Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by pgbhat »

Nandu wrote:After reading some of his comments, I am 400,000% convinced that he is a RAW agent from BRF onlee. :rotfl: There are lots of clues.
I thought I was reading BENIS. :rotfl: ..... 400000000% sure it is BRFite.
Your people recognised the world over as SLUMDOGS, a land where the people have no honor and for a few scraps of dollars are eage to do work that has given you the title of technoCOOLIE. A country whose best and brightest work as Coolies [porters]. We proud Muslims prefer death and unemployment rather than disgrace Allah by taking up such demeaning jobs thrown at people like you by the CIA-Mossad Zionist run companies.
We are a NUCLEAR POWER are living with honor & dignity instead of licking American & Israeli boots for the haraam inflation-inducing paper currency.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Sadler »

pgbhat wrote:Listen India! :(( ..... the news edit
Posting in full
..................... Very Big Brother with a military sHtick that we know we would have difficulty countering were push to come to shove.........quote]
Errr, how does one shove a martial "shtick" up a TFT musharraf?? I ask WONLY.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Nihat wrote:Indo-Pak animosity is only going to end when one of them splits up into many pieces and is too weak to stand up to the other one. At one time , I would have feared that it may have been us but those fears were allayed comprehensively a long time go.
Nihat, if you changed your opinion a long time ago then why are you peddling that nonsense that is highlighted ? I mean, why include India there ? There is no place here for people who have such an opinion. Even a Pakistani, who goes through daily suicide-bombing and who has lost more than half his country and is on the verge of a break-up, will say that only his enemy country will break up. And, here you are equating the two ?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Pranav »

SSridhar wrote:
Nihat wrote:Indo-Pak animosity is only going to end when one of them splits up into many pieces and is too weak to stand up to the other one. At one time , I would have feared that it may have been us but those fears were allayed comprehensively a long time go.
Nihat, if you changed your opinion a long time ago then why are you peddling that nonsense that is highlighted ? There is no place here for people who have such an opinion. Even a Pakistani, who goes through daily suicide-bombing and who has lost more than half his country and is on the verge of a break-up, will say that only his enemy country will break up. And, here you are equating the two ?
As regards the view that it is going to be either one or the other - one can agree or disagree with it, but it does not amount to ==. In fact != was explicitly asserted in the second statement.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Nihat »

SSridhar wrote:
Nihat wrote:Indo-Pak animosity is only going to end when one of them splits up into many pieces and is too weak to stand up to the other one. At one time , I would have feared that it may have been us but those fears were allayed comprehensively a long time go.
Nihat, if you changed your opinion a long time ago then why are you peddling that nonsense that is highlighted ? I mean, why include India there ? There is no place here for people who have such an opinion. Even a Pakistani, who goes through daily suicide-bombing and who has lost more than half his country and is on the verge of a break-up, will say that only his enemy country will break up. And, here you are equating the two ?
Not equating the two at all , only emphasizing the fact that in today's time there absolutely no ambiguity regarding that fact that TSP is the only one which is bound to crumble like a cookie in the future. India is an emerginf power of the 21st century and there is no way TSP can afford an extended conflict with us , not even by applying it's usual strategy of being "thali ka baingan" and aligning with much more advanced nations like US and China.

There is only so much an ally will do and when it realizes that the end for TSP is near , it'll run away too.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Pakistan conspiracy theories stifle debate by Ahmed Rashid
....talk show hosts who are mostly obsessed with demonising the elected government, trying to convince viewers of global conspiracies against Pakistan led by India and the United States or insisting that the recent campaign of suicide bomb blasts around the country is being orchestrated by foreigners rather than local militants.

One notable channel which also owns newspapers has taken it upon itself to topple the elected government. Another insists that it will never air anything that is sympathetic to India, while all of them bring on pundits - often retired hardline diplomats, bureaucrats or retired Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) officers who sport Taliban-style beards and give viewers loud, angry crash courses in anti-Westernism and anti-Indianism, thereby reinforcing views already held by many.
Pakistan is going through a multi-dimensional series of crises and a collapse of public confidence in the state.
The explosion in TV channels in Urdu, English and regional languages has brought to the fore large numbers of largely untrained, semi-educated and unworldly TV talk show hosts and journalists who deem it necessary to win viewership at a time of an acute advertising crunch, by being more outrageous and sensational than the next channel.

