India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discussion

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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by amdavadi »

^^ no doubt...Money is flowing like a Indus river this days.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by mnag »

reported in WSJ. Three Charged in Alleged Canada Plot ... %3Darticle

found one reader response very hilarious
Well, this loser won't get his 72 virgins in heaven, but he will be treated like a virgin 72 times in prison...
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Sanjay M »

McGill grad charged in terrorism plot
Arrest shocks imam at Khurram Sher's former mosque
In 2006, Sher went to Pakistan as part of an aid group sent to help out after an earthquake in Kashmir.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Karan Dixit »

Canadian FM toasts Canada-India ties ... a-ties.htm
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by krisna »

Fourth Suspect Held in Canadian Terrorism Probe
The man, who was arrested Friday, has not been charged with terrorism-related offenses. Instead, he appeared in court Saturday on domestic violence charges, was released on bail, then immediately rearrested and detained on a separate charge of uttering threats, according to his lawyer.
The man cannot be identified under a court-imposed publication ban, a standard condition of domestic violence hearings in Canada.
Police say the group is linked to an international terrorist cell plotting to make bombs and aid anti-coalition forces in Afghanistan, including at least three suspects outside Canada who remain at large.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Sanjay M »

Fourth Suspect Arrested in 'Operation Samosa'

Operation Samosa? :P
Why couldn't they call it Operation Biryani? Or Operation Kabab?
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Sanjay M »

Siddiqui: To tackle domestic terrorism, end foreign wars

Listen to the crook Siddiqui demand a stranglehold over Canadian foreign policy. He wants Muslims to exercise a veto by threat of terrorism.

When Canada participated in the NATO campaign against Serbia and Belgrade was bombed, did any Serb-Canadians threaten terror bombing reprisals, or did Siddiqui demand an end to that foreign war? Nope.

This miserable suit salesman from Hyderabad who became a Toronto newspaper editor has even managed to get an award from the Indian embassy, despite his vile track record in maligning India and Hindus in general, while consistently siding with Pakistan, including on Kashmir.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by krisna »

Indo-Canadian MP against Canada attending EU meeting in France
France, according to Dosanjh, is violating European Union law by deliberately targeting the Roma Gypsies, who are believed to have origins in India and other countries of South Asia, and should therefore be openly condemned by the Canadian government.
Some critics have described the upcoming meeting as an "anti-Roma" gathering.
The Roma are a nomadic people whose ancestors are thought to have left north-west India at the beginning of the 11th century and scattered across Europe.
There are at least 400,000 Roma - or travelling people - living in France, who are part of long-established communities.
In addition, there are about 12,000 Roma from Bulgaria and Romania, many of whom live in unauthorised camps in urban areas across the country, according the French Roma rights umbrella group FNASAT.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Sanjay M »

^^^ Worth reading:

They've all converted to Catholicism or Evangelicalism anyway. None of them are Hindus anymore.

You can still see the brown skin in some of them, but they seem to have retained almost none of any Indian culture. They seem to be vaguely Punjabi.

These people seem to have largely deteriorated into scavenging bottomfeeders. They are an object lesson to those who would try to become a diaspora in a highly nationalistic Europe without any real homeland to back them up. They have become the wandering trash of Europe.

Consider them as the spiritual forerunners of the lefty ABCD NRIs - lost rudderless people without any mooring to keep them afloat, doomed to be tossed around like flotsam and jetsam by the currents and eddies of European national politics they neither fit into nor understand.

Without any intrinsic culturally-reinforced social structures to maintain their own integrity, too many of them have degenerated into criminals and riffraff who've had any number of kids thru any number of possible partners. Their family tree looks like a banyan tree - you can't even tell where one family ends and another begins.

But as I've said before - East Europeans don't have the temperament or cultural openness to deal with these kinds of people, much less accommodate them. ... lsion.html
Unusually, the French have reached outside the EU by inviting Canada, which last year slapped visa restrictions on Czech nationals after a large number of Roma from the country applied for refugee status.

Canada has turned them away in the past too, wary of their history of criminal activity. A Punjabi-Canadian like Dosanjh is trying to be nice to them, because of the common Punjabi roots, but the complete lack of any social order within their community means that they'll always be outcastes.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Karan Dixit »

^ My humble rebuttal:

1. It is a human tragedy. Therefore, skin color or religion of the victim is not relevant.
2. Any group of people will drift towards life of crime if the society does not provide them with equal opportunity.
3. I have seen Romas in Los Angeles living normal lives. They have normal businesses and jobs just like any body else.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Sanjay M »

The Roma leading the normal lives aren't the ones being evicted. There are Roma engineers, there are Roma professionals, there are Roma who are mainstream businessmen, etc.

