Internal Security Watch

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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Zin »

fanne wrote:Have you seen one more difference, During 2001-2004 almost all publications menationed India along with China as the next rising power, now they have politely dropped any reference of India. Get ready for the next poodle
Hi mudy, poodle seems to be a favourite word of yours. Seems you cant live without it.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by fanne »

You mean Mudy of India Forum? Wrong mate - He/She is registered on this forum under his/her name. Btw Do I sound that shrill? If yes then that is a bad news, I need to take a break from BR.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by ramana »

Open Letter from Jamia islamia New Delhi in Pioneer, 2 Oct., 2008
'Jamia is a modern, liberal, non-denominational institution'

'There is no wavering in our liberal and secular commitments. We are and will remain an indispensable part of the composite edifice called India. We embody the idea of India,' says the Academic Council of Jamia Millia Islamia in this open letter

Faced with mounting criticism for Jamia Millia Islamia's decision to defend its students arrested by Delhi Police on the charge of being members of the terror group Indian Mujahideen and accused of being involved in terror bombings, the Centrally-funded university's Academic Council has issued an 'open letter' clarifying its position and views. The following is the text of the 'open letter':

"Our founder was none other than the Mahatma, the Father of the Nation. The likes of MA Ansari, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Jamnalal Bajaj, Devdas Gandhi, and Zakir Hussain have nurtured us.

Please allow us to take you through some of the landmarks of the Jamia Millia Islamia. You may discover much that is new and perhaps different.

As you cross the Holy Family Hospital, please notice a large gate named after Qurattulain Hyder, a universally acclaimed novelist in Urdu. Some metres away is the Gulistan-i-Ghalib, named after a poet who discounted all religious distinctions. The Dr Zakir Husain Library is located in that complex. Surely, he needs no introduction... Just in case you've forgotten, let us remind you that he was our vice-chancellor from 1926 to 1948, and the President of the Republic.

After crossing over to the other side of the street from the library, you will notice a much smaller gate designed by the architect, late Satish Grover. It is the Bab-i Azad, named after Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, a secularist par excellence. Somebody described him as the 'Prince among Patriots'. He was one of Jamia's benefactors. Next to it is the Bagh-i (Guru) Nanak, the symbol of tolerance, humanity and goodness.

Walk a few steps before entering the Dabistan-i Gandhi: this complex houses the MA Ansari Auditorium (Congress president in 1927 and the Mahatma's 'infallible guide' on Hindu-Muslim issues); (Jawaharlal) Nehru House; Safdar Hashmi Amphitheatre; and the (Fidel) Castro café. All these, and many other names (ie, Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution; Mridula Sarabhai House; Khan Abdul Ghaffar Enclave; Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women's Studies; Jamnalal Bajaj House) reflect Jamia's Weltanschauung.

As we reflect on the events of the past week, we are disturbed and distressed by the misperceptions about our institution propagated by some sections of the media and civil/political society. Surely, this is not what we deserve considering our liberal and progressive record since October 1920, the year of our birth. We were in the forefront of the national movement wholeheartedly, and opposed the pernicious two-nation theory. Today, we are the proud inheritors of the Nehruvian legacy of pluralism and secularism. Rest assured, that there is no wavering in our liberal and secular commitments. We are and will remain an indispensable part of the composite edifice called India. We embody the idea of India.

A student of London School of Economics was found guilty of being a terrorist. Does that turn such a prestigious institution into a terrorist camp? Then why Jamia?

Ham aah bhi karte hain to ho jate hain badnam
Woh qatal bhi karte hain to charcha nahin hota

Remember, we have no ideological or political agenda. Remember, too, that we are not a denominational institution. As a modern, liberal institution of higher learning, we are engaged in teaching and research. What is more, our doors are open to all, Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs alike, for we recognise no religious distinctions. We do not offer instruction in Sunni and Shia theology; instead, we offer courses on civilisations and on Hindu ethics.

We teach Hindi, just as we have in place the departments of Urdu, Arabic, Persian, and several European languages. We are only the second university in the country (after Patiala ) to have a full-fledged Centre for the Study of Comparative Religions and Civilizations. In January 2009, we will host an International Conference on this theme. His Holiness the Dalai Lama will inaugurate the conference.

We have a Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution that has promoted dialogue between the countries within the sub-continent and overseas. On October 2, we hosted an international meet on peace, focussing on MK Gandhi and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the 'Frontier Gandhi.' We study West Asia, just as we explore the politics and economies of our neighbours in the Academy of Third World Studies. We study art, painting and architecture. We have a rich repository of papers at the Munshi Premchand Archives.

We produce scientists, historians, engineers, lawyers, poets, novelists and social scientists. Our Mass Communication Centre is one of the best in Asia. Our department of History is next to none in India. Soon, we will launch our College of Dentistry. Our Museum of Independence, the first of its kind in any university in India, will document the histories of our epic struggles against colonial rule.

Given our limitations, we cannot, however, counter the campaign of sections of the media to sully our image. But what we can do is to uphold and defend our secular inheritance. We unreservedly condemn and denounce acts of terror, whether they happen in Delhi, Gujarat, Kandhamal, or Mangalore. Indeed, we must not allow our democratic and secular fabric to be weakened. In that, we must be active crusaders against mindless violence.

The past week has been harrowing for all of us. We have lived in fear, fear of the police, fear of journalists descending on our campus without the approval of the university authorities, and fear of the OB vans parked from one end of the campus to the other. All this took place while the campus was absolutely peaceful. What were they in search of? To seize on a remark in order to demonise the students, or to twist and turn a stray comment out of context to castigate the institution. Mirza Ghalib would have said:

Ham kahan ke dana thay kis hunar mein yakta thay
Bay sabab hua Ghalib dushman aasman apna

We will have a week-long Educational Festival starting on October 29. Our students will sing and dance and participate in debates. We will stage plays and screen films. Poets will recite poetry, and musicians will perform in concerts. We earnestly hope the OB vans and their occupants will return in happier times to record our vision and commitment to democracy and pluralism.

The silver lining in this entire episode has been the exemplary conduct of our students, teachers and the administrative staff. They have withstood the prevailing tension and exercised exemplary restraint and shown utmost patience. They have, indeed, helped the university authorities to maintain normalcy on the campus.

