Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Lalmohan »

the theatre of the absurd continues. the paquis have persuaded the west that india is poised to invade them at any second - afterall why wouldn't they? after everything the paquis have done to the cowering dhotis, they'd be eunuchs not to? the west in the pursuit of their own interests swallows the paqui hook line and sinker and try and restrain india and make nice to the paquis. after india bends over backwards for talks the paquis run out of places to hide, so they let off another sharp jab under the dhoti.

not many links here to unkil and auntie editorials on this so far here? i can imagine mcchrystal slapping kiyani across the tush saying 'bad boy, bad boy! how many times do i have to tell you not to do that??!?!'
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by ramana »

Anyway what exactly are the TSPA supposed to do in the Western frontiers? Wouldn't their absence give the US a free rein to sort out matters there? What help does the US need there from these guys? Why dont they tell the TSP sure you go ahead and guard the Eastern border against India while we take care of the small problem on your Western borders which is anyway bad for you too?
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Rudradev »

ramana wrote:Anyway what exactly are the TSPA supposed to do in the Western frontiers? Wouldn't their absence give the US a free rein to sort out matters there? What help does the US need there from these guys? Why dont they tell the TSP sure you go ahead and guard the Eastern border against India while we take care of the small problem on your Western borders which is anyway bad for you too?
Because then NATO ground transports moving through TSP would start getting attacked and burned, NATO overflights in TSP airspace would start getting MANPADs fired at them, mysterious un-uniformed "non-state" actors would start using the latest TSP weaponry to cover the Taliban's retreat into Paki territory from Afghanistan, etc. etc. And TSPA would say..."what do we know about it? We weren't there to help you. We had to guard the Eastern border against India".

Point is, unless the US recognizes TSP as *the* enemy in Afghanistan (and the wider war on Islamic extremism) and openly takes all necessary measures to confront TSP, anything less than that is an exercise in willing gullibility by the GOTUS and doomed to fail. Given the US economy and Obama's chankian tendencies, "willing gullibility" is all we can expect until the US actually turns tail and runs following some fireworks displays in Helmand and Kandahar.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Ananya »

Well the simple stance we could take is we have our problem to solve and you take care of yours . India does what suits it right and not bothered abt the so called geopolical consequences ( it is high time we defined one ) and time will force unkil to to do take care of TSP in it own way .

The problem is what is MMS upto

We sometimes owe an answer to the Indians who dies rather than the foreigners alone
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Rudradev »

Ananya wrote: The problem is what is MMS upto

We sometimes owe an answer to the Indians who dies rather than the foreigners alone
Well said!
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Ananya »

everybody just read TOI headlines now !!!! do not know if to laugh or to cry or be un-concered as i was not in Pune and Me and my family are fine here

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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by ramana »

You mean the living Indians for the dead dont care.

Meanwhile, x-post...
brihaspati wrote:The Pune blasts revive an interesting conundrum of subcontinental politics, and quite iconic of future trends.

Who are the possible parties whose names can be put up by various quarters as having carried out the blast?What would be the motivations attributed? What can we learn from such possible motivations? How is it all going to pan out?

Hypothetical guilty parties:
(1) non-TSP-state Jihadis [NSJ(TSP)
(2) TSP-state Jihadis [SJ(TSP)]
(3) non-Indian-state Jihadis [NSJ(IND)]
(4) Indian-state Jihadis [SJ(IND)]
(5) Hindu-Fascist-Fundamentalist [HFF]
(6) Indian Centre-Left Secularists
(7) "West"
(8) PRC
(9) Israel
(10) Maoists

In the absence of any concrete evidence being available in public, any projected identification, made even at the government level, remains CT. So why not extend the usual culprits list with a few more who cannot be ruled out in terms of motivation, proximity and capability.

Potentially attributable motivations and how far are they feasible?