But the ones who attract negative attention from the law, are the ones living like hobos, vagabonds, squatters, and social dropouts. One cannot afford to be a social dropout if one wants to coexist with society. Coexisting with the milieu that one is in is not merely optional, but mandatory.

Adopting a life of crime is not a way of seeking coexistence - it's just a prelude to greater social backlash, whether in the form of expulsion or incarceration.
Terrorist-plotting Pakistani immigrant youth are about to find this out the hard way.

Jews worked much harder to adapt to the societies around them without jumping headlong into criminality, which is a slippery slope towards self-elimination.

Read that link again:

When the subcontinent began to experience Islamic invasion, there were 2 responses - Fight or Flight. Those who chose to fight became Sikhs, Rajputs, etc, and stood their ground.
Those who felt too scared or too idealistic and pacificist to fight made a choice to flee - and became the Roma we see today.

Can spinelessness/Leftiness be inherited and passed down across generations, whether genetically or culturally?
I don't know - but I find the choices made by the Roma's ancestors to be correlated with their predicament today. If those ancestors had known the fate their future generations would suffer, perhaps they might have made a wiser choice when it could have made a difference.

If only we could revive the souls of the Prithvi Rai Chauhans and the Jaichands, to inquisition them today, and show them what they've wrought - like a Dickensian Ghost-of-Xmas-Future. Then maybe we could take some small satisfaction in watching them squirm.

Likewise, African tribes were notorious for selling off the captives taken in tribal feud wars to Arab and Western slavers. But I'm not allowed by our moderators to compare Indian decision-making patterns to African ones. I'm only allowed to watch the endless repetition of them. Excessive introspection is discouraged here, but squandering the future is politically acceptable.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Mauli »

Glider threat in Canada daily

New Delhi, Sept. 2: Home secretary G.K. Pillai has said the Lashkar-e-Toiba has bought 150 paragliders from China and Gulf countries in recent months, which could be used to launch airborne attacks on Commonwealth Games venues and visiting athletes.

The home secretary’s comments to a Canadian newspaper, The Toronto Star, could not have come at a worse time for the Games Organising Committee, which is already swamped with questions from participating nations over the dengue situation in Delhi.

Pillai could not be contacted on Thursday to verify the statements attributed to him.

In its report, the newspaper has termed Pillai’s comments “remarkable”.

“A senior Indian official made the remarkable claim that Islamic militants from Pakistan have been buying up paragliders that could be used to launch airborne attacks on athletes, tourists and visiting politicians at the Games,” the report said.

“It’s very worrisome,” Pillai was quoted as telling the paper. Because paragliders don’t require a runway, “they could launch them from anywhere”.

Security forces are being advised of the threat and snipers would be prepared to shoot down unknown objects from the sky, Pillai said. He did not elaborate on what proof the government has about the glider purchases.

Yesterday, the US state department issued a travel advisory to its citizens, warning them about a possible terrorist strike in Delhi during the Games.

The travel alert that expires on November 15 has asked US citizens to monitor future travel alerts on safety and security issues in Delhi. However, the travel alert added: “The US government has no information on any specific threat of attack that any individual or group is planning to coincide with the Games.”

Australia had issued a similar advisory to its citizens on Tuesday.

But more than fears of a terror attack during the Games, most visiting athletes and tourists are concerned about the dengue scare.

At least 24 participating countries have inquired about the dengue situation, said sources in the organising committee. Some countries have asked their athletes not to take their families with them to India during the Games.

