BR Forums Feedback

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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by KrishG »

I want to start a new thread on Pets in the General discussion forum. Do the moderators agree ?
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by SSridhar »

KrishG wrote:I want to start a new thread on Pets in the General discussion forum. Do the moderators agree ?
KrishG, pl go ahead.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by niran »

self deleted too late
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Arjun »

derkonig wrote: Let there be no censorship of opinions.
I would tend to agree -with two exceptions. The only standards that would ideally need to be imposed on posts should be-

1. Standards of logic and debate. Is the poster being consistently logical in all inferences and points being made? Gross unwarranted generalizations (whether towards religious, language, regional or other types of groupings) obviously will not satisfy this, and warnings / bans will be deserved.

2. Quality of information / sources / references. If a poster is consistently proven to be passing on misinformation, or relying on unproven CT, also deserves to be censored.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by munna »

RayC wrote: Yes it bothers me.

I have fought wars against Pakistan with SC troops and minorities who braved their lives for you and me. When I find such odd fish as Bchappati and other debasing them, I do feel defiled.
Where has he debased SCs, Sikhs, Jains, Budhists, Muslims or Christians? Quote the posts please and then I shall join you too in denouncing him. But let us not have Soviet-esque denunciations of posters. RayC ji just as you have had your experiences others have to lived their parts of play and they all bring their perspectives to the forum, why to stifle one or the other?
Now, I have to ask what has Bcahappati and his ilk done that is better than the minorities done to save India apart from big talk here?
If indeed they have done, I will take back my words.
Let us not insult people because of their birth and religion.
RayC not all disclose their bits in saving India from clutches of dictatorial powers due to questions of privacy but I can tell you my family and I have faced threats from Khalistanis during the peak of the movement.

We were told to either die or leave the state in order to precipitate a 1947 style partition. We stayed put (a lot of leaders ran away too) for the minorities who in this case were Hindus. As history would bear us right all your high table high falutin sekoolarsists failed to prevent genocide of KPs in Kashmir. The fact of the matter is it is one thing to face an armed person with a gun in your hand and men under command. But go and stare down a mob armed with guns while being hopelessly outnumbered and unarmed, then come back and talk to me. Another tidbit the day lala Jagat Narain (editor of Punjab Kesari group) was butchered in his car my gramps was supposed to be in the very car but missed the return leg of journey and hence came back alive but not for long :x .

We all have faced challenges and setbacks which give us all our unique perspectives. But if you want to stifle us with sheer power then I shall remind you that we went without money, suffered midnight knocks and ate subsistense food. Had most of the family underground but we still fought Emergency and did not let "Guided Democracy" come in its place. I am ready to hunker down again and unlike you I am accustomed to being threatened by armed people while being unarmed myself. I will oppose any "guidance" or "suppression of differences" no matter what? Army is a poor institution to arbitrate upon democratic practices and forces of India, please keep yourself and your friends out of what is essentially a political debate and not a legal one.

PS: This post also explains my opposition to so called HIndutwa groups who have stifled internal debate. In a democracy you just cannot stifle dissent. No matter what...
Last edited by munna on 30 Dec 2009 21:19, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

derkonig wrote:My 2 cents, but just like RayC feels for secularism, the other posters like Brihaspati & co. (me included) feel strongly about Hinduism. RayC may have his instances of non-Indics showing patriotism towards Bharat, but so are there umpteen instances wherein Bharat has been let down by these non-Indics. Therefore it bodes ill for this forum if voices are stifled or opinions are dismissed as being "dangerous to India's secular fabric". Let there be no censorship of opinions.

We may not have served in the Indian armed forces or for that matter had the opportunity to defend our motherland in the battlefields, but that does not mean that our concerns & opinions can be dismissed. As honest & equal citizens of Bharat, it is our right to raise concerns about other citizens and communities that reside here.
I don't really bother of who let down who down history, but I can sure say in modern times, while Hindus have done well, the minorities have not let down India in war. Jai Chand comes to mind, and I daresay he is a minority!

Muslims cannot fight Muslims as per their religious code, but I can stand by them to say that they have not let India down.

Therefore, when they are tar and feathered across the board, one's sensibilities are unnerved.

