BR Forums Feedback

All threads that are locked or marked for deletion will be moved to this forum. The topics will be cleared from this archive on the 1st and 16th of each month.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by archan »

Last edited by archan on 30 Dec 2009 00:08, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: Totally accidental onlee.
Ashok Sarraff
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Ashok Sarraff »

Again, these are my genuine thoughts as a long-term well wisher of the forum and the sentiments it represents with no axe to grind with any moderator or poster.
{Thanks, your views are not surprising given your (rather unwisely volunteered, JMHO) stated level of experience. You may learn. Again, this is my genuine advice, no axe to grind. }
Last edited by enqyoob on 29 Dec 2009 07:46, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: edited
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

For the sake of educating the ignorant who are suffering from a singular lack of bliss. :wink: ... /b/breaper
Breaper is BRF slang for an admin, who has just pruned some posts in order to clean up a thread. The origin of the term is from the Reaper drone, which is famous for unexpectedly swooping by on unsuspecting terrorists. BR + reaper = Breaper. Breapers are also known to ban some posters on occasion.

Also known as:

* Bredator - From the Predator drone
* Adminullah
* BRAdmin - A portmanteau of "BR" and "Admin".
also known as
On BRF, it refers to an admin or moderator, also referred to as BRAdmin.

Bannerjee = banner+jee = one who bans

Bannerjee is a common surname/family name of Bengali people.
an example of the real predator UAV. (as against the BR version)
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by brihaspati »

{Deleting. :(( Brihaspati, please "get the message". Thanks.}
Last edited by enqyoob on 29 Dec 2009 07:47, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: deleting to avoid further damage to postor
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Stan_Savljevic »

Xpost since it has been more than a week and no response in the relevant thread. TIA.
Post subject: Re: Nepal News and discussion
Posted: 22 Dec 2009

Note to admin(s): Can this thread be doubled up as a Nepal-Bhutan news and discussion? I dont see the utility for yet another thread --- now on Bhutan. May be, we can test-drive this proposal for a few months and see if a separate Bhutan thread is necessary or not? Please let me know.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

will do.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Dilbu »

-Controlled IED detonation-
Last edited by Dilbu on 29 Dec 2009 16:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

dilbu, some people take any advice/criticism as a very personal affront. in other words they can't "handle" it. I wonder what feedback means to them, an endless procession of "yes sir !", "no sir !", "you are absolutely right sir !" "you are a genius sir !" perhaps.

so anything that threatens to make this thread different from a personal ego-massage parlour for them will be declared offensive and the postor(in this case you) will be declared uncivilized, hindutvawadi and a slimeball. in case banworthy material can't be found from their posts, they will be flamebaited, personally attacked in order to provoke them to commit harakiri. if even that doesn't work their comments will be taken out of context, false motivation will be attributed and they will be banned without a care for any established procedures.

my advice is, for your own sake, please delete the above post and keep every piece of advice you have to yourself.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Dilbu »

my advice is, for your own sake, please delete the above post and keep every piece of advice you have to yourself.
Then what is the use of having a 'feedback forum', hainji? :mrgreen:

As for other things like threat of ban wagairah, I would only say that downhill skiing is not an SDRE trait.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

fighting a war of words on the internet with both your hands tied behind your back serves no real purpose. having you banned will however be a loss to this board.
whatever may have been the original purpose of this thread, it is being transformed into something else. a chankian SDRE knows when to fight and when to retreat. this advice also goes to anyone else who feels the urge to give his 2 NP to this thread. Don't.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by niran »

Dilbu wrote:
As for other things like threat of ban wagairah, I would only say that downhill skiing is not an SDRE trait.
want to test yer spiffy shining vest eh! let me tell you, it is not worth it. BTW a wise mulla will make a moojaheed use it, never himself. see if he himself use it then who will look after the left behind hoors?
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Re: National Agenda for India, 2010-2050

Post by Rahul M »

***Temporarily Closed for Repairs !***
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

I have opened it.

Pour your hearts out.

Nothing like a feedback.

It helps one to improve!

Now, if someone locks it again, then it is their problem.

I have no reservation on feedback even if it is against me!

Only those who have something to fear lock the threads!

I post as a poster and not otherwise.

I will be frank. I am against evangelism of any religion, be in under a guise or otherwise. Especially not on a forum that is for India and claim secular credentials!