As many as 1,000 cases of dengue have been reported in the city. ... 890818.jsp
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Carl_T »

Has India ever built relations with Gypsy communities?
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by krisna »

Canada seeks India's help to curb illegal migration
Canada's Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney Tuesday met Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi and sought India's cooperation to curb illegal migration by sharing information on "unscrupulous fraudsters" involved in the racket.
Mr Ravi intends to come forward with measures to put a check on the issue and we appreciate his approach," he said, adding that Canada "benefits" from the "large and growing" migration from India.
Kenney is on a three-day visit to India and as Punjab and Haryana are the states with maximum number of migrants to Canada, he will visit Chandigarh Thursday, the last day of his trip to India.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by munna »

Carl_T wrote:Has India ever built relations with Gypsy communities?
Huzoor for you Linky

PM Indira Gandhi's address to second international Romani Conference in Chandigarh, 1983 (first one was also held in Chandigarh, I guess in 1978).
Indira Gandhiji wrote:Mr. Governor, Mr. Sait Balic, Mr. Rishi, distinguished guests and my Roma friends:

Welcome to the Roma people to Baro Than. Some of us have met before and some are new faces but all are here in the spirit of friendship. Why am I here? Because I feel a kinship with the Roma People. I have always admired their love of adventure, their closeness to nature and above all, their fortitude and resilience.

Eminent Roma from different countries are with us today and through this the festival will contribute to the strengthening of the already deep-rooted ties between Roma and their Indian fellow humans.

There are 15 million Roma spread the world over. Their history is one of sorrow and suffering. But it is also the story of the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. the persecution which the Roma have faced so gallantly for nearly a thousand years, marked in our own days by Hitler's genocidal frenzy, makes them an example of courage and endurance. These qualities are associated with India, which they regard as their original home.


It is apt that the Congress is being held here, for the Roma people have an affinity with the Punjab. Roma culture has imbibed and absorbed features of many lands and peoples and it retains memories of elements of Indian civilization. This internationalism has a particular value in our times.

India has also suffered the ignominy of servitude and the myriad ills which attend it but is now independent and resurgent. Its vast treasure of ancient wisdom is open to the world, a part of the common heritage of humankind. The roma represent some of this treasure. They are a living example of humankind's ability to overcome travail. We in India have always been proud of our great and unbroken cultural tradition. Can it now withstand the tremendous onslaught?

The Indian people support the effort of the Roma in enriching human culture. Theirs is an example of nationalism within internationalism, beyond prejudice where large heartedless thinks of all people as one big family, living in harmony, trust and peace.

My good wishes to your festival and for your stay in India.
Upre Roma! Roma Zindabad!! Sastipe!!
Sanjay M
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Sanjay M »

Mexico isn't far away from a meltdown: ... gD9I5E4K00

If I was AlQaeda, I would just set up ties with the Mexican drug lords, since they are right nextdoor to the USA, and undoubtedly have ample ways to infiltrate across the border. Plus AlQaeda/Taliban/etc have significant presence in the drug trade.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Sanjay M »


Police investigate break-in at Canadian Tamil Congress
Sunday, Sept. 12, 2010

TORONTO — Toronto police are investigating a break-in at the office of the Canadian Tamil Congress and the apparent theft of the names of the 492 Sri Lankan migrants smuggled to Canada last month aboard the MV Sun Sea.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by krisna »

India, Argentina sign MoU on agriculture cooperation
India and Argentina have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in agriculture and allied sectors.
The MoU was signed by Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar and his Argentine counterpart Julian Andres Dominguez at Buenos Aires during Pawar's recent visit to Argentina.
There are 14 Indian companies, which have invested about one billion dollars in IT, agrochemicals, steel, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics in Argentina. United Phosphorus and Punjab Chemicals and Crop Protection Ltd have invested 100 million dollars in Argentina in the production and export of agrochemicals and seeds.
Agricultural machinery is emerging as a new area of trade and collaboration. Mahindra, TAFE and Sonalika from India have started exporting their tractors to India. Sonalika plans to assemble their tractors in Argentina.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Arihant »

munna wrote:
Carl_T wrote:Has India ever built relations with Gypsy communities?
Huzoor for you Linky

PM Indira Gandhi's address to second international Romani Conference in Chandigarh, 1983 (first one was also held in Chandigarh, I guess in 1978).
Indira Gandhiji wrote:Mr. Governor, Mr. Sait Balic, Mr. Rishi, distinguished guests and my Roma friends:

Welcome to the Roma people to Baro Than. Some of us have met before and some are new faces but all are here in the spirit of friendship. Why am I here? Because I feel a kinship with the Roma People. I have always admired their love of adventure, their closeness to nature and above all, their fortitude and resilience.

Eminent Roma from different countries are with us today and through this the festival will contribute to the strengthening of the already deep-rooted ties between Roma and their Indian fellow humans.

There are 15 million Roma spread the world over. Their history is one of sorrow and suffering. But it is also the story of the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. the persecution which the Roma have faced so gallantly for nearly a thousand years, marked in our own days by Hitler's genocidal frenzy, makes them an example of courage and endurance. These qualities are associated with India, which they regard as their original home.