Albert Ekka a PVC was a Christian soldier and he won a PVC.

Of course, where it is wrong, there is no hassle if given with facts!


One may create wealth for the country supporting soldiers and war fighting, but what if they did not do so? Would your create the wealth be any use?

Unless of course you would stand post, which you have not!

So, let us not take credit without any reason!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »


That you family did not run away when threatened is what has helped India win the terrorist threat.

I, having been there then, am proud of your family and am grateful that you made our and the Police's job easier!

Proud of people like your family!

Your family is what I would say is are true Indian!

It is families like yours that give us hope that all will be well. The Govt forces alone cannot fight the menace alone!

Yours is the family we should salute!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by munna »

RayC ji I agree that at times posters reek of ignorance about ground realities but at other times they do provide a perspective grounded in reality and from where they come from. You play a great role as counter balancer to enable a broader debate. We need both yin and yang to make this forum successful. Let us have a myraid of opinions here no stifling of dissent!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

BijuShet wrote:RayC would it be correct on my part to assume that you consider the man who stands post for his country as more patriotic than the one who does not?

It need not be at the border.

Take Munna's family.

People like them are the tower of strength for the military and govt forces.

They are equal in devotion to duty and daring danger for the Nation as anyone in the Army and maybe more so since they have no government backup.

Families like Munna's make me proud to have stood shoulder to shoulder with them!

The same with the Muslim girl in Rajourie who took up cudgels against the Islamic terrorists from Pakistan. She shot the terrorist and now they are all in danger! Great people!

India is One is what I say.

Unite and not Divide.

All wish to live their lives peacefully!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Jagan »

Page cleaned up.

RSS in 62 > Army History thread
Rest -> Trash
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

derkonig wrote:My 2 cents, but just like RayC feels for secularism, the other posters like Brihaspati & co. (me included) feel strongly about Hinduism. RayC may have his instances of non-Indics showing patriotism towards Bharat, but so are there umpteen instances wherein Bharat has been let down by these non-Indics. Therefore it bodes ill for this forum if voices are stifled or opinions are dismissed as being "dangerous to India's secular fabric". Let there be no censorship of opinions.

We may not have served in the Indian armed forces or for that matter had the opportunity to defend our motherland in the battlefields, but that does not mean that our concerns & opinions can be dismissed. As honest & equal citizens of Bharat, it is our right to raise concerns about other citizens and communities that reside here.
I need to answer this post, even though it has been subsequently moved to trash.

irrespective of whether ray sir moderates this forum or not, BR always has and as far as I can see, always will uphold some RoE. while people are free to hold any views, their posting the same on BR is subject to
a) relevance to BRF e.g politics and religion is not allowed
b) even-handedness and no discrimination in comments on the basis of religion/ethnicity etc etc. you can choose to call it 'secularism' or 'pluralism' or PC-ness. that's not our concern. just that it shouldn't be violated.
NOTE : there is no specific rule against people wanting to call India a hindu-rashtra or a muslim rashtra BUT god/bhagwan/allah save you musharraf if even an iota of bias against any community is detected in your post. :mrgreen:
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

Thanks Rahul

N3 and my effort has not been in vain.

Hope you all live up to what you state!

God Bless you and God Bless India!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by ldev »

Excuse me now while I go reproduce. Time to pop out a few more RSS-vadi NRIs by bequeathing unto them my bright saffron DNA.

The above has been posted by Rudradev. It remains on the board after your "supposed cleanup" of the thread, when you warned everyone about no NRI, RSS etc. discussions? Then why does this remain?

If you decide not to have discussions about the RSS then isnt it equally incumbent not have any discussions about Muslims and Islam or to even to refer to EJs? Think you can live with that? And if so will you enforce it? Otherwise one may conclude that all that you want to avoid is a discussion about the RSS.