Recently, one senior retired army officer claimed that Hakimullah Mehsud - the leader of the Pakistani Taliban which is fighting the army in South Waziristan and has killed hundreds in daily suicide bombings in the past five weeks - had been whisked to safety in a US helicopter to the American-run Bagram airbase in Afghanistan. In other words the Pakistani Taliban are American stooges, even as the same pundits admit that US-fired drone missiles are targeting the Pakistani Taliban in Waziristan. :roll:

blatantly contradictory and nut-case conspiracy theories
Nobody discusses the failure of the education system that is now turning out hundreds of suicide bombers, rather than doctors and engineers.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Nihat »

Taliban planning 'mass extinctions' by poisoning Karachi's water supply

Karachi, Nov.24 (ANI): Pakistan intelligence agencies have warned that the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is planning to poison Karachi's main water supply.

According to sources, intelligence agencies have warned that the extremists are planning to wreck havoc in Karachi by adding cyanide to the city's main water supply lines.

Sources said that there is significant information about the Taliban arranging 200 kilograms of highly poisonous chemicals for carrying out its nefarious plans.

Following the intelligence report, all the concerned departments have been directed to secure all the big and small pumping stations in Karachi.

The authorities have also been asked to increase vigilance in and around the pumping stations and supply lines, The Daily Times reports.

Meanwhile, Punjab Home Department has issued a warning that the TTP has dispatched two terrorists to Lahore to target the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) building, Liberty Market and government offices in Model Town.

In a circular issued by Home Secretary, Nadeem Hassan Asif, senior police officials have been asked to maintain strict vigil at all the exit and entry points of the city and enhance cooperation between the officials of intelligence and law-enforcement agencies. (ANI)
http://in.news.yahoo.com/139/20091124/8 ... ns-by.html
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Pranav wrote:As regards the view that it is going to be either one or the other - one can agree or disagree with it, but it does not amount to ==. In fact != was explicitly asserted in the second statement.
Pranav, I suggest that you do not interpret the statement(s) of somebody else, when that person is specifically addressed to. Thanks.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Nihat wrote:Not equating the two at all , only emphasizing the fact that in today's time there absolutely no ambiguity regarding that fact that TSP is the only one which is bound to crumble like a cookie in the future.
Nihat, it may be that you did not think carefully before posting or constructing that sentence. However, you continue to maintain that 'in today's circumstance' etc. that intrigues me. I am certain that there never was India in danger of crumbling except in the minds of certain inimical nations.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Ameet »

Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan


At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret program in which they plan targeted assassinations of suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives, "snatch and grabs" of high-value targets and other sensitive action inside and outside Pakistan, an investigation by The Nation has found. The Blackwater operatives also assist in gathering intelligence and help direct a secret US military drone bombing campaign that runs parallel to the well-documented CIA predator strikes, according to a well-placed source within the US military intelligence apparatus.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Jarita »

Stan_Savljevic wrote:
Jarita wrote: Parag Khanna
He has a video on TED on "the world without maps" or something like that. I was surprised when he never talked about Indian subcontinent region, now it makes more sense.
These kinds of people are more dangerous than Pakistanis because they have an Indian face and name and are influential in the media and administration (he advises Obama).
Parag Khannas tweets - no India anywherehttp://twitter.com/paragkhanna
Parag is attending a workshop on using the diaspora to support and develop Pakistan
12:39 PM May 9th from mobile web
Reply Retweet Two new articles on Pakistan: http://tinyurl.com/dlu9br (Foreign Policy) and http://tinyurl.com/dgze2g (New York Times)
5:07 PM May 5th from web
Reply Retweet My commentary on developments in Pakistan: http://tinyurl.com/cx6eqp
4:37 AM Apr 25th from web
Reply Retweet Commentary on developments in Pakistan: http://preview.tinyurl.com/...
4:33 AM Apr 25th from web
Reply Retweet Went to Tina Brown's party for my friend Reza Aslan's new book "How to Win a Cosmic War" -- highly recommended!!
8:05 PM Apr 21st from web
Reply Retweet My article from this weekend's Washington Post on "Why We Should Get Rid of the Term "Muslim World": http://tinyurl.com/dmupsn
5:11 AM Apr 18th from web
Reply Retweet at the Georgetown Global Forum where politicians and executives are marveling about Twitter... Mohammed Yunus is about to speak.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by hulaku »

Here it comes

Pakistani Army Officers detained for terror links
Pakistani officials: 5 army officers detained

ISLAMABAD – Five Pakistani army officers have been detained for questioning over possible links to two U.S. terror suspects accused of plotting an armed attack on a Danish newspaper, intelligence officials said Tuesday.