Friends and well-wishers must rest assured that we will not allow our detractors to malign our institution, because of an incident that took place well beyond the confines of a demarcated campus.

We are issuing this open letter because we are deeply concerned by the manner in which communalism and terrorism have begun to feed each other. That way lies disaster.

While concluding this 'Open Letter', we appeal to our colleagues and dear students to remain calm and not to be swayed by religious or political rhetoric. Please have faith in us. We will do our best to safeguard the interests of our students, teachers, and the administrative staff.

The Jamia Millia Islamia has been an epitome of communal harmony. It was the place where Hindus and Muslims worked together for the Independence of India. Today, we are once again confronted with the challenge of taking such a role. We appeal to people all over the country for their support. Jamia's present and future is of interest to the entire nation, and not just to its students and teachers. That is why we have chosen to share our anguish with all of you. This is, if you like, raison d'etre of this letter.

Shab-e zulm-e nargha rahzan se pukarta hai koi mujhe
Mein faraz-e daar se dekh loon kahin karwan-e sahar na ho

Eid Mubarak!
John Snow
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by John Snow »

Zin, fanne garu has been on BRF since early 1998, mudy was a member around that time too. They are two different people, and as a newbe you should tread carefuly before confusing with Bo(u)rn(e) Identities.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by gandharva »

3 HAL staffers held for plotting Id blasts

By Our Special Correspondent


Oct. 2: Bomb blasts that could have wreaked havoc during Id festivities in Karnataka on Thursday and the Dasara festival in Mysore through this week might have been thwarted at the last minute with the detention in Bengaluru of three key employees of Hindustan Aeronautics, a major defence establishment.

Aziz Subhani, son of Mohammed Kabeel, is a Grade 2 officer working with HAL’s Light Combat Aircraft division; while the identity of the other two has not been disclosed.

A crack team arrived here from New Delhi on Wednesday and took the three HAL employees into custody for questioning, police sources said. The Intelligence Bureau and the Delhi police had tipped off the local police and state intelligence officials about the trio’s alleged links with the banned Simi and their possible involvement in bombings.

"We received an alert from the Delhi police to be extra vigilant during Id and Dasara... Late Wednesday, the Delhi police team arrived with definite information about the three men. Allowing them to continue working at the defence establishment could have proved costly," a state official told this newspaper. Their houses were raided, and CDs, microprocessors and materials on bomb-making seized. Sources in HAL confirmed all three had worked with the organisation for three years in different divisions. "Aziz is a Grade 2 officer ... the other two are workmen in the helicopter division." It is not known where the arrested men are being held. Police sources confirmed they were being questioned since Wednesday. ... lasts.aspx
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by fanne »

One access to LCA? Well I once heard from my this relative who heard from that relative yada yada ...they caught someone screwing with Mig xx engine that led to crashesh. The guy was finally caught. Don't know if urban legend or what. Like in US don't Inidans have to pass some security test including polygraph test? Or is it have degree and we will give work?

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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by ramana »

A FHL ponitifcates in The Telegraph, Kolkota, 2 Oct., 2008
- When a remarkable republic turns into a majoritarian State
Mukul Kesavan

I teach in Jamia Millia Islamia, a university in Delhi that was recently in the news because two young men said to be terrorists were killed in its vicinity, in the course of an ‘encounter’ or shoot-out with the police. One of these men was a student of the university. Subsequently, the police made more arrests in connection with the recent bomb blasts in Delhi and two of those arrested were enrolled in Jamia.

The university authorities made it clear that they would deal strictly with any student found to be involved in terrorism. The university also declared that it would provide legal aid to the arrested students (a) because they were members of Jamia in good standing, and (b) till such time as their guilt was proved they were entitled to due process.

The response to this declaration was at once odd and unsurprising. Various spokespersons for the Bharatiya Janata Party demanded that the vice-chancellor be sacked for using the public purse (Jamia is a UGC-funded Central university) for succouring terrorists. The vice-chancellor of a university in Jodhpur, in the course of a speech inaugurating a seminar on “Indian Women: Changes and Challenges”, found the time to regret that Jamia’s ‘kulapati’ was supporting terrorists.

I think these reactions aren’t just odd, they’re contrary to every intuition Indians have about their republic and about civil society. We’re a constitutional republic, a nation of laws. Ravi Shankar Prasad, the spokesman of the BJP, almost certainly knows that Article 39A of our Constitution sets out the principle of legal aid. It does so because the presumption of innocence and the right to a free trial become meaningful only if the accused has proper legal representation. Once we allow that public money can, indeed must, be spent to ensure that people have legal representation, it becomes hard to find a charitable explanation for the BJP’s outrage.

{Yes my FHL the Constitution allows the court to appoint such legal aid and not the uty. The uty has extended its powers unilaterally. I would be happy if all students get the same aid. The outrageis at the Uty VC arbitrarily extending the legal aid.}

I have a son who, in less than two years, will go to university. If, god forbid, he finds himself in police remand for whatever reason (murder, armed robbery, menacing the faculty, fraud), I’d want his university to behave as if it were acting in my place, in loco parentis. I would expect the proctor of the university to liaise with the station house officer to make sure that such rights of visitation as he might have in that ghastly circumstance were given him, to hire a lawyer to see if he could be released on bail, and if the nature of the alleged offence didn’t allow that, to try to have him transferred to judicial custody. Police remand is a dreadful form of imprisonment in India; unlike judicial custody where the procedural restraints of prison manuals apply, the police in their station-house lockups have a free hand in working suspects over. Any university that washes its hands of its students the moment they are arrested by the police because it doesn’t want to be associated with notoriety or (as in this case) the taint of terrorism is a cringing and wretched institution undeserving of a citizen’s respect or a parent’s trust.

Interestingly, Jamia has supplied legal aid to arrested students before. Some years ago, dozens of its students were arrested on charges that were later shown to be unfounded. But their innocence isn’t relevant: the point is that no one thought, at that time, to object to the university’s aid. The reason for the difference isn’t hard to find. The previous incident involved a skirmish on the campus; this time round, the students were suspected of collusion in terror. But it wasn’t just the gravity of the offence that made the difference; the narrative that the BJP hoped to exploit was that of jihadi terrorism and the two useful facts they were rubbing together like flints were (i) that these students were Muslims, and (ii) that Jamia Millia Islamia is a remarkably Muslim-sounding name. “Muslim university bats for Muslim terrorists”: for a party whose reason for being is the demonization of minorities, specifically Muslims, this was a script made in heaven.