Why will NSJ(TSP)'s carry out terror inside India? They have good opportunity to show their prowess in AFG, where terrain, security scenario, penetration and capability of the state is far weaker than in India. If India is terrorized - how does it benefit them? The cause of Jihad is best served and excused if it can be portrayed that the regime or society against which terror is being carried out are - anti-Muslim, or has resisted conversion into Islam, have actively defended themselves against demands of Islamists, or have taken steps to reduce the activity of Islamic preachers and theologians. None of these have taken place in India, where Islamic theologians freely issue fatwas with no retribution from the self acclaimed secular state, and they more or less also determine how intellectual freedom is going to be interpreted where "real or imaginary" insults to Islam can be claimed - books banned, legal reforms quashed, and authors like Tasleema Nasreen virtually expelled because she had exposed Islamist atrocities on Hindus in BD. India is one place on the subcontinent, where minority faiths are fully protected and their righst to proselytize or hold the state to ransom on "faith grounds" are fully acknowledged. Destroying this safe haven by weakening the hand of ruling elites where protection of Islamism is concerned - is a massive self-goal.

Why will SJ(TSP) carry out terror inside India? They know that their best protection of long term goals on the subcontinent is the strengthening of the hand of so-called "secularists". The secularists will divide opposition to Jihad and Islamism, aggressively campaign against competing non-Islamic and non-Christian faiths like "Hinduism", whitewash the Islamist theology all the while deconstructing non-Islamic ones so that cultural resistance does not develop. Ultimately, this is the best possible long term strategy to Islamize the entire subcontinent. By carrying out terror this long term protection is jeopardized as it exposes the real elements of the theology that is the inspiration for terror.

Among the SJ(TSP), the state instruments of TSPA or ISI also knows that pressurizing the ruling arrangement of India too much will lead to power being transferred within India to forces not so sympathetic to Islamist hopes. Moreover, in the extreme case, too much Islamist destabilization can lead to an AFG like situation where the 'west" can get involved more effectively. The plains of India will not offer the shelter of rugged terrain found in AFG, and where western military technology would be difficult for the Jihadis to match. The best bet to carry out such destabilization is once the "west" has retreated from AFPAK militarily completely, and is too bogged down in economic troubles.

For both SJ's and NSJ's talks are actually helpful. A talk actually exposes the impossibilities of any progress at formal negotiations between the GOI and the IOGWI (Islamist Occupation Gov of Western India - aka Pakistan). Progress will only come if GOI concedes "Kashmir" - which the GOI is perhaps quite shaky about. Exposure of the impossibility of progres sthrough talks helps the long-term goal of Jihadis much more than action that aborts talks. For there will then always be the claim that "if only the talks had been held - the whole thing would have been solved".

A similar and parallel logic will work from the HFF viewpoint, that the more the talks go forward - the more they expose the impossibility of resolution of the range of problems between India and TSP through "dialogue". What TSP wants - India cannot give rationally. If GOI concedes such TSP demands, then the ruling regime will be unable to hold on to internal power. Either way, talks are something to look forward to for HFF. They cannot take action that can translate into pressure to abort talks.

Indian Centre-Left Secularists : Since we have indulged in hypothesizing about HFF involvement, there is no reason to exclude this category. 8) They can have a fundamental motivation in carrying out terror acts inside India. By loudly presenting themselves as anti-terror, they know that no one will imagine them to have been involved. This gives excellent protection. A terror outrage can be used to keep the pressure on the popular imagination that "peace" needs to be bought at any cost - and that the longer India delays conceding to TSP, such attacks can be repeated. They are in the best position among all groups mentioned above - as their long posturings ensure that they will never be suspected.

"West" can of course also indulge. By targeting their own citizens they can create the right mood in the public to withdraw from the 'fight against terror" in "God-forsaken lands" and bring back home the boys and not "body bags".

PRC stands to benefit from terror inside India. This makes India less attractive as an economic destination.

Israel : Given the GOI tendency not to retaliate militarily to terror, Israeli sponsorship of such terror activity inside India serves no tactical advantage for them.