The detentions underscore long-standing allegations that elements in Pakistan support a militant group known as Lashkar-e-Taiba, which is devoted to fighting the country's arch enemy, India.

The group is blamed for last year's terror attacks in Mumbai and other strikes in India in recent years.

Last month's arrests of David Coleman Headley and Tahawwur Hussain Rana in Chicago have cast a fresh spotlight on the group.

U.S. prosecutors said the two men were believed to be working with an unidentified senior member of the outfit and a senior al-Qaida operative.

Two Pakistani intelligence officials, speaking anonymously because they are not allowed to release their identity, said phone records showed the five Pakistani officers had contacted Headley and Rana.

They say the five include a retired brigadier general and two active lieutenant colonels, but did not provide more details.

Pakistani military officials could not immediately be reached for confirmation.

The FBI says Headley traveled to Pakistan this year and may have been headed there when he was arrested Oct. 3 at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport en route to Philadelphia.

Indian officials say Headley also may have been involved in planning the Mumbai terror attack, which occurred a year ago Thursday.

Headley, 49, and Rana, 48, are accused of plotting to kill one of the editors and a cartoonist at Danish paper Jyllands-Posten for publishing 12 cartoons in 2005 depicting the Prophet Muhammad, which ignited outrage in much of the Muslim world.

The FBI has said only that it has evidence Headley and Rana were in contact with the Pakistani group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which the Indian government blames for the Mumbai attacks that left 166 dead and 308 wounded. U.S. authorities say Headley was in contact with the group while he allegedly carried out reconnaissance this year near the newspaper offices in Copenhagen. They say Rana last year advised a member of the group on how to slip people into the U.S.

Headley is a U.S. citizen who changed his name from Daood Gilani in 2006 to get across international boundaries without too many questions at customs, according to an FBI affidavit.

He and Rana, a Pakistani immigrant to Canada who has lived in Chicago for a decade, are charged in criminal complaints with conspiring to provide material support to terrorism and providing material support to terrorism. They will not enter pleas until they are indicted.

Lashkar-e-Taiba, which means Army of the Pure, was established in the early 1990s to reclaim territories it views as Muslim land, primarily the Indian-controlled section of the disputed Himalayan territory of Kashmir. Analysts say it was largely a creation of Pakistani security agencies.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091124/ap_ ... an_arrests
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Nihat »

SSridhar wrote:
Nihat wrote:Not equating the two at all , only emphasizing the fact that in today's time there absolutely no ambiguity regarding that fact that TSP is the only one which is bound to crumble like a cookie in the future.
Nihat, it may be that you did not think carefully before posting or constructing that sentence. However, you continue to maintain that 'in today's circumstance' etc. that intrigues me. I am certain that there never was India in danger of crumbling except in the minds of certain inimical nations.
Not to the point of crumbling as a nation but in a position of weakness where we could have rather easily been pushed towards settlement or compromise, especially regarding TSP and specifically Kashmir. The period subsequnt to the collapse of our strongest ally "The Soviet Union" , raging TSP sponsored terrorism in the valley and subsequent political instability that followed.

Anyhow , I do not wish to keep harping on about a rather bleak period of India's history and would much rather look forward to better things. It's not hard to forsee that in a few years time, TSP's position would be far worse and India would be able to dictate terms , Inshallah.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Rishi »