My friends in the Armed Forces were goaded by me to visit this forum. They are disappointed that that this forum is heavily tilted to one religion. We are secular in the Armed Forces and the minorities have not let us down!

I can recall the Battle of Daruchian. The minorities were there on the objective and not the majority?! How come? If they are all traitors? So, let us not whitewash all as bad to do some majority evangelism. My heart goes out to these boys when unfairly the minorities are targeted.

In the Hyderabad riots, my Muslims boys were more aggressive than the others and it took me great persuasion to bring them to their sense! Please don't go by the sentiments expressed in the BRF by a coterie since that is not true to life! Give all a chance!

Nothing wrong if what is wrong is stated, but it cannot continue ad infinitum without cause.

Be fair!

I am quitting since I cannot accept unfairness as I have been operating in a life and death environment with a cosmopolitan all religious group. Let the cuckoos live in ther cuckooland and be responsible for the split of this nation as it is happening in Telengana and Gorkhaland and Heaven knows where!

Let Bchapati, RahjulM and Archan guide you to greater glories!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

Ray sir, with all due respect you are picking on me when whatever has happened has little to do with me. I understand it is easier for you to point fingers at me and archan than doing an introspection. I'm fine with that if it gives you much needed peace of mind.

as for deleting and editing that is your practice, not mine.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Dmurphy »

Why not start a separate thread where one can list the highlights of the year 2009 in India's defence arena? It could be a repository where one can post links to events/developments that happened in 2009 - which can can be locked after a certain period.

What says?
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Nirantar »

Is there any thread to know about possible future BRF meeting? I am based in Gurgaon. Is any such thing in sight there?
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

Rahul M wrote:Ray sir, with all due respect you are picking on me when whatever has happened has little to do with me. I understand it is easier for you to point fingers at me and archan than doing an introspection. I'm fine with that if it gives you much needed peace of mind.

as for deleting and editing that is your practice, not mine.
Indeed I am. As I see it. Archan is a fall guy. Quite a soft brain. You are the brain behind the charade! If I hang around, do be careful!

Since you have brought it out in this very thread in your reply to Dilbu (of course, in the Bchappti style of being clever than half) I have no hesitation to tell you what I feel.

As I have said check which Moderator/ edited/ deleted/ banned. I am not the leader old boy! You are Schumaker! And your chum, Archan!

Yes I have gone gung ho with Bchappati and his Jupiter's eight moons. I don't deny it. I feel violated when my Muslim and Christian friends and acquaintances of the Army find this forum reprehensible since it is loaded with junk from people like Bchappati and his eight moons.

I am proud of the BRF. It is informative and educative and yet it is hurtful.

Bahpti and his ilk have done nothing compared to my friend and my soldiers who have saved what is India from 1947. They have been Muslims and Christians apart from Hindus. Are they do be demeaned and insulted? Is that your, Bchappati and his gang and Archan's agenda? Can I forget them and allow them to be insulted just because Bchappati has no knowledge beyond Hindu civilisation. He was stupid and idiotic on his comment on Afghanistan. And also on Claude Martin, the Founder of my School and old boys organistaion which will look into a libel suit!

He is such a sneaky chap that he did not mention it was my article and instead said 'author'. He knew I would know. How sneakier can you get?

I don't require any peace of mind. I find running away from the reality is most reprehensible.

If this forum is to run on vote bank politics, why complain about the Congress.

Why has Archan failed to answer the following from Shiv?
brihaspati wrote:
The danger I find on BR is a similar "smugness" about views held - simply because people are "on spot" in India, or even more dangerously, an attempt at imposing a "politically correct" viewpoint irrespective of ground realities. So that what is seen and trashed as a "dangerous ideological agenda" could very well be dubbed so out of an equally dangerous ideological blindness. It shows disconnect from both sides. Problem is, in trashing either side, the insights from each side are also rejected outright.

Shiv said:
Oh there is clearly a double standard at work Brihaspatiji. Political correctness is very deeply connected to one's place of residence - no more so than America where the same NRI who would happily claim patriotism by calling an Indian leader a traitor would never dare to call Bush a murderer for fear of having his happiness shaken by the FBI.

The need for political correctness is also dependent on how much of oneself one chooses to show.