Maoists :they lose nothing in facilitating such terror activity as long as they are targeted against the supposedly hated represnetatives of the "imperialists". In fact they gain from anything that destabilizes the Indian state or makes it look weak and vulnerable.
What about if those who stand to gain use some sections of above ten groups?
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by harbans »

Rudra ji, don't get me wrong because i have no political affiliation unlike your stated one (and there is no harm with having one frankly). All i am saying is that there is no sense in comparing which dispensation had more stick with regards to TSP. We are on the same side, remember that. To be on the same side it's important we don't be dismissive and brash. We may disagree, but we do so with some civility. Once one lacks it, there is a lacunae in content you'd agree. I only anted to point out, that whenever we deal in peace or take stick with TSP, none will improve the scenario, it's been tried in the past.

And if there was BRF/ Internet in 71 and we'd handed 95k POWs and signed into some lame treaties that Pak derecognizes today, there'd be a massive 'IG has sold India out' thread here and lots of R & D. I hope you agree with that? :)

So my take on ABV was on a similar vein. It doesn't matter who is in power. We've been dealing with TSP with the same mindset (irrespective of party affiliation): That TSP can be tamed. My simple take is TSP cannot. TSP does not deserve to exist in it's present form. It's going to be a headache forever in this form. India has to STOP thinking and internalizing that a 'Stable and prosperous TSP is in India's interest'.

As long as TSP exists, there's a section of Muslims in Kashmir that would want to secede. That will always bring India's credibility down. TSP as it exists can never formulate an agreement even if we say lets make the LOC as IB. Mixed governance will not work again as the principles on which TSP and India work are contrarian. There'd be movements within Kashmir itself against Paki's and we'd be blamed instigating it. Our Army will be out before that agreement, and on the basis of that a stable and prosperous, wealthy TSP will overrun Kashmir, much like China has done in Tibet. We're done in then.

Ultimately at the end of the day one has to see, we have to look at TSP's dismantling. This is the least risk option left for us. Arguing endlessly on what GOI should be doing and what not, is useless until one internalizes the fact that TSP as a state has done nothing to deserve it's status as one. It's ruinous for India, the region, and the world beyond. It may be very close to invoking WW3.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by ramana »

harbans appreciate your views but dragging in ABV when the issue at hand is MMS govt is ruling since 2004 is a red herring. The reason is the NDA group was defeated twice already in 2004 and 2009 and and MMS/UPA have been in charge from then on. So when the issue is what has the govt done to protect the citizens many of whom have voted for it(recall both Mumbai and Pune are in Maharastra which has voeted for INC to power) the sawal is not what did ABV do? 8)
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Ananya »

The whole issue is MMS is briiliant in economic management but for Rajatantiram he is a zero
( including price rice where Spavar has hijacked the show ) . he and mr Gandhi (BHO) have the assumption that they are here to change the course of History and the whole issue they have not yet read or understood history.

The irony is more among us are going to be toasted
Last edited by Ananya on 16 Feb 2010 04:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by harbans »

Ramana ji, it's not me alone. There are many news media reports that have been posted here that are not seeing this GOI attitude as a present day syndrome. It cannot be looked in isolation any longer. Why do we say 'For those who don't read history it repeats itself'? Irrespective of the [political party in power or who has been elected, one major mistake is being made last 3 decades at least. That we think that TSP can be some ideal, prosperous and peace loving state. We are not able to negate that if we think there's another political party that can do better. Or if we think that someone else on the job has more balls.

We have to institutionalize/ internalize the fact that TSP in it's present aims, state, national and geographic boundaries will not be ever a harbinger of peace in this region. You can contradict this notion, but don't contradict me when i say post Indian Independence history has always thought and romanticized (WKK types) that there could be an Aman with this nation. There cannot. It's doctrine will conflict with India's. Either we be prepared to go under a malafide doctrine, or we with our bonafide credentials take dismantle the malafide state. I am with the latter.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by krithivas »

MMS has set his sights on a Nobel nomination at the expense of Indian lives and blood. He will be known as the Gorbachov of India.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Karna_A »

harbans wrote: We have to institutionalize/ internalize the fact that TSP in it's present aims, state, national and geographic boundaries will not be ever a harbinger of peace in this region. You can contradict this notion, but don't contradict me when i say post Indian Independence history has always thought and romanticized (WKK types) that there could be an Aman with this nation. There cannot. It's doctrine will conflict with India's. Either we be prepared to go under a malafide doctrine, or we with our bonafide credentials take dismantle the malafide state. I am with the latter.
I don't have any political affiliation and also I feel MMS is a way better day-to-day PM than ABV was. In fact MMS is the second best PM after PVNR.
ABV was too old when he became PM and present day leaders are more like CEOs which have to take major decisions every hour. MMS has excelled in that, details of which are for another thread.