Jarita wrote:
Stan_Savljevic wrote: He has a video on TED on "the world without maps" or something like that. I was surprised when he never talked about Indian subcontinent region, now it makes more sense.
These kinds of people are more dangerous than Pakistanis because they have an Indian face and name and are influential in the media and administration (he advises Obama).
Parag Khannas tweets - no India anywherehttp://twitter.com/paragkhanna
Parag is attending a workshop on using the diaspora to support and develop Pakistan
12:39 PM May 9th from mobile web
Reply Retweet Two new articles on Pakistan: http://tinyurl.com/dlu9br (Foreign Policy) and http://tinyurl.com/dgze2g (New York Times)
5:07 PM May 5th from web
Reply Retweet My commentary on developments in Pakistan: http://tinyurl.com/cx6eqp
4:37 AM Apr 25th from web
Reply Retweet Commentary on developments in Pakistan: http://preview.tinyurl.com/...
4:33 AM Apr 25th from web
Reply Retweet Went to Tina Brown's party for my friend Reza Aslan's new book "How to Win a Cosmic War" -- highly recommended!!
8:05 PM Apr 21st from web
Reply Retweet My article from this weekend's Washington Post on "Why We Should Get Rid of the Term "Muslim World": http://tinyurl.com/dmupsn
5:11 AM Apr 18th from web
Reply Retweet at the Georgetown Global Forum where politicians and executives are marveling about Twitter... Mohammed Yunus is about to speak.
8:21 AM Apr 17th from mobile web
Wrt Parag Khanna - to establish his credentials and identity, and to make sure that he does not become silo'ed into being an "Indian-American" (as opposed to being an American), he generally choses to brush aside his Indian origin and tends not to write about India.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Jarita »

Rishi wrote: American" (as opposed to being an American), he generally choses to brush aside his Indian origin and tends not to write about India.

But he writes a lot of positive crap about Pakistan along with his wifey. He attends fund raising and development efforts for Pakistan. His wife quotes Pakistani poetry at drop of the hat.
Obviously he is not scared of adopting that identify while hiding behind a neutral Indian name (which keeps him safe). Post his nikah he does not tote the new name but hangs on to the old one.
What irks me is that these are these folks who give up dharm for libidinous reasons are celebrated amongst the Indian community in the US. Had they been of Chinese origin, they would have been quiety ostracized.
Paan Parag basically loses nothing. Keeps the community, pleases wifey, gets a country to abuse
Paan Parag is basically a Teesta Setlavaad

http://www.wired.com/politics/law/magaz ... /sl_khanna

China and India
The panda matters more
The race isn't even close. "India will never rival China," Khanna says. "India accounts for less than 2 percent of the global economy. It's not a superpower." Meantime, China's ever-accelerating "neo-mercantilist" freight train won't be slowed by demands for such democratic niceties as transparency or free expression. "The communist leadership is the most powerful emperor China has ever had. The Chinese people have a preference for stability over another revolution."
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by anupmisra »

India preparing for war

India preparing for limited war against Pakistan: FO

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office Spokesman Abdul Basit Tuesday urged the world community to take notice of remarks passed by the Indian Army Chief, saying India is setting the stage for a limited war against Pakistan since long.
Key words: setting the stage; which is different from preparing for war.
The spokesman said Deepak’s statement endorses Indian’s aggression-based ambitions regarding nuclear hegemony, adding it is incumbent upon the big world powers to keep intact the power balance in the region.
Again, equal - equal
Abdul Basit said Pakistan is a responsible country :rotfl: and will continue working for the upkeep of peace in the South Asia on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
Yet again, equal - equal
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Gagan »

Looks like Gen Kapoor's dhamki has resulted in another round of the world famous "Browning of the Pants ceremony" in pindi.

Hence this angst.

India must, from time to time drop hints that we are itching to give the pakis a sound thrashing, alternated with several soothing = = words from PM MMS. Keeps them on their toes and their focus intact.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by A_Gupta »