On a larger note, let me say I support very clearly the position taken by Brigadier Ray. Any impartial observer will tell you that the impression one has is that the forum has alternated between open and tacit support for the RSS position depending on who is moderating. Any dissenting opinion is set upon by a pack of RSS sympathaziers. After some time of increasingly acrimonious exchanges, a moderator appears and warns everyone. If you truly want things to change you better be not only impartial but also give the impression of being impartial. For starters ensure that you prune all posts such as that by Rudradev.
Last edited by ldev on 30 Dec 2009 22:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by archan »

^^ You are right, that post should have been edited as well. My bad. It is a pain in the neck to find and edit posts, if you ask me, and things sneak past you at times. In fact, that thread need a thorough cleaning but we will get to it once the dust settles in here. We might just delete the whole thing, who knows. (so people who are planning on putting a lot of effort on their keyboards might want to save it :mrgreen: )
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by BijuShet »

RayC, let me explain what frustrates me about your posts. I am a Hindu and the moment I say it aloud, you jump to the conclusion that since I proclaim that I am a Hindu, I must not like the minorities (Muslims, Chirstians, SCs or any other group that can claim minority status). You thus make the wrong conclusion right off the bat. You then proceed to label me as a Hindutvawadi though I may never had said anything to that effect. Being a Hindu and saying it aloud is not the same as being a Hindutvawadi. You then proceed to assign a political affiliation (like BJP) to such posters even though they may never have been inside a branch office or belonged to the said party.

You thus make 2 wrong assumptions :
1) BJP is not a secular politcial party.
2) Once someone proclaims to be hindu, they are not a secular person.

Being Hindu, I am taught by my faith to accept and respect all paths to salvation hence to me the divinity of Allah or God (and Jesus his son) are never in question. I will however oppose any group of people including minority groups that wish to suppress other people/groups rights based on particular tenets of their faith. An example of this is the Shah Bano case that dealt with an Indian muslim woman's right to alimony. Most people here who you accuse of not being secular are sick of these minority appeasement vote bank politics and are trying to change it. We consider vote bank politics as divisive. We seek to unite too but we oppose our PM when he says "Muslims must have first claim on resources". We think that is a wrong policy and if you call us Hindutvawadis for opposing such policies then you are being dishonest. We believe all Bharatvasis have an equal claim to its resources. Since I said Bharatvasis instead of Indians you will accuse me of insinuating that I mean Hindus when I say Bharatvasis. Allow me to clear the air on this. I consider all Indians are Bharatvasis and all Bharatvasis are Indians. If a minority group person has an issue with the label of Bharatvasi then that is their problem and not mine. The constitution of India has given me the right to call fellow Indians as Bharatvasi and you of all people, I assume, will be there to defend my consitutional rights.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by D Roy »

As always everybody has a point and everybody has gone back and forth between the general and the particular over the course of this acrimonious event.

however the only thing which is being brought into focus is the inability of Indians to agree to disagree. and that I don't like because I see the same thing stifling what can be a much smoother process of development for our motherland.

mark, I for not once recommend a forced consensus or some kind of doctored mass think.

There are problems in this country and a lot of it has to do with the continuing practice of having varying standards in the realm of public and citizen life.


its good that you brought up the loudspeaker aspect. Clearly the inability of the Indian state to redress what is a simple case of public disturbance is a result of the particular nature of our secular polity.

this refusal to impose the letter of the law for considerations that may not be above board would also lead to resentment in other quarters on account of a view that some sort of appeasement is at work.

On the other hand that resentment leads to people getting carried away and may lead from the particular to the general which becomes counterproductive and is condemned by certain quarters for being bigoted.

Now why am I saying all this, something that is quite apparent and not at all esoteric? well it is simply to go back to my original point that everybody out here has a valid point.

Yes there is appeasement,

yes there is resentment,

yes the resentment sometimes turns to uncalled for hatred.

And, there is no point arguing about causality since I can pick up the thread from anywhere and come up with any number of combinations saying 1 leads to 2 leads to 3 or 3 leads to 1 leading to 2 and ad infinitum.

this autoregressive debate will naturally not lead anywhere and will only re-inforce prejudices in each others minds.

Now on a more personal note.

I know you are an infantryman. But I also know you are a Bengali Bhadrolok with a missionary school education. I understand your intellectual ethos perfectly well. How can I say this? I think you can guess the answer?

And no , nobody on this website or on any other forum for that matter has been able to leave his identity behind while participating in a debate.