So some background is in order. Jamia Millia Islamia began life as a nationalist college. It was born of the non-cooperation movement, the first anti-colonial mass agitation led by Mahatma Gandhi. A group of young radical students and alumni of the Aligarh Muslim University, dissatisfied with their alma mater’s compradore politics, decided to establish a nationalist, anti-colonial alternative to AMU. Gandhi, Maulana Mohammad Ali, Zakir Hussain, Hakim Ajmal Khan, M.A. Ansari are only some of the great names who nurtured Jamia. It’s not just ironical, it’s grotesque that the BJP, born of parent organizations like the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Hindu Mahasabha, which were notable for their distance from the great anti-colonial struggles that won India freedom, should make a bid to impugn Jamia’s commitment to India’s integrity. :((

{if the shoe fits wear it. By your own admission there are three students accused of this crime}

But history aside, it’s worth reflecting on the way in which we respond to news related to terrorist atrocity. In the Jamia encounter, a policeman and two terror suspects were killed. Years of staged shootouts have induced a reflexive scepticism about police encounters. In this case, a policeman was killed which seemed to suggest that someone was shooting back. However, given the police’s fraught relations with Muslim neighbourhoods, this fact cut very little ice with residents of Jamia Nagar. But even if we allow that on the face of it the police had reason to raid the premises in which these two young men were killed, the complete lack of concern in the majority of news reports that two young men had been summarily killed (Atif was in his early twenties and Sajid was all of seventeen) was dismaying.

In the summer of 2005, the British police killed Jean Charles de Menezes, a Brazilian with a brown skin, because they were convinced he was a terrorist. He wasn’t; it was a dreadful mistake and though it was made in good faith, three years later, the inquest into the incident now threatens the career of Britain’s top policeman, Ian Blair. It’s at least possible that the Delhi Police, likewise, got it wrong, that Atif or Sajid or both were innocent, that they were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, but nearly every newspaper I read baldly reported the death of two terrorists without any caveats or qualifications.

The synchronized bombings that have ravaged Indian cities over the past year have led the police, unsurprisingly, to look for Muslim villains. It has led political commentators from the Hindutva right to make interesting distinctions. One worthy tried to distinguish Muslim terrorists from Hindu rioters and pogrom artists. A rioter, he argued, could, a few years after the riot, settle down into society again as a solid citizen. A terrorist, on the other hand, was implacably committed to the subversion of the State. I can see what he means: Gujarat is full of solid citizens who looted and killed recreationally a few years ago and now led respectable lives unmolested by the police.

But given the fact that the most recent explosions in Modasa (Gujarat) and Malegaon (Maharashtra) occurred in Muslim localities and had mainly Muslims casualties, the police might try to diversify their enquiries. It was only two years ago that two members of a Hindu militia blew themselves up in Nanded while making a powerful bomb. When people, policemen and political parties buy into the narrative of a priori Muslim guilt, they run the risk of turning this remarkable republic into an ordinary, ugly, majoritarian State.
I guess its a good examle of all that is wrong with the FHL. He hits on all hot topics for the FHL in one essay.
John Snow
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by John Snow »

This guy is regular in CRICinfo blogs on Kirket
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by JwalaMukhi »

ramana wrote:A FHL ponitifcates in The Telegraph, Kolkota, 2 Oct., 2008
- When a remarkable republic turns into a majoritarian State
Mukul Kesavan
But history aside, it’s worth reflecting on the way in which we respond to news related to terrorist atrocity. In the Jamia encounter, a policeman and two terror suspects were killed. Years of staged shootouts have induced a reflexive scepticism about police encounters. In this case, a policeman was killed which seemed to suggest that someone was shooting back. However, given the police’s fraught relations with Muslim neighbourhoods, this fact cut very little ice with residents of Jamia Nagar. But even if we allow that on the face of it the police had reason to raid the premises in which these two young men were killed, the complete lack of concern in the majority of news reports that two young men had been summarily killed (Atif was in his early twenties and Sajid was all of seventeen) was dismaying.
I guess its a good examle of all that is wrong with the FHL. He hits on all hot topics for the FHL in one essay.
Wow, this is a fine display of sophisticated obfuscation. Lesson to be learnt are the art of hand waving. The paragraph traverses from being terrorist atrocity to an encounter to possible defence mechanism (some shooting back probably! yey) to summary execution. While the casualties go from being a policeman and two terror suspects to two muslims to two young men full of life (the other life lost (did he happen to have a name or face never mind) was neither muslim nor in his early 20s or all of 17). Muthiah Muralidharan better watch out, got a new shpinner in town.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by mayurav »

'Why should I go to there? You go'
Additional Superintendent of Police Sanjay Patil and his team, who reached there immediately after the blast to take stock of the situation, were brutally attacked by a furious mob which according to different accounts ranged from 5,000 to 25,000.

Additional SP Viresh Prabhu (on probation) and Inspector Mali, who had both accompanied Patil along with a posse of State Reserve Police, were critically injured during the mob attack. While Prabhu was attacked on the head with a solid iron pipe, Inspector Mali was guillotined using his uniform's rope and dragged some 40 feet away when the SRP had no choice but to fire in the air.

Viresh Prabhu, though out of danger now, according to the staff of Medical Hospital, is still under observation for his head injuries. Inspector Mali , however, is not as fortunate as he is still in a critical state.

This is the reason why the Police Inspector quoted in the beginning was scared to take us to Bhikku Chowk. They are demoralised after what happened with Sanjay Patil, Viresh Prabhu and Inspector Mali at Bhikku Chowk.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Rye »

This was the most interesting bit to me in the rediff report -- note that this is the mullah who is openly casting suspicion on the Indian state. This guy's view that "the mob believes it was the police" is correct because I wager he is the one who seeded that idea of Indian police injustice on islam in their minds in the first place. Note that he provides a directly opposing view of how the police and all other witnesses saw the situation -- this muezzin/mullah is well trained in creating public disorder whenever the Indian state tries to exert its influence in a muslim area. He uses his position of influence among the followers and then all he has to do when the police are stopping by to do their job by spreading the rumour that an innocent muslim was targeted for no reason by the police --- given the level of trust in this guy, that is all it would take for the mob to be genuinely angry with the police and start such a mob to go wild. This is extremely useful for this fellow if he does not want the police making enquiries in his neighbourhood.