anupmisra wrote:
Abdul Basit said Pakistan is a responsible country :rotfl: .....
Precisely. Responsible for what he didn't say, but don't we all know!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Moral brigade wants Indian films off Pakistan cables
Poet Bushra Rehman and Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman joined voices in a moral brigade in the National Assembly on Tuesday to seek to bar Pakistani cable networks from showing Indian movies and other entertainment, and the group got a sympathetic ear from the PPP-led coalition government.
Martial word: Brigade! Very TFTA
MNA Bushra Rahman of opposition PML-Q became almost hysterical as she spoke against what she saw as an assault on Pakistani culture and Islamic religious values as the main author of a call-attention notice moved with three other party colleagues.
The notice had invited Information and Broadcasting Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira’s attention to what it called a matter of urgent public importance regarding ‘projecting/promoting (of) Indian culture and telecasting Indian films on electronic media and private TV channels’ that it said had caused ‘grave concern amongst the public’.
Mrs Rehman, an Urdu poet from Lahore, said the Indian movies and other programmes aired by some entertainment channels seen in Pakistan were against Islamic and Pakistani cultural norms and were damaging specially for the country’s youth. She was particularly unhappy with the Indian entertainment aired in Pakistan in the month of celebrations of the country’s creation as a Muslim state on Aug 14, 1947 at Partition and independence of the sub-continent. ‘We don’t want to see these programmes,’ she said, echoing a distant past when even the start of India’s state-run Doordarshan television station at Amritsar, which could be seen in Lahore, was described by some as a threat to Pakistani culture.
The minister said though the government did not intend taking any immediate step because of its belief in the freedom of media and existing arrangements that allowed cable operators to air some CDs on their own and some foreign entertainment channels, he could talk with the media about possible checks if permitted by the house.
Freedom of the media, indeed! How oxymoronic.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Kedar »

anupmisra wrote:India preparing for war

Abdul Basit said Pakistan is a responsible country :rotfl: and will continue working for the upkeep of peace in the South Asia on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
Yet again, equal - equal
Yes, Mr. B.A.Shit, Pakistan is a responsible country. Responsible in some form or the other for most of the terrorism in the world. Honestly, if I was a Paki I would be suing God for malpractice.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Prem »

Obama defies US arbitration amid Indo-Pak rows ( Onlee Pakis knwo what it means) :mrgreen:

NGTON: US President Barack Obama Tuesday said there were historic conflicts between India and Pakistan, but ruled out any outside role for the US to intervene between the two neighboring courtiers in South Asia.

“There are historic conflicts between India and Pakistan. But there is no place of US from the outside to resolve it.

We want to be encouraging of ways in which both India and Pakistan can become secure and focus on development,” Obama said at a joint news conference with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh here
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Lessons and Challenges for Pakistan Hasan Abbas in The Hindu
The tragic Mumbai attacks in November 2008 unfortunately derailed the India-Pakistan peace process in its wake. It should have brought both countries closer instead. The humanistic traditions and values of the Indian sub-continent and Indus Valley civilisation demanded so. {Wow. Since when has Pakistan recognized the Indus Valley Civilization ?} On the contrary, masterminds of the terror attacks are succeeding so far because disruption of South Asian peace process was one of their prime targets. India legitimately expected that Pakistan would do its best to pursue and prosecute those involved in the heinous crime but in its hour of pain and grief it forgot that Pakistan is also a victim of terrorism and is passing through turbulent times.
Many Pakistanis, however, also believe that India leaves no stone unturned in making things more difficult for Pakistan whenever it can. Alleged Indian interference in Baluchistan for instance is often referred to in this regard. The matter was even mentioned in the joint statement issued after the Prime Ministers of the two countries met at Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt in August 2009. {The one concession to Pakistan is that they are much better than India in propaganda and articulation. Sharm-el-Sheikh will continue to haunt us therefore.}More recently, Pakistani security forces operating in South Waziristan have also hinted that they have found some evidence of Indian support to militants in FATA. Whether true or false, the real issue is the widespread Pakistani belief that India is involved in destabilising Pakistan.
No one can deny that both countries have produced fanatics of one kind or the other and insurgencies of various intensities are brewing in various parts of both the countries. The longer the South Asian peace process remains frozen, more extensive will be the damaging impact of extremism and mutual mistrust.
The attempt is always to represent the on-going army action against some sections of the Taliban as Pakistan's determination to root out terrorism. Then, project Pakistan's suffering in the hands of these people and demand understanding, sympathy and support from the world community. Then make a preposterous claim that India is up to equal mischief all over Pakistan. In between, slip in a statement that India also has extremists and fanatics. Then claim that such violence will continue unless composite dialogue restarts and all issues are resolved which is actually putting the gun to our head.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by venkat_r »

Jarita wrote:
Rishi wrote: American" (as opposed to being an American), he generally choses to brush aside his Indian origin and tends not to write about India.