Indeed I don't even consider that healthy. I read forums such as this to often hear stories and intensely personal anecdotes by all sorts of people.

And what is the common thread for all them ? well they all do care. becuase otherwise nobody really wants to go through pages of dreary discussions on matter as mundane as "national security".

Now I don't know or care what e-mail and backroom discussions have taken place between the mods and the oldies.
I can only say this, neither Rahul M nor Brihaspati come from a background very dissimilar to yours.

In fact the intellectual tradition of all three of you is remarkably co-incident . And given my own close personal acquaintance with that tradition I can understand why the discord is taking place.

I say this because, only to emphasize that we are having this "forum feedback" discussion because we all are remarkably similar. And by this all I now mean the people who post on this website.

And our intellectual stubbornness whether grounded in humanity or revanchist ideals is the same.

And none of us, as RayC has proved can really be an interlocutor with the guy with the loudspeaker.

That is a divide we need to bridge rather than create divides amongst ourselves over shibboleths.
Last edited by D Roy on 31 Dec 2009 00:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

ldev ji, the way to do it, if you want to help BR that is, is to use the little red buttonImage.
that also goes for the situation you describe, if someone comments acrimoniously the correct response is not to be acrimonious in return but to report it.

however if someone with a particular view finds himself/herself in a minority there is little the mods will do (as long as the discussion stays within the zone I specified in my earlier post). it is NOT our job to find supporters of each view that exists under the sun so that there are equal number of commentators for both sides on BR.

if someone can't handle the fact that his/her view is a minority here, tough luck is all I can say. BR is not going to enforce any brand of political/social thought anytime soon, provided of course that it stays within the limits.

even jehadis would be allowed to post if they can stay within the limits. do you get me ?
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

BijuShet wrote:RayC, let me explain what frustrates me about your posts. I am a Hindu and the moment I say it aloud, you jump to the conclusion that since I proclaim that I am a Hindu, I must not like the minorities (Muslims, Chirstians, SCs or any other group that can claim minority status). You thus make the wrong conclusion right off the bat. You then proceed to label me as a Hindutvawadi though I may never had said anything to that effect. Being a Hindu and saying it aloud is not the same as being a Hindutvawadi. You then proceed to assign a political affiliation (like BJP) to such posters even though they may never have been inside a branch office or belonged to the said party.

You thus make 2 wrong assumptions :
1) BJP is not a secular politcial party.
2) Once someone proclaims to be hindu, they are not a secular person.

Being Hindu, I am taught by my faith to accept and respect all paths to salvation hence to me the divinity of Allah or God (and Jesus his son) are never in question. I will however oppose any group of people including minority groups that wish to suppress other people/groups rights based on particular tenets of their faith. An example of this is the Shah Bano case that dealt with an Indian muslim woman's right to alimony. Most people here who you accuse of not being secular are sick of these minority appeasement vote bank politics and are trying to change it. We consider vote bank politics as divisive. We seek to unite too but we oppose our PM when he says "Muslims must have first claim on resources". We think that is a wrong policy and if you call us Hindutvawadis for opposing such policies then you are being dishonest. We believe all Bharatvasis have an equal claim to its resources. Since I said Bharatvasis instead of Indians you will accuse me of insinuating that I mean Hindus when I say Bharatvasis. Allow me to clear the air on this. I consider all Indians are Bharatvasis and all Bharatvasis are Indians. If a minority group person has an issue with the label of Bharatvasi then that is their problem and not mine. The constitution of India has given me the right to call fellow Indians as Bharatvasi and you of all people, I assume, will be there to defend my consitutional rights.
My immediate family is Hindu. I am not. I am an animist! I don't hate my family or do I?

My family are Hindus and they are secular. So, it is wrong to feel that Hindus are not secular! I cannot comment on other communities!

If you were taught to respect all religions why show distaste without cause here? Maybe not you, but others? I am sure you uphold the Constitution that we are all equal, but the minority bashing and Hindu evangelism (in a sneaky way like Brihaspati and his ilk). Say it upfront. For Christ's sake, no religion is squeaky clean.

I am also sick of minority appeasement. I want it to be equal for all. You bet it! I also do not agree with what the PM has said, but that does not mean I go gung ho!