It is apt that the Congress is being held here, for the Roma people have an affinity with the Punjab. Roma culture has imbibed and absorbed features of many lands and peoples and it retains memories of elements of Indian civilization. This internationalism has a particular value in our times.

India has also suffered the ignominy of servitude and the myriad ills which attend it but is now independent and resurgent. Its vast treasure of ancient wisdom is open to the world, a part of the common heritage of humankind. The roma represent some of this treasure. They are a living example of humankind's ability to overcome travail. We in India have always been proud of our great and unbroken cultural tradition. Can it now withstand the tremendous onslaught?

The Indian people support the effort of the Roma in enriching human culture. Theirs is an example of nationalism within internationalism, beyond prejudice where large heartedless thinks of all people as one big family, living in harmony, trust and peace.

My good wishes to your festival and for your stay in India.
Upre Roma! Roma Zindabad!! Sastipe!!
It would be appropriate for India to take up the Roma cause. One reason for this would be moral - they are after all descendants of our own. On a pragmatic level, they offer the opportunity for greater leverage in large parts of Europe.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by krisna »

India offers all help to filmmaker Vijay Kumar

Vijay kumar abandoned by India? times tv video link
India on Friday said it was ready to provide all possible assistance to filmmaker Vijay Kumar and clarified that Canada had said he had been questioned for want of documentation but not detained.
The ministry said the Consulate General of India in Vancouver was in touch with CBSA and Baldev Singh Sandhu, the attorney of Vijay Kumar.
The consulate has offered to provide all possible assistance to Vijay Kumar, the ministry said.
'I have a valid visa and I got the option of voluntary departure from the US. I have a valid visa and hence I told them (Canadians) that you cannot deport me, I do not want to be deported,' he said.
'They told me I was under examination and they did not put me in jail. I was allowed to go to the hotel. They have seized my identity card and other legal documents. They told me that it would take another 2-3 days. I have been called every day and they have interrogated me in detail.'
Asked why he did not return to India immediately after his release from the Houston prison, he said he was afraid to return home.
At least canadian consulate has come forward to help him. WTF was Indian consulate doing in US.
Vijay Kumar interview in times tv video- says he is afraid to come to India because of his work on global terrorism and jehadis, the govt is not strong :!:
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Karan Dixit »

Here is the contact information for Indian Consulate, Houston:
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Karan Dixit »

NEW DELHI, Sept. 17 (UPI) -- Canada says it has offered its granary-building expertise to India to help it reduce food grain wastage due to poor storage facilities. ... 284746370/
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Sanjay M »

18 September 2010 Last updated at 19:27 ET

(BBC)Air India bomb plotter convicted of perjury
Inderjit Singh Reyat. 10 Sept 2010 Inderjit Singh Reyat served five years for his part in the 1985 bombing

A Canadian who helped make the bomb that destroyed an Air India jet in 1985 has been convicted of committing perjury at the subsequent trial.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by krisna »

Canadian minister exposes RIM's encryption lie news
Canadian trade minister Peter Van Loan yesterday exposed BlackBerry smartphone maker Research In Motion's (RIM) deception that it does not possess access to BlackBerry's encrypted data.
Loan said that in Canada, law enforcement agencies can intercept telephone calls, emails and text messages sent by BlackBerry smartphones after obtaining a warrant from the judge.
"My understanding is that India is seeking the same thing, and we believe RIM can arrive at a resolution on that basis," Loan said.
His statement however blows the veil of secrecy and web of deception in the Ontario-based RIM's claims to regulators in certain countries for years.
Money talks clearly. we will have to make sure all berries in the world confirm to Indian standards or else the juice will be squeezed out of them.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by RajeshA »

Published on Oct 02, 2010
By Haroon Siddiqui
India cannot help but be complex: The Star
Now the two countries can't get enough of each other, Canada needing India more than India needing Canada. Which is why the Star is exploring India in every section of the paper today.

India, an emerging economic and geopolitical giant, might overtake China economically within two decades. :-o Wooed by the world, it does need Canadian natural resources as well as capital and expertise for infrastructure.

Canada — besides recruiting skilled Indians as immigrants and using India for outsourced call centres — is keen to tap into India's booming $1.3 trillion economy (about the same as Canada's).