Such mullahs are viciously clever adversaries with nothing but death and destruction on their minds and complete confidence in their control of the flock and how to play them against the state. It is a reasonable wager that this fellow is from the deobandi or wahabbi school of Islam.

However, muezzin Akram Sami of a local mosque (he refused to give the name of the mosque) near Bhikku Chowk begs to differ. He says that the police first resorted to firing and then the mob fury erupted. He believes that the mob was furious because it believes that the police are biased against Muslims. �They arrest only Muslims after bomb blasts. Why is that nobody else is targeted?" he asks
G Subramaniam
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by G Subramaniam »

mayurav wrote:'Why should I go to there? You go'
Additional Superintendent of Police Sanjay Patil and his team, who reached there immediately after the blast to take stock of the situation, were brutally attacked by a furious mob which according to different accounts ranged from 5,000 to 25,000.

Additional SP Viresh Prabhu (on probation) and Inspector Mali, who had both accompanied Patil along with a posse of State Reserve Police, were critically injured during the mob attack. While Prabhu was attacked on the head with a solid iron pipe, Inspector Mali was guillotined using his uniform's rope and dragged some 40 feet away when the SRP had no choice but to fire in the air.

Viresh Prabhu, though out of danger now, according to the staff of Medical Hospital, is still under observation for his head injuries. Inspector Mali , however, is not as fortunate as he is still in a critical state.

This is the reason why the Police Inspector quoted in the beginning was scared to take us to Bhikku Chowk. They are demoralised after what happened with Sanjay Patil, Viresh Prabhu and Inspector Mali at Bhikku Chowk.
So is it OK to call Malegaon, mini-pakistan
as is most other muslim ghettos in india
where cops fear to enter, and the rule of law does not apply
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Rye »

Before all the fearmongering experts start to trash the thread with the usual nonsense, here is another quote from the same article. A local muslim is in anguish at the same situation. Sounds very Indian to me and he lives in Malegaon too.
YYeh maulvi aur ulema log Malegaon ko Afghanistan bana denge (These maulvis and ulemas will make Afghanistan of Malegaon)," says Syed Asif Ali, anger palpable in his tone. A member of Malegaon's Citizen for Peace Committee and President of Defence of India Muslim Organisation, Ali feels that this is not the Malegaon that he had known for the last 30 years.
"The job of religious leaders is to preach good things amongst believers and not to spread hatred," he raises his voice even as police personnel belonging to the Rapid Action Force, Malegaon's Special Force and Border Security Force move in and around the Police Control Room.
G Subramaniam
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by G Subramaniam »

Does the shoe fit


They said we split India, then called us communal, now terrorists: Imam at Malegaon Eid

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Smita Nair Posted: Oct 03, 2008 at 0128 hrs IST
Malegaon, October 2 Two days after a bomb blast killed five Muslims in Maharashtra’s communally sensitive town of Malegaon and briefly sparked mob violence, the state police had said on Wednesday that it was nervous about namaaz on Eid as tens of thousands of devout were expected to gather and emotions could once again flare. What they got instead on Thursday were tears.

“First you pointed fingers at us, saying that we divided the country. Then you told us that we are communal, and now you tell us we are terrorists,” one of Malegaon’s most prominent clerics, Mufti Mohammed Ismail, said as he led 1.5 lakh people at namaaz at the Idgah Maidan in the textile town. And then he broke down in full public view, after condemning Monday night’s blast which hit the town after Muslims had broken their fasts.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

he guy was finally caught. Don't know if urban legend or what. Like in US don't Inidans have to pass some security test including polygraph test? Or is it have degree and we will give work?
IIRC, just a simple police background verification and in cases of some doubt, a check by the IB/agencies...
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Zin »

fanne wrote:hmm,
You mean Mudy of India Forum? Wrong mate - He/She is registered on this forum under his/her name. Btw Do I sound that shrill? If yes then that is a bad news, I need to take a break from BR.
Sorry for the mistaken identity.
The liberal use of the word poodle and the posting of the same news led me to believe mudy and fanne are the same person.
Nation could lose battle against terror, says Malimath - IF ... 50&p=88656&#

Nation could lose battle against terror, says Malimath - BR ... 32#p546932
Again sorry.

Point taken John Snow.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Nayak »

Rye wrote: However, muezzin Akram Sami of a local mosque (he refused to give the name of the mosque) near Bhikku Chowk begs to differ. He says that the police first resorted to firing and then the mob fury erupted. He believes that the mob was furious because it believes that the police are biased against Muslims. �They arrest only Muslims after bomb blasts. Why is that nobody else is targeted?" he asks
All muslims are not terrorists (?) but all terrorists are muslims.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by AjayKK »

where cops fear to enter, and the rule of law does not apply
cops generally do not enter them and when they do their hands are tied by those up there. the constabulary is the worst affected.

same story repeats in every riot by in darul islam ghetto..
be it 1992-1993 mumbai , where 10 of them were killed inside mini darulislams or malegaon where they escaped death.

I was having food at home when I heard about blast victims being rushed to my hospital. When I rushed there I was shocked. It was difficult for me to decide on whom to operate first. There were old men, children and police personnel among the victims.’’ This is how Dr Saeed Farani (48) described the scene at his hospital on Monday night.

Cop Ward ? Dr Saeed Farani’s hospital, Malegaon

Image ... =HTML&GZ=T
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sanjaychoudhry »

13 terrorists killed in high altitude-shootout in J&K
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Tanaji »

A very decent write up on the situation in Chattisgarh

So Binayak Sen lives in charmed company of terrorists, murderers and extortionists.

Bwahaha... excellent response by the DGP:
But how does this apply to Binayak Sen?

He was giving logistical support to the Maoists. Obviously, I have gone on record saying that I don't think it is the same as lifting a gun and shooting a person. But he did give support. He could be under some ideological compulsion. It doesn't necessarily make him a bad man. But under the law, he gets caught.

There is a lot of confusion, saying since he is a social worker he will not do such a thing.

That is not correct. Mao was a great poet. But Mao was also a person who believed in violence to come to power and sustain that power. They are two different things. According to Chinese literature, he was a great poet. So man is a complex being. He is not one-dimensional.