Bharatvashi or Indians is no big deal. If you are not proud of your county, be whatever your community or religion, I say find a better place and save us the issue!

Yet, at the same time, those who accept India as their home, leave them be!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

D Roy,

Are you sure Brihaspati and Rahul M has the same background?

I don't know!

I don't have a missionary school background!

I am from an Anglican school that promoted Kalidasa and other Indian sages!

We did not have to attend Chapel and many of us used the time to copy from others the homework that was given!

If you look from a perverse sense, indeed Jesus saved. Other prayed while we finished our homework by copying! :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by ldev »


Are you going to disallow discussions about Muslim?

Are you going to ban references to EJs?

Are you going to ensure that discussions about Indian culture, history etc. do not gradually start extolling the virtues of Hindu supremacy?

I dont know how long you have been a member. But the BRF I joined in November 2002 is not the BRF of today. The impression one has is that it is today sympathatic to the RSS cause? And that is why you have a preponderance of members with that viewpoint. Now you may claim that it is not your responsibility to ensure that you have members with all viewpoints in equal numbers. But if the majority of moderators on BRF support the RSS viewpoint, then you will naturally have more RSS sympathizers gravitating towards BRF because they know that they have sympathetic moderation and other members leaving. That has what has happened in BRF over the last few years. For you to claim that you cannot do anything about it and tough luck is for you have to your neck up the proverbial space where you cannot see anything. You and the others in the moderator team collectively can influence the kind of members who join BRF. Clearly the moderator team as a whole was sympathatic to the RSS in the last few years and hence the current composition of members. Now with Brig RayC dissenting and maybe some other moderators also dissenting, it is clear that there is a division.

You can tell me and other members as to which direction you and the moderating team propose taking BRF in the future. That will let me decide if I can support you in your efforts or not.

PS: For the record, let me state that I support an India which grants every citizen equal rights. I do not support special rights, rules, reservations for anyone of any religion.
Last edited by ldev on 30 Dec 2009 23:28, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

I am no longer Moderating. But to be fair to the BRF, it is not that they are promoting the RSS line.

It is just they have been hijacked!

I can't speak of other Moderators and their views, but Jagan the Admin is a fair man.

I don't take credit as the dissenting voice, its is N3 enyoob who is the real one to try to keep the forum balanced!
PS: For the record, let me state that I support an India which grants every citizen equal rights. I do not support special rights, rules, reservations for anyone of any religion.
This is what N3 and I are also advocating, but then Rahul M and Archan feel othersise and they win!

Don't fight the system. You will lose!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by ldev »


I agree and I have stated that openly. That BRF has been hijacked. But the moderators could have prevented that hijack collectively. Now to clean out the augean stables is a tougher job. But it can be done if the moderating team collectively decides to have policies in place. Gradually the flotsam and jetsam will leave as the atmosphere will no longer be conducive to their particular brand of um.. political/religious leaning.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Surya »

This particular dust up was never about an issue - it was about how an issue should be handled. (see my post further up)

All other are red herrings to cloak oneself as a martyr -
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RamaY »

ldev wrote:Are you going to ensure that discussions about Indian culture, history etc. do not gradually start extolling the virtues of Hindu supremacy?
I am confused on this part Idev-ji!

What is wrong in celebrating our culture, history etc? Since there is thousands of years of Hindu history before 1000 yrs of foreign rule that too intermittent, there tend to be more Hindu leaders, seers, and heroes than foreign-origin role-models.

Are you saying we should celebrate only non-hindu personalities, to satisfy our secular credentials?

If a Vishnugupta has better strategies for Indian Interests than a Sun-Tsu, what is wrong in celebrating him?
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

ldev wrote:RayC,

I agree and I have stated that openly. That BRF has been hijacked. But the moderators could have prevented that hijack collectively. Now to clean out the augean stables is a tougher job. But it can be done if the moderating team collectively decides to have policies in place. Gradually the flotsam and jetsam will leave as the atmosphere will no longer be conducive to their particular brand of um.. political/religious leaning.
I tried and N3 tried harder!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

RamaY wrote:
ldev wrote:Are you going to ensure that discussions about Indian culture, history etc. do not gradually start extolling the virtues of Hindu supremacy?
I am confused on this part Idev-ji!