But that does not take away from ABV for what he did responding to Mumbai and Pune like incidents:
(a) OP Parakram was a big success. RD has given some points. Terrorism and misadventure surely went down. One major point that is forgotten is TSP was almost made bankrupt due to its counter deployment costs.
(b) Kargil and India's nook deployments on Agni and Prithvi's during that time showed that nonsense would be treated as nonsense, come what may.
(c) Shooting down of Atlantique was a bold stroke.

MMS has so far not done anything that can create any fear in TSP. He has to do at least something, maybe take out D company or HSaeed.
If sound bites are important ABV would be known for "Aar ya Par ki Ladai" and MMS for "I lose sleep over a charged terrorrist in Australia".
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by harbans »

Karna ji, for the very reasons you have given, it's irrelevent who is worse. But what i want to say is deeper than who is worse. Both are guilty as before of attempting to legitimize/ morph TSP into something which it just does not want to be. TSP does not want to be a peaceful, stable entity at peace with iself and it's neighbours. That's not the motive of it's existence or it's creation. Why is that so difficult to understand? And here we are arguing who is better or who has more balls. It does not matter one frigging fig. All i've seen is short term measures being harped here. Lets see what we can do to reduce terror. Short term.

Well i can assure you there's a lot being done as of now. Much more than before. Intel agencies, professionals are much more alert as of today than say 2 or 4 or 10 years ago. I was a die hard proponent of hitting Kahuta in the 80's. Unfortunately then across dozens of conversations, i was derided as being in the extreme side at times of prevalent thought. Oh Paki's cannot have the bomb. Even if they have they have 'whisky swivelling Generals'. This Whisky swivelling thing is still a strand of thought amongst many here. It's hog wash. The last US trained General to be COAS Pukistan is Kiyani.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Rudradev »

Harbans ji I suppose we will have to agree to disagree on this. Neither of us has seen the kind of leadership we both want for India, but I am of the opinion that a leadership which has at least sometimes shown the spine to deal with Pakistan in terms of coercive diplomacy is better than a leadership which has shown a complete absence of rationale (to say nothing of results).

I suppose you may have reasons for asserting to Karna-ji that the intel agencies today are doing something that will prove more effective in the long term than what was achieved by any previous administration. I will believe that when I see evidence of those results. From where I stand, everything the MMS government has done w.r.t. Pakistan seems an unmitigated disaster, and I am very afraid that the consequences of their ineptitude will be paid for, increasingly, in innocent Indian lives.

I apologize if I adopted a needlessly combative tone in debating this point with you earlier. I respect your posts in general, even if I don't always agree with them. Cheers!
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by preeshcode »

More than the change in governments, I think it is important to examine the structure and process of intelligence briefings the PM reads and acts upon. Is the final decision taken by one man or a committee? Who prepares the daily briefings, if at all they are daily? What kind of ATR (action taken report) is filed by the PMO based on the briefings? What budgetary allocations have been sought for enhancing homeland security? Has this budget grown every year? I am unable to get answers to these questions from reading news articles coming out of India. :cry:
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by kulhari »

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/16/world ... intel.html

Could this be the reason behind the sudden offer from MMS for talks with Porkistan.
Mullah Baradar has been in Pakistani custody for several days, with American...........
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by sum »

kulhari wrote:http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/16/world ... intel.html

Could this be the reason behind the sudden offer from MMS for talks with Porkistan.
Mullah Baradar has been in Pakistani custody for several days, with American...........
Sir, humble request:

Please don't ascribe Chankian motives to plain and simple WKKism. MMS has made no secret of his desire to make love with Pak and with SSM on board, there is no stopping the duo ( few dead Indians be damned).