Because I have made my place of residence, name and profession pubic I choose to be politically correct about people whom I have to live with. That is my choice. If I were to compare myself with you - I don't know who you are, where you live or what you do. You have carefully hidden that from the public. You can be much more free about not being politically correct because nobody knows who or where you are. As long as you do not set the FBI or some such agency on your trail on the internet by saying "Kill Obama" you are free to say the most egregious things and claim some kind of superior truth telling ability while the truth about yourself is unknown to all. That is both your prerogative and choice but it remains a mealy mouthed double standard if you choose to judge my political correctness and that of others others by your standards.

The difference is significant in your way and I will use an example.

if you are walking down a street and a voice from inside some building calls you by name and says you are a ba$tard - you may never know who has said it and the person who called out is safe in his anonymity. But if a person identifies himself and calls you that to your face, you would hold him accountable. Your anonymity is your defence and your protection. You cover your own ass while you question others' political correctness. That is ludicrous insincerity. Take the previous example posted by member Prem above. That egregious article is by an Indian - but he identifies himself and makes himself accountable for a politically incorrect article. You do not do that and as such do not have any grounds to claim that you are anything but a random voice shouting out from under a Burqa of anonymity. Your words, weighty and wise as they may sound - remain a random voice shouting from a hiding place reaching judgement on all and sundry without the risk that identification and accountability entail. You can say anything you like and claim that others are being too politically correct. In this context that is plain trolling.
Check the Indian Interest thread and Shiv's post unless deleted by over enthusiastic Hinduvta Moderators!

Please note that I am a military man and don't like to lose as a fallen man. That is why you and the Hinduvta boys can sleep comfortably but do not dare to be in Kashmir. Dutch Courage!

Please note I speak as a poster since that gives me freedom than as a parrot in a gilded cage!

Please tell me what has Bchappati and his ilk done for India? If they have done anything beyond talking big and utter crap, I will apologise.

Check Shiv's posts in Indian Interest.

I could not have said it better.

Shiv has him in a spot and he is squirming!

But you folks don't want to see it, since Hiduvta is your credo and you are chameleons!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Dmurphy »

Nirantar, if I'm not wrong there was one thread started only to announce and discuss about a possible meet in Delhi as recently as last month. Keep on the look out for the same in the future. Or you could take the initiative and start new thread yourself.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

But you folks don't want to see it, since Hiduvta is your credo and you are chameleons!
yeah, whatever. :roll:

the records of moderation are still there and it bears evidence that the very people whom you accuse of as "hindutva" is your credo did ALL the heavy lifting in case of intolerant posts and ALL you did was sit around posting empty rhetoric like "is BRF a RSS forum" and similar BS and then flaming people endlessly and then warning them using your mod powers.

whatever tolerance there is in this forum is due to the moderation activities of people like us, in recent days that means archan, n^3 ji, SS, gerard, myself and to a lesser extent jagan and JEM. no thanks to you. right now you are simply embarrassing yourself with all this fulmination.

flaming and hectoring does not count as moderation in an internet forum. and don't give me your service record as excuse please. I don't believe for a moment that army forces its people to behave in this brutish fashion.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by SSridhar »

Nirantar wrote:Is there any thread to know about possible future BRF meeting? I am based in Gurgaon. Is any such thing in sight there?
Nirantar, normally a temporary thread is created in the Military Forum announcing a meeting. You can take the lead and organize one at Gurgaon.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by K_Rohit »

Rahul M wrote:
But you folks don't want to see it, since Hiduvta is your credo and you are chameleons!
yeah, whatever. :roll:
Dont you mods have each others email address? Can you please fight this out on the e-mail instead of this forum? Would do us baccha-trainees a world of good.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

Rahul M wrote:
But you folks don't want to see it, since Hiduvta is your credo and you are chameleons!
yeah, whatever. :roll:
OK let us say that N3 and I feel uncomfortable with Hindu evangelism which is not allowed by the forum rules and yet we are not Muslim or Christians, how come Shiv who is a Hindu as I understand equally uncomfortable with Bchapati and his ilk. He has been a Moderator for years and seen life more than you and me on this forum?

It is not whatever. Don't duck it. You have promoted Hinduvta as have others.

N3, Shiv and I have tried to keep it on an even keel.

Go ahead and project your Agenda along with Bçhappati
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

K_Rohit wrote: Dont you mods have each others email address? Can you please fight this out on the e-mail instead of this forum? Would do us baccha-trainees a world of good.
Yes we have.