But he writes a lot of positive crap about Pakistan along with his wifey. He attends fund raising and development efforts for Pakistan. His wife quotes Pakistani poetry at drop of the hat.
Obviously he is not scared of adopting that identify while hiding behind a neutral Indian name (which keeps him safe). Post his nikah he does not tote the new name but hangs on to the old one.
What irks me is that these are these folks who give up dharm for libidinous reasons are celebrated amongst the Indian community in the US. Had they been of Chinese origin, they would have been quiety ostracized.
Paan Parag basically loses nothing. Keeps the community, pleases wifey, gets a country to abuse
Paan Parag is basically a Teesta Setlavaad

http://www.wired.com/politics/law/magaz ... /sl_khanna

China and India
The panda matters more
The race isn't even close. "India will never rival China," Khanna says. "India accounts for less than 2 percent of the global economy. It's not a superpower." Meantime, China's ever-accelerating "neo-mercantilist" freight train won't be slowed by demands for such democratic niceties as transparency or free expression. "The communist leadership is the most powerful emperor China has ever had. The Chinese people have a preference for stability over another revolution."
I might not exactly take the position that he takes, but how come we have come to this - that we crap on anyone who does not hold the exact same opinion as us. His view points might not exactly what I might advocate, but i believe there should be enough space for such views also. And to be fair, his intentions seems to be honest.

Not going into too much (useless) promotion of his works, his view points are fair and they do not seem to prefer Pakistan over India. I think the similar statements like above regarding China and India if made by Indian Navy or Airforce chief would draw wistles and salutations.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by MurthyB »

I didn't see anywhere that he has become a moslem.

He just sounds like a nitwit with most of his prescriptions. He's pretty much an ABCD who's inter'd in some of DC's think tanks and appears to be able to use those connections to publish these articles. But anyone prescribing to "make friends with the Muslim brotherhood" in Egypt, or focus only on Ahmedinijad in Iran will have no credibility left, as the comments for the wired article already demonstrate. In the future, whether he likes it or not, he is likely to be listened to only if he talks about the Indian subcontinent. At that point, hopefully some other right-thinking Indian will point out his previous opinions on befriending the Muslim brotherhood should he say something objectionable.
Jarita wrote:
Rishi wrote: American" (as opposed to being an American), he generally choses to brush aside his Indian origin and tends not to write about India.

But he writes a lot of positive crap about Pakistan along with his wifey. He attends fund raising and development efforts for Pakistan. His wife quotes Pakistani poetry at drop of the hat.
Obviously he is not scared of adopting that identify while hiding behind a neutral Indian name (which keeps him safe). Post his nikah he does not tote the new name but hangs on to the old one.
What irks me is that these are these folks who give up dharm for libidinous reasons are celebrated amongst the Indian community in the US. Had they been of Chinese origin, they would have been quiety ostracized.
Paan Parag basically loses nothing. Keeps the community, pleases wifey, gets a country to abuse
Paan Parag is basically a Teesta Setlavaad

http://www.wired.com/politics/law/magaz ... /sl_khanna

China and India
The panda matters more
The race isn't even close. "India will never rival China," Khanna says. "India accounts for less than 2 percent of the global economy. It's not a superpower." Meantime, China's ever-accelerating "neo-mercantilist" freight train won't be slowed by demands for such democratic niceties as transparency or free expression. "The communist leadership is the most powerful emperor China has ever had. The Chinese people have a preference for stability over another revolution."
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by svinayak »

venkat_r wrote:
Paan Parag basically loses nothing. Keeps the community, pleases wifey, gets a country to abuse

I might not exactly take the position that he takes, but how come we have come to this - that we crap on anyone who does not hold the exact same opinion as us.

Not going into too much (useless) promotion of his works, his view points are fair and they do not seem to prefer Pakistan over India.
He is an American working for American govt and advises the US President.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Jarita »

I've met this dud and it is important to understand where people are coming from when they advise the US government. If that involves crapping on them, so be it. COntextual clarity is needed
Anyway, we've given him enough importance
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by venkat_r »

Jarita, If that is your personal opinion of him, then so be it - no disputing that. He seem to project the image of being an american while talking about India or Indians (in the third party).
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Jarita »

Also the fact that he is massively pro pakistan
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by AdityaM »

pgbhat wrote:Listen India! :(( ..... the news edit
This article deserves a Nishan-e-Benisi!