Of course, can always imagine some super-duper nationalistic reason for the Pak peace making for purely mental satisfaction reasons only.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by kmkraoind »

May be i am not knowledgeable as many of you elders, but I do agree completely agree with harbanji. Its quagmire situation.

With NATO's Afgan presence, invariably NATO need pakistan because of its territorially proximity and inter-woven social-political conditions. Neither Iran nor Russia will compensate pakistan's posture.

With passing of Karakoram Highway between pakistan and China through POK, the situation is not easy to deal.

The present united pakistan will always poses an irritant risk to India that even India cannot escape.

Trust me, even an equivalent of 26/11 (bigger/smaller scale) of that magnitude cannot change the status quo. Perhaps, next time, there will be louder noises, but an empty action. Worst part of is that, the fourth estate media will take the central lead and make the situation to cool off systematically, so that emotions of India will not lead out of hand situation.

The only plausible solution is as harbansji told is break of pakistan. IMO, this will be done in 2 stages.

Till US is in Afgan, just prop up and support monetarily Sindh and Baluchistan moments.

After US leave Afgan, give aggressive political, monetary and arms support to Sindh and Baluchistan moments. Since Baluchistan is getting separated from pakistan, probably it will be friendly towards Iran.

Among all of these pakistan's entities, Pashtunistan is most exiting and fearsome to all pakjabis. Perhaps seniors will have a better idea and power of explaining on Pashtunistan than me.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Philip »

I don't see how attacking terrorist targets in Pakistan is not the order of the day,when US drones regularly attack targets in Pak,with the drones based on Paki soil too! If the US can act against terror targets in pak with such impunity,it means that any nation which is a victim of Paki planned and Paki based terror can do likewise.We would be perfectly justified to do so and even Riobert Gates hinted about a limit to India's patience if terror attacks from Pak continued.The statements of the Paki jehadi scum recently should be taken up by the GOI in the upcoming talks with Pak with the demand that they be handed over to us for their threats.If the Pakis do not act against the terror entities,and we should give them a deadline for doing so,then we must punish them first diplomatically and them militarily.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Rudradev »

kulhari wrote:http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/16/world ... intel.html

Could this be the reason behind the sudden offer from MMS for talks with Porkistan.
Mullah Baradar has been in Pakistani custody for several days, with American...........
Yes that must be it! Pakis have delivered a "high value target" (the previously unheard of Mulla Baradar) to Unkil... so now the Pakis must be paid for their cooperation. But who is going to foot the bill? Not Unkil! He is in the middle of a recession you know.

So of course the bill must be paid by SDRE India. First, offer to resume talks, despite the Pakis not having done Jack $hit on booking the perpetrators of 26/11. Then, do not flinch while the Pakis extract maximum H&D mileage from India's offer, with Qureishi braying that we had been forced by international pressure to resume talks. And of course, when the inevitable terror strikes follow, do not think about turning away from talks, and go along with the fiction of "non state actors" instead. The SDRE lives lost in Pune are only a small part of the payment to be made by us, on Unkil's behalf, for Pakistan helping Unkil with his Afghan war.

And of course, economics professor Dr Manmohan Singh will lose no sleep over making this and many more payments. All for the greater good of course.

I can't believe how easily we criticize Stalin or Mao. At least, when those august leaders sent their citizens to their deaths as a result of their policies, there was some tangible benefit to their national interest all said and done.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Anujan »

kulhari wrote:http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/16/world ... intel.html

Could this be the reason behind the sudden offer from MMS for talks with Porkistan.
Mullah Baradar has been in Pakistani custody for several days, with American...........
If you notice, Unkil drone strikes were killing only TTP folks -- your Baitullah, Hakeemullah ityadi.

There are 3 major factions of fighters in A'stan -- The one controlled by the Quetta Shura, Haqqani network and Hekmatyar network. None of those were getting killed with as much frequency as TTP who were more into fighting the Pakistanis in Pakistan than Unkil in A'stan.