I have advocated the same many a time.

But then there are some who like to play to the gallery. Improves their TRP!

And those who have to ride into the sunset require to explain why they are doing so!

Sad, but a reality!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

K_Rohit wrote: Dont you mods have each others email address? Can you please fight this out on the e-mail instead of this forum? Would do us baccha-trainees a world of good.
rohit, unfortunately some people have a problem with keeping things in house. do not think for a moment that it gives me pleasure. but there's a limit to how much BS one can take when people throwing false allegations in public.
OK let us say that N3 and I feel uncomfortable with Hindu evangelism
what on earth are you talking about ? you are a mod. what did you do about it other than throw false and stupid accusations at other mods ?

who on the mod team supports religious intolerance ? no one, other than in your imagination.

n^3 ji always put his money where his mouth is. he acted. as did archan and I and others. you didn't. flaming people is not moderation. even a troll can do that.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by AdityaM »

Dmurphy wrote:Nirantar, if I'm not wrong there was one thread started only to announce and discuss about a possible meet in Delhi as recently as last month. Keep on the look out for the same in the future. Or you could take the initiative and start new thread yourself.
we met, we talked, we ate, we left, we met again at a jingos wedding (kind of him to call us :) )
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

Rahul M wrote:
K_Rohit wrote: Dont you mods have each others email address? Can you please fight this out on the e-mail instead of this forum? Would do us baccha-trainees a world of good.
rohit, unfortunately some people have a problem with keeping things in house. do not think for a moment that it gives me pleasure. but there's a limit to how much BS one can take when people throwing false allegations in public.
OK let us say that N3 and I feel uncomfortable with Hindu evangelism
what on earth are you talking about ? you are a mod. what did you do about it other than throw false and stupid accusations at other mods ?

who on the mod team supports religious intolerance ? no one, other than in your imagination.

n^3 ji always put his money where his mouth is. he acted. as did archan and I and others. you didn't. flaming people is not moderation. even a troll can do that.
If you are stupid, I can't help you!

OK with the Epic thread?

Don't act cute!

I can't say where you and Archan put your money since was not there!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by nachiket »

My feedback:
Someone please lock the feedback thread before things get any uglier. We have moderators fighting each other now. This is too much for us nanha mujahids to take. :( People need to take a chill pill here. Its just a forum for god's sake. Nobody here is in charge of deciding India's domestic or foreign policy.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by archan »

Rahul, let him post to his heart's content. I will refrain from responding and even though I see the nature of his accusations against you, I urge you to let him be - this last time, please. At least enqyoob had the dignity to quit gracefully. Yes we do have a difference in opinion on moderation tactics, but enqyoob is right up there among the tallest of all, and commands our respect for standing up to his convictions. So Rahul, let RayC do what he does best, and in his own words, let him
walk away into the sunset
as a moderator.
A couple of corrections are in order however.
1) RayC, the user's name is brihaspati and no other distortions will be allowed. If after this moderation note you continue to mock a user's login ID, I will have to deal with it the way I deal any other offender.
2) What you said
RayC wrote:I am quitting
is incorrect. You have been asked to quit. Just a minor correction.

PS: users, please relax, this will be over soon. Consider this as a "pardon our appearance" board on buildings under construction.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by AdityaM »

The elephants are fighting,
The grass is being trampled,
and we are privy to the tamasha! (Actually nothing wrong with that, its better to know whats happening behind the scenes, rather than wonder why XYZ left)
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

:rotfl: you are just proving every thing I said. you can't string 2 complete sentences together without resorting to abuses.

what's the problem with a thread on ancient texts btw when religious discussions are carefully filtered out of it by mods ? I suspect you would have been an enthusiastic participant in a thread on greek epics. of course merely discussing Indian texts and epics (without religion, mind) are the very symptom of an intolerant person ! :roll:
RayC wrote:
K_Rohit wrote: Dont you mods have each others email address? Can you please fight this out on the e-mail instead of this forum? Would do us baccha-trainees a world of good.
Yes we have.