So this argument, that Binayak Sen was in social work so he cannot do this. He can be a social worker at one level, and a man who is very compassionate. At another level because of ideological compulsions and beliefs, he could help the Maoists. These two things can co-exist and it doesn't necessarily make Binayak Sen a bad person. But legally under this Act, he has technically got involved.

But the truth is he is still in jail...

That is not my concern. They have been fighting. He went to the Supreme Court. I cannot argue with the Supreme Court, it would be extremely contemptuous on my part.

And now the trial has started, they have moved to the high court. It's up to the court whether or not to give him bail.
For the terrorist sympathizers in PUCL that support the Maoist Binayak Sen, either they believe in Indian Judicial system or they dont. If its the former, they are free to leave.
Avinash R
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Avinash R »

Tanaji wrote:A very decent write up on the situation in Chattisgarh

So Binayak Sen lives in charmed company of terrorists, murderers and extortionists.

Bwahaha... excellent response by the DGP:
But how does this apply to Binayak Sen?

He was giving logistical support to the Maoists. Obviously, I have gone on record saying that I don't think it is the same as lifting a gun and shooting a person. But he did give support. He could be under some ideological compulsion. It doesn't necessarily make him a bad man. But under the law, he gets caught.

There is a lot of confusion, saying since he is a social worker he will not do such a thing.

That is not correct. Mao was a great poet. But Mao was also a person who believed in violence to come to power and sustain that power. They are two different things. According to Chinese literature, he was a great poet. So man is a complex being. He is not one-dimensional.

So this argument, that Binayak Sen was in social work so he cannot do this. He can be a social worker at one level, and a man who is very compassionate. At another level because of ideological compulsions and beliefs, he could help the Maoists. These two things can co-exist and it doesn't necessarily make Binayak Sen a bad person. But legally under this Act, he has technically got involved.

But the truth is he is still in jail...

That is not my concern. They have been fighting. He went to the Supreme Court. I cannot argue with the Supreme Court, it would be extremely contemptuous on my part.

And now the trial has started, they have moved to the high court. It's up to the court whether or not to give him bail.
For the terrorist sympathizers in PUCL that support the Maoist Binayak Sen, either they believe in Indian Judicial system or they dont. If its the former, they are free to leave.
i agree. they can get another truckload of nobel prize winners and do mujra in front of the supreme court.till binayak sen and his wife ilina sen are supporting maoist terrorism and their ideology of overthrowing democratic rule in this country through violent means they are also one of them, fit to be punished by law and given long jail sentences till their murderous mental state changes to a normal human state.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Avinash R »

ATS, Mumbai police raids in Azamgarh

Azamgarh, Oct 3 (PTI) In a joint operation, Mumbai police and a team from the Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) of Uttar Pradesh police today raided a house in Sanjarpur village of the district in search of Abu Rashid, allegedly involved in the 2006 Mumbai train blast case.

Rashid, a native of Sanjarpur, runs an optical shop in Mumbai and is wanted in connection with the train blast case.

Police said information about Rashid had been provided by some terrorists earlier arrested in Mumbai in connection with the case, following which the team arrived here.

Mumbai police has claimed that Rashid was involved in the train blast case.

Earlier on September 23, a joint team by Delhi Police and Uttar Pradesh ATS had conducted massive searches to trace the accused in the Delhi blast case and had also questioned several people.
11 held in Mangalore on suspicion of terror links

Bangalore, Oct 3 - Eleven people were detained early Friday in Karnataka's coastal city of Mangalore on suspicion of having links with terror groups, police said.

The Karnataka police, the state Anti-Naxal Force and Mumbai Police jointly raided several places in and around Mangalore, about 350 km from Bangalore, and picked up suspects for questioning.

Police sources said at least 11 people had been detained. However, A.M. Prasad, inspector general of police, said only four people had been held.

'Investigations are on. I cannot give any more details,' Prasad told reporters in Mangalore.
There is a place in karnataka called Ullal, another place which joins the list of bhatkal,hubli as a safe haven for terrorists. bhatkal is similar to azamgarh in terms of it's economic makeup with smuggled goods finding large buyers. regular bus services from mangalore bring people just to buy these goods which have evaded taxes. The amount of black money circulating is huge.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by fanne »

Zini Saheb,
The point to note is that many long term observers are coming to the same conclusion, we are acting like a poodle, that is worrisome. I stand by what I say.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Kati »

Three Bangladeshis among 4 arrested for Tripura serial blasts {no surprise here}

K Anurag | October 03, 2008 | 16:15 IST,

The Tripura police have arrested four persons, including three Bangladeshi nationals, in connection with the serial blasts in Agartala. Additional forces have also been deployed throughout the state.

According to a source, the four arrested persons were identified as Nurul Amin (43) from Gajaria and three illegal Bangladeshi nationals Joinal (28) from Chittagong district in Bangladesh, Roshan Jamam from Sylhet and Abdul Malek (22) from Rangpur.

The three Bangladeshi nationals were arrested from Lankamura area of Agartala by the police late on Thursday night.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

This is just plain harassment of inncoent Indian muslims under the name of BD muslims so that law abiding minorities can be deported from the country!!!!

No muslim could have done the has to be blood-thirsty sangh parivar onlee... :roll:
/sarc off
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Stan_Savljevic »

One person was killed and eight others were seriously injured following clashes between two groups in Assam's Udalguri district on Frid
ay, officials said. The situation in the district was tense since Thursday after a group of people belonging to the minority community allegedly stole some cattle from the Bodo-dominated Mohanpur village. ... 557000.cms
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by fanne »

Guys lets not turn this internal secuity thread into normal law and order- The last news about minority community stealing cattle is a law order (with grave ondertones if not handled quickly) thing and not internal security. There is lots of things going on in internal security front let's capture them in this thread.
Avinash R
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Avinash R »

fanne it is well known that bangladeshis are involved in criminal activities such as cattle stealing, smuggling kerosene,hunting protected wildlife, fake currency. these activities may seem unconnected at first glance but the money generated from these crimes are used to fund the buying of arms and explosives. even border guarding forces have pointed out the links between these cattle smugglers and bangladesh rifles and the help they get from bdr in selling these stolen cattle in bangladesh.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

Mapping the Indian Mujahideen

Praveen Swami

India’s most feared terrorist group isn’t so much an organisation as a movement: a loose coalition of jihadists bound togetherby ideological affiliation and personal ties.