Mullah Birather -- AKA taalipaan #3 is quid pro quo for unkil, for Unkil bumping off anti-Pak elements.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by kmkraoind »

Unknown Pakistani group claims responsibility for Pune blast
An unknown group calling itself the Laskhar-e-Taiba Al Alami claimed on Tuesday it was behind Saturday’s bomb attack in Pune that killed nine people.

A person who identified himself as Abu Jindal called The Hindu here, described himself as the spokesman of the LeT Al Alami (international), and claimed the group had carried out the attack because of what he said was India’s “refusal” to discuss Kashmir in the forthcoming talks with Pakistan.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by skaranam »

Ex-Pak Army officers planned Pune blast
Saturday’s blast at German Bakery in Pune was planned four to five months ago by former officers of the Pakistan Army who are now key members of banned terror outfit Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT) in Karachi

Mohammed Amjad alias Khwaja, an alleged member of terror group Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (HuJI) arrested by the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in Colombo last month for involvement in terrorist cases in Andhra Pradesh, told investigators during his interrogation that a retired senior Pakistani army officer and senior LeT members had in a meeting in Karachi last year showed him and three top Indian Mujahideen (IM) ultras photographs of German Bakery and the Osho Ashram in Pune.

Khwaja, 27, of Malakpet in Hyderabad, said the retired Pakistani officer asked him and IM terrorists Abdul Aziz, Ameen Raza Khan and his brother Asif if they could plan attacks on the targets in Pune. “Kuch kar paogey? Kaafi foreigners hain yahan,” (Can you do something? There are a lot of foreigners here.”) Khwaja quoted the ex-Pak Army officer as saying.

Khwaja also said he had met IM co-founder Riyaz Bhatkal alias Roshan Khan alias Shahrukh Khan and his brother Iqbal at an LeT meeting in Karachi last year. “Riyaz lives in Karachi under the patronage of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence. Iqbal is presently located in Dubai. The brothers identify vulnerable youth from India and recruit them in the IM for anti-India operations,” a top police officer said.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Hari Seldon »

heh, heh. The boor packees must be totally miffedly ,mystifried only. Petrifried actually.

Wondering what they must do to get the chankian yindooze to call off 'em talks only.

Does anyone have a link to any youtube on TSP begging Dilli for dialogue renewal?

I recall seeing Paki FM on Times Now bellowing "...there may come a time when faced with non-response to talks from the other side, we may say 'so be it'..."

Replaying those tapes now would be fitting.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Hari Seldon »

Some interesting tweets:
This time they desperately want us to know they did it from inside Pakistan 11 minutes ago from mobile web

Unlike the Indian Mujahideen and Deccan Mujahideen labels where they wanted us to desperately believe it was indigenous
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by chetak »

Hari Seldon wrote:
Wondering what they must do to get the chankian yindooze to call off 'em talks only.

They are sending a clear message to the world that the talks should resume and continue and also be absolutely un interruptible as well focus only on their TSP agenda and terms.

They think that they have the americans and the EU jokers backed into a corner after the london conference.

They have the american and EU assurance on the continued pressure on India to accommodate TSP on kashmir as well as the water mess that they find themselves in.

MMS should not fall into this tube well! Even the Indian Army will not be able to rescue him. And then the Khalistan mess will restart all over again.

May be all Indians could pool together to buy a nobel prize and give it to MMS if he does not fall into the well laid trap!!!

Talking now will forever set a precedent for TSP and the goras to quote that terrorist attacks in India are not the responsibilities of the paki government, non state or otherwise.

Best to postpone talks or better still simply call it off for another far away day.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by skaranam »

chetak wrote:
Hari Seldon wrote:
Wondering what they must do to get the chankian yindooze to call off 'em talks only.

They are sending a clear message to the world that the talks should resume and continue and also be absolutely un interruptible as well focus only on their TSP agenda and terms.

They think that they have the americans and the EU jokers backed into a corner after the london conference.

They have the american and EU assurance on the continued pressure on India to accommodate TSP on kashmir as well as the water mess that they find themselves in.