Canadian politicians and corporate leaders, who never used to return a phone call from India, now go on pilgrimages there and attend Indo-Canadian events to troll for votes and business.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by arun »

Canada continues to hold a grudge against India for taking away the Commnwealth Games from them and continues their carping and complaining.

IANS on the ridiculous levels that Canada is stooping to record its disappointment of losing the games to India:
Canada complains about CWG opening ceremonies

IANS, Oct 3, 2010, 09.20am IST

TORONTO: Having complained about every aspect of the Commonwealth Games and taking their reservations about India's ability to hold the show to ridiculous levels, Canada reportedly even expressed reluctance to join the opening ceremonies on Sunday. ………………

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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Kesavan »

Canada recently got trounced in UNSC elections and withdrew to save face. They lost by a massive number of votes. India supported Portugal, but India voting for Canada wouldn't have even come close to saving them. Yet Canadian opinion and editorial pages are currently whining that India didn't support Canada. See for example: ... le1757845/

That one even has a Paki equal-equal. I believe it was a response to this: ... le1756233/

It's almost bizarre that we're singled out, considering the vote wasn't even close. This is what happens when reality dawns on self-important countries and they become aware of their impotence.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by sanjaykumar »

Th ekey question is conveniently avoided:who did Canada vote for?
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by krisna »

Cheaper Indian goods in Canadian market after free trade deal
India will join China in filling up Canadian stores with cheaper goods once New Delhi and Ottawa sign a free trade agreement to do away with many taxes and duties.
The prime ministers of the two countries announced the start of talks for a comprehensive economic partnership agreement during their meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Seoul on Friday.
The two countries aim to push their trade more than three-fold from the current $4.2 billion in the next five years. While main Canadian exports to India include machinery, fertilizers, wood pulp and vegetables, Indian exports comprise garments, metals, precious stones and jewellery, and electrical equipment.
A free trade agreement is expected to add about $6 billion each to the economies of the two countries.
But more than anything,Canadian banks and insurance companies will benefit immensely from a free trade pact with one of the fastest growing economies in the world. as they want access to the south Asian market.
After the global meltdown triggered by the US which is Canada's main buyer, Ottawa is trying to lessen dependence on its big neighbour by signing free trade agreements with many other nations.
No wonder canada is keen to have India enagaged
After Canada's ban on India after its 1974 and 1998 nuclear blasts, India-Canada relations have picked up after Ottawa reversed this policy by ending India's nuclear isolation at the Nucelar Suppliers' Group in 2008.
Apart from the nuke deal signed in June, Ottawa has also inked major agreements with India in mining, science and education and other fields.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Ameet »

Argentina feeds India’s growing appetite ... -appetite/

Buenos Aires sees bilateral trade with India growing 150 per cent this year, with exports rising 125 per cent to a record of nearly $1.8bn compared with $648m in 2009. It is already enthusiastically forecasting exports of $3bn by 2012 and total bilateral trade that year of $3.8bn. This year, Argentina is importing goods, including chemicals, fibres, car parts, motorbikes and colourings, from India worth $310m.

Argentina exports soy and sunflower oil, and is India’s major source of edible oils.

India’s ambassador, Rengaraj Viswanathan, reckons some land in Argentina is cheaper than in Punjab, and so Indian officials are urging their businessmen to go straight to the source and buy or lease land in Argentina to grow oilseeds, wheat and pulses themselves – learning from the technology in Argentina, where yields are triple those achieved in India.

It doesn’t stop at food. Biodiesel – both to import and to produce – and wood and paper pulp are in demand by India. Tata is evaluating joint ventures for making cars in Argentina. And there are mining, steel and other ventures too. The recent hit Argentine cartoon Gaturro was co-produced by India’s Toonz Animation.

India’s voracious economic and population growth means it needs everything, not just food. Meanwhile, resource-rich Argentina, with an educated workforce and cheaper costs than in other parts of Latin America, is attracting Indian companies – there are now 13 based in Argentina (two of which opened in the last year) in the information technology, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and steel sectors.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

Air India inquiry head baffled by Ottawa’s response
Tonda MacCharles
Ottawa Bureau

OTTAWA—In his Calgary law office, Justice John Major tried but failed to make sense of a one-page press release outlining the federal response to his exhaustive Air India report.

“I can’t make much out of it,” he said frankly in an interview with the Star.

The former Supreme Court of Canada judge expressed disappointed bafflement at the announcement the federal Conservative government rejected several key recommendations of his three-year Air India inquiry.