to qoute and mis-qoute a few gems:
...about to experience American hospitality of the type associated with a full-blown state..... Free of stain and guilt?
What kind of american full-blown hospitality will cause stain and guilt :mrgreen: Only a baki knows best!
ritualised thrashing of a favourite scapegoat :wink: :wink: ...if it's peace you seek, Manmohan Singh, find a different way of saying so. Believe us – we'll listen if you do.
Are they openly courting MMS and asking him to do a GUBO on them?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Dipanker »

Jarita wrote:Also the fact that he is massively pro pakistan
No big deal...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Nihat »

Abdul Basit said Pakistan is a responsible country :rotfl: and will continue working for the upkeep of peace in the South Asia on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
Well. it is a responsible country and no one can deny that. If you term it as not a responsible nation then who would you credit for spreading terror across the globe, I'm with Abdul Basit ( at least on this assesment of TSP being a responsible nation)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by wamanrao »

This thing has had me in splits since morning.

Our favourite Zion Hamid and his pal Ahmed Conspiracy try to play "Analyst Analyst" with Cmde Uday Bhaskar. The gem in this piece is how "Col. Proheeeeth" is launching a "fascist coup" with Israel to get an "Indian govt-in-exile"!!

Watch the commodore's response and don't miss the expression on Ahmed Conspiracy's face!

"Zaid saab, I would like to make sense of this in the following manner. The idea ...to my mind, is a complete flight of fantasy. Main 'bizarre' kehnay waala tha, but it's not a good word for television...." :rotfl:

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by sreeji »

Nihat wrote:

Taliban planning 'mass extinctions' by poisoning Karachi's water supply
http://in.news.yahoo.com/139/20091124/8 ... ns-by.html
This does not bode well for the subcontinent. Wonder why the threat is to SDRE karachi when it should have been to TFTA poonjab. Is pureland trying to further purify itself of all non TFTAsses. After all it is TSP.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by AjayKK »

The Pakistani state as a suicide bomber

http://www.dnaindia.com/opinion/comment ... er_1316052
A year ago tomorrow, as no one in India needs reminding, Urban Jihad set sail from hostile shores, came aground in Mumbai, flickered live on our TV screens, and purveyed death across the city.
A year later, look at where Pakistan stands. It has failed to bring the Mumbai terrorist masterminds to book, but the karmic law of jihadi sponsorship has recoiled on it and not a day passes by without a lethal suicide bombing or terrorist attack in its cities. US drone aircraft routinely target militants inside Pakistan, and occasionally claim civilian lives in 'friendly fire' incidents. Pakistani nationals' complicity in terrorism around the world is being unmasked with disturbing frequency. Pakistan stands exposed as the nearest thing to a 'jihadi suicide-bomber state' with a fanatical finger on the nuclear button.
Such infinite capacity to look away from the unflattering mirror of history and delude oneself isn't, of course, the sole preserve of Pakistani players. US interlocutors stand guilty of it every time they draw specious connections, as US envoy on Af-Pak affairs Richard Holbrooke does, between mindless jihadism in Pakistan and the Kashmir issue. It's evidently a perspective that Barack Obama shares, but it is fundamentally flawed. India has for years faced down Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in Kashmir, which the US ignored at its own (subsequent) peril. To suggest that India should talk Kashmir with an unrepentantly terror-exporting Pakistan is to yield unconditionally to the twisted mentality of the suicide bomber.
Obama's newest effort -- to initiate indirect talks with a section of the Taliban in Afghanistan in an effort to end the stalemate -- amounts to a similar yielding to Pakistan's jihadi blackmail tactics. Much of the violence against NATO troops in Afghanistan bears the signature of Pakistani agencies and of the Taliban fighters they support. US officials aren't unaware of this, and Pakistan's own experience of negotiating with the 'good Taliban' in the Swat Valley earlier this year is a shining example of the folly of such a course. Yet the incredibly naïve search for 'good Taliban' persists.
For India, all this is more than a little bothersome, but as was revealed following the Mumbai attack last year, there is some merit in exercising restraint rather than rush into war.
One of two things will then happen: wisdom will eventually dawn in the White House or the 'suicide bomber state' will implode further.
A good article, except for the last two paragraphs mentioned in the link where hope and Chankyan inaction seem to confuse the author..
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by svinayak »

wamanrao wrote:
"Zaid saab, I would like to make sense of this in the following manner. The idea ...to my mind, is a complete flight of fantasy. Main 'bizarre' kehnay waala tha, but it's not a good word for television...." :rotfl:
Instead of the Mumbai attack they are focusing on Karkare.