MMS should not fall into this tube well! Even the Indian Army will not be able to rescue him. And then the Khalistan mess will restart all over again.

May be all Indians could pool together to buy a nobel prize and give it to MMS if he does not fall into the well laid trap!!!

Talking now will forever set a precedent for TSP and the goras to quote that terrorist attacks in India are not the responsibilities of the paki government, non state or otherwise.

Best to postpone talks or better still simply call it off for another far away day.
Better still talk and take some covert action so that they known we mean business. We all can put laughing faces. I was expecting a demo of Brahmos on Feb 4.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by SwamyG »

krithivas wrote:MMS has set his sights on a Nobel nomination at the expense of Indian lives and blood. He will be known as the Gorbachov of India.
uh? Gorbachev at least led his people out of the communism bondage, helped end the cold war (though the credit goes to Reagan in some circles) and instituted reforms for the benefit of former Soviet citizens. As a leader MMS has not done anything for him to be compared with Gorbachev.

Anybody see any desi hawk hands in this?
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by ramana »

Vital clues from CCTV
‘Vital clues from CCTV cameras’

Siddhesh Inamdar

PUNE: Pune Commissioner of Police Satyapal Singh said on Tuesday that he could “neither confirm nor deny” media reports of the police having detained two persons in connection with the German Bakery blast.

According to the reports, the police picked up two people from the Janwadi and Kudalwadi areas on Tuesday morning.

They were said to have links with the Indian Mujahideen. Two more persons were reportedly detained in Aurangabad.

Mr. Singh confirmed that there was a CCTV camera at the billing counter of the bakery. Police had obtained its footage and that of the CCTV camera in the opposite hotel. “The footage obtained from both the CCTV cameras has provided us vital clues.”

The much-awaited report of the forensics science laboratory was made available to the police on Monday night.

“According to the report, RDX, ammonium nitrate and petroleum hydrocarbon oil were used to cause the blast,” Mr. Singh said. Forensics experts were still trying to ascertain the quantity of the explosive used, and whether ball bearings, nuts and bolts were packed to cause greater injury to the victims.

He said it was not yet clear whether the blast was remote-controlled or a timer was used. That too was being ascertained by experts.

With Abhishek Ravi Saxena, 24, of Lucknow dying of injuries on Tuesday, the death toll went up to 10, Mr. Singh said. Saxena, who passed out of the D.Y. Patil College of Engineering here last year, was working with the Automotive Research Association of India here.

The total number of the injured is 60.
A few questions:
- From the injuries wouldnt they know if shrapnel was packed? Wouldnt this come from the medical doctors? Or are they saying there were such materials near the scene and got blasted?

- From the ingredients described it looks like it was fertilizer IED with r d x used as a shock initiator. Most likely it was small qty.

Looks like a very slow process is being used to delay the investigation.
Prem Kumar
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Prem Kumar »

skaranam wrote:Ex-Pak Army officers planned Pune blast
Mohammed Amjad alias Khwaja, an alleged member of terror group Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (HuJI) arrested by the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in Colombo last month for involvement in terrorist cases in Andhra Pradesh, told investigators during his interrogation that a retired senior Pakistani army officer and senior LeT members had in a meeting in Karachi last year showed him and three top Indian Mujahideen (IM) ultras photographs of German Bakery and the Osho Ashram in Pune.
When did Khwaja say this - before or after the blast?
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Chinmayanand »

Their LeT handlers also asked Khwaja and the IM ultras to plan attacks on synagogues, Chabbad houses and the National Defence Academy in Pune. Intelligence sources said the information from Khwaja was shared with the central intelligence agencies and the Maharashtra government well before the terrorists carried out the attack in Pune.
Jai Ho onlee for all the people involved in intelligence and security :lol:
Varoon Shekhar
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Varoon Shekhar »

It was enraging to read an eye-witness account of the immediate aftermath of the explosion, with people, including young girls running out of the German bakery screaming in agony, as they were covered in flames. What is India going to do about this???
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by RayC »

I presume that India will discuss this with Pakistan since peace at all cost is what is the mantra!

