi's, Hindu's, Sikhs, Christians..and surely Muslims who've worked/ petitioned to release Indian prisoners languishing in Paki jails.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by SwamyG »

Good call Harbans. I resonate with members who think we need to keep our emotions under control when innocents are dying - even if they are dying in Pakistan.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by James B »

H&D loss to TSPA :(( :((

Battle intensifies as Taliban retake Pakistani town
The army on Monday captured the small town of Kotkai, the birthplace of Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud on the approach to an insurgent base in south Waziristan, but militants struck back on Tuesday to retake it, security officials said.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - September 15, 2009

Post by Shalav »

Singha wrote:...but they seem to be content with status quo instead of aiming for a rich, steaky slice of baluchistan.

The Irani's have their own Baluch problems. They are probably guessing that if they stir the Baluch pot, they will find themselves on the wrong end of a UN resolution declaring Baluchistan to be an autonomous body, or more likely their own baluchis going the mukti bahini way. In any case there will be heavy interference with their Baluchis also.

Can you think of any better outcome for amir khan than a separation of Irani baluchistan and then the addition of the baki baluchistan in due course of time? There's your direct access to CA's oil and gas right there.

If they do anything, they will most likely avoid the baluchi temptation and go the shia / sunni route.