To reject so many of Major’s recommendations after spending so much money on an inquiry that produced “pounds” of documentation is “worse than a joke,” said Liberal Bob Rae.

“It’s a real dereliction of duty.”

Rae is a past member of the watchdog agency that oversees CSIS. He also led an outside review of the Air India investigation for the federal government.

He said the Conservatives display a “paternalistic attitude” toward the victims’ families. He reminded the governing party that Major concluded the federal government bore “significant responsibility” for what happened to their loved ones.

The inquiry concluded FINTRAC, the federal agency that currently investigates criminal money-laundering activities is “not adequately integrated into the intelligence cycle to effectively detect terrorist financing or to provide the best financial intelligence to CSIS and the RCMP.”

Major said Tuesday if airport security is not improved, Rae would be right that all the work since the 1985 Air India crash would have been a “waste of time.” ... ponse?bn=1


PM’s Air India plan too vague, victims’ families say
OTTAWA— From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
Published Tuesday, Dec. 07, 2010 7:16PM EST
Last updated Wednesday, Dec. 08, 2010 10:55AM EST

The Harper government’s Air India Action Plan is being met with disappointment by relatives of those who died in the 1985 bombing for failing to include clear pledges to act on the specific recommendations from June’s public inquiry report into the largest mass murder in Canadian history.

The plan is silent on many of the 64 recommendations Mr. Major made in June.

Representatives of the victims’ families noted that in addition to lacking clear policy pledges, Ottawa has yet to conclude negotiations toward financial compensation.

“It kind of leaves a bad taste in your mouth,” said Rob Alexander, who was 15 when his father – Dr. Mathew Alexander – was killed in the bombing of Air India Flight 182, which left 329 people dead, including 280 Canadians. “Everyone’s a little upset right now.” ... le1829061/
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

12 Canadians undergoing militant training at Pak camp

Indian Express
Posted: Mon Jan 17 2011, 15:29 hrs Kuala Lumpur

A group of 12 Canadians are reported to be undergoing militant training at an al-Qaeda camp in Pakistan's lawless North Waziristan in apparent plots to carry out terror attacks back home.

The Canadians, who may have converted to Islam, were helped to reach the Darpakhel areas of the lawless tribal belt after joining radical Egyptian group Jihad al-Islami, Hong Kong based Asia Times reported.


"The Canadians went to Afghanistan in February 2010; there were 12 of them. After nine months, al-Qaeda's leaders decided to send them to North Waziristan and they reached Darpakhel in November last year," Arif Wazir, a local militant of Darpakhel, was quoted as saying in the report.


The report, quoting well placed Taliban sources, says militant training to Canadians is a part of al-Qaeda plans to recruit, train and launch Western Caucasians in their countries... the aim is to spread the flames of the South Asian war theatre to the West."


A 30-year-old man Abu Shahid, sporting golden beard, is leading the Canadian group, the report said, adding that those who could not be independently verified and include: Jeam Paull (local name Sadiq Ullah), Leman Langlois (Sana Ullah), James Richard (Abdur Rehman), Otto Paul (Abu Usman), Thomas (Abdullah) and Paul Gall (Hafiz Ullah).

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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by sunnyP »

Payback for the ex-BSF officer/Visa incident or just bureaucracy at work?

Pakistan-based Canadian cricketers wait for Indian visa
New Delhi: The Canada Cricket Board (CCB) said the Indian High Commission is sitting on the visa applications of its four Pakistan-origin cricketers and it has affected their World Cup preparations.

CCB President Ranjit Saini said the application is lying with the Indian authorities for the last four months and due to non-clearance, these four cricketers could not go to India in November for a preparatory tour ahead of World Cup.

Saini said the other team members were issued visas but no decision has been taken yet on the applications of batsman Rizwan Cheema, all-rounder Umar Bhatti, paceman Khurran Chauhan and stumper Hamza Tareek. ... 8-312.html

Visa delays hamper Canada
Canada has pleaded with the International Cricket Council to help its three Pakistanborn players obtain visas to enter India for the World Cup, which gets underway Feb. 19.

Vice-captain Rizwan Cheema, Khurram Chohan and Hamza Tariq are still awaiting visas.

The delay has prompted Cricket Canada to demand the schedule, which has the team playing four of its six group games in India, be altered so matches are switched to co-hosts Bangladesh and Sri Lanka if the problem persists.