What is wrong in celebrating our culture, history etc? Since there is thousands of years of Hindu history before 1000 yrs of foreign rule that too intermittent, there tend to be more Hindu leaders, seers, and heroes than foreign-origin role-models.

Are you saying we should celebrate only non-hindu personalities, to satisfy our secular credentials?

If a Vishnugupta has better strategies for Indian Interests than a Sun-Tsu, what is wrong in celebrating him?
Celebrate and I join you too!

But don't abuse! Celebrating by abusing others is hardly a celebration! Or is it?

Your leader Bchapati wrote about Claude Martin and claimed that foreigners did nothing for Indians. Claude Martin left his money for people of ALL RELIGIONS! Misrepresentations is libellous! I leave it to the Martin Association to decide! We would not harm flies I am sure!

Got the difference?
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Arjun »

ldev wrote:RahulM,

Are you going to disallow discussions about Muslim?

Are you going to ban references to EJs?

Are you going to ensure that discussions about Indian culture, history etc. do not gradually start extolling the virtues of Hindu supremacy?

I dont know how long you have been a member. But the BRF I joined in November 2002 is not the BRF of today. The impression one has is that it is today sympathatic to the RSS cause? And that is why you have a preponderance of members with that viewpoint. Now you may claim that it is not your responsibility to ensure that you have members with all viewpoints in equal numbers. But if the majority of moderators on BRF support the RSS viewpoint, then you will naturally have more RSS sympathizers gravitating towards BRF because they know that they have sympathetic moderation and other members leaving. That has what has happened in BRF over the last few years. For you to claim that you cannot do anything about it and tough luck is for you have to your neck up the proverbial space where you cannot see anything. You and the others in the moderator team collectively can influence the kind of members who join BRF. Clearly the moderator team as a whole was sympathatic to the RSS in the last few years and hence the current composition of members. Now with Brig RayC dissenting and maybe some other moderators also dissenting, it is clear that there is a division.

You can tell me and other members as to which direction you and the moderating team propose taking BRF in the future. That will let me decide if I can support you in your efforts or not.
As a long time lurker (and an agnostic one, from a religious standpoint) this does not make sense to me. Gross unwarranted generalizations about any group (whether Muslim, Hindu, Christian, NRI, BRFite, Telugus, Gujaratis whatever) should not be allowed. To the extent that any discussion is veering towards Hindu supermacy(& I would love to see your example of Hindu supremacy) they should be banned. I don't see a problem in talking about EJs, Muslims or any outrage in Hindusim (including caste) etc as long as the discussion is logical and does not resort to unwarranted generalizations nor resorts to flame baiting. It is also upto participants to report posts that they think have crossed the line, and for the moderators to take the final call, based on clearly spelt out guidelines.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by ldev »

I don't see a problem in talking about EJs, Muslims or any outrage in Hindusim (including caste) etc as long
Then why no discussion about the RSS? Afterall the EJs are to Christianity what the RSS is to Hindusism. And if people (including moderators) can post excerpts from EJ websites, why cannot things be posted from RSS websites?
Last edited by ldev on 30 Dec 2009 23:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

Thank you Arjun.

The forum has already been hijacked.

Hopefully people of your acumen will help to bring it back to even keel!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

ldev wrote:
I don't see a problem in talking about EJs, Muslims or any outrage in Hindusim (including caste) etc as long
Then why no discussion about the RSS? Afterall the EJs are to Christianity what the RSS is to Hindusism.
Good guys. Saviour of the nation!

did you not read the post that the RSS stood shoulder to shoulder with the IA in 1962! That was news to me!

Nothing to do with religion; or at least that is what Rahul M and Archan believe!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RamaY »

RayC wrote: Celebrate and I join you too!

But don't abuse!

Got the difference?
The feeling is mutual RayC-ji!

I am talking about people who "worship" western concepts as if they are god's revelations! We are in Bharat-Rakshak forum not some KSA-Rakshak or Rome-Rakshak forums.

Post Independece, India is yet to adapt native approach to national policy, be it in the field of governance, administration, law-and-justice, education, business, geo-politics, or civic structures.