Eight days before he was shot dead, top Indian Mujahideen (IM) operative Atif Amin helped to draft the manifesto that the terror group was to issue after the Delhi serial bombings. He insisted on the inclusion of a reference to his heroes.

“We have carried out this attack,” read the e-mail sent to newsrooms after the September 13 bombings, “in the memory of two of the most eminent mujahids of India: Sayyid Ahmad, shaheed, and Shah Ismail, shaheed, (may Allah bestow His Mercy upon them) who had raised the glorious banner of jihad against the disbelievers.”

Ahmad and Ismail were killed at Balakote in May 1831, while waging an unsuccessful jihad against Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s empire. The two men had set out with 600 followers from Rae Bareilly five years earlier to defend Islam at a time when the Mughal power had, for all practical purposes, given way to British rule.

Like his heroes, Amin found the martyrdom he worshipped: his death was the latest success in a string of nationwide intelligence-led operations targeting the IM. But the arrests of a bewildering succession of its operatives — each proclaimed by police to be “leader”, “top commander” and “mastermind” — have done little to further the understanding of just what the group is about or the threat it still poses.

Mapping the IM isn’t easy: it is more a social network than structured organisation; a label used by a loose coalition of jihadists bound together by ideological affiliation and personal linkages. In this, it is not unlike the al-Qaeda, whose operatives are drawn from the multiple transnational terror groups allied under the banner of the International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders.

Who, then, makes up the IM and how do its networks function? India’s intelligence services now believe Amin had the overall control of the IM’s operations unit: a group of at least two dozen Uttar Pradesh residents, most from the district of Azamgarh. Under Amin’s command, the cell’s operatives were dispatched nationwide to assemble and plant the explosive devices used in the bombings which began with attacks on three trial court buildings in the State in November 2007.

Amin and several other core members of the group are thought to have trained with the Harkat ul-Jihad-e-Islami in Bangladesh. In time, they passed on their skills to fresh recruits from Azamgarh, raised by local cleric Abul Bashar Qasmi and Lucknow-based Islamist activist and businessman Shahbaz Husain.

Gangster Riyaz Batkal — a lieutenant of mafioso-turned-jihadist Aftab Ansari — ran a second group which provided funds and logistics support to the IM. Batkal’s associate Afzal Usmani, for example, arranged for the theft of the vehicles used as car bombs in Ahmedabad. More important, Batkal’s group provided an interface among jihadists in India, the Harkat in Bangladesh, and the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad. Investigators in Maharashtra believe that Batkal’s cell provided infrastructure for several past terror operations, including the 2006 serial bombings in Mumbai.

Ansari himself is thought to have been radicalised by the top JeM operative Syed Omar Sheikh — released in the December 1999 Indian Airlines IC-814 hostages-for-terrorists swap in Kandahar and now on death row in Pakistan — when both were in prison together.{This is truely shocking. Reinforces the need for "encounters"} Ansari then helped to create an organisation of Indian jihadists named after Asif Raza Khan, a gangster killed in a 2001 encounter with the Gujarat police. Among other operations, the Asif Raza Commando Force executed a 2001 terror attack in Kolkata.

Scattered across India

The elements of other IM infrastructure and its top leadership are scattered across India. Qayamuddin Kapadia, leader of the Gujarat-based Students Islamic Movement of India, drew on the banned group’s membership for the local guidance and support that Amin and Batkal needed. Bomb components were manufactured at a still unidentified facility near Mangalore. And Mumbai-based Abdul Subhan Qureshi travelled across India, knitting these multiple terror threads into a single, lethal weave.

Most of those arrested so far are children of the prosperous, but socially conservative, urban middle class. On his Orkut website, Amin identified his camcorder and laptop computer as his most valuable possessions. He also recorded that a copy of the Koran could be found in his bedroom and that he hated music and dating.

Almost all of the Azamgarh cell members studied together in an English-medium school; several went to New Delhi for higher studies in business administration, computers and the media. Parts of the IM manifesto issued after the Delhi bombings, interestingly, were plagiarised from an article by researcher K.K. Shahina for the media critique website, Hoot. The Azamgarh jihadists appear to have been drawn to the IM angered by the horror of the 2002 communal pogrom in Gujarat. :-?

For other IM members, those riots were a lived reality. Among them was Vadodara resident Imran Sheikh, in whose home the bombs used to target Surat are alleged to have been assembled. His mother, Hameeda Bano, was seriously injured in the pogrom. Sheikh’s father, Ibrahim Sheikh, had already been made invalid by a chronic cardiac condition, and the loss of Hameeda Bano’s income forced him to drop out of school. He began to make a meagre living selling saris in Vadodara’s Panigate area.

It was around this time, investigators say, that Kapadia recruited Sheikh. First, he persuaded the sari salesman to abandon the traditionalist religious practices of his parents and join the Jamaat Ahl-e-Hadith, a neo-conservative sect founded by the followers of the Balakote martyrs. Later, in 2005, Kapadia introduced Sheikh to SIMI — and key IM figures like Abdul Subhan Qureshi.

By the time Sheikh was recruited, the IM had begun its war against India — but without the name by which we now know it. In September 2002, just weeks after the Gujarat pogrom, at least 14 young men from Hyderabad set out on secret journeys to terror training camps in Pakistan. Gujarat-based mafioso Rasool Khan Pathan arranged for some to train with the Lashkar, while others were routed to the JeM and the Harkat: a fluid dispersion of assets across organisational lines never seen before the 2002 pogrom.

Within weeks of their return, the new recruits executed their first successful strikes. Asad Yazdani commanded the assassination of the Gujarat pogrom-complicit, the former Home Minister Haren Pandya. Later, Yazdani organised the June 2005 bombing of the Delhi-Patna Shramjeevi Express, the first post-Gujarat terror bombing of real consequence. Yazdani was shot dead by the police in March 2006, just hours after the bombing of the Sankat Mochan temple in Varanasi — an operation the IM claimed as its own in a manifesto released after the November 2007 bombings in Uttar Pradesh.