I have advocated the same many a time.
yes, advocated and then done the opposite.
archan, you are right, no more replies from me. just that it's hard to digest intellectually dishonest opinions.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by svenkat »

Deleted my soliloquy clothed as an appeal to Sirjee.
Last edited by svenkat on 30 Dec 2009 17:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by AdityaM »

krishnapremi - Your very handle reeks of hindutva!! :rotfl:
Ok, i m out of here...gone!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

archan wrote:Rahul, let him post to his heart's content. I will refrain from responding and even though I see the nature of his accusations against you, I urge you to let him be - this last time, please. At least enqyoob had the dignity to quit gracefully. Yes we do have a difference in opinion on moderation tactics, but enqyoob is right up there among the tallest of all, and commands our respect for standing up to his convictions. So Rahul, let RayC do what he does best, and in his own words, let him
walk away into the sunset
as a moderator.
A couple of corrections are in order however.
1) RayC, the user's name is brihaspati and no other distortions will be allowed. If after this moderation note you continue to mock a user's login ID, I will have to deal with it the way I deal any other offender.
2) What you said
RayC wrote:I am quitting
is incorrect. You have been asked to quit. Just a minor correction.

PS: users, please relax, this will be over soon. Consider this as a "pardon our appearance" board on buildings under construction.
archan wrote:Rahul, let him post to his heart's content. I will refrain from responding and even though I see the nature of his accusations against you, I urge you to let him be - this last time, please. At least enqyoob had the dignity to quit gracefully. Yes we do have a difference in opinion on moderation tactics, but enqyoob is right up there among the tallest of all, and commands our respect for standing up to his convictions. So Rahul, let RayC do what he does best, and in his own words, let him
walk away into the sunset
as a moderator.

Clever clever clever crook!

Divide and rule that you fool Hinduvat shout to the roof top?

N3 and I have to be divided?

Doctrine of Lapse, old Joso?

If the name what it it is and and not Bchapati, which I saw here and you didn’t act so sanctimonious, I find you suddenly awaking is a reverie as everything here which is a fraud and an face saving effort.
Don’t exposé yourself the fraud you are!Q
I have NOT asked to quit.

I am would be surprised if we don’t serve you and Bchappati a libel notice. Though I will prevail; After all I was a part of it!

Please don’t get extra smart!


We will find out and youe Chum Bxhappati and we are worldwide.

Not to worry.

Then answer to the Court!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by archan »

Well the forumites at least get their much needed dose of entertainment.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »


I commanded SC troops in War and all India mix in Intrusion Dalunan0g and in the Kargil War!

It pains me to see Bchappati and others breaking what is secular India!

Poor fool, they have no idea of India!

Yet they are the champions of India sitting in their A office and home!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by niran »

Admin RayC Sir, it is choti mooh badi baat Sir, but still,
i deduce from your posts that there is something bothering you,
this bother is personal, and Sir you are blowing it off here,
Sir, these are private matters, so please^10 do feel free to contact
me at ajay10330 at live dot com, may be i could help, shall be honored
to help. Sir.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

ajay pratap wrote:Admin RayC Sir, it is choti mooh badi baat Sir, but still,
i deduce from your posts that there is something bothering you,
this bother is personal, and Sir you are blowing it off here,
Sir, these are private matters, so please^10 do feel free to contact
me at ajay10330 at live dot com, may be i could help, shall be honored
to help. Sir.
Yes it bothers me.

I have fought wars against Pakistan with SC troops and minorities who braved their lives for you and me. When I find such odd fish as Bchappati and other debasing them, I do feel defiled.

Now, I have to ask what has Bcahappati and his ilk done that is better than the minorities done to save India apart from big talk here?

If indeed they have done, I will take back my words.

Let us not insult people because of their birth and religion.

They maybe better than the paper tigers like Bchappati and other cyber warriors!

RahulM and Archan may not understand since they are also cyber warriors!

Note I am a poster having relinquished my Mod status!

My emai id is

Drop the xx
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by negi »

Brigadier RayC

For the sake of uniformed can you please tell us what is the issue exactly ?

What and where are these posts that have infringed upon our country's secular fabric ? I say let us have a few of them here out for everyone's benefit .
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

negi wrote:Brigadier RayC

For the sake of uniformed can you please tell us what is the issue exactly ?

What and where are these posts that have infringed upon our country's secular fabric ? I say let us have a few of them here out for everyone's benefit .
I would not know.

Ask the subjunatas Archan and Rahul M!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by niran »

RayC saar you have mail.