However, VVIP security is going up by one more notch. Luxury helicopters with missiles, chaff etc is being bought. 10 of them!

Good to be a VVIP in India!
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by AjayKK »

Abhishek was only hope of his widowed mother
Pune/Lucknow: Abhishek Saxena's widowed mother had all her hopes pinned on him. But all came to a crashing end when the 23-year-old third-year BTech (mechanical) student of D Y Patil Engineering College in Pune died at Inlaks and Budhrani hospital on Tuesday, taking the German Bakery blast toll to 10.
Hailing from Lucknow, Abhishek was an only child. For his mother Nidhi, it was the cruelest blow: her husband, S C Saxena, a bank manager, died in 1994 when Abhishek was barely eight. Nidhi then got a clerical job at her husbands bank. After Abhishek completed his intermediate from Mahanagar Boys Inter College in 2005, she allowed him to pursue his engineering at in Pune. Though sad that her only son would have to leave, she accepted it as she was sure that further studies would count a lot in his career, says Abhisheks uncle Alok Saxena.
Another uncle Arvind Kumar, said he stayed at a flat with a friend on Senapati Bapat Road in Pune. Pravin Nitnavare, assistant professor at D Y Patil Engineering College, said, Abhishek , who used to be in the third year in the mechanical department, would participate in various engineering workshops at the college as well as outside . D S Yadav, registrar of the college , said, He would always perform well in college exams.
Intensivist Vilas Gundecha, of Inlaks and Budhrani Hospital, said, Abhishek was admitted with severe injuries to the right leg, which required immediate amputation. Following that, he continued to bleed profusely and several rounds blood transfusions (25 bottles) had to be conducted over the past two days.

Since the start of Pakistani terror from '48, India loses hundreds of such men and women to terrorism. Those in the forces are assumed to be disposable in the name of peace as such and the attitude is that they are "paid to die" and can be rewarded post posthumously.

Those outside of the forces, like family of young Abhishek, 23 and P Sindhuri ,22 and thousands of other Indians can be paid after they die. After a terror attack, the state Governments announce compensation for the victims. The usual amount is in the range od Rs. 5 Lakh.
The people who die may have certain liabilities like education loans or home loans which are then to be paid by the family members, since the lending agencies do not necessarily waive it off.

Rs. 5 lakh kept in a simple deposit fetches around Rs. 3500/- per month. Thus the families of Sindhuri , who joined Amdocs and Abhishek , who surely would have got a decent paying job in a few month's time, are then forced to live on this amount assuming they have no other sources of income. Dependents of those who die while in Government duties obtain a job after much hardship. Even if the dead persons do not have any liabilities, the loss can never be filled by money.

But in our Chankkian GDP led economic growth policy which shuts its eyes to the deaths of terrorism of the past sixty years , all these are merely statistics. After all, in some years time, our GDP growth will outrun Pakistan's total GDP and we would surely have a 72 trillion dollar economy, perhaps of the top five economies.

Some few hundreds "unfortunate" will continue to die. Rest all is well. Ack thoo.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by vera_k »

This type of callousness brings forth the bankruptcy of family planning policies. You have to have a half dozen kids to insure against the possibility of losing a few to the terrorists.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by vera_k »

Shiv Sena to file suit against state government
The Shiv Sena in Thane will file a public interest litigation (PIL) in the Bombay High Court against the Maharashtra government for ignoring intelligence inputs that led to the Pune bomb blast on February 13.

"The Central government says it gave information on Pune being targeted by terrorists but the state government says it did not receive any specific intelligence reports," Eknath Shinde, a Shiv Sena legislator, told Gulf News. "Who has failed on the security front?" he asks. "The responsibility has to be fixed on the central or the state government." He would be filing a PIL on behalf of the party within a week's time.
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Re: Pune Bomb Blast - 13 Feb 2010

Post by Dilbu »

Abhishek was only hope of his widowed mother
Really breaks my heart. :(
May the fcuking paki morons who did this rot in hell for thousands of years.