Yazdani’s killing did little, though, to dent the offensive aspirations of the terror networks which now call themselves the IM. Late in May 2005, the Maharashtra police recovered over 24 kg of Research Department Explosive packed in computer cases which had been shipped across the Indian Ocean to the town of Aurangabad. Investigators later discovered that the explosive was intended for a massive terror campaign targeting Gujarat. Long-time SIMI activist Zabiuddin Ansari, who handled the operation, escaped to Pakistan.

Several similar terror attacks were attempted. In May 2006, the Delhi police shot dead Pakistani Lashkar operative Mohammad Iqbal, the author of another attempted bombing in Gujarat. Feroze Ghaswala, a Mumbai automobile mechanic who joined the jihad after witnessing the 2002 pogrom, and Abdul Chhippa, a computer engineer, were held for their role in the plot. Soon after, India’s post-Gujarat jihadists finally succeeded in delivering the vengeance they had long sought: the Mumbai serial bombings of 2006.

Since the Mumbai serial bombings, though, pressure has been mounted on Pakistan to terminate the jihad against India. Indian jihadists based in Pakistan were told they could no longer have the direct operational support of the Harkat or the Lashkar. Explosives like RDX, which could be traced back to Pakistan-based groups, were no longer to be used.
Altered jihadist strategies

Last year, evidence of altered jihadist strategies began to emerge. The police learned from a one-time Andhra Pradesh resident Raziuddin Nasir, who was arrested while planning attacks targeting tourists in Goa, that Rasool Khan ‘Party’ had ordered an escalation of jihadist operations in India. Funds had been collected from Indian supporters of jihad based in West Asia. Later, the interrogation of top SIMI leaders threw up revelations that dozens of men had been recruited to the IM at camps held in Kerala, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh through 2007 and early 2008.

No one is certain just who first thought of the name Indian Mujahideen, and under what circumstances. Most of the men who could provide an answer — among them Qureshi and Kapadia — are missing; Amin, of course, is dead.

Where might things go from here? India’s police and intelligence services will be focussing on the immediate task: locating and neutralising the IM’s surviving leadership before the next big bombing.

But politicians in New Delhi could learn lessons from Sayyid Ahmad’s failed jihad. The Balakote jihad was defeated, in part, because of the superior military resources and intelligence assets of Ranjit Singh’s armies — and also, historian Ayesha Jalal reminds us, because of the resistance of the Pashtun tribes to Sayyid Ahmad’s coercive, shariah-based order. India’s politicians must reach out to the young people drawn to the jihad if it is to be defeated, and restore faith in the idea that democracy can indeed deliver justice. :-? :roll: {And how do we do that against retards who are ready to bomb at the drop of a hat?}
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

Confirmation of atleast a few KMs(Karnataka muslims) starting to drift:
4 ultras held in Mlore
DH News Service,Mangalore:
In an early morning major joint operation, the district police in association with the Anti Naxal Squad, Mumbai and Delhi police officers, DCIB and KSRP, raided a series of houses and picked up four persons from in and around Mangalore. The police claimed that all the four have links with the Indian Mujahideen


The police have seized five live bombs, two computer hard discs, CDs containing jihadi literature, books on Islam, 12 mobile handsets, several SIM cards, three passports, two voter ID cards, Rs 11.39 lakh in cash, maps and a bomb making circuit.

Those who were picked up are Mohammed Ali (56), his son Javed Ali (20) (both from Mukkacheri in Ullal near Mangalore); Naushad (25) (from Subashnagar in Mangalore); and Ahmed Bawa alias Aboobakker (33) (from Haleyangadi in Mulki, on the outskirts of Mangalore).

Speaking to mediapersons, Inspector General of Police (Western Range) Ashith Mohan Prasad said that the police, acting on a tip off, raided the house of Mohammed Ali, a construction/real estate agent, around 3.30 am, and seized a computer hard disc containing jihadi literature, books on Islam and two active mobile sets. Ali and his son Javed, a student at the Quoranic Studies, were detained.

On the information provided by Javed, Naushad was picked up from his house in Subashnagar in Mangalore. A motorcycle, 2 mobile sets, diaries and computer hard disc was seized from his house.

Later, Naushad took the search party to Ahmed alias Riaz Bhatkal’s house in Mangalore where five live bombs, 12 mobile sets, several SIM cards were recovered. But Riaz is absconding. Based on the information provided by Naushad, the police also raided the house of Mudassar, an associate of Ahmed, at Chembugudde. Police opened the locked house and seized one laptop computer, one hard disc, Rs 11.39 lakh cash, 5 mobile sets, passports, CDs, etc. Meanwhile, a police team has left for Bhatkal to check the whereabouts of Ahmed.

To a query on the rumours that many more persons have been detained, SP N Satish Kumar replied in the affirmative and said that their role is yet to be ascertained. To another query on the type of explosives, he said that it can be confirmed only after experts arrive in Mangalore. “The type of explosives can be confirmed only after the bomb disposal squad confirms on the same,” he said. The SP also said that a few more persons will be picked up in due course.

3 passports

The three passports that were seized by the police belonged to Mafuza Yasin (53), Pothiwala (55) and Yasin Hazi Razzak (55), all bearing the address Dhoraji in Gujarat.

However, both the voter IDs bore the name Raj Sanywal.
Four terror suspects held in Ullal

Karnataka Bureau

‘Three HAL employees being questioned in Bangalore’

BANGALORE/MANGALORE: Four persons suspected of having links with the terrorist outfit Indian Mujahideen were arrested from houses in and around Mangalore during a joint operation conducted early on Friday by the Mumbai police with help from the Karnataka Anti-Naxal Force and the Dakshina Kannada police. The arrests are said to be in connection with the recent blasts in various parts of the country. Inspector-General of Police (Western Range) A.M. Prasad claimed that all four were local people and dispelled rumours that the suspected terrorists were from Gujarat and Maharashtra. “We believe we have broken into a key local unit of the Indian Mujahideen,” he said.

In a related development in Bangalore, senior officials of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited on Friday confirmed that three of their employees were being questioned by Central agencies over their alleged links with the functionaries of the banned Students Islamic Movement of India.

Director-General and Inspector-General of Police R. Sri Kumar, who has been closely monitoring the developments and is coordinating with the Union Home Ministry, said: “We are in close touch with the police of other States. We are following up on all possible leads in the shortest possible time.”