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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Raghavendra »

^ Precaution only since pakistani origin people like daood gilani aka david headley are more interested in playing terrorist games in India
Ravi Karumanchiri
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

CAE Bangalore Training Centre is the first independent TRTO approved by India DGCA

Montreal, Canada, February 8, 2011 – (NYSE: CAE; TSX: CAE) – CAE announced today on the eve of the biennial Aero India show that its training centre in Bangalore, India is the first non-airline training centre to earn approval as a fixed-wing Type Rating Training Organization (TRTO) by India's Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DCGA). The TRTO approval covers simulation-based initial, command and upgrade pilot training programs for Airbus A320 series and Boeing 737 aircraft.

"DCGA approval as the first independent fixed-wing type-rating training provider in India is a significant milestone, and reflects the dedication and effort of CAE's regulatory team and the Bangalore training centre leadership," said Jeff Roberts, CAE Group President, Civil Simulation Products, Training and Services. “CAE is committed to serving the rapidly growing civil aviation community in India and the surrounding region with the most advanced training technology, flexible solutions tailored to customer needs, and consistently superior service."

The CAE Bangalore Training Centre is a state-of-the-art facility located near the new Bengaluru International Airport (BLR) at Devanahalli. The airport is host to 10 domestic airlines and 21 international airlines connecting to the city.

Operational since late 2008, the centre currently trains more than 1,500 pilots annually on three CAE-built Level D full-flight simulators (FFS) – two Airbus A320s and one Boeing 737NG. The facility can accommodate three additional FFSs.
CAE also operates two flight schools in India – CAE Global Academy Gondia (National Flying Training Institute), a joint venture with the Airport Authority of India, as well as CAE Global Academy Rae Bareli (Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi), managed on behalf of the Ministry of Civil Aviation. The two CAE Global Academy campuses in India are part of the world's largest network of ab initio flight training schools.

CAE is a world leader in providing simulation and modelling technologies and integrated training solutions for the civil aviation industry and defence forces around the globe.
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Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Shankas »

BRF Meet in Toronto
Has there been a meet in Toronto?
Can we have a meet in Toronto sometime in the week of Feb 20th?
Ravi Karumanchiri
Posts: 723
Joined: 19 Oct 2009 06:40

Re: India-Canada, Mexico and South America: News and Discuss

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

X-POSTED: Bangladesh News and Discussion

Convicted assassin living freely in Etobicoke
Amy Dempsey, Staff Reporter, The Toronto Star
Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The shots that killed the founding father of Bangladesh early one morning in 1975 came blasting out of a Sten submachine-gun held by a man named Nur Chowdhury.

Thirty-five years later, the assassin who pulled the trigger on president Sheikh Mujibur Rahman lives quietly in a modest condo building in Etobicoke.

He has never been punished for his crimes.

Chowdhury was sentenced to death for his role in the military coup that killed the president, his family and others in a massacre that catapulted the country into chaos.

But here in Canada, the death penalty is exactly what is keeping the 61-year-old man safe: Ottawa doesn’t deport people who face execution.

For that reason, Chowdhury remains here in limbo, even though Bangladesh wants him to face justice at home.


Chowdhury, who has lived in Canada since 1996, was tried in Bangladesh in absentia. He and 11 others were convicted and sentenced to death in April 2001 in a series of trials that Amnesty International declared were fair and unbiased.


Though the Canadian government obtained a court order to have him removed from the country several years ago, officials have since advised Bangladesh that Chowdhury will not deported as long as the death sentence sticks, according to sources who spoke to Maclean’s.

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 2001 that Ottawa cannot extradite fugitives unless the government obtains assurances they will not be executed.

If Bangladesh dropped Chowdhury’s punishment to a lesser sentence, extradition could be granted. But senior officials at Bangladesh’s High Commission in Ottawa told Maclean’s that Dhaka can no more undo the decisions of its high court than Canada can.


When a reporter knocked on Chowdhury’s door Tuesday evening, a male voice asked who was there. When the reporter identified himself, the man did not respond.

Chowdhury, who has surrendered his Canadian passport, must pay weekly visits to immigration authorities in Toronto because he is technically under a deportation order, which means he must keep the government aware of his whereabouts.

Years ago, Chowdhury used to be seen at some Toronto Bangladeshi community events....

“In one case, I think, one person slapped him. You can’t just go and slap someone in Canada, even if he’s been charged with killing several people.”

Since then... “he’s kept a low profile.”

With files from San Grewal

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