This is tit for tat story being generated by the media in India and in Pak with coordination so that Pak media can continue to keep the discussion on India matter instead of the Let/Pak issue.
Indian media is acting coyly without raising any issue of the Pak media.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Anujan »

wamanrao wrote:This thing has had me in splits since morning.
The police goofed up in the FIR of Col. Purohit that he may have been involved in Samjhauta blasts since RDX was used there as well. But according to the FIR no RDX was used, what was used was a small bomb which was placed next to bottles with flammable liquid and the coach was essentially firebombed (with flammable liquid sprayed all over the coach) when the small bomb went off. The deaths were due to smoke and burning and not due to the blasts.

In fact, United States Treasury and UNSC have named Arif Qasmani as the chief suspect.

The retarded program, instead says "Colnel Pooroohit who waj involved in killing 70 Bakistanis in Indian soil...."

WTF ?!! Is that a part of "accepted wisdom" just like how Yindoo-Yehudi-Yankee agints are growing beards and fighting as the taliban ?

Karkare's wife said that the protection vest supplied was below par and demanded investigation into corruption in procurement. And this bast4rd Zaid Hamid twisted it to allege that Karkare's wife is demanding the investigation of Hindu right wing in the killing of her husband !!! The shameless bast4rd has no sense of decency.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Atri »

It is better that Indian media is ignoring such asswholes and denying them undue popularity and credibility. Zion Hamid is garnering popularity because he is saying things loudly what pakis desperately want to listen. Thankfully, he is limited to TSP. Indians should not give him credibility and popularity by responding to him. In either case, (of responding and not-responding to him) the problem is going to persist till pakis continue getting support from their three and half fathers. Let's not attest their delusions.

Indian media in all its naivity is playing smart by not giving too much publicity to these jerks. They already have done enough damage by giving undue and premature publicity to Hindu-Taliban and all sort of related non-sense. I am now curiously awaiting to see the role these b@stards will play at leakage of Liberhan committee report on Ayodhya. I sincerely hope that they fixate on real issues (maoism, china, TSP-terrorism-Mumbai and they should keep constant pressure on Pakis and remind Indians constantly about their sufferings)

These sons of bitches (Hamid et al) want publicity and nothing else... At least we must make sure that we are not the ones to give it to them.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by AjayKK »

Tracking a power shift : Ejaz Haider
Be that as it may, if the get-Zardari campaign does succeed through the invocation of a primer-based approach to moral outrage against corruption, there could be serious political ramifications.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by arun »

arun wrote:
SSridhar wrote: Aha . . . that explains it. In my post here a couple of days back, I sensed something was cooking in DT. All the old bandicoots have not been contributing lately and we find a completely new set of faces.

DT was owned by Najam Sethi. He also own TFT, but he is not giving up TFT. This probably means that the 'Establishment' is tightening its grip. The change in the tone and content of some recent editorials show that DT will henceforth follow a more hardline policy.

As James B has mentioned the controlling shareholder in Daily Times is the Governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province Salman Taseer.

The reasons for Najam Sethi’s departure from Daily Times is more prosaic and owing to a difference of opinion in dealing with the financial stringency at DT and sister concern Aaj Kal..

See what is purportedly Najam Sethi's post in this Google Group:

Press Pakistan
After the Daily Times, yet another Pakistani newspaper is seeing a rumble between share-holders.

This time in that most paranoid of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s English language newspaper, the Shireen Mazari edited Nation:
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Majid served notice on Arif Nizami’s plea

Staff Report

LAHORE: The Lahore High Court, on Tuesday, admitted for hearing a petition seeking the closure of English daily The Nation and issued notices to the respondents to file replies by today (Wednesday).

The respondents include Majid Nizami, chief executive of The Nation Publications (Pvt) Ltd and his daughter.

Arif Nizami – son of Hameed Nizami – filed this petition through Aitzaz Ahsan and Abid Minto. The petitioner maintained that despite being a partner, he had been illegally ousted from the company’s affairs. ………………….

Daily Times