The suspects arrested in Ullal have been identified as Mohammed Ali (56), a real estate agent from Mukkachari in Ullal, and his son Jawed Ali (20), a student of Quranic Studies; Naushad (25) of Subhashnagar, who is engaged in construction work; and Ahmed Bawa (33), a petty businessman from Haleyangadi village near Mulki. As evidence, the police displayed what they claimed to be five “live bombs”, several mobile phone SIM cards from Maharashtra and Gujarat (used and unused), alleged Jihadi literature and compact discs, passports, mobile phones, a laptop, two computer hard drives and Rs.11.39 lakh in cash. The police said all the details of the case and the incriminating evidence could not be shared as it might affect the probe.

The Bangalore police, reportedly helping the IB team, remained tight-lipped. “We have neither arrested nor detained any HAL employee,” said Police Commissioner Shankar M. Bidari.

The Director-General on Friday reviewed the investigation related to serial blasts in Bangalore.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by ramana »

Why dont foks draw an org chart/mind map of above article? It has tons of info in it. looks like Praveen Swami got an extensive debrief.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by AjayKK »

Conversions in Wayanad
K P Sasikala, state president of Hindu Aikya Vedi (Hindu Unity Front), who participated in a inter-religious meet in Kochi to end communal violence has
alleged that mass conversion of tribals were being carried out in northern Kerala at Wayanad.
She has warned the government that a Orissa-like-situation cannot be ruled out in Kerala if conversions continue.
“There is a limit to our patience. We cannot take more insults being heaped on rural goddesses like Kali,” she said on a Malayalam news channel.
Avinash R
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Avinash R »

Ex-Congress Minister, 11 others found guilty in '93 Surat blasts ... eld-g.html

Sat, Oct 4 05:01 PM

Former Gujarat minister and Congress leader Mohammad Surti and 11 others were today convicted by a Tada Court for the 1993 Surat blasts in which an eight-year old girl was killed and 31 others were injured.

Special Tada Court Judge R P Dholadia will announce the quantum of sentence later in the day.

The blasts had taken place in January 1993 in Varachha area and on one of the platform of Surat railway station during the communal riots that broke out after the demolition of Babri Masjid.

Surti was then Minister of State for Fisheries.

The blast at Varachha had claimed the life of Alpa Patel and injured 11 others, while that on the railway station had wounded around 20 people. Around 160 witnesses had deposed in the case.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Zin »

AjayKK wrote:Conversions in Wayanad
K P Sasikala, state president of Hindu Aikya Vedi (Hindu Unity Front), who participated in a inter-religious meet in Kochi to end communal violence has
alleged that mass conversion of tribals were being carried out in northern Kerala at Wayanad.
She has warned the government that a Orissa-like-situation cannot be ruled out in Kerala if conversions continue.
“There is a limit to our patience. We cannot take more insults being heaped on rural goddesses like Kali,” she said on a Malayalam news channel.
Ajay if you can contact anyone there check whether these people abusing ma kali are from the New Life group.
After escaping from Mangalore Karnataka without getting punished for their acts of slander they must have shifted base to kerala.
These american fundamentalists are all over the place. Abusing gods in manglaore, preventing people from holding ganesh utsav in bangalore and that haywood has his own conversion racket going on in mumbai before getting caught due to the hacked wifi network.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Zin »

Vote Congress and get a terrorist as minister.
Avinash R wrote:Ex-Congress Minister, 11 others found guilty in '93 Surat blasts ... eld-g.html

Sat, Oct 4 05:01 PM

Former Gujarat minister and Congress leader Mohammad Surti and 11 others were today convicted by a Tada Court for the 1993 Surat blasts in which an eight-year old girl was killed and 31 others were injured.

Special Tada Court Judge R P Dholadia will announce the quantum of sentence later in the day.

The blasts had taken place in January 1993 in Varachha area and on one of the platform of Surat railway station during the communal riots that broke out after the demolition of Babri Masjid.

Surti was then Minister of State for Fisheries.

The blast at Varachha had claimed the life of Alpa Patel and injured 11 others, while that on the railway station had wounded around 20 people. Around 160 witnesses had deposed in the case.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Muppalla »

President's rule in Orissa a possibility: Patil

To improve internal security of India, HM is contemplating president's rule in Orissa. More power to him. :wink:
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by AjayKK »

During Dasshera time, the EJ frenzy targets Kali and Durga as ‘evil’’.
The target are the tribls.

In Wayanad , the New India Bible Church ( belonging to New India Evangelistic Association) is active.

Last year Dusshera was around 21 october. A week before Dusshera, The missionaries were going around spreading their ‘wisdom’ . These mission preachers alleged that tribals attacked them . Two tribal leaders were arrested.

See link for this info.

The work of New India Bible Church is the same.

NIEA continues to reach out through evangelism and church planting initiatives in several states of India and surrounding regions. Besides the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu in the south, church planting has also crossed over into Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Bihar and West Bengal.

New India Bible Church, the church wing of NIEA, continues to expand through various state-based initiatives. Currently in the fellowship are over 200 churches. In addition to these, numerous prayer groups, neighborhood Bible studies
spraguephoto is a site which has extensive imagery on 'wisdom of god' kind of things. ... a,%20India.

One of them is below
Indian catholic priest converting harijan child, Kerala, India.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Rye » ... er/369425/

Samajwadi Party's Amar Singh proving that the SP is a group of terrorist-supporting sh1theads as they have always been...from placing a bounty on the head of the danish cartoonists, Amar Singh has moved onto challenging the Indian state head on.

SP is threatening to ditch the congress party -- the SP should just be banned from participating in elections, so that they cannot blackmail on behalf of Pakistan.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Aditya_V »

Bangladeshis want to evite native Indians from Assam
12 killed, Pak flags sighted in Assam ... am/369429/

Chanakya was right in his arthashastra- never accept refugees in our country because

1) First they say they are rufugees and need shelter

2) Step 2- they say they are your countrymen and are part of your country

3) Step 3- Once there population has saturated they say are not treated equally and demand a seprate homeland in your country
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

The Kangress and left, by their blatant vote banking have ensured that the Pak flag sighting, "refugees" evicting the locals is just a matter of time before it happens all over the NE and boder states of bengal.

The entire Assam, W.Bengal, all districts bordering BD are a ticking time bomb and i shudder every time i imagine the situation 15-20 years down the line in those places.