Seems like some minds are yet to be freed from colonization. They still use those colonial constructs to study the society around them, to judge India, and to define its vision.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

RamaY wrote:
RayC wrote: Celebrate and I join you too!

But don't abuse!

Got the difference?
The feeling is mutual RayC-ji!

I am talking about people who "worship" western concepts as if they are god's revelations! We are in Bharat-Rakshak forum not some KSA-Rakshak or Rome-Rakshak forums.

Post Independece, India is yet to adapt native approach to national policy, be it in the field of governance, administration, law-and-justice, education, business, geo-politics, or civic structures.

Seems like some minds are yet to be freed from colonization. They still use those colonial constructs to study the society around them, to judge India, and to define its vision.
Good for you.

Let us not then chase the western Holy Grail and go to the west to earn or allow western companies to dominate our industries here!

Why run abroad to earn and then come back at time with a phony accent that is neither American nor Indian?

Damn globalisation and outsourcing. Right?

What ho, old chap?
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Virupaksha »

ldev wrote:
I don't see a problem in talking about EJs, Muslims or any outrage in Hindusim (including caste) etc as long
Then why no discussion about the RSS? Afterall the EJs are to Christianity what the RSS is to Hindusism.

There are a few problems with this approach. RSS is a particular organisation, where as EJs arent. Second thing in India, the words hindu supremists and ilk have been attempted to be equated to RSS. EJs are seen as foreign interest group which "we" have "clubbed" as one because of possible intersection of one of their aims.

So you can talk in the air about EJs where as RSS is one organisation. That is a pitfall you have to recognise.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by ldev »

We are in Bharat-Rakshak forum not some KSA-Rakshak or Rome-Rakshak forums.
True. We are in Bharat-Rakshak forum, not a RSS shakha isnt it?
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

ldev wrote:
We are in Bharat-Rakshak forum not some KSA-Rakshak or Rome-Rakshak forums.
True. We are in Bharat-Rakshak forum, not a RSS shakha isnt it?

Who knows?

I am sure it isn't, but some are trying hard to make it the Bajrang Dal!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by Virupaksha »

ldev wrote:
We are in Bharat-Rakshak forum not some KSA-Rakshak or Rome-Rakshak forums.
True. We are in Bharat-Rakshak forum, not a RSS shakha isnt it?
You or RayC are still in it, isnt it?

As RahulM said
however if someone with a particular view finds himself/herself in a minority there is little the mods will do (as long as the discussion stays within the zone I specified in my earlier post). it is NOT our job to find supporters of each view that exists under the sun so that there are equal number of commentators for both sides on BR.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RamaY »

RayC wrote: Good for you.

Let us not then chase the western Holy Grail and go to the west to earn or allow western companies to dominate our industries here!

Why run abroad to earn and then come back at time with a phony accent that is neither American nor Indian?

Damn globalisation and outsourcing. Right?

What ho, old chap?
/In a lighter-vein

We are doing reverse-colonization RayC-ji! Soon we will establish west-India company :lol:

Who knows, the horse might fly :wink:
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RayC »

ravi_ku wrote:We are in Bharat-Rakshak forum not some KSA-Rakshak or Rome-Rakshak forums.
True. We are in Bharat-Rakshak forum, not a RSS shakha isnt it?[/quote]
You or RayC are still in it, isnt it?

Get us expelled!

And make it a Bajrang Dal and monkey around!
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by ldev »


Yes I am still in it to try and figure out whether the moderating team and the owners of BR want it to go back to what it was or are happy with the current status.

It makes no difference if the RSS is one organization or not. Tomorrow if it splits into two or more splinters it will make no difference at all. Just as it makes no difference if there is one or 10 or a 100 EJ organizationss.
Last edited by ldev on 30 Dec 2009 23:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BR Forums Feedback

Post by RamaY »

RayC wrote:
ldev wrote: True. We are in Bharat-Rakshak forum, not a RSS shakha isnt it?
Who knows?

I am sure it isn't, but some are trying hard to make it the Bajrang Dal!
This is A-Suzanne-Roy intellect spitting Burkha-Dutt logic :roll: